Fall 2012 - The Networker

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Networker the

The quarterly publication of the Far Western Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Fall 2012 Issue










What’s Inside . . . 1. Table of Contents 2. A Message from Far Western Regional Director, Soror Barbara “BT” Trotter 3. A Few Far West Reminders 4. Upcoming 2013 Events 5. GLTTS Update/End-of-the-Year Reports 6. Communications Update/Create Chapter Media Lists 7/8. Unsung Sorors of the Civil Rights Movement Virtual Exhibit 9. Constitution/Bylaw Amendments from the 2012 Boule 11/12. Meet Our Cluster Coordinators 13/14. AKA C.A.R.E.S. Update/State of Voter Registration in the Region 15/19. Far Western Chapters in the News 20. Far Western Sorors on the Move 21/23. Thoughts and Prayers 24/25. 2012 Boule Highlights 26/27. Soror Barbara’s Welcome Reception 28. About The Networker


. . .Networker the

Dear Far Western Region Sorors,

This is a season of Thanksgiving. I thank you for affording me this opportunity to serve you. I am still afloat and immersed in the pride of what it means to be the Far Western Regional Director. It is truly an honor! I am looking forward to working with you over the next two years to continue the outstanding legacy of the Fabulous-Fantastic Far Western Region. Thank you for a great Undergraduate Round Up and successful Cluster Conferences. You will be able to see highlights in the next issue of the newsletter. At this point, we turn our attention toward AKA Founders Day in January. I encourge each Chapter to carve out time to revisit the precepts of Alpha Kappa Alpha and find venues to reflect on the phenomenal Founders who gave life to our sisterhood. This year we are introducing online registration for Northern and Southern California Cluster Founder’s Day celebrations. Online registration for the 2013 Far Wester Regional Conference will be available in mid-December. Kudos to the 2013 Far Western Regional Conference Committee as they plan for a magnificent conference. After Regional Conference, we will be ready for AKA Day at the Capitol in April. We look forward to your participation in all of these events! Thanks and great appreciation to you, my sorors, for the work that you are doing in our chapters and communities to give service to all mankind. You conducted voter registration campaigns and got out the vote. The evidence of our work manifested itself at the polls. I encourage you to continue executing all of the international program initiatves with the same energy that you poured into the AKA C.A.R.E.S. voting initiative. The stakes are high and your work is already producing positive results. As we come together to do “Big Things” in the world, let us remember to give thanks for our many blessings! Happy Holidays!

Soror Barbara “Big Things” Trotter Far Western Regional Director Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.


Just a few reminders . . .

Chapter Contact Information

Update your Chapter mailing address and officer info with the Regional Director

End of the Year Reporting

All Chapter End-of-the-Year Reports are due December 31, 2012 by 11:00 pm CST. As a reminder, you can submit reports online prior to December 31 and are encouraged to do so. Please make 3 copies of your chapter reports for the following: 1) AKA Corporate Office; 2) Far Western Regional Director: 3) Your chapter files NOTE: In order to participate in MIP and Regional Awards, all reports must be received on or prior to the December 31st deadline. For questions regarding end-of-the-year program reports, contact Soror Linda Gaines Brooks, International Programs Representative.

MIP Reminders

The Corporate Office will begin accepting paperwork for MIP on January 15th. All End-of-theYear Reports have to be submitted on time to pass Chapter Health Checks. For Graduate MIP questions, contact Soror Diane Peete @ GradAsst@AKAFarWest.com For Undergraduate MIP, contact Soror Juanita Dawson at undergraduateAssist@AKAFarWest.com

Far Western Regional Awards Manual

We are excited to announce that the Far Western Regional Conference Awards Manual will be available online by mid-December. The manual will include information on individual and chapter awards, submissions, Exhibits, Arts & Crafts and Scrapbooks. The GLTTS awards will also be included in the manual. This year the GLTTS awards will be judged at the regional level only as training for next year’s international competition. Note: Graduate, Individual and chapter awards will be presented at the 3rd plensary session. Undergraduate awards will be presented at the Undergraduate Luncheon. GLTTS and Regional Director’s Leadership awards will be presented during the EAF/Leadership Breakfast.

Reclamation Soror Recognition The individual Soror who reclaims the highest number of Sorors in each region (based on the 2012 End-of-the-Year Report #7) will be recognized at the 2013 Regional Conference. The winning soror must be present at the 2013 Regional Conference in order to win. THE PRIZE: CONFERENCE REGISTRATION REIMBURSEMENT

Reclamation Chapter Recognition

According to the 2012 End-of-the-Year Membership Report (#7) chapters in each region will be recognized at 2013 Regional Conferences for their reclamation efforts in accordance with chapter size categories established by each region. Again, Chapter reports must be received by December 31st.

Chapter Membership Award Levels

Ignitian - 1 to 25 Reclaimed Members Thermal - 26 to 50 reclaimed Members Combustible - 51 or more reclaimed Members

Lastly, get up to date info by NETWORKING WITH US! Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Far Western Region


Upcoming 2013 Events in the Far West Network 2013 Founder’s Day Celebrations Join us as we celebrate our heritage and strengthen our sisterhood at our Annual Founder’s Day Celebrations. Northern California Cluster Founders Day Southern California Cluster Founders Day January 19, 2013 January 26, 2013 Hs Lordship Restaurant Pacific Palms Resort 199 Seawall Drive 1 Industry Hills Parkway Berkeley, CA 94710 Industry Hills, CA Registration Start: 10:00 am Registration Start: 9:00 am Program Start: 11:30 am Program Start: 11:00 am Register today at www.akafarwest.com

MLK Day of Service

Two major cities in the Far Western Region have been identified as sites for the 2013 MLK Day/Service for Peace projects, in conjunction with the Sorority’s partnership with Service for Peace, a Corporation for National and Community Service.

SororJamien Jordan of Delta Zeta Omega Chapter in San Francisco will lead Northern California’s efforts and Soror Cessna Heard-Johnson of Delta Upsilon Omega will coordinate efforts in Seattle, Washington. Stay tuned for additional information on the 2013 MLK Day of Service!

Far Western Regional Conference The 2013 Far Western Regional Conference will take place from Wednesday, March 27 through Sunday, March 31 at the LA Live Marriott in sunny Los Angeles, CA!

We’re excited to see you there! Stay tuned for Registration and Hotel info!


Tips for Writing Reports As the Far Western Region gears up for the new year, the region’s programs just keeps getting bigger and better! The GLTTS Program Initiative in the Far Western Region can be characterized as dynamic, relevant, powerful, educational, motivational and engaging. Sorors are committed to having meaningful-award winning programs and continue to be excited about their 2010-2014 programs. To be sure we’re quantifying our efforts and impact for 2012, be sure to turn in your end-of-the-year reports on time. The timeliness of these reports have an impact on your chapter’s ability to recieve awards at the Regional Conference, conduct MIP and actively participate in the 2013 year. Here are a few tips to remember to assist with your reports: 1) The reporting process begins with details of the event: Who, What, When and Where. 2) Capture the total volunteer hours to implement your event. 3) Enter the total number of hours of the event. 4) Include your committee planning/meeting time. 5) Remember to always include the number of people that were present at the event. 6) Always include the volunteer hours of your Collaborative Partners. 7) Report the event’s media coverage, including social media. 8) Report and list materials distributed at the event. 9) Administer a Soror event evaluation and a participant evaluation and report the results. 10) Report a sampling of Soror, participant and partner comments. 11) Report all monetary amounts in whole numbers. 12) Include a list of all outside funding sources included in your total funding. 13) List all in-kind donations. 14) There is a comment section in which to report all additional information, if needed. 15) If the chapter event is supporting more than one initiative remember to divide volunteer hours, monies donated and monies received between two or more initiatives to avoid double counting. 16) If an event is a joint project, note in the event description that it was a joint/combined initiatives.

Exerted from the South Central Region


Communications 101: creating a media contact list

Creating a comprehensive media contact list is crucial to getting a chapter’s message out to the broader community. Once a chapter is ready to convey their story and key messages, the next step is to begin reaching out to local media contacts. Below are some important tips for creating a complete media contact list.

1.TypesKnowofthMedie difaerence bettween Print, Broadcast and Online Media

Print Media consists of news articles, photographs, editorials, sports articles, statistics and other features found in a newspaper or magazine. Print allows for more in-depth coverage and lead-time. Broadcast Media consist of radio and television. Broadcast media is driven by quick sound bites and requires a spokesperson capable of transmitting the message in a compact and concise manner. Online Media consists of online newsletters, websites, online advertisements, blogs, etc. that are on the internet. Many print and broadcast media outlets also utilize their websites to publish stories online.

2.Research the Local Media 3.Create a Media Contact List

Media lists can be obtained from the library, online by searching the city, and requesting a list from a local Publicity Club or from the local Department of Tourism.

A. Contact Name(s) (reporters, assignment managers, editors, key editors, etc.) B. Phone Numer, Email, Fax Number C. Type of Media (newspaper, magazine, television, radio, online, etc.) UseLagniappe Microsoft or Excel in a table helps to keep the (contacts organized) with the following D. & Word Notes (offers tips(formatting for engagement) information each media contact: NOTE: Update for the Media list monthly or quarterly. Changes occur frequently so it’s important to maintain it!Be sure to include trade publications (i.e., Chronicle of Higher Education) and association member.

4.Understand Sections for which each Media Reports On

Print publications typically have the following sections, although smaller publications may combine some sections: Business, Health/medical, Government/Legislative, Metro/Local news, and Features.

Chapters in need of assistance in compiling a media list or interested in viewing a sample media contact list, please reach out to Sorors Leona Dotson and Angela Warren. Sisterly, Soror Leona Dotson Representative to the International Communications Committee lhdotson@live.com


Soror Angela Warren Far Western Regional Informaiton Officer regionalinfo@akafarwest.com


Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Unforgettable . . . Unsung Sorors of the Civil Rights Movement is the historical documentation of the works of Sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. who became advocates for civil rights, social justice, fair labor, and equality in education. At the 2012 Boule in San Francisco, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. paid homage to a group of trailblazing women who played roles in the nation’s struggle for equality. These ladies are the Alpha Kappa Alpha Unsung Sorors of the Civil Rights Movement. Through words, images and artifacts, the Boule Museum displayed the achievements of Alpha Kappa Alpha are unveiled on a broader scale with the launching of the online exhibit as a permanent tribute to these women. Alpha Kappa Alpha invites you to continue celebrating these achievements online, starting November 1, 2012 in the brand new cyberspace museum. Connect to the exhibit by clicking on the front link of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Website (www.aka1908.com), or by going directly to the exhibit at the following address: http://aka1908.com/unsungsorors The cyberspace exhibit is inspired by the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement and affirms the social justice and human rights initiative of the Sorority’s Global Leadership Program. The exhibit was lovlingly conceived and compiled by the International Archives Committee, with assistance from our International Technology Committee, along with contributions from chapters and individual Sorors from around the world.


It now includes information from Boule and much, much more. You are invited to continue submitting information. Let’s keep our history alive! The collective struggle for human and civil rights continues.



The Far West Network . . .




Far Western RegionCluster Coordinators . . . Intermountain

Soror Jacqueline Brown, Graduate

Soror Jacqueline was initiated in Theta Theta Omega Chapter of Las Vegas, NV in May 1994 and has been an active member for the past 18 years. She has served as 1st Anti-Basileus, Grammateus, Anti-Grammateus and Standards Committee Chairman. She will begin her second term as Basileus in January 2013. She also served as the Program Co-Chairman for the 2005 and 2012 Far Western Regional Conferences and as a member of the Regional Standards Committee. Soror Jacqueline received her BA in Education from the University of Pennsylvania and a MEd in Administration and Higher Education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is a principal at an elementary school in Las Vegas, NV

Soror Ciara Owens, Undergraduate

Soror Ciara is the President of the Kappa Xi Chapterllocated on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is a senior, majoring in African American Studies and Secondary Education. Soror Ciara plans to attend law school upon graduation. Soror Ciara was initiated into Kappa Xi Chapter in November 2009 and has held numerous positions within her chapter, including: Epistolos, Ivy Leaf Reporter and Chariman of a number ofcommittees. She is also the delegate to both the Black Student Organization and the NPHC of which Soror Ciara was the President from Fall 2010 until Spring 2012. Additionally, Soror Ciara serves on the Far Western Region’s Membership Committee. She received the Far Western President of the Year award at the 2011 Regional Conference in Bellevue, WA.

Pacific Northwest

Soror Felicia Gaskins, Graduate

Soror Felicia is a Silver Star, Life Member and Charter Member of Psi Nu Omega Chapter in Pullman, WA. She was initiated into Zeta Omega Omega Chapter in Tacoma, WA. She has held the office of Graduate Advisor to Kappa Sigma at Washington State University for more than 30 years. She presently serves as Anti-Basileus of Psi Nu Omega Chapter and Pacific Northwest Graduate Cluster Coordinator. Professionally, she is Associate Vice Provost, Equity and Diversity at Washington State University. She will retire in 2013 ending a career of almost forty years at the University as a senior administrator in Intermational Education, Conflict Resolution, and Equity and Diversity. An Experienced and skilled mediator, her most important asset is the ability to listen and help others find solutions to problems. Soror Felicia is a recipient of the Helen Cromer Cooper Fellowship for Non-Violent Alternatives to Conflict. She has been married to William Gaskins for forty-eight years and they have two children, Helen and William III and five grandchildren.

Soror Arianna Sims, Undergraduate

Soror Arianna is a sophomore at The University of Washington with plans to study business administration with a concentration in Human Resources. She was born and raised in Seattle, WA. She attended Garfield High School where she played varsity basketball and was also the cheerleading captain. Soror Arianna was initiated in Beta Theta Chapter where she serves as technology chair and NPHC representative. Arrianna enjoys traveling, playing sports and going out to eat. Arianna wasrecently accepted into a summer internship that will benefit her tremendously. 11

2014FWCluster Coordinators . . . Northern California Soror Dorothy J. Smith, Graduate

Soror Dorothy J. Smith was born and raised in the small town of Magnolia, Arkansas. She attended Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas and obtained her graduate degree at Golden Gate University in San Francisco, CA. After working 28 years at a Fortune 100 company she retired as an Executive Staff Manager. She currently works as an Academic Program Director at Golden Gate University and directs all Human Resource Management curriculum, professors and staff. Soror Dorothy was initiated in Xi Gamma Omega in 1996 and is currently active in Sigma Delta Omega, where she is fondly known as Dorothy J. In addition to chairing various committees, she has held offices such as: Pecunious Grammateus, Anti-Grammateus, Tamiochos, Parliamentarian, Anti-Basileus and Basileus. Most recently, she was appointed General Chair for the 2008 Welcome at Boule, followed by an appointment as General Chair of the 2012 Boule in San Francisco. CA. Soror Dorothy J. is a member of New Life Baptist Church and serves as Chairman of the Scholarship Committee.

Soror Michaela Green, Undergraduate

Soror Michaela Green is a graduating senior at California State University, East Bay, majoring in Communications, with an option in Public Relations. She was initiated into Xi Pi Chapter in 2011 and is the current Basileus of the chapter. As a member of the Far Western RegionLeadership Team, she is excited to bring her commitment and dedication to the sorority.

Southern California

Soror Joyce Suber, Graduate

Soror Joyce Suber is a Silver Star and Life Member. She is the current Basileus of Epsilon Xi Omega. Joyce was initated in Zeta Omega Omega Chapter during her graduate years at Washington State University. In RXO, Joyce served as First and Second Anti-Basileus, Chairman of the Debuntante Ball, Anti-Grammateus, RXO Cluster Co-Chair and numerous other committees, where her leadership skills were utilized. Soror Joyce has a passion for working with Sorors and accomplishing goals in a collaborative way. She recently retired from the San Diego County Office of Education as the Regional Director for the AVID Program after 38 years of service in several educational roles. She is the proud mother of two adult children: Christopher Suber and Arika Wells, an AKA Legacy and grandmother of DeLawrence and Jeremiah. In addition, Soror Joyce is an active member of several boards, including: Dollars for Scholars, SDCOE Board, Simon Family Foundation, Pathways 2 College and S.D. Black Storytellers. Joyce is a member of New Life Baptist Church where she serves as the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee.

Soror Lita Mallet, Undergraduate Soror Lita Mallett is a Senior at the University of Southern California, Majoring in Bio Medical Engineering. She was initiated in Iota Beta Chapterin Fall 2011. She is currently the Basileus of the Chapter. She is excited to bring her eagerness to learn to the Far Western Region Leadership Team.

Soror Billy Rayford, Far Western Region Cluster Liaison

Soror Billie Knight Rayford is a proud member of Theta Theta Omega Chapter of Las Vegas, NV, where she was initiated in 1983. She has served in various positions including Basileus, Anti-Basileus, Hodegos and a member of the Graduate Advisor’s Council. At the regional level, Soror Rayford served as the Intermountain Cluster Coordinator, Heritage Committee Chair, Far Western Tamiochous and on the Boule Hospitality Committee. At the National level, Soror Rayford served as the Far Western Region Representative to the Connection Committee, Tellers Committee Chairman and Co-Chairman of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee (Boule 2006 - Centinneial Boule). Soror Rayford is married to Dr. Lee Rayford and is the proud stepmother to Vickie and Soror Celeste Rayford. She is a retired associate superintendent of the Clark County School District. She currently serves as the Compliance Director at Rainbow Dreams Academy.

A huge thank you to all of the chapters that participated in the AKA C.A.R.E.S. Voting Initiate: Voter Education/Voter Registration efforts for the Far Western Region. Sorors, you collaborated with community organizations, held voter registration trainings and contributed greatly to the regions C.A.R.E.S. efforts by registering over 500 new voters! As Americans, no right is more precious than the constitutional right to select our leaders. Yet many of eligible citizens are not registered to vote. Sorors, your efforts are amazing! Thank you for all of your time and energy towards the 2012 election!

I 13



State of Voter Registration in the Region




in the Far West

Alpha Nu Omega Chapter - Oakland/Berkeley, CA

Alpha Nu Omega Hosts Annual Scholarship Luncheon - Alpha Nu Omega hosted its 2012 Annual Scholarship Luncheon on Saturday, June 9, 2012 at Scott's Seafood Restaurant in Oakland, to award scholarships to deserving high school and college students in the East Bay Area. Under the leadership of Scholarship Chair, Michele Butler, the afternoon was inspiring for all in attendance. Over 50 guests gathered in support of the chapters efforts to award $9,000 in scholarships to 7 local students from schools in Alameda County and Contra Costa County. A majority of the recipients were self-supporting students and working to finance their education. A highlight of the afternoon was when a scholarship recipient credited the opportunity to return to school, in the fall, to being awarded a scholarship from Alpha Nu Omega. Alpha Nu Omega is dedicated to making college more affordable and attainable to deserving students through its annually awarded scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000. This is one way ANO gives back to the community and supports scholastic achievement and leadership. The seven scholarships awarded are named after past members of Alpha Nu Omega Chapter and is a way the chapter can pay honor to them and celebrate their legacy through the academic success of members of the community.

Zeta Omega Omega Chapter - Tacoma, WA Zeta Zeta Omega hosts First EYL Graduation - On Saturday, June 2nd, Zeta Omega Omega Chapter held its first EYL Graduation Ceremony at The Evergreen State College – Tacoma campus. EYL participants introduced themselves using a quote from the movie, Akeelah and the Bee, entitled "Who Am I? “, and each girl was presented with a bracelet handcrafted by Soror Kirsten Campbell. Activities included a bingo game designed to emphasize words represented from the four AKAdemies, a spirited

song from a local graduating high school student; a slide show highlighting the EYL activities and events over the 8 month period, and a PowerPoint presentation by Soror Victoria Fletcher on the curriculum. EYL Certificates of Completion were given to the 8th grade girls graduating out of the program, and the final activity was a "Talent Showcase" that included a reading of Martin Luther King's speech "I Have a Dream" in full by a 6th grader from Life Center, a private school in Tacoma. As each girl presented, she joined a pink ribbon representing the community while the rest of the girls voiced/sang "If it is to be, IT begins with me." The event concluded with acknowledgements from Soror Carolyn Patton, Program Chairman and Soror Helen Henderson, Basileus. 15

Theta Mu Omega - Inglewood, CA

Theta Mu Omega Chapter, in collaboration with Tau Beta Omega Chapter and Faithful Central Bible Church showed that AKA C.A.R.E.S. by facilitating an after church voter registration drive on Sunday, September 23, 2012. Twenty-three Sorors and four other community volunteers focused with Faithful Central on targeting and registering the church’s youth population who recently turned 18, or will be 18 by election day. Sorors also alerted congregants of the new online voter registration system and their ability to check the status of their voter registration online. Overall, the collaborative effort resulted in an additional 14 new people registered to vote. The collaborative effort continues next Sunday, September 30. Members of the Inglewood Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Incorporated will register voters with Sorors from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated after church services a Faithful Central.

Rho Upsilon Omega - Danville, CA Rho Upsilon Omega Hosts Retreat for EYL

Rho Upsilon Omega chapter held its Annual Opening Retreat for its Award Winning EYL Program on September 8, 2012. After days of interviewing possible candidates, 19 middle grade girls were selected and attended this retreat, along with a parent. They arrived at the Walnut Creek CA Public Library’s Oak Room to a decorated in pink and green that included clusters of balloons and the chapter’s EYL Program banner. Refreshments were displayed on tables and adorned in pink and green. The festive environment was stimulating as the girls registered and received their new pink EYL shirts and they opened their pink EYL backpacks to find several other pink and green gifts. With enthusiasm, they viewed the PowerPoint presentations and participated in a session on creating your personal development plan, learned about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and learned more about the EYL program. Over 20 mothers and fathers, attended a session designed for them where they shared their expectations for the EYL program. They also reviewed the program’s year- long calendar and completed necessary forms. The parents of the returning EYL girls all spoke highly of the program, especially the AKAdemies presented during the last program year. At the close of the morning retreat, the girls posed for both individual and group snapshots, wearing their pink EYL shirts and backpacks. This was a fun filled, productive day for the chapter’s EYL program. Rho Upsilon Omega Hosts Breakfast for M’Lady

Rho Upsilon Omega hosts Breakfaset for M’Lady - Rho Upsilon Omega Chapter hosted their 2nd annual Breakfast for M’Lady highlighting broadcasting trailblazers: Isabel Duron, Valerie Coleman Morris, and Barbara Rodgers. Each journalist shared her personal trials, triumphs, and inspirational stories regarding the media and life. This event fostered intergenerational conversations between seasoned women and younger generations. It also featured fashions trends from the 1960s, a silent auction, and an exciting fundraising raffle with a grand prize of a flat screen television. This event encompassed the beauty, elegance, and spirit that is the Alpha Kappa Alpha woman. 16

More Chapter News . . . Sigma Lambda Omega - San Fernando Valley, CA Sigma Lambda Omega hosts 3rd Annual Scholarship Fundraiser - Sigma Lambda Omega hosted its 3rd annual scholarship tea fundraiser at the beautiful Calabasas Country Club, with a sold out audience of nearly 300 guests. The Keschia Potter Quartet featured her smooth jazz saxophone and provided a concert quality performance throughout the afternoon. Sigma Lambda Omega awarded five $2,000 scholarships to deserving students to help them with expenses as they head off to college. This annual event has quickly become a social highlight that is eagerly anticipated by the Southern California community.

Sigma Lambda Omega hosts its first MIP since 2003 - During Spring 2012, SLO hosted its first MIP since 2003. A Community Garden joint service project was coordinated by the 7 MIP candidates during National Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Month in June. Sigma Lambda Omega members joined the candidates for a day of shoveling, transporting soil and mulch and weeding at Project Youth Green. Project Youth Green is a four acre community revitalization project that focuses on youth education, community gardening, and physical exercise. The project targets low-income youth and families who have no access to green space, fruits and vegetables or hands-on educational opportunities. Soror Katessa Charles Davis, Supreme Parliamentarian, provided inspirational remarks at the Initiation Luncheon.

Sigma Delta Omega - Elk Grove, CA

Sigma Delta Omega Hosts Voter Registration Drive- On September 16, 2012, Sigma Delta Omega (SDO) hosted Voter Registration Drives at two churches for Super Sunday. The chapter collaborated with the Eta Gamma Omega (HGO) chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Dressed in black dresses adorned with Global Leadership and Timeless Service scarfs, chapter members greeted church attendees as they approached, and initiated conversation by simply asking, “Have you registered to vote?” Chapter members educated church attendees on voter eligibility requirements, requirements for re-registering, and information needed to complete voter registration forms. Many church attendees approached the table to express their appreciation for AKA’s involvement in the community and to discuss the importance of the upcoming presidential election. As the November election approaches, SDO plans to continue collaboration with other organizations to educate the community as well as register as many people as possible to vote. 17

On September 9th, SDO and HGO hosted a voter registration drive at the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) event, held at the Elk Grove Regional Park. The leadership within SEIU spoke to SEIU members about the importance of voting and i ssues that affect the working class population. Toya Davis, Basileus of SDO states that a collaborative effort among various organizations in this voter registration effort will make a greater impact. This has culminated in SDO extending invitations to collaborate with the Northern California Pan-Hellenic Council, California State University, Sacramento Black Alumni Chapter, California Association of Black Social Workers and the Senior Fellows of the Nehemiah Emerging Leaders Program.

Tau Upsilon Omega - Vacaville, CA Tau Upsilon Omega Chapter's Connection committee held a Voters' Registration Drive at Solano Mall on Saturday, September 15, 2012. The Drive was a collaboration between members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (Tau Upsilon Omega Chapter), Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (Solano Valley Alumni Chapter), The Links, Inc. (Solano County Chapter), and the NAACP (Tri-City Chapter). The AKAs table was located on the First Floor of the Mall (see attached picture). The 2nd Voter's Registration Drive is Scheduled for September 29, 2012 at the Mall and a Voters EducationForum (Candidates Night)will be held on Tuesday night, October 2, 2012 at Shiloh Baptist Church in Vacaville. This is the 10th year of the Collabration working together to educate the public on election issues.

Lambda Alpha - California State University, Long Beach

Lambda Alpha Participates in Welcome Week - The lovely Lambda Alpha chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, participated in the California State University, Long Beach annual event Week of Welcome. Week of Welcome occurs twice a year at the very beginning of the fall and spring semester. The purpose of Week of Welcome is for or ganizations across campus to come out to the lawn on upper campus to promote their organizations. The NPHC at California State University, Long Beach, always has an anticipated presence in the cultural organization section of Welcome Week and the Lambda Alpha chapter is always sure to be present. Lambda Alpha’s turn out at Week of Welcome was a great success, as they were so excited to see so many new and continuing students visit their table with lots of questions and curiosity about the organization. The current ladies of the chapter are excited and look forward to a great semester making a huge impact on campus and helping fellow students strive to be their very best in academics as well as in the community!


Congratulations Soror . . . Soror Bari A. Williams Accepted to Emerge California Program

Congratulations to Soror Bari A. Williams, Esq., of Alpha Nu Omega Chapter in Oakland for being chosen to participate in the 2013 class of the Emerge California program! Emerge is a competitive seven-month program that identifie, trains and encourages women to run for office, get elected, and seek higher office. Only twety-five women are selected to participate state wide. One of her recommenders for the program was Soror Irma Anderson, former Mayor of Richmond, CA. Soror Bari is an in-house attorney for AAA Insurance Exchange, an experienced candidate advisor and fundraiser, and recent recurrent commentoator for HuffPost Live - the online show and production of the Huffungton Post.

Soror Nicole Jones Received State Commission Appointment

In August 2012 Soror Nicole Jones, of Mu Lambda Omega, was appointed to the California Board of Psychology as a Public Member. The Board of Psychology is one of 30 regulatory entities which fall under the organizational structure of the Department of Consumer Affairs to regulate psychologists, psychological assistants, and registered by protecting the health, safety, and welfare of consumers of psychologists. The Board advocates and enforces law that protect the health and safety of patients and protects the public through the investigation and mediation of consumer complaints.

Soror Twilea Evans-Carthen is Powerful, Praying, Wives, Inc. Honoree

In October 2012, Soror Twillea Evans-Carthen, former Basileus of Eta Nu Omega chapter of San Bernardino/ Riverside, California, was honored as a 2012 “Virtuous Woman of the Year” honouree with the Powerful, Praying, Wives, Inc. According to PPW, Soror Twillea epitomizes the organization’s commitment to mobilizing prayer and God’s Word in order to build stable marriages.

Soror Shirley Flournoy Receives Approval for Early Prevention Intervention Grant

Soror Shirley Flournoy received approval for a Preventino and Early Intervention grant of $3.5 Million to fund evidence-based training throughout Los Angeles County for the treatment of Transitional Age Youth, ages 16-25, experiencing serious mental health problems known as 1st psychotic break. The training will be offered to Mental Health Providers that operate Outpatient Clinics extending from Palmdale to Long Beach, CA and encompasses 8 Service Areas of Los Angeles County. Dr. Shirley Flournoy is a Mental Health Administrator with Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, the largest Mental Health Department in the nation.

Three Chapters to be Awarded MLK Sunday Supper

Congratulations to the following chapters for receiving grants for the implementation of the MLK Sunday Supper: Eta Lambda Omega, Epsilon Xi Omega and Eta Nu Omega.

New Additions

Congratulations to Soror Senta Newell and Honey Do Felton Newell on the birth of their new son, Felton Thomas Newell III on Monday, October 22, 2012. He was 9lbs 4oz and 21 inches long. Congratulations to Soror Aruni Truitt and Honey Do Tremaine Truitt on the birth of their new son, Sayied Ruwan Nasir Truitt on Sunday, October 7, 2012. He was 6lbs 4oz and 18 inches long. 19

Celebrate Life . . . Ailing Even in the midst of illness and pain Life still has love and beauty We call upon our inner strength And decide to live everyday fully Live it with every breath we have Even though the body has taken a hit And each day becomes a challenge A decision should be made To face each day with hope And push faith to the limits Knowing the future is uncertain Yet believing we’re here for a reason We know life has both sorrow and pain But more than that there is still A world filled with possibilities And what we have is the present Seize every moment of it Let your anxieties fade away Meditate for a few moments Feel absorbed in love and beauty And the real joy of being alive The pleasure of seeing another sunrise The wonder of a colorful sunset Believe there is no limit to good days No limit to right now, seize it Though illnesses can be destructive They can also be overcome Feed them positive thoughts, laughter Beauty, and a good attitude ŠBernadene High Coleman, 2011 20

Our thoughts and prayers are with. .

Soror Jan Hunter of Alpha Nu Omega in Oakland/Berkeley, CA, for the loss of her aunt in March Soror Jamila Makini of Alpha Nu Omega in Oakland/Berkeley, CA, for the loss of her sister in April Soror Francis Porter of Alpha Nu Omega in Oakland/Berkeley, CA for the loss of her sister in May Soror Lisa Porter-Thompson of Alpha Nu Omega in Oakland/Berkeley, CA, for loss of her aunt in May Soror Ruthie Smith of Alpha Ni Omega in Oakland/Berkeley, for the loss of her sister in June Soror Mary Morgan of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ, who is recovering from surgery Soror Diane Willis of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ, who is recovering from surgery Soror Dolores Adkins of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ who is recovering from surgery Soror Kamaria Williams of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ, who is recovering from surgery Soror Tracey Walker-Banks of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ, recovering from surgery and scheduled for another surgery Soror Sylvia McDonald II of Delta Beta Omega, who is recovering from surgery Soror Tisha Troutman of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ, on the loss of her father, Kerry Johnson Soror Shirley Mays of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ, on the loss of her father, Lawson Mays Soror Carnella Hardin of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ, for the loss her sister, Beatrice Moore Soror Eula Dean of Delta Beta Omega in Phoenix, AZ, who lost her nephew, Michael Moore Soror Willie Marie Malone of Sigma Pi Omega in Torrance, CA for the loss of her sister, Lucille Mitchell and Soror Teresa Malone’s aunt in August Soror Willie Marie Malone of Sigma Pi Omega in Torrance, CA, for the loss of her niece DeDe Jackson and Soror Teresa Malone’s cousin in July Soror Elnor Tillson of Eta Nu Omega for the passing of her son Soror Claira Baity on the passing of her husband Soror Marguerite Williams on the passing of her mother Soror Marilyn Overteron on the passing of her husband


Ivies Beyond the Wall Soror Tanya Holmes, initiate of Zeta Alpha at Arizone State University, became an Ivy Beyod the Wall on August 21, 2012. She started the NAACP student chapter on the campus of Arizona State University.

Soror Irma Rutledge Jones, General Member, became an Ivy Beyond the Wall in September 2012. She was a past member of Alpha Nu Omega Chapter and Rho Chapter.


Sorors of the Far West on the move at the 65th Boule in San Francisco . . .

Soror Barbara’s Welcome Reception

About the Networker The Networker is the quarterly publication of the Far Western Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Our purpose is to share updates and news of the Far Western Region and the Sorority.

How You Can Contribute to the Network . . . Have you recently had a chapter event? Reached an amazing milestone in your life? Was there a recent wedding or new addition to your family? If so, please share it with the Region! There are 4 sections that Chapters and individual Sorors are currently able to submit articles for: Chapter News Sorors in the Spotlight Our thoughts and prayers are with Ivies Beyond the Wall BONUS: Chapter Basilei will be informed if articles, pictures, etc. are needed

When Submitting Articles to the Networker Remember . . . There is a ONE (1) PHOTO limit per news article Each article should not exceed 175 words The content of your article should be timely and to the point Indicate the issue you are submitting for in the subject line of your email. FOR EXAMPLE, YOUR SUBJECT LINE SHOULD READ:

{ANO Article/Chapter News/Winter} Networker Submission Deadlines

To submit articles to The Networker, please adhere to the following deadlines: Winter Issue - December 22 Spring Issue - March 22 Summer Issue - June 22 Fall Issue - September 22 With your assistance we are able to deliver a publication that highlights both chapter and individual accomplishments. Should you have questions regarding how to submit an article or about The Networker in general, please contact your Far Western Region Editor, Soror Johari Leaks at newsletter@akafarwest.com

We look forward to NETWORKING with you! Soror Johari Leaks Regional Editor - Far Western Region Alpha Nu Omega Chapter - Oakland/Berkeley, CA

Soror Carmento Floyd Regional Editor - Far Western Region Psi Nu Omega Chapter - Pullman, WA

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