International Technology Management Corporation (Intem Philippines) is a corporation duly organized under Philippine laws to deliver
Country Specific, Local context-sensitive Solutions through Authentic Stakeholder Partnerships and Collaborations. Intem provides international expertise but is sensitive and geared towards a localized approach that is relevant and appropriate to actual local situations from national to village level.
This is done with a proven stakeholder
its mission of empowering its
engagement strategy that takes into consideration bothe project timeline and
clients with strategic enabling
local cultural work pace and capacity so that expectations are realistic and
solutions. Founded April 11,
doable in sprints.
2002, as a strategic business unit (SBU) from Intem Consulting Japan (now with SEC:A200205829 ADBDACON:003713 WB Vendor Reg.:102841 USAID DUNS:721540037
ISO 9001: 2015 certification) with operational autonomy but remains a member of the Intem group of companies with its latest addition, Intem Consulting Laos. Majority owned by Filipino Board members who also serve in their executive capacities, it has over 100 staff and consultants in its pool, who all have vast experiences in various Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects both local and international.
Intem has implemented over 100 development projects including master development
planning (country, sector, detailed designs in equipment provision including construction works), community-based basic services delivery in health, education and social welfare and socio-economic feasibility management of natural resources (i.e., land, water) that benefits rural/urban communities in the long term.
Our Officers and staff are committed to our core values : Integrity/Inclusive Development, Non-biased approach,Transformation/Technical Innovation, Empowerment/Ennabling and Mastery (thought leaders/innovators). We fulfill these by emphasizing country-specific, local context sensitive solutions in each and every project we are involved. Intem understands governance systems and organizational management which allows it to work within existing structures and limitations and yet can easily draw from out-of-box solutions for breakthrough innovations and co-create fresh value adds to any project/program.
Consultants are able
to work their way within the system so that effective collaboration and partnerships are realized to achieve
SIVE U L C In d iase b al n No ormation nsf Tra ering/ ow Emp abling L enn rFU aste
education trANSFORMATION EXPERTS We have nurtured our specialization in EDUCATION REFORM. Intem has proven its technical expertise to deal with all aspects of education development/transformation work. Our portfolio of experience spans ECCD/ECD, Basic Education (Kindergarten, Primary, Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary levels or K+12); TVET (Technical Vocational Education & Training; Higher Education and Teacher Training/Continuous Professional Education (CPE) including alternative delivery modes like MISOSA (Modified In-School/Off-School Approach), mixed-grade classrooms, IMPACT (Instructional Management by Parents Community and Teachers). Thus, we are in a unique position as a complete ASEAN Development partner for Education 4.0 in order to align education systems to Industry 4.0 developments.
SECTORS. Education and human
resource development, Local governance, Health and medical services, Environmental protection, Environmental health, Climate Change, ICT4D, ICT4E, Disaster management and mitigation, Livelihood and enterprise development, Social protection, Research and technical development.
Backed by experience in all sub-
sectors: We have mastered school-based
From Project identification (design and conceptualization), Strategic
management (SBM); Education technologies applied
framework analysis, Project
to Education Management Information Systems;
appraisal, Feasibility and design studies, Project Implementation
Appropriate School Management systems; LMS;
Management, Policy Analysis/
Continuous Professional Education for Principals/
Formulation, Evaluation Studies,
Administrators/Teaching Force (pre-service and
Project Completion Reports, Impact
in-service); Curriculum reform/updates; STEM/
Assessments/Ex-post Evaluations,
STEAM; formal and non-formal delivery systems;
Strategic Communcations/
teacher placements; Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK); Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPaCK); Instructional Materials Design and Production (textbooks/ teacher guides/e-learning content); Authentic Stakeholder Engagement/Social marketing; Communications for Behavior Change; Strategic Planning and Execution; Labor Market Analysis; Centers of Excellence;
Stakeholder Engagement (Comm. for Behavioral Change/IECA) Baseline/Tracer studies, Preparation of tender documents, Supervision of construction works, Equipment supervision, Dispatch of experts—we have since positioned ourselves as
Flipped Classrooms; Learner Centered approaches and
a complete ASEAN Development
modalities; career pathways all under the arching theme of
partner for Education 4.0
Sustainable Development Goals.