Contents of the MPSE First Aid Kit We remember Niamh and Hugh Mc Line at the Jamboree 2008, they and their team of First Aiders (The First Aid Team Fellowship) looked after MPSE superbly. This is their recommendations for a First Aid Kit to be used at MPSE activities. The contents are calculated for an activity with 100 participants. The First Aid Team Fellowship is a group of dedicated Leaders / Venturers who wish to promote First Aid within Scouting and to help at Scouting events.
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NAME Alco-jell Ambulance dressing Large Burn-jell pump Packet tissue Crepe Bandage Conforming Bandages Face shield for CPR Gauze (10cmx10cm) Pack of 5 Gloves Hypothermic Blanket Ice pack Non Adhesive dressing Eye wash Shears (sissors) Steri-pads Tape Triangular bandage Waste bags Insect sting cream Strip of plasters Antiseptic cream Tweezers
Pencil Scouting Ireland – Accident Report Forms First Aid Manual Accident Report Book + pen
MPSE Ireland Activity Handbook v5-0.doc
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