XCB a History (excerpt)

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For war d Thi si smyexcer ptofXer oxCandyBara Hi st or y .XCBaHi st or yi sacol l ect i onofcomi cs andi l l ust r at i onsbypastedi t or st el l i ngf ake st or i esofhowXer oxCandyBargotst ar t ed anddi f f er entadvent ur est hat" happened" al ongt heway . Xer oxCandyBari sazi needi t edand pr oducedbycur r entst udent satTheSchoolof TheAr tI nst i t ut eofChi cago.XCBi sf ul l y f undedbyt heSAI CSt udentAssoci at i on. I ti saf r eezi net hataccept sal lsubmi ssi ons madebyst udent s,f acul t y ,andst af f . Iam gl adIgott obepar tofi t . j oeyj acks Xer oxCandyBaraHi st or ywasanedi t i onof300t hatwasavai l abl eatt he201 1showCar t oonI nk;whi chf eat ur edor i gi nalwor k byJef f er yBr own,I vanBr unet t i ,Li l l iCar r e,Ander sNi l sen,John Por cel l i no,Chr i sWar e,andmany ,manymor e. CoverbySeanHer nandez Edi t edbyJoeyJacks

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