Executive summary

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Through the use of Craft foam diorama as a medium, it

enhances the illustrations to have a dimension. The proponent got exposed to 3D-art and learned new techniques through the experiment of diorama and paper sculpture using craft foam as a medium. Adding the Augmented Reality on the illustrations/the book adds dimension and made it interactive. This exploration proves that craft foam diorama can be used as a tool to illustrate books, especially on children’s books and adding Augmented Reality, which is new and makes reading more fun for children.

Coraline is a children’s-novel by Neil Gaiman. The story

is about an adventure of girl trying to save herself, her parents, and other trapped souls from the Other Mother in a secret world. Using Craft Foam Diorama and Augmented Reality in illustrating Coraline made all of the illustrations come to life. Coraline is a story that has full of stuff that children will love and using Craft Foam Diorama and Augmented Reality in its illustration makes the story more fun and exciting.


Diorama is a creative way of showing an idea or story in a three-dimensional space. They are often encased in glass, and mostly seen in museums. They are used as representational of a bigger idea or scene, or made to actual proportions.

In the 1800s, the diorama became a source of entertainment in Europe. It was a way of viewing art in a more lively and tangible way. However, the reasons for its popularity are far more complex than simple appreciation of the skills required to execute the art work. Now, dioramas are displayed in museums, galleries and malls. Dioramas offer the viewer a chance to get a more realistic or true-to-life perspective of an object, instead of seeing a twodimensional perspective scenery in the form of a painting or drawing.


At its best, a diorama is not just a simple still model, but an art medium capable of conveying a tale, a mood, or even evoking an emotional response. Because of its difficulty, choosing a subject matter and designing a diorama requires attention to artistic principles that most modelers may not be familiar with.


ugmented Reality (AR) is a divergence of a Virtual Environment (VE), or Virtual Reality (VR) as it is more commonly called. Virtual Reality is a technology wherein the viewer is submerged inside an unreal, computer generated environment and while immersed, the user cannot see the real world around him. In contrast, Augmented Reality is taking digital or computer generated information like images, audio, video, and touch or haptic sensations and overlaying them over in a real-time environment. Augmented reality is originated in the early 1950s and has developed with virtual reality since then, but its most significant advanced have been since the mid 1990s. AR has been proven to be very useful to a person’s day to day basis when bound with a location based technology, whether it be in advertising, books and many more, for AR has a lot of possibilities. Numerous AR applications (apps) are available that help users to find the nearest food outlets or subway transport stations when they access the app and view their surroundings using their smartphones. What is certain is that the smartphone population is rising. A lot of people are now using phones that can see and experience Augmented reality, once they downloaded an AR app, and scan the code that has AR, they can access to future appearances of the code.


The thesis entitled “Exploring Craft Foam Diorama and

Augmented Reality, to illustrate the book “Coraline” by Neil Gaiman”, a study under the category of Book Illustration. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

• How will be the use of craft foam in creating a diorama be

good and effective on making book illustrations?

• How will the new illustrations of the book Coraline look like? • How will it affect the target market to Coraline’s new look by

changing it to more cartoon-ish style?



he significance of the project is to give the knowledge and creative idea of using craft foams in making a diorama as an exploration in making book illustrations to the incoming CFAD students who will be taking their thesis. Making craft foam art may also add family bonding and could be a good business idea. Another significance of the study is the value of family and bravery that is reflected with Coraline concerning the paths she faced. The project also shows about the evolution of illustrating books, by using Augmented Reality in re- illustrating Coraline, it will show how technology makes reading fun, and technology does make our lives easier


The project aims to:

• Introduce the new image of the book Coraline to the young

audience with its not-so-scary themed illustrations by using craft foam diorama.

• Make the people change their bad thought of Coraline from

being a full terrifying and chilling story to a delightfully creepy yet enjoyable story.

• Encourage other people to use this exploration to other

media and introduce craft foam diorama and Augmented Reality in nurturing ones creativity


The study will focus on redesigning the illustrations of

the existing Children’s novel, “Coraline”. The story of the book remains unchanged. The illustration will be in cartoon style so it will fit to the children’s novel “Coraline”. By using this kind of art style, it will catch the children’s attraction and they will enjoy reading the book while looking at the illustrations. The exploration mainly uses craft foams, with corrugated boxes (Balikbayan boxes) and old card boards / folders. Since the colors of craft foams are limited, acrylic paints will be used to color the craft foam in different color or hue. Paint roller will be used so in applying the acrylic paint on the craft foam for the background of the diorama so the paint will be applied evenly. Round synthetic brushes (number 000 and 1) will be used for putting texture and small details on the objects in the diorama. Scissors, cutters and X-Acto knife will be used in cutting the craft foam and making the form of the characters, objects and other elements in the background of the diorama. Glue and Crown Bond will be used in attaching the background and objects to the diorama.


For the Augmented Reality (AR), the proponent will

be using Onvert, a downloadable app where you can view pictures that has AR and make AR thru their website. The proponent will be showing still images of the characters for scenes of Coraline, so there will be two scenes in one illustration, the previous (from the book) and the next scene (thru AR using a smartphone/tablet). It also includes a recorded/edited voice messages (The voice and dialog of the characters) and a background music so the viewer would not only see the characters but also feel the ambience of a certain scene as the music plays thru their devices. Adobe Photoshop CS3, Audacity and a digital camera (for the photographs) will be used in the producing the scenes and the background music of the AR. The sound effects, background music and the dialogs from the story that the proponent will use are from the internet and from the movie “Coraline� so it will be fast for the proponent to finish the AR.


T he book Coraline is known as a horror/fantasy

children’s novel, the target reader for the book are children aging 9-12 years old, for some young readers with this age are fond of reading both horror and fantasy novels and are able to comprehend the story although some words used are incomprehensible and mystifying. Young readers with the age of 9-12 years old already have their own smartphones/tablets and are able to download an application to their devices on their own. The research also analyzes the factors that are essential to produce an effective marketing campaign for the book which is aimed at reader’s ages 9-12 years old and their parents for they have the purchasing power of buying the book, class C and Upper C. The study will only focus on the promotion of the book launch.


The exploration won’t be using any other forms of foam


like sponge, bed foam and the like. Only the materials mentioned above are the things that the proponent will be using. For the production of the Augmented Reality, the proponent won’t be using any programs or softwares that produces AR because it is time consuming and the proponent’s exploration is mainly on creating a diorama. The AR won’t be showing any animated scenes from the story. The proponent won’t do any recordings for the sound effects, background music and the dialogs from the story to be used for the production of AR for the proponent doesn’t have enough time to produce the sounds for the AR for it is just an application for the book and it needs a lot of time, hardwork and effort in creating the craft foam diorama. The study will not focus on the book launch event itself. The budget of the promotion of the book launch has no ceiling amount that’s why the budget is mainly hypothetical and it is not the focus of the study. The billboard ad won’t be included in the budget for it will be impractical to advertise a book that has only 10,000 copies and it is for requirement compliance.


1a. Objectives: • Generate sales and get the target buyers purchase the book. • Create brand awareness of the target market about the book Coraline by 50% within a period of three months. • Increase interest and anticipation from the target buyer and target reader. • Establish an effective advertising and promotional strategies. 1b. Strategies: • Develop a two and a half-month campaign period which will start from 8th day of February until end of April. • Launch a guerilla advertising method around malls within Metro Manila. • Promote the book on key bookstores around Metro Manila with a book launching event.



2a. Objectives: • Make the brand visible in print media patronized by the target market and in target market’s social environment through guerilla advertisement. • Have the target market be interested in the book upon seeing the advertisements. • Invite the target market to attend the book launching and spread the word through blogging, linking and sharing with their friends and families.


2b. Strategies: • Undertake a guerilla advertising method around malls. • Place online banners (linking to the dedicated websites in order for them to spread the word about the book launching). • Create a dedicated website where visitors can get information about the book and the author. The visitors can also enjoy games related to the book.


3a. Objectives: • Introduce diorama using craft foam in creating a threedimensional art and used as a unique method in illustrating books. • Introduce Augmented Reality (AR) as a new way of reading books to the target market. • To invoke a feeling of adventure and horror such as the story of the book. 3b. Strategies: • Use of craft foam as medium in creating the diorama and use the methods in forming paper sculptures to create the characters and objects in the diorama. • Showing pictures of Coraline holding smartphone together with the logo of the application with Augmented Reality (AR) to introduce Augmented Reality (AR) to the target market. Thus creating unique billboards, guerilla advertisement (like standees) etc. to catch the attention of the target market and have an idea of how Augmented Reality (AR) works. • Use bold and dark colors such as Purple which fits to the genre of the book which is dark and fantasy.



4a. Objectives: • To make the book visible in newspapers and magazines frequented by the target market. • Introduce the book on the target market’s social environment such as malls through guerilla advertisement. • To utilize the internet in advertising as well as publicize the information about the product.


4b. Strategies: • Advertise print advertising in newspaper (Philippine Daily Inquirer) and magazines (Good Housekeeping and K-zone) to catch the target buyer and target reader’s interest. • Distribute teaser ads two weeks before the launching in newspapers and social networking sites. • Put standees around malls so people will get a chance to take a photo with it and post their photo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with a caption #CoralinePh.






Teaser Ad 1


Teaser Ad 2

Teaser Ad 3

Introductory Ad

Endorsement Ad

Institutional Ad


Escalator Ad

Restroom Ad


Elevator Ad




Location: EDSA-Ortigas









hroughout the project, the proponent got exposed to 3D-art learned new techniques through the experiment of diorama and paper sculpture using craft foam as a medium. Craft foam diorama enhances the illustrations to have a dimension. Diorama is known as a display on malls, museums and etc. This exploration proves that craft foam diorama can be used as a tool for illustrating books, especially children’s books. It is a fun and interesting art that is why it attracts the audiences, and it can also serve as an exciting hobby to nurture one’s creativity.


raft foam diorama, using the Paper sculpture technique is definitely an effective way for aiming a three-dimensional effect in illustrating books. In order to achieve it, one of the most important things that will really make the model or object in the diorama lies in the skill in which shaping, sculpting and adding details by painting acrylic paint on it which will add realism to the artwork.


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