How Did Jani G Create the Trifilliate Payday System? Learn Trifilliate Secrets Now! “To learn more about Trifilliate System Click Here!” Have you heard about Jani G and his Trifilliate Payday system? If you haven't, it is basically the exact blueprint Jani G used to become the number 2 affiliate for a George Brown product, making over $15,000 in sales in just 7 days! While this sounds rudimentary, the amazing part about this system was that he was able to do this without a mailing list, without SEO, and without Pay Per Click advertising. This is great for us newbies because all of the stuff I just listed can be very expensive! So who is Jani Gaffhor? He is a 24 year old internet marketer who has made a huge name for himself by creating products full of innovative and functionable methods. He has helped many people on the internet make money, including Chris from Australia. Chris was a new internet marketer who had a lot of debt and wanted to be able to afford some presents for the upcoming holidays. He asked Jani to show him how to make some money without a mailing list, which is what most of the successful guru's use for their success. Jani then thought up a method to try out for himself without SEO, a mailing list, or any other common methods. It was successful and was proven 4 other times. So, he showed the method to Chris and he even had great success with it! The system was named TriFilliate Payday because it involves a 3 step system based around finding products that are in the pre launch phase of production. You will essentially be taught how to create the huge buzz for the product and then use the thousands of connections you'll learn how to achieve in the system to get your affiliate cash payday! What is the TriFilliate Secret? Well, Jani simply finds a product that is about to be pre launched using one of the many joint venture sites out there. He checks the website to determine if the site is professional and capable of sales, then creates a buzz about the product using affiliate links to make him money. Its that simple!