MPSE Ireland Activity Handbook v5-0

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Daily time schedule for MPSE Staff, Team Leaders and Base Leaders Time


08:30 – 09:00 Meeting with MPSE staff and Team Leaders. 09:00 – 09:10 Team Leaders meeting with Base Leaders, last important messages 09:10 – 09:30 Collecting base materials by Base Leaders, preparations within the bases, etc. Seven groups of seven will arrive at base camp at 09:00H Each group will start at a different base and the groups will change bases each hour The schedule below is for Group “A”. Group “B” start at Activity session 2. Group “C” start at Activity session 3 and so on 09.30 – 10:30 Activities session 1 Fire with Flint & Steel Clean up with participants, check materials and escort them out the exit Collect new group of participants at the gate 10.30 – 11:30

Activities session 2 Making Coconut cups Clean up with participants, check materials and escort them out the exit Collect new group of participants at the gate

11.30 – 12:30

Activities session 3 Flaming Torches Clean up with participants, check materials and escort them out the exit

12:45 – 13:45


14:00 – 15:00

Activities session 4 Making Wooden Spoon + Toys Clean up with participants, check materials and escort them out the exit Collect new group of participants at the gate

15.00 – 16:00

Activities session 5 Lighting a good Fire Clean up with participants, check materials and escort them out the exit Collect new group of participants at the gate

16.00 – 17:00

Activities session 6 Smoking Fish Clean up with participants, check materials and escort them out the exit Collect new group of participants at the gate

17.00 – 18:00

Activities session 7 Building a Primitive Shelter Clean up with participants, check materials and escort them out the exit Check and complete materials for next day, clean base area, clean box and return base materials to the Store tent

18:30 – 19:00 19:00 – 19:30

Team Leaders to get evaluation from Base Leaders, troubles, etc. Day evaluation with MPSE staff and Team Leaders, important messages for next days, possible changes, etc.


End of MPSE activity for the day

Base Leaders notes. Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Do not give away anything, as we have calculated the minimum gear required. Base Leaders are personally responsible for all the materials in their boxes and are accountable for missing / stolen items. Do not let your base finish, without properly checking the contents of your box. Remember to have fun and, try to ensure your trainees enjoy your activity Make hand written notes of any problems MPSE Ireland Activity Handbook v5-0.doc

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