Are You Getting Stressed Out by Your Puppy Continually Whining - 4 Reasons For This Happening!

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Are You Getting Stressed Out by Your Puppy Continually Whining ­ 4 Reasons For This Happening! “This information is brought to you by Kingdom of dogs”

Puppies whine when they are hungry, tired, or cold. The mother gives milk, warmth, and a safe place to sleep. The puppy soon associates the two, and starts to whine deliberately when she needs something. A puppy is adopted between eight and ten weeks old and she will still whine. You, the new "Parent" must teach her otherwise. Leave the puppy alone on her first night. If you respond to her whining, you reinforce it. But use your common sense. Is she panic stricken? Does she fear her unfamiliar surroundings? If so, time your response. Wait until your dog is no longer whining, then calm her. Some puppies whine for hours. If so, wait until she has paused, then comfort her. Most dogs outgrow whining by six months. Afterwards, your dog is either whining unconsciously, or its learned behavior. Reasons for whining: 1) Pain, if your dog or puppy whines suddenly and will not stop, check her out. Is a paw off the ground? Are there scratches or splinters on her face or body? Gently rub your hands along each leg, pause at the joints and gently squeeze. Check her tail for lumps and bumps. If nothing is amiss but you suspect pain, take her to the vet. 2) Boredom/loneliness. Is she following you, wandering or pacing, whining to her? Try exercise. A tired dog is almost never a bored dog. If she is lonely, be interactive. Play, groom, train, cuddle. 3) Fear/anxiety. Is there a direct cause, like a thunderstorm? Does she senses your own energy and is stressed? Do not punish your dog, and do not react excessively with patting or cooing. Act normal and distract her. 4) She needs to pee outside, that is a good reason to whine, so give her a pat on the back. If you have ever had children and when they started to cry as babies, it was a noise that you could just not ignore, well a puppy whining has the same effect on us in that it is a noise that we simply cannot avoid or ignore. What you do not want to do is to tell your puppy of for whining as they are only trying to communicate something with you. You just need to try and understand what are

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