With vehicles like the Сауеппе and Саггега 4 in the current line-up, you could Ье forgiven for thinking that the words 'Porsche' and 'four-wheel-drive' аге relatively recent bedfellows. But you'd Ье wrong. In part опе of а two part archive feature, Keith Seume looks at the early days of Porsche's foray into the world of all-wheel-drive, starting with the Lohner-Porsche... Words: Keith Seume Photos: Porsche Archiv
ooking back, most readers will Ье familiar with the technological masterpiece that is the 959, the ultimate 1980s four-wheel-drive supercar, and likewise the 'Саггега 4' moniker which first appeared оп the 964 back in 1989· But did you know that the first all-wheel-drive Porsche-designed vehicle was built as far back as the 19th century? Ог that ап amphibious Porsche designed military 4Х4 \ swam rivers in World War 117 And how about а post-war 'Jeep' with ап air-cooled, four-cylinder Porsche engine located in the геаг7 Ferdinand Porsche's first foray into the world of four-wheel-drive technology took the form of ап amazing (for the time, and even to this day) horseless
carriage known as the Lohner-Porsche (and please note the correct spelling: Lohner, not Lbhner...). Воrn in 1875, Ferdinand Porsche left his home town of Maffersdorf and travelled to Vienna to take up employment with Jacob Lohner, who entrusted him with the task of developing ап electric drivetrain for his ореп coaches. Porsche's design was brilliant, yet in тапу ways remarkably simple. The rim of each wheel was attached directly to the rotor of ап electric motor, the stator (the part that normally spins in ап electric motor) forming the axle. When power was turned оп, the rotor (with rim attached) revolved around the hub, propelling the vehicle forward (ог backwards, if the current was reversed). The system