7 lesser known and interesting ways to treat neck pain

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7 Lesser Known and Interesting Ways To Treat Neck Pain Cervicalgia is a common problem with approximately two-third of the population being affected by it at some point of time or the other. Have you ever felt pain in your neck? Neck pain, although sounds simple may have a variety of causes. While neck pain may not affect you now, the pain can range from mild to severe as you grow older. The pain in the neck may arise due to spinal problems, strain or stress, but whatever the case may be, neck pain can sometimes become unavoidable. Neck pain is often associated with: • Headaches • Muscle pain • Throat pain • Weakness • Fever If you are experiencing a pain in the neck, you can try some of the following lesser-known and interesting ways to treat the pain. Try a Water Pillow Have you ever thought that a water pillow can help you to get relief from the neck pain? Yes, you heard it right, you can enjoy the rejuvenating effects of water pillow. Sometimes a hard pillow can result in a person having neck pain. So try replacing the firm pillow with a water pillow. Remember, less water means a soft pillow and more water means a firmer pillow, so Fort Myers residents can make a choice depending on their preferences. Go For a Swim Yes, you heard it right, one of the best ways to treat neck pain is to go for a swim. Swimming has a therapeutic effect on the neck and back pain. It helps in providing relief from the pain and also reduce inflammation. Fort Myers residents can enjoy a swim at the community pool or they can even take a swim in the indoor pool. As swimming allows unrestricted movements, it helps with healing neck pain faster. Increase Your Magnesium Intake In a large number of cases, neck pain results because of a sprain or strain. Talk to your nutritionist or your doctor and ask them about different ways through which you can add magnesium-rich food in your diet. Magnesium helps in the contraction or relaxation of the muscles and a supplement may relax the neck muscles further relieving neck pain. Magnesium is found in a variety of vegetables and fruits. You can also absorb magnesium by soaking in an Epsom salt bath. So if you are suffering from neck pain, make sure you eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, soy products, and nuts. Get a Massage Remedial massage around the neck is also a method to treat neck pain. Fort Myers residents can

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