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CONTEXT D’AULA Títol o nom del projecte



3RD ESO × treball individual

× treball en grup

O taller × aula d’informàtica

O aula ordinària O altres

Agrupacions Espai En quin moment del curs?

2n o 3rd Trimestre

Recursos necessaris

Aula Informàtica Accés Internet Programa: Powerpoint


Objectiu/s del projecte

Quins aprenentatges pretens promoure i consolidar?

Quins són els punts forts?

Resultats: o Respecte als objectius o Com va reaccionar l’alumnat? Per què?

Treballar amb textos originals d’intenet.

Extreure informació específica.( Scanning )

Conèixer Australia i treballar una de les regions en profunditat per presentar-la als seus companys.

Exposar a la resta de la classe , en anglès, el treball realitzat i consensuat pel grup amb l’ús del Powerpoint.

Treball individual i en parelles.

Distribució de tasques.

Posada en comú i prendre decisions.

Tothom té alguna cosa que aportar.( hi ha alumnes que són molt bons en expressió oral,l altres buscant informació, i altres són bons fent servir l’ordinador ).

Malgrat ser una activitat que com a resultat era una exposició oral per donar a conèixer la resta de la classe una regió diferent de la que havien treballat, els alumnes que eren més fluixos en expressió oral van poder fer servir altres destreses per portar a terme el projecte.

Tant els objectius que m’havia proposat com la reacció dels alumnes en l’aula d’informàtica i la seva implicació en el projecte van ser molt positiva .Per aquest motiu, hem repetit aquest model de treball amb altres projectes relacionats amb el Països de parla Anglesa.

REFLEXIÓ PERSONAL Per què n’estic satisfet?

Tant les exposicions com les presentacions estaven ben treballades i els resultats foren més bons dels prevists.

Què m’ha servit per a posteriors activitats?

He treballat seguint les mateixes directrius i he millorat alguns aspectes tècnics

Què podria millorar?

He millorat alguns aspectes tècnics .( accés a pàgines, links trancats, algunes mancances quan els alumnes treballen amb el Powerpoint)

Ha tingut cap valor al departament d ‘Anglès?

Hem preparat més material i activitats seguint aquest model

G'Day Mates! Pack up your "port" (suitcase) and get ready to go "back of bourke" (a very long way away) to the exciting "Land of Oz" (Australia). No need to bring any "moolah" (money); the trip is free! We have planned three classes for you featuring many aspects of Australian culture and geography. Are you ready? "Ace" (excellent)! We will visit its interesting cities, up to 85 percent of the population living in cities. Most metropolitan centres and towns in Australia were constructed in the 19th and 20th century Sydney is the most populous city in Australia and is built on what many call the most beautiful harbour in the world. Sydney's main landmarks, the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge personify not only the city, but also Australia. Australia's second biggest city is Melbourne which is the most European looking of all Australian cities. Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide all have a population in excess of 1 million people And we will also see its impressive and most amazing geographic landmarks such as the Great Barrier Reef and the Australian Outback .

As it is a very big country and it’s going to take us a lot of time to surf the continent, we are going to divide in groups of 4 people and each one is going to make a scrapbook about one part of Australian geography and culture.. But first of all, let’s meet together something about it.

AUSTRALIAN REGIONS ACTIVITY 1 The first tour will highlight the seven different geographic places. Look at the following web page and write the name of the different regions.

ACTIVITY 2 As we have are going to move by car from place to place , it would be a good idea to know the Highways in Australia. Look at this webpage and complete the following information Draw and colour HighWay 1 Signal

Highway 1 is Australia's coastal highway joining all mainland's state capitals and coastal towns circumnavigating the entire Australian continent. What’s the length of this highway? __________________ ACTIVITY 3 This is the map of Australia’s National Highway.

Go to the following webpage and answer the following questions.

 Where do odd-numbered highways travel in? _____________________  Where do even-numbered highways travel in? _____________________

 Name the types of routes you may find in Australia. ________________________________________________________________

Draw and colour a typical National Route shield and a Regular state route shield.

National Route shield

Regular state route shield

Now it’s time each group decide which of the regions you would like to visit and to start collecting information for your presentation. Your PRESENTATION must include: A. Cover Page-Must have a creative title, your names, and your class. It must be neat and colourful with hand drawn picture of the map of the area and photos representing the region .

B. Five Trips Slides-You must have one or two slides for each of the following topics:     

Cities National Parks Rivers,Lakes and Waterways Rainforest and Mountains Unique Wonders

Each slide should have a creative, fancy looking title. Each page must have a short summary paragraph describing the features of the places. Then include some pictures from resources .

C. Map Page-This page must include a map of the region of Australia you chose. This map must be colour coded by the different highways and routes and their number. You must also label the most important cities. Neatness Counts!

RESOURCES  Maps. o Victoria oria o Queensland eensland o South Australia th_Australia o Western Australia tern_Australia o Northern Australia thern_Territory o New South Wales w_South_Wales  Rainforest and Mountains:  Cities  National Parks ďƒ˜ Rivers,Lakes and Waterways ďƒ˜ Unique Wonders General Information Western_Australia.aspx _Do/Nature_and_Wildlife/Pages/ px EBE92-F665-1A5C-BC6180C476A90000/ aspx Western_Australia.aspx

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