Affinity Partnership - Employee Home Ownership Program

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HOM EOWNERSHIP BENEFIT PROGRAM Help ing com p anies w it h recruit m ent and ret ent ion of hig h- p erf orm ing em p loyees

OUR GOAL IS SIM PLE  To Foster Homeownership  Give our Clients and their employees the opportunity to own their own home  At Axia, we understand the pride that comes with ownership because our company is 100% Employee Owned  You might say that Ownership is in our DNA


The workplace has become a source for ob ta ining fina nc ia l p rod uc ts for the e m p loye e 's e ntire fa m ily. - SHRM 20 16

It ’s t im e t o ad d Hom eow nership b enef it s t o a t t ra c t a n d re t a in e m p lo ye e s .


“As hiring and keeping talented employees becomes more difficult, HR professionals are strategically leveraging employee benefits as a recruitment and retention tool.” – SHRM 2016

“A tig hte r job m a rke t re q uire s org a nizations to p re se nt the m se lve s a s a n e m p loye r of c hoic e .”

“Org a niza tions tha t ha ve a lre a d y sta rte d to a lte r the ir b e ne fits to a id in re te ntion m a y ha ve a stra te g ic a d va nta g e .”

– SHRM 2016 – Karen W essels, researcher at SHRM

Key Find ing f rom HR Survey Change in importance of benefits in the next three to five years to retain highperforming employees:

SHRM Planning Benefit s Includes Homeow nership

2016 St rat egic Benefit s Survey—Leveraging Benefits to Retain and Recruit Employees ŠSHRM 20 16


“Two-thirds of HR Professionals said, health care, retirement planning and flexible working benefits will increase in importance to recruit.”

“Two-third s of HR Profe ssiona ls sa id c a re e r d e ve lop m e nt a nd fle xib le working b e ne fits will inc re a se in im p orta nc e for re c ruiting hig hly skille d e m p loye e s.”

– SHRM 2016

– SHRM 2016

“Thre e -fifths of re sp ond e nts e xp e c t fina nc ia l b e ne fits will inc re a se in im p orta nc e to re c ruit hig hly skille d e m p loye e s.” - SHRM 2016

GENERATIONAL DIFFERENCES Aging workforce focus more on Retirement & Planning Benefits.

Gen X – Foc us on W ork/ Life Ba la nc e , Fa m ily-b a se d Be ne fits.

20 16 Stra te g ic Be ne fits Surve y—©SHRM 20 16

Millennials – foc us on Stud e nt d e b t re p a ym e nt a ssista nc e or a d d itiona l e d uc a tiona l b e ne fits.

First - Tim e Hom e Buyers St at ist ics ▫First-time buyers made up 35% of all home buyers ▫61% of first-time buyers are under the age for 35 ▫Millennials = 35% of a ll p urc ha se s ▫Gen X = 26 % of a ll p urc ha se s ▫67% we re m a rrie d ▫18% Single Fem ales ▫9% Sing le Ma le s

35% Of re c e nt b uye rs

are First -t ime Homeow ners. Highest since


Int rod ucing …

AXIA HOM E LOANS HOM EOWNERSHIP BENEFIT PROGRAM Your employees direct access t o home ow nership

Since 2008, Axia Home Loans has helped over 24,000 families get int o a home In 2017 our goal is anot her 6,000 families

Est ablished in 2007 Headquart ers in Bellevue W A 40+ Branch Offices 125+ Loan Advisors 100% Employee Ow ned

TOP 100

Mort gage Com panies in Am erica 2015, 2016

4.8/ 5

Rat ing on Zillow


 N o Originat ion Fee

Our g oal is t o Ed ucat e and Inf orm

 N o Und erw rit ing Fee

Resources: • Privat e lab el w eb p ort al • Cred it Op t im izer • Ed ucat ion

 Cert if ied Hom eb uyer Program

 N o Processing Fee  Consult at ion: Online or In- Person  Clear Pass Program  *W aiver of Ap p raisal * Cert ain Ref inance Transact ions



Axia provides turn-key implementation and custom pages

Online t ools and resources


- Af f ord ab ilit y Plan - Dow n Paym ent Analysis - Det ailed Program Analysis


Loan Dashb oard is op en 24 / 7

Cert if ied Hom eb uyer Prog ram Purchase Pow er t o m ake a solid of f er!

CLEAR PASS W e are changing t he hom e b uying exp erience t ransf orm ing t he w ay you b uy real est at e. Buying a hom e can b e com p licat ed . W ait ing f or a cred it ap p roval is a t hing of t he p ast . All w e need is you. Just you!

Clear Pass is sim p le you g et a f ree p ass t o t he f ront of t he line.

Fast er Ap p rovals

Less Pap erw ork

Sim p lif ied Process

Leave t he Pap erw ork Behind Conf irm your incom e, em p loym ent and asset s w it h t he t ap of a f ing er.






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