Tu, Meng-Lun Bachelor of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University Harvard Graduate School of Design
Selected Works From 2020 - 2023 Application for SMArchS Computation
CONTENTS : 涂孟綸 TU, MENG - LUN // EDUCATION National Cheng Kung University, Bachelor of Architecture, 2017 / 9 - 2022 / 6 Harvard Graduate School of Design, Master of Architecture in Urban Design, 2023 / 8 - Present
CONTACT ( +1 ) 3466120591 joe871017@gmail.com mengluntu@gsd.harvard.edu menglunt@mit.edu
The Dynamic In Between & Well Beyond, The Emergence Of Our City. Cityscapes and Collectives Top - Down [ ? ] Bottom - up
01 ARCHITECTS IN THE METROPOLIS Thesis Project, 5 / 2022
Non-Designers [ ? ] Designers
02 PhysiCAD
PRELUDE | From 0 to 1 // In the binary world of coding, objects unfold in a sequence of 0s and 1s, negatives and positives, nulls and valids. This seemingly impersonal measurement parallels the description of our cities, where spaces are dichotomized into built and unbuilt. Peering into the future, I envision the designer's role as integral to the process from 0 to 1 and vice versa — standing between two ends, orchestrating both formation and reformation. The built environment is like an ever-changing organism, unfolds as a continuous narrative of action rather than a fixed destination. While the tangible world may render our built environment seemingly immutable, the underlying chaos imbues it with a character that shapes our perception beyond mere vision. I hold that the progression of our city is an ongoing conversation, a perpetual discourse of debating and debugging. It can not be put into a single perspective of 0 or 1, remaining uncertain and open-ended. The selected works are my interpretations of the dialogues between diverse viewpoints. Rather than conclusive results, they embody initiatives of finding out and ushering in our temporal presence.
GSD 6338 Final Project, 12 / 2023
Dialogues with Algorithms
Perceiving Through Code Reality [ ? ] Virtuality
05 MICRO ZONE Optional Studio Project, 12 / 2021
Pedestrians [ ? ] Vehicles
03 A NEW SUBURBAN DREAM Core Studio Final Project, 12 / 2023
Human [ ? ] Robots
04 WEAVE EAVES Optional Studio Project, 7 / 2021
06 OTHER WORKS Visual Projects: - Ephemera of Existence - Digital Embryo Real-World Projects: - Load-Off - Be-Live, Be-Bike
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PhysiCAD Year : 2023 / GSD 6338 Final Project Instructor : Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo Lopez / Katarina Richter-Lunn Category : Software Plug-In Design / Group Work # Non-Designers [ ? ] Designers How can a form be built in an intuitive manner?
Programming Languages:
Programming Environment:
Programming Tools:
PhysiCAD is an interface for using physical gestures to build digital 3D models. While the learning curve associated with typical 3D modeling programs can be steep, PhysiCAD allows everyone, with or without prior training, to form spaces in Rhinoceros. Using a hand-tracking camera and custom algorithms for gesture recognition, the tool empowers users to create geometric and abstract forms with intuitive hand motions. This platform presents a new workflow for ideation and rapid digital prototyping, fosters efficient collaboration, and presents new opportunities for further application in scene design and cross-scale projects. Designers and non-designers alike will delight in the experience of building sculptural forms with a wave of a finger, we look forward to inviting everyone with interest and passion in our surroundings to join us as the designers of our built environment.
Theatre model
Teamwork list Programming(C# & Leap Motion) / Animation : Ariel Adhidevara Programming(C# & Leap Motion) / Visual Design : Ben Kazer Programming(C# & Grasshopper) / UX Design : Meng Lun,Tu
Office model
Visual art
Sculptural form
Next steps Bringing PhysiCAD to the final exhibition, we see it as the value proposition with the beachhead market of our project. The discussion with reviewers inspired us to picture PhysiCAD with extended functions such as haptic feedback, AR environment, and generative AI visualization. We’ve also discovered the new potentiality of the program from the unexpected user behavior, inspiring us to focus more on gestures such as drag, click, and point, as well as how PhysiCAD can be a heuristic toy for kids.
a. Linear workflow As structured in a linear logic, the basic framework processes from gesture detection to geometry functions and data storages.
b. Script segments Each gesture-related operation is followed with a data recorder to verify the input, the recorders update and hold data from the camera dataset.
c. Recorder manipulation By erasing and reactivating recorders in various sequences, different parts of the script will inherit the data from the recorder and thus, start operation.
d. Recursive workflow With the control over recorders, the linear script has the capability to function in different orders, performing non-linear processes as needed.
PROGRAMMING | The non-linear challenge // As we determined to build up an application popularizing Rhinoceros modeling, we’ve also experimented with similar functions using Unity and OpenCV + Mediapipe to test the UX concept. Eventually, our main struggle is to cope with the linear programming nature of Grasshopper (a.). We landed on using customized data recorders to divide the script into segments (b.) and through activating and erasing the recorders (c.), we reconstruct the script into a recursive and looping workflow (d.) that functions in Grasshopper.
URBAN DESIGN | Scale up and down // Drawing inspiration from sketching master plans, PhysiCAD is designed to help planners and designers to balance between large scale visions and architecture-scale designs. With an efficient way to test out different building forms while keeping track of the FAR distribution, the platform offers a more connective and intuitive design environment. As most tools nowadays can generate the potential appearance of building volumes with text prompts, PhysiCAD allows designers to build up the vision by their hands intuitively, leaving more flexibility and creativity, with deeper concerns in morphology than facade expressions.
A NEW SUBURBAN DREAM Year : 2023 / Core Studio Final Project Instructor : Alex Yuen Category : Transportation System & Urban Design / Group Work (Concept, Simulation, and Strategy Director) Site : Westwood, MA # Pedestrians [ ? ] Vehicles What if the urban grid become communicative and flexible?
A NEW SUBURBAN DREAM // The form of our cities has always been highly related to transportation systems, from carriages to high-speed railways, they underlie the base of our environment. With the advent of Autonomous vehicles, later referred to as AVs, the project reconstructed the form of a suburban neighborhood and fashioned it into a new medium where topography, architecture, and mobility converge. Three phases were planned to introduce the new mobility system into the neighborhood, weaving the new transportation network in the near future. Looking ahead, we anticipate the ideation of the new suburb form to be a new paradigm shared by all similar low-density neighborhoods. Starting with employing safety drivers to eventually autonomously connect to distant urban cores, street spaces will be released to the landscape, cities will be the fabric of nature.
Safety Driver
Geofenced Site
In support of certain visions, experiments and simulations were conducted to seek the new pattern of the land. Eventually, circular parcels are proposed for the site, ensuring vehicles flow through seamlessly from every direction with fewer sharp turns when paths are replanned by the vehicles. Scaling up, the parcel clusters generate slow-speed zones in which pedestrians and vehicles share the fluid street space. Due to the ability of real-time route planning and driving precision equipped in AVs, roads can be drawn out when needed and remain public space for the rest of the time. The deployment of shared street space interconnected residents directly with the environment, forming a dynamic and communicative relationship between buildings and the surroundings.
The landscape divided the plan into 4 major parts
Parcels are connected by a roundabout as the short cut
Detention ponds were placed on hill side to accommodate run-off
The neighborhood is connected directly to the T station and highway
Street Space and Pattern Strategy While the one-minute walk radius (40 m) covers a similar amount of street space in each case, the intimate-scale radius (15 m) covers more public space in case d. Through the tests of various patterns, we aim to seek the form with which people can access more street space while walking through the blocks. Flock Movement Simulation With the flock movement simulation, our goal is to simulate how people would wander around the neighborhood. As the traveling path tends to dissipate and scatter into the surrounding area in case A, flocking behavior circulates more fluently in case B, bringing a stronger connection between blocks in the vicinity.
// Nature weaves into the neighborhood
Plan A. Linear configuration connecting building blocks
Public AV
Passenger Flow Private AV Public AV
Passenger Flow
Plan B. (Selected) Dispersed configuration with green belt penetrating through
Private AV
Public AV Passenger Flow
Plan C. Concentrated master plan grouping blocks in similar sizes together
Private AV
// Temporary activities taking up street space Public AV Passenger Flow Private AV
Plan D. Building clusters separated on different ends of the plan
Public AV Passenger Flow Private AV
Master Plan Strategy
Building Form
In pursuit of creating a dynamic neighborhood, we experimented with several strategies. In the simulations, the placement of the parcel determines the building type inside, subsequently, the public AV nodes are settled and residence demographics are indicated. While concentrated configurations generate comprehensive flows covering the entire area, congestions were found in the joints of roads (Plan D.) and fewer inter-paths are formed between smaller parcels (Plan C.). As linear block arrangement presents functional circulation within the area (Plan A), the nodes of public route AVs covered less public space in gross compared with a dispersed parcel layout (Plan B).
On top of the pattern of parcels, building forms are developed to match the circular edge. Representing different functionalities, the building types also present the resident groups living inside, as well as the habit of using vehicles. It contributes to the simulated movements of the neighborhood.
We consider parcels as breathing and living entities, each of them is a themed mini zone with mixed-use space or mixed development. All programs are plotted in relation to their neighbors and thus weaved up a discrete program placement.(fig. A) In this project, we utilized the flexibility of the AVs and let the roads reversely fit in the landscape and community. In this respect, roads are no longer linear links between locations but rather a complete surface juxtaposing all the possibilities of traveling routes, of both vehicles and people. Through the project, we are excited to research the potential of urban form when it starts to also communicate with data and computers of the vehicles instead of solely humans.
fig. A
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Full-Time Store
Year : 2023 / GSD 6338 Assignment Instructor : Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo Lopez / Katarina Richter-Lunn Role : Group Work / Concept Design, Programming Tool : C#, Python, Grasshopper
Year : 2023 / GSD 6338 Assignment Instructor : Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo Lopez / Katarina Richter-Lunn Role : Group Work / Programming, Visualization Tool : C#, Grasshopper, 3D Scanner
What if images become more than 2D?
How to simplify our presence in a digital environment?
As 2D visuals have different formats of vector and raster, we are interested in developing a tool that is capable of re-compiling 3D meshes and adjusting the resolution of our 3D avatar in the virtual environment. By redefining the amount and position of spatial data points, the models are not only simplified in appearance but also the size of their files. Humanness is not an absolute quality, but a continuum. We so often attempt to portray our humanness in a 2D image, a single moment in time frozen, flattened, and captured. In doing so, we drastically oversimplify the ever-evolving set of spatial, temporal, and multi-sensorial relations that constitute our existence. Audiences are invited to explore our set of 2D images in 3D space, to stumble upon moments of familiarity amidst a fog of anarchy.
Pixels and Voxels To correctly project the color map onto the 3D model, we experimented with different resolutions and sizes of the color map (A-D). In order to clarify the RGB definition of each vertex of the mesh, we established a filter algorithm to ensure the 3D model remains complete and accurate in the process of simplification.(E.)
Forming the Dimensions Images are first interpreted into simplified geometries by our algorithm, then scattered into the bounded space which we created for optimized visual experience. Multiple images in the same space will weave up a chaotic form, only when viewing from a particular angle, certain images will stand out from the chaos. On the trajectory traversing through the space, the audience will experience a series of image formation and dissipation, offering a new form of visual expression, integrating movement and time into the static pictures.
Year : 2023 / MIT 11.029 Final Project Instructor : Jinhua Zhao / John Moavenzadeh / Jenny Larios Berlin Role : Group Work / Software programming, Geo analysis Tool : SwiftUI, ArcGIS, Google Maps API
Year : 2020 - 2021 Instructor : Yang, Shih-Hung Role : Group Work / Program Design, Product Presenter Type : Industrial Design / Urban Bike System Design
Prospect As the oldest city in Taiwan, Tainan is rich in historical context. The charisma is embodied in the small aisles, verandas, street corners. To better display the city, we also designed different station devices to install in different sites as the assistance for people to travel on bikes.
Load-Off is a platform optimizing the last-mile delivery of property maintenance toolkits. We offer bike deliveries for property care providers to acquire specific tools that they need after arriving at the site, lightening their carryings when traveling between tasks, and allowing them to take public transportation to go to work. Cities with notorious parking conditions are our target locations, we eventually landed in NYC. As bike racks cover most residential areas and older building blocks (A.), the MTA also provides easy access for home maintenance workers to provide service (B.). The urban context of NYC, from both aspects of building density and building age, suggests that the city has the potential for us to implement our business model.
Public Bike system
Personal Bike Equipment
Bike Parking Device
Proposal We came up with an additional handle device for all kinds of bikes to park in the stations of public bikes given most of the stations are undercapacity. The product is aimed to make bike parking more safe and convenient for individuals, making Tainan a bike-friendly city.
User Interface Design The APP is the integration of our business idea. Starting from a simple task calendar, users can get detailed information about their mission and customers. By swiping right, users also can select the preset toolkits and book the delivery. Users are also encouraged to set up their own demanded tool combination if facing special conditions. The APP is an assisting tool for home service technicians to have a healthier work environment and boost efficiency.
On - Site Eventually, with supports from the city's government and BigBear Bike, we smapled our parking device and demonstrated it aroud designated sites in Tainan. The testing is only a start for our city program, more following events are expected to take place in the following years.
Cooperate with : Tainan City Government x BigBear Bike
Year : 2020 / 9 - 2021 / 1 Category : Full-Time Intern at EHS + Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates Role : Proposal Design / Report Edit / Buildong Permit Drawings
A habit developed to break down perspectives and focus on the interplay of spaces and people. The graphics depict the interconnections of different parts of a project and conceive the final sketch of a building.
Version 1.
1. FAR Volume Test Taichung, Taiwan
Interlacing the Waterfronts Landscape park & plaza concepts
// Python
Version 2. 2. Housing Unit Distribution Test Taichung, Taiwan
3. Urban Context Visualization Taichung, Taiwan
// Grasshopper
// Vray + Grasshopper
Vertical Food Court & Shopping Centre Taoyuan, Taiwan
During the internship, I explored using different tools to test the building form in the urban context, starting from FAR planning to final visualizations (1-3). The experience of designing a proposal from sketch to building permit drawing motivated me to focus on developing CAD tools that help designers communicate efficiently.
Lingering Shards of Space Co-Working Space Concepts
Trilogy of the Aboves & Beneaths Architecture School Concepts
Tu, Meng-Lun Bachelor of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University Harvard Graduate School of Design
Selected Works From 2020 - 2023 Copyright 2024 by Tu, Meng-Lun All Rights Reserved.
ME N G LUN , T U (+1) 3466120591
Cambridge, MA
Dear Gensler Talent Acquisition, I am thrilled to apply for the summer internship in design strategy at Gensler. As a master’s student at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, specializing in architecture, urban design, and computer programming, I bring a diverse skill set and a passion for creating adaptive and exible structures and visions of human interaction. Throughout my master’s journey, I proactively engaged with transportation courses at MIT and computational design courses within Harvard. My project in the mobility venture course showcased my ability to navigate collaborations and contribute to visionary design strategies for city mobility and APP development. Outside of class, the experience in Harvard Innovation lab also equipped me with the skills to negotiate and build validated business models for design ideas, connecting aspects of both designers and users. My commitment to shaping the future urban landscape involves integrating diverse perspectives, bridging the physical and virtual social contexts. In collaboration with individuals from various backgrounds, including city government of cials, audio engineers, and logistics managers, I have played a pivotal role in coordinating and delivering awardwinning projects. In my previous internships, I actively explored various design methods and mediums, contributing to large-scale projects that ranged from campus planning to township redevelopment and transportation system redesign. Pro cient in GIS software and digital modeling tools such as Grasshopper and Revit, I have successfully translated ideas across different scales, balancing creative vision with practical design languages ef ciently. I am eager to bring my expertise to Gensler, contributing to your dynamic team. The prospect of working in a new environment and learning from diverse colleagues excites me. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the goals of Gensler. Please feel free to contact me at (+1) 3466120591 or joe871017@gmail.com to schedule an interview. Thank you for considering my application.
Best regards, Meng-Lun Tu
MENG LUN , T U joe871017@gmail.com https://bit.ly/VideoPortfolio2024 https://issuu.com/joe871017/docs/2023portfolio_s (+1) 3466120591 Master’s student with interdisciplinary expertise in architecture, urban design, and coding, actively seeking internships to explore and contribute to the multifaceted aspects of the built environment. Eager to apply skills in bridging cities and technology to develop innovative solutions for effective communication with evolving cityscapes, both in real and virtual contexts.
E D U C AT I O N Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA Master of Architecture in Urban Design
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Bachelor of Architecture
08.2023 - Present 09.2017 - 06.2022
SKILLS / INTERESTS Languages: English
/ Chinese
Design Softwares: Adobe CC Series / Rhinoceros / Grasshopper / AutoCad / QGIS / ArcGIS Unity / Revit / V-Ray / Microsoft Office Twinmotion / Enscape / SketchUp
Coding Languages: C# | System design Python | System design / Data analysis SwiftUI | UI/UX design R | Data Analysis / Geo-coding Processing | Visualization G-code | 3D printing : Heavy User
: Frequent User
: Normal User
WORK EXPERIENCE REDEK International Intern | Bangkok, Thailand
08.2022 - 09.2022
As a team member, I contributed to large-scale projects, devising post-pandemic development strategies for Pattaya and envisioning future urban structures through campus and suburb design.
EHS + Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates Project Intern | Taipei, Taiwan
09.2020 - 01.2021
As a member of the international competition team, I focused on designing proposals for public buildings and urban zoning. My role involved redefining the urban context by studying building types and commercial data.
OASIStudio Summer Intern | Yilan, Taiwan
07.2020 - 08.2020
As a project assistant, I conducted spatial studies for a local library and landscape installations in Yilan, focusing on rural village development and transportation optimization.
ACTIVITIES Harvard Innovation Lab Project Leader and UI/UX Designer of 3 Members
2023 - Present
Based on the previously developed APP projects, we established a validated business model for the platform to meet market demand.
NCKU ArchiTalk Cross-Field Forum Curation Group leader of 8 Members
2018 - 2020
We curated different motifs for each month, inviting lecturers from diverse backgrounds to share their experience.
National Elite Scholarship Program Received sponsorship for an international internship associated with King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi.
IEAGD Taiwan20 Merit Award, Individual Work
The project centered around the renewal of a historical market place, employing Data-driven generative design as the primary methodology.
CSCEC International Practical Construction Design Competition Bronze award, Group Work | Programmer
Utilizing robotic arm to construct a wooden pavilion. Parametric design and structural analysis are the main theme of this project.
Yodex Industry Industrial Design Competition Bronze Award, Group Work | Project Conductor
Cooperated with the city government and Be-Bike to put forth a new city bike system and operation strategy in Tainan city.
In-Between22 Architectural Design Competition Winner, Group Work The project proposed a new building type and urban form
incorporating fish farms and traditional housing in Southern Taiwan.