Graphics Work

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GCSE Graphics Work Jody Aarons

Cri5cal Analysis Frameworks Nick Higgins Subjec5ve Frame In his artwork I see a very busy looking place with lots of detail, and it makes you take a double take because you see something different each 5me you look at it. I feel like the artwork is very colourful and full of life and I like it a lot because different people can interpret different things from it because I like the busy and full of colour lifestyle I find it aesthe5cally pleasing where as others may not like it because of its busy and detailed look. The artwork reminds me of my busy, compact, and detailed lifestyle, I like looking at the artwork in detail to find every possible hidden object.

Structural Frame In one of his pieces he uses buildings and puts them together using a computer program to create a city looking piece even though the buildings are probably not next to each other. He uses quite a straighLorward composi5on because it is a landscape piece and he has used the panoramic effect to create the illusion of a big city. On some of the buildings he has used the brush tool and put paNerns on a few of the buildings, I like this because the buildings don’t actually have the paNerns on them. The use of the colourful brushes converge the meaning that London city is a happy, fun, and posi5ve place to work.

Cultural Frame The piece is obviously modern as it has recent buildings of London, and from the present 5me period. The work reveals the way London actually is very busy and fast paced moving city. The piece shows this in the way that although there are only a few buildings the background is building coloured in grey to show that only some parts of London are big buildings there is also some run down rural areas.

Post Modern Frame One of the buildings has only certain lines in it coloured in with a mixture of dark and light colours. The piece just shows the busy lifestyle people who live in London may have.

Links Between Nick Higgins Work and Mine Nick Higgins uses the paNern brush tool to create effect on the piece, I used the same effects and tools to create a similar effect. I changed the threshold of different buildings and added 5nt to create distorted effect. I also added lamp posts and signs to give the piece a more real look, and by adding silhoueNes of people and reflec5ng them gave my piece a different look to Nick Higgins.

My Nick Higgins Designs

My Nick Higgins Designs

My Nick Higgins Designs

Book Cover • Title – The Edge • Genre – Thriller, horror. • Target Audience-­‐ Adult Fic5on • Mood-­‐ dark, solid bold colours mainly black and white to contrast and give a eerie feel.

Book Cover Examples Mystery/Thriller



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Construc5vist Styles-­‐ Alexander Rodchenko Alexander Mikhailovich Rodchenko was born in St.Petersburg on November 23, 1891. He enrolled at the Kazan School of Arts in the city of Odessa in 1910. His work from this period was figura5ve and exhit a marked influence from European trends. In 1915 he began with abstract designs drawn was a compass and ruler. He also worked in college by arranging pieces of paper on a canvas. Throughout the revolu5onary period in Russia (1917-­‐1921) Rodchenko experimented with both Cubis5c and futuris5c tendencies. He was also greatly influenced by the work of his friend Tatlin and the Supremacist Malevich. His interest in physics, math and geometry led to rather scien5fic approach whereby abstrac5on became both a scien5fic and a crea5ve means of revealing reality. For Rodchenko, art had to serve the func5on of social change and reform. He felt his scien5fic approach was best suited to deal with the problems that reality presented. Cubis5c


Supremacist Malevich

Construc5vist Styles-­‐ Alexander Rodchenko

Construc5vist Styles-­‐ Alexander Rodchenko Subjec5ve Frame In the artwork I see a big hand and all the smaller hands have to follow the big hand. I feel like the artwork Is quite demanding and over powering. It reminds me of all the people that want power and domina5on over people. Structural Frame The element in the picture is just the hand and then the small text. The principle of composi5on is that big hand is of a larger scale than the smaller hand and the strong diagonal the poster has. The picture has used block wri5ng to make it bold and big to give more impact of the picture.

Construc5vist Styles-­‐ Alexander Rodchenko Cultural Frame I would say the picture is from around the 5me period of 1920s from Russia. The work reveals the power that people in Russia felt the need to have, that they want people to follow them and agree with they domineering opinions. The style of the work is cubis5c in the way that the text is just blocked and this makes it stand out. Post Modern Frame The main image of the hand has been made desaturated and given a shadow at the boNom of the hand. The meaning of the work today shows the Russian revolu5on that made the poster become popular.

Sarah Hanson

Sarah Hanson Subjec5ve Frame I chose this piece of work because the car stood out more than the small bridge behind the car. I don’t like the colour scheme of the piece because it uses boring plain colours there is no excitement in the picture. It reminds me of old American style the car is from an old 5me period. Structural Frame The car is obviously the center part of the work, the line of the bridge and the line of the signs leads your eyes around the picture.

Sarah Hanson

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