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Introductory Arrive and Drive
Here are a few more pictures: https://orpcapix.smugmug.com/2023ORPCA-Events/ Introduction-to-Arriveand-Drive-6323/
Afelicitous location with ample parking set the scene for ORPCA’s 55-mile Introductory Arrive and Drive to Troutdale on June 3rd. As 9:45 AM approached, the backside of the parking lot went from shade to sun-amplifying car lines and shimmer coats. Our group included 20 members in over a dozen cars hosted by Tour Director Kurt Fuerstenau, Tours Class Director Eric Lewis, and ORPCA President Peg Ryan.
Equipped with the ORPCA Tour Manual and route directions we huddled in the sunshine as Kurt, Eric, and Peg shared their collective knowledge of various types of touring, navigation, road etiquette, and safety.
The route offered shaded forest, blackberry bushes, and country landscapes throughout our journey. Plenty of S-curves provided a little extra fun for stir-your-own gears folks who like the winding sound heard while downshifting through and around corners. After the rush of a few cliffside twists and turns, just a few miles before our approach into downtown Troutdale, our small convoy crossed Stark Street
Bridge passing over the Sandy River, in sync with a row of American muscle cars. The bridge came alive with the rumble of engines as we exchanged waves in passing. I was excited to see other car enthusiasts with the same afternoon agenda.
Our destination was the Ristorante Di Pompello on the Historic Columbia River Highway where the usual hustle and bustle was replaced by rows of local artists and food vendors for the 7th annual Troutdale Arts Festival. Serving classic Italian fare, Ristorante Di Pompello provided excellent service to our group of hungry drivers and navigators. Before the journey home, my husband and I finished off the day in Tualatin perusing the art festival and purchasing a memento.
Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us and to ORPCA for organizing such a wonderful event! n
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Editor’s Note: We have two articles written by members John Savona and Diane Scott offering very different perspectives!