1 minute read
Statement by the Chief Registrar
This 2019-2023 Strategic Plan for the Judicial Department is the culmination of a concerted and collaborative multi-stakeholder and multi-phase effort made possible by the timely funding provided by the European Union and the guidance of a specialist by the United Nations Development Programme.
The plan consolidates input from individual interviews, focus group discussions and a stakeholder consultative workshop. We commend everyone who committed their time and effort to participate in these interactive activities to ensure that the Plan is finalized. The Plan is therefore a milestone in the transformation of the Judicial Department given the many achievable targets.
This Strategic Plan seeks to support the judicial reforms aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the administration of the courts. The previous Strategic Plan has been used as a bridge into the current Plan. There were significant achievements and success attained from the previous Plan however many of the lessons learnt, challenges and experiences will be taken forward into the current Plan.
Finally, I thank the EU and UNDP for their extraordinary effort, industry and commitment towards ensuring that this process was finalized.
To everyone else, this Strategic Plan 2019 - 2023 for the Judicial Department is a guide or roadmap to achieving the aspirations of all Fijians as aptly captured in the Constitution. I look forward to joining hands and walking together along the path of transforming our courts Fiji wide.
Yohan Liyanage Chief Registrar, High Court of Fiji