desperado's perfect party

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Proposal The Desperado’s DNAD Awards brief is aiming at 18 - 24 years who are in a transformational phase of their lives, buildng their identity and showing how they ‘release their inner tequila’ It heads towards there being certain limitaions in life but also infinate exploration and experimental possibilities within new worlds. The challenge in the brief is to connect people with the Desperados spirit through an immersive experience that will help them to release their daring side and push creative boundries. What I have devised with the ‘Desperado’s perfect party’ is a way for people to be able to go to a party that essentially puts you with others who will have similar interests to yourself. There are four questions that as a concept would work with a spell checking system that will pick up a certain location, food, music / entertainment and an activity from your choice catagories. Desperados will then take the results and work out the highest averages for each catagory and entrants will go into a further draw from hitting at least two of these catagories. You will see in this presentation that I have put together a winning outcome example to show what a party could consist of. This is a beach party, BBQ food, dance music and a bouncy castle theme. You would then be selected if you have for example, BBQ food and a beach party within the answers given online. I have specifically designed the questions broadly as I aim to bring in thousands of entries to then make up a party with these elements that will cater for between 300-500 people and hit a wider market. Following the party planner there is then a further question that prompts the entrant to tell us how they would test their daring side. This is a second competition that will enable one person who will also have made it through to the perfect party to go on an additional experience, anywhere in the world with upto ten friends that tests their daring side. The person entering is prompted to think outside the box and I want people to explore how they would really ‘unleash their inner tequila’ if given the chance. As this winner is picked from between the 300 and 500 party guests, it gives Desperados an easy task in reading through the whole batch of entries in greater detail and therefore selecting one that is creative and unleashes what Desperado’s are all about. The Desperados perfect party is the creative aspect, giving the entrant a way of displaying online what aspects would make their perfect party. It will also put people out of their comfort zone in going and meeting people with similar interests, who potentially they would never have met under another circumstance. The ‘test your daring side’ additional competition is there to give people the chance to capture the Desperado’s spirt and refresh the rules by putting them in a scenario that tests them, but also rewards them for taking on a new challenge that tests their spirit and bravery.

Desperados Perfect Party

Joe Sleney - Advertising - Year 1


Promotional Club Poster / Banner

The leaflet is the first contact of promotion. The intention would be to hand these out at clubs and entertainment events across the UK. The idea is to not give too much away early by inviting them online to meet some friends they never knew they had. The Desperado’s spirit is an element the company prides themselves on so I’ve used ‘unleash your inner tequila’ as a relative aspect to your inner party self.

The promotional poster would be displayed as a banner in clubs across the UK as a general visual element and for the person who doesn’t take much notice of the flyers being handed out! They would serve as a larger advertisement and show the main campaign of ‘Desperados perfect party’. The layout compared to the leaflet is slightly altered in text, colour and size aspects for variation and certain changes of information for example ‘Unleash your inner tequila’ only appears on the flyer as does ‘Desperados perfect party’ on the poster.

p s e e r d a t d a o e s n i l n o glo et the friends you never knew you to me


Desperados perfect party r u i n o n y e h r s t a equila e l n U

create yours online at to meet the friends you never knew you had

Desperados Perfect Party

Joe Sleney - Advertising - Year 1

Online Questionaire This is a web flat for what my online party would look like. From the flyer and poster promotion, entrants are prompted firstly to the Desperado’s website where they would see this campaign on their main home page ‘Desperado’s perfect party’. Clicking on that, you would come to this page which has been kept as simple as possible and designed with the colour scheme I’ve used throughout, which are official Desperado’s colours lifted from their website. Entrants will fill in the four questions before moving onto the second page.

Desperados Perfect Party

Joe Sleney - Advertising - Year 1

Online Questionaire - Test your daring side This web flat is the second page which enables the entrant to fill out for the ‘Test your daring side’ competition. I wanted to be able to incorporate some kind of challenge into this brief as that seemed to be a good way of getting people to go out of their comfort zones. At this point I want people to really break their usual boundries and what we would be looking for is a creative idea thats also a challenging one for the person in mind. Once submitted it will send the questionaire for the ‘perfect party’ and the ‘test your daring side’ through to Desperado’s.

Desperados Perfect Party

Joe Sleney - Advertising - Year 1

Supporting Leaflets I created two ranges of supporting leaflets to apply to each competition. For the ‘perfect party’ scenario, the boat party is my primary flyer as it captures the scene well for party spirit. These two leaflets are to make people think of a different kind of stage for a party and not to just think of a normal club scene, but somewhere that could really appeal to their particular needs when it comes to the perfect party.

p s e e r d a t d a o e s n i l n o glo et the friends you never knew you

p s e e r d a t d a o e s n i l n o glo et the friends you never knew you

r u i n o n y e h r s t a equila e l n U

r u i n o n y e h r s t a equila e l n U

to me

Desperados Perfect Party


to me


Joe Sleney - Advertising - Year 1

Supporting Leaflets For the ‘test your daring side’ competition I want people to lay down ideas as extreme as they could possibly think. A bungee jump is quite a typical thing for a lot of people to do but it is a daring task that as an example is fitting to what Desperado’s are asking. I have tried to give people as much freedom as they could possibly have and I want them to think along these extreme lines and thats also another reson I used a photograph of a bungee jump on the web flat as well.

p s e e r d a t d a o e s n i l n o glo test your daring side

p s e e r d a t d a o e s n i l n o glo test your daring side

r u i n o n y e h r s t a equila e l n U

r u i n o n y e h r s t a equila e l n U

Desperados Perfect Party

Joe Sleney - Advertising - Year 1

Invitation This is the type of email you could expect as a winner for the ‘Desperado’s perfect party’. I put a bit of design in by covering the majority of the water in the same colours Ive used throughout the campaign. This is just to keep with the campaigns integrity and to show consistency throughout. From this point the winners will be sent out an information pack with this ticket as a physical copy that will be posted to their homes. I haven’t included a winning email for the ‘test your daring side’ competion as this will be announced at the end of the party night via a special guest.

Congratul a tions Your invited to attend Desperado’s Perfect Party! The wimning party consists of BBQ, Beach,Dance Music and Bouncy Castles

July 30th 2017

Desperados Perfect Party

Joe Sleney - Advertising - Year 1

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