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Noctis Issue 2

Noctis Editor-In-Chief Dolly Dyer Picture Editor Leoni Blue Music Editor Erin Davies Design & Web Technican Joe Stephens Advertising & Features Carl Ellis-Coward

Why Hello There! Nim fugias et aut optatem olenimi, imus reium susant dolorro et acea conseque et expeditecus, omnimusa solestinto iur, omnihillent. Rumquam repratur sit dolupic iatesecti consequam, te rem es minihicit lis et molor aut et accullo reptas excepratum re culluptae pro volo qui asimosa esequo beate cus ad molum ium quideli busdam audam fugit ad et recupta que perferum non ea con culparchit, consectet rem re-

receat id ulluptate vernam im essint lautemp oreiuri tiuntibus as magnatur aut ut ipienit atiunti cuam fugit ad et recupta que perferum non ea am fugit ad et recupta que perferum non ea m sus magnihil inum va esequo beate cus ad molum ium quideli busdam audam fugit ad et recupta que perferum non ea con culparchit, consectet rem rereceat id ulluagdsfgafsfsfsdf. Joe Stephens

Editoral Assistants Bee Wilson & Rebecca Evens Staff Writers Hayley Meredith, Greg Swaby, Nikki Merrifeild, Chantel Beaven, Chris Newman, Louise Hisayasu, Bryony Wilson, Rebecca Evans, Amy Emerson.




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5. Fashion

4. The Hour of Decadence 17. Neo Noir 24. Illustrations by Callis 36. The Garden of Eden 41. Gallant 52. Monte Carlo 64. Woman in Red


4. The music msuic

17. surkins surrk 24. blagg it 36. snatch it 4. The Hour of Decadence 17. Neo Noir 24. Illustrations by Callis


4. The Hour of Decadence 17. Neo Noir 24. Illustrations by Callis


aN HOUR OF DECADENCE Photorapher Leonie blue the fantastic Stylist : Sophie rah rahh clothes by fatsia japonica meiwo mixx meiow mizzz sadfadfwe , asfsawefwaef, asdfwef


Issue 2

This page and opposit Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg



Issue 2

Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg



Issue 2

This Page Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg Oppisite Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg



Issue 2

This Page Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg Oppisite Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg


This Page Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg


Issue 2

Oppisite Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg



Issue 2

Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg


Hat by: Sophie Monroe Pruett Dress by: Someone Fabulous Underware by: Fantastico bagg


Issue 2



Issue 2




INTERVIEW ‘Hailing from Glasgow Scotland, We Are The Physics are their very own brand of ‘Mutant Punk Rock’. It’s a rare gem where you’ll find a band made up of Three Michael’s and a Chris, that alone will help them to make their own mark on history. Compared to the likes of Devo and Polysic, their energetic, choppy punk fuelled sounds are sure to get your attention. The Frivilious stage shows, awkward leg shakes are worth a watch if they hit a town near you. We caught up with the Micheal’s (and Chris of course) to find out what really goes on behind the scenes with We Are The Physics.’ How were you brought together to make the bonus. But we do have to look at you lot staring energetic noise that is We Are The Physics? back at us with that grimace of hatred. There have been about 16 (approx) lies regarding how we actually formed, so we’ll perpetuate the myth further by adding this one to the mix. We met at a car boot sale near Coatbridge, where each of us had our eye on a rare pre-cert copy of Tenebrae that the owner had no idea was worth at least £17. In truth, we all went to school together, and it was mostly through being bored by the bands we were seeing at the weekends in Glasgow that we got together. Everything we did, and still do, is a direct reaction against what we’d see in clubs. So, if you don’t like us you can pretty much just blame Glasgow. What drove you to make music? There’s no real crusade going on with We Are The Physics, we’re not trying to alter people’s perceptions of music or anything - which is just as well, because they’d be thoroughly disappointed. We just wanted to be the band we never got to see, so that if there was anyone else out there who wanted what we always wanted from a band, they had a chance. There was nothing like us in Glasgow when we started. Fortunately, we never actually have to look at our own shrieking faces on stage, so that’s a 22

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During the writing process do you compose together or does one of you run the show? Usually it’s a case of someone digging up the bare bones of a structure by stealing it from another band and then we all work on it from there. There’s no real running of the show by anyone - if we stopped writing the music collectively, it’d stop sounding like us. Maybe we should stop.

It’s been a while since you’ve released something. Is there a new record on the horizon anytime soon? We’ve been doing a new record for ages, but it’s one of those political and economic things dragging it out for so long. We’ve had it written for about a year, and we’ve written another waiting in the wings. But, the music industry is a creepy swamp of a place at the minute - if we could afford it, the new record would be out tomorrow. But, we’re waiting on a new format

being invented. We’re thinking about releasing Your on tour at the moment, how is that all gothis album as a self-replicating virus that de- ing? letes the rest of your mp3s so that only We Are The Physics remains. Apocalyptic rock! Pretty good, ta! We haven’t done anything for ages, so we’re always surprised at how many people still come out to see us. We’ve just Explain to us what your self titled genre ‘mutant come back from Russia; the last time we were punk rock’ is all about. there was in 2007 and we played to about 7 people in a bar while they ate dinner. This time Basically it’s a way of making derivative music we played to 8 and they even put their cutlery seem a bit more interesting. It means nothing. down. Our throats. It was something we slapped on the posters and flyers for our first gig to try and get people to come. I’d much rather go and see a band I’ve been hearing lots of stories about what you claiming they play music that’s mutant, science get up to in your spare time when touring. I’m and punk than beardy, lo-fi and It sort of sums sure our readers would love to know more about up what we do anyway, it’s basically punk music your escapades with re-building hotel furniture based around human reaction to the democra- and playing trivial pursuit with groupies? tisation of technology. There’s, what, 60 years of love songs? Might as well write about how redundant men will feel when teledildonics re- Our favourite one is definitely the furniture displaces them completely as viable sexual part- mantling. We have the best nights; we’ll usually ners. start by taking the wardrobe apart, followed by any cabinets, and we’ll lay all the bits on the bed. If a screw goes awry, it can go menWhat is it like in the rehearsal room for you tal! We’ve never been banned from any hotels guys? yet because we truly do reassemble the room slightly better. Sometimes they even give u Stinking. For a while we used to write our mu- money off our room for improving it. sic as a formula in the rehearsal room. None We lost our travel Trivial Pursuit, but we’ve got of us can actually read music, so we’d write it a slightly dented Ker-Plunk. It’s a bit phallic out phonetically - like Weeezzzoo, Boooooss- though, and I prefer Ghost Castle. We’re not the hh BrrruuMM, NEowzz - then work on it from most ‘rock n’roll’ band, we’ve never thrown a TV there. out of the window. We have, however, tied bed Turns out formula-written music is a bit too sheets around it and lowered it to the ground an regimented, and we preferred the bits where in effort to improve the reception. We certainly someone fell over and made a noise by mis- give those groupies a night they won’t forget. A take. I’m sure it’s the same for every band, but definite mental scar. rehearsals either go really well, or it’s like being trapped in the last escape pod from a bombed spaceship with three other guys who’d rather you’d died in the initial explosion. We’ll either leave a rehearsal excited or suicidal.


You have quite a stage presence, is there any kind of formula to a show, or is it completely spontaneous? It’s a rough plan usually. But, like everything in our lives, it usually goes wrong fairly quickly. We never ignore the audience, I think that’s the worst thing a band could do, and you can never anticipate how they’ll react. So you have to bounce the performance off them, and that’s what makes each one interesting. Sometimes we literally bounce off them. We’ve seen so many bands who just act like they’re playing to nobody; it just strikes us as self-indulgent. People have come out to see the performance of the music they like, not just to hear the record played note-perfect. Whereas we generally actually play to nobody, and even they don’t like it.

Who was your favourite touring partner and why?

We’ve really lucked out with some of the bands we’ve managed to hold at knife-point and force to take us on tour, but we’ve definitely had the most fun with bands like Art Brut, who are just such a great live band. Plus they stole our moves, so we don’t feel so bad about ripping them off all the time. The huge venues we did with 30 Seconds To Mars were unreal - that’s the sort of gig you imagine playing when you’re 13. The reality of it, though, is being really hungry and not having enough clean underwear. We find it so hard to get on with a lot of bands though, probably because they really don’t like us. But it’s always great to tour with The Victorian English Gentlemens Club. While we’re at opposite sides of the playground musically, we You’ve toured with some really amazing bands. do have that mutual square peg/round hole 24

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syndrome. I prefer to go to gigs like that, with completely different bands on the bill - why would you want to see the same type of bands three times in one night? If you had the chance to collaborate with any act in the world, who would you choose and why? We’d have loved to have done something with Cardiacs. And one of our favourite bands is Servotron, who’d dress up in makeshift robot outfits and do their entire gig in the guise of human-hating artificial musicians. We’d cut off our human arms just to even see that live. What new bands are should we look out for? Who’s impressing We Are The Physics? There is only We Are The Physics.

Sometimes you wonder if it’d be easier to jump a bandwagon, as we see so many other bands doing. Just hopping on a musical style that’s popular, a quick conveyor belt to some money. But, it’s just not us. The only thing we have going for us is that, regardless of whether you rate us or not, we’ve at least got some conviction. There’s a lot of emphasis on longevity and adaptation in the music industry like it’s an indicator of success if you can morph yourself around styles - but, I just think it shows insincerity, Music can evolve, but if you just suddenly switch genres to suit the times, it just seems unnatural - like you’re choosing the sort of artist you want to be, or you want to be seen as. Integrity’s not a very attractive or lucrative ideal in the industry, but you can see through bands who don’t have an identity immediately. So, in answer to your question, bitterness What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands?

What has been your biggest challenge as a There’s no room for you, music is full. Actually, band? the opposite - do it and do it because you have to. Just don’t be better than us, please. Managing to afford food, really. When you Words: Chantel Beaven start a band, it’s all about you, then people start Images: Peter Hill coming to see you and it’d be rude not to take their thoughts into consideration. Then people invest money in you. It’s easy to lose a sense of who you are once there’s something riding on you, whether it’s dough or just people’s feelings. As much as we do WATP for ourselves, if we disappointed someone who came to see us, that’d hurt. Having been disappointed all through our lives by bands we’d grown up with, you wonder sometimes if you should just quit while you’re ahead. Luckily, we’ve never really been ahead. What pushes you to keep going when times get tough? 25

EDDY TEMPLE MORRIS I still can’t believe it. ‘What’s the biggest killer of men under 35 in this country?’ I was asked, by someone who knew the answer... ‘Drugs, surely...’ ‘No’ ‘OK, I’ve got it now, automobile accidents, cars OR bikes...’ I thought I was being clever here and nailing it... ‘The answer dwarfs drugs, cars and bikes all added together...’ ‘Christ...really?’ I was struggling at this point. ‘Um... prostate cancer?’ I ventured, hopefully as I could be under the circumstances... ‘Not even close’ they said, ‘the answer is...........

But now I don’t want to tell you the answer, because if I do, the chances are you’ll stop reading, and you’ll miss vital information that could save your life, or the life of someone you love, or someone you’re fond of, or someone you work with, either way, as soon as I mention the key word, over half of you will just switch off. You’ll switch off because, chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re a man, and men don’t like to talk about this stuff. We don’t like dealing with the white elephant in the room, we’d rather brush things under the carpet than deal with them by communicating (like girls do much better and more frequently). The problem is I can’t write the rest of this without mentioning this word, it will give context to everything, but at the same time, will ensure that a worryingly large percentage of eyes reading this will glaze over, or roll upwards, or just go elsewhere, but I have to do this, for the good of all concerned.

By far the biggest, by such a long way it’s shocking, killer of men under the age of 35, in the UK, is MEN UNDER THE AGE OF 35 IN THE UK. The word is: SUICIDE. There. I said it. When I found this awful fact out, at Koko, at ‘Chazzstock’, the wake of Charlie Haddon, from Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, and in the same conversation, discovered that CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), the main charity dealing with this staggering problem could not afford to fund ONE phone line around the 28

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clock, that was the point I started working for that charity. Months later, ‘Cage Against The Machine’ and with the help of an incredible bunch of people, we got four minutes and thirty three seconds of silence into the top twenty, for the sake of awareness and fundraising for CALM and others. CALM are incredible. Just amazing. In the ONE PLACE they got some funding (from Liverpool local health authority) they managed to bring down the suicide rate in that city by an earth shattering FIFTYFIVE percent. Just with a magazine and some targetted awareness events, they saved the lives of hundreds of men. Hundreds of families that didn’t have to go through that nightmare of suicide, and the heart-breaking fallout afterwards. If someone you love commits suicide, you get no help, no support, you have to go and identify the body alone. Jesus christ, there’s probably counselling on offer to people that have tripped up on the pavement outside the town hall, but suicide? Naaah, you’re on your own. This can’t go on. Now CALM are targetting London in the same way they did Liverpool. We’ve got a little funding for a new magazine, and the launch was a few weeks ago at Topman, at their flagship store. CALM asked me to find some DJs to play all day, as they were taking over the store for the whole day. So my first call had to be to the biggest DJ I know: Zane Lowe. Zane remarked what a great cause it was and that he was inlike-Flynn. I joked - in that way that’s half joke but anchored firmlyin serious reality - that we’d not seen each other for a

frightening amount of time, like six or seven years. We’ve been friends ever since the day I discovered his demo video, yet we’d both got so busy with life that we’d neglected each other horribly. I joshed that given the last couple of invites from me had been spurned, the only way I’d get to see him is if he was DJing at the same place as me, at exactly the same time as me... Zane Lowe Vs Eddy TM. For CALM.

likely to kill themselves than women. The fact that we’d be up there, in front of all and sundry, communicating on a very basic and honest level, would provide a wonderful metaphor for the key points we were trying to get across: Men need to talk more, listen more, communicate more. Simple. After Zane said yes, the floodgates opened, not just because of Zane, CALM’s cause is one that resonates very deeply with a lot of DJs and musos. We ended up with a bill that would have sold out a small festival. Mistajam, The Loose Cannons, Herve, Rob Da Bank, Dan Le Sac, Huw Stephens, Freestylers, Wideboys, Kissy Sell Out and loads more.

Then the idea struck me. We should get twice as many DJs as we need and put them all against each other. My own relationship with Zane was a powerful reminder of how terrible men The press conference on the morning are at communicating, and a reflec- of the event was remarkable. I met an tion of the fact men are four times more amazing kid called Danny, from Liver-


pool, who was going to kill himself, but instead called the confidential free number for CALM and ended up talking to someone who’d been through the same feelings as he’d been having, and come out the other side, stronger, better, wiser and more balanced.

Danny broke down on stage after the first line of his address. Jane, the incredible driving force behind CALM read the rest of his statement to a packed room, all the way to the last line: “My name is Danny and I’m alive”.

A tear whelled up in my eye and the bile rose in my stomach as I looked around the room. I knew that the room was full of supporters but that the most remarkable thing about the press conference was that there was only one member of the press actually there. At this point all my love and respect goes out to The Big Issue. Of course they were there. They are as involved, whether they like it or not, as the Catholic church are with child rape.

The feedback from all the major press was this: “it’s not a’s really boring...nobody cares”. The biggest killer of young men in the UK and it’s “not a story”? Every DJ I approached got totally involved, from Zane Lowe to The


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Maccabees....”Boring”? “Nobody cares”? The CALM cause connected with every DJ on that bill, and others, like Flux Pavilion, who couldn’t be there in time from his gig in Italy the night before, so deeply it surprised even me. Every person on that bill had a friend or family membe that had committed suicide. They cared so much it brought a tear to my eye. Majestic, Wideboys MC, who I work with a lot these days, was moved so much, having been through depression himself and come out the other side. Being told that nobody cares was awful in the context of that much love and caring. Here’s the bottom line, with the press, if I took a knife and stabbed YOU with it, the press would write about it until the cows come home. The Daily Mail would start a campaign to have Xfm taken off the airwaves. There would be a fucking furore. But if I took that same knife and slit my own throat with it, in front of you, according to them, that’s “not a story”, no support, no help, nothing. My 11 year old son would have to identify my body, alone, and be put at risk of suicide himself.

been aware there is a free and confidential number he could have called and talked to a sympathetic, empathic ear, maybe, just maybe, Gary Speed would have been at the NEXT CALM press conference and broke down onstage before Jane read his speech which would have ended “My name is Gary...and I’m alive.” Words: Eddy Temple Morris Images: Leoni Blue

The day after I went on a twitter tirade about how disgusting I find the UK press, Gary Speed did the unthinkable. Poor Gary felt he had nowhere else to go, nobody to turn to, he felt alone enough to kill himself. If the UK press had turned up on the day and not fallen into that trap I talk about at the top of this piece, then maybe, just maybe Gary might have seen CALMs number, just like that lovely lad, Danny had done. Maybe Gary would have 31


Issue 2

INTERVIEW So Dems, for those of us who dont know, who are you? We’re Dave Gardener, Duncan Mann and Dan Moss, from London. We all play a bunch of instruments in the band, including guitar, live MPCs and keyboards. And we like sing too. Dems’ November has been a big month for you hasn’t it with the release of your new single, does it feel like Christmas come early? It’s been a really busy November! We put a lot of work into the record and the video we made to go with it, so it’s the culmination of a lot of effort and we can’t wait to relax and go from gigging to writing over Christmas, because there’s plenty of work to come in the new year. You’ve had a stream of big names from the Biz backing and bigging you up, Rob Da Bank, Jaymo & Andy George, Pete Tong, Eddy Temple Morris and John Kennedy, as well as the reams of music journalists tipping you to be in new sound of 2012 lists, how does it feel? Are we in a 2012 list?! Wicked! The debut single’s had a great reception and we just want to build on that and put out more music that people are feeling. What’s on the to do list for the New Year? Album launch? Festival slots? An award nomination perhaps? This new year we’re going to keep writing new material. You’ll see another release coming 34

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soon and after that we’ll see about festivals! Your sound has been compared to Foals and The Naked and Famous, although comparison are unavoidable in the music industry do you enjoy being compared to your peers? They’re obviously lovely people to be compared to, although ultimately every group is trying to find their own sound. The three of us refer to a whole range of different influences including Prince, Postal Service, Bjork, Bloc Party, DJ Shadow and loads more. Everyone loves a collaboration, who have you guys got a eye on working with in the feature or would like to work with on future projects? Well it was amazing to have Evil Nine remix our ‘House’ tune - they’re personal heroes of ours and Dave went to Brighton University, where they’re from. We’re into so many different types of music, that there are ENDLESS people we would like to work with. We’re also really influenced by the people we play with, so people like Azealia Banks, Is Tropical, Unicorn Kid and Polarsets are great inspirations to us! And as we are approaching the end of the year, what’s on Dems Christmas lists or new years resolutions for 2012? We’d like a new Korg MPC (one of the knobs just broke!) and some sort of super expensive guitar. Words: Greg Swaby


First appearing on the scene in July this year with his critically acclaimed debut single “Flaws” Bastille, AKA South London’s Dan Smith, is one to watch. Described as “damn close to the perfect song” Flaws gave us an epic electro pop song coupled with Smith’s haunting voice. The fact that Smith writes and produces all of his material himself (although he does tour and record with a band) makes his debut even more impressive. As if that weren’t enough Bastille also produced the video, edited from the Terrence Mallick film Badlands, for Flaws himself. Following on from the success of the single Bastille released Laura Palmer EP which is a four track follow up filled with evocative vocals perfectly partnered with pure unadulterated electro beats. Smith cleverly mixes these upbeat tracks with vocals about heartbreak and pain, the result are tracks which will get you dancing but have some real depth.

INTERVIEW With an album due for release in 2012 through the brilliant girls at Young & Lost Club we predict big things for Bastille. We were lucky enough to catch up with Dan before he disappeared into the studio to record his debut album. This is what he had to say: Hi Dan how are you? I’m good thanks. You OK? We are very well thanks! Your single Flaws has basically been on repeat in the Noctis office since it came out earlier this year, as has the Laura Palmer EP. When can we expect an album from Bastille? I’m actually starting the album proper this coming Monday which I’m ridiculously excited about. It should hopefully be finished by the end of the year and out sometime next year. There should be some more singles before then though. The video for flaws was an awesome edit of Terrence Malick’s Badlands. What made you chose a film about a murderous couple as the video for your first single? I love the film and it’s so beautifully shot that choosing what to include and what not to was really hard. I tried to assemble some kind of narrative that made sense to people who hadn’t seen the film, and in the process of doing that I kind of took out all of the darkness and violence. People who have watched the film off the back of the video have said that it definitely wasn’t what they were expecting. 38

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You’ve edited all of the videos for your releases so far. Are you planning on releasing a film of your own? If so what would it be about? Nah I’m not planning a film. I’d have no idea what to make it about... it would probably end up being unintentionally depressing though. When I was at school I really wanted to be a film maker but was always a bit lazy about actually getting out there and shooting stuff. That’s probably why I ended up just editing stuff for some of my videos. What’s your favourite film of all time? That’s really difficult. I loved Mulholland Drive for a long time but I haven’t seen it in years. At the moment I’m not sure. You write as a solo artist but tour with a band. What’s band life like? Band life is a lot of fun. It’s nice being able to go on tour and play live and enjoy it as a band. What is the most rock n roll moment you’ve had with the band? There have been a couple of interesting tour moments that probably don’t bear repeating,

but on the whole we’re not very cool so nothing that interesting.... I mean, we were driving ourselves round the country in our mate’s Mum’s people carrier for most of it. Presumably there will be a tour when you release your album. Which city in the world would you most like to tour too and why?I’d love to play in Berlin because I’ve never been and people say it’s awesome. I’d also love to go to New York and play in Brooklyn because loads of bands that I love come from there. What’s the best gig you’ve ever been to and why? That’s difficult... I remember seeing Laura Marling play a few years ago which was quite memorable. It was when she was releasing her first ever single and she wasn’t allowed into her own gig, so she played outside the venue in this alleyway in Soho and it was brilliant. A drunken homeless guy walked past and started heckling at a really quiet moment.

probably a bit of an influence. But mostly I’m influenced by singer songwriters who experiment and do something interesting like Anthony & The Johnsons, Sufjan Stevens and Kate Bush. And I guess songwriting wise I like more classic, timeless, hooky (but not shit and cheesy) songs which is pretty broad, sorry. You recently covered City High’s 2001 hip hop hit “What would you do”. What inspired you to cover this track? When it came out I was pretty young, but it was a totally ubiquitous track. I wanted to cover it because I remember loving it at the time, but also because everyone remembers it quite fondly, but no one would immediately think of it and no one’s quite sure who it’s by. Our version started out as a bit of a joke, but I loved making the recording of it and it’s a lot of fun to play live. You’re songs often deal with the emotional rollercoasters that are relationships. Are they written about person experiences?

Flaws has been described as “damn close to a perfect pop song” (a statement we fully agree I guess so. I try not to write songs about relawith). Is creating the perfect pop song your aim tionships but I think often they probably end when you set out to write your records? up sounding that way. Most of my songs come from personal experience or stuff that’s hapWow, thanks man. I’m not sure... I guess when pened to people I know. Or they’re just stories I’m writing, there is a lot of stuff that I leave that I’ve blatantly ripped off. half way because I don’t think it’s going to be good enough. But I definitely don’t set my sights that high. If you could collaborate with any artist (living or dead) who would it be and why? Which artists would you say have most heavily influenced your musical style?

Man, I have no idea. Maybe Angelo Badalamentini who does David Lynch’s soundtracks. Or maybe even just David Lynch himself. He Quite a big mix of stuff. When I started record- just put an album which has the appropriately ing Bastille songs last year bands like Vampire mental title of “Crazy Clown Time”. Weekend, Miike Snow and Yeasayer were 39

Young & Lost Club is an amazing record label and have signed acts such as Everything Everything and Bombay Bicycle Club. How did you get with them? Club. How did you get with them? I was put in touch with them and told they were keen to release a single for us. Their back catalogue is just so ridiculously impressive so I was very happy that they were up for doing it.

As a fellow South Londoner I’ve recently heard Peckham described as the new Shoreditch. What do you think about that? Well South London gets a bit of a bad rep so anything that can be done to change that is a good thing. Whether Peckham being ‘the new Shoreditch’ counts as a good thing is another conversation altogether. My friend is curating an evening in a multi-story car park in Peckham... so it definitely sounds like it’s heading that way. What’s next for Bastille? I’m going to spend the rest of the year recording the album, and we’re going to rehearse until we can’t stand to hear the songs anymore and then hopefully play them loads and loads all of next year.

Words : Carl Ellis-Coward Images: Gregory Nolan

coNTRIBUToRS Erin Davies (pages 6, 12 & 24) Erin is our inhouse music editior aswell as an accomplished musician! ...

Joe Stephnes (Pages 10, 50 & 100) Joe is the head of design here at Noctis, aswell as the cheif web developer. ... Chantel Beavzz

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