DISCLAIMER Content contained herein is the sole intellectual property of the Kentucky Division of the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Be aware that the information listed in this manual may change without notice.
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Revised 13FEB14 Ltjg Joe Ryan, NSCC Commanding Officer Kentucky Division, 051KTY
This SOP manual is designed to provide information and instruction to unit midshipmen, instructors and officers. The content of each chapter is as outlined and directed by the unit commanding officer, and promulgated by various sources and references throughout the NSCC. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the information contained herein, and is to be considered instructional only. Neither the commanding officer nor contributing source(s) shall be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. All data contained herein is for instructional use only, to be used in the responsible and lawful operation of the aforementioned unit. Data, instructions and references herein are to be considered as matter of fact, and final in nature. Changes and suggested editions should be forwarded to the commanding officer through chain of command.