Thesis Paper

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CHAPTER 1 Introduction




Diorama is a creative way of showing an idea or story in a threedimensional space. They are often encased in glass, and mostly seen in museums. They are used as representational of a bigger idea or scene, or made to actual proportions. The word "diorama" originated in 1823 as a type of pictureviewing device, from the French in 1822. The word diorama literally means "through that which is seen", from the Greek work di meaning "through" and orama meaning "that which is seen, a sight". The first diorama was invented by Daguerre and Charles Marie Bouton. Their diorama was first displayed in London, September 29, 1823. The meaning "small-scale replica of a scene, etc." is from 1902 (Harper Collins, 2009). In the 1800s, the diorama became a source of entertainment in Europe. It was a way of viewing art in a more lively and tangible way. However, the reasons for its popularity are far more complex than simple appreciation of the skills required to execute the art work. Now, dioramas are displayed in museums, galleries and malls. The unique dimension that a viewer experiences is what a diorama gives to its audience. Dioramas offer the viewer a chance to get a more realistic or true-to-life perspective of an object, instead of seeing a two-dimensional perspective scenery in the form of a painting or drawing. The functions of dioramas range from an entertainment purposes to an educational purposes. Teachers or 2|Page

museum curators will use dioramas to give their audience or viewer a better understanding of a scene or concept. Artists also use dioramas to stimulate the viewer









( At its best, a diorama is not just a simple still model, but an art medium capable of conveying a tale, a mood, or even evoking an emotional response (Anderson,1988). Because of its difficulty, choosing a subject matter and designing a diorama requires attention to artistic principles that most modelers may not be familiar with. Augmented Reality (AR) is a divergence of a Virtual Environment (VE), or Virtual Reality (VR) as it is more commonly called. Virtual Reality is a technology wherein the viewer is submerged inside an unreal, computer generated environment and while immersed, the user cannot see the real world around him. In contrast, Augmented Reality is taking digital or computer generated information like images, audio, video, and touch or haptic sensations and overlaying them over in a real-time environment (Kipper and Rampolla, 2013). Augmented reality (AR) is originated in the early 1950s and has developed with virtual reality since then, but its most significant advanced have been since the mid 1990s. Augmented reality (AR) has been proven to be very useful to a person’s day to day basis when bound with a location based technology, whether it be in advertising, books and many more, for AR has a lot of possibilities. Numerous AR applications (apps) are available that help users to find the nearest food outlets or subway transport stations when they access the app and


view their surroundings using their smartphones. What is certain is that the smartphone population is rising. A lot of people are now using phones that can see and experience Augmented reality, once they downloaded an AR app, and scan the code that has AR, they can access to future appearances of the code. Consumers will certainly approve augmented reality as a new and fun twist to conventional marketing and services as long as the resulting augmented content remains appealing and innovative to them. (

The proponent will be using craft foam in forming a diorama. Most dioramas are made up of rocks, tissues, paper, carton, sand, foam, clay and wire. In this study the proponent will be using craft foam, a material which is mainly use in making costumes by “cosplayers”. The proponent came up with the idea of using craft foam in making a diorama because after seeing the works of a Sher Christopher, an international modern artist known for creating threedimensional paper sculptures. But instead of using papers, the proponent will be using craft foam. Using craft foam in creating a diorama is something new in using it as a material in forming dioramas and appealing to the audience. The dioramas that will be done by the proponent are the important scenes from the book Coraline. The diorama will be in a cartoon style so it will be suitable for the young audience, yet it still has a “creepy feeling” for the genre of the book is dark. It would attract not only children, but people of all ages. And using craft


foam can be used not only in the illustrating the book but also be helpful in the business side to be able to advertise the chosen book. The proponent will be putting Augmented Reality (AR), a technology that allows the viewer to overlay all kinds of objects and virtual information over reality using a digital video source. In other words, augmented reality mixes the real and virtual world as one. Most of augmented reality developments were based on the use of computers and webcams wherein the augmented reality experience by the viewer is restricted and not so extraordinary as it can be. Since smartphones and tablets are emerging, the viewers will achieve a better experience of Augmented Reality using their devices. Considering that children these days are “techie”, it’s good to use AR in doing a book because it will attract them, and by putting AR in a book, it will be more fun for the young readers to read and will be easier for them to visualize the story that they are reading.

The book chosen by the proponent is the children’s-novel Coraline by Neil Gaiman. The book is known for having its dark and scary theme. The story is about an adventure of a girl trying to save herself, her parents, and other trapped souls from the Other Mother in a secret world. Coraline discovers a dark world crawling with rats, spiders, strange creatures, and other spookiness -- but through her creepy adventures she also discovers her own inner bravery. Coraline also has a movie, although it has good animation and production, it gained a lot of negative comments and reviews on the internet, especially from the parents. Due to the negative reviews about the movie, the book is not that


salable for parents with young children and considered Coraline for being a “not suitable for young readers” children’s novel. The proponent wants to remove that negative thought of the book Coraline. By using a diorama and Augmented Reality in portraying the scenes of the book in a cartoonish style will be effective in able to change the bad image of Coraline, and will make reading more fun.


The thesis entitled “Exploring Craft Foam Diorama and Augmented Reality, to illustrate the book “Coraline” by Neil Gaiman”, a study under the category of Book Illustration. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions: 

How will be the use of craft foam in creating a diorama be good and effective on making book illustrations?

How will the new illustrations of the book Coraline look like?

How will it affect the target market to Coraline’s new look by changing it to more cartoon-ish style?



The significance of the project is to give the knowledge and creative idea of using craft foams in making a diorama as an exploration in making book illustrations to the incoming CFAD students who will be taking their thesis. Making craft foam art may also add family bonding and could be a good business idea. Another significance of the study is the value of family and bravery that is reflected with Coraline concerning the paths she faced. The project also shows about the evolution of illustrating books, by using Augmented Reality in re- illustrating Coraline, it will show how technology makes reading fun, and technology does make our lives easier.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The project aims to: 

Introduce the new image of the book Coraline to the young audience with its not-so-scary themed illustrations by using craft foam diorama.

Make the people change their bad thought of Coraline from being a full terrifying and chilling story to a delightfully creepy yet enjoyable story.

Encourage other people to use this exploration to other media and introduce craft foam diorama and Augmented Reality in nurturing ones creativity.


Create a new way of illustrating a book by using craft foam diorama and Augmented Reality.

Inspire other artist and students to imagine, create, innovate and in turn contribute to the society.


Scopes The study will focus on redesigning the illustrations of the existing Children’s novel, “Coraline”. The story of the book remains unchanged. The illustration will be in cartoon style so it will fit to the children’s novel “Coraline”. By using this kind of art style, it will catch the children’s attraction and they will enjoy reading the book while looking at the illustrations. The exploration mainly uses craft foams, with corrugated boxes (Balikbayan boxes) and old card boards / folders. Since the colors of craft foams are limited, acrylic paints will be used to color the craft foam in different color or hue. Paint roller will be used so in applying the acrylic paint on the craft foam for the background of the diorama so the paint will be applied evenly. Round synthetic brushes (number 000 and 1) will be used for putting texture and small details on the objects in the diorama. Scissors, cutters and X-Acto knife will be used in cutting the craft foam and making the form of the characters, objects and


other elements in the background of the diorama. Glue and Crown Bond will be used in attaching the background and objects to the diorama. For the Augmented Reality (AR), the proponent will be using Onvert, a downloadable app where you can view pictures that has AR and make AR through their website. The proponent will be showing still images of the characters for scenes of Coraline, so there will be two scenes in one illustration, the previous (from the book) and the next scene (through AR using a smartphone/tablet). It also includes a recorded voice messages (The voice and dialog of the characters) and a background music so the viewer would not only see the characters but also feel the ambience of a certain scene as the music plays through their devices. Adobe Photoshop CS3, Audacity and a digital camera (for the photographs) will be used in the producing the scenes and the background music of the AR. The sound effects, background music and the dialogs from the story that the proponent will use are from the internet and from the movie “Coraline� so it will be fast for the proponent to finish the AR. The book Coraline is known as a horror/fantasy children’s novel, the target reader for the book are children aging 9-12 years old, for some young readers with this age are fond of reading both horror and fantasy novels and are able to comprehend the story although some words used are incomprehensible and mystifying. Young readers with the age of 9-12 years old already have their own smartphones/tablets and are able to download an application to their devices on their own.


The research also analyzes the factors that are essential to produce an effective marketing campaign for the book which is aimed at reader’s ages 9-12 years old and their parents for they have the purchasing power of buying the book, class C and Upper C. The study will only focus on the promotion of the book launch.

Limitations The exploration won’t be using any other forms of foam like sponge, bed foam and the like. Only the materials mentioned above are the things that the proponent will be using. For the production of the Augmented Reality, the proponent won’t be using any programs or softwares that produce AR because it is time consuming and the proponent’s exploration is mainly on creating a diorama. The AR won’t be showing any animated scenes from the story. The proponent won’t do any recordings for the sound effects, background music and the dialogs from the story to be used for the production of AR for the proponent doesn’t have enough time to produce the sounds for the AR for it is just an application for the book and the study focuses more on the craft foam diorama. The study will not focus on the book launch event itself. The budget of the promotion of the book launch has no ceiling amount that’s why the budget is mainly hypothetical and it is not the focus of the study.

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The proponent seeks to access the marketability of the revised book through the analysis of information derived from census studies, recent market rates, and surveys of the target market as well as personal interviews. The research involves formulating a solution to the problem of the book Coraline through making an illustration using craft foam diorama. This study will be using descriptive research methodology because it will describe the exploration, the materials that will be used, and the process of doing the exploration. The book that will be used for the exploration is also discussed. The Data Collection process will be used for gathering information about the through questionnaire surveys. Firstly, a survey instrument to measure both the primary and secondary target market’s attitude, behavior, buying habits and knowledge about the exploration will be administered to a broad spectrum of participants (ideally, Primary = 100 and Secondary = 100), with a total of 200 participants. To clarify the difference between the two; The Primary Market are children aging 9-12 years old and the Secondary Market are parents who have children who are 9-12 years old or adults who have the purchasing power to buy the book. Both the Primary and Secondary Market must be at least belonging to broad Class C and Upper Class C. Surveys were conducted mostly in schools where the students and their parents or guardians were asked to answer questionnaires provided by the proponent.

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Interviews are intended with each participant in order to provide more indepth data collection for further insights. For these reasons, the proponent chose a descriptive research methodology and designed a questionnaire survey instrument to assess the perceptions of selected primary and secondary target market regarding the topic of Exploring Craft Foam Diorama and Augmented Reality to re-illustrate the book “Coraline� by Neil Gaiman. Books, magazines and the internet were used as reference in conceptualizing an appropriate overall art style of the book and related articles, blog and literature for this project. Lastly, the merchandising campaign will be formulated by studying the current market status of the children’s book industry and analyzing current statistical data of the target market taken from the most census.

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Application (app) – an application, typically a small, specialized program downloaded onto mobile devices. Augmented reality – an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information on an image of something being viewed through a device. Cartoon – a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor. Census – a count of the population. Craft foam – is a small porous foam sheet; nifty rubbery material used to make shoes. Diorama – a scenic representation in which sculptured figures and lifelike details are displayed usually in miniature so as to blend indistinguishably with a realistic painted background. Illustration – a picture or diagram that helps make something clear or attractive. Layers – are used in digital image editing to separate different elements of an image. It can be compared to a transparency on which imaging effects or images are applied and placed over or under an image. Miniature – a very small sculpture, portrait, or painting. Mood – a conscious state of mind or predominant emotion : the expression of mood especially in art or literature. Paint roller – is a paint application tool used for painting large flat surfaces rapidly and efficiently.

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PNG file – Portable Network Graphics (.png), a bitmap image file format. QR Code – consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device (such as a camera) and processed using Reed-Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. Reality – the quality or state of being real. Smartphone – is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. Survey – to query in order to collect data for the analysis of some aspect of a group or area. Tablet – a flat slab or plaque suited for or bearing an inscription. Techie – one who studies or is highly interested or proficient in a technical field, especially electronics. Theme – a specific and distinctive quality, characteristic, or concern ; a subject or topic of discourse or of artistic representation. Virtual Environment – are interactive, head-referenced computer displays that give users the illusion of displacement to another location. Virtual Reality – a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. .

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CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature & Work 15 | P a g e

Review of Related Literature and Work


Anderson, The Art of The Diorama (Milwaukee :Kalmbach Publishing Co. : 1988). Dioramas are a form of the model maker’s art that preserves not just an object but an entire scene or moment in time. Building an effective diorama is something that Ray Anderson has put a lot of time and thought into. He has built over 100 of them and a book has been published that illustrates the techniques he uses. Anderson’s book The Art of The Diorama served as the proponent’s primary resource of this study. In this book, it tackles about the steps and helpful tips in creating a diorama. The book provided the proponent the collection of creative ideas of creating and showcasing a diorama. All the dioramas featured in the book are in realistic style, but what would help the proponent in conducting the exploration is how to make the diorama appealing by how the objects in the diorama are arranged. The book also teaches the proponent the proper way of creating a diorama in conceptualizing, designing, constructing and lighting.

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Ziegler, Greco, More Paper Sculpture: A Step-By-Step Guide (Dimensional Illustrators, Incorporated: 1997).

More Paper Sculpture: A Step-By-Step Guide is recognized as the most modern paper sculpture pictorial in the industry. Ten internationally distinguished artists present all-new, hand-selected projects and gallery pieces culled from their personal portfolios. This full-color, step-by-step guide features photographs and text, from layout to finished sculpture. This book is a valuable resource for the novice or professional seeking a delightful medium for artistic expression. This absorbing and inspirational edition of More Paper Sculpture reveals the technical skills used by professional paper sculptors for enjoyment as well as for profit. The book provided the proponent fresh ideas and a new perception to paper art. The artworks featured on the book are breathe-taking and very inspiring for the proponent. The proponent learned tips and guides in creating a paper sculpture, the proper way of folding, cutting, embossing and binding. Through this book, the proponent can point out that three dimensional art can be accomplished by using simple techniques such as cutting, folding and layering, which will be useful for the proponent to create the background for her diorama. The projects done in this book will also serve as a reference for the proponent’s exploration.

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Hyenaga, Ryan, Avella , Paper Cutting (San Francisco: Chronicle Books LLC, 2011).

There's a renaissance underway in the art form of cut paper, with an explosion of raw talent and an abundance of amazing work produced in the medium in recent years. This gorgeous volume features work from 26 contemporary international artists who are creating images of astonishing intricacy, using little more than paper and blade. Featuring a host of new discoveries and including art by such stars as Nikki McClure, Rob Ryan, and Thomas Allen, as well as a number of emerging practitioners, Paper Cutting is sure to engage art buffs and indie crafters alike. An in-depth introduction by paper art expert Natalie Avella illuminates the rich history of the centuries-old form, and a whimsical preface by beloved artist Rob Ryan rounds out this delightful collection. The projects done in this book are used as point reference of the proponent’s exploration in creating the objects and designing the background of the diorama that would add more feeling to the diorama.

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Philage – Herold, Kelly, “Dolls”, Just Cards! Just Steampunk! Volume 2 (November 2012): 30-53. This article features artworks in different media with a unique style called Steampunk, a design style heavily influenced by science fiction, from a Victorian perspective. All artworks featured in the magazine are artworks from a diversity of talented artist and designers. It includes over 300 photographs of art in all types of media: paper arts, home décor, polymer clay, dolls, jewelry, accessories and more with Steampunk theme. The proponent aims to illustrate the book Coraline by making a diorama with characters having the same style of the dolls featured in the article. This article will serve as a reference for the proponent for designing the models or characters from the story. The dolls from the article were very creepy, yet all of them have an exceptional design.

Schaerer, Jennifer, “Natural Elements”, Paper Crafts Volume 35/Number 5 (September-October 2012): 34-47 This article features paper craft works made from natural products like burlap, canvas, wood, feather, wood grain, cork and etc. The works are done by different artist, and on the photos of their

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artworks includes a designer tips wherein they discuss what material was used on their artwork and how they put that material on it.

The article will be helpful for the proponent for the style of the artworks featured where exquisite. Some of the works have forestthemed style wherein it may give the proponent an idea or can be a reference for the forest that will be used in making a diorama for the story, for it has a scene where the main character is walking on a garden with lots of trees, which may also look like a forest.

Miller, Kerri, “Halloween Treats”, Paper Crafts Volume 35/Number 5 (September-October 2012): 48-61 In this article, it features delicious treats with beautiful and creative treat containers, bags, tags, wraps in a Halloween theme. All works are done by a variety of designers. Although the article features packaging for Halloween treats, it can be a design reference for the proponent ‘s objects for the diorama. Not only it will be helpful for the proponent in getting ideas for the objects for the diorama, it will be useful for the book’s promotion. It can also give a design reference for the collaterals.

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III. Websites 

Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculpture

This site features a variety of paper art masters. Most of the paper artists are from Japan, where paper art originated over a thousand years ago. From complex paper cutting to book carving, this is an expanding area of design that is talked about. These paper art designs are becoming an another unique and exciting medium for many artist and designers. The works featured in this site are mostly made of a simple A4 printing paper while others are made of unusual materials as medium such as actual books. The artist wants to show the audience that using papers are also possible in making a threedimensional art. Artists Helen Musselwhite and Sher Christopher were in this article, the works of these two artists are the proponent’s inspiration and reference in forming her exploration. Both Helen and Sher are paper sculpture artist. Helen Musselwhite makes visually appealing framed paper sculptures. Her works are an inspiration to the proponent’s background for the diorama, which would add a feeling and theme to the diorama. Sher Christopher’s captivating figural paper sculptures are a refreshing and unique artistic voice in the

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contemporary art world. The works of Christopher is what the proponent wants the characters of the diorama to look like, what only differs from Christopher’s is that the proponent will be using craft foam instead of paper.

Augmented reality children’s books. BooksARalive (May 2013).

The site features an article about Augmented Reality. It explains how Augmented Reality works and how unique for a book, especially for children, to use this type of technology. BooksARalive wanted to go beyond, so they put Augmented Reality on their books to make the reading experience unique and unforgettable for kids. The website is where the proponent got the idea of using Augmented Reality to her study. The article on this site tackles about using Augmented Reality on children’s books. The proponent believes that by using Augmented Reality in reading children’s books or novels, it would not only help the child understand what he or she is reading, it would make reading fun and remarkable.

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Paper Art: Techniques or cut and fold baby! (November 2012).

This blog discusses how paper is an incredibly versatile medium. It showcases works of different artist and their works for both 2d and 3d work. The blog also features different guides and tip (with pictures) in making a three dimensional work paper art. The site showcased three dimensional works using paper which is somehow related to the proponent’s topic. Most of the tips mentioned on the blog are very simple, yet they are essential and a reminder to the proponent. Artworks by artist Emma van Leest and Anastassia Elias creative artworks helped the proponent for visual inspirations and in conducting this study.

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Related Works

 Aaron, Shay, “Shay Aaron Miniatures” Shay Aaron is a miniaturist from Israel who can hold entire banquets on his thumb using polymer clay and an astounding attention to detail and craftsmanship. He creates different food objects on a 1:12 scale. Sushi rolls become smaller than the head of a pushpin, gingerbread houses can be balanced on one finger, and shish kebab skewers are comparable to matches. His works are an inspiration to the proponent’s small objects on the diorama such as the cakes, sandwiches and etc. It helps the proponent to learn to pay attention to details on creating the miniatures. Doing the miniatures beautifully would add more feeling to the diorama.

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Christopher, Sher, “Sher Christopher – Paper Sculptor” Sher Christopher is an international contemporary artist creating unique three-dimensional paper sculptures. Christopher brings to life an astonishing assortment of characters; hippies, magicians, merchants, and dashing socialites protrude from the wall and tickle the audience’s imagination. There is a certain theatrical quality to the sculptures, the figures poised with props and stunning costumes, replete with manicured fringes, patterns, and stylish accessories. A lot of her work represented here showcases that of familiar fairy tales we all grew up with, although her work has a very broad range. The proponent cites her inspiration on Sher Christopher’s artworks because of the paper sculptures’ structure and look have a similarity of what the characters in the proponent’s diorama will appear. What made the proponent’s project differ from Christopher’s artworks is that the proponent will be using craft foam instead of paper.


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CHAPTER 3 Objectives & Strategies Media Frequency Chart & Budget

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MARKETING 1a. Objectives: 

Generate sales and get the target buyers purchase the book.

Create brand awareness of the target market about the book Coraline by 50% within a period of two months.

Increase interest and anticipation from the target buyer and target reader.

Establish an effective advertising and promotional strategies.

1b. Strategies: 

Develop a two and a half-month campaign period which will start from 8th day of February to end of April.

Launch a guerilla advertising method around malls within Metro Manila.

Promote the book on key bookstores around Metro Manila with a book launching event.

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ADVERTISING 2a. Objectives: 

Make the brand visible in print media patronized by the target market and in target market’s social environment through guerilla advertisement.

Have the target market be interested in the book upon seeing the advertisements.

Invite the target market to attend the book launching and spread the word through blogging, linking and sharing with their friends and families.

2b. Strategies 

Undertake a guerilla advertising method around malls.

Place online banners (linking to the dedicated websites in order for them to spread the word about the book launching).

Create a dedicated website where visitors can get information about the book and the author. The visitors can also enjoy games related to the book.

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CREATIVE 3a. Objectives: 

Introduce diorama using craft foam in creating a three-dimensional art and used as a unique method in illustrating books.

Introduce Augmented Reality (AR) as a new way of reading books to the target market.

To invoke a feeling of adventure and horror such as the story of the book.

3b. Strategies: 

Use of craft foam as medium in creating the diorama and use the methods in forming paper sculptures to create the characters and objects in the diorama.

Showing pictures of Coraline holding smartphone together with the logo of the application with Augmented Reality (AR) to introduce Augmented Reality (AR) to the target market. Thus creating unique billboards, guerilla advertisement (like standees) etc. to catch the attention of the target market and have an idea of how Augmented Reality (AR) works.

Use bold and dark colors like Purple and Dark shade of Blue which fits to the genre of the book which is dark and fantasy.

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MEDIA 4a. Objectives: 

To make the book visible in newspapers and magazines frequented by the target market.

Introduce the book on the target market’s social environment such as malls through guerilla advertisement.

To utilize the internet in advertising as well as publicize the information about the product.

4b. Strategies: 

Advertise print advertising in newspaper (Philippine Daily Inquirer) and magazines (Good Housekeeping and K-zone) to catch the target buyer and target reader’s interest.

Distribute teaser posters two weeks before the launching.

Put standees around malls so people will get a chance to take a photo with it and post their photo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with a caption #CoralinePh.

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Budget Allocation I.


Philippine Daily Inquirer

Type Size Rate

Teaser 1 4col x 15cm 371/col-cm Full color 80%

Frequency Insertion

1 February 8, 2014


Philippine Daily Inquirer Teaser 2 4col x 15cm 371/col-cm Full color 80% 1 February 15, 2014

Type Size Rate Frequency Insertion

Medium Type Size Rate Frequency Insertion

Philippine Daily Inquirer Teaser 3 4col x 15cm 371/col-cm Full color 80% 1 February 22, 2014

= rate x dimension x color x position (15%) x E-VAT (12%) = 371 x 4col x 15cm x 1.80 x 1.15 x 1.12 = Php 51,607.58

= rate x dimension x color x position (15%) x E-VAT (12%) = 371 x 4col x 15cm x 1.80 x 1.15 x 1.12 = Php 51,607.58

= rate x dimension x color x position (15%) x E-VAT (12%) = 371 x 4col x 15cm x 1.80 x 1.15 x 1.12 x = Php 51,607.58

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Philippine Daily Inquirer

Type Size Rate

Introductory Ad 5col x 24cm 371/col-cm Full color 80%

Frequency Insertion

1 March 1, 2014


Philippine Daily Inquirer

Type Size Rate

Endorsement Ad 5col x 24cm 371/col-cm Full color 80%

Frequency Insertion

1 April 5, 2014


Philippine Daily Inquirer

Type Size Rate

Institutional Ad 5col x 24cm 371/col-cm Full color 80%

Frequency Insertion

1 April 19, 2014

= rate x dimension x color x position (15%) x E-VAT (12%) = 371 x 5col x 24cm x 1.80 x 1.15 x 1.12 = Php 103,215.168

= rate x dimension x color x position (15%) x E-VAT (12%) = 371 x 5col x 24cm x 1.80 x 1.15 x 1.12 = Php 103,215.168

= rate x dimension x color x position (15%) x E-VAT (12%) = 371 x 5col x 24cm x 1.80 x 1.15 x 1.12 = Php 103,215.168

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Good Housekeeping

Type Size

Introductory Ad Full Page 8.5” x 11” Front Page P100,000

Rate Frequency Insertion

1 March 2014



Type Size

Introductory Ad Full Page 6” x 8.5” Inside Back Cover P75,000

Rate Frequency Insertion

1 March 2014


Good Housekeeping

Type Size

Endorsement Ad Full Page 8.5” x 11” Front Page P100,000

Rate Frequency Insertion

= (rate)(frequency) =(100,000) (1) = Php 100,000

= (rate)(frequency) =(80,000) (1) = Php 75,000

= (rate)(frequency) =(100,000) (1) = Php 100,000

1 April 2014

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Escalator SM North Edsa

Type Rate No. of location used Duration

Guerilla 5,000/day 1


March 17-23, 2014


Restroom SM North Edsa

Type Rate No. of location used Duration

Guerilla 6,000/day 2


March 24-30, 2014


Elevator SM North Edsa

Type Rate No. of location used Duration

Guerilla 10,000/day 1


March 31 – April 6, 2014

10 days

7 days

7 days

= (rate)(duration)(no. of location used) = (5,000)(10)(1) = Php 50,000

= (rate)(duration)(no. of location used) = (6,000)(7)(2) = Php 84,000

= (rate)(duration)(no. of location used) = (10,000)(7)(1) = Php 70,000

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Rate Frequency

3,000/month 2


March - April



Size Rate

300 x 250 pixels 5000/month


1 month




Size Rate

Banner Ad at FullyBooked website 573 x 472 pixels 1000/month


2 months


March - April

= (rate)(frequency) = (3,000) (2) = Php 6,000

= (rate)(frequency) = (5,000) (1) = Php 5,000

= (rate)(frequency) = (1,000) (2) = Php 2,000

Total Cost of Media Total: Php 961,468.24

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Price per Unit



13” x 10” x 14”

10 pcs.



Standee Gondolas

5 ft. x 2 ft.

10 pcs.





250 pcs.




4” x 5”

250 pcs.



Magnetic Bookmarks

1” x 4”

250 pcs.



Eraser pen


250 pcs.



Paper bags

9” x 3.25” x 11”

250 pcs.



Total Cost of Collaterals: Php 73,500.00

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Book Specifications

8” x 7.8”

Size of the book

No. of pages

257 pages

Type of paper

Edicion paper (90 gsm)

Type of binding



Php 750.00

Book Production Cost


Cost per book

Cost of materials used for the

10,000 copies

Php 350.00

Php 6,000.00


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CHAPTER 4 Creative / Production Stage Character Designs, 24 Sketches and Documentation of progress

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Initial sketches and experimentations of the exploration CHARACTER DESIGNS


Black Cat

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Coraline’s mother

Coraline’s father

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The “other” mother

Other mother’s transformation

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The “other” father

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A. Materials

1. Corrugated box (Balikbayan box) 2. ¼ Illustration board 3. Cutting Mat 4. Ruler 5. Tape (Packaging and Scotch tape) 6. Pencil 7. Cutter

B. Constructing Process The size of the diorama is 15”x 20” in length and width and 12 inches in height. The size of the corrugated box of the proponent is 20” x 20” in length and width and 20 inches in height.

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To be able for the proponent to achieve the required size, the proponent starts by putting marks on the box using a pencil and a ruler to get the height of the diorama. After putting marks on all sides of the box, the proponent makes a trace by connecting the marks using the ruler and pencil.

After tracing, the proponent uses a cutter to cut the corrugated box into half.

Now that the proponent has the proper height of the box, the proponent must get the required size for the length and width of the box. The proponent does the same process of getting the height of the box.

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After cutting, the proponent assembles the box by sticking it with a tape. This is done both on the upper and the lower half of the box. After putting tape on it, the proponent puts the upper box (that has a height of 12 inches) over the lower half (that has a height of 8 inches) and puts tape around it to secure the box.

And last, the proponent cuts one side of the box using cutter for the opening of the diorama.

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A. Materials

1. Craft Foam 2. Acrylic Paint 3. Paint Brush 4. Roller brush 5. Pencil 6. X-Acto knife 7. Elmer’s White Glue 8. Crown Bond 9. Ruler 10. Cutter

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B. Process (Background)

For the background, the proponent will put craft foams on each side inside the diorama. But if the background is not plain, the proponent paints the design on the craft foam by painting acrylic paint on it with a paint brush. After painting the design on the craft foam, the proponent cuts out the excess part of the craft foam so it will fit on the sides of the diorama.

After cutting, the proponent puts the “wallpaper� on the sides of the diorama by putting glue on the craft foam and sticking it on the sides of the box.

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C. Process (Characters and Objects)

The proponent starts by doing the face of the character. Since the color of the craft foam is limited, the proponent paints the white craft foam with acrylic using a paint roller to apply the color evenly on the craft foam. After the paint dries on the craft foam, the proponent starts to draw the shape of the character on the craft foam. The proponent also draws other shapes on the craft foam like the hands, arms and neck.

After drawing the shapes on the craft foam, the proponent starts cutting out the shapes by using scissors. The X-acto knife is used to cut-out the shapes inside the face of the character which are the eyes, nose and mouth.

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After getting the shapes, the proponent starts sticking the hair parts on the face of the character with glue. Crown bond is used to glue the heavy parts together like the head to the neck of the character. For the body of the character, the process is also the same in doing the head of the character. The proponent draws shapes and cuts it out with scissors. Inside the main body and legs of the character, the proponent puts a card board inside the body and a thin cardboard on the legs and shoes so the character can stand still and won’t fall down easily. Then the proponent sticks all the parts of the character’s body to one another using glue and Crown bond. 55 | P a g e

For the small details like the character’s eyes and shirt design, the proponent uses a small point brush with acrylic paint.

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The process of doing the objects is as same as the process done on the character.

After doing the characters and the objects, the proponent assembles and sticks the character and the objects inside the diorama using glue and Crown bond.

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Finished Artwork


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1. Adobe Photoshop CS3 2. Audacity 3. Onvert

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1. The proponent starts in creating a canvas that is at least 512px wide and 512px high in Adobe Photoshop

2. The proponent fills the square with the image of the diorama (target image). The proponent adjusts the brightness and contrast of the image in able for the image to be recognize once the image is being viewed in the Augmented Reality application on the smartphone. 60 | P a g e

3. The proponent starts creating the elements of the Augmented Reality by creating PNG files of the elements that will come out from the image once being viewed with Augmented Reality. The 3 layers on the Photoshop file represent the elements that will come out from the Target Image.

Layer 1

Layer 2

Layer 3

the layers should be the same size as the Target Image and be saved as PNG files.

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4. For the sound effects and Background music, the proponent uses Audacity to edit the sound.

5. Once all of the files are done, the proponent starts creating the Augmented Reality using the Onvert by logging in on its website.

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6. The proponent uploads all the elements for the Augmented Reality, the 3 PNG files for the 3 layers and the background music/sound effect for the Audio.

7. Last, the proponent downloads the QR Code/tag. The proponent will attach the QR code on the book so the viewer will scan the code and view the Augmented Reality on their smartphones. 63 | P a g e


1. First, download the app “Onvert” on App Store and Google Play. Once the download is finished, open the app. 2. Point your smartphone/tablet to scan the QR code. 3. Wait for the phone to load the media files (The AR elements), then point your smartphone/tablet at the image. 4. Enjoy seeing and hearing the characters through the app.

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Left to Down Right: Teaser 1 Teaser 2 Teaser 3

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Introductory Ad

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Endorsement Ad

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Institutional Ad

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Billboard Ad

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Non-Traditional Ad (Escalator)

Non-Traditional Ad (Restroom)

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Non-Traditional Ad (Elevator)

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Non-Traditional Ad (Standee)

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Loading Page

Home Page

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Sub Page Example (Author)

Sub Page Example (Downloads)

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Sub Page Example (Games)

Game Page (Button Bump)

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Game Page (Hide and Seek)

Facebook Page

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Web Banner Ad (Yahoo!)

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Web Banner Ad (Fullybooked)

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Sticky Notes

Double click on the tab to expand the sticky note.

Digital Clock / Standard Clock

Double Click on the cat to turn it into a digital clock

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Paper bag Design

Paper Bag

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CHAPTER 5 Findings, Analysis, Conclusion & Recommendation

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Survey Summary This is a summary of the results of the proponent’s conducted survey for the study. By completing the survey, the researcher has sufficient data for the proponent’s demographics and expectations of the study. The data presented in the following pages was obtained after 100 possible target buyers and 100 target readers were asked to fill up a questionnaire. Majority of the survey was conducted on one school with elementary students. The respondents were selected after fulfilling several requirements which can be ascertained very quickly. For the target buyers; they must be a parent (no specific age) with a child or children who are 9-12 years old, with a reasonably stable income and for the target reader; Young readers, boys and girls ages 9-12 years old. The following results are: I.

Target Readers Most of the respondents are familiar with dioramas, and

most of them first saw a diorama in museums. According to the respondents, most of them answered carton as the material used on the diorama that they first saw. The respondents are more attracted to the characters/models when they see a diorama. Majority of the respondents are not familiar with the material craft foam. All of the respondents are familiar with the Cartoon Drawing Style. An astounding number of respondents said that they would

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read a children’s novel that has pictures of dioramas in a cartoon style as an illustration. Most of the respondents read foreign books and horror/fantasy themed books. Although Neil Gaiman is a famous author, most of the respondents are not familiar with him. But surprisingly, one-third of the respondents are familiar with his novel entitled “Coraline”. Most of the respondents have their own smartphone or tablet and internet connection or wi-fi connection at home. Even the respondents are young at age, most of them already know how to download an application on their smartphone/tablet. Majority of the respondents are interested to read a book that has AR for they like to read a book that could display the characters from the book and hear them speak while using their smartphone/tablet although most of them are not familiar with Augmented Reality (AR). Most of the respondents are very likely in wanting to read a book with their smartphone/tablet. For promotional purposes, the proponent will be using K-zone for it got the highest score in terms of the respondent’s preferred reading material.

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Target Buyers Majority of the respondents are familiar with dioramas, and

most of them first saw a diorama on museums. Most of the respondents answered “wax” as the material used on the diorama that they first saw, next is clay and carton. Same with the target readers, the respondents are also attracted to the characters/models when they see a diorama. Most of the respondents are interested to see a diorama made out of craft foam although only a few of them are familiar with the material craft foam. An overwhelming number of respondents are interested in a children’s book that has pictures of dioramas in a cartoon style as an illustration. Most of the respondents are interested in reading a book that has Augmented Reality (AR) even though only a few of the respondents are familiar with AR. Most of the respondents and their child/children have their own smartphone/tablet. Majority of the respondents have their own internet connection/wi-fi. In this result, the proponent is assured that putting Augmented Reality (AR) in a children’s novel is a good idea for the proponent’s target buyer have their own smartphone/tablet and internet connection/wi-fi, both the target reader and the target buyer will be able to view the AR on the book. Only few of the respondents know Coraline. Some of the respondents were able to know Coraline through the animated film

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produced and directed by Henry Selick. Half of the respondents are familiar with the foreign author Neil Gaiman and almost half of the respondents are familiar with his style of writing. Most of the respondents would like to have a different approach to Neil Gaiman’s horror/fantasy novel “Coraline”, some of the respondents anwered “No” because they don’t want to change the book’s approach to its readers. Other respondents answered “No” because they are not familiar with the book’s story and style of writing. Even though most of the respondents are not familiar with Neil Gaiman’s “Coraline”, most of the respondents will buy a copy of the classic novel that has AR, wherein they can see the characters and hear them talk through their smartphones. Most of the respondents are female. Since mothers are usually the ones who budget their family’s daily expenses, they have the buying power in the family. Majority of the buyer’s monthly household income is Php 50,000 – Php 80,000. One-fourth of the respondents buy books for their children. However, 26 of the respondents would make them buy one if it has good illustrations, content and has overall quality. Most of the respondents preferred Children’s novel for their child/children, next is Fiction books and Graphic novels. Majority of the respondents buy foreign books. The respondents buy books for their children for leisure. Most

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consumers visit bookstores, or buy books for their children during school season. Most of the respondents often buy books at Fully Booked while only 4 respondents buy books online on Ebay and Amazon. Most of the respondents find out about new books when they go browse the bookstores followed by from advertisements and social networking sites. Hardly any of the respondents go to book conventions. Most of the respondents visit bookstores once a week, especially on weekends. Most of the respondents let their child/children decide on what book they want to read. The most preferred language by the respondents for a children’s novel is English. The most scrutinized aspect of a novel for children is its illustration followed by the content, moral lesson, quality of the book, the book cover, the price and then its book title and lastly the color and book layout of the book. In terms of the book cover, majority of the respondents preferred hardbound over paperback and they prefer colored illustrations over black and white illustrations. They are also willing to spend Php 800 to Php 1000 on children’s novels. The Quality of the book, illustrations and content of the book are the top 3 factors the respondents consider in buying a book. Philippine Daily Inquirer comes out as top choice of newspaper for the respondents. Good housekeeping comes out as top choice for magazines for the respondents, next is Smart

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Parenting. Most of the respondents go online everyday and Facebook is the most visited website by the respondents. Respondents usually go to SM Malls (specifically SM North Edsa) followed by Trinoma and Gateway.

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Throughout the project, the proponent got exposed to 3D-art learned new techniques through the experiment of diorama and paper sculpture using craft foam as a medium. Craft foam diorama enhances the illustrations to have a dimension. Diorama is known as a display on malls, museums and etc. This exploration proves that craft foam diorama can be used as a tool for illustrating books, especially children’s books. It is a fun and interesting art that is why it attracts the audiences, and it can also serve as an exciting hobby to nurture one’s creativity. Craft foam diorama, using the Paper sculpture technique is definitely an effective way for aiming a three-dimensional effect in illustrating books. In order to achieve it, one of the most important things that will really make the model or object in the diorama lies in the skill in which shaping, sculpting and adding details by painting acrylic paint on it which will add realism to the artwork. The proponent recommends to create a study / sketch first before creating the characters for the diorama for it is the detailed and the highlight of the diorama. The proponents observes and identifies which part or side of the craft foam to cut in able to get the desired shape for the character, like the nose of the character. It is also same as creating the objects and the background of the diorama, it pays a lot of patience and attention in creating the elements of the diorama. For the placing of the characters, one must already know or at least had a vision of what the objects will look like once placed they are on the diorama,

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and before putting them with glue you must also be sure about the size of the object if it’s proportionate to the whole diorama. Also in reproducing the final artwork, the proponent learned the experimenting of lighting in shooting the artworks. The natural shadows also gives depth and life to the characters / objects of the diorama that is why the lighting is important in production of the final artwork. Natural shadows can be achieved by simply using natural light, desk lamp light and bond paper as reflectors. Through the course of this study the proponent has determined that some of the target readers are open and willing to patronize horror/fantasy novels. Although there are kids who can read horror/fantasy novels, there are still a lot of kids who don’t want to read books with this kind of genre. By creating illustrations with characters in cartoon style, kids may have interest in reading it. With regards to selling children’s books, while it is the content that determines where a book is satisfying or not, it is the illustrations that determined whether or not the book will be bought at the first place. The target market’s first impressions of a book were determined during the first few moments they flip through the book. What makes a book sell is good art, beautiful and attractive illustrations, especially for children’s novels. Also, with Augmented reality (AR) wherein kids will use smartphones/tablets to view the AR since kids today have their own smartphones/tablets. People hardly ever hear about new children’s book through the traditional advertisement mediums like print. Results states that the target market

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commonly learns about new books while browsing through bookstores. Since a lot of families usually go to malls during Christmas season, the best time to launch an advertising campaign is at the month of December to maximize exposure. Considering the fact that most people learn about new books when they browse through bookstores, the ad campaign should focus heavily on in-store advertisements and also guerilla advertising to be places on malls to capture the target market’s interest. Through this, the book will be visible and have it stand out as much as possible. The proponents also want to point out that a large number of target market rely on the internet as their source of information. Results states that both children and most parents spend hours online and their frequently visited websites are social networking sites, such as Facebook. If we are able to catch attention and share information onto one of them, they would do the work of spreading the word about the book and the campaign through their friends, to their friends, to their friend’s friends as well. Discussion will be made, criticisms and feedbacks on what they feel about the product once they got the message. Word-of-mouth has also proven to be powerful effect on which the campaign will cause. Lastly, the suitable design and layout of the book will encourage the market to buy a copy of the book. Collaterals also add in market recall and knowledge about the product.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY 107 | P a g e


Anderson, The Art of The Diorama (Milwaukee:Kalmbach Publishing Co. : 1988).

Ziegler, Greco, More Paper Sculpture: A Step-By-Step Guide (Dimensional Illustrators, Incorporated: 1997).

Hyenaga, Ryan, Avella , Paper Cutting (San Francisco: Chronicle Books LLC, 2011).

Collins, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition (William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 2009)

Kipper, Rampola, Augmented Reality, 1st Edition, An Emerging Technologies Guide to AR (Elsevier, 2013)

Philage – Herold, Kelly, “Dolls”, Just Cards! Just Steampunk! Volume 2 (November 2012): 30-53.

Schaerer, Jennifer, “Natural Elements”, Paper Crafts Volume 35/Number 5 (September-October 2012): 34-47

Miller, Kerri, “Halloween Treats”, Paper Crafts Volume 35/Number 5 (September-October 2012): 48-61

Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculpture, (January 2010)

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Augmented reality children’s books. BooksARalive, (May 2013).

Paper Art: Techniques or cut and fold baby!, (November 2012).

Aaron, Shay, “Shay Aaron Miniatures”

Christopher, Sher, “Sher Christopher – Paper Sculptor”

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APPENDICES 110 | P a g e


Corporate and Product Background A. Business Information From its humble beginnings as a small publishing house, HarperCollins Publishershas grown and is one of the world's largest publishing companies. Headquartered in New York City, the company is a subsidiary of News Corp. The company name is a combination of Harper & Row—an American publishing company acquired in 1987, itself the result of an earlier merger of Harper & Brothers (founded 1817) and Row, Peterson & Company—and UK publishing company William Collins, Sons (founded 1819), acquired in 1990. The worldwide CEO of HarperCollins is Brian Murray. HarperCollins has publishing groups in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and India. The company publishes many different imprints, both former independent publishing houses and new imprints.

B. Corporate Philosophy/ Mission-VisionFrom HarperCollins strongly believes in the importance of sustainable business practices and recognizes our responsibility to give back to the community. They have instituted a number of policies and programs to reflect there commitment to these values:

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 Environmental Policy HarperCollins Publishers recognizes the importance of addressing its impact on climate change and is committed to taking significant steps to identify effective ways to decrease its energy emissions.  Philanthropic Programs and Social Responsibility As one of the world's leading book publishers, they give back to their community and promote literacy. HarperCollins Publishers supports numerous non-profit organizations and initiatives. They focus on volunteer and philanthropic efforts primarily on:  Literacy: HarperCollins donates tens of thousands of books every year to organizations such as First Book, Housing Works, SoBRO (South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation), Volunteers of America and many, many more. They also support organizations promoting literacy in children and adults. Additionally, HarperCollins is proud to work with local organizations to host a number of student events that foster education and help students to better understand the publishing industry.

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 Book Donation Policy: HarperCollins believes strongly in charitable giving and supports organizations dedicated to promoting literacy and a love of reading, but they do not respond to individual requests for book donations.  The Publishing Industry: HarperCollins supports numerous organizations including trade groups, author assistance organizations, First Amendment rights groups and more, to help grow their industry and recognize those who are doing great things to support learning, reading and writing. These organizations include public libraries.  Employee Matching Donation Policy: HarperCollins is proud to support causes that are important to our employees. They have a matching donation program for employees. Over the years, they have supported a number of worthy causes, including Avon's Walk for Breast Cancer, March of Dimes, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and The National MS Society.

113 | P a g e


A. Primary Market Male or Female, elementary students, 9-12 years old, owns a smartphone/tablet, belonging to the socio-economic class Upper C and Class C.

B. Secondary Market Male of Female parents with child/children, no specific age, belonging from the socio-economic class Upper C and Class C, has a child/children who read/s and own/s a smartphone/tablet; and earn P50,000 to P80,000 a month. C. Demographics i.

Primary Market (Target reader) a. Gender: Male or female b. Age: 9-12 years old c. Education: Elementary students (grade 4-6) d. Market Class: Upper C and Class C


Secondary Market (Target buyer) a. Male or female b. Age: no specific age c. Education: College Graduate d. Monthly Income: P50,000-P80,000 a month

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D. Psychographics i.


Primary Market (Target Reader) 

Readers who like illustrated books.

Young, exploratory and imaginative.


Owns a smartphone/table and/or knows how to use it.

Secondary Market (Target Buyer) 

Parents or single parents who have concern for their children and value reading.

They want their children to enjoy reading books with the use of smartphones/tablets, since kids today are more into their gadgets than books.

Parents who shop at malls and visit/pass by bookstores.

They may want to buy the book as a gift.

E. Geographics Manila areas.

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Strengths 

The exploration used is new in the children’s book industry in the country.

The book has Augmented Reality technology that will intrigue kids to read the book with their smartphones/tablets since kids like to experience and try out something new using their smartphones/tablets.

The visuals are in cartoon style that appeal to the target market.

The author is famous and has won numerous awards, including the Hugo, Nebula, and Bram Stoker awards, as well as the Newbery and Carnegie medals

Weaknesses 

The author and the book is only known/read by adults, specifically teenagers.

Kids are not into horror novels.

Opportunities 

Most of the primary markets are computer literate, surfs the net and more into gadgets and using the web as part of the advertising can be utilize.

Threats 

Competition with books with other genre.

Kids spend most of their time on their smartphones/tablets playing games, Facebook, etc.

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Interview with Mrs. Remelina Pastor (Target Buyer and Mother)

Do you encourage your child to read books? Yes, to improve their vocabulary.

Do you like books with illustrations for your child? Yes, so they can understand better.

What books do you want your child to read? Aside from text books. I prefer my child to read books like Encyclopedia, Almanac, books regarding nature and animals. I also buy novels like A Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Are illustrations important to you in buying books? Yes, illustrated books are much more interesting to read and it can attract more attention to the children.

Which do you prefer on illustrations, digital or traditional? Since we are in a computer age, I prefer digital.

What do you think of using craft foam diorama as illustrations for books? Maganda siya, maganda rin siya gamitin as illustration sa mga books so kids will understand the story of the book they’re reading.

What do you think of the kids /youth today? I think kids today are spending most of time on their gadgets, iPods, iPad, computers, playing games . 117 | P a g e

Do you think all kids still read with actual books? No, because kids now are more interested in computer games.

Do you think books having new technology applied to it will be t? Yes, books should have technology applied to it because this will be attractive to kids since they are more techie nowadays.


Interview session with Mario Santa Maria (Comics Illustrator, Layout artist, text book illustrator.

Why did you decide to become an illustrator of text books for children? I used to be a comics illustrator, that’s why it’s easy for me illustrate a children’s book and it’s always my dream to do an illustration for children’s book. Illustrating a Children’s book is not really that different from Comics illustration, they’re almost the same.

Which do you prefer when making an illustration? Traditional or digital art? I use both traditional and digital in making my illustrations, but I am more in traditional.

Do you think using dioramas as illustrations is good for a children’s book? Yes, because it’s appealing and unique. And it will fit to young readers.

What is your art style, especially in making illustrations of books? My art style is more on traditional, but my art style is very versatile. I can do modern style illustration or traditional, it depends on the needs of the story and from the client. 118 | P a g e

When making your illustrations of a book, how do you choose what scene/s you’ll illustrate from the story? First, it depends on the story, and it also depends on the script, especially when you make illustrations for comics. You also follow the story guide.

What do you usually do before you start working? Syempre, dapat nakakain na, nakaligo na para fresh ka. Everything must be prepared, your work space, pens and pencils you’ll be using, everything.

Do you have any inspiration or influence in your art? My inspiration are the works of the senior illustrators, like Rico Rival, Nestor Redondo, they were our inspiration during our times. Most of them were comic illustrators, they also make editorial cartoons.

Do you have any artist that you look up at most? They’re a lot, for local artist they are Nestor Redondo, Rico Rival, Francisco Coching. In US, it’s Andrew Loomis, Willy Pogany, Ron Norman Rockwell, they were the famous illustrators during our times. For painters, Vincent Van Gogh and many more.

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What advice will you give to young artist / illustrators out there? Like our Senior artist’ advice to us, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. It’s a never ending study. If you’re an illustrator the best thing to do is to study ANATOMY, Composition. Try to read anatomy books of Andrew Loomis and books of other illustrators because drawing is a lifetime study. You’ll always study drawing, specifically anatomy. At field or endeavor, you continue studying at your course or career.


Interview with Mr. Arkon Dia (Scriptwriter at Super TV)

What are the usual mediums/explorations used on children's books that you saw/read? Mostly pencil lang.

Do you think using a diorama made out of craft foam will be good in illustrating a children's book? Yes, matutuwa yung mga bata. It looks like they can interact with it.

Do you think having dioramas as illustrations will make kids be interested in reading books? Well, judging from the way it looks and probably feels; the object has this "friendliness" meaning to say it does not give off a creepy factor. If a child can lift it with curiosity then it would be okay.

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Do you know Neil Gaiman's Coraline? If yes, What would you say about the book? Well I've seen the film, although I haven't read the book.

How about the story of the movie? It was entertaining to say the least. I mean, I've also watched Mirror Mask. Neil Gaiman has this way kinda like Tim Burton, that “Dark atmosphere”.

Do you think the book Coraline will sell if its illustrations are pictures of dioramas made out of craft foam? The Diorama was "friendly" it wasn't a creepy doll and such it has appeal kind of like a plush toy.

So do you think it would be better if the doll is darker (scary)? Well creepiness and darkness are two different things but yes if it were less negative I believe it would fit.

Have you encountered books that have Augmented Reality? I haven’t encountered one but I read a book that discussed about Augmented Reality. A short story, I take it sci-fi? the only instance where I've come across Augmented Reality was in a short story and it was a phenomena in that story.

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Do you think ung style ng drawing ko..(which is cartoon)..babagay siya sa story ng Coraline? Depende sa theme talaga sa coraline there was a part na dapat tatangalin mata niya tapos naging spider queen yung nanay tapos parang creep droid lang pala yung tatay kung andun pa din yung essence ng story puwede pa pero kung same story talaga pero less creepy yung characters it most probably won’t work pero I'm basing this from the movie ha.


Well the book is different from the movie, the story is more darker than the movie. The reason why I make the illustrations in cartoon style so kids will read the book. Do you think should I still use this style or make it more darker? If you're aiming for children, it is good to use that style to illustrate the book.

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APPENDIX A – LETTER Ms. Regina Celine I. Hernandez Officer in Charge / High School Head Holy Infant Montessori Center 4 N. Helen St. BF Homes Phase I, Caloocan City Dear Ma’am,

Good day! I am Joey Camille P. Ellson, an alumna of Holy Infant Montessori Center, currently a senior Advertising student of University of Santo Tomas – College of Fine Arts and Design. I am conducting a thesis on Book Illustration for children. The study is about exploring Craft foam diorama and augmented reality to illustrate the book Coraline by Neil Gaiman. The purpose of the study is to know if children will appreciate a book that has pictures of dioramas as illustrations on a children’s book. In this connection, I have constructed a questionnaire to gather information for my study. The questionnaire is to be answered by children ages 9-12 years old. I am writing to you in the hopes of being granted permission to allow me to have your students spare a moment to answer my survey. Their participation in this study is very vital. Without it, the study will not be as complete as it should be. Please be assured that their anonymity and the information they will give will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. Your consideration will be much appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!

Joey Camille P. Ellson Name of Student 123 | P a g e


Survey for Target Buyer

1. Age

46 years old - above = 46 37 - 45 years old = 49 31 - 36 years old = 5 25 - 30 years old = 0

2. Gender

Male = 39 Female = 61

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3. Occupation

Employed = 87 Self-employed = 11 Unemployed = 2 Student = 0

4. Academic Degree

College = 93 Graduate School = 7 High School = 0

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5. Total Monthly Household Income

Php 85,000 and above = 10 Php 50,000 - 80,000 = 65 Php 35,000 - 45,000 = 18 Php 20,000 and below = 7

6. Are you familiar with dioramas?

Yes = 97 No = 3

126 | P a g e

7. Where did you first see a diorama?

Museums = 90


Malls = 8

Other = 3



8. What was it made of?

Wax = 31 Clay = 30 Carton = 13 Plastic = 12 l don't know what material was used = 12 Other = 2

127 | P a g e

9. What catches your attention when you see a diorama?


Characters / Model = 42%


Background = 11%

Objects / Props = 36%



Concept = 11%







10. Do you know craft foam?

Yes = 21 No = 79

128 | P a g e

11. Would you be interested in seeing a diorama made out of craft foam?

Yes = 98 No = 2

12. Are you familiar with the cartoon drawing style?

Yes = 97 No = 3

129 | P a g e

13. Will you be interested in a children's book that has pictures of dioramas in a cartoon style as an illustration?

Yes = 100 No = 0

14. Do you know Coraline?

Yes = 48

No = 52

130 | P a g e

15. If yes, where did you find out about Coraline?

Movie = 15 Book = 32

16. Are you familiar with the foreign author Neil Gaiman?

Yes = 51

No = 49

131 | P a g e

17. Are you familiar with his style of writing?

Yes = 47 No = 53

18. Would you like to have a different approach to his horror/fantasy novel Coraline?

Yes = 75 No = 25

132 | P a g e

19. Do you have your own smartphone/tablet (iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc.)?

Yes = 82 No = 18

20. Does your child have their own smartphone / tablet?

Yes = 79 No = 21

133 | P a g e

21. Do you have your own internet connection / wi-fi at home?

Yes = 95 No = 5

22. Would you like a children's book to be viewed or read through a smartphone / tablet?

Yes = 95 No = 5

134 | P a g e

23. Will you buy a copy of the classic novel Coraline that displays the character and hear them talk through your smartphone?

Yes = 94 No = 6

24. Are you familiar with Augmented Reality (AR)?

Yes = 16 No = 84

135 | P a g e

25. Would you be interested in reading a book that has AR?

Yes = 98 No = 2

26. Do you buy books for your child/children?

Yes = 74 No = 26

136 | P a g e

27. If no, What would make you buy a book? 26

Art / Illustrations = 29%

Overall Quality = 26%


Content = 26%



Promotion = 6%


Freebies / Free gifts = 13%


Other = 0% 0







28. What genre of book would you prefer for your child? 12

Sci-fi = 5%


Children's novel = 35%


Graphic novel / Comics = 18%


Historical = 15%


Fiction books = 27%


Other = 1% 0











137 | P a g e

29. Do you buy foreign books?

Yes = 93 No = 7


Why do you buy books for them?


For gifts = 29%


For leisure = 36%


For artistic purposes = 21%


For educational purposes = 25%











138 | P a g e

31. When do you usually buy books for them?


School Season = 55%


Christmas Season = 27%


Birthdays = 25%


Other = 15%








32. How often do you buy books for them?

Once a week = 5 Once a month = 39 Once a year = 6 Occasionally = 50

139 | P a g e

33. What bookstore/s do you buy books at most often?


Fully Booked = 44%


Powerbooks = 18%


National Bookstore = 34%


Booksale = 3%


Other = 1% 0










34. How often do you visit bookstores?

Other = 4 Twice a year = 5 Once a month = 26 Every Weekend = 65

140 | P a g e

35. Do you buy books online?

Yes = 4

No = 96

36. How do you find out about a new book?


When I browse bookstores = 44% 42

From advertisements = 21% 8

Book conventions = 4%


Word of mouth = 15%


Social Networking sites = 16% 0

Other = 0% 0











141 | P a g e

37. Do you let your child decide the book they want to read?

Yes = 87 No = 13

38. What language do you prefer for books?

English = 63 Both = 37 Tagalog = 0

142 | P a g e

39. What do you look for in a children's novel? 81

Illustration = 26% 54

Moral Lesson = 17% 19

Book Cover = 6% Book Layout = 3%


Colors = 3%

8 14

Price = 4%


Quality = 15%


Content = 24% 9

Book Title = 3% 0










40. Do you think that the size of the book affects you in buying one?

Yes = 68 No = 32

143 | P a g e

41. Which of the two do you prefer for the book cover?

Hardbound = 92 Paperback = 8

42. Which of the two do you prefer?

Colored illustrations = 97

Black and White illustrations = 3

144 | P a g e

43. How much are you willing to pay for a children's book?

Php 350 - 500 = 30 Php 501 - 800 = 25 Php 801 - 1000 = 35 Php 1001 and above = 10

44. What are the factors that you consider in buying a book? 46

Price = 9%


Quality = 19% 42

Book Cover = 8%


Illustrations = 18% 72

Author = 14%


Content = 18% 19

Color = 4%


Characters = 9% 0






145 | P a g e

45. Which of these newspapers do you usually read?

Philippine Star = 16 Philippine Daily Inquirer = 61 Manila Bulletin I don't read newspapers = 16 Other = 1

46. Which of these magazines do you read? 60

Good Housekeeping = 30%


Mega = 8%


Preview = 13%


Yes! = 10%


Smart Parenting = 22%


I don't read magazines = 13%


Other = 3% 0








146 | P a g e

47. Do you browse the internet? What websites do you usually visit?

Yahoo! = 31%


Google = 28%


Facebook = 35%


Youtube = 6%


Other = 0%

0 0






48. How often do you go online?

Everyday = 55 Once a week = 7 Twice a week = 34 Once a month = 3 Twice a month = 1

147 | P a g e

49. What social networking site do you use aside from Facebook? Twitter = 25%


Tumblr = 0%


Instagram = 11%


Friendster = 2%


No, I only use facebook = 55%


Other = 7%

8 0








50. What malls do you usually go? SM North Edsa = 25%


SM Mall of Asia = 19%


SM Megamall = 17%


Trinoma = 17%


Robinson's Galleria = 4%


Gateway = 6%


Rockwell = 1%


Greenbelt = 6%


Market Market! = 1%


Other = 3%

7 0







148 | P a g e


Survey for Target Reader

1. Age

8 years old = 2 9 years old = 15 10 years old = 20 11 years old = 26 12 years old = 23 13 years old = 14

2. Gender

Male = 52 Female = 48

149 | P a g e

3. Are you familiar with dioramas? Where did you first see a diorama?


Museums = 50%


Malls = 40%


I don't know what a diorama is = 10%


Other = 0%








4. What was the diorama made of?

Carton = 34 Clay = 26 Plastic = 10 Wax = 12 I don't know what material was used = 33

150 | P a g e

5. What catches your attention in seeing a diorama?


Character / Model = 39%


Concept = 25%


Objects / Props = 19%


Background = 17% 0









6. Do you know craft foam?

Yes = 30 No = 70

151 | P a g e

7. Are you familiar with the cartoon drawing style?

Yes = 100 No = 0

8. Would you be interested in a book that has pictures of dioramas in a cartoon style as an illustration?

Yes = 97 No = 3

152 | P a g e


Do you read foreign books?

Yes = 89 No = 11

10. Do you read horror / fantasy stories?

Yes = 89 No = 11

153 | P a g e

11. Are you familiar with the author Neil Gaiman?

Yes = 8 No = 92

12. Have you heard about his novel entitled “Coraline�?

Yes = 37 No = 63

154 | P a g e

13. Do you have your own smartphone / tablet? (iPhone, iPad, iPod etc.) ?

Yes = 87 No = 13

14. Do you have your own internet connection / wi-fi at home?

Yes = 92 No = 8

155 | P a g e

15. Do you know how to download an app on your smartphone?

Yes = 84 No = 16

16. Would you like to read a story with your smartphone / tablet?

Yes = 77 No = 23

156 | P a g e

17. Would you like to read a book that displays the characters from the story and hear them speak using your smartphone / tablet?

Yes = 88 No = 12

18. Are you familiar with Augmented Reality (AR)?

Yes = 16 No = 84

157 | P a g e

19. Would you be interested in reading a book that has AR?

Yes = 98 No = 2

20. What magazines do you usually read?


K-Zone = 45% 24

Total Girl = 16% 14

Candy = 9% 1

Preview = 1%


National Geographic Little Kids = 22% 10

Yes! = 6%


Other = 8% 0









158 | P a g e

159 | P a g e

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