FLAG Conference Tentative Program 2019

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Schedule-at-a-Glance Friday, March 8, 2019 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Registration – Pre-function AB 8:00 a.m. – Exhibitor Setup 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Pre-Conference Workshops (You must pre-register for these workshops) Cumming

WS#1 - Where Can You Find Resources for your French Program? Presenter(s): Mr. Stephane Allagnon, Mrs. Nathalie Brown, and Mrs. Svetoslav Dimova, AATF Focus: French Audience: All Levels During this workshop, we will work with teachers to develop a list of organizations and resources that they will be able to use to increase the amount of material they can use in their classroom. This workshop will be very helpful especially to newer teachers who feel that they are not able or do not have time to enrich their classroom and programs with authentic or educational materials.

Lamar B

WS#2 – Fun Formative Assessments Using Technology Presenter(s): Mrs. Deanne King and Mrs. Christy Belbey, Dacula High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Need to add more fun and meaningful ways of assessing your students? We will provide several web tools that make assessing fun for them and easy for you. Bring your computer and come prepared to participate. You will experience these activities and have a chance to create your own activities!


WS#3 - Interpreting, Interacting, and Presenting to Increase Language Proficiency Presenter(s): Dr. Lou Tolosa-Casadont, University of Georgia Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels The current goal of many who learn a modern language is to be able to use it "out in the real world." In this session we will explore IPAs (integrated performance assessments) and PBLAs (project-based learning and assessment) as ways to increase a learner’s linguistic and cultural proficiency via authentic resources and materials.

Lamar A

WS#4 - The Station Sensation: Making Stations Work Presenter(s):

Ms. Ana Diaz, Chestatee High School, Mrs. Casey Emmanuel, Mountain View High School, and Dr. Jaime Claymore, Mountain View High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Find out how stations can be an easy and fun way to invite students to engage with the language without creating more work for the teacher. Attendees will participate in learning stations and leave the session with templates to use with any language and level. The session will also highlight ways to blend technology into station activities.

1:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Exhibits – Oglethorpe EFGH 12:15 - 3:15 p.m. - Pre-Conference Workshops (You must pre-Register for these workshops)

Lamar C

WS#5 - Games, Games, Games: Meaningful Vocabulary and Reading Games to Increase Student Growth Presenter(s): Mr. Troy Webster, Mill Creek High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Discover how games can be an easy and consistent way to keep students engaged with the language. Attendees will participate in a variety of games amd game building, and then leave the session with new ideas to implement in their own classrooms.

Walsh B

WS#6 - Development of Proficiency-Based Language Assessments in a Digital World - A Collaboration Presenter(s):

Mr. Germán Suárez, Cobb County School District, and Ms. Jamie Patterson, Fulton County Schools Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Implementing language assessments aligned to proficiency targets is key to obtaining accurate information on what students can actually do with language. This workshop will provide teachers with a systematic approach to supporting the implementation of proficiency-based instruction and assessment in their world languages classrooms. Teachers will leave with digital templates and resources for developing and implementing language assessments at the lesson, unit, and course level. All resources provided are the result of an intentional professional collaboration that can be used by any world languages teacher or leader, regardless of the size of the school or district.


WS#7 - Productive Use of Stations/Centers in the World Languages Classroom Presenter(s): Ms. Tavane Moore, Fulton County Schools Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Participants learn how to productively create, set up, monitor and grade learning stations/centers that actively engage students in reading, writing, listening and speaking activities, incorporating culture. Differentiation and personalized learning are addressed. Participants receive planning templates, lists of productive activities and strategies that have worked and student-generated products as examples.

3:30 - 4:20 p.m. - Interest Session A (Open to all Registered Conference Participants)


#A1 - Challenging Normativity Through Language Education Presenter(s): Mr. James Coda, University of Georgia Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels While norms structure our social world, they are also exclusionary towards linguistic and embodied performances which deviate. As such, attendees will learn about ways to challenge

norms related to gender and sexuality through their language teaching practices, thereby fostering a critical language education that values all identities.

Hamilton A

#A2 - Children's Simultaneous Acquisition of Spanish and English: Structural and Social Factors Presenter(s): Dr. Daniel J. Smith, Clemson University Focus: Spanish (also Spanish and English bilingualism) Audience All Levels This is a sociolinguistic examination of Spanish and English contact in an immigrant community in Georgia, considering both linguistic and social factors. Implications of the study will be noted for teaching Spanish as a second language and to students who have been exposed to both languages since birth.

Hamilton B

#A3 - Culture, Cohesion and Camaraderie Presenter(s):

Mrs. Phyllis E Turner, Tri-Cities High School, and Mrs. Lorraine P. Speakman, Banneker High School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary This session will focus on the differences and similarities between and among Latin American and other ethnic groups. It will offer creative ideas to positively highlight diversity and individuality among groups while promoting cohesiveness, camaraderie and cultural awareness. Participants will learn how to use Project Based Learning across the curriculum.

Walsh A

#A4 – First Year at Year 46 Presenter(s): Dr. Corinne Barnes, Consultant, Douglas County High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels After 46 years of teaching and being a Foreign Language Coordinator, the presenter became a first year teacher at a new school. She will share what she learned about why we teach, what's most important to teach and how we prioritize, organize, implement and keep on keeping on and moving forward. She will share specific strategies and examples from her French classroom with the hope of helping others persevere and have fun as they better help students be successful language learners.

Walsh B

#A5 - Gramm Slam Cage Match: Keeping Grammar and Fun on the Same Team Presenter(s): Ms. Lillian Sellers, Tucker High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels As more language teachers move away from explicit grammar lessons towards more engaging language instruction, some essential grammar can get lost. We'll explore examples and strategies of embedding grammar instruction into meaningful and engaging language activities.

Lamar A

#A6 - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Presenter(s): Mrs. Julissa Beharry and Mrs. Daphne Patton, Mableton Elementary School Focus: All Languages Audience: Elementary This session will demonstrate some tips on how to effectively mirror in the Dual Language Classroom. Some of the topics that we will focus on are how to mirror the alphabet, anchor charts,

Sight Word Wall, Science and Social Studies Word Wall, Literature, Homework Binders and classwork hallway displays.


#A7 - Skype in the Classroom: From a Traditional Textbook Unit to an Inspiring Virtual Collaboration Presenter(s): Mrs. Clara Maria Di Gennaro, Edward Waters College Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels This session explores the transition from a traditional textbook unit about city life through a 4 weeks project utilizing Skype in the Classroom. The presenter will show you how to integrate virtual collaboration experiences into thematic units in order to globalize your lesson plans. Focus is on the importance of real-world activities, applicable in our daily classrooms to provide students with meaningful, lasting and enjoyable lessons. Pictures and student–generated products are shared and perused for clarification.

Lamar C

#A8 - Spanish and Careers Presenter(s): Ms. Alba Annie Cleveland, North Forsyth High School Focus: Spanish Audience: All Levels This session will show teachers the importance of allowing students to connect their career choice to fluency in Spanish. How this language can be used in day to day processes and functions for their choice can be explored. Lessons are general but practice becomes individualized. Strategies can be adjusted for lower, mid and advanced levels.


#A9 - Using Google Tools for Comprehensible Input Presenter(s): Ms. Pamela Light, Augusta Preparatory Day School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Create choose-your-own-adventure stories in Google Slides, choice boards in Google Sites, and reading assessments in Google Forms! Increase student engagement in the communicative classroom with tools compatible with G Suite.

Lamar B

#A10 - What is PROFICIENCY? Presenter(s): Dr. Jaime Claymore, Mountain View High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels What does PROFICIENT mean to YOU? Let's explore this idea and what it means for Georgia students of all backgrounds, abilities and futures. How SHOULD GA government, school boards, teachers, parents and students address future needs of "proficiency" in our (growing) global world? Activities will call to question current standards, practices and theories regarding proficiency...and (just maybe) yield (real, practical) ideas to assist Georgians with this conundrum.

4:35 - 5:25 p.m. - Interest Session B Hamilton A

#B1- Brain Based Strategies for Modern Language Educators Presenter(s): Focus: Audience:

Ms. Heather Toner, Piney Grove Middle School All Languages All Levels

Session attendees will learn theory, research, and best practices to incorporate brain based strategies and activities into their daily classroom.


#B2 - Embodied Cognition: A Positive Learning Strategy for Second Language Acquisition Presenter(s): Ms. Nicole Penchansky, Organic World Language Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Students who play while learning are more engaged, therefore more likely to remember content. Empirical experience illustrates that combining a positive affect; being happy, amused, or helping another, with physical manifestations, aids in SLA. Come learn and practice techniques that increase movement while engaging and pushing learners to the next level!


#B3 - Exploring the Success of Georgia's Seal Programs and the Road Ahead Presenter(s): Mr. Patrick Wallace, Georgia Department of Education Focus: All Languages Audience: Elementary Georgia's seal programs are expanding. The International Skills Diploma Seal program, launched in 2015, grew by 38% this past year with the issuing of 922 Seals and the participation of 95 high schools. The Georgia Seal of Biliteracy, established in 2016, has completed two years of implementation and nearly doubled in both the number of Seals and the number of languages. This presentation will explain the implementation of these programs and the efficacy of statewide efforts to support them.

Hamilton B

#B4 - Globally Competent: Activities for Abroad and the Classroom Presenter(s): Ms. Allison Webb and Ms. Sam Baker, Kennesaw State University Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels This interactive session showcases the blog of a Kennesaw State German Studies student who documents her year abroad. We discuss how blogging memorializes an intercultural journey and how to facilitate domestic (classroom) intercultural activities before student’s travel. Participants examine activities, templates, and technology tools and brainstorm applications in their classrooms.

Lamar A

#B5 - A Hashtag Homage: Using Instagram to Celebrate and Curate Interviews with Native Speakers Presenter(s): Ms. Olivia Rocamora, The Weber School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary and Post-Secondary This presentation explores how teachers might design a project in which students conduct interviews with native speakers and honor the diversity of their interviews through a class-wide digital exhibit on Instagram. Students will practice the target language, develop empathy outside of their culture, and practice responsible and positive digital citizenship.

Lamar C

#B6 - STEM in the Spanish Classroom: Presenting the Golden Age of Spanish Video Gaming Presenter(s): Focus:

Dr. Ransom Gladwin, Valdosta State University Spanish

Audience: All Levels This presentation details The Golden Age of Spanish Software (1983-1992), when Spain became a global leader in videogame programming, and how to present the topic to today’s learners, who enjoy videogames. Handouts, with links to game walkthroughs and access to presentations for a Spanish classroom, will be provided.


#B7 - Teaching Culture in an Online Setting Presenter(s): Mrs. Paige Crump and Dr. Sabrina Wengier, Middle Georgia State University Focus: French and Spanish. However, the skill set can be transferred to other languages. Audience: Secondary, Post-Secondary, and Supervisors Presenters will present best practices for teaching culture and intercultural competence based on research and teaching experience. Presenters will share activities and various technological tools to enhance student learning and engagement within the target culture. Activities, assignments, and assessments from French and Spanish online classes will be demonstrated.

Walsh B

#B8 - Teaching Listening in a Foreign Language Presenter(s): Dr. Aaron Mullins, Parkview High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels The ability to listen doesn't just happen. Listening takes practice. Experience a listening text the way your students do and then learn the secret of how to make the experience something that improves the one's auditory skills and promotes language acquisition.

Lamar B

#B9 - Under Construction: A Lesson Planning Toolkit Presenter(s): Mrs. Holly (Brodnax) Shih, Grayson High School Focus: Presentation in English. Examples in Spanish. Audience: Secondary “The road to success is always under construction.” Are you looking for ways to build lessons with a gradual release of responsibility? This session will present ways to incorporate interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational activities that scaffold student learning as we begin with teacher centered instruction and move toward individual student work.

5:30 p.m. - Registration Closes – Pre-function AB

5:40 - 6:30 p.m. - Interest Session C Lamar C

#C1 - Dale la Vuelta a la Clase de Español Presenter(s): Mr. Willmer Gonzalez, South Gwinnett High School Focus: Spanish Audience: Secondary How to apply the methodology of flipped classroom in the Spanish Class? Send the students home to learn the content, and practice in class with half of the teacher’s job done. Let’s discuss how to plan a Spanish class, with the use of a video about the content of the objective of the next class.

Hamilton B

#C2 - Learning Stations in the World Language Classroom- Why and How? Presenter(s): Focus:

Ms. Amy Bloom, Chamblee Middle School, and Ms. Cinthya Hardy, Druid Hills Middle School All Languages

Audience: All Levels This session will explain many of the reasons to use learning stations in the classroom. It will also provide teachers with strategies to implement learning stations in the world-language classroom. You will receive examples of learning stations, classroom management guidelines, and ACTFL Can-Do rubrics. It is led by middle school teachers, but can be easily adapted for both elementary and high school levels.

Hamilton A

#C3 - Online Tools for a Rewarding Foreign Language Classroom Presenter(s): Dr. Beth-Anne Miles, Georgia Military College Focus: All Languages Audience: Middle School, Secondary, Post-Secondary Have you thought about teaching foreign languages online or utilizing online tools to augment student success? Online teaching tools keep learners engaged and they are not difficult to use. Presented will be strategies to help successfully teach language scholars while keeping learning fun.

Walsh B

#C4 - Reading to the MAX in your Target Language Presenter(s): Ms. Andrea Ryles and Mrs. Ashley Martin, Brookwood High School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary We will be modeling MAX teaching strategies which motivate students to read in their target language. MAX stands for Motivation, Acquisition and eXtension. This strategy not only motivates students to read in their target language, but it also ensures that all students (even those with low reading comprehension) read. This strategy works and gets the students reading in the target language!

Lamar A

#C5 - Say What?! Presenter(s): Mrs. Cristina Wardrip and Mrs. Valerie Erickson, Forsyth County Schools Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels How do you encourage students to step out of their comfort zone and take risks to communicate in the target language? In this session we will share various strategies and resources used to motivate students to produce the target language. We will share videos and examples to demonstrate how students can exchange information through the use of props, communicative phrases, images, questioning, informal discussions and written conversations.


#C6 - Social Media and the Language Classroom Presenter(s): Mr. James Coda and Dr. Lou Tolosa-Casadont, University of Georgia Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Learning additional languages in this globalized world has become a priority to prepare culturally competent citizens. Technology, specifically social media and virtual games/experiences can engage students in language courses. Come learn and share the affordances of social media and games in language teaching as well as strategies for using them.

Lamar B

#C7 - Vins Blancs de France Presenter(s):

Dr. Elizabeth Combier, University of North Georgia, 2016 FLAG Post-

Secondary Professor of the Year Focus: All Languages Audience: Post-Secondary This session is a wine tasting of five different types of white wine in France: Viognier from the Rhone region, Chablis from the Chablis region, Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire region and Riesling from Alsace. The presentation will lead tasters through the steps of tasting wine, learning the information about these wines and helping them distinguish characteristics in order to identify which ones they prefer and why. Session in English.


#C8 - What Can the Can-Do Statements Do for You? Presenter(s):

Mrs. Lesa Howell, South Gwinnett High School, 2017 FLAG Teacher of the Year Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels ACTFL Can-Do statements will be examined as a framework for lesson planning. Participants will explore how the Can-Do's may help stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, and administrators, effectively evaluate learning as students develop proficiency. The statements are not just a list to check off, but offer tools for success.


#C9 - World Language Unit Design that leads to Global Competency Presenter(s):

Mrs. Rocio Morrison, Coordinator of World Languages, Henry County Schools, 2018 FLAG Administrative Support K-12 Award Recipient Focus: All Languages Audience: Middle Grades and Secondary This interactive session focuses on unit design that integrates various global cultures and develops high levels of target language proficiency with the 5 Cs and new Intercultural Communication Can-Do Statements. The session showcases the Henry County Schools World Languages Department’s journey with developing effective units that lead to Global Competency. Unit design samples and strategies will be shared.

Saturday, March 9, 2019 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Registration continues – Pre-function AB 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Exhibits - Oglethorpe EFGH 8:00 – 8:50 a.m. - Interest Session D Hamilton B

#D1 - Around the World with Georgia Public Broadcasting Presenter(s): Mr. Michael Kuenlen, Georgia Public Broadcasting Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels With resources from PBS LearningMedia, Discovery Education, and beyond, GPB Education details how educators can take their students on digital trips around the world, exposing them to

the languages, histories, and cultures across the globe--all from within their classroom! With thousands of free digital resources within your reach, you can bring the world to your students.


#D2 - Bi-lingual Children's Books-To Infinity and Beyond Presenter(s): Mrs. Sandra Crow and Mrs. Kathleen Lanford, Dalton High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Informational/collaborative session focusing on creating bi-lingual children's books for elementary classroom libraries and your own classroom. The session is designed to be informative and interactive with participants leaving with tools, materials and networks in order to create and publish their own bi-lingual children's books.


#D3 - Cultural, Linguistic, and Idiomatic Value of Comics Presenter(s): Mrs. Mirela Kimbrough and Mr. Christophe Powers, Brookwood High School Focus: French and German Audience: All Levels This presentation focuses on different strategies for incorporating comics in the target language into the classroom setting and discusses the cultural, linguistic and idiomatic value of comics. It also provides various suggestions for literacy and creative writing using comics.

Lamar C

#D4 – DIY Immersion Camps for Elementary and Middle Grades Presenter(s):

Mr. Mark Linsky, Savannah-Chatham County Public School System, 2016 FLAG K-12 Leadership Award Focus: Elementary and Middle Grades Summer Immersion Programs Audience: Elementary and Middle Grades Do students in your school/system lack access to deep language learning opportunities? Create your own summer (or weekend) language camps to promote initial exposure and extended enrichment opportunities for younger students. These camps are an ideal way to give a student a head start on the path to proficiency and a love of language learning.

Walsh B

#D5 - Every Day's An IPA Part 2: Everyday Rubrics Presenter(s): Ms. Norah Jones, Vista Higher Learning Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary Learn how to develop fast, simple, and effective rubrics for and with your students so that you can actually do IPAs (Integrated Performance Assessments) every day. Come experience the simplicity of training students to reflect effectively on their own language formation and proficiency.

Walsh A

#D6 - How to Start an Exchange Program and Grow your Student Classroom Engagement Presenter(s): Mr. Brent Eickhoff, Decatur High School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary The Decatur High German program has quadrupled in size over the past six years, mostly due to our partnership exchange with a German high school. Come hear how to begin and sustain a foreign exchange, grow your program, and have far more engaged students in your classes.

Hamilton A

#D7 - I'm not a Team Player! Presenter(s): Dr. Jack Bucsko, Johns Creek High School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary And I hate group projects! How I help people like me (and all of my students in general) to avoid the unfairness inherent in most group projects, and to work on a web-based group project that preserves their autonomy and results in a fair grade that reflects their individual contributions.

Estes A

#D8 - Let's Discuss Presenter(s):

Ms. Michele Broeg, Archer High School, and Mrs. Nicole Courtney, Central Gwinnett High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Get your students talking or writing using many different media platforms that will make your students want to discuss any topic you give them. We will give ideas for movie talks, discussion boards, social media, and many other tools to get your students talking or writing while in the target language.


#D9 - The Role of Grammar in the Language Classroom Presenter(s): Mr. Jaison Lewis, Ola Middle School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Grammar is not the end but a means to our end as language teachers. In a communication based classroom, grammar instruction is necessary but not the focal point. The presentation will illustrate how to introduce grammar and move students quickly to communication without spending hours practicing verb conjugations.

Lamar A

#D10 - What About Us? A 504 Plan for Teachers Presenter(s): Ms. Marcia Littlefield, Alton C Crews Middle School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels As teachers we are constantly trying to help our students deal with a myriad of issues: physical, emotional and psychological. Every year our responsibilities increase and many of us are feeling overwhelmed and burned out. Come learn some easy and proven ways we can put on our own oxygen mask first, so we can better help and teach our students.

Lamar B

#D11 - You're a Movie Talk Star! Presenter(s): Mrs. Laura Harrison, North Oconee High School Focus: Presentation in English, all examples will be in Spanish Audience: All Levels You’re a Movie Talk Star! While Movie Talk is usually associated with Comprehensible Input and Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis, it is a useful tool in any language learning setting. Learn how to create personalized material that will engage your students and help your students meet their learning goals, whether it be general language acquisition, or a specific grammatical structure or thematic vocabulary. This session begins with a brief history and explanation of Movie Talk, then moves on to the specific "how-tos" of creating a riveting, personalized movie for your class. The presenter will create a "film" in the session, then demonstrate how to use it to meet a teacher's objectives, whatever they may be. Additional activities will be shared to make the most of a single "film". Finally, the presenter will illustrate how this activity aligns with the ACTFL Standards.

9:10 – 10:00 a.m. - Interest Session E Walsh B

#E1 - Blended Learning in the World Language Classroom Presenter(s): Mrs. Dorcas Toledo-Acosta and Mrs. Erin Uesseler, Ola High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Integrating technology in a Blended Learning environment to develop the highest levels of language and cultural proficiency. Strategies for effective use of World Language online resources including Vista Higher Learning, Voces and Nuestra Historia Digital Resources, and Rosetta Stone along with a balanced use of teacher creative materials, authentic resources, textbook, and paper pencil interactive notebook work will be provided.


#E2 - Differentiated Instruction in Primary Immersion Classrooms Presenter(s): Mrs. Yuan Chen and Mrs. Peiyu Hsu, International Charter School of Atlanta Focus: Chinese Audience: Elementary This presentation is mainly about how to implement differentiated instruction in immersion classrooms at an early age, based on students’ proficiency levels, abilities, learning styles, so on. Presenters will share their best practices, such as incorporating songs, teacher made teaching materials, sensory activities, and projects.

Estes A

#E3 - Global Challenges: Building Global Citizens through Service Learning Presenter(s): Ms. Ana Diaz, Chestatee High School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary Looking for ways to make real-world connections with the language and culture? This is it. Presenters will demonstrate how to use service-learning projects to teach the standards and give students the opportunity to influence communities around the world. From planning the project to evaluating student outcomes, you will leave this session equipped to implement a service-learning activity in your classroom tomorrow.

Lamar A

#E4 - Google Life with your Work Wife (or Husband) Presenter(s):

Mrs. Lindsey Campbell, Mrs. Ashley Allgood, Ms. Lucy Romero and Ms. Katie Rossino, Brookwood High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Discover how to make google really work for your collaboration team through the trusty tools you know like google doc and sheets, AS WELL AS some add-ons that help you grade your student work, create effective to do lists, and provide thoughtful (quick) edits to student writing. We look forward to sharing how to keep the action going!

Lamar C

#E5 - Ideas to Create Engaging Centers and Resources to Survive in the DLI Classroom Presenter(s):

Mrs. Diane Kordel, Nickajack Elementary School, Mrs. Melissa Radu, Smyrna Elementary School, and Mrs. Lily Motolenich, Russell Elementary Focus: Spanish Audience: Elementary This session will break down how a typical day looks like in the DLI classroom--scheduling ideas, strategies to implement with non-native speakers, and how a student will develop the language

naturally. Online resources, lesson ideas and topics, Literacy and Math center activities, and how to adapt lessons already made will be shared to ease the time for DLI teachers. In addition, information will be shared within the target language, by using newsletters, blogs and more.

Hamilton B

#E6 - Improving and Innovating the Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages Presenter(s): Dr. Nana Khetsuriani, The University of Georgia Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels The presenter shares her experience of using the results of the trilingual research of the English, Georgian and Spanish languages in teaching English to the Georgian-speaking students whose second foreign language is Spanish. She focuses on differences in expressing the category of negation in the English, Georgian and Spanish languages.

Walsh A

#E7 - Latin, 21st Century Skills, and PBL Presenter(s): Dr. Pat McCoy, Wesleyan School Focus: Latin (as well as Other Languages) Audience: Middle School Project Based Learning prepares students for academic and personal success. In this session, we explore the use of PBL in the Latin classroom. The presenter will share projects, rubrics, and samples of work as we explore this topic. Participants are invited to offer their ideas and suggestions.


#E8 - Making It Real: The French Connection Collection Presenter(s):

Ms. Valerie Granzow, South Effingham High School, and Mrs. Elodie Lockhart, Effingham County High School Focus: French Audience: All Levels This session provides ready-to-use real life activities to help your students apply their language skills for understanding other people's points of view, ways of life, and contributions to the world. These activities enable them to connect French with other subject areas to analyze similarities and differences across languages and cultures. Students extend their learning experiences from the classroom to the home and community. Hamilton A

#E9 - Schlagermusik: The Perfect Genre for Listening Comprehension? Presenter(s):

Mr. Travis Schneider, Grayson High School, and Mr. Dennis Downer, Berkmar High School Focus: German Audience: All Levels Contemporary German Schlager is often conflated with music for drunk people based on the repetitive lyrics and simple, but catchy rhythms. For language learners, this is actually one of the easiest ways for them to buy into the target language. This presentation looks at a few examples of using Schlager in the classroom.


#E10 - Using Corpora in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language Presenter(s): Focus: Audience:

Mr. Ahmed Ahmed and Mrs. Ashleigh Cox, Georgia State University Arabic All Levels

In this session, the presenters will demonstrate how using Arabic corpora in the classroom could help instructors teach new vocabulary and grammar in context, guiding their students to produce more native-like language. This session will provide teachers with tools for finding authentic language resources to use in their Arabic classrooms.

Lamar B

#E11 - Visualize, Experience, Connect with VR Presenter(s):

Mrs. Vielka Gordon, Woodland Middle School, and Mrs. Miko Wagstaff, Kennesaw State University iTeach Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Come see how we transformed the classroom into an International Airport! Students were greeted by Flight Attendants and then traveled to countries of other languages. They toured the city to experience and connect with the culture in visual context. Make virtual reality (VR) field trips a REALITY in your classroom.

10:00 - 10:25 a.m. - Exhibits Break and Refreshment Break - Oglethorpe EFGH 10:30 – 11:20 a.m. - Interest Session F Hamilton A

#F1 - Achtung Translation! On Using Translations in FL Lit Classes Presenter(s): Dr. Horst Kurz, Georgia Southern University Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary That translations have limitations is a truism; however, students may not be aware of what those might be, and thus often use them without reservations, regardless of whether instructors permit or discourage this. A poem will serve to show how students can be sensitized to the issues by demonstrating the implications of performing and using translations. An exercise that participants can apply to texts of their choice to accomplish the same results will be outlined.

Lamar C

#F2 - AP Insights Presenter(s): Mrs. Ximena Delean, Gwinnett County Public Schools Focus: Spanish Audience: Secondary A brief introduction to the class, tips to teach it and a variety of activities for each section of the AP Exam and how to prepare the students.

Hamilton B

#F3 - Backwards Design -- Let's Rewind! Presenter(s): Ms. Elsie Ratliff and Ms. Nina Hidalgo, Peachtree Ridge High School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary There has been a lot of talk about backwards design and un-textbooking, but how do we make it happen? Participants will walk away with practical strategies for breaking free from the textbook and implementing backwards design in the language classroom.

Walsh B

#F4 - Flaunt What You've Got: Organizing a World Language Fair Presenter(s):

Mrs. Shannon Borum, Hampton High School, and Mrs. Rocio Morrison, Coordinator of World Languages, Henry County Schools, 2018 FLAG Administrative Support K-12 Award Recipient Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Let your students show off their language skills and cultural knowledge by hosting a district wide World Language Fair. This session will walk you through the yearlong planning process and give ready-to-use timelines, documents, and various materials needed to get you ready to host your first WL Fair or add components to your existing celebrations.


#F5 - Georgia's Statewide Efforts in Support of Dual Language Immersion Programs Presenter(s): Mr. Patrick Wallace, Georgia Department of Education Focus: All Languages Audience: Elementary Georgia is continuing to experience a rapid growth in Dual Language Immersion Programs, adding 13 new programs and a new language this school year. This session will focus on the efforts specifically undertaken at the state level to support this expansion, understand the effectiveness of the model, provide guidance on best practices, support teachers and administrators with quality professional development opportunities and build the effectiveness and success of leveraging local partnerships to support these programs.

Lamar A

#F6 - Getting Your Students from the Book to the Experience Presenter(s): Mrs. Virginia Smith, Gwinnett County Public Schools Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Foreign Language teachers often long for ideas of how to make their lessons more authentic, engaging, and enduring. I will share six projects that create experiences of culture and language based on various themes. I love giving students opportunities to create fun and special memories during their years of studying Spanish. Although done in my Spanish classes, I believe that many of these ideas could be applied to other language classes as well.


#F7 - How to Use Computer Network Technology Reasonably to Scaffold Students Chinese Presenter(s): Dr. Fangxia Zhao, North Atlanta High School Focus: Chinese Audience: Secondary Along with the fad of digital citizen, technology has penetrated in all aspects of our life. People have benefited from getting instant information, communication, personal and financial management, travel, as well as entertainment by using different technologies. In education, so many different software and online access tools (some are free) have been created for K-12 class teaching and learning, especially for ESL and foreign languages classes. It is so critical to select and adopt technologies in K-12 Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) class because of the unique characteristics of Chinese language.

Estes A

#F8 - Let's Have Fun! Including Literature in the Foreign Language Classroom Presenter(s):

Dr. Beth-Anne Miles, Georgia Military College

Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Is it a challenge to include literature in the Foreign Language Classroom? Many Foreign Language educators struggle with incorporating or balancing language learning and literature. This session will present essential strategies to reach learners. Strategies are based on both applied classroom experiences and research.

Walsh A

#F9 - Teaching Social Justice in the Latin Classroom Presenter(s): Ms. Rachel Ash and Ms. Miriam Patrick, Parkview High School Focus: Latin Audience: All Levels This presentation explores the idea that students have a right to see themselves in our classrooms through the rich, multicultural history and culture that Latin provides. It will include examples through reading, imagery, and language that are easily accessible.


#F10 - Ted Talks & Gaming: Exploring Francophone Current Events for the 21st Century Learner Presenter(s): Ms. Nathalie Ettzevoglou, Alpharetta High School Focus: French Audience: Secondary Gamified platforms encourage a student-centered experience. Participants will engage in a 3D gaming platform students used to gather research to create a website and then participated in simulated TED TALK conversations on current issues in Francophone countries. Student work will set groundwork for an interactive session and live demonstration.

Lamar B

#F11 - World Language Teachers with 1-3 Years Unite Presenter(s): Ms. Rhonda Wells, DeKalb County School District Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels The classroom has changed drastically in the last few years. No longer is the textbook the main resource. Targeted websites, Integrated Performance Assessments, and proficiency and performance activities are now the norm. How does a teacher navigate these resources and also meet the expectations and demands of the parents, students, and administration? Please join me and become part of a collaborative team.

11:40 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. - Affiliate Meetings/Exhibit Break AATSP AATF AATG GCA Japanese Chinese – Arabic -

Lamar C Cumming Hamilton A Terrace Hamilton B Moody Walsh A

12:20 – 1:35 p.m.

FLAG Luncheon/Business Meeting/Awards Reception Oglethorpe ABCD

1:35 – 1:50 p.m. – Mini Exhibit Break – Oglethorpe EFGH 1:50 – 2:40 p.m. - Interest Session G Lamar C

#G1 - Cross-Curricular Lessons for Spanish Language Culture Presenter(s): Ms. Julie Galle Baggenstoss, Berdolé Flamenco Management and Production Focus: Spanish Audience: All Levels Teachers analyze videos, music, and world history, to examine the Latin American cultural expressions that influenced the art of flamenco, including Afro-Cuban, Argentine, and Spanish art forms, and learn how to create lessons plans that connect modern languages, the arts, and other subject matter, including math and social studies.

Hamilton B

#G2 - CPA in DLI: Teaching Mathematical Content in the Target Language Presenter(s): Mr. Michael Vo, Evansdale Elementary Focus: All Languages Audience: Elementary As DLI programs increase, some DLI teachers find themselves in a position where they have to teach mathematics in the target language (TL). How might you teach mathematics in another language? This session will focus on the concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) approach as a model for mathematical instruction in the TL.


#G3 - Digitally Engaged in French for Specific Purposes Presenter(s): Dr. E. Nicole MEYER, Augusta University Focus: French Audience: All Levels Let’s explore apps, websites and online games useful for incorporating French for Health, Business French and French for Science and Technology into our classes. This session will share 25 useful apps and websites that teachers might consider using in their language classrooms (or in courses for French for Specific Purposes).

Lamar B

#G4 - Holy Crêpe Café Presenter(s): Focus: Audience:

Ms. Alicia Perkins, Sweetwater Middle School All Languages All Levels

Want your students to realize the most profound paradigm shift ever? A cafÊ (or restaurant or taqueria‌) is the most likely real-life scenario for any language. Students learn culture, read recipes, design menus, write dialogues, greet, seat, serve, cook & EAT! Best thing we do all year! Session includes detailed lesson plans.


#G5 - Innovation Fund Tiny Grant Writing for Foreign Language Classrooms Presenter(s): Mrs. JoAnna Arnold and Dr. John Lejeune, Furlow Charter School Focus: All Languages Audience: Elementary This session provides insight into grant writing for foreign language by explaining how an Innovation Fund Tiny Grant enhanced K-3 proficiency in French and Spanish classrooms. Learn to scaffold lessons and integrate technology so students can imaginatively create, narrate, and eventually publish their own books in French and Spanish.

Estes A

#G6 - Learn how to FLIPpity! Presenter(s): Dr. Jaime Claymore, Mountain View High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels This session demonstrates the online platform FLIPPITY, some of its best uses, and some ideas to use it in any classroom. Participants are encouraged to share their ideas as well.

Lamar A

#G7 - The Multicultural and Multilingual Students in our Classroom Presenter(s): Ms. Rachel Metellus, Creekside High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels We all can agree that our culture, belief and thinking can affect our teaching and the way we treat the students in our classroom. What we see when a student walks in our classroom often affects how we expect them to behave or even to perform in our class. Therefore, it is important as educators we do not let our cultural mindset cloud our judgement towards our students and also know how to deal with the reality of the multicultural and multilingual students in our classroom.


#G8 - Traditional Chinese Games to Foster an Engaging and Positive Mandarin Chinese Classroom Presenter(s): Ms. Li Chen, Wesley International Academy Focus: Chinese Audience: Elementary How to modify your favorite childhood games for young Chinese language learners? How to engage active students and guide their energy? How to foster a positive and respectful Chinese classroom? I would love to share my experience and offer my insight.

Walsh A

#G9 - Using Role Plays to Build Proficiency at the Intermediate Level Presenter(s): Mr. Jay McCullough, Organic World Language Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Frustrated with second and third year students that do not seem to be progressing? Come explore the use of real-world role play situations for pushing students through the intermediate proficiency sub-levels. This experiential session will model the role play process used in the classroom. Attendees will participate in the role-play process to experience first-hand how to implement it.

We will review the characteristics of intermediate learners and learn how to craft role plays that constantly push students towards the next level. Leave with the knowledge necessary to implement role plays next week, and with sample role play prompts in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic.

Hamilton A

#G10 – World Languages: All the Right Thinking (A Think Tank) Presenter(s): Mr. Joe Uriz, Johns Creek High School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary This session will get you speaking to your World Language Colleagues about yourself and language programs! We will break out in groups and discuss topics near and dear to us. Topics include: Target language usage, events, culture, taking care of yourself, and more. Everything will be recorded so you will have all the right stuff to use on Monday after the conference.

Walsh B

#G11 - World Language Assessments FAQ Presenter(s): Mrs. Michaela Claus-Nix, Forsyth County Schools Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels The lingua of assessments can be confusing: formative, summative, performance-based, IPAs, and self-assessments. This session will explore what these assessments mean, and how they fit into the regular instructional day. New concepts of assessing students efficiently will be shared. Participants will leave with guidance documents on best practices in assessments.

3:00 – 3:50 p.m. – Interest Session H Hamilton B

#H1 - Communication is Key Presenter(s): Mrs. Rosa Santaiti, Sprayberry High School Focus: All Languages Audience: Secondary, but can be used or modified for other levels. Presenting different activities, as well as, parts of the TPRS methodology to increase communication in the classroom.

Walsh B

#H2 - Digitalizing Classroom and Promoting Learner Autonomy with the Use of Technology Presenter(s): Ms. Yizhe Huang, University of North Georgia Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels A Digital Classroom will promote teaching efficiency, offer personalized instruction, and promote learning autonomy. This session will demonstrate how to build a paperless classroom with Class OneNote. This platform enables real-time collaboration, flexible content, an effective way of giving feedback, personalized communication, and a portfolio of learning outcomes. Participants will learn how to set up a Class OneNote for their own class.


#H3 - The First Days of the School Year: Practices for a Good Start Presenter(s): Mr. John Green and Dr. Ann Marie Moore, New Manchester High School Focus: French and Spanish Audience: Middle and Secondary Participants will learn specific communicative activities for the first weeks of the semester. These

practices will insure that students understand the behavioral and academic expectations for the entire term. Get ready to sing, play games, and start the year off right.


#H4 - Georgia's Online Proficiency Training Pilot- A Portal to Proficiency Training Presenter(s):

Mr. Patrick Wallace and Mrs. Cassandra Gual, Georgia Department of Education Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Leveraging Georgia's online GaLearns platform and in cooperation with ACTFL and NCSSFL, Georgia has launched a first of its kind in the nation pilot online program to introduce teachers statewide to the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-do statements. The courses are free to all Georgia teachers and can be used by individual teachers or as part of a comprehensive PD program. This presentation will review the completed pilot program, the stages of its development and feedback on the program following its pilot phase in the fall of 2018.

Lamar B

#H5 - International Spanish Language Academy - A Bilingual High School Program Presenter(s):

Dr. Richmond Parker, Sprayberry High School, and Mr. Germán Suárez, Cobb County Schools Focus: Spanish Audience: Secondary Faced with an increasingly diverse student body, Sprayberry High School developed the International Spanish Language Academy, a dual-language immersion program which is open to both native and non-native Spanish speakers. Students are taught core content in both English and Spanish, and those who successfully complete the course of study have the opportunity to earn dual diplomas from both Georgia and the Ministry of Education in Spain. Participants will get an overview of the ISLA program, along with insight into the challenges that accompany the establishment of such a unique program. Both administration and teaching staff will address scheduling considerations, the challenges of hiring bilingual staff, and the program’s impact on the community.

Estes A

#H6 - Maestra Feliz + Estudiantes Felices = Aprendizaje Feliz Presenter(s): Mrs. Fabiola Rodriguez, Smyrna Elementary Focus: Spanish Audience: Elementary A safe and fun classroom environment is crucial for students to be comfortable taking risk to learn new concepts and to stay in the target language. In this session, the presenter will share ideas to implement a positive learning environment in the DLI classroom.


#H7 - Productive Personalized Learning Strategies for Student Accountability Presenter(s): Ms. Tavane Moore, Sandtown Middle School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Participants learn productive strategies that actively engage students in their learning process and its accountability on their path to higher proficiency. Student-generated products demonstrate coplanning of deadlines, types of products, interactive technology, self-assessments and adjustments to assignments. Interactive handouts are provided.

Hamilton A

#H8 - Strategies for Inspiring Students to Study Abroad “What Students Need to Hear,” Dr. Jana Sandarg, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, 2016 FLAG Post-Secondary Leadership Award “The Value of Program Alumni,” Ms. DiAnne Johnson, Evans High School, Evans, Georgia “Student Perceptions of Study Abroad,” Mrs. Michelle Bruner Peace, Eufaula High School, Eufaula, Alabama Presenter(s): Dr. Jana Sandarg, Augusta University, Ms. DiAnne Johnson, Evans High School, and Mrs. Michelle Bruner Peace, Eufaula High School Focus: All Languages Audience: All Levels Two experienced study abroad program directors will share their strategies for convincing students to study abroad. A study abroad alumna who is now a Spanish teacher will discuss what inspired her to study abroad.

We hope you have enjoyed this year’s FLAG Conference in Augusta!

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