Harrington Hill School prospectus

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Harrington Hill Primary School

Striving for Excellence  l Achieving Together


Message from the Headteacher and Chair of Governors

It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to our school: Harrington Hill Primary School. These are exciting times for the school, which continues to go from strength to strength in line with the principles of our school motto: Striving for Excellence. Achieving Together.

As head teacher, I am passionate that all children receive the best possible education. Our staff are committed to excellence in all they do and the children mirror that in their engagement and attitudes to learning. Here are some of the many things that I am proud of at Harrington Hill, and that make us smile and stand tall: ●● The

excellent behaviour and attitudes of all our children.

●● The

good to outstanding provision all children receive from dedicated, caring members of staff.

●● The

standards our children achieve, and the fact that they leave happy, well-rounded and ready for the next steps in education.

●● The

fantastic support from our parents and the strong links with our local community groups.

●● Our

Harrington Hill is more than just a school – it is a family. We are part of the community and have watched our children grow into well-rounded adults able to take their place in the world. We are now employing and teaching the children of our former pupils, strengthening further the sense of continuity.

superb location with wonderful parks, open spaces, Hackney Marshes and the River Lea on our doorstep.

●● The

wide range of enrichment and after school activities that our children benefit from.

We recently asked all parents for their views on the school. The overwhelming responses were that children ‘feel safe at this school’ and are ‘making good progress’. The survey also recorded high marks for the quality of teaching – something of which we are particularly proud. Our last Ofsted report supports this view, rating us a ‘good’ school. Harrington Hill is a healthy, happy environment with strong family values and concern for the welfare of all. Every governor, teacher, parent and child is asked to make a ‘promise’ to do everything they can to uphold the principles of our core vision. We keep our promises, and that trust, that shared commitment, is what makes Harrington Hill the school it is today.

Striving Excellence  The school makes sure that everyforpupil gets l Achieving Together an equal chance to succeed, while valuing differences in their backgrounds and beliefs. Ofsted Report

During the six years I have been a governor at Harrington Hill, I have seen many changes in the school. The quality of teaching has really improved, with many of our teachers now judged outstanding, and the others well on the way. New teachers tell me that the induction they get when they join the school is excellent, and everybody gets the support they need to become the best teachers possible. Achievement has gone up in all subjects and across all age groups. Behaviour and safety and the leadership and management of the school are now judged to be outstanding by the borough. The results of our parent survey get better every year, and even the school lunches have become more popular!

The pupils’ behaviours and attitudes are exemplary – the pupils spoke with enthusiasm and pride about their school, their work and each other. Core Visit Programme Report Hackney Learning Trust

Some things haven’t changed, though: the care and attention that is given to every child in the school; the excellent behaviour that always impresses visitors to Harrington Hill; and the way the children say they feel part of a big family. Our job as governors is to make sure the school nurtures its pupils, gives them the best possible foundation for secondary school and beyond and helps them feel safe, valued and supported. Our most recent Ofsted report only told us what we already knew: that Harrington Hill is a very good school with a number of outstanding features. At the same time, we know from the reports we get from the School Council that the children are respected, listened to and generally very happy with the school. All the governors are proud of what the staff at Harrington Hill have achieved, and we are delighted that more children will be able to benefit from its excellent teaching as we gradually expand over the coming years.

Foundation Welcome years Message from the Headteacher and Chair of Governors

Striving for Excellence  l Achieving Together

I willschool The motivate makes and encourage sure that every my child pupiltogets an equal do their best chance and to learn succeed, from their while mistakes. valuing differences in their backgrounds and beliefs. Parent’s Promise to Value Learning Ofsted Report

We are particularly proud of the early years provision at our school, which is used as a model of excellence by others schools. A Hackney Learning Trust report cited Harrington Hill as ‘stunning with an exemplary model of good practice both inside and outdoors’. The Nursery and Reception classes form the basis for life and learning throughout the school. This is where our children acquire the behaviour and positivity that are synonymous with the school. Children make good progress in their foundation years and go on to achieve above average results as they go through the school. Our last Ofsted report said: ‘by the time pupils leave, they are well prepared for their time in secondary school’ and ‘most groups of pupils, including those from ethnic minorities and those who speak English as an additional language, make the same good progress’.

Harrington Hill is an environment where both teachers and children learn, share and excel. Harrington Hill parent

The Nursery and Reception classes provide a stimulating learning environment. Half-termly topics range from digging and hunting in the wildlife garden for mini beasts, such as ladybirds and butterflies, to the world of outer space and superheroes. Staff ensure that learning through play is well structured and engaging. Take a walk through the school and you will be amazed by beautiful displays and creative excellence. Inspiring teachers work hard to ensure that children learn in an exciting, tactile environment inside and outside the school. The staff work closely with parents to encourage learning at home. Newsletters keep parents up to date with school activities and include a section on ‘how you can help your child’. The learning games lending library, together with Apps for iPad and phone, ensure that families play an active part in their child’s development. We value and celebrate children’s progress in school and at home.

Our curriculum

The curriculum at Harrington Hill is designed to support the school’s vision and expectation that we will strive for and achieve excellence together. The success of this is reflected in our Ofsted report which says that ‘staff have made sure that consistently good teaching, with some that is outstanding, results in good progress across the school and attainment is rising’. We build on the successes of the foundation years with quality teaching, support from parents and the willingness of pupils to learn.

From the behaviour management plan, to the personalised lesson plans and support in classrooms for children, I was pleasantly surprised by what an amazing school Harrington Hill was. Luwam Sebhatu: Young Hackney

Each term, the children are given a topic for their year group. Themes range from the History of Toys and the World Kitchen to Music Makers and Invaders. Before starting their new topic, children have half a day to explore it through an entry point activity. This can include drama workshops, cooking, dance, trying on clothes linked to the topic and looking at resources. The knowledge harvest enables children to share what they want to learn in their new topic. Learning is brought to life by visits to venues such as the Bethnal Green Toy Museum, the Science Museum and the National Maritime Museum. An exciting end to each topic are our learning assemblies where pupils can share their learning and showcase their wonderful work throughout their topic.

Child Development – Achieving excellence – Continuous Improvement All staff have an accurate, up-to-date knowledge of each child’s development at any given time through robust monitoring systems and a culture of listening to pupils and parents. At the end of each term, meetings are held to discuss pupil progress and provide staff with a precise picture of each child’s development. Strategies are then agreed that will drive improvement. Teachers are committed to their own learning and they work hard to enhance their subject knowledge in all areas of the curriculum.

Striving for Excellence  l Achieving Together

At Harrington Hill, our ethos is achieving together and we value all children regardless of their abilities. We recognize four broad areas of need for those with SEN or disabilities: 1. Communication and interaction 2. Cognition and learning 3. Social, mental and health 4. Sensory and physical

I will have high expectations for learning and behaviour. I will celebrate successes and give regular, good-quality feedback to children, parents and colleagues. Staff Promises to Value Learning

As well as excellent teaching we offer a wide range of small group support for children as needed. Harrington Hill enjoys excellent results in maths and English. Our last Ofsted report said: ‘As a result of good teaching, pupils make good progress in English and mathematics by the time they leave the school.’ Supported by staff and teaching assistants, progress for children with English as a second language is also assured as noted in the report: ‘The school uses the designated funds well to support these pupils, including small group support, special teaching programmes in English and mathematics and specialist support to develop social skills.’

Preparing for the Future We have invested heavily in technology, so that all pupils are equipped to take their place in the modern world. Children have access to laptops and iPads in every classroom, so that they can engage in an ICT curriculum that provides motivation, enthusiasm and enjoyment. Pupils are encouraged to engage with technology and become fully computer literate as part of our aim to make ICT an outstanding feature of the school in the future.

Welcome Encouraging creativity Message from the Headteacher and Chair of Governors

The teachers build up the children’s excitement about learning new topics by introducing lots of art, drama and fun at the start. This fires their curiosity and so they really own their learning. Harrington Hill parent

Striving for Excellence  l Achieving Together

Harrington Hill fosters an exciting environment where children are encouraged to explore and develop their creativity in media such as photography, painting, collage, printing, music and film. Studies include art from other cultures and countries and Art in Tudor Times. Learning is enriched by visits to the V&A, the Tate Modern and the National Portrait Gallery. Here are some of our many achievements. ●● Awarded

1st Prize in the Powerful Plastics Competition for artwork made entirely out of recycled plastic.

●● Films

made on iPads were shown at the Hackney Cut Films cinema and posted on You Tube. We then went on to win the coveted Under 11s National Cut Film Judges Award from BAFTA HQ.

●● We

won the Hackney SLAMbassadors poetry competition trophy.

●● Pupils

sang at the world-famous Roundhouse as part of the Hackney Music Festival.

Welcome healthy Promoting Message from the Headteacher and lives Chair of Governors

Striving for Excellence  l Achieving Together

The school makes sure that every pupil gets an equal chance to succeed, while valuing differences in their backgrounds and beliefs. Ofsted Report

At Harrington Hill Primary School we actively promote the emotional, social and physical wellbeing of all our pupils. We strive to equip children with the core qualities of confidence, empathy, resilience, initiative and collaboration to enable them to lead healthy and fulfilled lives. Harrington Hill is ideally placed for children to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Alongside our superb internal facilities, we also have parks and open spaces on our doorstep where children can run free. Our pupils also get to enjoy an action-packed adventure trip to Marchants Hill activity centre in Surrey - one of the many highlights of the school’s sporting year. Pupils have two hours of dedicated sport each week. This is taught by our own in-house sports coach, supported by external experts from various sports. The quality of our sports tuition is superb and we have been represented at borough-wide and London events.

I know our school cares for us because they want us to be healthy and live long, happy lives. We learn about staying safe, food, emotions and how to keep fit. Year 2 pupil

We also enjoy close links with a local canoe centre, and our close proximity to the River Lea makes water-based sports an obvious choice for Harrington Hill pupils. Pupils in years 3 to 5 have swimming lessons for one term each year. They are also given a chance to experience six-week taster sessions in a variety of other out-of-school activities, such as keep fit and football classes. We strongly support the principle of a healthy body means a healthy mind, and our commitment to the provision of excellent facilities and opportunities for sports and leisure reflects this.

Extended Welcome schools Message from the Headteacher and Chair of Governors

Striving for Excellence  l Achieving Together

The after school school makes provisions sure thathave everymoved pupil gets from an equal to ordinary chance extraordinary to succeed, by including while valuing creative and differencesactivities innovative in their backgrounds such as Circus andSkills, beliefs. Film and Ipad Club which my children thoroughly enjoy. Ofsted Report Harrington Hill parent

The world of Harrington Hill extends way beyond the normal school day to include a wide range of trips, clubs and after-school activities to enrich the lives of the children in our care. After-school care extends to 6pm every day and there are numerous opportunities for children to enhance their life experiences. ●● School

trips to Mudchute Farm on the Isle of Dogs are hugely popular. The visits give children an opportunity to see animals in their natural environment, to learn about farming and even enjoy cheese tasting sessions!

●● Our

very own Baking Creative Club is flourishing thanks to the popular TV series The Great British Bake Off.

●● Aspiring

writers can hone their literary skills at our Young Writers Club where children learn to write, illustrate and create their own books.

●● Our

very own in-school nature and eco-garden allows children to grow, taste and understand the many different vegetables available worldwide.

●● Craft

Creative helps children express themselves through crafts such as knitting and sewing.

●● The

Philosophy Club teaches children to explore ideas and debate with others. Harrington Hill is part of the Hackney Teaching Schools’ Alliance which encourages cross-borough debates.

●● The

Robin Hood Community Garden nearby provides children and their parents with a perfect place to enjoy healthy recreational activities, have fun and relax!

●● Our

extended day provision includes a breakfast club from 8.00am to 8.55am. This offers a healthy, nutritional breakfast plus a range of activities to kick start the day.

Our school community

The School Council

Working with Parents

The Harrington Hill school council gives all pupils a voice and influence in what they learn and how they learn. Their role includes gathering data and opinions from pupils to present to staff and governors, fundraising, advice on the use of school budgets and leading special assemblies. Harrington Hill school council received the Speaker’s School Council Award in recognition of their hard work and achievements. It was presented to the school by Diane Abbott MP.

We are fortunate in that our parents are actively engaged in the life and work of the school. Regular newsletters keep them up-to-date with their child’s progress and they are invited to visit their classroom to see their work. They are also invited to the Learning Assembly which showcases pupils’ achievements. Parents share their skills with the whole school, giving talks and taking part in events, such as those designed to raise awareness of cultural differences. A recent survey received a positive response from parents who told us they are happy with the way the school is working.

School Governors Our governors ensure that high standards are achieved and maintained throughout the school. They are also responsible for making sure that the school has the resources it needs to maintain high-quality teaching and ensuring that money is spent wisely and effectively. The governors work closely with staff, parents and pupils to help foster the spirit of community and camaraderie that makes Harrington Hill what it is today.

Community Partners Many of our children speak Turkish as their first language and we are grateful for the support of their parents and the Turkish Embassy for the excellent results these children achieve. We are also part of the East London Business Alliance and the Hackney Teaching Schools Alliance. We enjoy visits from local businesses and service providers, including the Fire and Police Services, the Hackney Learning Trust and local sports and leisure services. The Springfield Youth Club is right on our doorstep as is the popular Robin Hood Community Garden.

Over the last few years I’ve watched Harrington Hill go from strength to strength, led by a strong team of committed professionals who care deeply about the success of every child in the school. Elaine Hendry Chair of Governors

Striving for excellence. Inspiring to achieve collaboratively through respect, happiness and creativity. We are independent and reflective for continuous improvement. Striving for Excellence  l Achieving Together

Harrington Hill School illustrated to me the dramatic improvement in the conditions and quality of education in Hackney which is a testament to the commitment of the hard working teaching and learning staff, supportive parents and smart young people who roll up their sleeves and get to work. If the future of our country lies with these young people, we’re in safe hands. Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington

Harrington Hill Primary School


Harrington Hill Mount Pleasant Lane Upper Clapton London E5 9EY









admin@harringtonhill.hackney.sch.uk www.harringtonhill.hackney.sch.uk











Tel: 020 8806 7275 Fax: 020 8806 3364












































Local bus routes: 106, 253, 254, 308, 393








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