Johana Monroy_Resume 2019

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Joha na El i zabe th Monr oy 710 Carroll Street, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, New York, 11215 C. 347.605.3498 -

Education: Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

Barcelona, Spain

Pratt Institute School of Architecture

B r o o k l y n , N e w Yo r k

Saint Saviour High School

B r o o k l y n , N e w Yo r k

Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture, June 2018

Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture with Honors, June 2013 High School and Regents Honors Diploma, June 2008

Experience: COOKFOX Architects, DPC Intermediate Architect

September 2018Current

Worked on all design phases, from RFPs to construction documents using Autocad and Revit. Produced drawings for submission to DOB. Created design development drawings and diagrams for presentations to clients. Developed design concepts using sketchup and Rhino.

New York Institute of Technology Adjunct Professor

January 2019Current

Current courses include Design Studio 101 and 102 and Visualization 102 where students learn basic architectural concepts, 3D modeling in Rhino, the production of architectural drawings and diagrams, and digital fabrication.

BKSK Architects LLP Junior Architect

Wo r k e d o n s c h e m a t i c d e s i g n a n d c o n c e p t s u s i n g R h i n o a n d S ke t c h u p . P a r t i c i p a t e d i n design competitions. Created design developement drawings and renderings for presentations to clients. Produced construction documents for submission to DOB using Revit. Researched materials and products

Mark Gould Architect

Junior Architect

Conducted site visits and surveys. Worked on schematic design and concepts. Created design developement drawings and renderings for presentations to clients. P r o d u c e d c o n s t r u c t i o n d o c u m e n t s f o r s u b m i s s i o n t o D O B u s i n g Ve c t o r Wo r k s f o r Mac. Researched material, products, fixtures and furniture

August 2015 September 2016 freelance work Winter 2018

June 2013 - July 2015 freelance work August 2017 May 2018

Awards: AIA Europe Scholarship 2017 Scholarship for academic merit and continuing education in Europe during 2017-2018

IaaC Scholarship and Teaching Position 2017-2018 Scholarship given for academic achievement and continuing education at IaaC 2017-2018 Teaching assistant position also awarded for design studio at college level 2017-2018

BKSK Architects Research Grant 2017-2018 Grant for continued research at Master’s level during 2017-2018

Pratt Institute Outstanding Merit Award 2013 Awar d for academic achievement in the major of architecture during 2008-2013

Lee and Norman Rosenfeld Award for Best Degree Project of 2013 Aw a r d g i v e n f o r t h e d e g r e e p r o j e c t “ C i u d a d Ve r t i c a l , M e x i c o D. F. , ” h i g h l i g h t i n g t h e n e e d o f a vertical city in Latin America

Lee and Norman Rosenfeld Rome Study Abroad Program Award Scholarship given for Pratt Institute’s Rome Study Abroad Program winter-spring 2012

Pratt Institute Presidential Scholarship Scholarship given for academic merit 2008-2013

Reiss Corporation Scholarship Scholarship given for academic merit 2004-2013

Junge Memorial Scholarship Scholarship given for academic merit and portfolio development 2012-2013

Hearst Scholarship Award Scholarship given for academic merit and portfolio development 2012-2013

Publications and Exhibitions: “Slime Mould in Arts and Architecture” A. Adamantzky. Et al. - Featured Chapter | 2018-2019 Living Screens : The Foraging of Atmospheric Patterns

Nomad, el pabellon nomada de IaaC - 2017 Nomad Pavilion for the 2017 Nowhere Festival in Spain

Black Ecologies - IaaCBits 2018 Living Screens : The Foraging of Atmospheric Patterns

APS “How to Guide” : Implementing Technology Towards Active Public Space - IaaC CCEA 2017 Living Screens : The Foraging of Atmospheric Patterns

IaaC Proposes Slime Mould as Architectural Application - Designboom 2017 Living Screens : The Foraging of Atmospheric Patterns

Living Screens - urbanNext 2017 Living Screens : The Foraging of Atmospheric Patterns

Experience Future Cities - at Union Industrial Space Barcelona -2018

Living(in) Future Cities - at MUHBA OLIVA ARTES Barcelona -2017

Tallin Architecture Biennale - at Balti Jaam P.T. Tallin -2017

Maker Faire - Barcelona Barcelona -2017

Skills: Fluent in Spanish and basic knowledge of French.

Computer Skills Windows and Mac OS R h i n o c e r o s , G r a s s h o p p e r , Ve c t o r w o r k s , A u t o c a d , Re v i t , S ke t c h u p , R h i n o C a m , A r d u i n o , K e y S h o t , B r a z i l , A d o b e P h o t o s h o p , A d o b e I l l u s t r a t o r, A d o b e I n D e s i g n , A d o b e L i g h t r o o m , A d o b e A c r o b a t , A d o b e P r e m i e r e P r o , A d o b e A f t e r E ff e c t s , M i c r o s o f t Wo r d , M i c r o s o f t Po w e r Po i n t Proficient in a variety of model making including wood, bristol, chipboard, foam core, illustration board, wiremesh, cardboard, plexi, paper casting, bioPlastics, corrugated plastic Experience with CNC milling, 3D printing, laser cutting and 6 axis robot

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