Public Libary Competion

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DAEGU GOSAN PUBLIC LIBRARY OUR VISION Our vision: a library that can be developed and shaped by residents, society and time. We see the building and its activities as a function that helps the city to live and continue to live and evolve along with the residents and the world outside the city borders. We want citizens to see the library as their living room, where they go when they want to meet or to get peace and quiet. The building is inviting single visitors and groups. Spaces are supplied for different activities to attract all residents young and old and different groups in society – theater, political groups, educational organizations, artists, etc. Everyone should feel that they have access to the library and its various functions.

East facade Clading material: wood, glas, concrete and steel.

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West facade Clading material: bricks, glas and steel.

Color guide: Red- Office/ maintence space Yellow- Open user space Green- Culture and lifelong study space Blue- Common space

A library as a knowledge information center

Spaces are formed for different activity and different types of expression, we believe that information can be spread in many ways, both inside the building and outside. Why not make a speech from the café terrace down to the courtyard below, or to have an exhibition in the flexible room? There are many ways to distribute information we encourage more options than printed paper. Different scales of information can take place, world news and local. They can be presented and discussed in several ways. How – is up to the messenger to choose. Either booking a classroom, putting up a note on a bulletin board or having a lecture, for example.

Evening Activities

We want the house to feel dynamic and inspiring day and evening. Make the visitors curious to get back another time too. Therefore, we have chosen to have all of the program’s activities in the same building. That makes visitors who come during the day aware that there are evening events and vice versa.

Material/ Culture

Inspired by Korean culture and craftsmanship and the desire of letting it be included in the building and to remind and show its qualities, we have chosen to work with some of the material which has a long tradition in Korea. Ceramics and tiles are one of the materials that will lie and shine on the bubble on the yard. Wood, brick, steel are other materials in the façade. Inside the building, we imagine a semitransparent wall that consists of paper art.

Urban and landscape planning

From an urban perspective we wanted to keep the building low and preserve the earthy feeling that the park behind has. A low and wide building gives nicer inner space and is also better suited to the surrounding than a higher building. Given the situation, it felt only natural to add the courtyard on the south part of the site so the sun can be there during the day. It is a links to the open area on the other side of the road at the church. This creates room and transparency in the otherwise densely populated city. The yard can be a place you choose to sit and rest for a while in the sun on their lunch etc. On the north side, towards the park area, we would like to

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North facade Clading material: bricks, glas, steela and wood

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create a pond. During the rainy season water from the roof runs into the pond, creating a natural water noise in the city noise and gives a soothing effect. The basin also creates a space between those sitting inside the booths and study, and those who move in the park. This makes a better learning environment inside and the outside movement less distracting.

Green house

Ground energy converted by a het pump is suggested to give the energy supply. On the roof is a shallow green located and also on part of the roof-terrace. Sedum-roof gives both extra insulation and I also buffering rainwater and gives an extra green area in the city that produce oxygen. The facades are clad with material that is some of nature’s most common materials such as wood, brick, stone and metal. Fresh air is drawn down in the ground, being preheated by the surrounding earth, and then heated by used air in the machine-room before it is transported to different places in the building. Most of the used air is collected in the staircase top next to the machine room. Distributing air in this way

does not need the normal amount of pipes above the inner ceiling. This makes it possible to only have a height of 3 meters in the bottom floor. The large open reading space is lit by daylight. The daylight is captured in roof -lights by mirrors controlled by a small computer always directing optimal amount of light into the room. The computers are driven by solar-energy. The northbound wall can be described as a large window, with small booths for reading and studying. This gives a calm light without a certain direction, giving no hard shadows. The roof-lights are also equipped with artificial light that is lit when there is no sun. On the roof are solar panels placed that generate electricity to the house and therefore reduces electricity consumption from other electricity production. A possibility that could be considered is using the rainwater for toilets. A buffer basin could be installed in the cellar and when not used for flushing it can be used in the small pond. A simple purification process is needed.

Librarian system

We try to create an open yet secure library. Three inputs are equipped with magnetic gates and all books, CD’s, etc. are

magnetically labeled so that nothing can leave the premises without a proper lending procedure.

Evening activities

By placing the parts of the library will be available for use during the evening hours between one of the side entrance and the main entrance are, it is possible to close the library and keep any part of other premises open. You can also choose which part should be accessible from the side entrance or the main entrance.

Children and a lifelong relationship

It’s good if children have a good relationship to the library, we see that one of the most important points for the library is to remain alive. We have therefore created “the bubble” that is intriguing for especially small children and is also creating a save place, where they can listen to story telling and listen to music. Bubble wants to awake the curiosity of children. You can get a hunch even outside of the library. They can climb the bubble and it is possible slide down on glazed tiles. This will hopefully spread the rumor and curiosity of the library. Children bring their friends and they tell their families. This may

in turn give birth to new visitors to the library, even residents in adulthood. New families will be introduced to the library and its activities through their children’s interest. Although the library is associated to the silence, we want the yard to feel alive and open up for various activities where sometimes children are playing. From a sustainability perspective of a society and its development, it is great that young people and children feel secure at the center for information. Therefore, we want to give children and young people of different ages space in the library. It is important that they and all the city’s inhabitants feel at home in the place where information is given and discussed and used. We believe it is important for children to have a good relationship with the library at an early age. That they learn how the library works and what happens in the other parts of the building. If they feel safe as a child and find new things they may be interested in when they grow up, they will have a lifelong relationship with the building and engagement in community issues. Hopefully they take their children there and the circle is not broken.

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Preliminary volume study.



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Evening area

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Evening area

Evening area

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