Year in Review: A Holiday Gala and New Changes Coming in 2024
H I think we have made a difference over this period of years by adding more events and still maintaining the staples of our club.
appy Holidays to everyone!
his Vice President’s Message – check
This is my last President’s
it out. I want to thank my husband,
Message. I will announce
Eric, for his support over the last four
our new board at the January Annual
years; two as Vice President and two
Meeting and Awards Banquet at the
more as President. Without his help
downtown Old Spaghetti Factory
and his voice of reason, it would
and then hand out
have been much
the 2023 Volunteer
more difficult. I also
Awards. After
want to thank the
that event, I will
Board of Directors
continue as the
for their support,
dedication, and
Director and Past
hard work.
President. Please
I want to thank
join me at that
Tom Floyd for his
event. Registration
work as our Director
opens on Thursday,
At Large / Sales
December 7 at
and Marketing over
7:00pm. Please
the last few years.
check your
He generated
email blast on
several new
Wednesday, December 6 for the link.
Thanks to all of you who made this possible!
It has been my honor to lead
sponsors and led the efforts for our presence at the
Portland Auto Show, the corrals at
ORPCA for the last two years. I want
the Portland International Raceway
to thank all of you for your support
Rose Cup Races, and social media
of me and the club. I think we have
chairperson. Tom will focus all his
made a difference over this period of
energy on his role as GM of Avant-
years by adding more events and still
Garde Collection.
maintaining the staples of our club. Heinz has written a good summary in
We have added two new program managers recently: Dave Burke as
Anzeiger | December, 2023 | 11