Kinetic type Examples
What we learned by Legwork
0:00 0:03 0:07 0:10 0:14 0:17 0:21 0:24 0:28 0:31 0:35 0:38 0:42 0:45 0:49 0:52 0:56 0:59 1:03 1:06 1:10 1:13 1:17 1:20 1:24
Civic Builders by Mother New York
0:00 0:07 0:14 0:21 0:28 0:35 0:42 0:49 0:56 1:03 1:10 1:17 1:24 1:31 1:38 1:45 1:52 1:59 2:06 2:13 2:20 2:27 2:34 2:41 2:48
The New Typography by Joe Phillips
0:00 0:02 0:04 0:06 0:08 0:10 0:12 0:14 0:16 0:18 0:20 0:22 0:24 0:26 0:28 0:30 0:32 0:34 0:36 0:39 0:40 0:42 0:44 0:46 0:48
What We Learned by Legwork / 01:25
Civic Builders by Mother New York / 02:55
The New Typography by Joe Phillips / 01:20 (cropped to 0:50)