The Demonic Theory of UFOs Part 1 - Final

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The Demonic Theory of


Baptism of Christ

By John of the Gentiles 1

The Demonic Theory of UFOs By John of the Gentiles Copyright 2012-2019 by JMB Productions All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form Final Edition 6/16/19 United States of America


“An impressive parallel can be made between UFO occupants and the popular conception of demons.” - Messengers of Deception by Jacques Vallee

Table of Contents: Chapter: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Demonic Theory of UFOs 5 Aliens Among Us 17 UFOs and The Bible 38 Ancient Descriptions of UFOs 216 The Magic of UFOs 336 UFOs: Friends or Foes? 485 Conclusion 529

Appendix A: Magic


Appendix B: The Rose Cross





The Truth is Out There… 4

“…the fact that all UFO phenomena are consistent with the demonic theory, indicate that this explanation is the best possible answer for the solution to the UFO mystery.” – p.44 Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena by Ankerberg/Weldon, 1992 A.D.

Chapter 1: The Demonic Theory of UFOs UFO reports are at all-time highs and while it is generally believed the UFO era began in the late 1940s, the phenomenon does date back to the farthest reaches of antiquity: “Historical research by a very small group of dedicated ufologists is beginning to reveal some surprising patterns in the overall activities of unidentified flying objects. The year 1947 did not mark the start of the ‘UFO era,’ as so many writers and students of the phenomenon have believed. ‘Flap’ cycles** have now been traced and documented back to the early years of the 19th century and additional research may eventually demonstrate that UFO ‘flaps’ have occurred consistently on almost a regular time-table throughout all history.” - FSR: The “Flap” Phenomenon in the United States by John A. Keel (** “In ufology, a ‘flap’ denotes a specific period of time during which a sudden outbreak of UFO sightings occurs. For example: if many sightings occur simultaneously nationwide on a single day, that day becomes a ‘flap date.’ A ‘flap’ may also take place in a single area, marked by a beginning, a peak, and a decline in sightings. Such localized ‘flaps’ can last from a few hours to several months.” - FSR: The “Flap” Phenomenon in the United States by John A. Keel) It is a chronicler of the weird and strange named Charles Fort who has written on the subject of flying saucers in his most unusual series of books entitled The Book of the Damned (1919 A.D.), New Lands (1923 A.D. This book is particularly rich in pre-1947 A.D. UFO “airship” reports), Lo! (1931 A.D.) and Wild Talents (1933 A.D.) who is now generally considered to be the founder of modern ufology. Fort’s writings gave rise to the term ‘Fortean’ used to denote paranormal phenomena. A handful of fellow Fort enthusiasts founded


the Fortean Society in New York in 1931 A.D. which later grew to include a San Francisco chapter, several members of which would later constitute occultist Anton LaVey’s Magic Circle (See The Secret Life of a Satanist: The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey). It was famously enough Anton LaVey who founded the Church of Satan in San Francisco, CA in 1966 A.D. This fact in turn brings us to the subject of the Demonic Theory of UFOs (also known as the Demonic Hypothesis). The Demonic Theory of UFOs attributes the UFO sightings of today to the machinations of Satan and his many malevolent minions. Anton LaVey’s associations it would seem lend credit to this hypothesis. Although 1947 A.D. witnessed an uptick in UFO activity, UFO sightings are no new phenomena: “We are not the first people in our world’s history to see UFO’s. Records of sightings exist from all periods… But today the sightings are accelerating in number, with the last thirty years presenting a virtual explosion in the phenomenon. Something definitely is up… We think demons are behind this startling phenomenon, and we think their activity is connected to the upcoming Tribulation period.” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt 1975 A.D. The Tribulation period is a Biblically prophesied event said to precede the Second Coming of Christ, heralding his imminent return: “As he (Jesus) sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign of your coming (speaks of Jesus’ Second Coming) and of the close of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “Take heed that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ’ (the Messiah), and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famine and earthquakes in various places; all this is but the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation (the Tribulation), and put you to death; and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake (for being Christian). And then many will fall away, and betray one another, and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because wickedness is multiplied (read: “And because the practice of magic, the ritual invocation of fallen angels, is


widespread” as the word ‘wickedness’ employed here is derived from the Old English word wicca meaning “wizard,” the KJV version of The Bible being originally rendered into Old English, with wickedness herein referencing the forbidden art of witchcraft), most men’s love will grow cold. But he who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come.” - Matthew 24:3-14 The Bible does warn us that at the close of the age: “…there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” - Matthew 24:24 And: “Since deception is based on ignorance…a Christian who is ‘true’ and ‘faithful’ up to the knowledge which he has, must be open to deception in the sphere where he is ignorant of the ‘devices’ of the devil (2Corinthians 2:11), and what he (the devil) is able to do. A ‘true’ and ‘faithful’ Christian is liable to be deceived by the devil because of his ignorance.” – p.235 The Omega Conspiracy: Satan’s Last Assault on God’s Kingdom by Dr. I.D.E. Thomas, 1986 A.D. But we as Christians need not be deceived, nor need we be counted amongst the ignorant as The Bible therein warns us concerning the deceptions of these devils and the advanced technological ‘devices’ (by one definition “mechanical contrivances”) they employ. It would seem UFOs belong to the category of such deceptive ‘signs and wonders’: “The Bible specifically warns us that, in the last days, demonic deceptions will increase. We should remind ourselves that the essence of a successful deception is that something appears to be what it is not; or conversely, that something is not what it appears to be. We believe that UFOs…fall into this category.” - The Greatest Deception - The Bible UFO Connection by Patrick Cooke, 2002 A.D. In fact: “There is not a single UFO incident on record that cannot be explained as a demonic deception or apparition… What does seem clear, from a


spiritual perspective, is that the ultimate purpose of the UFO phenomenon is to help prepare the collective consciousness of the human race for the coming of the Antichrist as foretold in the Bible.” – FSR: UFOs: A Demonic Conspiracy by Fr. Thomas Kulp, 2000 A.D. And to be sure, this would certainly appear to be the case. Concerning modern UFO sightings, the most Reverend Paul Inglesby, founder in 1978 A.D. of the Christian UFO Research Association (circa 2001 A.D.) concedes: “…my unshakeable belief is that there is no such thing as a good UFO. They are all what the Church calls deceptions of the devil.” And again: “It seems likely that Satan and his fallen angels may be somehow involved in UFO sightings and alien encounters and are involved in deceiving the spiritually naive. A growing number of evangelicals now seem to agree.” - Flying Saucers and Alien Abductions: What’s a Christian to Think? by Louis D. Whitworth, Crossroads Evangelical Ministries As Whitworth concludes: “The ultimate goal of the aliens is to deceive and mislead as many people as possible in order to keep people from coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ… Satan and his fallen angels…are using a different approach and some new disguises, but it’s the same age-old deception.” - Flying Saucers and Alien Abductions: What’s a Christian to Think? by Louis D. Whitworth, Crossroads Evangelical Ministries Kelly L. Segraves was of a similar opinion: “These visitors from outer space in many instances claim to be angels sent to prepare the way for the coming of Christ. They warn us of great disasters which are before us on the horizon… their message is in many ways identical to the Biblical prophecies presented in the book of Revelation… Yet they fall far short of the truth of the Bible and falsify the statements concerning Christ. Why? Deliberate deception is the only possible answer to that most important question. These so-called extraterrestrial visitors are simply parroting the message of Satan in order to deceive the inhabitants of this world and prepare for the


coming of the antichrist…” – p.62,113 Sons of God Return by Kelly L. Segraves, 1975 A.D. The evidence appears to concur: “…the UFO ‘movement’ around the globe has blossomed into a powerful religious movement. It has an apocalyptic bent; the aliens usually say they have something to do with the end times referred to in the Bible, and many talk about a ‘second coming.’ Believers of these extraterrestrial messengers often call them space brothers… In short, this new religion is intent on changing the world. It wants us to reject traditional Judeo-Christian ideas about God, morality, and even reality itself in favor of a new world order and an occult-based spirituality.” – p.14 UFOs in the New Age by William M. Alnor, 1992 A.D. That UFOs are demonic in nature seems to be the consensus within the greater Christian community: “…I am quite convinced that the evidence reveals UFOs to be demonic… I personally believe that just as there was massive demonic opposition and activity at the time of Christ’s first advent, so there will be greatly increased demonic activity prior to His second coming... we are seeing this happen in a myriad of ways—one of which is the UFO explosion.” - UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? by Pastor William R. Goetz, 1997 A.D. The ‘evidence’ appears to support this conclusion as: “A number of fascinating, if esoteric, personalities claim an occult connection to the UFOs and the occult in general has seen a tremendous upsurge of interest in our times… Astrological charts and advice appear in every newspaper and are consulted casually by the millions. Books on demon possession, contact of the dead or the spirits (Spiritism/Spiritualism/Necromancy), and mystical religious experiences, usually Eastern in flavor, are available in every drugstore and supermarket (as part of the modernist New Age movement). Occultists, from spiritualists to reader-advisor consultants, maintain offices and cater to the public like physicians and dentists… We believe that there is an important correlation between the upsurge of occult phenomena in human society and the increased prevalence of the UFO’s… From a Biblical and historical context, it is clear that the various manifestations of occultism seem to be tied directly to the


power of demons. Thus, to the extent that the UFO phenomenon aligns itself with the occult phenomenon—to that degree it is linked to the power of the demons. As believing Christians, obeying Biblical admonitions, we hold to an inflexible position regarding occult phenomena. As thinking members of a global society about to be brought to its fatal denouement by the activity of incredibly evil forces, we mean to sound an alarm.” – p.91,93 UFO’s: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. The alarm has indeed been sounded by more than a few ufologists. The following selection concerning the Satanic nature of the modern UFO phenomenon was excerpted from a London Times newspaper article: TOP BRITISH ADMIRAL WARNS OF "SATANIC" UFOs [This story appeared in the London Times on February 28, 1997, written by Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent] “A former head of the [British] Armed Forces has helped to form a pressure group to warn of the satanic nature of many unidentified flying objects. Admiral of the Fleet Lord Hill-Norton, Chief of Defense Staff, 1971-73, is involved with UFO Concern out of worry that some UFO encounters are ‘definitely antithetical to orthodox Christian belief,’ according to today’s Church Times. The Rev Paul Inglesby, a subdeacon in an Orthodox church (as well as a former Lt.-Commander in the British Royal Navy), who is secretary of UFO Concern, said the truth about UFOs has been suppressed for many years. He had never seen a UFO himself but knew many who had. ‘It is what they do and the messages that come from them that are anti-Christian, or demonic,’ he added. Gordon Creighton, a Buddhist (as well as a retired British consulate Intelligence officer) who edits Flying Saucer Review,** said the group’s founders were right to be concerned: ‘I do believe that the great bulk of these phenomena are what is called satanic.’” - CNI Hill-Norton.Satanic UFOs (**FSR has connections to the British branch of the Anthroposophical Society founded by the famous theosophist Rudolph Steiner. The Anthroposophical Society itself attributes the modern-day UFO phenomenon to the activities of and I quote, “demonic forces” [See FSR92V37N3]. Head of the German order of the mystical Theosophical Society, Rudolph Steiner was additionally a leading member of the OTO magic order in Germany, a group well known for its own extraterrestrial contacts [See p.39 Sex


and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons by John Carter, 1999 A.D.]) As North American Aerospace Defense Command officer Dr. Nelson Pacheco and his Air Force UFO research associate Tommy Blann similarly note concerning their own research into the modernday UFO experience: “It is our belief that what we are seeing conforms very definitely with orthodox religious teaching on demonic angels.” – OMNI Magazine: UFO Update: The Devil Design by Patrick Huyghe, October 1994 A.D. As celebrated ufologist John A. Keel explains: “Throughout most of history, the manifestations of demonology (the study of demons) and demonopathy (demonic possession) have been viewed from a religious perspective and explained as the work of the Devil. The bizarre manipulations and ill effects described in the demonological literature are usually regarded as the result of a great unseen conflict between God and the Devil. In UFO lore, the same conflict has been observed… The quasi-angels of Biblical times have become magnificent spacemen**… A major, but little-explored, aspect of the UFO phenomenon is therefore theological and philosophical rather than purely scientific. The UFO problem can never be untangled by physicists and scientists unless they are men who have also been schooled in liberal arts, theology, and philosophy.” - UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel, 1970 A.D. (**Pertinent Quote: “UFO entities are demonic… I believe that…the form taken by the dark fallen angels—demons bent on harming mankind—is as UFOnauts who claim to have a helpful message for us earthlings, but who are, in reality, determined to destroy us.” – UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? by Pastor William R. Goetz, 1997 A.D.) As we learn from UFO researcher John A. Keel’s most illuminating 1970 A.D. book entitled Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse p.62: “In a paper presented before the American Rocket Society (originally founded by a group of science-fiction writers including G.E. Pendray, co-developer of NASA and the Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center at the OTO-associated Jack Parsons’ connected CalTech/JPL GALCIT) on November 15, 1962, Dr. Carl Sagan, a young Harvard astronomer (who


served as a scientific advisor involved in official U.S. government top secret UFO investigations for the U.S. Air Force’s Project Bluebook)… urged that ancient myths and legends be reexamined for possible clues to an early visit by an extraterrestrial civilization.” (This finding as we discover gives birth to the CIA’s ultrasecretive MKOFTEN demonic harnessing efforts and the ill-fated CIA/OTO-associated Church of Satan pact-with-devils project which we will delve into shortly) Truly, UFO visitations are no new phenomena: “Our recently renewed awareness of the mysterious objects in the sky makes it increasingly urgent for us to discover how these objects were interpreted in the past. Clues from early religious beliefs, mythology and folklore indicate that flying saucers were seen as vehicles of a divine race and that they were associated with many of the sites where they are said to appear today.” - p.159 The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. Ufological records from ancient times are today generally refered to as mythology while those from more recent times are called folklore. Many historical ufological records additionally fall within the religion category: “What we are witnessing is a reenactment of some very ancient myths and legends common to many of the world’s religious traditions. The most obvious is the ongoing battle for the souls of mankind between the opposing forces of light and dark, good and evil, God and the Devil, played out in a technological setting where spaceships replace traditional religious imagery.” - Flying Saucers From Hell by Dr. David Clarke, 2006 A.D. (Pertinent Quotes: “In Christianity…malign spirits are identified with the Devil. But in Ufology I think we can identify them as being the occupants of many of the UFOs.” – FSR Consultant Salvador Freixedo, former Jesuit Priest [FSR2001V46N3]. To this we may add the findings of French Astrophysicist/Ufologist Pierre Guerin: “…the modern ufonauts and the demons of past days are probably identical.” - FSR: Thirty Years After Kenneth Arnold by Pierre Guerin) That UFOs are demonic in nature certainly seems to be the consensus.


As John W. White, Director of Education at Apollo 14 NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s Institute for Noetic Sciences likewise tongue-in-cheek explains concerning the demonic nature of reported UFO phenomena: “In my judgment…the gray abducting aliens are demonic and untrustworthy. ‘By their fruits ye shall know them,’ Jesus said about evaluating spiritual credentials. Saint Paul added that the fruits of the Spirit are peace, joy and love. Judging by the fruit of the gray abducting aliens, I see aspects to the UFO abduction experience which indicates there may be profoundly sinister dimensions to it… As I view the situation, it’s a ghastly picture which emerges. It is not merely alien; it is profoundly evil in precisely the sense given in the Book of Revelation and other sacred scriptures which describe a battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness for the salvation or damnation of humanity and the planet. So when abducting aliens allegedly say, ‘We’re here to serve you,’ I take it to mean they have something like cookbook recipes in mind (with one theory being the aliens are here to harvest humans for food).” – FSR: Aliens Among Us —A UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religious Mode by John W. White As White goes on to explain in a much more serious tone: “If alien abductions are the work of angels, let us be clear about who they are: fallen angels or demonic entities.” – FSR: Aliens Among Us— A UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religious Mode by John W. White Revealingly enough: “Recently, a number of avowed Christian UFO researchers have been advising those men and women being approached by such entities as the Greys as potential abductees to call out the name of Jesus Christ and ‘exorcise’ them. In response, some near-abductees have testified that they tried it—and it worked. The abductors retreated upon hearing the name of Jesus being used to drive them away…” - p.93 The Source: Journey Through the Unexplained by Art Bell and Brad Steiger, 1999 A.D. (“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7) (In his book concerning the early history of modern-day ufology, church pastor Dr. J.D. Johnson, alarmed at the mounting acceptance of and the wholesale adherence to the New Age alien religious gospel preached by newly appearing proselytizing


angels in unexplained aerial phenomena, remarks: “Few will deny that the Flying Saucer phenomenon is the most supernatural spectacle of modern times. The spirits of devils (demons) are here disguised as beings from another planet…” – p.12 Signs of the Saucers by J.D. Johnson, 1954 A.D. Christian UFO researcher Joseph Jordan at the website tasked in warning its readers of the demonic nature of UFO entities was himself also of the belief that with UFO phenomena: “…it seems like we’re dealing with fallen-angels…” [See UFOs: What the Hell? by Nicholas Redfern]. Christian author David Hunt in his religious tract entitled The Cult Explosion similarly writes: “UFOs…seem to be demonic manifestations…” To this may be added the opinion of UFO researcher/author Fritz Springmeier: “There are no good aliens. The aliens are demons.” In a book entitled The Present Day UFO-Alien Abduction Phenomenon as Interpreted from a Biblical Precedent by J. Timothy Unruh we are likewise unambiguously informed: “…the ‘aliens’ are none other than the fallen angels or demons mentioned in Scripture.”) As John A. Keel, one of the foremost ufologists of his day straightforwardly notes with historical perspective: “There have been periodic worldwide waves—or ‘flaps’—of UFO sightings throughout history. In other ages these aerial apparitions were often regarded as religious phenomena and the witnesses were acclaimed as prophets or denounced as victims of—or accomplices to —the devil… To some witnesses, the experience is an intensely personal one, like an occult or religious experience.” - THE JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE Volume 8, Issue 4, Spring 1975: The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel (Pertinent Quote: “…the problem of unidentified flying saucers is not a recent one…it has been with us throughout recorded history… strange visitors from other worlds have come to earth as far back as mankind has existed… To men of earlier ages…the appearance of spaceships and spaceship crews denoted the appearance of gods, of superhuman entities, and the phenomena treated as quasi-religious occurrences.” – The Ufonaughts by Hans Holzer, witch, 1976 A.D.) Modern day UFO sightings are nothing new under the sun as occultist John Michell explains in The Flying Saucer Vision circa 1967 A.D.:


“It is now more than twenty years ago since people first began to notice the strange objects in the sky. By night bright lights were appearing overhead, moving rapidly like comets or the great fiery dragons so often seen in the past; by day they were seen as flying discs or globes. Newspapers call them flying saucers. There was something about these objects and the stories connected with them that caused immediate excitement, and a rumour quickly spread that they were the spacecraft of intelligent beings from outside the earth… Since the first appearance of flying saucers an enormous amount of folklore has grown up around them. New ideas and old beliefs have been given a definite expression in the legend of the flying discs… At the same time it has become evident that flying saucers themselves are by no means new. A great many reports from the 19th century (such as those generated by the 1897 A.D. UFO flap in America) and earlier appear to refer to flying objects of the same sort as are seen today. In fact it appears from the works of the Romans, Greek and Egyptian writers that the phenomenon was known in times of the greatest antiquity. Even the popular interpretation of flying saucers, that they are the spacecraft of an extraterrestrial race, is nothing new, for in the earliest legends of mythology the flying vehicles of the gods are described in the same way, as wheels or winged discs. It may therefore be possible, by finding out how the strange flying objects were interpreted in the past, to achieve some understanding of their significance today. In doing this we shall have to reconsider some of the commonly accepted assumptions about the meaning behind the themes of mythology…” - Introduction to The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. As Michell, a well known British witch, goes on to explain: “…when men first achieved the expanded way of thought necessary for progress towards a civilization, we have some record in mythology (such as “…the tradition of the gods from the sky and of the sacred mandala [‘mandala’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘disc/circle’], the winged disc bringing both gifts and destruction…” from the gods), and from this source we learn that the momentous step forward was taken through the appearance on earth of a superior race, the gods. The lessons learned from that time have survived, sometimes embedded in the culture of the great civilizations of the past, sometimes guarded by a more or less secret dynasty of priests and scholars in, for instance, the Druid colleges and certain remote monasteries of the East… It may be the flying saucers today, as at the time of our last vision, when they


were revealed as the vehicles of the gods, are a portent...” – pp.8-9,10 Introduction to The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. Perhaps these UFOs are amongst the “fearful sights and great signs” which appear from the “heaven” (‘heaven’ as translated from the Greek word Ouranos meaning ‘sky’) as prophesied in Luke 21:11 said to herald the day of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This is in fact the claim of many of the UFOnaughts themselves: “In his recent lecture (in Chicago on May 8, 1954 A.D., UFO contactee George Hunt) Williamson (who along with fellow UFO co-contactee George Adamski were two of the most famous celebrity UFO contactees of their day, prolific promoters of the New Age gospel revealed to them by spacemen) stated the following information as received from the Saucer occupants. The lecturer stated that the Saucer occupants told him that the Flying Saucers were the signs and wonders referred to in the Bible that would precede the return of Jesus Christ who is directing the operation and mission of the Saucers… Also, of special notice and spiritual interest to the Bible student, is the awareness that Mr. Williamson communicated with the Saucer occupants by the method of automatic writing which is similar to the mysterious writing board that spiritualists use in a séance. This is another indication of the Satanic forces we are dealing with.” – pp.8-9 Signs of the Saucers by J.D. Johnson, 1954 A.D. Indeed: “…we are told by the Lord Jesus himself that, at the time of His return, there will not be just one sign seen by earth dwellers, but there will be many strange signs— ‘fearful sights in the heavens.’ It seems evident that we have come to the time when these things are being fulfilled. One of the most publicized of these signs is the so-called Flying Saucers… Are they not signs in the heavens foreboding the nearing of world judgment and the coming of Christ? … Surely His Coming is at hand, even at the door.” - The Voice of Healing magazine (November, 1953): Signs in the Heavens by Gordon Lindsay



“…the prince (seir) of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience…” - Ephesians 2:2

Chapter 2: Aliens Among Us As evidenced in Hebrews 13:2, it is difficult to distinguish an alien angel such as Satan from a typical human male: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” - Hebrews 13:2 In fact: “The existence and mission of spirit-beings (both angels and demons) are recognized and stated quite clearly, and that in order to warn us… the Bible does declare unequivocally that these spirit-beings can and do assume…a bodily form. What is more the ‘body’ frequently resembles a human. Indeed, at times angels have been mistaken for men. This is why the Bible admonishes, ‘Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares’ (Hebrews 13:2). Abraham was visited by three men in the plains of Mamre (Genesis 18:1-8). They walked, talked, sat and ate, just like any other man. But actually they were not human at all, but spirit-beings from Heaven.” – pp.215,216 The Omega Conspiracy: Satan’s Last Assault on God’s Kingdom by Dr. I.D.E. Thomas, 1986 A.D. Indeed: “Whenever in the Bible we read of angels contacting people…they always were taken at first for men (See Genesis 18 and 19, Judges 13:2 and 3; Luke 24:4; Acts1:10).” – p.67 UFOs: Satanic Terror by Basil Tyson, 1977 A.D. (Pertinent Quote: “…they [demons] are not incorporeal; the demon tribe have a body, and are conversant with corporeal beings, which one may learn even from the holy fathers of our religion, if one only addict himself heartily to magical practices. We hear many too relating how the demons appeared to them in a


bodily form; and the divine Basilius…maintains it, that not merely the demons [the apostate fallen angels], but even the pure angels have bodies…” - Psellus’ Dialogue on the Operation of Dæmons by Michael Psellus, 1050 A.D.) According to statistics compiled in the early days of Ufology by James M. McCampbell in his book entitled Ufology (circa 1976 A.D.), over one third of UFO reports involved contact with UFO occupants who are very human in their appearance. Ufologist John A. Keel, circa the late 1960s wrote: “…the ‘flying saucers’ are occupied by terrestrial-type beings who can be easily mistaken for known racial groups… Out of the 2,500 cases in which witnesses have reported seeing the UFO pilots themselves, roughly 90 per cent of these ‘pilots’ have been described as humanoid beings … In about 30 per cent of these cases, the ‘pilots’ were said to look exactly like us with only minor differences in facial features (including an attached ear-lobe and high cheek bones)…” – Top-Secret: Evidence of Strategic Alien Bases. One notable example of the ‘humanoid’ UFO occupant eyewitness reports described by John A. Keel above is that of UFO contactee/anthropologist/FSR contributor George Hunt Williamson who speaks in part of his own encounters with the aliens with whom he was in contact when he similarly writes: “In considering the present space visitations to Earth, we encounter Saucer occupants similar to ourselves in size and form… our Infinite Father has sent those brothers to us who are most nearly like ourselves in appearance and bodily size.” – pp.29-30 Other Flesh, Other Tongues by George Hunt Williamson, 1953 A.D. Another occultist/ufologist/physicist of the period states: “…the existence in the universe of beings much more powerful than ourselves is being taken as a serious possibility. It is being quantitatively envisaged by eminent scientists. We need not add to these speculations. We should simply note that the human form perhaps ought not to be rejected. It is possible that it is one of the major stable forms of intelligence in the universe.” - p.6 Extraterrestrial


Visitations from Prehistoric Times to the Present by Jacques Bergier, English Version 1973 A.D. Many early UFO enthusiasts had expected a momentous White House landing: “The UFO buffs have been waiting patiently for twenty years now, hoping that one day soon a flying saucer will land on the White House lawn or settle in front of the U.N. building. This will probably never happen. Indeed, if some of the UFO pilots look just like us, there is no need for this to happen. They could easily walk our streets and even move into our apartments without ever being noticed. And it does seem as if they want it that way.” – Behind the FBI’s Undercover Flying Saucer Investigation by John A. Keel In this way They could sit in judgment in our courts and hide behind our badges. They could run for office and enlist within our armies and command these legions in battle (UFO contactee Howard Menger describes an incident in his book From Outer Space to You [1959 A.D.] involving a UFO occupant he had encountered who had disguised himself in an army uniform): “John Keel quotes R.A.F. Air Marshal Lord Dowding, famous because it was he who directed the Battle of Britain in 1940, as publicly stating that the occupants of the U.F.Os…could…take on the human form and walk and work amongst human beings quite unnoticed. This was an extraordinary statement to make, for Air Marshal Dowding had earlier circulated his strongly-held view that the U.F.O.s were extra-terrestrial visitants.” - U.F.Os and their Mission Impossible p.150 by Dr. Clifford Wilson (As ufologist Timothy Good, formerly of the British Ministry of Defense involved in official British government UFO investigations, reiterates: “Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, Commander-in-Chief of RAF Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain in 1940, was greatly interested in the subject of UFOs and on a number of occasions made some courageous statements, such as the following: ‘More than 10,000 sightings have been reported, the majority of which cannot be accounted for by any ‘scientific’ explanation… They have been tracked on radar screens…and the observed speeds have been as great as 9,000


miles an hour… I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nation on earth. I can therefore see no alternative to accepting the theory that they come from some extraterrestrial source.’” – p.47 Above Top Secret by Timothy Goode, 1988 A.D.) One belief amongst modern ufologists and like-minded occultists is the covert alien infiltration of Earthly human societies: “All through the ages…Sky People have been visiting Planet Earth… Today, these extra-terrestrial visitors are to be seen in our skies in their traditional space ships. Some of them are here among us mingling with you in your offices and in your homes. Yes, the occupants of these craft have always been with you. They are with you now, although you pass by them in the street without noticing them…” - pp.172-173 The Sky People by FSR Editor Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1960 A.D. (Pertinent Quote: “One advocate of UFOlogy, considered by many to be the earth’s foremost ambassador to outer space, believes there are many extraterrestrial beings walking our streets now…” – p.63 Sons of God Return by Kelly L. Segraves, 1975 A.D.) As we learn from Above Top Secret p.240-41 by UFO investigator Timothy Good, a scientist named Felix Zigel of the Soviet space program who was involved in official Russian governmental UFO investigations had identified one category** of “UFO occupant” as “humanoids who are in general so similar to us in height and in many other respects that they could most probably mingle here undetected, many of whom may already have infiltrated” Earth’s own native human population. Indeed, UFO contactee/occultist George Adamski who himself had claimed to be in contact with these extraterrestrial beings has also “…said that many people from outer space were walking about the world disguised as humans…” (See p.227 Eccentric Lives and Peculiar Notions by John Michell, 1984 A.D.). In the words of UFO contactee George Adamski himself: “The interplanetary beings are here… They are normal human beings, same as you and I.” – FSR: Flying Saucers Versus the Supernatural by George Adamski, 1957 A.D. (Pertinent Quote: “George Adamski [a famous UFO contactee from the 1950s] reported meetings with entirely


‘human’ beings [whom he referred to as his “space brothers”], ostensibly coming to our planet in UFOs…infiltrating our society…” FSR: The Double Deception by Robert Perry Collins) (Interesting Quote: “A good many saucer researchers [ufologists] and some saucer authors have come to the conclusion that people from other worlds are living and working with earth people on this planet… There is reason to believe that on various occasions space ships have landed and that their occupants have spoken to people here. George Adamski, Truman Bethuran, Howard Menger, Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassel [a number of these individuals were U.S. defense industry workers] and many others [including the aforementioned George Hunt Williamson who had served in the U.S. Army Air Corp, precursor to the U.S. Air Force, during WWII] have all told of their experiences with the space people… many of those contacted have stated that space people, actually born on other planets, do come here in space ships, and go to live and work in cities… It is said that there are many more space people walking around than is generally realized. The man sitting next to you in the train or bus, or possibly even someone working near you in your office could be from another world.” – FSR: Unanswered Questions No. 9: Are People from Other Worlds Living and Working Among Us?, 1957 A.D. Interestingly enough, the humanoid interplanetarians at the center of the UFO contactee account detailed in the 1959 A.D. book We Met the Space People: The Story of the Mitchell Sisters were able to mingle quite undetected amongst the Earth-born patrons of a bustling St. Louis coffee shop) Additionally: “Chinese scientists also say that aliens live among humans. This includes Sun Shili, a retired foreign ministry official who is now president of the Beijing UFO Research Society who also concludes that waixingren (extraterrestrials) are living among us.” – Aliens Live Among Us by Paul Chen Even former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer acknowledges the existence of humanoid extraterrestrials generally referred to as ‘Nordics’ which are known to walk among us who are virtually indistinguishable from their earthly human hosts:


“…Nordic blondes…are so similar to humans that they can walk down the street and not be detected… there have been visits going back thousands of years…” – Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense (T.V. interview circa 2013 A.D.) There are even those who believe these aliens to have infiltrated the highest corridors of power: “The belief that alien parahumans are living among us is not confined to ufology circles. Numerous religious and occult groups have claimed for hundreds of years that angels* and devils** who look and act exactly like us have been in our midst since the dawn of man…. Various UFO contactees claim the ‘spacemen’ have told them… interplanetary visitors are now residing in our cities… The late Dr. James McDonald, a meteorologist from the University of Arizona (an atmospheric physicist who served as a WWII U.S. Intelligence officer) who became embroiled in the UFO controversy (he being a leading member of the Condon Committee organized by the U.S. Congress to investigate UFO sightings), privately discussed, in his last years, the possibility that alien beings were not only present on this planet but were systematically taking over top posts in the government and military.” - SAGA: The Flying Saucer Evidence Everyone Ignores by John A. Keel (* The following is the teaching of a magic-practicing adept: “…the angels…appear…in human form. For instance Lumiel has appeared [to the author]…as a tall man dressed in Arab costume… Be careful also how you treat the less fortunate than yourself. The beggar on the street, the bag lady in the park or the stranger knocking on your door for help may be an angel in disguise.” – p.252 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson, 2000 A.D.) (**Notable Quote by a magic-practicing witch: “You can’t be sure who the Devil [a fallen angel] is these days. He might be a TV or movie producer in disguise.” – Diary of a Witch by Sybil Leek, 1968 A.D. Or perhaps a central banker or an American DCI. Man was indeed created in the humanoid image of the angelic Elohim. As related in Genesis 1:26: “And God said, Let us [the Elohim] make man in our image, after our likeness…” See also Genesis 9:6 which states: “…in the image of God made he


man” and The Scrolls of Adam and Eve: “…and God the Lord spake: “Here is Adam. I have made thee [Adam] in our image and likeness.”) It is currently believed: “…aliens could have hundreds even thousands of their people infiltrated into science, industry, finance, government, education, the military, etc., with some undoubtedly in positions of great power and influence…” – FSR: Aliens Among Us—A UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religious Mode by John W. White, Director of Education for Apollo 14 NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s Institute for Noetic Sciences (Perhaps this helps to explain the great scientific strides of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Indeed: “Satan [a fallen angel] obliges himself to the greatest of Magicians… he will oblige himself to teach them arts and sciences, which he may easily do, being so learned a knave as he is.” - Book I Daemonologie by King James 1597 A.D.) And again: “The extraterrestrials are ‘anxious’ to teach us, assert the psychics, provided, of course, we develop our psychic abilities to communicate with them. Katherine Sabin said some have taken human form and walk among us, while others may have taken control of ‘several key world figures.’ Jacqueline Eastlund said the visitors would ‘take over,’ if necessary, by controlling people in power.” – p.98 UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. As Margaret R. Buckingham elucidates: “It is now clear why the aliens have not landed on the White House lawn and taken us over, because we are already taken over.” – FSR: Aliens – Their Hidden Agenda by Margaret R. Buckingham, 2003 A.D. Indeed, the question has been posed: “Has contact been made with our leaders? Is our destiny already decided by aliens?” – p.14 UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D.


The answer must be a resounding ‘yes’ to both of these questions. “The influence of the recent flying saucer legend has revived our consciousness of the possibility that alien infiltrators may now be living amongst us. The idea has been extensively developed in science fiction and comics.” - p.60 The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. As well, I might add, in hit TV shows such as My Favorite Martian (1963-1966 A.D.), Mork and Mindy (1978-1982 A.D.) and Third Rock from the Sun (1996-2001 A.D.) along with various Hollywood blockbuster films including Men in Black (1997 A.D.). Aliens walk amongst us today and have in fact for a very long time: “Do space people walk among us? …people from neighboring solar systems have been visiting and watching us for thousands of years… it is probable that some infiltration has been occurring for quite a long while…” – pp.152-153 The Flying Saucer Story by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1966 A.D. For quite a long while indeed! An early ufologist of sorts, the 11th Century A.D. Byzantine monk Michael Psellus had noted that some “devils” are classified as “aerial” and that even in his day and age some of these devils were known to “live in secret among men” [See p.133 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.] they having successfully implanted demonic agents dwelling clandestinely amongst an unsuspecting mankind. “The most interesting aspect of the modern flying saucer legend is the general assumption that these objects are extra-terrestrial space craft containing beings from another part of the universe. Reports and rumours of contact with their occupants has led to a revival of the old belief in the other race, a people who, although having much the same physical existence as ourselves, are unlike us in their nature and origin. A tradition of these people, surviving from the days when, as a superior race of gods,** they appeared openly on earth, has everywhere continued up to the present time, refreshed by the occasional


reappearance of certain of their members…” – p.58 The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. (** Pertinent Quote: “…the six hundred spirits of heaven, a legion of divine beings who inhabit the skies [this refers to Satan’s group of 600 rebel angels, banished to our Earth when their rebellion was defeated as related in The Bible] … [along with] the corresponding spirits [angels] who reside in the underworld [this refers to Azazel’s group of 200 rebel angels imprisoned within the Earth by God as related in The Book of Enoch]. These hosts or angels of heaven and earth…are termed the ‘great gods’…” - Tammuz and Ishtar by S. Langdon, 1914 A.D. Egyptian magician Rollo Ahmed similarly explains in The Black Art [1936 A.D.] p.196 that such “spiritual beings,” the so-called pagan “gods” of the various nations represented in fact “these that the orthodox Christian world calls ‘Angels.’”) (Interesting Pertinent Interdimensional Theory Quote: “There are no aliens… They are not aliens from outer space… they are fallen angels and demons from another dimension, intent on ruling our world… how they do it is by deception. For thousands of years they have posed as aliens, star gods, gods, and have claimed to be our actual creators… For thousands of years, I believe, they have lived among us.” - Aliens and Fallen Angels - The Nephilim by Dr. C.K. Quarterman, author of The Fallen Angels. OTO-member/ceremonial magician/UFO channeler Allen H. Greenfield was of a similar opinion: “I suggest to you that present-day contact cases and [UFO] sightings indicate ongoing communication…with the Ancient Gods.” – p.20 Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts by Allen H. Greenfield, 1994 A.D.) As investigative journalist Jim Marrs would conclude during the course of his investigations into the matter, he could discern but three distinct possibilities: “…members of the ruling elite are using modern technology in an effort to contact the ancient gods; they already have contacted the ancient gods and are being guided or controlled by them; or they are the ancient gods, the Anunnaki, the shining ones (angels) of antiquity…” - pp.509-510 Our Occulted History by Jim Marrs, 2013 A.D. In this authors opinion it is in fact all of the above, that modern technology has been given us and has been used to contact them and that many individuals are in fact guided and controlled by


these forces and that a number of the fallen angels are in positions of power as well. As if this information were not alarming enough, enter the Hybrid Theory: “The most startling of the many legends, which have gathered round the creatures from the flying saucers, is that one of the reasons for coming to earth is to create a hybrid race, people with the intelligence and knowledge of the extra-terrestrials…” – p.83 The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. In New Age circles, such an alien/human hybrid is known as a Starchild. The Hybrid Theory itself rests upon legends such as the following scripture to be found in the sixth chapter of the Biblical book of Genesis: “When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons (angels) of God saw that the daughters of men (female humans) were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God** (the angels of God) came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them (the Nephilim are the hybrid offspring of angels and humans). These (the Nephilim) were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown (the ‘mythological’ heroes of old).” - Genesis 6:1-2,4 (** “The Septuagint rendering of Genesis 6 is not the same in all manuscripts. In some, bene haElohim is translated ‘sons of God,’ in other texts the reading is ‘angels of God.’” – p.52 Fallen Angels: The Soldiers of Satan’s Realm by Bernard J. Bamberger, 1952 A.D. In fact: “In the esoteric tradition ‘Ben Elohim’ or ‘sons of God’ refers to the archangels and specifically the fallen angels.” – p.201 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson. Additionally, the: “…Nephilim…signify the offspring of the sons of God [the fallen angels] and the daughters of men.” - Earth’s Earliest Ages by G.H. Pember, 1889 A.D.)


Sex between humans and angels is formally known as demoniality, and the human wives of the angels are called demonialitas. To be sure: “Accounts of sexual union in the past between men and extraterrestrials are by no means rare… It belongs to that part of universal mythology which describes the first contact between men and gods, the institution of human civilization which the meeting produced, and the creation of a hybrid race, a bridge between gods and men. This theme, the unions between gods and men, is, of course, basic in all mythology.”** – p.88,90 The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. (** ‘Mythology’ typically being an admixture of legend and allegory largely impenetrable to the uninitiated eye) The idea these angelic gods are of extraterrestrial origin is no ultra-modern new-born New Age 20th Century belief. Circa 1879 A.D. the world was being told: “In the Grecian mythology an important place is occupied by certain powerful beings, described as being mingled heavenly and earthly, of divine and human origin, and variously designated by the names of giants, Titans, demigods, heroes… There are those…who are able to see…in those famous legends of the Greeks…an unmistakable reference to real events, the brief narrative of which forms a portion of the Old Testament Scripture and may be read…in the sixth chapter of the Book of Genesis, verses 1-4…that the ‘sons of God’ (the angels) of Gen. vi. (who are said to have interbred with women from Earth) were inhabitants originally of another world…” – Introduction to The Fallen Angels and the Heroes of Mythology by Rev. John Fleming, 1879 A.D. And indeed: “More and more we are finding that mythology in general though greatly contorted very often has some historic base. And the interesting thing is that one myth which occurs over and over again in many parts of the world is that somewhere a long time ago supernatural beings had sexual intercourse with natural women and produced a special breed of people.” – Genesis in Space and Time: The Flow of Biblical History by


American Evangelical Christian theologian, philosopher, Presbyterian pastor Francis A. Schaeffer, 1972 A.D.


As astronomer Kenneth Heuer once stated: “If there have been guests from other worlds, we may be their descendants.** It is possible that aeons ago our ancestors came from outer space… There may even be planetarians (read: aliens from another planet) in our society today… They could be here in great numbers…” – Men of Other Planets by Kenneth Heur, 1951 A.D. (**As an example: “Traditions that the earliest Britons [the fay angels/fairies] descended from the skies have been perpetuated in the old Gaelic chant from the Hebridean island of Barra [in Great Britain]: ‘Not of the Seed of Adam are we, Nor is Abraham our Father, But of the Seed of the Proud Angel, Driven forth from Heaven.’ ** … Such lineage, literally from the skies, may have originated belief in the divine right of kings.”*** [Pertinent Quote: “After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu.” – Sumerian King List] – FSR: Space Gods from Britain by W.R. Grace [** See p.86 The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries by W.Y. Evans-Wentz, 1911 A.D. As related therein, according to the legends of the Fairy-Faith, the “Proud Angel fomented a rebellion among the angels of heaven” and banished therefrom had in the aftermath arrived upon our Earth (Ibid p.85). The Britons believed they were descended from these very angels]. The term ‘fay angels’ itself is derived from the Roman designation for guardian tutelary spirits [the word ‘spirit’ being synonymous with the word ‘angel’], namely, from the ‘Fates,’ both being terms which refer to the ‘fallen’ angels.** One major example of a Fay angel in legend is the Arthurian sorceress Morgan le Fay [a ‘Morgan’ is the Welsh/Breton name for a water spirit, also known as a water sprite]. True to their demonic nature, such ‘water spirits,’ inhabitants of the water bodies of our Earth, have purportedly been responsible for a host of deaths by drowning and shipwreck. The England-born Swedenborgian preacher Thomas Lake Harris, a late 19 th – early 20th Century Spiritualist medium/UFO channeler who resided in America, he eventually settling in San Francisco, CA [which city became home to Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan], claimed to be in actual communication with these


entirely alien fallen Fay angels [See The Life and Work of Thomas Lake Harris by Arthur A. Cuthbert], beings who reportedly according to tradition traveled through the skies in lighted flying globes. Reported sightings of fairies such as the Sky Fae often consist of “fairy lights” [UFOs] dancing in the nighttime sky. Much of Thomas Lake Harris’ extensive mystical writings [many of these being of an automaticwriting nature] do in fact fall into the ‘ancient astronaut’/UFO religion category. A ‘Cosmic Pluralist’ writing of a multitude of inhabited worlds, Thomas Lake Harris is also generally classified as an early ‘science-fiction’ writer though his writings while certainly fantastical in nature are typically non-fiction in character) (**Pertinent Quote: “The fairies of Celtic and Norse folklore were identified with the fallen angels…” – p.69 Witchcraft and Demonology by Francis X. King) (*** Of a related note: “Humans with blood type Rh Negative [constituting 15% of the Earth’s population and believed to be a separate humanoid species] belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage according to a new theory… According to this “scientific” theory, in the distant past, extraterrestrial beings visited the Earth and created, through “genetic manipulation,” the Rh Negative [blood type] with an intention of creating a race of “slaves”… This theory goes back to ancient Sumerian times when a highly advanced “alien” race came from elsewhere in the cosmos; The Anunnaki, building and creating the first human societies. It is believed that these ancient beings planned and genetically altered primitive human species, creating stronger and more “adequate” beings that were used as slaves in the distant past. The Rh negative would be the legacy that the Anunnaki left on Earth... Interestingly, the negative RH strain is characteristic, for example, of the British royal family [and most U.S. Presidents. The British royal family is a famous family of hereditary witches (See The Satanic States of America)], which has generated controversial theories about a possible extraterrestrial lineage.” – Rh Negative Human Blood Extraterrestrial Lineage Connection Theory by Jeffery Pritchett, 2017 A.D. Interestingly enough, there are 11 traits typically associated with Rh negative blood types one of which being: “People with Rh negative personality traits will often experience something that is self-described as being strange or unexplained. There are a wide range of options in this category. Some people have vivid dreams that feel like an alternate form of


reality. Others might feel like they were abducted by aliens… It is not unusual for people with Rh negative personality traits to…have suffered a major mental illness episode, such as a schizophrenia diagnosis [a symptom typically associated with ufo/demonic possession].” – 11 Rh Negative Blood Type Personality Traits. Genetic traits of carriers of Rh negative blood typically include blonde hair, red hair and blue eyes. The angel Azazel it is said in occult lore was white with blonde hair and blue eyes, while Satan was said to be a white blueeyed red head. Indeed: “…another theory that falls into the ethereal category is that the…[“Watchers”]…of biblical lore are responsible for Rh-negative blood types. In the Book of Enoch…the Watchers [what are described as a group of “white” men**] descend from heaven and mate with humans, creating a human/angel hybrid… Rh-negative is largely present in Caucasians…” – Gaia: Is RH-Negative Blood Alien in Origin? I believe the latter theory to be the case. As the reader shall soon discover, such facts are indeed quite pertinent to our story) (**The Book of Enoch LXXXVI.1 speaks of the fallen angels when it dutifully records the following ufological phenomenon: “…there came forth from heaven as it were the likeness of white men…,” the angels being Caucasian males in appearance) UFO reports are often replete with tales of alien interbreeding experiments: “A terribly disturbing element of the UFO abduction phenomenon is the reported genetic experimentation and breeding program… Is it possible that alien sexual encounters gave rise to the pre-Christian belief in the incubus (“According to many Church Fathers, an incubus is an angel who fell because of lust for women.” – p.254 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.)… They were accused of raping women…** Such was the theme of movies like Damien and Rosemary’s Baby.” - CE-VI Close Encounters of the Possession Kind: Interference from the Extraterrestrials Among Us by William J. Baldwin (**Including raping most notably cloistered Roman Catholic Church appointed nuns during the Christian-era as we learn from The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.: “Nuns were


especially subject to lecherous assaults [by demons, read: ufonaughts], and as early as 1467, Alphonsus de Spina told how nuns would be visited during the night by incubi [demonic fallen angels, Nordic aliens] and, waking up, in the morning, ‘find themselves polluted [and certainly being as equally impregnated] just as if they had commingled with a man’ [si cum viris miscerentur]…” [Ibid p.256]. This may explain some baby remains unearthed at certain convents. It is also pertinent to note as additionally documented therein that during 15 th Century witchcraft trials in America and England “sexual relations with the devil [a fallen angel] were a standard charge” [Ibid p.28]) Why hybrids? To create a race that looks just like Them that They might walk amongst us unbeknownst. The typical member of the native human race is dark-haired and dark-eyed. “Early ufologists…knew of such (alien breeding) experiments and based their hybrid theory on them. Essentially, the theory asserts that there are people living among us today who are crossbreeds, half earthling, half extraterrestrial. These people are allegedly loyal to, and controlled by, the ufonauts (including apparently those of an Rh negative blood type making them particularly susceptible to ufo possession as noted above). They are hybrids. The time will come, the theory states, when a large part of the Earth’s population will be hybrid… It will come as a surprise to many ufologists who are now circulating the hybrid rumor that this concept is thousands of years old, and is, in fact, an important part of occult and religious lore.** The sexual intervention of supernatural entities is mentioned throughout the Bible (in the story of Abraham, for example)(See Genesis 17:15-22 and Genesis 21:1-2). Witches are said to have intercourse with the devil. Gypsies believe that any woman who is seduced by the devil has special powers afterwards and such women are given very special respect. Numerous rites in Black Magic involve sex practices and sexual submission to the strange entities who materialize during the rites.” (moreover, the: “…UFOnauts’ persistent interest in our organs of procreation…brings to mind…the frequent reports of the meddling with some humans by Incuba, Succuba and Succubus, [demonic] nocturnal entities.”) – FSR: Supernatural Biblical Visions and PresentDay Sightings by Dr. P.M.H. Edwards, FSR Consultant, 1996 A.D. As NASA scientist/ufologist Jacques Vallee, a colleague of Jet Propulsions Laboratory rocketeer/OTO-member Jack Parsons who was additionally an associate of Church of Satan-member Anton LaVey, similarly notes:


“The ‘medical examination’ to which [UFO] abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons.” – p.13 Confrontations. As an example of demonic interbreeding with Earthly human inhabitants, the most famous of all Medieval magicians, Merlin of the Arthurian legends, the British King Arthur’s most trusted court advisor, is said to have been fathered by a demonic incubus which was said to have impregnated Merlin’s human mother [See Historia Regum Britanniae by Geoffrey of Monmouth, circa 12 th Century A.D.], a Roman Catholic nun, the daughter of Charlemagne)… The hybrid concept has a disastrous effect on the ufologists who accept it blindly. They become totally paranoid. They believe that hybrids have infiltrated the highest government circles; that they are controlling the entire world (and for good reason I might add as they have been doing so for many thousands of years as Biblical history and Merlin’s own story would suggest). In the 1960s, Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara was frequently accused by contactees of being a hybrid. A related aspect is the clone theory. A clone is an exact duplicate of a living organism. Theoretically, a clone can be produced from a single cell of your body… As most readers know, exact duplicates of several well-known ufologists have been seen by reliable witnesses. In occult lore, such duplicates are called dopplegangers [in the realm of Spiritualism also known as: “…the "Double-man," "Doppel-ganger," "Astral Body," "Wraith," or what you will, of a living person, and that is merely his counterpart in the abstruse (Spirit) world.” - Introduction to The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1691 A.D.].” - UFO Report: Aliens Among Us by John A. Keel (It should be of little surprise that the Merlin/King Arthur legends have traditional Ufological connections: “Of these early times we can know little; but it is singular to remark what light the traditions of Scotland throw upon the poetry of the Britons of Cumberland [believed to be descended from the Fay angels], then called Reged. Merlin Wyllt, or the wild, is mentioned by both; and that renowned wizard, the son of an elf or fairy, with King Arthur, the dubious champion of Britain at that early period, were both said by tradition to have been abstracted [read: abducted] by the fairies [the fallen angels], and to have vanished without having suffered death…” - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott, 1830 A.D.) (**Pertinent Quote: “One injury of a very serious nature was supposed to be constantly practised by the fairies [also known as Fay angels, beings Rev. Kirk describes as an “aerial People,” i.e. the UFO occupants] against "the human mortals," that of carrying off their children…which never return…and breeding


them as beings of their race. Unchristened infants were CHIEFLY exposed to this calamity; but adults were also liable to be abstracted [abducted] from earthly commerce, notwithstanding it was their natural sphere. With respect to the first, it may be easily conceived that the want of the sacred ceremony of introduction into the Christian church rendered them the more obnoxious to the power of those creatures [the UFO occupants]…in all respects considered as fiend [a fiend being by definition a devil, he thereby lending early credence to the Demonic Theory of UFOs]… An adult, on the other hand, must have been engaged in some action which exposed him to the power of the spirits… Sleeping on a fairy mount…was a very ready mode of obtaining a pass for Elfland. It was well for the individual if the irate elves [Germanic elves = Celtic fairies = “spirits” = angels = ETs] were contented, on such occasions, with transporting him through the air to a city at some forty miles' distance, and leaving, perhaps, his hat or bonnet on some [church] steeple between, to mark the direct line of his course. Others, when engaged in some unlawful action, or in the act of giving way to some headlong and sinful passion, exposed themselves also to become inmates of Fairyland.” - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott, 1830 A.D. The Reverend ufologist Robert Kirk, minister of Aberfoyle in Scotland whose own obsession with extraterrestrial fairies led to his penning of The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies in 1691 A.D. had reportedly been abducted by fairies never to be seen again as detailed by his successor Rev. Dr. Grahame in Sketches of Picturesque Scenery. Abduction by Sky Fae fairies in flying circular lighted globes [quite similar in description to the foo fighters of WWII] as detailed in magical fairy-tales of yore closely parallel modern day UFO abduction stories, UFO and fairy phenomena being of an identical source. True to their demonic nature: “They [the fairies whom Rev. Kirk identifies as an “aerial people”] are said to have…no discernible Religion, Love, or Devotion towards God, the blessed Maker of all: they disappear whenever they hear his Name invoked, or the Name of Jesus…nor can they act ought at that Time after hearing of that sacred Name. The Tabhaisver, or Seer, that corresponds with this kind of Familiars, can bring them with a Spell to appear to himself or others when he pleases…” - The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1691 A.D. And again: “Women are yet alive who tell they were taken away when in Child-bed to nurse Fairie Children…When the Child is weened, the Nurse dies, or is conveyed back, or gets it to her choice to stay there... The Tramontains to this Day put… the Bible…in Womens Beds when travelling, to save them from being thus stolen [abducted].” - The


Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1691 A.D. The official charge against fairy contactees was witchcraft: “…all Fairydom [associations with fairies] was commonly looked on as under the same guilt as witchcraft [for as additionally noted in The Discovery of Witchcraft, fairies were commonly summoned by magic spell].” - The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1691 A.D. This book by Rev. Robert Kirk represents an early official scientific investigation into the true nature of the UFO phenomenon as it had existed in Scotland making Rev. Robert Kirk an early ufologist, this book representing an important treatise concerning ufological phenomena as it therein contains an official record of “eyewitness” accounts of the “aerial people”) (Perhaps alien infiltration of various American Intelligence agencies including the so-called Deep State explains the true reason for the UFO cover-up—an attempt to suppress the truth concerning their wholly nefarious activities. At any rate: “The real nature and extent of intelligence agency interest in UFOs, ongoing since the late forties, is staggering. It is an effort that has encompassed all of the federal agencies, both at military and civil levels. The Air Force OSI, the Navy ONI, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and the Army DIA have all been directly and deeply involved in the UFO situation.** Investigations have been consistently classified as above top secret, where even the President has no access without demonstrating a need to know… The efforts of these federal intelligence agencies have been focused in three primary ways. ONE: All efforts are made to attain as much information as possible about UFO events. This includes close monitoring of UFO groups and private investigators. TWO: All efforts are made to suppress this same information and prevent it from becoming public knowledge… THREE: All efforts are made to provide prosaic explanations for UFO activity. This includes propaganda efforts directed chiefly through the California movie industry [an ongoing partnership since WWII if not earlier] and also through prominent public personalities [one major example of this effort being a 1966 A.D. CBS Reports/Walter Cronkite UFO debunking television special organized by Robertson Panelist Thornton Page [See p.107 Strange Skies by Jerome Clark]. It also includes manufacture of alternate explanations [attributing them to sightings of weather balloons, comets, swamp gas, etc.]… UFOs have the highest intelligence priority since the Manhattan Project [in fact, a number of Manhattan Project scientists including Stanton Friedman (a former employee of OTO-member/ceremonial magician Jack Parsons’ Aerojet aircraft company, Stanton Friedman was notably enough involved in the investigation of the UFO crash at Roswell), Jack


Parsons’ friend Robert Cornog and their colleague Louis Alvarez would become embroiled in official top secret government sponsored UFO studies as well].” – FSR: The Double Deception by Robert Perry Collins. This plan was instituted by recommendation of the CIAassociated Robertson Panel which found that though a true threat from UFOs did in fact exist it was believed public acknowledgement of such a threat would create adverse public reactions [See Strange Skies p.106 by Jerome Clark, 2003 A.D. and Durant, F.C.: Report on Meetings of Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects. Washington, D.C.: CIA, 1953.]) (**As we learn from the 1976 A.D. televised documentary UFOS: It Has Begun filmed in conjunction with NASA and the U.S. Department of Defense [as revealed therein by former Project Bluebook head Robert Friend], the ONI [the Office of Naval Intelligence] and the CIA [the Central Intelligence Agency] were in fact officially involved in UFO channeling efforts through the mediation of psychic mediums at least as far back as 1959 A.D. [the Office of Naval Intelligence’s UFO channeling efforts actually began in 1945 A.D. as we shall later discover]. It is the author’s belief that the OTO, Anton LaVey’s Magic Circle and the Church of Satan organizations represented top-secret official U.S./British government-sponsored undercover investigations into the traditional parapsychical aspects of ufology. More on this subject later. Contact has been made. Alliances have been formed. In times past this was known as a pact with the devil) These facts have ominous implications: “‘Suppose a plan is to process millions of people and then at some future date trigger all of those minds at one time?’ … Nations could be conquered by the infiltration of agents into Government seats of authority, and it is surely more frightening to think that mankind could be overcome and even destroyed by programmed (and demon possessed) men and women within their own ranks.”** - U.F.Os and their Mission Impossible by Dr. Clifford Wilson, 1974 A.D. (**Pertinent Quote: “…contactees have said that during a meeting with a UFO they experienced a period of blackout when operations were performed on their brain or body, and subsequently they were unable to use their free will on all occasions. They feel they have been programmed.” - FSR: Angels and UFOs by Colin Bord, 1972 A.D. It is for this reason the Biblical penalty for witchcraft, which is to say, for ufo contacteeism, was death)


Indubitably: “Of all the imaginable phenomena on Earth, the progeny of this union between extraterrestrials and humans is the most bizarre. Man has paid little attention to them until now, for the fact of their existence has been shrouded in legend. But can they be dismissed as myth any longer? In this end time hour many strange phenomena are occurring. Jesus said, ‘As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Son of man be’ (Matthew 24:37) (God had indeed by the Flood in the time of Noah many thousands of years ago destroyed the evil demonic progeny of the rebel fallen angels: “When men multiplied on the earth, the angels of heaven came together with the daughters of men…by whose power they conceived the giants [angel/human hybrids]** as their children, by whom wickedness [read: ‘through whom the practice of magic’ as the word ‘wicked’ is derived from the Old English word wicca meaning “wizard”] came to its height on the earth, until God decreed that the whole race of the living should perish in their impiety in the deluge.” Julius Africanus: Anti-Nicene Fathers Volume VI Extant Fragments from the Chronography Part II). It was the wickedness of humanity (the practice of magic including human sacrifice) and the abominable (sexual) union of the supernatural (angels) with the natural (human women) that moved God to judge the world. We are approaching a new period of God’s wrath. The return of these super creatures (angel/human hybrids—Nephilim) may even now be a threat to us.” – p.147 The Omega Conspiracy: Satan’s Last Assault on God’s Kingdom by Dr. I.D.E. Thomas, a Welsh preacher by profession, 1986 A.D. (**Explaining his findings concerning the occult phenomenon/science of Spiritualism in his treatise on Transcendental Qabalism entitled The Book of Splendours, French ceremonial magician Eliphas Levi would quote The Book of Enoch and note therein: “Here is certainly a terrifying revelation for raisers of spirits and amateur spiritualists… according to The Book of Enoch, monstrous souls formed out of the commerce of the Eggregores [by definition Azazel’s group of 200 fallen angels] with prostitutes of the ancient world; the souls of giants [angel/human hybrids], unwholesome exhaltations of the earth and of the venom [sperm] of the serpent, Python [Azazel].” It is with the spirits of these dead angel/human hybrid giants [the issue of the Iggi,


hence the term ‘giant’] with which Levi contended Spiritualists to be in communication) Concerning the covert infiltration of human societies by Nordic alien angels and allied alien-human hybrid offspring (read: angel-human hybrids), UFOlogist Don Worley warns: “Sleeping humanity little suspects what lies in its perilous future… If some miraculous help does not finally intervene it is probable that our cherished values and even we ourselves will be annihilated… One thing is certain in our present circumstances. If our precious, beloved, Planet does not finally experience the arrival of a glorious rescue force of superior power and love, as described in the Holy Scriptures (See Matthew 26:24 and Revelation 20:1-2), I am positive that the tiny glowing light of humanity in the Universe will be snuffed out…” FSR: A World Under Assault by Don Worley, 1999 A.D. As Christians, we should have no fear, for our own redemption draweth near, as Jesus will arrive to destroy these devils with a powerful army of cherubim from heaven: “…when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” - Luke 21:28 “And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man (Jesus) sitting on the right hand of power (to the right of the Holy Spirit of God in the Majestic Glory), and coming in the clouds (cherubim) of heaven.” Mark 14:62 There are however as revealed in the Book of Revelation so many things which first must “come to pass.”


“We have seen, in considering the power of the Biblical angels, some evidences of the correlation between occult and UFO phenomena. Some accounts of UFO activities— contacts and various kinds of sightings—seem to run parallel to Biblical accounts…” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D.

Chapter 3: UFOs and The Bible UFOs as we encounter them today are the cherubim of the angels of the evil fallen variety: “Angelology is a fascinating offshoot of demonology. The appearances of angels have been chronicled down through the ages, and several new angel reports still turn up each year. Once again we find that these reports contain all the basic ingredients of the UFO reports.” – Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel, 1970 A.D. And to be sure, UFO “…abductees sometimes liken the alien beings to angels…” - p.48 Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens by UFO researcher Dr. John E. Mack, head of the Psychiatry Department at Harvard University School of Medicine UFOs and their angelic occupants have long been with us: “UFOs, or so called flying saucers…are no new phenomenon at all. Diligent UFOlogists…have dug into records far past and found innumerable references to unidentified aeroforms that read just like the present-day sightings of UFOs. The Bible is particularly rich in such UFO lore…” – p.209 Mankind: Child of the Stars by Max H. Flindt and Otto O. Binder, 1972 A.D. As dilligent ufologist John A. Keel explains in his book Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse p.26:


“Like most UFO researchers, I have read the Bible carefully several times. In view of what we now know—or suspect—about flying saucers, many of the Biblical accounts of things in the sky take on a new meaning and even corroborate some of the things happening today.” As noble British ufologist Lord Clancarty, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, a member of the British House of Lords who headed up the House of Lords UFO Study Group, vice-president of the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), and co-founder of Flying Saucer Review (FSR) magazine notes: “…unknown flying craft have always been with us. There are reports all through history… the Bible is really the greatest flying saucer book of them all…” – p.15,33 Mysterious Visitors by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1971 A.D. As saucer author R.L. Dione rightfully concludes in the Introduction to God Drives a Flying Saucer (1969 A.D.): “Flyingsaucer occupants are responsible for the scriptures, prophecies and miracles of the Christian religion.” Even the American evangelical Southern Baptist minister Billy Graham in his book entitled Angels: God’s Secret Agents in a round-about way acknowledges: “…UFOs are astonishingly ‘angel-like’ in some of their reported appearances…” Indeed: “…many biblical events…have a similarity to the UFO phenomena today. It would seem that the Sky People and their celestial chariots were very often in contact with our predecessors in biblical times.” – p.39 Mysterious Visitors by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1971 A.D. To better understand the UFO phenomenon as it pertains to the angels of God we must turn to the historical source book known as The Bible. Its pages contain accounts of ufological contact, both good and evil, through many millennia. Therein we find these heavenly aircraft under a variety of different aliases, including most notably those falling under the ‘cloud’ designation. Clouds as allegorically described in The


Bible are technologically deprived analogies of high technology aircraft which may more accurately be described as spacecraft, as angels are said to fly therewith amongst the heavens. In fact, as we learn from Isaiah 13:5, God and the angels: “…come from a far country, from the end of heaven,” from another planet The Bible calls the New Earth (See Revelation 21:1). Indeed: “The Lord and his host…‘came from a far country, from the end of heaven.’ Translated into modern terminology, it would seem that the ‘far country’ in heaven refers to another world in the sky – another planet in space.” – p.176 Colony: Earth by Richard E. Mooney, 1974 A.D. (Pertinent Quote: “…the gods, or Elohim, of the Bible…ultimately originated on another world.” – The Holy Bible is an Extraterrestrial Transmission by C.L. Turnage, 1998 A.D.) The ancient use of the word “cloud” to describe God’s heavenly aircraft is a generic term employed to describe both the Majestic Glory mothership as well as the flying cherubim of the angels. These aircraft as depicted in The Bible are known to float effortlessly in the sky as does a cloud. They are even capable of manipulating atmospheric conditions resulting in the creation of various weather phenomena, and can thusly surround themselves with a cloud as when a ring of cloud-like water vapor forms around a jet airplane as it breaks the sound barrier resulting in a great thunderous sonic boom, thusly giving them a cloud-like appearance. One might even call these clouds of heaven unidentified flying objects if it were not for the fact that they are very clearly identified within the pages of The Bible as being the cherubim of God and of his angels. R.L. Dione provides a most interesting perspective: “Saucer sightings are not a new phenomenon. A literal interpretation of the Old Testament indicates that not only were saucers sighted in biblical times but their occupants actually made contact with earthlings, who, incapable of comprehending such an advanced technology, referred to the craft as ‘fiery shields, heavenly firmaments, wheels within wheels,’ and to their occupants as ‘angels.’” – p.3 God Drives a Flying Saucer by R. L. Dione, 1969 A.D. (The word ‘angel’ being as noted, a cognate of the word ‘alien’) And again:


“Throughout (Biblical) Scripture there are…accounts of strange objects and beings from the sky. If such were extraterrestrial craft, descriptions of them would necessarily be limited by the inability of the viewers to describe them except through the limited, nontechnical language of a primitive culture. They would quite naturally describe such flying… objects in terms of familiar objects in the air…” – p.300 UFOS: Interplanetary Visitors by NICAP Chairman Raymond E. Fowler, 1974 A.D. There were no human-made aircraft such as airplanes or rockets in Biblical times. The only objects capable of flight besides the lowly insect were birds and floating clouds—birds and clouds were amongst the only things capable of hovering above the ground, the only things capable of floating in the sky, as did God and His cherubimborne angels. In the following scripture God and his avenging angels are likened to a flock of birds hovering in the sky: “Like birds hovering, so the LORD (God) of hosts will protect Jerusalem…” - Isaiah 31:5 (Rabbi Akiba [40–137 A.D.] describing his own Kabbalistic Close Encounters with angels hovering above him in UFOs had exclaimed: “…angels, … as a bird do they fly yet stand still.” - Hekalot Rabbati [98]) The prophet Isaiah also similarly expressed his incredulity at the sight of these craft: “Who are these that fly like a cloud, and like doves to their windows?” - Isaiah 60:8 The word “cloud” is mainly employed in The Bible as a term refering to the Majestic Glory mothership and the cherubim of God and Jesus and of the angels which accompany it. These ‘clouds’ are described as a flying object in which individuals are contained. They are described as something that can ascend into the air after lifting off from ground level. They are described as something in which someone can be transported while hovering in the air, thereby transporting them over many miles, and quickly. Indeed: “There are few references in the Bible to clouds having to do with actual weather conditions… One of the most frequent and suggestive


uses of the figure is in connection with the presence of God. Clouds both veil and reveal the divine presence (of God)… He (God) is present in the cloud…” - The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary: Cloud, 1963 A.D. The word cloud itself is related to the words cloak/closet/enclosure indicative of an object in which someone/something may be contained. In this case it is a flying object therein clearly identified as the aeronautical conveyance of God. The following passages describe a ‘cloud’ as something God Himself travels within: “Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides upon the clouds…” - Psalms 68:4 Clouds are fast traveling as described in Isaiah 19:1 below: “Behold, the LORD (God) is riding on a swift cloud…” - Isaiah 19:1 Clouds are something that are also said to descend from above, coming down from the sky, landing upon the earth. Moses was an early UFO contactee: “Then the LORD (God) came down in the cloud (He descended in a cherub) and spoke to him (to Moses)…” - Numbers 11:25 (At the conclusion of Abraham’s visitation from God as related in Genesis 17:23, it is said “God went up from Abraham” thereby indicating an ascending skyward motion) ‘Pillar of cloud’ is also a term used to describe a cherub: “When Moses entered the tent (of meeting), the pillar of cloud (God’s cherub) would descend and stand (land) at the door of the tent, and the LORD (God) would speak with Moses. And when all the people saw the pillar of cloud (God’s cherub) standing at the door of the tent, all the people would rise up and worship, every man at his tent door. Thus the LORD used to speak with Moses face to face, as a man speaks to a friend.” - Exodus 33:9-11


“And the LORD (God) came down in a pillar of cloud (God came down from the sky in a cherub)…” - Numbers 12:5 (This is the pillar of cloud which led the Jews in the wilderness after their Exodus from Egypt [See Isaiah 63:11-13]. It was also either a cherub or the Majestic Glory itself which was responsible for the parting of the Red Sea as related in Exodus 14:15-22: “Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea…” - 1Corinthians 10:1 See also the late 1 st Century A.D. manuscript entitled The Biblical Antiquities of Philo Chapter 23 which also explains how God’s “cloud” had “led them through the Red Sea”) (Pertinent Quote: “…reading the Bible…it became quite apparent to me that some of the aerial objects described in Biblical accounts were very similar in description to the modern UFOs… In Exodus 14:19 we have the amazing account of a huge airborne object shaped like a pillar or cylinder [both objects being by definition circular in shape]. It was a cloudlike color in the daytime [some cherubim are white in color] and glowed during the night. The description fits the modern portrayal of a Type II [by definition a Domed Disc] UFO.” – pp.299,301 UFOS: Interplanetary Visitors by NICAP Chairman Raymond E. Fowler, 1974 A.D.) God’s cherub is known as the Shekinah Glory (Kavod) of God: “Shekinah (meaning ‘dwelling of God’)…a word though not occurring in the Bible that is employed by some Jews and by Christians to describe the visible presence (of God)… It is alluded to in such places as Isaiah 60:2 by the phrase ‘his glory’** and in Romans 9:4 by the phrase ‘the glory.’*** Moses calls this the ‘cloud’ in Exodus 14:19.” – p.782 The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary: Shekinah (**Including being employed within the following Biblical passage: “God… His glory [His cherub] covered the heavens [the sky]… And his [His cherub’s] brightness was as the light…” - Habakkuk 3:3) (***The word glory itself is related to the word globe, both being an object circular in form) At night, the ‘pillar of cloud’ may be brightly lit, hence the reference to the pillar of fire by night:


“They have heard that thou, O LORD (God), are in the midst of this people, for thou, O LORD, art seen face to face, and thy cloud (thy cherub; God’s cherub) stands over them (hovers above them) and thou (God) goest before them, in a pillar of cloud (God’s cherub) by day and in a pillar of fire (describes God’s cherub, brightly lit) by night.” Numbers 14:14 And again: “And the LORD (God) went before them by day in a pillar of cloud (in a cherub) to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light (a brightly lit ‘cloud’/cherub), that they may travel by day or night; the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night (the cherub) did not depart from before the people.” - Exodus 3:21,22 God’s cherub led Moses and his people out of Egypt, guarding them like sheep from wolves, shepherding them towards the Promised Land: “Then the angel of the God who went before the host of Israel moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud (the cherub) moved from before them and stood behind them, coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was the cloud (the cherub) and the darkness; and the night passed without the one (the army of Egypt) coming near the other (the large band of Israelites) all night.” - Exodus 14:19,20 (This is a phenomenon evident in modern day UFO reports: “The invisible barrier is one of the more useful devices employed by at least some of those who, from wherever and whenever, occasionally favor us with a visit. This is the unseen protective shield used to keep harmful agencies at a safe distance. They may also manifest with no UFO in sight, and in the most unlikely places.” – FSR: Invisible Barriers by J.M. Buerring, 1984 A.D.) As Ufologist Brinsley Le Poer Trench correctly notes: “The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night that guided and protected the Israelites, could be likened to a very accurate description of a modern UFO.” – p.34 Mysterious Visitors by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1971 A.D.


Indeed: “On the day that the tabernacle was set up, the cloud (a cherub; God’s cherub) covered the tabernacle, the tent of the testimony; and at evening it was over the tabernacle like the appearance of fire (the pillar of fire by night, a brightly lit cherub. See Exodus 3:21,22) until morning. So it was continually; the cloud (a cherub) covered it by day and the appearance of fire (the pillar of fire, a brightly lit cherub) by night. And whenever the cloud was taken up (took off, ascending into the air) from over the tent, after that the people of Israel set out; and in the place where the cloud settled down (wherever the cherub landed), there they encamped; as long as the cloud rested over the tabernacle, they remained in camp. Even when the cloud (the cherub) continued over the tabernacle many days, the people of Israel kept the charge of the LORD (God), and did not set out. Sometimes the cloud (the cherub) was a few days over the tabernacle, and according to the command of the LORD they set out. And sometimes the cloud (the cherub) remained from evening until morning; and when the cloud (the cherub) was taken up they set out. Whether it was two days, or a month, or a longer time, that the cloud (the cherub) continued over the tabernacle, abiding there, the people of Israel remained in camp and did not set out. But when it (the cherub) was taken up (ascended into the air) they set out. At the command of the LORD they encamped, and at the command of the LORD they set out; they kept the charge of the LORD, at the command of the LORD by Moses. In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the cloud (the cherub) was taken up from over the tabernacle of the testimony, and the people of Israel set out by stages from the wilderness of Sinai (the Sinai Desert); and the cloud (the cherub) settled down (landed) in the wilderness (desert) of Paran (wherein, it is interesting to note, is located the Islamic holy cities Mecca and Medina). So they set out from the mount of the LORD (Mount Sinai) three days journey, and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them three days journey, to seek out a resting place for them. And the cloud (the cherub) of the LORD (God; God’s cherub) was over them by day, whenever they set out from camp. And whenever the ark set out, Moses said, ‘Arise, O LORD, and let thy enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before


thee.’ And when it rested, he said, ‘Return O LORD, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel’ (See also Isaiah 63:11-14).” - Numbers 9:15-23,33-36 “Then the cloud (God’s cherub) covered the tent of meeting, and the glory (cherub) of the LORD (God) filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting, because the cloud (God’s cherub) abode upon it, and the glory (cherub) of the LORD (God) filled the tabernacle. Throughout all their journeys, whenever the cloud (God’s cherub) was taken up from over the tabernacle, the people of Israel would go onward; but if the cloud (God’s cherub) was not taken up, then they did not go onward till the day that it was taken up. For throughout all their journeys the cloud (the cherub) of the LORD (God; God’s cherub) was upon the tabernacle by day (the pillar of cloud by day. See Exodus 3:21,22), and fire was in it by night (the pillar of fire by night, a brightly lit cherub. See Exodus 3:21,22), in the sight of all the house of Israel.” - Exodus 40:34-38 (Pertinent Quote: “…the Shekinah [the ‘glory of God’/God’s cherub]…was actually the physical manifestation of the presence of God as seen in the pillars of cloud and fire.” – The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary: Glory) “He (God in his cherub) spread a cloud for a covering** (by definition a disguise), and fire (the pillar of fire by night; a brightly lit cherub) to give light by night.” - Psalms 105:39 (**Pertinent Quote: “‘Having come down in a cloud, the Lord stood with him there [with Moses] and proclaimed his name, “Lord” [YHWH in Hebew, read HWHY as Hebrew writing moves right to left].’ God came down in a cloud and dismounted to stand on the ground with Moses; so we see that the cloud was not God but only His transportation. Inside the camouflaging mist, we can be certain, was a craft known today as a flying saucer.” – pp.83-84 God Drives a Flying Saucer by R.L. Dione, 1969 A.D.) This phenomenon is likewise apparent in modern UFO sightings: “UFOs seem capable of vaporizing water and holding it suspended in a mist about them, and we have an excellent explanation of the


frequently reported luminous-cloud UFO.” – p.12 God Drives a Flying Saucer by R.L. Dione, 1969 A.D. Such ‘luminous-cloud UFO’ sightings gave birth to the firedrake legends of old. The word ‘drake’ is an archaic form of the word dragon as derived from the Old English word draca. The word dragon is of course synonymous with the word cherub: “Writers in past centuries have sometimes referred to a strange appearance in the sky which they call a ‘fire-drake.’ It seems to have been a kind of fiery cloud, which flew rapidly across the heavens. Such ‘flying dragons’ were seen over various countries in 1532, according to an old book, The Contemplation of Mysteries (quoted in The World of Wonders, Cassell and Co., of London, 1884), which was published in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. It ascribes them to the ‘pollicie (the governance) of devils (they being under their control) and enchantments (the magic) of the wicked’ (of the wiccan/wizards who summoned them, one of the most famous of which was Queen Elizabeth I’s most trusted court advisor, ceremonial magician Dr. John Dee who was himself through his own ceremonial magical workings likely responsible for their appearance**)… the flying ‘fire-drake’ sounds remarkably like the twentieth century U.F.O.” - p.370 An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present by British witch Doreen Valiente (**Pertinent Quote: “Dr. John Dee and his ‘scryer’ [his Spiritualist medium/UFO channeler], Edward Kelly, had their own strange encounters with—as they call them—‘little men’ who moved about ‘in a little fiery cloud,’ thus a pattern exists in the lore of ritual magic connecting UFOs to sorcery (and with British Intelligence pioneer Dr. John Dee’s involvement [Dee being the original secret agent 007] the pattern also exists as well connecting magic and UFO channeling to British Intelligence services. Keep this fact well in mind).” - Ritual Magic, Mind Control and the UFO Phenomenon by Adam Gorightly. This brings to mind a passage from British witch/ufologist John Michell’s book Eccentric Lives and Peculiar Notions p.229: “…the subject of flying saucers is rather like practical occultism, tending to manifest its phenomena to those who invoke them.” Indeed they historically do: “They [Moses and the Levitical high-priest Aaron] cried to the LORD [God] and he answered them. He [God] spoke to them in the pillar of cloud…” - Psalms 99:6,7 [See also Psalms 77:20]) In his 1973 A.D. book entitled The Dragon and the Disc, British author F.W. Holiday notes that carvings of discs are nearly


always included in the dragon carvings of Britain (this also being true in China) he therein concluding: “Man’s most ancient religion, that of the dragon and the disc, was therefore not based primarily on mystical utterances (magic ceremonies, etc.) and nonsensical dogmas cooked up by bunches of priests for their own political ends, but on actual observable (UFO) phenomena.” The UFOs which they called dragons (a word Biblically synonymous with the word cherub) would appear in response to the magic rituals of the Druid shamans who summoned them to appearance. In the following scripture Jesus at his Ascension is said to enter a “cloud,” is lifted up and flies away: “And when he (Jesus) had said this, as they (his disciples) were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud (a cherub) took him out of their sight.” - Acts 1:9 (Pertinent UFO contactee quote: “The most controversial thing is the ascension and resurrection of Christ. You see, he went up to a UFO in a beam, he went aboard a ship, and He is alive today and He will return in a ship called the New Jerusalem and it will be stationed outside of the atmosphere.” – pp. 180-181 Alien Contact: The Messages They Bring by Bonnie Meyer, 2006 A.D.)


Illuminated Manuscript: The Ascension of the Resurrected Christ. Note the disc-shaped object in which he was said to ascend

The following scripture describes the Two Witnesses (two angels) of Revelation likewise ascending in a cloud/cherub: “Then they heard a loud voice from heaven (from inside the Majestic Glory) saying to them, “Come up hither!” And in the sight of their foes they went up (they ascended upwards) to heaven, (they ascended up into the sky) in a cloud (in a cherub).” - Revelation 11:12 The following is from a book which didn’t quite make the official Biblical cut. In UFO parlance it is a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind: “…as I (Esdras) said this, there came a cloud (a cherub) and snatched me up, and carried me away again into the heavens.” - Word and Revelation of Esdras 24 The “clouds of heaven” are many in number. The term ‘clouds of heaven’ is a term describing the cherubim which issue forth from the Majestic Glory. For this reason the Majestic Glory super-carrier itself is also known as the ‘heaven of heavens.’ The Majestic Glory is the ‘heaven’ from which come the ‘clouds of heaven,’ the clouds being the cherubim which oft times travel within it. The following scripture describes the Majestic Glory mothership: “And the LORD (God) said to Moses, “Lo, I am coming to you in a thick cloud (in the Majestic Glory), that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe you forever.” And the LORD said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments, and be ready for the third day; for on the third day the LORD will come down (in the Majestic Glory) upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people (an event ufologist Paul Misraki on p.132 of his book Flying Saucers Through the Ages correctly interprets as “…the landing of the mother-ship on the heights of Sinai.”). On the morning of the third day there were


thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud (the Majestic Glory) upon the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast (the signal for the people to come up to the mountain), so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God; and they took their stand at the foot of the mountain. And Mount Sinai was wrapped with smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire; and the smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln, and the whole mountain quaked greatly. And as the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him in thunder. And the LORD came down (descended) upon Mount Sinai (God lands upon Mount Sinai in the Majestic Glory), to the top of the mountain; and the LORD called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up. Now when all the people perceived the thunderings and the lightnings and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking (they saw and heard the Majestic Glory mothership), the people were afraid and trembled; and they stood afar off, and said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we will hear; but let not God speak to us, lest we die.” And Moses said to the people, “Do not fear; for God has come to prove (show) you, and the fear of him shall be before your eyes, that you may not sin.” And the people stood afar off, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was. And the LORD said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the people of Israel: ‘You have seen for yourselves that I have talked to you from heaven’... “Then Moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud (the Majestic Glory mother-ship) covered the mountain. The glory of the LORD (the Majestic Glory) settled (landed) on Mount Sinai, and the cloud (the Majestic Glory) covered it six days; and on the seventh day he called Moses out of the midst of the cloud (from inside the Majestic Glory). Now the appearance of the glory of the LORD (the Majestic Glory) was like a devouring fire on the top of the mountain in the sight of the people of Israel. And Moses entered the cloud (Moses entered a cherub), and went up on the mountain (the cherub flew him to the top of the mountain into the Majestic Gory). And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights (Moses was in the Majestic Glory for 40 days and 40 nights).” - Exodus 19:9-11,16-20; 20:18-22; 24:1518 (For this reason it is said Kabbala was received by Moses at Sinai)


The following is a depiction of an ancient Hebrew kiln oven to which the Majestic Glory mothership was likened. Note its saucer-like shape:

This craft was said to be large enough to cover a whole mountain! The word ‘cherubim’ is the plural form of the word ‘cherub.’ The following terms are all synonymous with the word ‘cherubim’ as encountered in The Bible: Clouds = Pillars of Clouds = Clouds of Heaven = Chariots = Chariots of Fire = Whirling Wheels = Horses = Smiths = Ravagers = Seraphim = Serpents = Dragons = Leviathan = Whales = Fish = Behemoth = Beasts = Leviathan = Living Creatures = Eagles = Eyes = Stars = Terrors = Torches = Fires = Flames = Lamps = Glorys = Powers = Storms = Hurricanes = Winds (including East Wind) = Whirlwinds = Wonders = Wonders in Heaven = Tempests = Lightnings = Rods = Two-Edged Swords = Shields = Mountains = Kingdoms = Houses = Heavens = Rainbows = Suns = Signs = Crowns (including Crown of Life) = Ornaments = (Secret) Chambers = Firmaments = Visions = Visions of God = Name of God (Name)


These words are all found in The Bible when speaking of cherubim and each term describes one and the same object (The word “terror” along with the word “sign” as noted above are words used to denote a cherub. In some versions of The Bible including the English Standard Version, the ASV and the New American Standard Bible, we find the following warning contained in Luke 21:11 that the appearance of “terrors [cherubim] and great signs [cherubim] from heaven” [heaven as translated from the Greek word ouranos meaning sky], which is to say, the manifestation of cherubic saucers in the sky, is in fact amongst the prominent prophecized signposts heralding Jesus’ imminent return [See Luke 21:7-28]. The modern-day UFO phenomenon it would appear represents the fulfillment of this prophecy). Consider also the following: “Bless the LORD (God)...who maketh the clouds (of heaven) thy chariot (cherubim), who ridest on the wings of the wind…” - Psalms 104:1,4 (See also Hebrews 1:7 and Psalms 103:20-21) The chariots and horses of fire that take Elijah to heaven are cherubim: “And as they still went on and talked, behold, a chariot of fire (composed of four conjoined cherubic “wheels”) and horses of fire (additional cherubim) separated the two of them (Elisha and Elijah). And Elijah went up in a whirlwind (ascended in a cherub) into heaven (into the sky).” - 2Kings 2:11 (See also 2Kings 6:17 and Luke 17:30,34-37) (Pertinent Quote: “Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven… ‘Whirlwind,’ employed in like manner in other Biblical passages on similar occasions has the idea of a moving circular shape, exactly like ‘wheel.’” – p.56 Flying Saucers Through the Ages by Paul Misraki, 1962 A.D.) The chariots of the Book of Zechariah are cherubim: “And again I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, four chariots (four cherubim) came out from between two mountains; and the mountains


were mountains of bronze. Then I said to the angel who talked with me, “What are these, my lord?” And the angel answered me, “These are going forth to the four winds of heaven (cherubim are associated with the four compass directions (N, S, E and W) and is a reference to the area of operations to which they have been assigned), after presenting themselves before the LORD (God) of the whole earth.” And he said, “Go, patrol the earth.” So they patrolled the earth.” Zechariah 6:1,4-5,7 (This passage describes the four cherubim exiting the Majestic Glory mother ship to patrol the Earth as God had so commanded) Nahum 2:3-4 also speaks of the cherubim as does Nahum 3:23, alluding to them therein as shields, chariots, wheels, horses, lightnings and torches Cherubic Colors Cherubim are red, black, white and metallic gray (See Zechariah 6:2-3 and Revelation 6:2-8. The ‘horses’ therein described are cherubim). The great red ‘dragon’ of Revelation 12:3 refers to Satan’s cherub Leviathan. This scripture reveals the color of Satan’s cherub. Satan’s disc-shaped cherub is red. I had personally witnessed a red cherub over Chicago many years ago which seemed to stare right back at me as long as I did it. Patrollers of the Earth The horsemen in the Book of Zechariah are a reference to the appearance of God’s army of angels as set forth in Joel 2:1-11, most specifically Joel 2:4, which scripture alludes to the angels as horses. They are cherubim and are sometimes represented as clouds or chariots, ridden (piloted) by angels, sent by God to patrol the earth: “On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month which is the month of Shebat, in the second year of Darius (King of Persia, an interesting figure in the history of ufology whose story we will touch upon later), the word of the LORD came to Zechariah the son of Barechiah, son of Iddo, the prophet (Author’s Note: Biblical prophets were UFO


contactees); and Zechariah said, ‘I saw in the night, and behold, a man (angel) riding upon (in) a red horse (a red cherub)! He (the angel in the red cherub) was standing among the myrtle trees (among the angels) in the glen (in the Majestic Glory); and behind him were red, sorrel, and white horses (three additional cherubim). Then I said, ‘What are these my Lord?’ The angel who talked to me said to me, ‘I will show you what they are.’ So the man (angel) who was standing among the myrtle trees (among the angels. A tree is often used in analogy to an angel) answered, ‘These are they whom the LORD (God) has sent to patrol the earth (See 2Chronicles 16:9).’ And they answered the angel of the LORD who was standing among the myrtle trees (among the angels), ‘We have patrolled the earth, and behold, all the earth remains at rest.’” - Zechariah 1:7-13 “And again I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, four chariots (four cherubim)… The first chariot (cherub) had red horses (was red), the second (cherub) black horses (was black), the third (cherub) white horses (was white), and the fourth chariot (cherub) dappled gray horses (was metallic gray). Then I said to the angel who talked with me, ‘What are these my lord?’ And the angel answered me, “These are going forth to the four winds (four directions) of heaven (to patrol the earth), after presenting themselves before the Lord (God) of all the earth. The chariot with the black horses (the black cherub) goes toward the north country, the white ones (the white cherub) go toward the west country, and the dappled ones (the gray cherub) go toward the south country’ (conspicuously absent and not mentioned here are the red horses/the red cherub of Satan which presumedly is assigned to the east country). When the steeds (cherubim) came out, they were impatient to get off and patrol the earth. And he said, ‘Go, patrol the earth.’ So they patrolled the earth.” - Zechariah 6:1-8 The following scripture also refers to the cherubim. The cherubim are described as the “eyes of the LORD.” They patrol our Earth, on missions from God: “For the eyes (the cherubim) of the LORD (God) run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show his might in behalf of those whose heart is blameless toward him.” - 2Chronicles 16:9


And again: “The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD’S throne is in heaven: his eyes (cherubim) behold, his eyelids (his cherubim) try (test), the children of men.” - Psalms 11:4 An eye to which such cherubim have been likened:

Note the human eye’s inherent disc shape

Freemasonic depictions of eyes to which such cherubim have been likened:


Description of an Angel Landing on Earth in a Cherub In the following scripture a rainbow is said to be situated above the throne of God in the Majestic Glory (See also Ezekiel 1:28 and Revelation 4:3). The ‘rainbow’ in the following scripture is descriptive of the domed shape of God’s cherub and the multi-colored lights on top of it, said to be above God’s throne, which is to say, on God’s throne, on the cherub stand (throne) upon which God’s cherub sits when at rest inside the Majestic Glory (See Job 26:9). The ufo


contactee/prophet Jeremiah calls this the throne of God’s glory (See Jeremiah 14:21). The cherubic glory disc is dome-shaped with multicolored lights, like a rainbow, and round like a wheel, which is to say, saucer shaped: “Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven (descending from the sky) wrapped in a cloud (in a cherub), with a rainbow over his head (the cherub is dome-shaped with multi-colored lights on the top of the cherub resembling a rainbow)** and his face (God’s cherub) was like the sun (a ‘sun-disc’; it is brightly lit and is circular resembling the sun)…” - Revelation 10:1 (See also Revelation 19:17, Isaiah 38:8, Habakkuk 3:11 and Acts 26:13) (**Compare to the ufo contactee experience of John of Patmos as related in the Biblical Book of Revelation: “And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he [a cherubic glory disc] that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald… And out of the throne proceeded…voices…” Revelation 4:2-5. See also Revelation 16:17 and Revelation 19:5. In Revelation 7:17, Jesus is said to be inside the “throne”) A Biblical winged sun-disc: “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness (a cherub) arise with healing in his wings…” - Malachi 4:2

The Throne of God’s Glory (Traditional)


The Glory Disc is also know as the Merkabah Vehicle of Ascension

God in (Cherubic) Glory (Traditional)


Cherubim Angels pilot cherubim which are described as ‘whirling wheels’ in the Biblical Book of Ezekiel, a term descriptive of their wheel-like construction. Cherubim are quite literally spinning wheels. They are wheel-shaped (think: disc shaped) and they spin. The crafts spin, creating propulsion, enabling the cherubim, as we shall see, to travel in outer space. They are domed-shaped like a rainbow with multi-colored lights. Cherubim are said to be capable of flying as fast as lightning and are able to change directions near instantaneously without turning around in a wide arcing turn as must today’s comparatively archaic conventional aircraft. Cherubim are also capable of joining together to form larger craft. Individuals may also be transported within them. They have full military capabilities, are high-


tech and extremely lethal. The Majestic Glory is the magnificent mother-ship of God within which all cherubim are housed: “And from the midst of it (from inside the Majestic Glory-disc mothership) came the likeness of four living creatures (four cherubim). And this was their appearance: they (the cherubim) had the form of men (including a man-like “face,” a body, “hands” and “legs”), but each (cherub) had four faces, and each of them (each cherub) had four wings. Their (the cherubim’s) legs (their landing gear) were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the soles of a calf’s foot; and they sparkled like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands (four mechanical arms). And the four had their faces and their wings thus: their wings touched one another (the fact that their wings touched one another show us the four cherubim are conjoined, united as one. When united, they serve as a landing pad for the Majestic Glory mother-ship of God. Ezekiel here describes how the Majestic Glory comes out of the sky, the cherubim exit it, join together to form a larger landing pad, and the Majestic Glory lands upon them right smack dab in front of him. When the four conjoined cherubim fly together as one singular craft it is referred to as a chariot [See 2Kings 6:17], by definition a four-wheeled cart); they (the cherubim) went every one straight forward, without turning as they went. As for the likeness of their faces (each cherub has four “faces”), each had the face of a man in the front; the four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle at the back. Such were their faces. And their wings were spread out above; each of the creatures (each cherub) had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies. And each went straight forward; wherever the spirit (the angel who pilots the cherub) would go (wanted the cherub to go), they went, without turning as they went. In the midst of the living creatures (the cherubim) there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures (the cherubim); and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. And the living creatures (the four cherubim) darted to and fro, like a flash of lightning (they fly as fast as lightning). Now as I looked at the living creatures (the four cherubim), I saw a wheel upon


the earth beside (underneath) the living creatures (an aspect of the cherub’s construction, a reference to the bottom of the cherub. Cherubs are round, domed and saucer shaped), one for each of the four of them. As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction: their appearance was like the gleaming of a chrysolite (it was shining/luminous); and the four had the same likeness, their construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel. When they went they went in either of the four directions without turning as they went. The four wheels (the four cherubim) had rims and they had spokes; and their rims were full of eyes (apertures) round about. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures rose from the earth, the wheels rose.” - Ezekiel 1:5-19 The following photos portray an eight-spoked Judaean wheel as depicted on the Widow’s Mite coinage of King Alexander Jannaeus (circa 103 B.C. to 76 B.C.) to which the cherubim have been likened:


Spirits [a word often used synonymously with that of angels] ride in the ‘wheels’ of the cherub, that is, the cherubim are piloted by angels: “Wherever the spirit (angel) would go, they (the cherubim) went, and the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit in the living creatures was inside the wheels (the spirit, or angel, in the cherub was inside the [whirling] wheel).” - Ezekiel 1:20 (See also Ezekiel 1:21)

The Four Living Creatures

The Four Living Creatures: Specifically note the disc-shape objects associated with these entities. What would possess one to use such a symbol in connection with such “creatures” one may only speculate

As UFO contactee/U.S. Army Air Corp vet George Hunt Williamson has similarly noted: “It is obvious from the descriptions of the ‘wheels’ made by the Prophet Ezekiel that here was a landing of four Saucers and their respective pilots or occupants.” - p.124 Other Flesh, Other Tongues, 1953 A.D. Per Brinsley Le Poer Trench: “The whole of the first chapter of Ezekiel contains probably the finest description in the Bible of a spacecraft landing and taking off.” – p.34 Mysterious Visitors by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1971 A.D. And again: “Many events described in the Bible – and elsewhere in ancient writings – correspond too closely to modern reported sightings of


UFOs to ignore this connection. The description Ezekiel gives at the beginning of his narrative, for example, reads extraordinarily like a modern report of a UFO sighting, even to the nature of movement and the colors associated with them.” – p.172 Colony: Earth by Richard E. Mooney, 1974 A.D. The fact that the prophet Ezekiel in the Biblical Book of Ezekiel provides posterity with a technical description of a landing of alien spacecraft was also the professional opinion of NASA engineer Josef F. Blumrich, author of The Spaceships of Ezekiel (1974 A.D.), his official government report on the subject being contained in UNESCO’s Impact of Science on Society Vol. XXIV No. 4 (October– December 1974) where he therein notes concerning the prophet Ezekiel’s eyewitness UFO accounts as set forth in Biblical scripture: “Ezekiel had four encounters with spaceships, occurring over a period of twenty years.” The cherubim have swept-back ‘wings’ which are used to couple the spacecraft (from whence originates the winged-disc motif): “And under the firmament (under the Majestic Glory mothership) their (the cherubim’s) wings were stretched out straight, one toward another; and each creature (each cherub) had two wings covering its body. And when they went (when they flew), I heard the sound of their (the cherubim’s) wings like the sound of many waters, like the thunder of the Almighty, a sound of tumult like the sound of a host; when they stood still (when they landed), they let down their wings.” - Ezekiel 1:23-24 The following scripture describes a ‘throne’ in heaven, heaven as pertains to many passages of The Bible, the heavenly original (not made by human hands) of which the earthly tabernacle and temples are a copy (the earthly temple is a blueprint copy of the inside ‘throne’ room of the Majestic Glory mothership). A ‘throne’ as pertains to God is at times used synonymously with a cherub, that is, the mention of a ‘throne’ often implies the presence of a cherub. The ‘throne’ room is the cherubim room wherein the cherubim are kept. The cherubim sit upon their thrones when at rest inside the Majestic Glory, one cherub on each throne. The following description is a description of God’s


cherub sitting on a throne/cherub stand in the Majestic Glory mothership: “And above the firmament (the firmament is in reference to the floor inside the Majestic Glory mother-ship) over their (the four conjoined cherubim’s) heads there was the likeness of a throne (the throne is something the cherub sits upon like a pedestal. This setup is symbolized by the seven golden lampstands. The cherubim are the lamps, the lampstands are the pedestals or thrones upon which the cherubim are said to rest [See Zechariah 4:2 and Revelation 4:5]), (the throne is pure gold though) in appearance like sapphire and seated above (upon) the likeness of a throne (the cherub stand) was a likeness as it were of a human form (the reference to the likeness of a human form is a description of a cherub). And upwards from what had the appearance of his (the cherub’s) loins (this refers to the point where the landing gear attaches to the cherub. The four straight legs with calflike feet would extend down from this point [See Ezekiel 1:7]. When viewed from the front it appears as two legs). I saw as it were gleaming bronze (a reference to the main body of the cherub), like the appearance of fire (a ‘pillar of fire’) and there was brightness round about him (the cherub is brightly lit). Like the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the day of rain (another way of describing a rainbow, here indicative of multicolored lights on a dome-shaped craft called a cherub), so was the appearance of the brightness (the lights) round (indicative of a circular shape) about (the cherub).” - Ezekiel 1:26-28 As noted above, a lamp is also used to symbolize a cherub: “As for the likeness of the living creatures (the four cherubim), their appearance was like…the appearance of lamps…” - Ezekiel 1:13 And again: “For thou art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD will lighten my darkness.”** - 2Samuel 22:29 (**“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.” - Micah 7:8)


The following is an example of a circular-shaped ancient Judean terra cotta oil lamp to which the cherubim, God’s cherub included, were so likened. Particularly note its wheel within a wheel design:

The Cherubim of the Majestic Glory Some details about the cherubim accompanying the Majestic Glory: “Then I looked, and behold, on the firmament (on the floor of the Majestic Glory) that was over the heads of the cherubim (above the four conjoined cherubim. The Majestic Glory is at this time attached to the cherubim joining together to form one larger craft), there appeared above them something like a sapphire, in form resembling a throne (God’s throne in the Majestic Glory on which His cherub rests). And he (God) said to the man (angel) clothed in linen, ‘Go in among the whirling wheels (which is between the four conjoined cherubim when they are attached to the Majestic Glory) underneath the cherubim; fill your hands (the mechanical “hands” of the cherub) with burning coals (fire and brimstone) from between the cherubim and scatter them over the city’ (to destroy it with fire and brimstone; God is here commanding the angel to use the Majestic Glory’s military capabilities to destroy the city).” - Ezekiel 10:1-2 (See also Deuteronomy 33:2) As we learn from 1Enoch LX.11, a cherub is comprised of two parts, the top of the cherub (the ends of the heaven) and the bottom of the cherub (the foundation of heaven). A cherub has a spinning


magnetic wheel beneath the top of the cherub. The top of the cherub remains static while the bottom “wheel” spins. According to 1Enoch XLIII.2, the rate at which a cherub’s wheel spins is reckoned “according to the number of the angels,” which is to say, the wheel which comprises the bottom of the cherub spins at a rate greater than 100,000,000 revolutions per second (See 1Enoch XL.1 where the number of the angels is stated as being “thousands of thousands [millions] and ten thousand times ten thousand [100,000,000]”). Its incredible spin twists magnetic fields which then are pushed away from the cherub. The rapidly spinning disc-shaped cherub produces helical coils of magnetic-field lines along its rotational axis, creating an electromagnetic field which allows the craft to fly. As stated in Ezekiel 10:12, a cherub is covered with “eyes.” According to 1Enoch LX.13, these eyes are small round portals, “divisions” which “lighten.” This describes a cherub’s propulsion system. According to which “eye” (which aperture) “lightens” (fires) determines which direction a cherub flies (each action providing an equal and opposite reaction). With propulsion portals distributed evenly over the entirety of the cherub, this design allows them to travel in any possible direction, even enabling a cherub to change directions within a fraction of a second without employing large arcing turns as is the case with the comparatively arcane, ultra modern aircraft of today. The following scripture below found in the Book of Ezekiel is a description of a conjoined group of four cherubim which provides us with a glimpse of certain technological aspects of each cherub’s construction: “And the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard as far as the outer court, like the voice of God Almighty when he speaks. And when he (God) commanded the man (angel) clothed in linen, 'Take fire from between the whirling wheels (the cherubim), from between the cherubim,” he went in and stood beside a wheel (a cherub). And a cherub stretched forth his hand (mechanical arm) from between the cherubim to the fire that was between the cherubim, and took some of it, and put it into the hands of the man (angel) clothed in linen, who took it and went out. The cherubim appeared to have the form of a


human hand under their wings. And I looked, and behold, there were four wheels beside (underneath) the cherubim, one beneath each cherub; and the appearance of the wheels was like sparkling chrysolite. As for their appearance, the four had the same likeness, as if a wheel were within a wheel. When they went, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went, but in whatever direction the front wheel faced the others followed without turning as they went. And their rims, and their spokes, and their wheels were full of eyes round about—the wheels that the four of them had. As for the wheels, they were called in my hearing the whirling wheels. And every one (every cherub) had four faces: the first face was the face of the cherub (the ox; he views the cherubim from the side), and the second face was the face of a man (doors on the front of the cherub which in their configuration appear as the face of a man and wherein is contained a cherub’s offensive weaponry), and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. And the cherubim mounted up. These were the living creatures (the four cherubim) I saw by the river Chabar (in Babylon during the Babylonian Disapera). And when the cherubim went, the wheels went beside them (this being an aspect of their construction); and when the cherubim lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the wheels did not turn from beside them. When they stood still, these stood still, and when they mounted up, these mounted up with them; for the spirit of the living creatures (the angels piloting the cherubim) was in them (in the wheels; in the cherubim).” - Ezekiel 10:5-17 Satan’s Cherub Leviathan Satan has flown inside these wheels, inside a cherub, in other words piloting the craft: “With an anointed guardian cherub (guardian cherubim surround the throne of God) I (God) placed you (Satan)…” - Ezekiel 28:14 The name of Satan’s cherub is Leviathan. Cherubim are named in the same way ships and aircraft are named on Earth.


The fallen angel Satan was once such a patroller (a Watcher) of the Earth: “Now there was a day when the sons of God (angels) came to present themselves before the LORD (God), and Satan (himself an angel) also came among them to present himself before the LORD. And the LORD said to Satan, ‘Whence have you come?’ Satan answered the LORD, ‘From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it (from patrolling the earth).’” - Job 1:6-7 Leviathan The key to the mystery of the aquatic capabilities of the cherubim is the Book of Ezekiel and the Leviathan parable of Job, both of which provide great detail as to a cherub’s construction, characteristics and capabilities. The Leviathan Parable is an example of God’s use of parabolic histories so that hearing we do not hear and seeing we do not see. Indeed, God has said the Old Testament was written for our instruction, and God has so provided us with a cherub’s instruction manual. The following description of Leviathan is a description of Satan in his cherub with God using for lack of a better phrase a flying whale as an analogy (the whale/giant fish [tannin] of the Book of Jonah was a cherub and the Book of Jonah also highlights the aquatic capabilities of the cherubim). The following scripture is found in Job 41:1-34 and contains a description of Satan’s cherub and highlights the aquatic capabilities of all cherubim in general. I rearrange parts of it for clarification. No part of it, however, has been omitted: “Can you draw out (from the depths of the sea) Leviathan (Satan’s cherub) with a fishhook, or press down his tongue with a chord? Can you put a rope in his nose, or pierce his jaw with a hook? Will he make many supplications to you? Will he speak to you soft words? Will he make a covenant with you to take him for your servant forever?” (No! For though a cherub has full aquatic capabilities, it is not a lowly fish)


“Will you play with him (with a cherub) as with a bird, or will you put him on leash (as a falconer does) for your maidens? (No! For though a cherub like a bird is capable of flight, it is no mere bird to be harnessed and exploited).” “Will traders bargain over him (over a cherub)? Will they divide him (a cherub, as with a whale) up among the merchants? Can you fill his (a cherub’s) skin with harpoons, or his head with fishing spears? (No! For though a cherub may possess underwater aquatic capabilities, it is no whale or fish to be harpooned, processed and sold. Iron age weapons have no effect upon a cherub’s armor plating and a cherub of course is inedible).” “Lay hands on him (attack a cherub); think of the battle; you will not do it again (because you will in fact be dead)! Behold, the hope of a man is disappointed; he is laid low (by a deep sleep) even at the sight of him (the cherub). No one is so fierce that he dares to stir him (the cherub) up. Who then is he who can stand before me (who can defeat God in His glorious cherub)? Who has given to me that I should repay him? Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine.” (No human can defeat a single cherub in combat, let alone God’s army composed of twenty thousand of them. See Psalms 68:17) “I (God) will not keep silent concerning his (a cherub’s) limbs (See Ezekiel 1:6-8), or his mighty strength, or his goodly frame. Who can strip off his outer garment (a reference to the outer coat of mail; the armor plating of the cherub)? Who can penetrate his outer coat of mail (the armor plating of the cherub)? His back (the top of the cherub, its “back”) is made of rows of shields (rows of armored plating), shut up closely as with a seal. One (the edges of each armor plate) is so near to another that no air (nor water) can come between them. They (the armored plates) are joined one to another; they clasp each other and cannot be separated. The folds of his flesh (the individual armor plates in the armor plating which covers the cherub) cleave together, (are) firmly cast upon him (upon the cherub) and (are) immovable (they are inseparable). His (a cherub’s) underparts (refers to the bottom of a cherub) are like sharp potsherds (the edges of the armor plates are razor


sharp and perfectly smooth in order to form such a close seal between each armored plate. Joined together they form the whole)…” “Who can open the doors (these doors are the “wings” with which a cherub covers its “face.” See Isaiah 6:1-2) of his (of a cherub’s) face (See Ezekiel 1:10)? (A cherub has a wheel-like appearance [See Ezekiel 1:15], and each cherub has four “faces” [See Ezekiel 1:5-6]. When you divide a circle into four parts, you come up with four equal 90-degree sections. Each 90 degree section on the upper side of a cherub is considered a “face.” The front section of a cherub has what is in actuality doors but in their configuration have the appearance of a man’s face. The front of a cherub has two windows comprising its “eyes,” two windows that comprise its “nostrils,” and a single door, representing the cherub’s “mouth.” In its human-appearing “face” is located a cherub’s weapons system).” “Round about his (a cherub’s) teeth (that is, in the cherub’s “mouth;” teeth provide a mouth its bite, a reference to its fire and brimstone weapons system) is terror…and terror dances before him (See Exodus 23:27). Out of his (a cherub’s) mouth (out of the door on the front of the cherub which in its configuration appears as a mouth on the face of a man) go flaming torches (from a cherub’s mouth comes fire); sparks of fire leap forth (a “…fire which consumeth water…” - The Biblical Antiquities Chapter 18. For an example see 1Kings 18:38). His (a cherub’s) breath (one’s breath comes from the mouth; a cherub’s fiery “breath” comes from the door on the front of a cherub which in its configuration appears as a mouth on the face of a man. This is the origin of the fire-breathing dragon “myths”) kindles coals, and a flame comes forth from his (from the cherub’s) mouth (from the door on the front of a cherub which in its configuration appears as a mouth on the face of a man also comes fire and brimstone. Fire and brimstone is a reference to a cherub’s nuclear weapons capability, and this manifests physically in the form of a missile: “…out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword…” [See Revelation 1:16]. Cherubim destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities of the plain [See Genesis 19:2425] in a nuclear missile attack).”


“His (a cherub’s) sneezings (from the twin doors on the front of the cherub which in their configuration appear as nostrils on the face of a man) flash forth light (high-energy lightning bolt-like emissions used to great lethal military effect come from here. See Ezekiel 1:13 and Zechariah 9:14-15), and…Out of his (out from a cherub’s) nostrils (from the doors on the front of the cherub which in their configuration appear as nostrils on the face of a man) comes forth smoke, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes.” (Compare to mythological descriptions of fire-breathing dragons. In Isaiah 27:1, Satan’s cherub Leviathan is called a dragon) “…his (a cherub’s) eyes (the doors on the front of the cherub which in their configuration appear as eyes on the face of a man) are like the eyelids (they open and close) of the dawn (they are brightly lit when open). “ “In his (in a cherub’s) neck abides strength (while a warrior’s neck is considered vulnerable while donning a suit of armor in battle, the neck area of a cherub, where the top of the cherub (the top of a cherub on which is its “face”) attaches to the bottom body of the cherub (the “wheel”), is said to be strong—not vulnerable)…” “His (a cherub’s) heart is hard as a stone, hard as the nether millstone.” (The heart is a reference to the control room within the cherub wherein the angel [spirit] pilots the cherub [See Ezekiel 1:18-21]. The spirit [angel] rides in the “wheel” area of the cherub. The reference to a millstone refers to the cherub’s construction, as it were, an inner wheel [like the millstone, circular and solid with an inner hollow core] within an outer wheel [an armor plated wheel-like outer shell]. See Ezekiel 1:16. “When he (a cherub) raises himself up (when a cherub takes to flight) the mighty are afraid; at the (thunderous. See Ezekiel 1:24) crashing they are beside themselves (the thunderous noise a cherub may generate causes confusion of mind, temporary blindness and deep sleep, this acoustic weapon acting on the human brain).”


“Though the sword touches him (a cherub), it does not avail; nor does the spear, the dart, or the javelin. He counts iron as straw, and bronze as rotted wood. The arrow cannot make him flee; for him slingstones are turned to stubble. Clubs are counted as stubble; he laughs at the rattle of javelins (Iron age weapons have no effect against a cherub’s armored plating).” “…he (a cherub) spreads himself like a threshing sledge on the mire (a cherub can sit underwater at the bottom of a large body of water. The high pressure of the water cannot crush it). (When underwater) He (a cherub) makes the deep (sea) boil (superheats the water around it) like a pot; he makes the sea like a pot of ointment (boiling on a fire). Behind him (behind a cherub traveling underwater) he leaves a shining wake (from its propulsion system); one would think the deep to be hoary (frothy white from the bubbles).” “Upon earth there is not his (a cherub’s) like (no human possesses this technology. It is otherworldly and alien to this earth), a (living) creature (such as the four living creatures of Ezekiel 1:5; a cherub) without fear (of defeat).” “He (Satan in his cherub, Leviathan) beholds everything that is high (he watches everything that is happening in the world from his vantage point within the sea, even influencing events upon our Earth);” “…he (Satan in his cherub) is king over all the sons of pride (he refers to them as sons of pride as opposed to being referred to as sons of God. The “sons of pride” are Satan’s fallen angels who aided him in his failed rebellions).” - Job 41:1-34 (God is addressing Satan who had taken possession of/was Overshadowing the king of Egypt when in Ezekiel 32:2 he likens Satan in his cherub Leviathan to a “whale in the seas”: “…thou art as a whale in the seas…” Note this cherubic whale symbolism which is also evident in the Book of Jonah. Satan’s cherub Leviathan [a USO] is known as the Sign of Jonah [See Matthew 12:39, Luke 11:29-30 and Matthew 16:4], a so-called “sign…in the depth” as mentioned in Isaiah 7:11. The word sign is synonymous with the word cherub).


Recall in Revelation: “Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon (Satan); and the dragon (Satan) and his angels fought, but they were defeated…And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent,** who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he (Satan) was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him…Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you…” - Revelation 12:7-8, 9,12 (** Related to the word ‘serpent’ is the word ‘dragon,’ from the Latin draconem and the Greek drakon, a ‘serpent.’ The words dragon and serpent as encountered in The Bible are synonymous, representing a cherub) This rebellion in heaven of which the Biblical Book of Revelation speaks took place in the days of the birth of Jesus. As Jesus notes in Luke 10:18, he saw “…Satan as (like) lightning (in his cherub) fall (to the Earth) from heaven” upon his defeat. Satan is a fallen angel. This war of rebellion continues to this day. Indeed: “Christianity agrees with Dualism (an underlying principle of Gnosticism [the Euchitae in particular], Wicca, Catharism, etc.) that this universe is at war. But it does not think this is a war between independent powers. It thinks it is a civil war, a rebellion, and that we are living in a part of the universe occupied by the rebel.” – C.S. Lewis, 1945 A.D. As he explains in Mere Christianity, Satan is that rebel.


Cathar Cross: Cathar religious relics typically display the ubiquitous discshaped theme commonly found in ufo-religions throughout the ages

It is Satan himself who is an occupier of our Earth, dwelling beneath the seas. The word ‘serpent’ found in Revelation 12:9 is a cognate of the word ‘seraph.’ A seraph is a cherub. The ‘great dragon…that ancient serpent’ mentioned above refers to none other than the seraph/cherub of him who is called the ‘Devil and Satan.’ The cherubim of the angels spawned the legends of the dragons, what we refer to today as UFOs: “…the overwhelming majority of Chinese believed in the physical existence of dragons.** Since they appear to be identical with the Western concept of flying saucers—they are often reported as moving lights in the sky…” – p.159 The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. (**Author’s Note: Dragons receive their current familiar dinosaur-like form due to the fact it was deceptively taught in China and Mongolia that the dinosaur fossils quite commonly found around these countries were the ancient remains of “extinct dragons” [See the Introduction to Dragons and Dragon Lore by Ernest Ingersoll, 1928 A.D.])


Satan in his cherub Leviathan was thrown down to our Earth where he hides today within the bodies of water of our Earth. Isaiah 27:1 speaks of the “serpent” (seraph) “leviathan,” “the dragon (cherub) that is in the sea.” And Satan is not alone. His angels are with him in their cherubim as related above in Revelation 12:9. In Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 13:1 we are told Satan is to rise from the sea wherein he lays concealed at the beginning of the war on Christians and Jews during the coming Tribulation. This is the Sign of Jonah prophecized by Jesus [See Matthew 12:39, Luke 11:29-30 and Matthew 16:4]. The Bible contains other references to Leviathan, Leviathan being in the following cases a reference to Satan’s cherub: “Yonder is the sea, great and wide, which teems with things innumerable, living things both small and great. There go the ships, and Leviathan (a reference to Satan’s cherub) which thou (God) didst form to sport in it (to travel underwater).” - Psalms 104: 25-26 The plural form used in the following scripture denoting the “dragons” refers to the cherubim of the fallen angels mentioned in Revelation 12:9 and Revelation 12:12 above, Satan’s cherub included. Satan’s cherub and the cherubim of the angels who joined him in a failed rebellion against God are here on Earth today hiding in the water bodies of our Earth. They are at this time spread as threshing sledges upon the mire at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea (See Job 41:30 and Isaiah 27:1). Ezekiel 28:2 similarly reveals that Satan sits in the heart of the seas, that is, at the bottom of the sea. Satan sits at the bottom of the sea in his cherub, Leviathan. Similarly, in The Teachings of Silvanus in the Nag Hammadi Library we find the following clue: “The Wicked One (Satan)…is beneath the great mire.” In Chapter 32 of the Book of Ezekiel, God issues the following threat to Satan who has taken possession of the body of a great Egyptian pharaoh, a classic case of UFO possession (See also Ezekiel 28:2 where God is speaking to Satan who is in possession of the King of Tyre):


“…you (God here speaks to Satan who is in possession of the Egyptian Pharaoh) are like a dragon (a cherub) in the seas… I (God) will haul you up (See Job 41:1)… I will cast you on the ground…” - Ezekiel 32:2,3 Ezekiel 26:16 is a veiled reference to the destruction of the cherubim of Satan and his angels, referring to them therein as the “princes (here translated from the word seirim,** by definition demons) of the sea” (the word seirim [singular seir] being cognate with the word seraphim [singular seraph])(** “The demons…are called in the Bible seirim.” - p.155 Fallen Angels: The Soldiers of Satan’s Realm by Bernard J. Bamberger, 1952 A.D.), a reference to Satan and the fallen angels whose cherubim are hiding in the Mediterranean Sea. Marid is the Arabic name for the rebellious group of angels which included their leader Satan, the group which is said in Arabic magic– themed folklore to find sanctuary within the seas and oceans of the Earth much like UFOs are known to do today. The word ‘Mediterranean’ is a cognate of the word Marid, the sea being named after the Marid angels and Satan, the Meridian Devil himself. In The Zohar 1:4b Satan’s cherub Leviathan is called the “Prince [seir/demon] of the Ocean.” The definition of the word ‘ocean’ is ‘a large sea.’ The following scripture is from The Apocalypse of Baruch: “And Behemoth (Azazel’s cherub) will be revealed from his place (from within the earth), and Leviathan (Satan’s cherub) will ascend from the sea, those two great monsters (cherubim) which I created on the fifth day of creation**…” - The Apocalypse of Baruch XXIX.4 (**God’s creation of the cherubim is related in Genesis 1:21). Satan and his angels who reside in the sea are the “eternal sinners…in the depths of the sea” mentioned in The Testament of Kohath (4Q542) of the magic practicing Qumran community. Ancient Egyptian magicbased religious writings likewise speak of the “gods (the Neteru) in the underworld” and the “gods (the Neteru) in the watery deep” (See On the Hieratic Papyrus of Nesi-Amsu). Historically speaking, the UFO occupants have for many millennia appeared to those who magically invoke them. (Author’s Note: From the Hebrew word seirim is derived the word siren [from Greek seiren] to denote women associated with


the fallen angels. According to Greek myths, such sirens were responsible for luring Greek sailors to shipwreck) The Babylonians worshipped Satan’s cherub Leviathan as the water god Ea. Ea, a USO, was the god of the rivers and the oceans. In the sacred text, The Seven Evil Spirits, the Babylonians speak of seven cherubim of Satan’s group of fallen angels, including Satan himself, as being “seven evil and violent demons…on earth” which dwell in an underwater base in a “palace” located in the “channel of the deep.” These seven evil spirits were commonly known as the Maskim. (This story is also recounted in The Maklu Text of the grimoire known as the Simon Necronomicon which speaks of these “Seven…in the depths of the ocean,” “seven liers-in-wait” who hide in the “ocean depths” in a “hidden retreat.” In The Testament of the Mad Arab portion of the Simon Necronomicon, Abdul Alhazred, the reputed** author of this famous manuscript, refers to Satan’s undersea base as the “Palace of our Master” [read: the palace of our Ba’al. Baal = master] located “beneath the Seas”) (**I say ‘reputed’ as Abdul Alhazred is an anagram of sorts, namely: Ed A-Bull-Hazard. The Simon Necronomicon was anonymously authored by occultist H.P. Lovecraft. As Jacques Bergier states in Extraterrestrial Visitations from Prehistoric Times to the Present [1973 A.D. English Edition]: “Let’s try to separate truth from fiction. Lovecraft himself wrote me in 1935, and confirmed to many other correspondents as well, that he had invented the Necronomicon in every respect.” H.P. Lovecraft was himself descended from the Hazard family of Rhode Island. Ed A = Edmund Andros who was overthrown by colonists during the 1689 Boston revolt following the ascension of William and Mary to the English throne; Bull = Henry Bull [who succeeded Edmund Andros after Edmund Andros’ arrest]; Hazard = Thomas Hazard [the associate of Henry Bull from whom Lovecraft was descended]. And hence the anagram Abdul Alhazred, hidden proof encoded within its pages of Lovecraft’s personal authorship. Certain members of the former Lovecraft [magic] Circle including Kabbalist ufologist [and professed Allied spy] Jacques Bergier would upon Lovecraft’s death along with certain members of Charles Fort’s Fortean group become members of the OTO-associated Church of Satan, a glaring testament to the association of UFOs and


their demonic occupants with magic [as well as with magic-practicing members of various nation’s Intelligence agencies including our own with UFOs]. Satan’s submarine palace in the sea was reputedly located off the Aegean island of Thera, modern day Santorini in the Mediterranean Sea. Thera is identified with the lost city of Atlantis) Consider also the legends of the Sumerian god Uanna (Uanna meaning ‘light of the heavens’), head of the Apkallu, a group of manlike aquatic beings said to have descended to the Earth in a star and who were said to dwell underwater in the Persian Gulf, the water body from whence the god Uanna is said to have emerged to bring wisdom and civilization to primitive Sumerian tribesmen. The following is a depiction of fish-festooned priests of Uanna (a god known to Babylonians as Oannes). Note the hovering winged-disc associated with their specific UFO religion. Ancient priests were UFO contacteeleaders of UFO religions:

A winged-disc appears: The successful culmination to a magic cerermony


Interestingly enough nearly half of all modern-day UFO reports include reports of unidentified flyinobjects entering and exiting the water bodies of our Earth. Like the cherubim described within the pages of The Bible, modern day reports of UFO sightings describe round/wheel-like/disc–shaped objects capable of flight which also display submarine-like capabilities. The following list of articles found at is exemplary: Aliens Under the Sea Timothy Good, from "Unearthly Disclosure", Daily Mail (UK) November 11, 2000 A new book offering evidence of USOs - Unidentified Submergible Objects - is written by one of the world's most respected authorities on UFOs, Timothy Good, and his findings are supported by one of Britain’s most senior military men, retired Admiral of the Fleet Lord Hill-Norton (it was Lord Hill-Norton as you recall who co-authored the UFO Concern report warning of the demonic nature of UFOs). Extracted from "Unearthly Disclosure" by Timothy Good. (Pertinent Quote: “The level of technology demonstrated indicates that they [UFOs] can come and go at will and can reside in a variety of places; the bottom of our oceans, inside major high-altitude ice fields, in Earth orbit, on the Moon, or even Mars.” – The UFO Report edited by Timothy Good, 1989 A.D.) Amazing Soviet-Era UFO Sightings In & Over Water Bodies Paul Stonehill The Russian Ufology Research Center has a collection of "hydrosphere aspect" sightings The secret files of the Soviet Navy contain much valuable information on UFO sightings. Soviet military researchers were quite thorough. The files have been largely inaccessible, even after the fall of the USSR. But I was able to collect some interesting information. Blue Book UFO Reports by Ships at Sea: Analysis of the Blue Book Ship Database (PDF)


Antonio F. Rullán The objective of this study was to better understand the Project Blue Book UFO report database from ships at sea. The study focused on UFO reports that were submitted by ships in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to the USAF Project Blue Book. Ships submitting reports to Blue Book included Navy, US Coast Guard and Commercial Vessels. Do Flying Triangles Have Underwater Bases Around Our Coast? Omar Fowler The latest information received indicates that there is intense UFO activity along the East Coast, particularly near Lowestoft and strange things are still happening in the vicinity of Rendlesham Forest! Just what is going on? Observations of Unidentified Submarine Objects in Norway Ole Jonny Brænne, UFO-Norway In the waters of Norway (and Sweden, too) there have been observations of unidentified submarine objects for a long time, going back before World War II. In what follows we will take a look at this peculiar phenomenon and report sightings of objects coming up from or going down into lakes and rivers. Russian Underwater Encounters: What Lurks Beneath The Surface Paul Stonehill It is safe to conclude that the Soviets (before), and the Russians (now) are preoccupied with the strange and sinister creatures lurking in their waters. Underwater UFO’s Bill Hamilton "What secrets lurk in ocean depths? Are there alien forms of intelligent life that occupy the vast volumes of water that constitute our oceans, seas, and lakes? The largest of our oceans, the Pacific, covers 64,000,000 square miles and reaches a depth of 36,198 feet (in its deepest part, the Marianas Trench), a depth that no ray of


sunlight ever reaches. Could these depths hide alien submarine bases? (Author’s Note: One prime example of Hollywood’s propagandized treatment of the UFO phenomenon is the 1989 A.D. film Abyss by James Cameron, the story of an alien being in a submersible USO concealing itself in the Pacific Ocean in the Marianas Trench which arises at movie’s end to aid the humans and save the day) Unidentified Submarine Objects Space 2001 Unidentified objects are not just confined to the sky. In fact throughout the seas, oceans, as well as lakes and rivers of the world, strange metallic objects have provoked just as much curiosity. In this case they are abbreviated as USO's - Underwater Submarine Objects. USOs – do they exist? Christian Pfeiler, UFO + PSI Magazine If a UFO moves beneath the sea we call it a USO - a unidentified submarine object and there are more sighting reports about such strange submarines than most of us know. USOs – do they exist? Christian Pfeiler Many people know sighting reports about UFOs - strange objects that fly through the air of our planet. Only through the air? It is remarkable that most parts of our world are covered with water and that there is some evidence that the UFOs also use this "matter" to move to most places of the planet without being seen from anyone. Hence the saying, the devil and the deep blue sea! While the angels come from another planet and are thusly by definition extraterrestrials, Satan and the other fallen angels also fall into the terrestrial category, they being Earth-based: “The late Ivan T. Sanderson, a famous zoologist and one of the world’s foremost investigators of the unexplained (Ivan T. Sanderson being an original member of the Fortean Society and a friend of International


Fortean Society founder/ufologist John A. Keel as well [See The Mothman Prophecies by John A. Keel]), had served in British Naval Intelligence in the Caribbean during WWII (Note this British Intelligence association with the Fortean Society). He saw and reported so many unusual objects in the water and in the air that his superiors finally asked him to ignore them. In later years, Sanderson (a Fellow of the Royal Society) devoted a lot of time collecting and cataloging water sightings. He developed an elaborate theory** suggesting that all real UFOs were probably based in the world’s oceans and were terrestrial objects, not spaceships from another planet.” - SAGA: Mystery of the Alien Submarines by John A. Keel, 1974 A.D. (**For more information see Invisible Residents by Ivan T. Sanderson, 1970 A.D.) (Pertinent Quote: “It was author and researcher Dr. Ivan T. Sanderson who suggested that aliens could remain undetected by building their bases beneath the world’s oceans. Dr. Sanderson found that by actual count, over 50 percent of the UFO sightings had occurred over, coming from, or plunging into or coming out of water. This includes oceans, seas, lakes, and reservoirs…” Alien Magic by William F. Hamilton III, 1996 A.D. Another prominent ufologist of the period has noted: “…not all so-called ‘UFO entities’ are necessarily extraterrestrial… we may yet find, to our enormous surprise, that some at least of them may be creatures that share, and have always shared, this Earth with us…” – FSR: Middle American Creature Reports by British Intelligence officer Gordon Creighton Additionally, in his 1969 A.D. book entitled Operation Earth, one-time Flying Saucer Review editor Brinsley Le Poer Trench (“… described by the Daily Mirror as ‘the world’s acknowledged number one expert on such matters’…”) enlightens us to the fact that “…there are certain indications that…the saucers come from an area indigenous to our planet…” stating that “Many saucer researchers believe that these entities have bases on the earth…” In fact:


“There is no evidence to support the notion of extraterrestrial visitations. There is, however, a mountain of evidence indicating that the force behind the UFO phenomenon is solidly based on this planet. And it has been conning us for years to keep us from discovering that fact.” - SAGA: The Flying Saucer Evidence Everyone Ignores by John A. Keel Indeed, ominously enough: “(U.S. Air Force Project) Bluebook (a U.S. government sponsored multi-year study of UFO phenomena)…concluded that UFO’s… probably did not originate outside this planet.” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt 1975 A.D. (Project 1947’s Project "Saucer" Memorandum to the Press briefings dated April 27, 1949 A.D. likewise admitted its data “points strongly to the belief that the flying objects are of earthly origin.”) During a 2017 A.D. interview on the Sunday night news program 60 Minutes, NASA aerospace entrepreneur Robert Bigelow when asked by the interviewer “Do you also believe that UFOs have come to Earth?,” Bigelow revealingly replied: “There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence.” Satan and his extraterrestrial angels are in fact ocean-based: “…somewhere out in the vast oceans of the world there are definitely submarines (USOs) that can move faster and dive deeper than anything owned by the U.S. or the Soviet Union. There are aircraft that can dive into the water and convert into submarines. And there are ordinary, airbreathing earthling types (read: Nordic aliens) manning these objects.** What are their allegiances? Why do they hide from us? And what are they really up to?” - SAGA: Mystery of the Alien Submarines by John A. Keel, 1974 A.D. (** “…it appears that the beings who pilot the machines are performing their operations in deliberate secrecy—evidently they do not want us to know the nature of their mission on Earth, and consequently they are going to some lengths to mislead us.” - FSR: The Meaning of Contact by Jerome Clarke, 1965 A.D. Being in control of this country, cherubim may in


the future be deceptively revealed as aspects of America’s “secret space program”) The UFO reports of today are the folk lore beliefs of yesteryear: “A very small percentage of all known sightings are of seemingly real, solid machines of some sort, usually in the disc or cigar-shaped configuration. These sightings form the core of the flying saucer mystery. Interestingly, nearly all of these rare ‘hard’ sightings take place near or over bodies of water—lakes, rivers, fjords, oceans. In another age, the frequent appearances of strange objects and beings around water produced the ‘water sprite’ lore. Fairies and leprechauns were often seen around lakes and rivers, occasionally collecting water in receptacles just as small ufonauts in modern flying saucer cases...” SAGA: Mystery of the Alien Submarines by John A. Keel, 1974 A.D. Throughout previous centuries, UFO phenomena have deceptively manifested itself in a variety of different forms commonly referred to as devices of the devil. An early ufologist of sorts, the 11th Century A.D. Byzantine monk Michael Psellus, a demonologist by trade, describes one variety of “devil” (read: extraterrestrial) as “aqueous, for these dwell under the water in rivers and lakes, and are full of anger, turbulent, unquiet and deceitful. They raise storms at sea, sink ships in the ocean, and destroy life in the water,” their ultimate goal being the “destruction of mankind” (See p.133 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.). Michael Psellus speaks of course of the aqueous angelic occupants of USOs.


Ancient depiction of an ocean-based USO

Submersible Cherubim The Book of Enoch reveals the secrets of an underwater cherub’s method of propulsion. In 1Enoch LX.16, we are told a cherub as it travels underwater “draws” water “back” and so “is driven forward,” that is to say, the cherub draws in water from the direction it wants to go and shoots out that water in an opposite direction, thus propelling the cherub forward, as with a jet engine. Portals located all around the cherub allow it to travel forwards and backwards and upwards and downwards and any which way in between. These apertures are the “eyes” by which a cherub is covered as noted in


Ezekiel 1:18. They are described as being “eyes” because the portals are capable of opening and closing like the eyelids on your eyes. Behemoth Behemoth is the name of Azazel’s cherub. His cherub is located in the desert the ancients called Duidain (aka Dudael/Pit of Dudael), and, as we learn from The Book of Enoch, is encased within the igneous rock beneath its windblown sands: “…Behemoth, who occupied…a waste wilderness named Duidain.” 1Enoch LX.8 (Also known as the Valley of Death, Duidain, is located in ancient Sangara, the ‘land between the rivers’ Tigris and Euphrates where is buried the ‘Sangraal, the Cup of Babalon,’ the cherub Behemoth, there beneath the ruins of the sandswept Tower of Babel, the gate of the Seirim [aka the shagnirim, the irim of Sangara] god Azazel, the very entranceway to his chthonic prison. A Mason, the builder of Babylon had found it, it ever beckoning him obsessively onward, he erecting a tower above it and a city around it before himself being assassinated by God. In the terminology of Grail scholar/ceremonial magician/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawnmember A.E. Waite, this search for the Sangraal, for Azazel’s cherub Behemoth imprisoned within the earth, is called the “Mystic Quest” of the “Great Work.” Fellow Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawnmember Aleister Crowley discovered its location and this we know from Liber Samekh. In cherubic cultus magic circles, Jesus’ story of the Holy Grail is rightly considered a Christian appropriation of an earlier pagan legend: “The Holy Grail, as presented in (Sir Thomas) Malory’s collection of Arthurian legends, appears in the form of a Christian relic, the cup from the Last Supper, brought to England by Joseph of Arimathea (the basis for which story may be found in John 19:38). But the Grail cult is far older than Christianity.” - p.178 The Flying Saucer Vision. British witch/ufologist John Michell says it best when he himself adeptly explains in The Flying Saucer Vision that the “Grail” of the Grail legends represents “the flying disc,” the “disc marked with the [red] cross…the vessel [a cherub called Behemoth] in which he [Azazel] navigates the air…” He goes on to explain: “…the memory of the flying discs…can be seen in the central object of British mythology, the cauldron [of the witches] or Grail… Here is another version of the legend of the flying saucer, the vehicle by which the gods with their advanced culture first made themselves known. The Grail was the


sacred vessel…the vehicle by which all benefits first came to men, the flying disc of the gods.” [See pp.171,177 The Flying Saucer Vision]. A British witch’s cauldron to which such Grail legend flying discs have been compared:

The Battersea Cauldron found in the Thames River in London The search for the flying disc Behemoth is represented in Rosicrucian alchemical circles nondescriptly as VITRIOL: “…there is a method called Notariqon, which is a Hebrew word meaning shorthand writing. It consists in making neologisms (new words) from the initial letters of certain selected words. In alchemical literature, there is a famous example of the use of Notariqon. Take the word vitriol, which is sulphur. Each letter of this word becomes the initial of another word forming a sentence of seven words: V Visita [Visit]


Interiora [the interior] T Terrae [of the Earth] R Rectificando [rectify] I Invenies [and find] 0 Occultum [the secret] L Lapidem [stone] The entire sentence, then, which is an expansion of vitriol, carries with it the meaning of 'Visit or explore the interior or depths of the Earth, and find and rectify the secret Stone.'”** – p.116-7 Foundations of Practical Magic by Israel Regardie, 1979 A.D. Besides its Freemasonic/magic connotations (this being the figurative Stone the Builders accepted, unlike Jesus whom they rejected), in this case the word stone as defined as ‘a piece of stone shaped for a purpose, especially one of commemoration, ceremony or demarcation.’ In this case it represents the missing capstone of The-ir enterprise, the flying saucer of the angel Azazel:


[**The English word stone is derived from the Germanic word stein, being like a grail a type of cup, and hereby Rosicrucianists were urged on to search for and find Behemoth/Azazel’s chthonic prison. Specifically identifying the Knights Templar’s idol Baphomet with Azazel from The Book of Enoch said to have been imprisoned by God


in his cherub beneath the Earth, Eliphas Levi’s well-known artistic rendition of the Sabbatic Goat Baphomet is itself modeled on Pierre de Lancre’s 1613 A.D. illustration entitled Tableau de l’inconstance des mauvais anges of ‘Satan preaching in the likeness of a goat, seated in a golden chair.’ See p.300 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.]. In Hebrew, the word for a goat (seir) was also used to denote a quite human-looking demon. Baphomet is the mascot of the Order of the Palladian, embodied today by the OTO, a modern-day Knights Templar group. The OTO [also known as the Academia Masonica], a known UFO contactee cult, in keeping with its Freemasonic roots** was directly tasked with the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem along with the reinstitution of Temple services with the expressed intention of thereby triggering the Second Coming of Christ. The Grand Master of the Knights Templar group from the Christian Crusades era headquartered in Jerusalem wore the quartered circle Mark of Cain badge as a magic talisman, this being the sign of the angel Azazel [See Appendix B]. Magic is known as the Way of Cain [See Jude 1:11]) (** “Freemasonry has as its goal the…rebuilding of the temple… then the living stone, the cubic stone, the golden cube, the cube with twelve doors, the new Jerusalem will come down to earth from heaven, according to the Qabalistic prophecy of St. John.” - The Book of Splendours by Eliphas Levi. In this book Eliphas Levi explicitly calls for the creation of a modern state of “Israel” in furtherance of this ideal) The Behemoth described in the Book of Job Chapter 40 is a parabolic description of a cherub, Azazel’s in particular. From this parable we are told the frame of the cherub, that is, its “bones,” are hollow metallic tubes, and the landing gear of the cherub is comprised of four solid metallic bars (See Job 40:18). These bars have what is described as calf-like “feet” at the bottom of each solid metallic “leg” (See Ezekiel 1:7). The power train of the cherub by which the craft is powered is located in the bottom section of the cherub (See Job 40:16). A cherub is powered by a nuclear reactor, receiving its energy from what is described as “stones of fire,” which is to say, from radioactive elements contained therein. These elements also power a cherub’s weapons system. Cherubim have the capability to burrow into “the dry land of the wilderness,” which is to say, into soft desert sands (See 1Enoch LX.9), thus enabling a cherub to conceal itself therein. The tail-like apparatus described in Job 40:17 is a large drill based on the


concept of the screw which when extended from the bottom of a cherub allows the rapidly spinning cherub to drill its way into the soft desert sands, enabling the cherub to conceal itself therein. Other Technical Aspects of a Cherub 1Enoch LX.17-21 provides us with further technical descriptions of other aspects of a cherub’s construction in purely parabolic form. Here we are told that located in the top of the cherub (at the ends [top] of the heaven [of the cherub]; See 1Enoch LX.20) is located two chambers, one hot (summer), the other cold (winter) (See 1Enoch LX.19). These chambers allow a cherub to mimic atmospheric conditions, allowing it to create weather. The hot and cold chambers allow a cherub to create frost, snow, hail, mist (dew) and rain, when hot air from the hot chamber is made to meet cold air from the cold chamber, as when a warm front meets a cold front. A cherub also has portals and chambers for the winds which allow it to suck in air and to force this air out while rapidly spinning, creating a highly destructive tornado-like effect (See 1Enoch LX.12). When one is taken into a cherub, that is, when a person is raptured, a “mist” (See 1Enoch XIV.8) is said to envelop them whereupon they are teleported into the vehicle. From there they are sometimes flown to and are taken into the Majestic Glory mother-ship: “And the vision was shown to me (to Enoch) thus: Behold, in the vision clouds (cherubim) invited me and a mist summoned me (brought him into the cherubim), and the course of the stars (of the angels) and the lightnings sped and hastened me, and the (whirling) winds in the vision caused me to fly (he is flying in the cherub) and lifted me upward (off the ground and into the air), and bore me into heaven (into the sky).” 1Enoch XIV.8 Commenting on Enoch’s ancient eyewitness UFO reports as described in The Book of Enoch, esteemed ufologist John A. Keel notes:


“Enoch’s legendary excursions to other worlds in 4,000 B.C. rank him as the first known (UFO) contactee.” - The Journal of Popular Culture Volume 8, Issue 4, Spring 1975 A.D.: The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel Cherubim are 15 feet high (that is, 10 cubits. See 1Kings 6:26. One cubit=18 inches) from top to bottom, the width of the body of a cherub being 60 feet long (40 cubits. See 1Kings 6:17). Their swept-back outstretched wings, when joined together in flight, total 15 feet across (that is, 10 cubits. See 1Kings 6:24), the total being the length of the joined wing protrusions, each wing protrusion being 7.5 feet long (See 1Kings 6:24). The Engineering of the Cherubim While the angels were created before the creation of our Earth (See Job 38:4-7), the cherubim were not constructed until the Fifth Day of its creation: “And Behemoth shall be revealed from his place and Leviathan shall ascend from the sea, those two great monsters which I created on the fifth day of creation…” - The Apocalypse of Baruch 29.4. This is in reference to Genesis 1:21 where it explains that “God created the great sea monsters,” therein a reference to the creation of the cherubim (USOs). In The Aramaic Targum of Jonathan (Translation by J.W. Etheridge) on Genesis 1:21 we are told “the Lord (God) created the great tanins (the cherubim), the levyathan (Satan’s cherub) and his yoke-fellow (Behemoth, Azazel’s cherub) which are prepared for the day of consolation (the resurrected righteous resurrected during the First-Resurrection receive cherubim in consolation for their deaths during the coming pre-millennial Tribulation [See Revelation 2:10]: “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” - Matthew 13:43. See also 1Samuel 2:8 and Isaiah 54:16-17). The ‘smiths’ in the following scripture also refer to the cherubim of the angels: “Behold, I (God) have created the smith (the cherub) who blows the fire of coals, and produces a weapon (the blowing fire of coals) for its purpose. I have also created the ravager (another name for a cherub) to


destroy (think: destroying angels). No weapon that is fashioned against you will prosper (there is no greater weapon of war than a cherub), and you shall confute (refers to the cherub’s ability to cause confusion of mind) every tongue (every man) that rises against you in judgment (that attacks you). This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD (God) and their vindication from me, says the LORD.” - Isaiah 54:16-17 Loyal human “servants of the LORD” will indeed receive cherubim for their services when he returns (See Matthew 21:33-43 and Matthew 25:14,31-34). Others will not fare as well when God returns in vengeance: “For behold, the LORD (God) will come in (a pillar of) fire (in his cherub), and his chariots (cherubim) like the stormwind, to render his anger in fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire will the LORD execute judgment (upon the people of the Earth), and by his sword (his cherub), upon all flesh; and those slain will be many.” Isaiah 66:15-16 (See also Isaiah 11:4) The Four Faces The face of a man is said to appear on the front of a cherub. The “face” of the man is in actuality doors which in their configuration resemble a man’s face. God’s explicit law (See Exodus 20:4) instituted a strict ban on the creation of graven human images and such an image would not be here employed. The rest of the ‘faces’ however are pictorial representations: “As for the likeness of their (the four cherubim’s) faces, each (cherub) had the face of a man in the front (on the front of the cherub); the four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle at the back. Such were their faces.” - Ezekiel 1:10,11 The four faces of the cherubim (which are identical in appearance), on each of their four sides, are the ox, the lion, the eagle and a man as represented thusly: Man-like face of the cherub (front of cherub)


Lion represents Jesus (on right side of cherub; See Revelation 5:5) Ox represents Israel (on left side of cherub; See Numbers 23:22 and Numbers 24:8) Eagle represents God (on the back of the cherub; See Deuteronomy 32:10-15) As we learn from the UFO contactee experience of John of Patmos, these cherubim (the four “living creatures” observed by Ezekiel) serve as guardians of God, surrounding the throne of God: “And round the throne (the throne upon which rests God’s cherub within the Majestic Glory mother-ship), on each side of the throne, are four living creatures (four cherubim) full of eyes in front and behind: the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with the face of a man, and the fourth living creature like a flying eagle. And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within…” - Revelation 4:6,7,8 (Ezekiel 28:14 and Ezekiel 28:16 mention such a guardian cherub) In the preceding passage from the Book of Revelation the cherubim are said to have six wings. Ezekiel in his encounter with the cherubim witnesses them using only two sets of wings. He sees the “wings” that are used to join the cherub to the other three cherubim and the “wings” covering the landing gear when the cherub is in flight. The third set of “wings” which are panels that retract to cover the frontal face of the cherub are not seen (See Isaiah 6:1-2). They are already retracted and the man-like “face” of the cherub is clearly visible to him. Consider the following description of these same four cherubim (the four living creatures) as found in The Apocalypse of Abraham: “…I (Abraham) saw…four fiery living creatures (four cherubim)… And the appearance of each of them was the same, each having four faces, And this (was) the aspect of their faces: of a lion, of a man, of an ox, and of an eagle… And each one (each cherub) had six wings: two on the shoulders, two halfway down (on the cherub; these wings


protrude from the middle of the cherub), and two at the loins. With the wings which were on their shoulders they covered their faces (two retractable panels cover the doors on the front of a cherub that in their configuration resemble a man’s face. These wings/doors open to uncover the cherub’s weapons systems), with the wings at their loins they clothed their feet (two retractable panels cover a cherub’s landing gear when in flight), and they would stretch the two middle wings out and fly, erect.” - The Apocalypse of Abraham 18:3,4,5,6-7,8 (The fact that the cherubim “stretch the two middle wings out and fly, erect” underlies the concept of the winged flying disc) Also associated with the throne of God are the seraphim. The seraphim, which are in fact a pair of cherubim, stand guard atop the Holy of Holies above the cube-shaped throne room of God. The word ‘seraphim’ translates as ‘fiery serpents’: “In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord (God) sitting upon a throne (in his cherub inside the Majestic Glory), high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple (the throne room in the Majestic Glory). Above him stood the seraphim (two cherubim); each (cherub) had six wings; with two he covered his face (two retractable panels cover the doors on the front of a cherub that in their configuration appear as the face of a man. These wings/doors open to uncover the cherub’s weapons systems), and with two he covered his feet (two retractable panels cover a cherub’s landing gear when in flight or at rest upon its throne), and with two he flew (The two wings may be outstretched from the cherubim when in terrestrial flight. When they fly with outstretched wings they operate as fixed-winged aircraft. These two “wings” are also used to join the cherubim to each another when forming one unified craft. They retract into the craft during extraterrestrial flight). Then flew one of the seraphim (a cherub) to me...” - Isaiah 6:1-2,6 A copy of these two guardian seraphim (cherubim) standing guard above the throne of God in the Majestic Glory is the earthly copy of the cherubim in the Temple (described in 2Chronicles 2:12 as a “house for his kingdom” [read: a house for God’s cherub]) within the Holy of the Holies as related in 1Kings 6:23-28. These would appear


to be disc-shaped and not as winged-humanoid creatures as is often naively depicted, completely similar to those discs portrayed on the Magdala Stone below, a 3D representation of the Herodian Temple in Jerusalem including a glimpse within the most Holy of Holies inner sanctum wherein was housed the Ark of the Covenant along with its pair of attendant disc-shaped cherubim:

Compare the cherubim depicted above to the following Native American depiction of a cherub:


An early UFOlogical record depicting a very close encounter of the third kind

The Scrolls of Adam and Eve: Apocalypsis Mosis 33-37 is the key to unlocking the mystery of the seraphim. The two seraphim are no ordinary cherubim. In these scriptures we find a reference to the “seraphim,” therein described as being “two great and fearful wonders.” From these scrolls we learn the two seraphim are designated as the “sun and moon” and are in appearance black. These seraphim are the cherubim of the Two Witnesses mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation. For other instances where the seraphim of the Two Witnesses are represented as the Sun and the Moon, see also Genesis 37:9, Deuteronomy 4:19, Deuteronomy 17:3, Joshua 10:12-13, Psalms 121:6, Psalms 148:3, Jeremiah 8:2, Habakkuk 3:11 and 1Corinthians 15:41. Psalms 148 is also rather revealing: “Praise ye the LORD (God). Praise ye the LORD (God) from the heavens: praise him in the heights. Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. Praise ye him, sun and moon (seraphim): praise him, all ye stars of light (cherubim)… Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons (cherubim) … Let them praise the name of the LORD (God): for his name alone is excellent; his glory (God’s cherub) is above the earth and heaven… Praise ye the LORD (God).” - Psalms 148:1-3,7,13

The Sun Seraph (Sol)


The Moon Seraph (Luna)

The Babylonians in Biblical times worshipped the seraphim as well as the other cherubim of the angels as gods. The Babylonians called the black cherub (seraph) known as the Sun Shamash (it is said the Babylonian king Hammurabi circa the 18th Century B.C. was personally instructed by Shamash, a depiction of which is memorialized on the stele containing Hammurabi’s famous laws), and they called the black cherub (seraph) known as the Moon, Sin (the Egyptians knew this Moon ‘god’ as Khonsu. It was said he sojourned


on Earth to teach the Egyptians agricultural pursuits. To the Babylonians, these two cherubim were considered to be evil beings as the cherubim often wrought destructive judgments upon them. Additionally, Satan himself was continuously testing the Babylonian’s worthiness as members of mankind to eventually receive God’s kingdom, as Satan so tested the Babylonian Job, the story of which is related in The Bible in Job 1:6-42 through Job 2:1-7. As is related therein, much destruction was wrought upon Job, a resident of Babylon, and upon his household by Satan’s cherub Leviathan. Centers for the worship of the god/the cherub known as Sin were located in Ur (Abraham’s original hometown. See Genesis 11:31 and Nehemia 9:7) and Harran (Abraham’s new God-given hometown in the Land of Canaan. See Genesis 11:31), and for the god/the cherub known as Shamash, in Larsa (in Southern Babylonia) and Sippar (in Northern Babylonia). The Sumerians before them worshipped Shamash (the Sun seraph) as the god Utu, and the Moon seraph Sin as the god Nanna (Suen). Ur and Harran are located in modern-day Iraq, the nation wherein is located Azazel’s chthonic prison (For detailed information see The False Prophet Azazel). Of an interesting pertinent note: “Although the UFO phenomena and the belief in ETs have grown rapidly over the last 50 years, there is evidence that they visited our planet thousands of years ago. Some of our most ancient records come from the Sumerians in the third millennium B.C. The history of Sumer has primarily been reconstructed from thousands of clay tablets… Recorded…are the stories of the ‘gods’ which came down to earth from the heavens. Popular authors…have interpreted these texts as visitations by highly advanced ‘ancient astronauts’ who flew to earth in spaceships and were worshipped as ‘gods’ by virtually every ancient culture.” – The Last Hour: Prophecy, World Views & UFO’s by Jim Simmons, 2001 A.D. Dome-shaped, cherubim are sometimes depicted as a crescent moon in Sumerian literary works such as A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna A). Nanna represents the seraph known as the Moon: “…you (Nanna, a cherub/saraph) are radiant…Bringing terrifying radiance from the marshes (this represents an early example of an eyewitness account of a UFO emerging from a body of water)…


majestically you extend your arm (the arm beneath the cherub) in order to determine destinies… O Nanna, your crescent moon (the cherub) is called ‘the crescent** moon of the seventh day.’” - Hymn to Nanna (Nanna A) (**Pertinent Quote: “As a brief summary, the modern phase of UFOs began in the United States in 1947, when a business man named Kenneth Arnold was flying his private plane in Washington state and was amazed to spy nine crescent-shaped objects speeding near Mt. Rainier and skipping along like ‘saucers’ being sailed across water. The press devised the name ‘flying saucers.’” – pp. 209-210 Mankind: Child of the Stars by Max H. Flindt and Otto O. Binder, 1972 A.D.) The following is a dome-shaped first quarter (“seventh day,” Sabbath day) waxing crescent moon as reckoned according to the 28day lunar month to which such cherubim were likened:

Cherubim also (such as the cherub worshipped by the Sumerians as Nanna) are often known as a ‘crown’ and a ‘glory,’ these also being Biblical names for a cherub: “Lord (Nanna), glory of heaven…Nanna, whose appearance in the high heavens is adorned with radiance! King, glittering light, crown of Urim (‘Urim’ translates as lights), Nanna (a cherub/seraph), glittering light, crown of Urim (crown of lights)!” - An Ululumama to Nanna (Nanna J). The following is a depiction of a Sumerian crown to which these cherubic glory discs have been likened. Note its dome-shaped design and crescent moon-like characteristics:


“Dragon” is also a common Biblical name for a cherub and is found in the following Sumerian work: “Nanna, dragon of heaven and earth” - A Sir-namgal to Nanna (Nanna L). Cherubim are also called/symbolized as ‘lions’: “…he (Nanna) is a powerful force, a lion, a dragon” - A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna M). (A lion may also be employed as a symbol of a cherub. See Ezekiel 32:2)

The following is an ancient Phoenician artistic representation of a lion with crowning disc. One must always be considering art’s most singular magical origins when interpreting a picture’s ‘thousand words’:


To worship the angels was an act strictly forbidden by God: “And beware lest you lift up your eyes to heaven (to the sky), and when you see the sun and the moon (the seraphim/cherubim of the Two Witnesses) and the stars (the cherubim), all the host (angels) of heaven, you be drawn away and worship them and serve them, things that the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under heaven (the Babylonians, Sumerians and Egyptians included).” - Deuteronomy 4:19 (See also 2Kings 23:5. Likewise, in Colossians 2:18 we learn the “worship of angels” is strictly prohibited. The veneration of angels is tantamount to worship, these words being entirely synonymous) The following reprove provides an exclamation point to the preceding admonition: “…the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations (idols representing their angelic gods) in the house (Temple) which is called by my name, to pollute it. And they have built the high places of Tophet (in Jerusalem), which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom (also known as Gehenna), to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire (as a form of child sacrifice to these gods); which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart (this is in a nutshell, the secret sacrificial rites of Baal worship in pre-


Metatron Judaism). Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter: for they shall bury in Tophet, till there be no place… At that time, saith the LORD, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves: And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon (the seraph of the Two Witnesses), and all the host (angels) of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.” - Jeremiah 7:30-32,8:1-2 The Temple Scroll Column 55 Lines 17,18 of the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran also speaks out against the practice of worshipping the seraphim and cherubim as gods when it tells the people not to worship the “sun, moon, or any of the host (angels) of heaven” (Such worship would include ritual magic ceremonies and be tantamount to pacts with devils, aka black magic. As many of the scrolls from Qumran are of a Kabbalistic magic nature and include fragments of The Book of Enoch, one may infer this group specialized in communicating with these angels). Israelites who worshipped Sin, Shamash or any others of the cherubim of the angels did so under the penalty of death (See Deuteronomy 17:2-5), hence the destructions wrought upon the erring Babylonians. The worship of angels and their cherubim as gods, and most specifically the angel Azazel and his cherub Behemoth as Baal, an elaborate system including ceremonial magic/sex-magic rituals and animal/human/child sacrifice, was a common practice in countries throughout the civilized ancient world and was geared towards getting the attention of their gods: “For their personal magical protection the Phoenicians appear to have adopted the type of amulets used in Babylonia and Assyria, and a collection of cylinder seals has been preserved in the British Museum (Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities). Some of these artifacts…may date from a few centuries B.C., probably from about


400 to 300 B.C. All five of these cylinder seals depict the Winged Disk… Figures which are referred to in the literature as ‘divine beings’ are seen emerging from these disks in four cases… Representation of flying disks in religion does not stop with the Phoenicians. The symbol is a basic one in the early Christian church, and it is consistently associated with the angels.” – UFOs: The Psychic Solution by Jacques Vallee (According to the Seder Eliahu Zuta: “Azzael [the fallen angel Azazel]…descended to the earth, lusted after the daughters of man, led them to sin and taught them witchcraft by which they brought down the sun and moon…” Note the mechanics of this deception as this is in part a reference to a magic ritual designed to summon the angels to appearance, this being the theological basis for the Drawing Down the Moon magic ritual, a central rite of the Wiccan witchcraft religion based on the ancient wicce tradition. In the ritualistic words of the Thessalian witches from Thessaly in ancient Greece: “If I command the moon, it will come down…” - Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley [Witches typically conduct their Sabat magic rituals at night by the light of the full moon at a time when such a cherubic false-full moon deception would prove most effective (See Luke 22:53)]. Most contemporary UFO contactees were or are like their ancient counterparts before them practitioners of magic in one form or another as the reader shall herein discover. Often the eyewitnesses to such magical events had believed the cherubim of the angels to be the actual sun or moon descending down upon them, hence the proliferation of numerous ancient sun and moon god cults. Such deceptions gave birth to the Man in the Moon legend)


Woodcut: Witches at Sabat

UFOs have long been associated with the Christian religion:

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane





The Agony of Christ: “And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.� - Luke 22:43. Note the disc-shaped aerial object traditionally associated with this angel


The Annunciation

The icon above and the one below depict both God’s cherub, the smaller discshaped Holy Spirit in the Form of a Dove, superimposed upon the larger discshaped Majestic Glory mothership. Note the humanoid angel with which they are associated.


God’s Cherub in the Form of a Dove: God’s cherub is known as the Holy Spirit of God


Note the disc-shaped object associated with this angel The Annunciation:


“And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man (she being a virgin)? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost (God’s cherub) shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” - Luke 1:26-35

Abraham and Isaac



Jonah and the Whale

Whale (Tannin) = USO



See Revelation 1:1-3. Note the sun-like disc-shaped object in which the angel descends


Note the disc-shaped object associated with the Second Coming of Jesus. Especially note the White Horse being depicted in association with a disc



Many depictions of winged sun-discs which are artistic representations of the cherubim of the fallen angels can be found throughout many early civilizations.

Winged Discs: Wings Denote the Ability to Fly


Satyrs were associated with winged flying discs





Gods flying in winged sun-discs. The humanoid fallen angels were worshipped as gods.








Christian Winged-Disc Symbolism

The Holy Spirit in the Form of a Dove


The Christian cherubic winged-disc symbols pictured immediately above include depictions of their humanoid angelic occupants

Ezekiel Rides in God’s Cherub “…as I (Ezekiel) sat in my house (in ancient Babylon), with the elders of Judah sitting before me (in the days of the Babylonian Diaspera), the hand of the Lord GOD (the ‘hand’ of God’s cherub) fell there upon me. Then I beheld, and lo, a form that had the appearance of a man (this describes a cherub, landing or fully landed); below what appeared to be his loins it was fire, and above his loins it was like the appearance of brightness, like gleaming bronze. He (the cherub) put forth the form of a hand (a mechanical hand), and took me by a lock of my head (into the cherub); and the Spirit (Ezekiel is in God’s cherub) lifted up between earth and heaven (the cherub lifted off the ground into the air), and brought me in visions of God (brought Ezekiel, in the cherub of God**) to Jerusalem…” - Ezekiel 8:1-2,3 (**The name of God’s cherub being, by one account, Akatriel [See Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism and Talmudic Tradition by Gershom G. Scholem, 1960 A.D. [Second Edition 1965 A.D.] pp.53-54 and Footnote p.55]. In The Bible God’s cherub is known as the Holy Spirit. As we learn from Daniel 7:9, God’s cherub is white) Description of a Cherub “Behold, the name (the cherub) of the LORD (God) comes from far, burning with his anger, and in thick rising smoke; his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue (the reference to “lips” and “tongue” is in allusion to the “mouth” of the cherub, the portal from which is emitted fire and brimstone) is like a devouring fire; his breath is like an overflowing stream (of fire and brimstone) that reaches up to the neck


(this speaks of God’s cherub. From the window on the cherub which in its configuration appears as the mouth on the face of a man comes fire and brimstone); to sift the nations with the sieve of destruction… the breath of the LORD (one’s breath is emitted from one’s mouth, in this case from the “mouth” of God’s cherub), like a stream of brimstone (from the window on God’s cherub which in its configuration appears as the mouth on the face of a man comes fire and brimstone)…” Isaiah 30:27,28,33 Burning Coals of Fire The prophet Ezekiel speaks of what he describes as burning coals of fire, the stones of fire being an essential element of a cherub’s ability to function. These power both the craft and the ‘fire and brimstone’ weapons system of the cherub (lightning as well as fire and brimstone). By analyzing Ezekiel 10:1-2 we can deduce these burning coals of fire are radioactive isotopes: “In the midst of the living creatures was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures (among the cherubim); and the fire was bright, and out of the (burning coals of) fire went forth lightning.” - Ezekiel 1:13 (See Zechariah 9:14-15) God calls these the ‘coals of fire.’ These seem to be incredible sources of energy for they can create the conditions necessary for lightning-like emissions used to great effect in Biblical battles when the LORD himself fights for Israel. The ‘arrows’ in the following scriptural passages is the lightning described as emanating from the ‘coals of fire’ power source. The following scripture provides descriptions of particle beam weaponry (which occurs naturally as lightning): “Bow the heavens, O LORD (God), and come down! Touch the mountains that they smoke! Flash forth the lightning and scatter them, send out thy arrows and route them!” - Psalms 144:5,6 (lightning=arrows=high-energy particle beams)


“…he (God) has prepared his deadly weapons, making his arrows fiery shafts.” - Psalms 7:13 “But God will shoot his arrow at them; they will be wounded suddenly.” - Psalms 64:7 “The sun and moon (the seraphim, the cherubim of the Two Witnesses) stood still in their habitation (they were hovering in the sky) at the light of thine arrows as they sped, at the flash of thy glittering spear.” Habakkuk 3:11 “Then the LORD (God in his cherub) will appear over them, and his arrow go forth like lightning; the LORD God will sound the trumpet, and march forth in the whirlwinds (cherubim) of the south. The LORD of hosts will protect them, and they shall devour and tread down the slingers…” - Zechariah 9:14-15 (God provides aerial support to the ground troops) The ‘lightning’ weapons deployed by the cherubim as described above are in fact particle beam weapons. A natural analogy to a particle beam is lightning. The ‘arrows’ are particle beams emitted from directed-energy weapons (DEW). Particle beams are accelerated streams of supercharged particles. These subatomic particles are accelerated to high velocities which travel at nearly the speed of light and carry tremendous amounts of kinetic energy which is measured in billions or trillions of electron volts. These fast moving particles transfer their kinetic energies to the atoms within their target thereby exciting the atoms within, rapidly superheating them to the point of destruction. This weapons system is powered by the cherub’s nuclear power plant which also powers the cherub which is in essence a miniature cyclotron, a particle accelerator. Optical Cloaking 2Kings 6:17 and Numbers 22:31 provide examples of the use of optical cloaking technology. When one views an object one is in actuality receiving light wavelengths reflecting off an object. Optical cloaking technology involves bending light waves around an object so


that the observer sees what is behind the object as if the object wasn’t there, as if it were invisible. Consider the following scripture from 2Kings 6:17. The young man mentioned therein is allowed to see the presence of cherubim whose very presence he previously was just unable to observe: “Then Elisha prayed, and said, “O LORD (God), I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see.” So the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire (horses and chariots of fire symbolize the cherubim) round about Elisha.” - 2Kings 6:17 John A. Keel discusses the ability of UFOs to become invisible in his article entitled Mystery of the Invisible Flying Saucers. As Keel explains in The Cosmic Question: “…UFOs are normally invisible to us and are seen only by accident or design.” - p.32 The Cosmic Question by John A. Keel The ‘ability’ of invisible UFOs to ‘appear out of nowhere’ and to vanish in this same manner would help to give birth to the quite erroneous Interdimensional Theory of UFOs, the belief that UFOs originate from parallel dimensions or universes. Compare 2Kings 6:17 to the phenomenon encountered in modern day UFO sightings: “Early in my own UFO investigations I noted that some people could see UFOs, often objects of very large size, while others standing in the same location would see absolutely nothing.” – p.33 The Cosmic Question by John A. Keel Deep Sleep The following scriptures spread light on ‘deep sleep’ from the LORD: “No man saw it, or knew it, nor did any awake; for they were all asleep, because a deep sleep from the LORD (God) had fallen upon them (caused by God’s cherub, they were put to sleep).” - 1Samuel 26:12


The appearance of heavenly beings and their cherubim are associated with causing a deep sleep which overcomes those with whom the cherubim comes into contact. When a deep sleep is said to come upon someone in The Bible as an angel makes his appearance, the presence of a cherub is always implied, though not always described. Cherubim possess the offensive capability to disarm their enemies and render them defenseless: “The stout hearted were stripped of there spoil; they sank into deep sleep (caused by the cherub); all the men of war were unable to use their hands. At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both rider and horse lay stunned (and defenseless, in this way allowing a few Israelis to slaughter many opponents. See also Isaiah 29:9-10).” - Psalms 76:5,6 (Pertinent Quote: “…UFOs… The weapons employed by the occupants —if indeed they are weapons—deserve special attention. For the most part they seem to be immobilization devices…” – FSR: The Problem of Non-Contact by Aime Michel) “I (Daniel) lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man (an incarnate angel) clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with the gold of Uphaz. His body (the body of the angel’s cherub) was like beryl, his face (a reference to the windows on the front of the cherub which in their configuration appear as the face of a man) like the appearance of lightning, his eyes (the windows on the front of the cherub which in their configuration appear as the eyes on the face of a man) like flaming torches, his (the cherub’s) arms (mechanical arms) and legs (the cherub’s landing gear) like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words (the sound the cherub emits) like the noise of a multitude (like thunder)… I was left alone and saw this great vision (cherub), and no strength was left in me (as a result of the thunderous acoustical weapon. The acoustical weapons the cherub employs affect the person’s brain); my radiant appearance (he being bathed in light from the cherub) was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. Then I heard the sound of his (the cherub’s) words; and when I heard the sound of his (the cherub’s) words (the cherubs “words” refers to the “thunder” which causes the “deep sleep”), I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground… one in the likeness of the sons of men (an angel in human form) touched my lips…behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees…(The angel) touched me and strengthened me (Daniel’s strength came back after


being treated by the angel).” - Daniel 10:5-6,8,9,10,15,18 (Pertinent Quotes: “[UFO] Abductee reports show that the aliens can completely control the human nervous system. When aliens want to abduct them, abductees are routinely paralyzed instantly and placed in suspended animation.” - FSR: Aliens Among Us—A UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religious Mode by John W. White. In fact: “One of the most common physical consequences of contacting a UFO is temporary paralysis....” – p. 65 UFOs: Satanic Terror by Basil Tyson, 1977 A.D. This phenomenon sometimes manifests itself in the bedroom as sleep paralysis during demonic attack: “…a surprising number of people claim to have had paranormal experiences, and many ask for help in dealing with malevolent spiritual forces. One widespread problem seems to be spirit attacks while people sleep. The sinister entity may grab the sleeper by the throat, sit on their chest, and in some instances sexually abuse them. Could it be that a large sector of the population is under attack by demons? Certainly, some of the letters I have received show that this is happening: ‘I awoke one morning and realized that my body was completely paralyzed,’ writes one reader. ‘I couldn’t move a muscle. Something was in the room and walked across the bed. I tried to scream but only a slight noise came from my throat. Whoever or whatever was in my room then disappeared…’ People…often report feeling a ‘presence’ that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An intense sense of dread and terror is very common. Sometimes the ‘entity’ may attack by strangling the sleeper and exerting crushing pressure on the chest.” - Can Someone Be Possessed By A Demon?: Demonic Possession, Attacks and Sleep Paralysis by Craig Hamilton-Parker) (As stated by UFO researcher Philip Imbrogno circa 2008 A.D. in his book Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomenon & Otherdimensional Beings pp.278-279, of the UFO contact cases he investigated: “The majority of these contacts took place at night…** In a large number of these cases in which encounters took place in the person’s bedroom, ‘sleep paralysis’ was reported (This is the feeling of being unable to move while conscious in bed during the night)… All those who have experienced this physical phenomenon report that it feels ominous— some even feel violated.”) (** “Night time in particular is spirit time. When the mysterious dim of the night settles over the earth the demons, dwellers in darkness, bestir themselves. Mazzikim and lilin, lutins and faes [Fay angels], all flutter out of their hiding places.” – Jewish Magic and Superstition by Joshua Trachtenberg, 1939 A.D.)


“Deep sleep” is an acoustically induced sleep-like state of consciousness. Daniel 10:16-17 tells us the physical effects of the Deep Sleep weapon upon the human body, namely physical pain and a loss of breath accompanied by a loss of strength. The following example is from The Apocalypse of Abraham: “And it came to pass when I (Abraham) heard the voice of Him who spoke such words to me, and I looked here and there, I found no breath in me, and my spirit was frightened, and my soul seemed as departed from me, for I fell down as a stone, as a dead man upon the earth, and had no more strength to stand. And while I was thus lying with my face towards the earth (fully conscious), I heard the voice of the Holy One speaking, ‘Go, Jaoel (an angel), and by means of my ineffable Name (cherub) raise up yonder man and strengthen him, so that he recovers from his trembling.” This explains the need to administer treatment in order for one to regain one’s strength (See Daniel 10:16,18). Isaiah also received such a treatment (See Isaiah 6:6-8) upon his encounter with a cherub. Ezekiel 3:1-3 and Revelation 10:8-11 describe this treatment in greater detail where the treatment is administered in the form of an edible ‘scroll,’ a pill or capsule or a capsule-like implant with writing and markings on them much like the pills of today. Being put into such a deep sleep state, when awoken Ezekiel says the Holy Spirit enters into him (See Ezekiel 3:23-24) and in this way by the power of the Holy Spirit (God’s cherub) God communicates with him (See Ezekiel 1:28 through Ezekiel 2:1-2. Ezekiel was then physically ‘abducted’ and transported to Jerusalem [See Ezekiel 8:3]). Compare this incident with the patriarch Abraham’s experience as related in the following scripture: “As the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram (Abraham); and lo, a dread and great darkness fell upon him. The LORD (God) said to Abram...” - Genesis 15:12,13 (Deep sleep and darkness are associated with the presence of cherubim) Loss of time is typical during UFO encounters. “The UFO weaponry is awesome. They can paralyze and immobilize both machine and human beings; they can somehow tamper with the


human mind… how can you fight a thing that can freeze your limbs and blank out your mind?” - The Flying Saucer Crime Wave by John A. Keel A Biblical case in point: “Terror and dread fall upon them, because of the greatness of thy arm, they are still as stone, till thy people, O LORD (God) pass by (they being led by God’s cloud-like cherub)...” - Exodus 15:16 Thunder from Cherub causes Confusion of Mind, Deep Sleep and Blindness: “Thunder” is an acoustical device employed by a cherub that operates at such a frequency it affects the human mind, temporarily making the brain unable to function normally. Thunder from a cherub is described as causing madness and confusion of mind as well as blindness and deep sleep, possibly depending upon its pitch as well as the desired effect: “As Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to attack Israel; but the LORD (God’s cherub) thundered with a mighty voice that day against the Philistines and threw them into confusion; and they were routed before Israel.” - 1Samuel 7:10 “And in an instant, suddenly you will be visited by the LORD (God) of hosts with thunder and with earthquake and great noise, with whirlwind and tempest, and the flame of a devouring fire.” - Isaiah 29:5-6 “But the LORD (YHWH) your God will give them over to you, and throw them into great confusion (from the ‘thunder’ device. See 1Samuel 7:10), until they are destroyed.” - Deuteronomy 7:23 “I will send my terror (my cherub) before you, and throw into confusion all the people against whom you shall come (through the employment of the ‘thunder’ device. See 1Samuel 7:10), and I will make all your enemies turn their backs toward you.” - Exodus 23:27


“Thou (God) didst make my enemies turn their backs on me (because they were thrown into confusion. See Exodus 23:27)…” - Psalms 18:40 “On that day, says the LORD (God), I will strike every horse with panic, and its rider with madness. “ - Zechariah 12:4 (Through the use of the thunderous acoustical device. Compare to Pan the god of panic) “The LORD (God) will smite you with madness and blindness and confusion of mind (from the ‘thunder’ device. See 1Samuel 7:10)” Deuteronomy 28:28 The cherubim-caused ‘confusion of mind’ can be compared to a drunken stupor: “I (God) trod down the peoples in my anger, I made them drunk (by confusion of mind) in my wrath, and I poured out their lifeblood on the earth.” - Isaiah 63:6 ‘Confusion of mind’ is affected by the broadcast of ELF waves. Case in point: “Project Sanguine: Ostensibly created by US NAVY to study ELF and create SHELF (Super Hard ELF). The Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola, Florida, in the course of their tests carried out in Project SANGUINE, in Clam Lake WI, discovered that exposure to the magnetic field component in the SANGUINE antenna - within ELF field of 45 to 74 Hz. - produced stress identical to gross alcohol consumption. Records released by the U.S. Navy on Project SANGUINE to Dr Armen Victorian. See also Robert Becker, Cross Currents, Jeremy P. Tarcher Inc., Los Angeles, USA, 1990, p. 202.” “…the brain…is an electromagnetic receiver, similar in many respects to a radio… impulses to the brain from all systems and organs of the body are electrical. The optical system converts light to electricity, which in turn stimulates the visual areas of the brain; the auditory system does the same with sound. Even the will to act is governed by electrical impulses to the brain… electrical stimulation to specific parts of the brain can control certain emotions. If these signals can be given


directly, then theoretically they can be transmitted over a distance, to be received by our ‘brain radios.’ The brain is also a transmitter… So again, in theory we can imagine a device capable of refining and amplifying these signals, making it possible to receive them from a long distance.” – pp.33-34 God Drives a Flying Saucer by R. L. Dione, 1969 A.D. Indeed: “It is theoretically possible to cause almost any sort of perception by inducing the appropriate impulse into the brain. Hallucinations,** visions and even emotional experiences might be caused synthetically —even whole sequences of imaginary events.” - UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt 1975 A.D. (** This is a favorite ploy hatched by rebellious fallen angels in furtherance of their deceptive endeavors: “These subjective hallucinations have launched a thousand religions and eccentric cults. Sometimes the entities pose as members of some secret order of Brothers [the so-called “Space Brothers” and the Great White Brotherhood being classic cases in point] watching over the human race. Some claim to belong to a long-gone Elder race that once inhabited this planet and constructed the pyramids, Stonehenge, and the other ancient artifacts that baffle us. Others pretend to be from lost Atlantis or mental projections from a secret temple high in the Himalayas. Today they are inclined to identify themselves as denizens of another planet and add to the propaganda being circulated to advance the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH)—that is, that we are being visited by people from another galaxy [when in fact they are inhabitants of our Earth].” – p.141 The Cosmic Question by John A. Keel, 1975 A.D.) Your brain processes information and it is possible to manipulate the information your brain processes. UFOs possess this technology: “Science fiction has familiarized us with the concept of machines (or beings) projecting an image of themselves that systematically confuses observers. One could imagine that UAP (Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena, a term synonymous with UFO) represent physical craft equipped with the means to interact both with the surrounding atmosphere and with the senses of observers in such a way as to convey


a false image of their real nature.” - The Physics of High Strangeness by Vallee and Davis, 2003 A.D. Ufologist Timothy Good similarly notes: “I am convinced that the intelligences responsible for UFOs are able either to construct facsimiles of our own aircraft or to manifest themselves in such a way that we are duped into believing they are conventional aircraft, presumably for purposes of subterfuge.” – p.281 Above Top Secret by Timothy Good, 1988 A.D. UFOs are said to be capable of creating false memories (often referred to as Screen Memories) within the minds of UFO contactees in a process known as confabulation. They are also capable of erasing memories of UFO encounters: “Innumerable UFO witnesses have purportedly received telepathic messages and also suffered from amnesia. Modern psychiatrists and psychologists investigating UFO contact stories have concluded that the witnesses had actually experienced ‘a surrealist dream’ and that their memories of what actually took place were replaced with false memories (including flying upon broomsticks to Sabbat)… This process is known as confabulation… Some witnesses are simply programmed to forget a specific period of time altogether.” Mysterious Waves of Worldwide Kidnappings by John A. Keel As Colin Wilson explains in Alien Dawn p.283, the UFOs have the “ability to manipulate human beings, to take over our lives, control our minds and monitor our thoughts” (“…in the historic dogfight between Second Lieutenant George F. Gorman and a tiny UFO, the Air Force pilot reported that the ‘thing’ seemed to anticipate his maneuvers as if reading his mind.” - God Drives a Flying Saucer by R. L. Dione, 1969 A.D.). Indeed, The Bible itself tells us God is able to monitor our thoughts (See Hebrews 4:12-13 and Psalms 94:10-11), is able to tune into our brain radio transmitters. God Himself is the penultimate ‘techie.’


Such UFO weaponry acts upon the waves of the brain and may alter one’s perception of reality as well as induce adverse psychological reactions: “The Assyrians will be terror-stricken at the voice of the LORD (the “voice of the LORD” [Voice of YHWH] is the acoustic thunder device. See 1Samuel 7:10), when he smites with his rod (read: when he smites with his cherub, rods being like cherubim and broomsticks circular in shape).” - Isaiah 30:31 “And the fear of the LORD (God) fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were round about Judah, and they made no war against Jehoshaphat.” - 2Chron 17:10 “And as they journeyed, a terror from God fell upon the cities that were round about them, so that they did not pursue the sons of Jacob.” Genesis 35:5 As Lucius Farish has noted in FSR: Myths, Legends and UFOs: “When a person delves into the background of Ufology, he quickly discovers that many of the myths, legends and folktales of various primitive peoples contain…information which may have considerable bearing on our subject… We…find, in almost all mythologies and folktales, references to beings who came from, and returned to, the sky.” He also notes therein that: “Certain ‘supernatural’ happenings in the Bible are paralleled by beliefs of various Indian tribes.” One prime example of this is the sacred Thunderbird of the Native Americans which was said to live above the clouds and from whose eyes flashed forth lightning, and whose wings as they flew was said to have caused thunder, the flying Thunderbird being a representation of an angel’s aeronautical cherub. Additionally: “Legends of the ‘Sky People’ (extraterrestrials in flying saucers) can be found in isolated cultures throughout the world, purportedly based upon the stories of those who had direct contact with them. Such contacts are an integral part of many religions. The Hopi Indians, for example,


believe they were guided northwards from Central America by the ‘Kachina people’ (the word ‘Kachina’ translates as ‘spirit,’ the word spirit being synonymous with the word angel) who ride about in luminous objects.” - The Journal of Popular Culture Volume 8, Issue 4, Spring 1975 A.D.: The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel

Kachina in Glory Compare the “luminous objects” which guided the Native American Hopi Indian tribes to North America to the luminous “pillar of fire” which led the native Israelite tribes to the much vaunted Promised Land (“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.” Exodus 23:20 ). The Hopi similarly tell tales of flying shields called patuwvotas. Furthermore, alien abductions are no new phenomenon: “In addition to guidance (aliens acting as spirit guides), several Amerindian legends suggest a more physical kind of interaction between the Star People and the native people. The Chippewa tell of a star that was driven out of its home in the sky because of a quarrel which had developed among the Star People (shades of rebellion in heaven). The star would wander from tribe to tribe, and it was often seen hovering over the campfires when the people were preparing for sleep. Although most men and women were quite fearful of the star, a Chippewa maiden came to love and admire it. In midsummer, the


young girl, on going into the woods for berries, found herself caught in a sudden storm which lifted her into the star.” – pp. 26-27 Gods of Aquarius by Brad Steiger, 1976 A.D. A classic tale of alien abduction. As was similarly the case with Atlas’ son Hesperos, and being quite similar to known UFO abduction cases, such “storms” were said to have been quite capable of abducting people from the face of the Earth as is related in the Library of History by 1st Century B.C. Greek historian Diodorus Siculus: “… Hesperos – climbing to the mountaintop of Mount Atlas to observe the stars (thusly identifying him as an astrologer/astronomer employing Mount Atlas as an observatory) – had been abducted by unleashed and sudden storms and had disappeared from the face of the earth.” Library of History, Book III-LX by Diodorus Siculus Magic-practicing Spiritualist shamans of Native-American tribes in a number of cases (67 known) have constructed large discshaped Medicine Wheels (a term synonymous with ‘magic circle’) typically (though not exclusively) of a quartered-circle design, the sign of Azazel (See Appendix B). One may easily surmise early Medicine Wheels to be classic examples of Cargo Cult constructs meant to commemorate actual UFO sightings: “…Blackfoot (tribe Amerindian) elders…strongly indicate these (Medicine Wheels) were monuments to…events that happened in the past. I think theres some consensus on this.” – Eight Medicine Wheel Types, 2010 A.D. The ‘events’ they were meant to commemorate were UFO landings. The following is a Medicine Wheel magic circle found in the Bighorn Mountain range in Wyoming, USA:


The Majorville Medicine Wheel in Canada dates to 3200 B.C.:

A modern-day Lakota Medicine Wheel of a typical QuarteredCircle design:


As detailed in The Lion Path: The Big Picture: “The most ancient Ojibway (Algonkin) legends also tell that the doctrine (of Shamanism, or Amerindian Qabbalahism as it were)…were taught by beings who landed on the surface of a great lake in a strange airborne ship that looked like a flattened shell…” – p.5 The Lion Path: The Big Picture by Charles Musѐs, 5th Edition, 1996 A.D., originally published in 1985 A.D. Founder of the 20th Century A.D. Lion Path Shaman reconstructionist movement, Dr. Charles Musѐs minces no words when he himself explains: “The point of shamanism is…the development of communication with a community of higher than human beings…” This is the point of all such systems of magic. Of a similar historical note: “In South America the Spaniards justified the unrelenting cruelties exercised on the unhappy natives by reiterating in all their accounts of the countries which they discovered and conquered, that the Indians, in their idol worship, were favoured by the demons with a direct intercourse… their (Shaman) priests, powahs, or wizards…were esteemed as having immediate converse with the gods…” - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott, 1830 A.D.


Amerindian Petroglyphs

A Visit from the Gods. Compare to the Medicine Wheel above

Amerindian Petroglyph of quartered-circle design


Blindness from Acoustic Thunder Device The thunder device with which the cherubim are equipped may also induce temporary blindness: “Give glory to the LORD your God before he brings darkness, before your feet stumble on the twilight mountains, and while you look for light he turns it into gloom and deep darkness (being blinded).” Jeremiah 13:16 “And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind and unable to see the sun for a time.” - Acts 13:11 This is how the Syrians were struck with blindness in 2Kings 6:18. The brightness of the Majestic Glory also emits a blinding brightness: “As I made my journey and drew near to Damascus, about noon a great light from heaven (from the Majestic Glory) suddenly shone about me. And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ And I answered, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said to me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting.’ Now those who were with me saw the light but did not hear the voice (the fact that they saw the Majestic Glory but did not


hear the voice indicates telepathic communication. Indeed, God is said to know your thoughts as if they were a spoken word) of the one who was speaking to me. And when I could not see because of the brightness of that light (his blindness is caused by the light emitted by the Majestic Glory mother-ship. The light is described as being “brighter than the sun.” See Acts 26:13. Compare to DARPA Dazzler directed-energy weaponry designed by the military to likewise cause temporary blindness), I was led by the hand by those who were with me, and came into Damascus.” - Acts 22:6-9,11 (See also Psalms 82:5) (Pertinent Quote: “The UFO sighting reports indicate that the UFOs are, above everything else, most powerful emitters of light… At times the luminous emanation varies in intensity, sometimes emitting brief but powerful flashes… the tremendous dazzle exercises a most potent effect upon the human visual system, resulting in an outright temporary ‘blackout’ or in greatly reduced vision [some eyewitnesses even reporting they were and I quote, “blinded by the dazzle”]. Persons who have been involved in various UFO experiences are at one in emphasizing that the entire area round about them is lit up with an intensity equal to that of daylight.” – FSR: The Luminous Properties of UFOs by V.J. Ballester Olmos, FSR Consultant, and J.A. Fernandez Peris)

Paul on the Road to Damascus


Note the disc-shaped object with which this event was associated. Jesus is commonly depicted as being inside this hovering disc-shaped object


Confusion, Blindness and Deep Sleep Makes a Foe Defenseless “Stupefy yourselves and be in a stupor, blind yourselves and be blind! Be drunk, but not with wine; stagger but not with strong drink! For the LORD (God) has poured out upon you a spirit of deep sleep…” - Isaiah 29:9-10 If one studies military applications of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves, Very Low Frequency (VLF) and Low Frequency (LF) waves and their effects upon the human body one can see parallels to these Biblical verses and the weapons therein described. “God (or the saucerians, as one prefers), can project thoughts and ideas to His subjects; He can read their minds and he can hypnotize them. Since He is able to affect the human brain in this manner, it is reasonable to assume He can also paralyze and blind His subjects by numbing the visual and motor areas of the brain. Present day flyingsaucers can do this too.” - God Drives a Flying Saucer by R. L. Dione, 1969 A.D. Reference to the “Hand” and “Arm” Weapons Systems of the Majestic Glory and of the Cherubim The references to ‘hand’ and ‘arm’ in the following scriptures are references to weapons systems on the Majestic Glory spacecraft and its accompanying cherubim. Psalms 74:11 tells us these arms are retractable robotic arms and what The Bible describes as ‘hands’ are at the end of the robotic arm. There are multiple mechanical arms on the bottom of the craft which serve multiple purposes: “The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” - Deuteronomy 33:27 “God, his greatness, his mighty hand and his outstretched arm...” Deuteronomy 11:2 “I (God) myself will fight against you with outstretched hand and strong arm, in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath. Jeremiah 21:5


“...rays flashed from his (God’s) hand; and there he veiled his power (a “hand” is described as being under the cherubim in Ezekiel 10:6-8).” - Habakkuk 3:4 “And I (God) will set my glory (cherub) among the nations; and all the nations shall see my judgment which I have executed, and my hand which I have laid on them.” - Ezekiel 39:21 “The LORD (God) came from Sinai, and dawned from Seir upon us; he shone forth from Mount Paran, he came from the ten thousands of holy ones (angels), with flaming fire at his right hand.” - Deuteronomy 33:2 (Flaming fire comes from “right hand.” This is a flame-throwing device. See also Ezekiel 10:1-2) “Thy right hand, O LORD (God), glorious in power, thy right hand O LORD, shatters the enemy.” - Exodus 15:6 “The LORD (God) has sworn by his right hand and his mighty arm (“hand” and “arm” are weapons systems on the Majestic Glory spacecraft)…” - Isaiah 62:8 “Behold, the LORD God comes with might, and his arm rules for him…” - Isaiah 39:10 “Have you an arm like God, and can you thunder with a voice like his?” - Job 40:9 (Thunderous noise from cherub causes confusion, deep sleep and blindness) “Where is he (God) who put in the midst of them his Holy Spirit (His cherub), who caused his glorious arm (of God’s cherub) to go at the right hand of Moses…” - Isaiah 63:11-12 “...and I (God) will stretch out my hand (the hand of God’s cherub) against them, and make the land desolate and waste...” - Ezekiel 6:14 “ I (God) have stretched out my hand against you and destroyed you.” - Jeremiah 15:6


“Terror and dread fall upon them, because of the greatness of thy arm, they are still as stone, till thy people, O LORD (God) pass by...” Exodus 15:16 “Hands” under Cherubim Spread Pestilence: Biological Weapons The cherubim and the Majestic Glory have biological weapons capabilities: “So the LORD (God) sent a pestilence (a biological weapon) upon Israel from the morning until the appointed time; and there died of the people from Dan to Beer-sheba seventy thousand men. And when the angel (Satan the Destroyer in his cherub Leviathan) stretched forth his hand (from under the cherub; the hand is one of a cherub’s many weapons systems) toward Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented of the evil, and said to (commanded) the angel (Satan the Destroyer) who was working destruction among the people, “It is enough; now stay your hand (refers to the mechanical “hand” on the bottom of his cherub).” - 2Samuel 24:15-16 “I did not sit in the company of merrymakers, nor did I rejoice; I sat alone (quarantined), because thy hand was upon me, for thou hadst filled me with indignation. Why is my pain unceasing, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed?” -Jeremiah 15:17-18 “When I declared not my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer.” - Psalms 32:3-4 “The hand of the LORD (God) was heavy upon the people of Ashdod, and he terrified and afflicted them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territories.” - 1Samuel 5:6 These Biblical accounts parallel known UFO phenomena: “U.S. psychiatrist Berthold Schwarz investigated numerous UFO cases in depth and published a series of extremely well documented case studies. He wrote: ‘Many close encounters are also associated with…


the causing or treating of diseases.’ (1983)…” - MUFON UFO JOURNAL: The Paranormal Connection by Keith Basterfield The Hand also Heals Pestilence: Administering the Antidote “...thou (God) stretchest out thy hand to heal...” - Acts 4:30 (Pertinent Quote: “…UFOs…have been responsible for instantaneous or preternatural healings of wounds or diseases in Earthlings.” – FSR: Healing from UFOs by Gordon Creighton) Fire and Brimstone The cherubim also employ a ‘fire and brimstone’ weapons system. This is a tactical nuclear weapons system: “You will make them a blazing oven when you appear. The LORD** (YHWH) will swallow them up in his wrath; and fire will consume them.” - Psalms 20:9 (The “name” of God, YHWH, is translated as LORD in The Bible. God’s “name” is his cherub. More on this subject later) “Behold, they are like stubble; the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before!” - Isaiah 47:14 (Refers to the fire and brimstone from the cherub’s weapons system) “On the wicked (read: on the practitioners of magic as the word ‘wicked’ is derived from the Old English word wicca meaning “wizard”) he (God) will rain coals of fire and brimstone…” - Psalms 11:6 “For wickedness (magic) burneth as the fire: it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest, and they (being burnt up) shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke (this describes the smoke cloud from an atomic blast). Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened (by nuclear winter), and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire…” – Isaiah 9:18-19


“...I (God) will rain upon him and his hordes and the many people who are with him, torrential rains and hailstones (from the Majestic Glory), fire and brimstone (from the cherubim).” - Ezekiel 38:22 As was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed: “Then the LORD (God) rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD (YHWH) out of heaven (from the sky); and he overthrew (destroyed) those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.” - Genesis 19:24-25 The following description of a cherubic Sun-god/Glory disc is certainly applicable in this case: “And he (the cherub) had in his right hand seven stars (apparently loaded with ammunition/projectiles as it were as the “hand” itself is a cherubic weapon’s system): and out of his (the cherub’s) mouth (from the door on the front of the cherub which in its configuration appears as the mouth on the face of a man) went a sharp twoedged sword (a nuclear missile): and his (the cherub’s) countenance (the face of it) was as the sun shineth in his strength (bright as the sun).” - Revelation 1:16 (Nuclear/missile technology has been revealed to the members of mankind associated with these alien fallen angels as the reader shall later discover) “And the remnant were slain with the sword (a nuclear missile) of him (Jesus) that sat upon the horse (a cherub), which sword proceeded out of his mouth (it came forth from the door on the front of the cherub which in its configuration appears as the mouth on the face of a man) …” - Revelation 19:21 Whirlwinds In the Book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel describes the cherubim as being whirling wheels (See Ezekiel 10:13). The incredible rate of spin of the cherubim allows them to mimic tornadic weather conditions. Cherubim can artificially create “whirlwinds.” This is an incredibly destructive offensive capability:


“O my God, make them like whirling dust; like chaff before the wind (a whirlwind; a cherub). As fire consumes the forest, as the flame sets the mountains ablaze, so do thou pursue them with thy tempest (thy cherub) and terrify them with your hurricane (your cherub. This describes an attack by God’s cherub)!” - Psalms 83:13-15 “And in an instant, suddenly you will be visited by the LORD (YHWH) of hosts with thunder (thunder voice from cherub causes confusion. See 1Samuel 7:10) and with earthquake (a cherub is capable of causing an earthquake) and great noise (trumpet blasts), with whirlwind (from the cherub) and tempest (a stormy wind), and the flame of a devouring fire.” -Isaiah 29:5-6 (All things associated with the appearance of a fighting cherub) “Behold, the storm (cherub) of the LORD (YHWH)! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest (God’s cherub)…” - Jeremiah 23:19 “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth (in his cherub). Our God comes, he does not keep silence, before him (in his cherub) is a devouring fire (emitted from the doors on the front of the cherub which in their configuration appear as the nose on the face of a man), round about him (in his cherub is) a mighty tempest.” - Psalms 50:13 “Then the LORD (God) answered Job out of the whirlwind (from God’s cherub)…” - Job 38:1 Then the LORD (God’s cherub, YHWH) will appear over them, and his arrow go forth like lightning (from the particle-beam weapon); the LORD (YHWH) God will sound the trumpet (the ‘thunder’ device), and march forth in the whirlwinds (in the cherubim) of the south. The LORD (YHWH) of hosts will protect them, and they shall devour and tread down the slingers…” - Zechariah 9:14-15 A classic case of alien abduction: “…in the night a whirlwind (a cherub) carries him (the wicked man) off. The east wind lifts him up and he is gone; it sweeps him out of his place. It (the cherub) hurls at him without pity; he flees from its power


in headlong flight. It (the cherub) claps its hands (multiple ‘hands’ are under the cherub (See Ezekiel 1:8). These ‘hands’ are weapons systems) at him, and hisses at him from its place.” - Job 27:20-33 (This is said to be the portion of the wicked man [by definition a wicca/wizard] with God) Earthquakes at Will A cherub is capable of causing earthquakes at will: “And in an instant, suddenly you will be visited by the LORD (God) of hosts with thunder (thunder voice from cherub causes confusion. See 1Samuel 7:10) and with earthquake (a cherub is capable of causing an earthquake) and great noise, with whirlwind and tempest, and the flame of a devouring fire.” - Isaiah 29:5-6 (All things associated with the appearance of a fighting cherub) “And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended (in a cherub) from heaven (from the Majestic Glory) and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning (bright), and his raiment white as snow (a white cherub). And for fear of them the guards trembled and became like dead men (they were in a deep sleep caused by the cherub).” - Matthew 28:2-4 The earthquake of Numbers 16:30-35 was caused by God’s cherub. The earthquake in Matthew 28:2-4 was caused by the angel’s cherub. This jives with the description of modern-day UFOs: “It is now recognized that UFOs appear to have a close relationship to earthquakes and earth tremors. They have frequently been observed in the vicinity of such disturbances.” - FSR: UFOs and the Occult by Captain Ivar Mackay, at time of writing Chairman of the British UFO Research Association And again:


“Earthquakes and tremors bear a relationship to both UFO’s and the occult. UFO sightings correlate with earthquakes, often occurring just before or after a tremblor.” - p.105 UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. Conclusion “In recent years, several researchers have become intrigued with the theory that most, if not all, Biblical visions, strange incidents, and miracles, belong to ufology. Citing the vision of Ezekiel, and that of Zechariah, they go on to discuss the Star of Bethlehem, the Transfiguration, the Ascension, the Day of Pentecost (Acts II), and the book of Revelation. Even Fatima is brought into this strange family, to the consternation of Roman Catholics who have been repeatedly informed that Fatima was a visitation by the Blessed Virgin.” – FSR: UFOs and ESP by P.M.H. Edwards, 1970 A.D. Consider the story of the Star of Bethlehem: “…once upon a time a Star moved mysteriously from the deserts of Arabia to Bethlehem in Judaea, where it hovered over the Babe (the baby Jesus) before vanishing. Those wise men trusted the goodness of that particular phenomenon. Indeed, they must have learnt from on high to follow it. It was subsequently of course associated with a vision of angels. In the words of St. Luke: ‘There were shepherds watching over their flock by night. And lo, an angel of the Lord shone round about them. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God. And the angels departed into heaven (read: into the sky).’ (Lk.2.) The UFO which hovered over the Babe in the manger was quickly and clearly identified as being angelic, surely a UFO sighting to end all subsequent sightings.” – FSR: And Another Important Letter, from Paul Inglesby: The Christian Viewpoint, 2001 A.D. As explained in The Book of the Bee (circa. 1222 A.D.), the Star of Bethlehem was no normal star: “…it (the Star of Bethlehem) was not of the other stars, but a secret power (the word power is Biblically synonymous with the word


cherub)… a rational power (a cherub under intelligent control)…which appeared like a star… this star even overcame the beams of the sun by the intensity of its light (in other words, its light shone brighter than the sun. Compare to Acts 26:13). Sometimes it appeared and sometimes it was hidden entirely…but when the Magi traveled, it traveled on also, and when they halted, it also halted; like the pillar of cloud which stopped and went forward when it was convenient for the camp of Israel (See and compare to the Biblical book of Exodus). The star did not remain always up in the height of heaven, but sometimes it came down (landed) and sometimes it mounted up (rose up from the ground and into the sky); and it also stood (hovered) over the head of the (Christ) Child, as the evangelist tells us (in Matthew 2:9-10).” - The Book of the Bee Chapter 38 (Pertinent Quote: “Many people throughout the world who have studied the phenomenon of flying saucers hold the view that the star of Bethlehem was a gigantic spaceship. Many spaceships seen at night have appeared to witnesses as bright as the stars. Notice too, how the ‘star’ went before them, till it came and stood over (hovered) where the young child was. The star of Bethlehem which led the three kings to the Christ child is similar in some respects to the spacecraft that was a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, the one that led the Israelites through the wilderness.” – p.37 Mysterious Visitors by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1971 A.D.) The Book of the Bee also relates that this “star” traveled not in the usual east/west direction of typical stellar travel but in a north/south direction traveling as it did from Persia to Palestine. This was not a natural star. As reported in FSR: Unanswered Questions No.10: Was the Star of Bethlahem a Space Ship? it is therein noted: “The astronomical constellation and conjunctions back to that time in the New Testament have been checked, and astronomers say no such natural event took place. George Hunt Williamson In Other Tongues— Other Flesh, asks, ‘what manner of “star” was it that “went before them,” and then “stood over,” or hovered over, where the young child was”?’ Sightings by the thousands have proven that in the night skies,


saucers do, indeed, look like bright and shining ‘stars.’” - FSR: Unanswered Questions No.10: Was the Star of Bethlahem a Space Ship? I can certainly agree as I have been privy to two such sightings. As a matter of fact, The Bible does employ the word “star” in association with the angels (See Job 38:7 and Revelation 1:20. The angels are in fact priests/prestars of God). The Book of the Cave of Treasures also relates how the Star of the East (aka the Star of Bethlehem), in reality a cherub, appeared to the Magi, that within this star/cherub, was a “maiden,” carrying a child. This maiden was Mary and the child was Jesus (See Revelation 12:1-5. The “great wonder in heaven” described therein is the cherubic Star of Bethlehem. Mary is the “woman clothed with the sun” (which is to say, the woman in the cherub) who gives birth to the “man child” (Jesus). The pair (presumably along with Joseph) were thereby transported to Bethlehem where they were joined by the Magi who followed in the cherub’s wake:

“Christ in Glory (with mother Mary)” (Traditional)


“Christ (with mother Mary) in Glory” with the Three Kings/Magi along with the cherubic “stars” of the angelic hosts of heaven. Note that it was common at this time for magicians such as the Magi to rule over nations

At Top: Mary in a Glory disc which is associated with angels as depicted on a panel describing the events surrounding the nativity of Jesus

Angels in Glory/Angels depicted in Star of Bethlehem In early traditional works of inspired religious art angels are often depicted being within the Star of Bethlehem itself. The Star of Bethlehem is God’s cherub, the sign in the height known as the Sign of Immanuel. We will return to this topic later.


As evidenced by the artwork above, the Star of Bethlehem was understood by early Christian believers to have been a disc-shaped object within which were angels

Star of Bethlehem/Baby Jesus in Glory (Traditional)


Star of Bethlehem above, Baby Jesus in Glory below: Below, Baby Jesus is depicted within the Star of Bethlehem glory disc here being adored by the Magi

The Persian Zoroastrian wisemen known as Magi (from whence comes our word ‘magician’) who visited Jesus at his birth were Spiritualist mediums who performed magic ceremonies involving the invocation of angels (in cherubim). In effect, the Magi magically invoked the presence of UFOs: “…the Magi were a Persian religious caste… Origen (in Contra Celsum I.60) affirms that they were in communication with evil spirits…” -


Earth’s Earliest Ages by G.H. Pember, 1889 A.D. As Origen therein explains: “…the Magi, being on familiar terms with evil spirits… invoke them…by means of certain spells and sorceries…” Flying winged-discs (including occupants quite humanoid in appearance) are typically associated with this Zoroastrian cult and commonly appear in Zoroastrian artwork and sculpture. Of a pertinent note, two of the three gifts presented to the Christ child by the Magi (See Matthew 2:11), namely, frankinsense and myrrh (along with myrrh ink) are common ingredients used in traditional magic spells and magic rituals as evidenced by the Papyri Graecae Magicae and there are also magic spells themselves which have been found written on rolls of gold as well (Pertinent Historical Note: The state religion of the kingdom of Persia was Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism [alongside the cherubic cultus of Mithraism, as Azazel’s cherub was known by the Persians as Mithras, aka the cherubic sun-god Sol Invictus. Firmicus Maternus tells us Mithraism was based on the Persian magic rituals of the Magi. See The Error of the Pagan Religions 5.1-2] flourished in Persia until the Magi ufo cult’s virtual annihilation by Arab forces under the Khaliph Omar during the battle of Nehâvand in 642 A.D. [in this day and age magicians traveled at the heads’ of armies, actively taking part in battle]. From there a few Magian survivors of this epic battle made their way to Western India giving birth to the Parsi religious sect [See The Teachings of Zoroaster by S.A. Kapadia, 1905 A.D.]. As per The Bible, it was God himself who raised up the Persian king Cyrus in order to liberate His Chosen people exiled there in Babylon, with God personally charging Cyrus with building Him a Temple in Jersusalem in an early recorded case of UFO contacteeism/UFO possession [See Ezra 1:1-11]. It was during the reign of Cyrus king of Persia at which time the Biblical prophet Daniel received his famous UFO contactee experience as set forth in Daniel 10:4-21. The prophet Daniel himself at the time of his cherubic vision held the title “master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers” in the administration of Cyrus’ arch geopolitical rival, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon [See Daniel 4:1-9,5:11-12]. The Magi were well established in the cosmopolitan city of Babylon, wielding much power and influence: “Schools of the Magi [where was taught magic, the science of the


Magi] were established at Babylon, and as magic was deemed an essential item in the art of governing the nation, and conducting armies to victory, even Kings, Statesmen, and warriors, no less than the Sons of the Nobles and wealthy Citizens, resorted to these famous seminaries of occult learning, or sat at the feet of the Magi to drink in the elements of their profound wisdom.� - Art Magic) The winged-disc motif is of course as central to the Parsi religion as it was to the Babylonian ufo mystery religion of the Magi and the Persian Zoroastrian ufo contactee cult before it:

The first mention of the Magi is from the Behistun Inscription of King Darius the Great, King of the Persians and Medes, who is prominently pictured in the bas-relief shown below:


The Behistun Inscription

King Darius in his Behistun Inscription claimed to be aided in his martial conquests by Ahura Mazda, god of the Zoroastrian Magi, pictured in the winged-disc shown hovering prominently above him. In fact, supernatural aid in martial conquest by gods in winged flying discs was the claim of all the great Kings encapsulated within the pages of the prophets of Biblical history. To become king, Darius had first to wrest control of his family’s Achaemenid Empire captured through the Machiavellian intrigues of ministering Magi while his predecessor was on his deathbed, back from the evil clutches of one Gaumâta the Magian, usuper of the Persian empire. Gaumâta the Magian had put forth the false claim that he was a brother of the dieing King Cambyses, King of Persia: “The kingdom of (“Persia and Media, and of the other provinces”) which Gaumâta, the Magian, dispossessed Cambyses, had always belonged to our dynasty… he did according to his will. He became king. There was none who dared to act against Gaumâta, the Magian, until I (Darius) came. Then I prayed to Ahura Mazda; Ahura Mazda brought me help. On the tenth day of the month Bâgayâdiš (29 September 522 BC) I, with a few men (six to be exact), slew that Gaumâta, the Magian, and the chief men who were his followers. At the stronghold called Sikayauvatiš, in the district called Nisaia in Media, I slew him; I dispossessed him of the kingdom. By the grace of Ahura


Mazda I became king; Ahura Mazda granted me the kingdom.” – The Behistun Inscription of King Darius This Ahura Mazda may have been in all actuality the God of The Bible in his cherub as the story of Darius then picks up in Ezra 6:1: “Then Darius the king made a decree, and search was made in the house of the rolls, where the treasures were laid up in Babylon. And there was found at Achmetha (aka Ecbatana, capital of northern Media and seat of the Achaemenid dynasty), in the palace that is in the province of the Medes, a roll, and therein was a record thus written: In the first year of Cyrus the king the same Cyrus the king made a decree concerning the house (temple) of God at Jerusalem, Let the house (temple) be builded (this project being undertaken at the expense of King Darius himself. See Ezra 6:8), the place where they offered sacrifices…that they may offer sacrifices of sweet savours unto the God of heaven, and pray for the life of the king, and of his sons.” – Ezra 6:1-2,3,10 (The story of the rebuilding of the temple following the Babylonian Exile may be found in the Book of Ezra) For this reason I believe Ahura Mazda to be God the father of Jesus as it was a member of Darius’ familial line named Cyrus who had originally allowed for an end to the Babylonian Exile, he being we are told possessed to do so by God: “Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD (God) spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah (in Jeremiah 33:10-11) might be accomplished (and in a classic case of UFO possession), the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath the LORD God of heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an house (a temple) in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all his people? The LORD his God be with him, and let him go up.” - 2Chronicles 36:22-23 Ahura Mazda means Wise God, a term used in 1Timothy 1:17 and Jude 1:25 in connection with and as a name for God, the Elohim as


a group being known as Theosophi, a word which likewise translates as wise gods. According to Zoroastrian Magi theology, Ahura Mazda like the God of The Bible had acted in opposition to the devas. The evil Devas (a cognate of the word devils) are fallen agels also known as Ahrimanes (manes likewise being a Roman word for the fallen angels, this suggesting a Persian influence), the head of which was Ahriman, the Genesis serpent (the ahi)/mane (the ir) Azazel himself: “In Persia…it was the serpent (which represented the angel Azazel), who, under the name of Ahriman, formed the basis of the system of Zoroaster; and it is the same serpent who, among the Jews and Christians, tempted Eve, the celestial virgin…” - A General History of Freemasonry p. 392, Rebold, 1879 A.D. R.L. Dione’s Introduction to God Drives a Flying Saucer (1969 A.D.) provides a fitting conclusion to the chapter: “Flying saucers are not only real but closely associated with the Christian religion… Flying saucers visited earth during biblical times and even before.” - God Drives a Flying Saucer Note the circular objects in the sky in traditional Christian depictions of very famous Biblical events:

The Annunciation (Traditional)


The Annunciation to the Shepherds (Traditional)


Note the sky-borne disc with which the angel central to this event was associated

Adoration of the Magi (Traditional)


Note the sky-borne disc-shaped Star of Bethlehem

The Baptism of Jesus (Traditional) 171

“…the (Disc-shaped Holy) Spirit (of God) descending from heaven like a dove…” – John 1:32


A Vision and a Voice: “And the Holy Ghost (God’s cherub) descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven…” - Luke 3:22

And lest there be any mistake at all, a Glory disc was indeed reported to be present at this most monumental event:

See Mark 1:9-13


The Transfiguration of Christ Consider also the UFO contactee experience described in the Biblical books of Matthew, Mark and Luke: “…the Son of man shall come in the (Majestic) glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, There be some (of Jesus’ disciples) standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man (Jesus) coming in his kingdom (his cherub). And after six days Jesus taketh (his disciples) Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light (this event is known as the Transfiguration of Jesus). And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias (Elijah) talking with him (it is of interest to note the presence of Biblically significant Old Testament individuals supernaturally appearing here in New Testament times. These individuals are/were angels in human form). Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud (a brightly lit cherub/UFO) overshadowed them: and behold a voice (God’s voice) out of the cloud (cherub), which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid. And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only (indicative of Missing Time, a phenomenon common in UFO contactee reports). And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.” – Matthew 16:27-28,17:1-9 The disciples were ufo contactees as Mark explains (See Mark 4:11): “And he (Jesus) said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them (apostles) that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God (the Majestic Glory) come with power (with cherubim). And after six days Jesus taketh with him (the apostles) Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them.


And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them (they thus being in the apostle Mark’s professional eyewitness opinion as clearly stated here, extra-terrestrial in origin)… And there was a cloud (a cherub) that overshadowed them: and a voice (God’s voice) came out of the cloud (the cherub), saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. And suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with themselves (indicative of Missing Time, a phenomenon common in UFO contactee reports). And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man (he himself) were risen from the dead.” – Mark 9:19 The disciple Luke by profession a physician provides us with the best, most technically detailed account of this particular UFO contactee experience: “But I (Jesus) tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God (the Majestic Glory). And it came to pass about eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistening. And, behold, there talked with him two men (angels), which were Moses and Elias (Elijah of whom it was written was long ago taken up into heaven in a cherubic whirlwind [See 2Kings 2:11]): Who appeared in (a) glory (in a cherub), and spake of his (Jesus’) decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep (caused by the Deep Sleep weaponry of the cherub): and when they were awake, they saw his glory (his cherub), and the two men (angel’s) that stood with him. And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said. While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud (here they are said to have entered into the cloud/cherub/UFO). And there came a voice (the voice of God) out of the cloud (the cherub), saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone (indicative of Missing Time, a phenomenon common in UFO contactee reports). And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen (till Jesus was risen from the dead as he had so commanded).” – Luke 9:27-36


It is here upon this mountain where God reveals his Glory disc to an inner-circle of favored apostles under the watchful eye of God and his trusted seraphim, the cherubim of the Two Witnesses Moses and Elijah. Following the subsequent resurrection of Jesus, a UFO religion was thusly born as the apostles figuratively trumpeted this fact from the mountaintops as Jesus so commanded. The following religious icons depict these apostles’ eyewitness view of the Transfiguration of Christ and the glory disc/cherub/cloud with which this UFO contactee experience was associated. Note its luminous disc design.

The Transfiguration of Christ (Traditional)


The apostles Peter, John and James were by Jewish definition Merkabahriders: “While he thus spake, there came a cloud (a cherub), and overshadowed them: and they (Peter, John and James) feared as they entered into the cloud (the cherub).� - Luke 9:34




The Vesica Piscis presents us with the side view of a cherub. Vesica Pisces is Latin for “bladder of a fish” and symbolizes a USO



It is quite interesting to note at this time that each of the 39 books contained within the Old Testament of The Bible each represent an individual orgalogue and contain the historic testimony of extraterrestrial contact by one particular extraterrestrial group with individuals of one particular familial line (See Matthew 1:1-17) descended through the ancient Biblical patriarch Abraham (whose own ufological contacteeism tale is told in Genesis 17:5 through Genesis 25:1-11) taking place over the course of thousands of years. This is the tale expounded by The Bible, the greatest story ever told. The Crucifiction of Christ was likewise associated with UFOlogical phenomenon:

The Crucifiction of Jesus the Christ (Traditional)


The Crucifiction of Jesus: Halos identify individuals as being UFO contactees. Note the pair of angels of a winged-disc design shown hovering in the sky above the crossbeams


Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, the Place of the Skull (See John 19:17)


A pair of sky-borne angels in cherubic “clouds� are associated with this event


Note the pair of lights present in the sky above the right-hand of Jesus, these represent the sun and moon seraphim which are the cherubim of the Two Witnesses, Moses and Elijah

Note the spacecraft in the upper left and right hand corners of this triptyche which were by eyewitness accounts reported to be present at the scene of the Crucifiction of Christ. Upon closer look, humanoid beings are clearly depicted traveling within these craft. These two angels, described as humanoid “men


in…shining garments,” are then reported to be present at the scene of Jesus’ Resurrection three days hence (See Luke 24:4). The word angel translates as “shining one (El) from heaven (ang).” These individuals are the Two angelic Witnesses Moses and Elijah who were present at the time of the Transfiguration of Jesus as recorded above. As we learn from the book of Revelation (as prophecied in Malachi 4:4-5), these Two Witnesses will reappear as harbingers of Jesus’ imminent return.

The Resurrection of Jesus (Traditional)

Jesus is Resurrected from Death




Note the disc-shaped object with which Jesus’ resurrection was associated. With it, Jesus has broken the chains of Hades/Death (See Matthew 13:43), after first having ministered unto the angels of the pit (See 1Peter 3:19), here esoterically represented by the X, the sign of Azazel The Resurrection of Jesus was witnessed in this way: “In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Mary, the mother of James and Joses) to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake (a phenomenon typically associated with the appearance of both ancient cherubim and modern-day UFOs): for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men (due to the immobilization weaponry employed by the cherub. Note this implies the presence of a cherub). And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said (See Mark 8:31). Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he (the resurrected Jesus) goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold,


Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.� - Matthew 28:1-9

A stone similar to the one rolled back from the door by the angel


CE-3 type UFO contactees Mary Magdalene (who as noted in The Bible had a history of demonic possession thusly identifying her as a victim of CE:6 type UFO possession) and Mary the mother of James and Joses with angel at the sepulchre of Jesus where Jesus was laid to rest following his death by Crucifiction


The disciple Mark continues the narrative:

“Now when Jesus was risen (resurrected from death) early the first day of the week (on Sunday, a day devoted to the Sun-gods), he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. And she went and told them that had been with him (at the time of his crucifiction), as they mourned and wept. And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, believed not. After that he (Jesus) appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country. And they went and told it unto the residue: neither believed they them. Afterward he appeared unto the eleven (the 11 disciples of Jesus’ original group of 12 minus his Satanpossessed betrayer, Judas, he beforehand being compelled to hang himself [See Matthew 27:3-5], murder and suicide being recognized aspects of the UFO contacteeism phenomena) as they sat at meat (mealtime), and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned… So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God (in the Majestic Glory mother-ship). And they (the twelve disciples) went forth, and preached every where (this story being continued in the Biblical book of Acts, also known as the Acts of the Apostles in which they additionally contend against various magicians, excorcise demons and preach against the practice of magic) …” - Mark 16:9-16,19-20 (As is well germaine to our discussion, Luke tells us as noted in Luke 24:36-39, that when Jesus first appeared amongst them following his resurrection, his apostles had supposed that they had saw a ghost. Ghosts, hauntings and other such poltergeist phenomena are commonly associated with ufological activities)


Jesus appears in the midst of his disciples. Note that the cherubic “cloud� associated with the Resurrection of Jesus was generally understood to be a disc-shaped object

The Risen Christ in Glory


Ascension of Christ (Traditional) The following religious icons are depictions of eyewitness accounts of “…the day in which he (Jesus) was taken up…” (See Acts 1:2), a seminal event in Christianity known as the Ascension of Christ (“…he [God] sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.” - Job 5:11). Note the aerial disc-shaped object with which this event was associated:





“And when he (Jesus) had said this, as they (his disciples) were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud (a cherub) took him out of their sight.” - Acts 1:9. Note this “cloud” as evidenced above was understood to be a flying disc-shaped object according to early Christian tradition. Christianity at its advent was universally understood to be a UFO religion, Christ’s appearing coinciding with a time of increased worldwide ufological activity taking place in the Promised Land at the close of the astrological age due to the Kabbalistic magic practices of the Pharisee priests with whom per The Bible Satan was associated and with which group Satan worked. Satan worked with the magicpracticing Pharisees and their Pharisee spy Judas (all of whom were victims of UFO possession/demonic possession, these terms being quite synonymous) to ensnare Jesus, driving their actions, ultimately leading to his violent murder on a cross. Note well this modus operandi. Magic ruled the day in the Second Temple era and such events should be considered in the context of a major UFO flap, this thusly shining a light on the magic/UFO connection. Paul the propounder of Christianity itself bragged of knowing of the following Christianity-connected ufological abduction cases considered the realm of Christian mysticism: “I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether [physically] in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body [as an out of body/dream-like experience], I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether [physically] in the body, or out of the body [as an out of body/dream-like experience], I cannot tell: God knoweth;). How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.” - 2Corinthians 12:1-4. Obviously these Christian mystics/ufo contactees had returned to provide their records of it. Paul had multiple UFO contactee experiences besides his incident on the rode to Damascus: “I (Paul) was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision, a certain vessel descend…from heaven…and it came even to me…” - Acts 11:5 (See also Acts 10:10)


“Christ in (a) Glory” (Traditional)

Christ in Glory: 8th Century A.D. Manuscript Cover


Above: Christ in Glory Disc surrounded by angels. Note the winged-discs (with head of angel depicted inside) immediately below him. The vehicle depicted below in which Christ is enthroned is meant to represent a cherub as evidenced by the inclusion of the traditional four faces of a cherub:


“Christ in Glory”: Saucer-shaped side-view:


Christ in Sun-like Glory Hovering in Heaven

“Christ in Glory” (Coptic)

Coptic 6-7th Century A.D.


“Christ in Glory”: Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei: Note the White Horse iconography with which ‘Jesus in Glory’ (most specifically the centrally placed disc-shaped “glory” itself) is associated

Merovingian Cross


Note the Quartered-Circle Design of the Glory Disc Encompassed Within, the Sign of Azazel

Cathar Cross

The Cathar Cross Represents a Cherub

Revelation of St. John (Traditional)


Side view of cherub


Bottom view of cherub. At top is Christ enthroned in the Glory disc in which he travels. Note the close-up view of the Sun seraph and the Moon seraph as depicted in the field of white (this being the craft described in Acts 10:11 and Acts 11:5. Compare this UAP to the legendary flying carpet of the Arabian Nights saga) immediately below it. The 13 stars below these are cherubim as viewed from a distance and exhibit the characteristic 8-point compass rose/dingir-disc design. Compare these to the cherub depicted in the pages following known to history as the “star� of Bethlehem:

The Star of Bethlehem The birth of Jesus (as well as Christianity, a budding UFO religion) took place in this way:


“And she (Mary) brought forth her firstborn son (Jesus), and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night (keeping with historical records, most UFO contacts take place at night). And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory (cherub) of the Lord shone round about them (the cherub being disc-shaped, and brightly lit): and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.� – Luke 2:7-18,20 (This is a fulfillment of the prophecy found in Isaiah 7:14. See also Isaiah 9:6)

The Star of Bethlehem Note the Star of Bethlehem associated with the nativity of Jesus as depicted in multiple cases below was traditionally understood to be a star-like disc-shaped object which hovered above Jesus in the sky.


The Star of Bethlehem: Away in a Manger No Crib for a Bed


The Little Lord Jesus Lay Down his Sweet Head

The Stars (cherubim) in the Sky look down from Above



Note the sun-like (sun at night) quality of this depiction of the nocturnally appearing cherubic Star of Bethlehem


Star of Bethlehem (Ancient Alien)

An updated less primitive version

Ascension of Mary (Traditional)


The Day of Pentacost Note the disc-shaped object associated with this famous event.

The Spirit of God descending like a dove


Tongues: Glossalalia

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory (the cherub) of the LORD (God’s cherub) is risen upon thee.” - Isaiah 60:1


Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

No. It’s a Glory Disc, God’s cherub Akatriel, the Crown of Creation

Christian Bird-Disc Motif “Who are these that fly…like doves…” - Isaiah 60:8

“Like birds hovering, so the LORD of hosts will protect Jerusalem…” - Isaiah 31:5

The Merkabah of Jesus


In this Sign Conquer

In Hoc Signo Vinces


“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.� - Revelation 17:14

Masonic Flying Bird-Disc

Note the sun-like rays shown protruding from the Sun-disc


Coptic Flying Bird-Disc

Coptic Christians were Christian Qabalists from Egypt


The Quartered-Circle is the sign of Azazel and represents Azazel’s cherub. Compare to the Ba of Baal:

Chammanin Wheel “Cross” of Baal


Qabalism = UFO contacteeism

Visigoth Flying Bird-Disc


Note the Quartered-Circle Design.

Ostrogoth Flying Bird-Disc


Anglo-Saxon Flying Bird-Disc

Compare to the Native American Thunderbird

Native American Thunderbird Bird-Disc 223

The Thunderbird disc was said to have been capable of flight

In other Metro News© by Jasper Hamill circa 2018 A.D.: “Pentagon and MoD feared UFOs were either ‘demonic’ or sent by God, former investigators reveal: UFO Investigations carried out by the Pentagon and British Ministry of Defense were hampered by the religious beliefs of senior staff, former employees have revealed. Two men who worked on secret UFO programmes on both sides of the Atlantic said their work received ‘pushback’ from high-ranking officials who feared fast moving objects glimpsed in our skies were either demonic or divine.” Truth eventually does come out.


“Representation of flying disks in religion does not stop with the Phoenicians. The symbol is a basic one in the early Christian church, and it is consistently associated with the angels.” - UFOs: The Psychic Solution by Jacques Vallee

Chapter 4. Ancient Descriptions of UFOs “… ‘flying saucers’ and their occupants were occasionally seen centuries, and even millennia, before their more recent and dramatic display to Mr. Kenneth Arnold, near Seattle (Wash.), in 1947. But now, it is the equally dramatic apparent increase in the frequency of their appearance, since 1947, that poses an enigma which continues to baffle us… The mass of evidence for UFOlogical incidents and contacts is now so enormous, that it has become only too clear to those who know the Bible (both its Old and New Testaments), that very many present day UFOlogical incidents and contacts closely resemble certain supernatural events that are described frequently in the various books of the Bible… Many serious and thinking people…are wondering whether, perhaps, all religions might be the result of human reactions to UFO interventions in human affairs and lives—through the past millennia.” – FSR: Supernatural Biblical Visions and Present-Day Sightings by Dr. P.M.H. Edwards, FSR Consultant This would certainly appear to be the case. As Italian sociologist/journalist/ufologist Roberto Pinotti similarly notes: “…if we examine ancient records…we can’t help wondering if Extraterrestrial creatures visited our planet in the past, and if—as some savants are now beginning to suspect—most of our religions and mythologies were really originated by the deification of ancient space visitors who came down among men in far-off times.** As a matter of fact, all our religions and mythologies state that mankind was ruled, at first, by divine beings from ‘Heaven’ (in other words from the sky) … Flying vehicles from ‘Heaven’ are often referred to in both mythological and historical records… such myths could prove too important not to be examined and studied in the light of all aspects of


the UFO enigma.” – FSR: Space Visitors in Ancient Egypt by Roberto Pinotti, 1966 A.D. (** A conclusion by U.S. government sponsored psychical researcher/ufologist/UFO channeler Dr. Andrija Puharich notes: “…there’s evidence textually in Egyptian, Hebrew, early Greek literature, Hindu literature, and many other ancient texts, that there have been people from some other place arriving here on Earth in things we now call spacecraft.” – p.148 Gods of Aquarius by Brad Steiger, 1976 A.D.) Indeed, it must be also remembered: “The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon…” – p.299 UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel, 1970 A.D. The evidence certainly points towards this conclusion as in the sacred text of the Babylonians entitled The Seven Evil Spirits, we find descriptions of the UFOs/cherubim of the angels. They are called: “…evil…storm…gods … ruthless demons…in heaven’s vault... Workers of evil are they…” The seven demonic ‘storm gods’ of which the Babylonians speak are therein identified as “messengers,” the very definition of the word ‘angel.’ The cherubim are also analogized in this work as “horses,” a common symbol of the cherubim as encountered in The Bible. The cherubim in The Seven Evil Spirits are described as “A hurricane (an object which spins), which mightily hunts in the heavens, are they, thick clouds, that bring darkness in heaven…gusts of wind rising, which cast gloom over the bright day, with the Imkhullu the evil wind, forcing their way…mighty destroyers, are they… In the height of heaven, like lightning flashing…to wreak destruction forward go they, in the broad heaven (in the sky)…evilly do they arise, and none to oppose… From the heaven (from the sky), like a wind, over the land they (the cherubim) rush… The seven evil gods, death-dealing, fearless are they, the seven evil gods, like a flood, rush on, the land they fall upon, do they, against the land, like a storm, they rise… Destructive whirlwinds are they.” These Babylonian descriptions have Biblical parallels because they both describe the very same objects, the


cherubim of the angels. The seven evil spirits mentioned therein are the seven evil spirits commonly known as the Maskim said to range freely upon the Earth. The cherubim who wrought destructive judgments from God upon erring Babylonians were considered evil gods by mystical individuals who in magic rituals involving fornication and human sacrifice worshipped and invoked the angel Azazel known to Babylonians as Tammuz, and Azazel’s human wife, known as Ishtar. Satan likewise was said to have continuously contested the Babylonian’s own worthiness as members of mankind to supplant the angels as heirs to God’s promised kingdom in these rebel angels’ stead. As related in the Biblical Book of Job, Job was from Babylon and he suffered from the very same treatment (See Job 1:6-22 through Job 2:18, a most interesting read indeed), being in like way detrimentally destructively tested by Satan as related in the Book of Job (Pertinent Quote: “The ability of alien spirits to control events in human lives, as experienced by Job, is also common to both the occult areas and UFO contacts.” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D.). It must also be noted that both the Biblical prophets/UFO contactees Daniel and Ezekiel experienced their cherubic visitations as residents of Babylon as well. This was a major UFO flap area. In the Babylonian literary work, Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave, we are therein provided with eyewitness reports of a description of a cherub. This account describes “a storm” (a cherub) whose “good bright metal, stepped down from heaven to the great earth (it descended and landed on the ground). His head (the top of the cherub) shines with brilliance, the barbed arrows flash past him like lightning…” It also goes on to describe a separate sighting witnessed by a group of “young men,” who saw what they described as a “shield (a dome-shaped cherub) standing on the ground,” “resting among the cypresses” in a grove, or forest, which began “rising up from the horizon” and which “extended his holy, shining rays down from heaven.” It goes on to describe the cherub’s illuminating “brilliance,” and how it “hovered” in the sky nearby.


The following is an example of the type of shield employed by the Babylonian military with which such hovering shield-shaped aircraft were equated as related in Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave circa the 3rd Millenium B.C.:

From the judgemental destruction these cherubim meted out comes the ancient Roman conception of the Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune, or more specifically, the Wheel of the Roman goddess Fortuna (Fortuna is mentioned in Isaiah 65:11), esoterically represents Azazel’s cherub Behemoth within which Azazel and his human wife at this time lie entrapped within the remote rocky recesses of the Earth the story of which may be found in The Book of Enoch. Fortuna was one of the many names, titles and epithets by which the human Earthling wife of the extraterrestrial incarnate angel Azazel was known. The following plaque depicts a Roman chariot wheel to which Fortune’s Wheel has been likened:


That the Wheel of Fortune represents a cherub is evidenced by the esoteric teachings of the Tenth Major Arcana of the Egyptian Tarot where the Wheel of Fortune is therein associated with the four faces of a cherub, namely, the man, the lion, the eagle and the ox. The cherubim as portrayed in Ezekiel 1:10-11 are also similarly adorned, each having upon them four divisions of “four faces.� The following is a depiction of the Wheel of Fortune, the Tenth Major Arcana of the Egyptian Tarot. Notice how it is depicted hovering in the sky (Also compare to the Babylonian shield and the Roman chariot wheel above, they all being quite similar in design. Compare all of these to the dingir-disc symbol representative of the flying discs of the gods):


Compare the above cherubic representations to Constantine’s “In this Sign Conquer” glory-disc apparition. All are quite similar in design. The Wheel of Fortune (Rota Fortuna) was memorialized in the magically-inspired bard William Shakespeare’s play Henry V as “Fortune’s wildly spinning wheel” (as such, ‘spinning wheels’ are often employed as esoteric symbols of the cherubim) and is described in the Burana Codex in a poem called “Fortune, the Empress of the World” as a “malevolent,” “whirling wheel,” these accounts echoing the Book of Ezekiel with its own iconic “whirling wheels” (See Ezekiel 10:13). The word ‘Fortune’ (fortuna) is derived from the Latin word ‘vortumna,’ meaning ‘turner,’ or that which ‘turns/revolves,’ in this case being what is described as a spinning wheel in the sky.


A Spinning Wheel

It was believed by the magic practicing Romans that the fickle Fortuna decided one’s fate. The magic practicing Egyptians similarly deified the angel Azazel and Azazel’s cherub Behemoth under the guise of their god Osiris and his many various names and titles. The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXIX equates Fate/Fortune with Osiris/Behemoth (Azazel): “I am fate (Fortune) and Osiris.” Of course this has magical connotations for as we learn from Wikipedia, the magical word: “…sorcery was taken in ca. 1300 from Old French sorcerie, which is from Vulgar Latin sortiarius, from sors ‘fate’…” Sortiarius is an anagram of Rota Sirius, who is to say, the whirling Wheel of Sirius (Osiris being the disc [O] from Sirius), the Wheel of the Serpent god with which all such sorcerers sought conact. The words ‘Sirius’ and ‘Osiris’ are related to the Semitic word ‘Siru’: “Scholars ordinarily refer to the serpent god (who is Azazel) by the name Siru, being the Semitic word for serpent…” - p.120 Tammuz and Ishtar. In alchemical lore, ROTA denotes an Ezekian ‘wheel,’ which is to say, it signifies a cherubic sun-disc. S.F. Dunlap in Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man p.48 informs his readers that one Babylonian word for the Sun was ‘Azaz,’ which makes Azazel the El Azaz, the El of the Sun, which is to say, the angel of the sun, a veritable Sun god of sorts. As such, some Kabalists refer to Azazel as Sorat, the Demon of the Sun and what more is the word ‘Sorat’ than an anagram of ROTA with the addition of the emblematic serpent (S), the sign of Azazel, Sorat being symbolic of the Serpent’s Ezekian Wheel, the Ourobouros** Serpent-Sun Disc (**also known as the Wheel of Time), the Oph-Aten (in Hebrew, the word ‘wheel’ designating a cherub is ‘Ophan’), Phaeton, Azazel’s cherub Behemoth.


Ourobouros: Wheel of Time

The High-Flying Horus The Egyptian god Horus (from the Egyptian word Hor, “the high-flying one�) also represented the angel Azazel. In hieroglyphic pictographic writing, Horus is depicted by a picture of a hawk, an entity capable of flight, crowned with disc-shaped object, a classic variation of the winged-disc motif:


Horus: An Egyptian Flying Bird-Disc (Ba bird)

The Nebseni papyrus from Egypt speaks of: “Horus (Azazel) who liveth in his disk (within his disc/wheel-shaped cherub).” Cherubim are oft times depicted as houses wherein one may reside. The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXXII also speaks of “Horus (Azazel) in his disk (cherub).” The following is a correct-in-my-view summation of ancient Egyptian legends concerning Azazel’s disc-shaped cherub Behemoth, more fanously known as the high-flying Horus: “Horus… a great winged disk… his splendour flashed across the waters and fell upon his foes as they lay in ambush. Upon his glorious wings he rose into the air, and against his crafty enemies he made a curse (many magic spells being in fact curse spells), a curse terrible and fearstriking, saying, ‘Your eyes shall be blinded, and ye shall not see; and your ears shall be deaf, and ye shall not hear.’ And at once, when each man looked at his neighbour, he saw a stranger; and when he heard his own familiar mother-tongue it sounded like a foreign language, and they cried out that they were betrayed, and that the enemy had come among them (this indicates confusion of mind). They turned their weapons each against the other (Armageddon-like), and in the quickness of a moment many had ceased to live, and the rest had fled, while over them flew the gleaming Disk (of Horus)…” – From Chapter VIII of Ancient Egyptian Legends by M.A. Murray, 1920 A.D.


As we learn from various ancient descriptions, the angel Azazel and his fellow fallen angels were in the flamboyant habit of wearing winged costumes and/or donning bird masks as is Horus so depicted, surrmounted by his disc which according to Egyptian legend was fully capable of flight:

Ourobouros: Horus with human wife and Serpent Sun Disc The Ourobouros is of Egyptian origin and is associated with the Eye of Horus and symbolizes a cherub:


An enthroned Ourobouros: Dama Heroub Papyrus

In the Babylonian story of Nergal and Ereshkigal we are told Azazel and his fallen angels “are clothed, like birds, with feathers,” in bird-like costumes. In The Descent of the Goddess Ishtar into the Lower World (See The Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria by M. Jastrow, 1915 A.D.) we likewise learn they are “Clothed like birds, with wings as garments.” One can see these angels depicted in Sumerian art:


They are sometimes depicted in full costume including birdhead mask:


Angels tending Tree of Life artificial womb/fusion chamber

Picture Azazel flying around in his disc, landing on the earth and emerging therefrom dressed as a bird! Of course, reports of flying ‘bird-men’ also exist in the field of ufology as they do in the realm of magic as depicted above: “The majority of (UFO) reports concern the sighting or landing of UFOs, i.e. flying machines. But John Keel has gone through the trouble of listing some very strange apparatus observed in a number of instances, apparatus totally different from the classical flying saucer. He calls these incidences man-birds, because the apparatus appears to be for the purpose of flying short distances while above the surface of the earth.” – p.117 The Ufonaughts by Hans Holzer, witch, 1976 A.D.


Man-Bird Flight Suit

It would appear these angels were donning flying suits. It is also likely the god Nisroch mentioned in 2Kings 19:36 and Isaiah 37:37, depicted in ancient artworks as a winged humanoid bird, was a depiction of Azazel (the El called Azaz) in full flight mask and flight suit regalia. This would also serve to explain the ancients’ reverence of the winged demon Pazazu pictured below:


A Mithraic Description of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth The ancient Mithraic literary work known as The Great Magical Papyrus of Paris likewise describes Azazel’s cherub Behemoth as a great “Heavenly Wheel” which as it appeared in the “air” emitted “lightning and bright lights” and at whose appearance “the earth will shudder” (quake. Compare to the earthquake described in Matthew 28:2-4 which was caused by the angel’s cherub as it descended) and inside of which a “God (Helios/Azazel) will descend… young, with golden hair” (he being a Nordic blonde extraterrestrial being). This is a description of the blond-haired incarnated angel Azazel. The place wherein his cherub is entrapped is therein called the “abyss of the East.” Alexander the Great “Even (the famous Greek king) Alexander the Great saw a UFO. In 322 BC, he was besieging the city of Tyre when ‘a large silver shield,’ with four smaller shields behind it, circled over Tyre; it shot a beam of light at the city wall and blasted a hole through it. The other ‘shields’ then fired at the defense towers. Alexander lost no time in taking advantage of this supernatural intervention and invading the city.” – p.106 Alien Dawn by Colin Wilson The following is a photo of the actual shield wielded by King Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great, the very type of shield to which these flying “shields” were likened (note its quite familiar domed-disc shape):


French author Mario Meunier, addressing and I quote the “…‘demonological’ aspects of the UFO-phenomenon…” as pertaining to the ancient Greek Pythagorean philosophical system (yet another historical example of a UFO religion) notes: “…(the Pythagorean teaching known as the) Divine Way is contact, ‘communication with the higher beings’ ([Mario]Meunier, pp. 331-332, note): the Pythagorean teaching aimed at developing ‘the discipline of the mysterious faculties,’ at ‘intensifying clairvoyance,’ at putting the mind in touch ‘with the hidden forces,’ at making it ‘apt for communicating with the higher beings.’” - FSR: UFOs and Signs of the Times by Malcolm Dickson. The “higher beings” of which Mr. Mario Meunier speaks are the occupants of UFOs, the rebellious fallen angels. A worshiper of pagan gods and an avid attendee of temple services, Pythagoras was a practitioner of Mathematical Magic highlighting the magic/ufo connection, and his teachings include elements of Spiritualism-based metempsychosis, all pursuits historically associated with UFO contacteeism. Of a pertinent note, the Pythagorean pentagon used in ritual magic ceremonies is predicated upon the sign of Azazel, namely, the Upright Pentagram (See Appendix A). The ratio of the sides of the pentragram represent the golden ratio.

The Upright Pentagram, the sign of Azazel

Pythagorean Magic Pendant


Other Flying Shields In 776 A.D. at the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne’s castle at Sigisburg in Westphalia, as the Saxons were laying siege, flying “shields” appeared in the sky and rained fire down upon the attacking Saxon army (compare to the incident related in Job 1:16): “The contemporary Annales Laurissenses for AD 776 describe how the Franks, besieged in the castle of Sigisburg by the Saxons, in despair prayed for help from heaven. Suddenly from the heavens swooped two ‘flaming shields,’ raking the Saxons with fire and stampeding them to wild flight. This dramatic account from eye-witnesses, penned by the Monk Laurence, confounds belief until we recall Pliny’s Natural History, Vol. II Chapter XXXIV, wherein that erudite admiral marvels: ‘In the consulship of Lucius Valerius and Gaius Marius (100 BC), a burning shield (the shields of Roman mariners being typically round in design) scattering sparks ran across the sky at sunset from west to east.’ Flying shields are mentioned by Seneca in Naturales Quaestiones, Book 1, 1-15, and Book 7, 7-22.” – FSR: Spacemen in Norman Times by W.R. Drake

Reported Spaceship over Normandy in Norman Times: Closeup


An eyewitness to the incident, the French monk Migne described the event thusly: “…the Saxons…began to erect scaffolding from which they could bravely storm the castle itself. But God is good as well as just. He overcame their valour, and on the same day they (the pagan Saxons) prepared their assault against the Christians who lived within the castle, the glory of God appeared in manifestation above the church within the fortress. Those watching outside in that place…say they saw two large shields reddish in color in motion above the church…and when the pagans who were outside saw this sign, they were at once thrown into confusion (confusion of mind) and terrified with great fear they began to flee from the castle. The whole multitude in panic were driven to take headlong flight, some killed others indiscriminately, glancing back in panic then hurtling their spears, which they carried at their shoulder, at those fleeing before them; others were struck by blows among themselves,** and by the divine retribution judged down upon them… And as the Saxons took to flight from there, the French harried them, slaying them as far as the River Lippy. The castle was saved and the French returned victorious.” – Migne’s Patrologiae, Tom. CIV, Saeculum IX, Annales Laurissenses, p.404 (**The devil made me do it: This Armageddon-like type of UFO possession was also a phenomenon associated with the Fairy-Faith UFO religion. As was noted in the ufological investigation as set forth in Rev. Robert Kirk’s 1691 A.D. UFO exposé: “[Scottish] Highlanders [in Britain]…possessed by one of our aerial Neighbours [Sky Fae fairies in circular lighted globes; note this early historical example of UFO possession], rise up fierce in the Night, and apprehending the nearest Weapons, do push and thrust at all Persons in the same Room with them, sometimes wounding their own Comrades to death.” – p.61 The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1691 A.D.) Comparing this incident to modern day UFO reports, ufology historian W.R. Drake notes: “The flying ‘shields’ over Sigisburg in A.D. 776 continue the regular pattern of UFO sightings from the annals of Ancient Greece, Rome, Israel, Britain, Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Europe down to our


twentieth century. The descriptions penned by that monk twelve hundred years ago tallies exactly with reports by our jet pilots today.” – FSR: Did UFOs Stop a War by W.R. Drake The following is an example of a period Saxon shield to which these UFOs were likened:

Consider also the following utterly amazing account of a supernatural Armageddon-like intervention by God: “It came to pass after this (Jehoshaphat’s war with the house of Ahab) also, that the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them other beside the Ammonites, came against Jehoshaphat to battle. Then there came some that told Jehoshaphat, saying, There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side Syria; and, behold, they be in Hazazontamar, which is Engedi. And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah gathered themselves together, to ask help of the LORD: even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek the LORD. And Jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house (Temple) of the LORD, before the new court, And said, O LORD God of our fathers, art not thou God in heaven? and rulest not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen? and in thine hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand thee? Art not thou our God, who didst drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend for ever? And they dwelt therein, and have built thee a sanctuary therein for thy name, saying, If, when evil cometh upon us, as the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we


stand before this house, and in thy presence, (for thy name is in this house,) and cry unto thee in our affliction, then thou wilt hear and help. And now, behold, the children of Ammon and Moab and mount Seir, whom thou wouldest not let Israel invade, when they came out of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them, and destroyed them not; Behold, I say, how they reward us, to come to cast us out of thy possession, which thou hast given us to inherit. O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee. And all Judah stood before the LORD (YHWH), with their little ones, their wives, and their children (they are standing before God’s cherub which is in the Temple at Jerusalem!). Then upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, came the (Holy) Spirit of the LORD (he being under ufo possession) in the midst of the congregation; And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD (YHWH) unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's. Tomorrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you. And Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground: and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell before the LORD, worshipping the LORD (they worshipped God’s cherub which was inside the Temple at Jerusalem within the Holy of Holies. God’s cherub would rest upon the Ark of the Covenant, a mobile cherub stand/throne). And the Levites, of the children of the Kohathites, and of the children of the Korhites, stood up to praise the LORD (YHWH) God of Israel with a loud voice on high. And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever. And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten. For


the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, utterly to slay and destroy them: and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped to destroy another. And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness (a height overlooking the wilderness of Jeruel), they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they were dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in gathering of the spoil, it was so much (See also Psalms 76:5-6). And on the fourth day they assembled themselves in the valley of Berachah; for there they blessed the LORD: therefore the name of the same place was called, The valley of Berachah, unto this day. Then they returned, every man of Judah and Jerusalem, and Jehoshaphat in the forefront of them, to go again to Jerusalem with joy; for the LORD had made them to rejoice over their enemies. And they came to Jerusalem with psalteries and harps and trumpets unto the house of the LORD. And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries, when they had heard that the LORD fought against the enemies of Israel. So the realm of Jehoshaphat was quiet: for his God gave him rest round about.” - 2Chronicles 20:1-30. Blessed be the name (cherub) of the LORD (YHWH)! The Angels of Mons Incident Consider also the 20th Century pre-1947 A.D. Angels of Mons Incident: “…the ‘Angels of Mons’ incident…happened in 1914, early in World War I. The British Expeditionary Force was retreating across Belgium before a numerically superior German Army. As they reached the Mons area a section of the British Army was in serious danger of encirclement and capture. Soon after, back home in Britain, rumours began to go round that British soldiers at Mons had seen a line of ‘Angelic Beings’ standing between the two armies and holding off the Germans so that the British forces could withdraw in safety.” - FSR: The “Angels of Mons” by S.E. Priest, 1984 A.D. As one eyewitness to the event explained:


“In the morning, about 8 or 9 o’clock…there appeared in the sky a large bright light, brighter than daylight. It stayed for two or three minutes. At the same time there was a lull in the battle, and a sudden hush of silence settled over the battlefield.” – FSR: The “Angels of Mons” by S.E. Priest, 1984 A.D. This was no isolated event: “Throughout history, in times of war and of crisis, men have claimed to see such visions.** Sometimes, as at Mons, such visions are claimed to have halted an enemy army.” - FSR: The “Angels of Mons” by S.E. Priest, 1984 A.D. (** As: “…Ships and Armies are sometimes shaped in the Air…” - p.19 The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1691 A.D., with quite deceptive “Marching hosts, which appear like hordes of men making much tumult…” being one of ten quite notable demonic manifestations according to 15 th Century A.D. Franciscan Bishop/demonologist/ufologist Alphonsus de Spina [See p.127 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.]. Demonologists of his day were in essence ufologists, and UFO possession was commonly known as demonic possession, many such instances of which are duly recorded in The Bible. It is the UFOnaughts themselves, the Biblical fallen angels, with whom Jesus and his disciples conflicted (See Ephesians 6:12), and it was a famous case of UFO possession which would ultimately lead to the death of Jesus (See Luke 22:3 and John 13:27). As modern-day ufologist John A. Keel explains: “Thousands of books have been written on the subject of demonology which is the ancient and scholarly study of monsters and demons. The manifestations and occurrences described in this literature are identical to the UFO phenomenon. Victims of demonic possession suffer from the same medical and emotional symptoms of the UFO contactee.” – The Mothman Prophecies by John A. Keel. Demonic possession and UFO possession are one and the very same) Indeed: “…those who were themselves on the verge of the world of spirits, or employed in dispatching others to these gloomy regions, conceived


they beheld the apparitions of those beings whom their national mythology associated with such scenes. In such moments of undecided battle, amid the violence, hurry, and confusion of ideas incident to the situation, the ancients supposed that they saw their deities, Castor and Pollux, fighting in the van for their encouragement; the heathen Scandinavian beheld the Choosers of the slain; and the Catholics were no less easily led to recognize the warlike Saint George or Saint James in the very front of the strife, showing them the way to conquest. Such apparitions being generally visible to a multitude, have in all times been supported by the greatest strength of testimony… Don Bernal Dias del Castillo, one of the companions of the celebrated Cortez in his Mexican conquest…After having given an account of a great victory over extreme odds, he mentions the report inserted in the contemporary Chronicle of Gomara, that Saint Iago (from whom the city of Santiago receives its name) had appeared on a white horse in van of the combat, and led on his beloved Spaniards to victory (See Historia Verdadera) …” - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott, 1830 A.D. The White Horse appears to be a common screen memory long associated with the military intervention of UFOs in human affairs and is not without Biblical precedence. The return of the conquering Jesus and his angels are similarly associated with cherubic White Horses (See Revelation 19:11-19). And again: “O'Daly in his History of the Geraldines relates that during the siege of Limerick (in Ireland in 1690 A.D.) three portents appeared. The first was a luminous globe, brighter than the moon and little inferior to the sun, which for two leagues and a half shed a vertical light on the city, and then faded into darkness over the enemy's camp; the second was the apparition of the Virgin (an early reported case of a ufologicallyconnected Marian apparition phenomenon), accompanied by several of the Saints;** and the third was a lusus naturæ [by definition a monster, doubtless of the superstitious troop terrorizing variety]…” - p.100 Irish Witchcraft and Demonology by St. John D. Seymour, 1913 A.D.) (**In Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, 1830 A.D., demonologist/ufologist Sir Walter Scott records the existence of postBiblical “…reports…assigning to the Christians extraordinary means of defense through the direct protection of blessed saints and angels...”


Note that such interdictions would have been of a similar ufological nature) Such accounts of Otherworldy participation in human martial affairs does much to understand the ancient practice of beseeching the aid of various ‘gods’ of war, gods representing in fact angels in extremely lethal cherubim taking very active roles in strategic human battles and wholly affecting their outcome. Mass human slaughter was the order of the day.

Rothschild Canticles


Demon in Glory: Medieval Demon in Disc-shaped Object

Christian saints are often depicted in association with UFO phenomena:

St. Michael and the Dragon

Note the white horse iconography commonly associated with the military intervention of the cherubim of the angels as well as the illuminated discshaped object in the upper right-hand corner typically associated with God.


This represents a definitive connection between ufological phenomenon and white horse iconography

The White Horse UFO Screen Memory


In early Christian art, God is typically (if only partially in keeping with God’s law) depicted as a humanoid being** within a heavenly circular object clearly shown hovering in the sky above (**Indeed, in addition to being depicted in art form with human hand and arm, in The Bible God is also said to have feet [See Ezekiel 43:7], a mouth and a body [See Numbers 12:7-8] as well as eyes that shed tears [Jeremiah 13:17]. God is truly the humanoid being in Whose image we were created. God is additionally possessed of emotions—He loves [John


3:15], laughs [Psalms 2:4], gets mad [See Nahum 1:2], gets jealous [Exodus 20:5] and shows mercy and has compassion [See Romans 9:15-16])

St. John

St. John and the angel


See Revelation 19:10

Jesus is also often depicted in association with ufological phenomena as well:

St. John the Baptist


John the Baptist was a UFO contactee (See Luke 3:1-2)

St. Mary of Egypt 254

St. Saraphim of Sarov 255

St. Sergius 256

Note the Holy Spirit in the form of a Dove as depicted above is being portrayed in association with obvious ufological phenomena

St. Hildegard of Bingen 257

Visions of Scivias

Christianity must also be regarded as a UFO religion. The only true one. Sennacherib and the King of Assyria Consider the following Biblical account of supernatural angelic intervention: “…Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself. And when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib was come, and that he was purposed to fight against Jerusalem…Hezekiah the king, and the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz, prayed and cried to heaven.” 2Chronicles 32:1-2,20-21.


The following scripture records God’s reply to the pious prayers of this devout pair: “…‘thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come into this city (Jerusalem),** nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a bank against it. By the way that he came, by the same shall he return, and shall not come into this city, saith the LORD. For I will defend this city, to save it…’ And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh.” - 2Kings 19:32-36. For a quite detailed eyewitness account of this story see Isaiah Chapters 36 and 37 (** Pertinent Quote: “Like birds hovering [in the air], so the LORD [God] of hosts will protect Jerusalem…” - Isaiah 31:5). The 700 B.C. seal of King Hezekiah features the iconic winged-disc symbol:

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield… he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” - Psalms 91:4,11


Sennacherib was also very much associated with winged flying discs as well:

Depiction of Sennacherib worshipping winged disc/flying discs

A Psalm of David when He Fled from Absalom his Son The use of a shield to describe a cherub is not without Biblical precedent: “LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. But thou, O LORD (YHWH), art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill… I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about. Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies…” - Psalms 3:1 “For the LORD (YHWH) God is a sun (in essence, a Sun-God) and shield…” - Psalms 84:11 The following is a depiction of a Jewish shield to which God’s sun-like glory had been likened:


God, our “Shield” in the Sky “There is none like unto…God…who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky… Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help…” - Deuteronomy 33:29 “After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” - Genesis 15:1 “The LORD…is my shield… In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears. Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth. There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it. He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet. And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind. And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of


the skies. Through the brightness before him were coals of fire kindled. The LORD thundered from heaven, and the most High uttered his voice. And he sent out arrows, and scattered them; lightning, and discomfited them. And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of the LORD, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils. He sent from above, he took me… He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me…” - 2Samuel 22:3-18 “…scatter them by thy power; and bring them down, O Lord our shield.” - Psalms 59:11 “…in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple… For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” - Psalms 5:7,12 “Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed.” - Psalms 84:9 “Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him… The LORD looketh from heaven (from the sky); he beholdeth all the sons of men. From the place of his habitation (in the sky) he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth. Behold, the eye (the cherub) of the LORD (YHWH) (the Eye of YHWH) is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy… To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.” - Psalms 33:8,13-14,20 “O Israel, trust thou in the LORD: he is their help and their shield. O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield. Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield… The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” - Psalms 115:9-11 See also Psalms 119:14, Psalms 144:2 and Proverbs 30:5. Other Extra-Biblical Descriptions of a Cherub


The following description of a cherub is found in the Gnostic work, A Song of Praise to the Aeon, found in Mead’s Thrice Greatest Hermes 480-489. Hermes was a Greek name for Azazel, and the following description is of Azazel’s cherub, Behemoth. A Gnostic ‘Aeon’ is the Biblical equivalent of an angel and as previously noted ‘Gnosticism’ is another word for ‘witchcraft’: “O mighty Spirit (a term similar in connotation to Holy Spirit), mightiest circling (revolving; spinning; whirling) and incomprehensible Form of the universe…shining as do the stars…coverest the heaven with thy golden everlasting wings (the wings of the cherub)…thou who hangest (hover)…in the lofty Height, and scatterest the Air with thy self-moving blasts, who makest the Water eddy round in circling wheels (when traveling underwater, the craft as it spins causes the water behind it to eddy round in circles); O thou who raisest up the fiery Whirlwind and makest thunder, lightning, rain and earthquakes (cherubim are capable of mimicking weather conditions and causing artificial earthquakes)…” - Meade’s Thrice Greatest Hermes Symbolic representations of Aeon (variously Aion. Compare to the god IAO) in Glory disc:


Compare the humanoid god Aeon to the humanoid god Phanes (both also known as the angelic Genesis serpent Azazel):

Phanes in Glory


…and Mithras (Azazel) as depicted in the 3rd Century A.D. Mithraeum located in the City of London (one may argue that herein can be found the genesis of the Medaeval zodiacal magic circle, itself esoterically representing a cherub):

Mithras in Glory: This mystericon, being in itself representative of Mithras (and thusly by definition a Mithraicon), additionally represents a star map, Orion and Taurus locked in celestial battle, the dagger plunged within the neck of the Bull in the location of the Pleiades star group wherein lies the Dog Star, Canis Major (signified by the canine which leaps at the forefoot), also known as Sirius, the celestial serpent, from whence hails their Nordic alien star god Mithras, the Genesis serpent Azazel who had arrived upon our Earth much in the same manner as we see him depicted within the saucer-shaped Zodiac above and within the illuminated saucer-shaped vessel pictured most primitively below. Ufological phenomena are indeed associated with the Pleiades star group. In the words of reknowned Ufologist John A. Keel: “If flying saucers actually exist as extraterrestrial spaceships, then the Pleiades might deserve a place high on the list of possible origins.” – p.176 Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel, 1970 A.D. Amen to that.


Mithras in Glory disc: A Mithraicon

Additionally, Velificatio as an artistic device employed in ancient Roman art and used to frame a deity by means of a billowing garment is a stylistic device whereby a god/goddess is esoterically associated with such a disc-shaped object:

Velificatio: Mithras and the Bull


Velificatio: Neptune (Satan)

Velificatio: Selene in Glory Disc


Velificatio: Pluto (Azazel)

Note the above mystericon contains a number of artistic elements esoterically representative of a cherub: a humanoid wingedcherub angel, white horses, chariot wheel and as is certainly germaine to our discussion, velificatio. Art itself is a child of magic. Thor According to Gesta Hammaburgensis 26 by Adam of Brennan (circa 1080 A.D.), the ‘storm god’ Thor (a blonde Nordic alien in appearance) was associated with air, thunder, lightning, winds and rain


as are commonly the cherubim of the angels. Thor represented Azazel/Behemoth. Viking warriors claiming to be descended from Thor (with whom their magic-practicing priests had established contact) would wreak havoc upon the Christian world until they like Saul/Paul before them were converted to Christianity.

Nordic Trundholm Sun Chariot (Museum of Copenhagen)

One such historical example of a pagan population’s largescale conversion to Christianity is the Christian city-state of Hamburg in modern-day Germany originally established in the 9th Century A.D. as a mission settlement for the conversion of pagan Saxons to Roman Catholic Christianity. While Hamburg would be destroyed by Vikings in 845 A.D., it would eventually go on to play a major role in the Reformation era, early embracing the reforms of Martin Luther and becoming a bastion of Cabalism-based Christian Rosicrucianism, Rosicrucians being an early Spiritualist UFO contacteeism group. As part of the Nazi Third Reich, the German city of Hamburg would host the Neuengamme concentration camp where tens of thousands of German national magic-practicing Ashkenazi Jews would ultimately meet their deaths, a most diabolical double-cross in deed as Ashnenazi Jews like their Nazi SS guards were fellow practitioners of magic. As with thieves, there is no honor amongst magicians. One magician (as well as a witch) may in theory steal an opposing magician’s (opposing witches) power and this through ceremonial murder. Perhaps this was the idea.


The Old Religion did not die out completely as noted by Viktor Rydberg in The Magic of the Middle Ages as: “In the time of [Saint] Boniface [circa the 8th A.D.] there were many Christian priests in Germany who sacrificed to Thor [invoking him with magic rituals including sex-magic] and baptized in the name of Jesus at the same time” and it was not an uncommon practice as noted in Witchcraft in England p.76 for a “priest at the altar” of a Christian church to “have come straight from the celebration of some darker [magical] rite.” 1Corinthians 10:21 is a direct warning as to the futility of such a practice: “You cannot drink the Lord’s cup and the cup of demons. You cannot participate at the table of the Lord and at the table of demons.” (See also Matthew 6:24 which states you cannot serve two masters. It is for this very reason, for serving both God and other gods along with Him, for which God had originally dispossessed the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel [See 2Kings 17:6-7,41]. This tradition endures. Continue at your peril.

UFOs over Reformation era Hamburg, 1697 A.D. Note their disc-shaped quartered-circle design

Compare to a much more ancient depiction of a winged-flying disc:

…as well as to the disc of Baal:


The Jinn Theory of UFOs A theory related to the Demonic Theory of UFOs is the Jinn Theory of UFOs, that UFO sightings can be attributed to the beings known as the Jinn as set forth in the Koran, the Islamic holy book, as illustrated in the One Thousand and One Nights/Arabian Nights tales. As regards the fact the Jinni represent fallen angels, this theory has merit. Indeed, like incarnate angels, it was revealed in the East the: “Jinn (the rebellious angels)…appear in human shape amongst mankind (they being incarnate Nordic aliens)…” - Studies in Islamic Mysticism. Despite popular misconceptions originating from magical Hollywood fantasy films, the following is an example of a period Islamic oil lamp with which the Islamic jinni (the degenerate genie of the magic lamp of whom it was said was fully capable of flight) were associated:


Note its distinct disc-shaped appearance. As UFO researcher/Society for Psychical Research-member Gordon Creighton, himself a clandestine high-ranking member of British Intelligence (See FSR:1997/V42N1), has noted, the: “…study of all the great worldreligions—and notably of Islam—would yield valuable clues as to the true nature of the so-called ‘UFO phenomenon’…” – FSR: A Brief Account of the True Nature of UFO Entities by Gordon Creighton, 1983 A.D. Indeed it would: “When delivering a private address before a gathering of Muslims in London on June 6, 1985, a distinguished Islamic religious figure from Turkey, the (Sunni Islam) Sufi Sheikh Nazim Effendi of the Nakshband Order of Dervishes (which traces its lineage back to the Prophet Muhammad, himself a UFO contactee [see below]. When Whirling Dervishes whirl like a spinning wheel, they are mimicking the spinning actions of the UFOs they seek to encounter), was asked a question about UFOs and…embarked upon a remarkable discussion and imparted much information of the greatest importance. He said the Jinns, the operators of these craft (hence the ‘Jinn Theory of UFOs’), who share this planet with mankind although themselves much older than man, hold the human race in total subjection and enslavement, deliberately causing all manner of wars and strife and disasters and disturbances, while sleeping mankind remains blissfully unaware of what is happening to it, and what its own true situation is. As other Sufi leaders in recent years have done, he spoke of the Satanic Power of the Age… Also of the steady infiltration of all human societies, all governments, and all religions by the demonic elements working for the downfall of man…” – FSR: A Turkish Religious Leader Speaks on UFOs, 1985 A.D. (Islamics, the People of Allah [Allah is Azazel, and Muhammed is his prophet], being aligned with the Jinn [the Elohim fallen angels]** are the sworn mortal enemies of the people of God, namely, of Jews and their Christian cousins [“Elohim is the plural of El and its synonym Eloah, so familiar to us as the Arabic Ilah, or (with the article) Al-Ilah, abbreviated to Allah.” – p.160 Creeds of the Day Vol I by Henry Coke, 1883 A.D. The Elohim (to Islamics known as the Jinn)


are an extraterrestrial angelic race of humanoid beings sojourning upon this prison planet of which there are two angelic groups: one led by God and Jesus and another group known as the fallen angels who are currectly in rebellion against them, headed by the Jinn fallen angels Satan and Azazel, each in command of their own angelic troop of jinni]. These fallen angels, through their human contacts and proxies, have been waging war against the people of God for many thousands of years) (**Pertinent Quote: “…the Mahommedans, though their profession of faith is exclusively unitarian, were accounted worshippers of evil spirits, who were supposed to aid them in their continual warfare against the Christians, or to protect and defend them in the Holy Land… there were open displays of supernatural aid afforded by the evil spirits to the Turks and Saracens…” - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott, 1830 A.D.)

Sky-borne Islamic angel: Note the disc with which he is associated

As Gordon Creighton goes on to explain: “The Arabian tradition asserts that, throughout all known history, there have been a few particular human beings who…have "been in league


with the Jinns" or "had a compact with the Jinns" - to such a degree that the Jinns have endowed them with what we regard as "preternatural powers" - ie., psychic powers. These humans have consequently become known as wonder-workers, soothsayers, and magicians (called Muqarribun).” – FSR: A Brief Account of the True Nature of the UFO Entities by Gordon Creighton, 1983 A.D. In Islam, the infamous Night Journey of Muhammad took place in a cherub which they refer to as Al-Buraq (Buraq). Buraq was often portrayed as a great heavenly steed, a horse being a common Biblical symbol for a cherub (the word Buraq is essentially an Islamicized backwards spelling of the word cherub). In addition to transporting the prophet Muhammad during his epically epiphanous 7 th Century Night Journey,** the Buraq was also according to Islamic legend said to have transported the Biblical patriarch Abraham to Mecca in Saudi Arabia from a location inside Syria. Modern-day Libyan (Buraq Air) and Indonesian airlines (Buraq Indonesia Airlines) were aptly and adeptly named in the flying cherub’s honor. (**In witchcraft, this common ufological phenomenom is known as transvection. Compare Mohammed’s 7th Century A.D. Night Journey astride this strange and magnificent beast to the 10th Century A.D. night journey’s of “wicked women…who profess that in the dead of night they ride upon certain beasts with the pagan goddess Diana,** and fly over vast tracks of country…” [in a quite similar way, it is reported that at times: “…witches (true witches themselves being UFO contactees) are…transported from place to place by the devil, who in the shape of a goat or some other fantastic animal carries them bodily to the sabbat…”] as well as reputed 15 th – 18th Century night flights of witches upon broomsticks enroute to lunar Sabbat magic rituals [note also the symbolism so involved, the broomstick being like a UFO cylindrical in shape] as: “…a salient feature of witchcraft was the nocturnal flight through the air…” [See p.511 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology: Transvection. Also compare this ufological phenomenon to the legendary flying carpet of the Arabian Nights saga which is typically depicted as rolled up when not in flight and thusly like a witch’s broomstick it symbolically assumes a quite similar pillar-like columnar/cylindrical/circular form]. Some witches—


UFO contactees/abductees—even reported being “transported by the devil himself” [Ibid p.459] to these witches’ Sabbats*** where it was reported alien breeding experiments were the order of the day [Ibid p.399]. All of these incredible ufological incidences appear to be mentally-induced screen memories of real UFO abduction cases) (**Transvection experienced during UFO abductions involve Screen Memories deceptively implanted by the demons themselves in order to mask the true nature of the abductee’s ufological experience: “Some wicked women reverting to Satan and seduced by the illusions and phantasms of demons believe and profess that they ride at night with Diana on certain beasts with an innumerable multitude of women, passing over immense distances.” – p.13 The Attitude of the Catholic Church Towards Witchcraft and the Allied Practices of Sorcery and Magic by Sister Antoinette Marie Pratt, 1915 A.D.) (***Supernatural forms of “transportation” have always been associated with the practice of witchcraft: “There were two classes of Sabbat, the great Sabbat, corresponding to the solemn feasts of Christianity and held in distant places, and the little Sabbat… For these meetings, the witches gathered from all places, according to their own testimony, some traveling on broomsticks, others mounted on demons in the shape of a goat, dog, or some other animal…” – p.15 The Attitude of the Catholic Church Towards Witchcraft and the Allied Practices of Sorcery and Magic by Sister Antoinette Marie Pratt, 1915 A.D.)


Al Buraq

When one proceeds to spell the word Buraq backwards (a common post-1 A.D Middle Eastern magic practice as it was said at the time the very mere mention of a demon’s true name was sufficient in order to summon its presence), or rather, when one ventures to reverse its already backwards rendered magical spelling, Buraq then becomes Qarub, a phonetic transcription of the Hebrew word kerubh (to be correctly ‘called’ the demon’s true name must be pronounced unerringly, this ironically enough suggesting a Hebrew influence on Muslim magic practices), in English spelled cherub from the Late Latin cherub, by definition a "winged angel." The backwards spelling was intended to avoid any accidental calls/conjurations. Arab magicians are known as Muqaribun (if one ventures to look up the meaning of Qarib, the root of the word Muqaribun, one finds it to be “Another name for God” [Allah] which in this case is a cherub which many in this UFO flap area as evidenced in The Bible had long been in the habit of worshipping as gods), the most famous of the Muqaribun being the Sufi whirling dervishes, their Magi-cal ufo contactee traditions predating Islam itself. Needless to say, Islam belongs to the category of magicbased UFO religions as well. One example of an Arabic magic book is The Picatrix of Planetary Talismanic Magic, a compilation of various Middle Eastern magic traditions.


A Picatrix talisman of noticeably Jewish influence

The concept of the mythological Greek flying white wingedhorse Pegasus was likewise spawned by the fact that a horse was often used as a symbol analogous of a cherub (likely as a screen memory), cherubim also being depicted as winged-disks (the white horse itself was a Phoenician sun symbol [compare to the ‘mythological’ white horse Pegasus, the white horse Al Buraq and the cherubic white horses of The Bible]. Such sun symbols represent cherubim. Horses, like their cherubic counterparts, were early and common primary forms of transportation prior to the invention of the automobile. Ufological Screen Memories during UFO abduction typically though not always include a form of aerial transportation). Interestingly enough, Pegasus has a genus of fish named after it. This name is apt as fish, as previously noted, are often analogous of cherubim operating underwater. (The Knights Templar group [which worshiped Azazel as Baphomet—compare to the great fish Bahamut of the 1001 Nights Tales which Jorge Luis Borges quite rightly equates in his Book of Imaginary Beings (1957 A.D.) with the Biblical Behemoth in that both are symbols of Azazel’s cherub] employed the Pegasus sunsymbol as a badge/talisman/protective magic charm). Pegasus


The white unicorn Screen Memory in a like way represents Azazel/Behemoth. Winged flying horses are associated with the cherubim of the angels:


Similarly, the Etruscans, Romans and Greeks knew Azazel’s cherub Behemoth as Typhon (the word ‘Typhon’ is etymologically related to the Greek word ‘typhoon,’ a type of whirlwind/tempest, a common Biblical symbol for a cherub). Epiphanius tells us: “The Egyptians celebrate the festivals of Typhon under the form of an ass (also an early common form of transportation) which they call Seth (Set)…”: “The ass is well known as a type of the Sun-god (a cherub)…” Egyptian Heaven and Hell, Budge, 1905 A.D. Such so called cherubic sun-gods were representations of the disc-shaped cherubim of fallen angels. Indeed. The sun-god Set’s name in Egyptian hieroglyphics always contains the following shield/saucer design:

There is a religious organization at this time called the Temple of Set founded by former Church of Satan High Priest/NSA Intelligence head Michael A. Aquino, a high-ranking member of U.S. Army Intelligence and officially devoted to the cult worship of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth under this cherubic sun-god disguise, thereby marking the America military establishment’s official embracement of this cherubic god of war. Initiates of the Temple of Set, called Setians,


are practitioners of magic who invoke the fallen angel god of war Azazel under his Egyptian epithet of Set. Note the NSA was tasked at its foundation with establishing contact with the UFO occupants who plagued America’s skies, the creation of the Temple of Set representing an officially-sanctioned clandestine U.S. government UFO channeling endeavor. More on this subject later. What is the origin of the horse/winged-horse symbolism so esoterically representative of a cherub? I believe Robert Alter’s “Inversion of Consonants” theory unquestionably answers this question: “The cherubim, a common feature of ancient Near Eastern mythology, are not to be confused with the round-cheeked darlings of Renaissance iconography. The root of the term either means "hybrid" or, by an inversion (by definition a reversal of the order) of consonants, "mount," "steed," and they are winged beasts, probably of awesome aspect, on which the sky god (Baal) of the old Canaanite myths (Phoenician, etc.) and (on which the flying God celebrated in the pages) of the poetry of Psalms goes riding through the air.” - The Five Books of Moses by Robert Alter 2004 A.D. The inverse order of consonants was designed to avoid any unwanted calls. One of the most famous epitaphs of the sky god Baal is Ba'alz'bub [commonly rendered Beelzebub], the ‘Flying Lord’ from the Hebrew ba'al "lord" + z'bhubh "fly." The following is a depiction of a Chamman, a wheel-like symbol associated with the flying sky god Baal as found in the Temple of Baal at Hazor in northern Israel. Note its flying saucer-like appearance. I believe this to be the truest technical representation of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth yet encountered:


UFOs and magic go hand in demonic hand: “For their personal magical protection the Phoenicians (worshippers of the flying sky god Baal) appear to have adopted the type of (magical) amulets used in Babylonia and Assyria, and a collection of cylinder seals has been preserved in the British Museum (Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities). Some of these artifacts…may date from a few centuries B.C., probably from about 400 to 300 B.C. All five of these cylinder seals depict the Winged Disk… Figures which are referred to in the literature as 'divine beings' are seen emerging from these disks in four cases. And in every one of them human figures in ceremonial (magic) dress appear to be involved in (magic) rituals that contain Assyrian features… why should the observation of a flying disk be represented in the context of an obviously magical ceremony… Representation of flying disks in religion does not stop with the Phoenicians. The symbol is a basic one in the early Christian church, and it is consistently associated with the angels.” - UFOs: The Psychic Solution by Jacques Vallee (Why is a flying disc represented in the context of a quite obvious magic ceremony? Because communication with the occupants of these ‘flying disks’ has been the occult goal of all magic systems ever since the rebel angels’ banishment to our Earth when the ancients first observed them flying around in the sky, teaching select individuals the ways of magic [See Appendix A]. Why is this symbol also one to be found associated with Christianity? Consider the case of the apostle Paul, a 1 st Century A.D. UFO contactee. The Biblical book of Acts itself relates how: “…as he [Saul/Paul] journeyed, he came near Damascus [in Syria]: and suddenly there shined round [indicative of a circular shape] about him a light from heaven [a light from the sky]…” It was from this very circular disc-shaped aerial light source that Jesus himself would speak to


Saul/Paul, Jesus providing him with instructions for which he was obliged to follow [by religious affiliation, Saul/Paul at time of UFO contact was a member of the Pharisee religious group (See Acts 26:5), a Jewish sect of Spiritualists (As we additionally learn from John 8:44 and Matthew 23:15, Phariseeism = Satanism), ancient practitioners of Kabbala, a Jewish system of magic (See Appendix A)], Saul/Paul in this way becoming an evangelist of what is by definition a UFO contactee religion today known as Christianity [See Acts 9:1-20. Saul/Paul as a result of this other worldy contact would turn from actively persecuting Christians to becoming Christianity’s foremost proponent. To quote The Bible itself: “…he (Saul/Paul) which persecuted us (Christians) in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.” His was a miraculous conversion indeed. As a prominent Pharisee, it is likely Saul/Paul had himself played an important part in the original persecution of Jesus whose followers he hunted with zeal. Saul/Paul’s ancestral home was Tarsus, a city in southern Turkey dating to the pre-Flood period and whose very founding was associated with the winged flying horse/Sun-god Pegasus (Pegasus = Azazel/Behemoth)]. Spiritualism and UFO channeling are two very interconnected areas of parapsychological study. The archaic term magic encompasses them all)

With this information in mind, consider also the historical account of the infamous Gentile magic-practicing* Mesopotamian** prophet Balaam, son of Beor, who is specifically identified as a “soothsayer” (by definition an astrologer) in The Bible (See Joshua 13:22). A priest/prophet of the flying sky god Baal, UFO contactee Balaam’s own heavenly visitation is extra-Bibically recorded in The Book of Balaam inscription on display in the Archaeological Museum in Amman, Jordan, unearthed at Tell Deir Alla (ancient Succoth in Jordan, Jacob’s own hometown [See Genesis 33:17]. Jacob was the


progenitor of the 12 Tribes of Israel): “A divine seer was he (Balaam). The gods (the Elohim) came to him at night (undoubtedly in one of the saucers depicted in the temple of Baal above)… he beheld a vision…”*** A vision is a term often used to denote the presence of a cherub. As we learn from Daniel 10:7, Ezekiel 43:3, The Book of Enoch as well as most importantly Ezekiel 11:24 (which describes how Ezekiel ufologically traveled and I quote “in a vision” to Chaldea, it depositing him there, whereafter “the vision…went up” from him into the sky), this term vision was commonly used to denote such a cherubic/ufological encounter (See also Matthew 17:9). As previously evidenced, such ‘visions’ commonly take on an otherworldly appearance of a ufological nature in the category of Paul’s vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus, Ezekiel’s vision of God, and Constantine’s mystical ‘In this Sign Conquer’ apparition. At any rate, in an early case of recorded UFO contacteeism, Balaam is specifically identified in The Bible in Numbers 24:4,16 as being a Spiritualist medium, a UFO channeler channeling the very “spirit of God” himself: “Balaam lifted up his eyes…and the (Holy) spirit of God came upon him… Balaam the son of Beor hath…heard the words of God…saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open…” – Numbers 24:2,4. In Baalam’s B.C. day, as the power behind the throne as well as being members of an elite ruling class, soothsayers such as Balaam strongly influenced the kings by whom they were regularly consulted, and this particular prophet of Baal would play a corrupting part in the history of the Israelites, finding himself at the epicenter of Biblical history, a bump on the road to the Israeli Promised Land. Generaled by Joshua and conquering its way through the Holy Land, Moses’ merry band of victorious Mesopotamians threatened the kingdom of Balaam’s own benefactor. And a mighty army it was, led by God out of Egypt, wholly backed and protected by God in his flying shield (by whom UFO contactee/priest of Baal Balaam was also famously visited as recorded in Numbers 22:20) who provided this army with vital aerial military support. This account is recorded in the book of Numbers chapters 23 and 24: Balaam under contract of the pagan king would cunningly though only temporarily avert Israeli military advances by supernaturally bringing a life-threatening plague upon the disobedient people of God in an incident known as Balaam’s Error (See Jude 1:11), Balaam being under the demonic influence of the fallen angels with whom he was in CE-VI contact through the abominable practice of sexmagic (See Numbers 25:1-3 and Revelations 2:14. The religious Doctrine of Balaam involved contact with Azazel’s group of fallen


angels through magical invocations/ritual sacrifices and the black magic practice of sex-magic, with the resulting offspring being offered as a sacrifice to the angel-god Baal/Azazel through abortion or postbirth. Azazel hates the human race by whose race his has been supplanted). Balaam would inevitably fall beneath the Israeli sword (See Joshua 13:22), a cautionary tale indeed. Practice magic at your own peril, the sentence for which is death. Choose not to be a manipulated pawn on the side of those who seek your destruction (*See Numbers 24:1) (**See Deuteronomy 23:4) (***The eminent 11th Century A.D. demonologist/Byzantine monk Michael Psellus in Psellus’ Dialogue on the Operation of Dæmons circa 1050 A.D. explains the origins of one such archaic UFO religion active in his day which was spawned by the lies of Satan himself in the aftermath of the advent of Christianity. In it he writes of a Manichaean Christian sect, the Euchitae [Messalians]: “…THRACIAN.—…the demoniacal Euchitae [a sect first indoctrinated at the close of the 4 th Century A.D. which provided the Christian faith with a distinctly Magian veneer. Note this early form of Magian-based Christian Cabalism] have adopted yet a third origin [“of all things”]; according to them, two sons, with their father, make the senior and the junior origin; to the father [God] they have assigned the supra-mundane region solely, to the younger son [Jesus] the atmospheric region, and to the elder [Satan] the government of things in the world—a theory which differs in nothing from the Greek mythology, according to which the universe is portioned out into three parts [heaven, earth and the chthonic regions of earth]. These rotten minded men, having laid this rotten foundation, thus far are unanimous in their sentiments; but from this point are divided in their judgments into three parties: some yield worship to both sons [worshipping both Jesus and Satan simultaneously], maintaining, that though they are at variance, yet that both are equally deserving of being worshipped, because they all spring from one parent, and will yet be reconciled. But others serve the younger son [Jesus] as being the governor of the superior region, which extends immediately over the earth; and yet they do not absolutely disdain the elder son [Satan], but are on their guard of him, as of one who has it in his power to do them injury; while the third party [the true Satanists], who are further sunk in impiety, withdraw altogether from the worship of the celestial son [Jesus], and enshrine in their hearts the earthly alone, even Satan, dignifying him with the most august names, as, the Firstbegotten, Estranged from the Father,** the Creator of Plants and Animals, and the rest of the compound beings… TIMOTHY.—By what train of reasoning have they brought themselves to believe and


pronounce Satan a son of God, when not merely the Prophetic Writings, but the Oracles of Divine Truth everywhere speak but of one son…(as is recorded in the Holy Gospel)…“the Glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father,” whence has such a tremendous error assailed them? [The formalization of an Apostle’s Creed with its stated belief in Jesus Christ as God’s “only son” appears to be in answer to such false Gnostic teachings] THRACIAN.—Whence, Timothy, but from the Prince of Lies [Satan], who deceives the understandings of his witless votaries by such vain-glorious fiction, vaunting that he will place his throne above the clouds, and averring that he will be equal to the Highest [equal to God]; for this very reason he has been consigned to outer darkness [the black hole called Hell]: and when he [Satan] appears to them, he announces himself the first-begotten son of God and creator of all terrene things, who disposes of everything in the world… the demons promise them gold, and possessions, and notoriety… they [the demons]…present to the initiated [Magian Christian Cabalists] phantasms [by definition a delusion/illusion, a ghost or a disembodied spirit, a common ufological phenomenon] and flashing appearances [thusly denoting an emittance of light], which these…call VISIONS of God… fiery meteors [“of a luminous character”], such as are usually called falling stars, descend from them [descend from the so-called “Vision of God,” a cherub] on their worshippers… they are but ridiculous tricks of theirs, such things as are effected by optical illusions…” – Psellus’ Dialogue on the Operation of Dæmons, 1050 A.D. [Pertinent Quote: “Know all things to be like this: a mirage, a cloud castle, a dream, an apparition, without essence, but with qualities that can be seen; as a magician makes illusions of horses, oxen, carts, and other things, nothing is as it appears.” – Buddha]. As we additionally learn therefrom, the Euchitae also performed sex-magic rituals and sacrificed the resultant offspring post-birth. Beware the false doctrines of extraterrestrial demons) (** “Devil worshippers…believe that the Devil [the fallen angel Satan] rules the world and that the immediate rewards of his service are pleasure and power. After death they expect to be reborn on earth [a commonly held Spiritualist belief] or, in some cases, they hope to go rejoicing to a hell which is not an infernal torture-chamber [such as depicted in Dante’s Inferno] but a place where all pleasures are intensified and the capacity to experience them greatly increased. They believe that the Devil will eventually vanquish and overthrow the God of the Christians and return in triumph to the heaven from which the Christian God wrongfully rejected him. In that day Satan’s faithful flock will reap their reward of eternal power and eternal bliss.” – pp.290-291 The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish.


Many such occultists believe that Satan will eventually be restored to heaven, a concept known as Apocatastasis)

Screen Memory: Demons at Sabat. Note the disc with which they are associated

The following depiction is of an idol of Baal, one epitaph of whom is “Rider of the Clouds.” Note the overall resemblance to a Gray alien as well as the discs (notably the quartered-circle and the dingir disc) with which Baal is often associated:

The following is an ancient Sumerian (Mesopotamian) description of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth. A dragon is a common Biblical symbol for a cherub, as are clouds:


“Enlil (Azazel/Behemoth), faithful shepherd of the teeming multitudes, herdsman, leader of all living creatures… he spanned the sky as the rainbow (dome-shaped with multi-colored lights that appeared high in the sky). Like a floating cloud, he (the cherub) moved alone… He alone is the prince of heaven, the dragon of the earth. The lofty (high in the air) god (god = Dingir: “The original association of ‘divinity’ is thus with ‘bright’ or ‘shining’ hierophanies in the sky.” – Wikipedia: Dingir) of the Anuna (of the Anunnaki**) himself determines the fates (Compare to the Roman Wheel of Fortune. Fortune’s Wheel represents Azazel’s cherub Behemoth)… Enlil, the good shepherd (the ‘good shepherd’ being a personified symbol of the fallen angel Azazel. Many gods of the ancients who represent Azazel are thusly depicted as shepherds)…You (Enlil/Azazel) married Ninlil (a goddess who represents Azazel’s human wife), the holy consort…who [shares] the holy throne (the extraterrestrial fallen angel Azazel and his human wife ruled in Sumer as king and queen over the native population of the Earth), the pure throne with you, she takes counsel and discusses matters with you. You decide the fates together (from whence comes the concept of the Roman goddess Fortuna, a goddess who represents Azazel’s human wife, said to determine people’s fates)…” - Enlil in the E-Kur (Enlil A); an E-Kur is a cherub (**Concerning and I quote certain “truly diabolical” UFO phenomenon observed in modern-day flying saucer sightings, renowned scholar J.D. Frodsham would himself at once declare: “…we may be perhaps dealing here with no less a race than [Zechariah] Sitchin’s Anunnaki themselves…” [See FSR:1993/V38N2]. Zechariah Sitchin, a graduate of the Fabian Society-founded London School of Economics [the Fabian Society incorporated members of both the Theosophical Society Spiritualist organization and members of its magic-practicing inner circle, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order, into one cohesive political association. The Fabian Society would later give birth to the British Labour Party, so named for the alchemical adepts of the hermetic sciences commonly known as Labourers, many of whom made up its ranks. It was the Labour Party composed of witches and magicians which formally repealed the Witchcraft Acts in Britain in 1951 A.D.], was a fringe proponent of the ‘ancient astronaut’ theory, he attributing the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki


gods [the word ‘Annunaki’ being thereby defined as “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”], a group Sitchin believed to be a race of extraterrestrial beings. Such was also the belief of celebrated mainstream scientists Carl Sagan [who served as a scientific advisor involved in official U.S. government top secret UFO investigations for the U.S. Air Force’s Project Bluebook] and his esteemed colleague S.I. Shklovski: “Two mainline scientists of international reputations have also voiced the possibility of ET visitations to our Earth… They are Dr. Carl Sagan, head of Planetary Sciences at Cornell and Dr. S.I. Shklovski, noted Soviet scientist, who collaborated on a book, Intelligent Life in the Universe. In it is this remarkably frank passage by Dr. Sagan, stating that he had come upon a legend that seemed to be a ‘genuine contact’ with ETs. He adds, ‘It is of special interest because it relates to the origin of Sumerian civilization…’ he goes on to say, ‘Sumer was an early—perhaps the first—civilization in the contemporary sense on the planet Earth… Taken at face value the legend suggests that contact occurred between human beings and a non-human civilization of immense powers.’ … Dr. Sagan even goes on to give the Sumerian description of the ETs and the craft they came in, also the many ‘wonders’ they possessed, then admits that this may not be myth but an actual historic event… And it is originally stated in the legends that they [the Anunnaki gods] always came from the sky!” – pp.211-212 Mankind: Child of the Stars by Max H. Flindt and Otto O. Binder, 1972 A.D.) The Annunaki gods are typically depicted in Sumerian artwork as winged-humanoid beings angel-like in appearance and very much associated with a winged flying disc:


The god An/Anu (compare to the words Anuna/Anunnaki) in Akkadian can mean "He of the Heavens" and his name was always written pictographically in cuneiform as a star known as a "dingir": . The term "dingir" was a combination of the words ‘DIN’ meaning "the righteous one" and ‘GIR,’ the word for a bird or flying object. The symbol "dingir" meant that the ‘god’ was able to move about by celestial chariot or craft. The following is a Sumerian depiction of an enthroned An/Anu, He of the Heavens. Note the dingir disc with which he is associated:


A star is in fact a common Biblical symbol for a cherub the likes of which is often associated with an angel from heaven. Compare the "dingir" star symbol (as well as the image on the dingir disc immediately above) to the ‘Star of Ishtar’ dingir disc below. The goddess Ishtar represented the angel Azazel’s human wife, Ishtar’s star being representative of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth:

Star of Ishtar The Akkadians of Babylonia worshipped Azazel’s cherub Behemoth as the great god Erra. The Epic of Erra (also known as Erra and Ishum) speaks of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth and of the other cherubim of the angels when it mentions the “stars” of the “gods,” chief among them being the “star of Erra,” which is Azazel’s cherub Behemoth, describing it as “shining bright,” possessing a certain quality of “brilliance,” and being “radiant” in appearance. Of a pertinent note, this story also has a magic connection as: “Parts of the text were inscribed on (magic) amulets employed for exorcism and as a prophylactic against the plague (which as The Bible attests was commonly caused by the cherubim).” – Wikipedia: Erra (god)


Three Depictions of the Star of Erra (note the domed-disc shape) Compare the cherubic “stars” represented above to the Eastern mystical mandala (a Sanskrit word meaning ‘disc/circle’), the skyborne conveyance of the gods revered in India:

The Emerald Tablets of Hermes/Thoth, the god of magic I include the following as a curiosity. It seems to be rooted in the Azazel legend: “Raised I to Light, the children of Khem (Khem is the ancient name for Egypt from whence is derived the word alchemy). Deep 'neath the rocks, I buried my spaceship… Over the spaceship, I erected a marker in the form of a lion yet like unto man (the Sphinx in Egypt, a mythical being in composite a lion, an eagle, a bull and a man, the four symbols associated with a cherub). There 'neath the image (beneath the Sphinx) rests yet my spaceship… Know ye, O man, that far in the future, invaders shall come from out of the deep. Then awake, ye who have wisdom. Bring forth my ship and conquer with ease. Deep 'neath the


image lies my secret. Search and find in the pyramid I built.” - Tablet V of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth (Hermes) More about the Majestic Glory and the Cherubim When you combine the large hailstones a hundred weight dropped during a kinetic orbital strike from the Majestic Glory mothership along with the fighting cherubim with their lightning-like emissions from particle-beam weaponry, weapons of mass destruction in the form of biological weapons and tactical nuclear missiles, fantastical flame throwing devices and the great acoustical ‘thunderings’ causing confusion of mind, blindness, paralysis and deep sleep, all amidst the general terror one experiences at their supernatural sight, their ability to cause earthquakes, tornadoes and torrential rainstorms and hailstorms at will, we find God’s army to be a very formidable fighting force indeed: “Ascribe to the LORD (God), O heavenly beings, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ascribe to the LORD the glory of his name; worship the LORD in holy array. The voice of the LORD is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders (thunder from God’s cherub), the Lord, upon many waters. The voice of the LORD (the thunder) is powerful, the voice of the LORD is full of majesty. The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars, the LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon to skip like a calf, and Siron like a young wild ox. The voice of the LORD (from the window on the face of God’s cherub which in its configuration appears as the mouth on the face of a man) flashes forth flames of fire. The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness (earthquakes from the cherub), the LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the LORD (the cherub) makes the oaks to whirl (by causing tornadic whirlwinds), and strips the forest bare; and in his temple (in God’s throne room inside the Majestic Glory) all (the angels) cry, “Glory!”** - Psalms 29:1-9 (**A cherubic spacecraft is known as a glory) “LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him (David) in God. But thou, O LORD (YHWH), art a shield


for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the LORD (YHWH) with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill (in Jerusalem)…” - Psalms 3:1 “In my (David’s) distress I called upon the LORD (YHWH); to my God I cried for help. From his temple (in the Majestic Glory) he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears. Then the earth reeled and rocked; the foundations also of the mountains trembled and quaked (earthquake from God’s cherub), because he was angry. Smoke went up from his (cherub’s) nostrils (See Job 41:20), and devouring fire from his (from the cherub’s) mouth (See Job 41:19,21**); glowing coals flamed forth from him (flaming fiery coals shot from the cherub’s “mouth,” the door on the front of the cherub which in its configuration appears as the mouth on the face of a man; what is generally referred to as “fire and brimstone” comes from here). He bowed the heavens and came down, thick darkness was under his feet. He (God) rode on (in) a cherub and flew (in the cherub); he came swiftly upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness his covering around him, his canopy thick clouds dark with water (the forces it generates causes atmospheric disturbances). Out of the brightness before him (God’s cherub) there broke through his (the cherub’s) clouds (a cherub is sometimes surrounded by a camouflaging cloud) hailstones and coals of fire. The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the most high uttered his voice, hailstones and coals of fire (from the widow on the face of God’s cherub which in its configuration appears as the mouth on the face of a man flashes forth flames of fire). And he sent out his arrows and scattered them; he flashed forth lightnings and routed them (lightning-like particle beam emissions come from the widow on the face of God’s cherub which in its configuration appears as the nose on the face of a man). Then the channels of the sea were seen, and the foundations of the world (a reference to the mountains. See Micah 6:2) were laid bare (as He strips the forested mountains bare. See Psalms 29:9), at thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy (cherub’s) nostrils. He reached from on high, he took me, he drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from my strong enemies, and from those who hated me; for they were too mighty for me. They came


upon me in the day of my calamity; but the LORD was my stay. He brought me forth to a high place (to the Majestic Glory); he delivered me, because he delighted in me (God personally rescues David with His cherub and is brought to the Majestic Glory).” - Psalms 18:6-19 (** For additional Biblical accounts describing the use of this cherubic weapon see Numbers 11:1, Numbers 16:35 and 2Kings 1:10-12, Job 1:16, Ezekiel 22:31 and Revelation 13:13) The Wisdom of Sirach as contained in The Apocrypha also provides an allegorical description of a cherub: “The beauty of heaven (of the sky), the glory (cherub) of the stars, an ornament** giving light in the highest places of the Lord. At the commandment of the Holy One they (the cherubim) will stand in their order, and never faint in their watches. Look upon the rainbow (the multi-colored lights emanating from the cherub), and praise him that made it; very beautiful it is in the brightness thereof. It (the cherub) compasseth the heaven (the sky) about with a glorious circle (it being disc-shaped), and the hands of the most High have bended it (it also being dome-shaped). By his commandment…clouds fly forth as fowls…” – The Wisdom of Sirach 43:9-21 (**See Ezekiel 7:20) “Great is the LORD (YHWH) and greatly to be praised in the city of our God! His holy mountain, beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King. Within her citadels God has shown himself a sure defense. For lo, the kings assembled, they came on together. As soon as they saw it (God’s cherub), they were astounded, they were in panic, they took to flight; trembling took hold of them there, anguish as a woman in travail. By the east wind (a cherub) thou didst shatter the ships of Tarshish (God routed the Tarshish invasion force and destroyed the Tarshish fleet with His cherub. See also 2Chronicles 20:36-37 for another example where God is said to have had destroyed ships bound for Tarshish). As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts, in the city of our God, which God establishes forever.” - Psalms 48:1-8 “The LORD reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad! Clouds and darkness are round about him (See Psalms 18:11-12); righteousness and justice are the foundations of his throne (God’s


throne, whereupon sits God’s cherub, is in the Majestic Glory). Fire (and brimstone) goes before him (comes from God’s cherub), and burns up his adversaries round about. His lightnings (from his cherub) lighten the world; the earth sees and trembles (it can cause earthquakes at will).” - Psalms 97:1-4 “And the LORD (God) will cause his majestic voice (the thunder of his cherub) to be heard and the descending blow of his (cherub’s) arm to be seen, in furious anger and a flame of devouring fire (from the cherub), with a cloudburst and tempest and hailstones…battling with brandished arm (of His cherub) he (God) will fight with them…the breath (of the cherub) of the LORD (YHWH), like a stream of brimstone (a stream of fire comes from the window on the front of the cherub that in its configuration appears as the mouth on the face of a man. From such accounts are derived the fire-breathing dragon ‘myths’) …” - Isaiah 30:30,32,33 “O LORD (YHWH), be gracious to us; we wait for thee. Be our arm (refers to the arm on God’s cherub) every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble. At the thunderous noise (from God’s cherub), peoples flee, at the lifting up of thyself (when God’s cherub takes off to fight), nations are scattered; The LORD is exulted, for he dwells on high; ‘Now I will arise (in my cherub),’ says the LORD, ‘now I will lift myself up; now I will be exulted...’” - Isaiah 33:2-3,5,10 “The shield (the dome-shaped cherub) of his (God’s) mighty men is red, his soldiers are clothed in scarlet (these cherubim are red). The chariots (cherubim) flash like flame when mustered in array; the chargers (horses, a synonym for cherubim) prance. The chariots (cherubim) rage in the streets, they rush to and fro through the squares; they (the cherubim) gleam like torches, they (the cherubim) dart like lightning.” - Nahum 2:3-4 In Conclusion “Many suspect a hidden system of outside alien control could have been operating from the very beginning of human civilization.” – FSR: Welcome Back Issue, 2010 A.D.


In fact: “The evidence of ancient nonhuman visitation is compelling, almost overwhelming. Cave drawings, cuneiform tablets of clay, biblical descriptions and existing anomalous artifacts attest to the reality of such a presence down through history. Assuming the ancient Sumerian tablets are based on truth, extraterrestrials were on earth millennia ago. Did they leave at some point? (God has left to ready His invasion force. Satan and his forces remain) The answer may be found by simply reviewing human history… a close scrutiny of history also tells of legends of marvelous lost civilizations, amazing artifacts, and reports from around the world of gods flying in ancient times—the flying dragons of the Chinese, the vimanas of the Hindus, the soaring boats of the Egyptians, the flying shields of Alexander, the airships of 1896-97 and the UFOs of today. Someone has been with us all through recorded history.” – pp. 508-509 Our Occulted History by Jim Marrs, 2013 A.D. As must be noted at this time, angels are in a variety of ancient scripture including The Bible called the Watchers of men, the word ‘watch’ being synonymous with the word ‘surveillance.’ As Dr. James McDonald, a scientific member of the Condon Committee convened by the U.S. government to investigate an ongoing UFO flap in America, testified before the United States Congress in 1968 A.D.: “My own present opinion, based on two years of careful study, is that UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in something that might very tentatively be termed 'surveillance.'” - Dr. James McDonald before Congress, 1968 In fact: “…the scientist and former (U.S.) Air Force UFO consultant, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, has written a book, The UFO Experience, which concludes that we are now being watched by beings from another world. I cannot prove it, but I think we are still being watched by those ‘ancient astronauts,’ the ones who started the Biblical religion.” - The Bible and Flying Saucers by Barry H. Downing Indeed:


“…modern "ancient astronauts" theory…postulates that a space age race had once visited Earth and had involved itself in human affairs. Some UFO researchers have gone a step further by suggesting that such a space age race had either created or conquered human society many thousands of years ago and that it has been maintaining a watchful eye on its possession ever since.” – The Gods of Eden by William Bramley, 1989 A.D. (Pertinent Quotes: “Since time immemorial we have not been alone… people from neighbouring solar systems have been visiting and watching us for thousands of years… ” - The Flying Saucer Story by FSR editor Brinsley LePoer Trench, 1966 A.D. Indubitably: “…these Extraterrestrials are not coming here to discover us or study us. All indications suggest that they have known about us since the very beginning… Since the Galaxy is at least three times as old as the Earth, it can be seen that the first interstellar links no doubt occurred even before our Earth was born! In other words, the whole Galaxy, whether or not this is apparent to us, has been totally explored, indeed even ‘colonized,’ millions, or even billions, of years ago… Is it possible then that—all unbeknownst to us—we are a ‘colony’? That we are colonists…” – FSR: Thirty Years After Kenneth Arnold by French Astrophysicist/UFO researcher Pierre Guerin, 1968 A.D. Fellow FSR consultant Otto Binder addresses this question in his 1974 A.D. book entitled Mankind: Child of the Stars in what he proposes as the Earth Colony theory, he therein postulating that mankind is a “…colony… established by extraterrestrial beings of a humanoid type,” he therein putting forward the question: “The Bible constantly reiterates that ‘divine’ intervention lifted stumbling mankind into the light. Can it be that the starmen [in UFOs] have been the ‘angels’ and emissaries of God…with the mission of creating life on earth?” A related theory is the Zoo Hypothesis which postulates alien civilizations maintain the Earth as a zoo/nature preserve]) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Apparently, Otherworldly beings were even more recently responsible for providing the inspiration for the founding of the Mormon Church, for if his testimony may be believed, Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith was himself a UFO contactee. The following incident is said to have taken place during his teenage years in the Spring of 1820 A.D.: “I (Joseph Smith) was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me, and had such an astonishing influence over me, so as to bind my tongue that I could not speak.


Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I was doomed to a sudden destruction. But, exerting all my powers to call upon God to deliver me out of the power of this enemy which had seized upon me, and at the very moment I was ready to sink into despair and abandon myself to destruction—not to an imaginary ruin, but to the power of some actual being from the unseen world, who had such marvelous powers which I had never before felt in any being— just at this moment of great alarm (terror),** I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun (compare to Acts 26:13), which descended gradually until it fell upon me. It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound (it likely actually being this very UFO which had held him ‘bound’ at the first. During reported alien abductions, people typically claim to be paralyzed by such an unknown force). When the light rested upon me I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me (levitating, hovering above him) in the air. One of them spake unto me… ” – The Pearl of Great Price II.15-17 by Joseph F. Smith, 1902 A.D. Mormon Church founder Joseph F. Smith, a 33° Freemason of the magic practicing degrees, identifies himself at time of writing as “Joseph the Seer” (See Contents page of The Pearl of Great Price) highlighting his own magical Cabalistic background. The word seer is a shortened form of the word sorcerer. In fact: “Joseph Smith’s family was typical of many early Americans who practiced various forms of Christian folk magic.” – pp.30-31 Early Mormonism and the Magical World by Michael D. Quinn, 1998 A.D. (For more information on magic’s vital role in the founding of America see The Satanic States of America). Magic and UFO contacteeism are quite closely wed in spiritual marriage]. Joseph Smith then goes on to describe a subsequent second ufological incident whereupon he tells of: “…a light appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my bedside (a humanoid being who identified himself as the angel Moroni), standing (levitating) in the air, for his feet did not touch the floor. He had on a loose robe of most exquisite whiteness beyond anything earthly I had ever seen; nor do I believe that any earthly thing could be made to appear so exceedingly white and brilliant (it thusly being by definition, in Smith’s own eyewitness opinion, extraterrestrial in origin).” - The Pearl of Great Price II.30-31. Note this levitational modus operandi as such manifestations are also apparent in Marian Apparition phenomena as well. (**Sleep Paralysis as described by Joseph Smith above is in fact a quite common occurance reported during instances of nocturnal UFO


contact. UFO researcher Philip Imbrogno circa 2008 A.D. in his book Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomenon & Otherdimensional Beings pp.278-279 states that of the UFO contact cases which he had personally investigated: “The majority of these contacts took place at night… In a large number of these cases in which encounters took place in the person’s bedroom, ‘sleep paralysis’ was reported (This is the feeling of being unable to move while conscious in bed during the night)… I am convinced that sleep paralysis [such as reported by UFO contactee Joseph Smith above] is a prelude to the contact experience… Many people who have experienced this have a sense of dread, and when they begin to hear voices, they focus their energy to try to snap out of it. Some concentrate on the white light from the soul or even call on God or Jesus for help… All those who have experienced this physical phenomenon report that it feels ominous—some even feel violated.” UFO abductees are at times even unaware that they have been abducted until hypnotic regression sessions with psychiatrists prove otherwise. As Ufologist David M. Jacobs explains in his book The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda, such: “…unaware abductees…will explain his nighttime odd and half-remembered visitations as ‘guardian angels’ calling on him [as was similarly the case with Joseph Smith and the angel Moroni as stated above]… unaware abductees also frequently report seeing religious figures or the Devil…”) In evidence of the fact Joseph Smith’s reported encounter was UFOlogical in nature: “Swarms of strange lights are supposed to have appeared in the sky the night Joseph Smith unearthed the metal plates containing the text of the Book of Mormon.” - THE JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE Volume 8, Issue 4, Spring 1975: The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel A typical case of UFO contacteeism and the subsequent creation of a UFO religion? You be the judge: “It now appears very likely that the UFO phenomenon of lights in the sky has been with mankind for at least as long as there are written records. Some researchers have suggested that religious reports of messengers from God are also an aspect of the historical UFO scene… the experiences of contactee Joseph Smith form one case that is worthy


of our consideration. Joseph Smith was the poorly educated son of a farmer living in the state of New York who claimed that between the years of 1820 and 1829 he was contacted by various entities who told him they were angels and saints… The numerous correspondences between this story and many of the features encountered in present-day contact cases will be evident to all ufologists who have given such cases more than casual attention…** As a proselytizing (UFO) contactee, Joseph Smith was probably one of the most successful ever… his organization grew to hundreds in a few weeks and within a matter of months had a membership of thousands. It has continued to grow, and today the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, often known as the Mormon Church, has something in the region of three million members and is a worldwide organization.” - FSR: Angels and UFOs by Colin Bord, 1972 A.D. (**Notably enough considering the historical connection between Magic, Spiritualism and UFO contacteeism: “Spiritualism and Mormonism were both born in … upper New York State within a generation of each other and teach that it is possible for the living to speak with the dead [this being necromancy by definition, a recognized form of black magic. In all cases demons impersonate the dead].” – p.174 Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought: Spiritualism and Mormonism by Michael W. Homer. Mormonism is a Spiritualism-based UFO religion) Rosicrucian Cabalism Apparently, even the Rosicrucian magic adept, the Comte de St. Germain was himself a UFO contactee. The Cabalistic Count cryptically inscribed details concerning his own quite magical contactee experience in his late 18th century alchemical treatise La Tres Sainte Trinosophie (The Most Holy Trinosophia) where he therein writes: “I saw the star (cherub) flicker, rise from its place, revolve, then dart rapidly… I followed it at once… my…(spirit) guide led me… we sped through space… in an instant I had lost sight of the plains below…” The Rosicrucians are a group of well known Cabalists as was certainly the case with the alchemist magician the Comte de St. Germain** (**Pertinent Quote: “Traditionally, the Rosicrucians were Christians of the Reformation [often referred to as Protestants]—


mystics, alchemists, occultists, but always Christians.” – The Eye in the Triangle by Israel Regardie). Magic-practicing Rosicruicians of the Comte de St. Germain’s ilk would typically perform Christianized Kabbalistic magic ceremonies involving the ritual invocation of angels both fallen and unfallen, and no doubt they made an appearance in response to his magic rituals. In fact, according to Chapter IV of the Rosicrucian’s Confessio Fraternitatis, Rosicrucians such as the Comte de St. Germain typically appeal for help from angels and spirits (Rosicrucians being, by definition, Spiritualists) for the revelation of God’s mysteries, such mysteries typically being scientific in nature (again, magic, Spiritualism and UFO contacteeism go hand in mysterious hand). The eminent Rosicrucian Theophilus Schweighart’s signature 1616 A.D. work The Mirror of the Wisdom of the Rosicrucians itself expounded Cabalistic teachings which were according to Schweighart originally reputedly revealed “through the mediation of the Elohim” angels. As revealed by the author of the Rosicrucian Fama Fraternitatis (first published in Cassel, Germany, a center of the Protestant Reformation, in 1611 A.D.), the founding members of Rosicrucianism were and I quote “well learned in Cabala”: “Our Philosophy (Rosicrucianism, which is to say, their own particular brand of Christian Cabalism)…is not a new invention…** Adam after his fall…received it… Moses and Solomon used it (Kabbalism magic)… wherein Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras and others did hit the mark (with their particular form of Greco-Egyptian Qabalism), and wherein Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Solomon did excel (with Kabbalism)…wherewith that wonderful book the Bible agreeth.” It was even said the founding father of Rosicrucianism himself had founded his secret society after traveling to the Middle East there to study extensively the secrets revealed to him by the Magi “Wise men” as by some occultists the Magi are identified as the first Christian Cabalists. 333̊ Freemason Manly P. Hall in his Lectures on Ancient Philosophy explains: “From the Arabians C.R.C. (the purported founder of the Rosicrucian magic order, the illustrious Christian Rosenkrantz) also learned of the elemental peoples and how, with their aid, it was possible to gain admission to the ethereal world where dwelt the genii (jinn) and nature spirits (seirim). He thus discovered that the magical creatures of the Arabian Nights Entertainment actually existed… He was further instructed concerning…the (Islamic) rituals of magic and invocation…


and the binding of the genii.” (**Pertinent Quote: “We must remember that Rosicrucianism itself was 'no new thing' but only a revival of still earlier forms of [magical] Initiation and was a lineal descendant of the Philosophies of the Chaldean Magi, of the Egyptian priests, of the [Greek] Neo-Platonists, of the Hermetists of Alexandria [in Egypt], of the Jewish Kabbalists and of Christian Kabbalists such as Raymond Lully and Pico de Mirandola.” – p.40 The Magical Mason by R.A. Gilbert, 1983 A.D.) The Rosicrucian Society was founded as a Freemasonic psychical research organization (much like the SPR of today) focused on Cabalism. Dr Sigismund Bacstrom, an important Rosicrucian scholar of the Hermetic alchemical sciences, wrote in Bacstrom’s Rosicrucian Society (circa late 18th to early 19th Centuries A.D.) of “the August most ancient and most learned (Rosicrucian) Society, the Investigators of Divine, Spiritual and Natural Truth (which Society, more than two centuries and a half ago, did separate themselves from the Freemasons…).” The central tenet of Rosicrucianism was based on the immutable truth of the existence of an aerial race of angels and how they may be contacted. In Rosicrucian researcher Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars’ Comte De Gabalis we are provided with: “THE HISTORY OF THE WATCHMEN, (Or the Angels). WRITTEN BY ENOCH THE PATRIARCH (as related in The Book of Enoch/1Enoch): And it came to pass, when the Sons of Men were increas’d, that very Beautiful Daughters were born to them: With these the Watchmen (the Watchers/angels) were in Love, and burnt with Desire toward them, which drew them into many Sins and Follies. They communed with themselves: “Let us, say they, choose us Wives out of the Daughters of Men upon the Earth.” Semiazas, their Prince, made Answer: “I fear, says he, you will not execute your Resolution; and so I shall derive upon myself alone the Guilt of this Impiety.” They all reply’d, and said; “We will bind ourselves with an Oath to perform our Purpose, and invoke dreadful Imprecations upon our Heads, if we depart from our Enterprize before it be accomplished.” So they oblig’d themselves with an Oath; and implored an Arrest of Vengeance upon one another (oaths of the sort the Freemasons traditionally employ). They (the angels) were two Hundred, who in the Days of Jared came down upon the Top of Mount Hermon. The Mountain receiv’d that Name from the Oath by which they bound themselves, and the Imprecations they willfully submitted themselves under. The Names of


their Princes were these: 1. Semiazas, the Chief of them. 2. Atarcuph. 3. Araciel. 4. Chobabiel. 5. Horammame. 6. Ramiel.7. Sampsich. 8. Zaciel. 9. Balciel. 10. Azazel. 11. Pharmarus. 12. Amariel. 13. Anagemas. 14. Thausael. 15. Samiel. 16. Sarinas. 17. Eumiel. 18. Tyriel. 19. Jumiel. 20. Sariel. These (angels), and all the rest of them, took to themselves Wives… and were inflam’d with Lust toward them till the Flood. The Offspring of these Women were of three sorts: The first race were Giants, or Tall Men: They begat the Naphelims, and from them came the Eliudæans; and their Number increased, according to the Proportion of their Bodies. They instructed their Wives and Children in Sorcery and Enchantments. Azazel, the Tenth in the Order of the Princes, was the first inventor of Swords and Breastplates, and all Military Appointments (as such he is hailed as the ‘god of war’): He taught his Posterity the Art of extracting (mining) Metals out of the Earth, and the Curiosity of working in Gold and Silver (metalworking), to make Ornaments and Female Decorations (jewelry, mostly worn as amulets for protection against evils they themselves inflicted): He directed and shew’d them to polish, and give a Lustre to choice Stones (such as diamonds), and to Colours: The Sons of Men soon furnish’d themselves and their Daughters with these Vanities; and breaking through the Commands of God, they drove the Pious and Just into Miscarriages (abortions. Abortions were considered to be a form of human sacrifice); insomuch that a monstrous Appearance of Impiety stalk’d over the Face of the whole Earth. Semiazas, their Prince, discover’d the Art of Hatred, to reserve Envy in the Mind, and to infuse Misfortunes upon others by the Roots of Herbs. Pharmarus, the Eleventh Prince, found out Witchcraft, Charms, and Enchantments. The Ninth revealed the Course of the Stars (astronomy). The Fourth the Science of Astrology. The Eighth the Inspection of the Air. The Third of the Earth. The Seventh of the Sun. The Twentieth explain’d the Signs of the Moon. All of them (all of the angels) display’d (revealed) these Secrets of Knowledge to their Wives and Sons. The Giants soon after began to feed upon Human Flesh, which made the number of Men to decrease, and sensibly to decay. Those who were left being harass’d with so many Instances of Wickedness, (they) raised their Voice to Heaven, and implor’d, That their Memory might be preserv’d in the Sight of God. The Four Great Archangels, Michael, Uriel (it is Uriel, aka the ‘Prince of the Torah,’ who is said to have revealed Kabala to mankind), Raphael, and Gabriel (these four angels are commonly invoked in magic rituals and spells and the names of these guardian angels appear as sigils upon protective talismans as well), being affected with their Cries, look’d down upon Earth from the Holiness of


Heaven; and beholding a general Effusion of Blood, and a Spirit of Universal Impiety, had this Communication among themselves: ‘The Spirits and Souls of Men implore our Aid…’ Then the Four Archangels calling upon God, deliver'd themselves thus: ‘Thou art God of Gods and Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and God of Men: The Throne of thy Glory (See Jeremiah 14:21) endures to all Ages, and thy Name (cherub) is Holy and Blessed for evermore; for Thou art the Creator of all things; Thy Power is over all things; all things are open and manifest before Thee, nor can anything be conceal’d from Thee. Thou seest the Actions of Azazel; the Misfortunes he has occasioned; the Wickedness and abominable Practices he has taught upon the Earth; how he has corrupted it with Fraud and Villainy. He has divulg’d the great Arcana of Heaven; and the Sons of Men are led, by his Example, to inspeél the Celestial Mysteries: Semiazas Thou (God) hast ordained to be the Prince (leader) of those (Watchers) who are about him (Semiazaz was given command of this particular expedition); but they have all turned themselves to the Daughters of the Men of the Earth, and polluting themselves with Women have discovered to them all the Methods of Impiety, and instructed them to perpetrate all degrees of Abomination: And now, behold, the Daughters of Men have born a Gigantic Offspring to them; a foul Blemish of Corruption has infected the whole Earth, and the World is full of Injustice. Lo, the Spirits of the Souls of Men who have been dead, attend thee: Their Groans have arriv’d as far as the Gates of Heaven, and they cannot depart, by reason of the exceeding Impiety that is committed upon the Earth: Yet Thou knewest these things before they were effected: Dost Thou see them, and say nothing? What must be done upon this Occasion?’ The Highest made answer, and the Holy Great One reply’d; and sent Uriel to the Son of Lamech, saying: ‘Go to Noe (Noah), and acquaint him in My Name, Hide thyself: And inform him, that the End approaches, for the whole Earth shall perish. And tell him, a Deluge shall overspread the whole Earth, and all Things shall be destroy'd upon the Face of it. Instruct the Just Son of Lamech what he shall do, and he shall preserve his Soul unto Life; and he shall be safe in his Generation: From him shall a new Race be deriv'd and established, and shall continue to all Ages.’ THE HISTORY OF THE ANGELS, AND THEIR GALLANTRY WITH THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN. WRITTEN BY ENOCH THE PATRIARCH. PUBLISH'D IN GREEK BY DR. GRABE. MADE ENGLISH, LONDON, MDCCXV (1715 A.D.).” - Commentary section of Comte De Gabalis by

Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars [1913 A.D. Edition] The Book


Of an interesting historical note, circa 1830 A.D., demonologist/ufologist Sir Walter Scott, while making a “few general remarks on the nature of Demonology, and the original cause of the almost universal belief in communication betwixt mortals and beings of a power superior to themselves,” in Letter X of Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft describes how it was indeed possible to have “correspondence with the various spirits of the elements on the principles of the Rosicrucian philosophy...” of Cabalism. St. Joan of Arc Consider also the ‘visions’ of the French Roman Catholic Saint Joan of Arc, the Virgin of Orleans, as described in her 15 th Century A.D. trial transcripts found in Le Procès de Condamnation de Jeanne d'Arc. Joan is known as the Witch of Domremy and was burned at the stake for the charge of heresy in 1431 A.D. Her birthplace, the village of modern day Domremy-la-Pucelle in France, was infamously known during her time for its “magic-ridden customs.” As the iron maiden Joan (accused of sorcery and the invocation of devils) at her trial had explained, at the very first (and as a child): “I heard a voice on my right in the direction of the church (from the Church of St. Remy named for the Roman Catholic bishop responsible for the mass conversion of the pagan Frankish people of France to Roman Catholic Christianity) and rarely do I hear it without a light. This light comes from the same side (the same direction) as the voice… It seemed to me a worthy voice and I believed it was sent to me by God; after I heard this voice the third** time, I knew it was the voice of an angel.” (**She here adheres to the test of Samuel. See 1Samuel 3:18) During her trial Joan professed to have spoken with the angel St. Michael, along with the saints St. Catherine and St. Margaret. Her inquisitors had argued these voices had come from the Devil. Hearing disembodied voices is in fact a common parapsychological phenomenon common to spirit/demonic possession. It is also a characteristic commonly associated with UFO phenomena: “For the record, we must include another aspect of the UFO mystery… Namely, ESP, or telepathic communications that certain people claim to receive from UFO occupants, sometimes referred to as the ‘Space Brothers.’** The arresting thing about these cases is that the recipients


of the ‘voices’ are not avowed psychics and never claimed to be such. They are sane, normal, everyday people who suddenly hear ‘voices within their minds.’ … Perhaps this explains another great riddle among humans—the ‘mental voices’ heard by famed people through history, including Joan of Arc and many religious saints…” – pp.215216 Mankind: Child of the Stars by Max H. Flindt and Otto O. Binder, 1972 A.D. (** Indeed: “Those who channel for the Space Brothers are convinced that they are in direct communication with them through telepathic thought transference…imbued with an almost religious fervor to spread the message that has been given them by the Space Brothers…” – pp.112-113 Gods of Aquarius by Brad Steiger, 1976 A.D.) The ‘angel’ of Joan of Arc’s ‘visions’ whom she identified as St. Michael, the commander of God’s armies, would provide her with instructions which she in a quite possessed manner carried out, she subsequently becoming a morale-boosting combatant in the long ongoing One Hundred Years War pitting Protestant English forces against those of the Catholic French, she being notably enough a companion-in-arms of French Cabalist knight and noble Gilles de Rais, a notoriously evil black magic-practicing murderer of children who would himself be tried and executed as a witch in 1440 A.D. Duly captured in battle and believed to be a witch (it being quite unheard of for a woman to serve in battle, though her quirk of dressing as a man being a most common habit amongst the progressive witches even of her day), Joan would face trial for the capitol crime of heresy and was burned at the stake by her English captors. The Roman Catholic Church would subsequently grant Joan sainthood. St. Joan of Arc is traditionally depicted astride the familiar white horse Sun-symbol:


Fatima John A. Keel in Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse similarly notes that reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary likewise exhibit many of the features of known UFO encounters. Consider the events surrounding the fairly recent miraculous healings at Fatima in Portugal attributed to ‘Our Lady of Fatima,’ also known as the Virgin Mary: “Seventy thousand people, many of them crippled and ill, stood in a pouring rain in a field outside Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 when a dazzling luminous disk descended through the clouds and maneuvered overhead. Some thought the sun was falling. All felt a wave of heat so intense that it dried their drenched clothes instantly. Infirm people scattered through the crowd gasped, their pain suddenly relieved by electrical waves surging through their bodies. This was the miracle of Fatima.” – p.54 The Cosmic Question by John A. Keel (Concerning this ‘miraculous’ healing process Keel himself notes: “There have been a number of miraculous healings associated with the UFO phenomenon in more recent years. Usually those who were healed were suffering from nervous disorders, arthritis, and other ailments which respond to infrared and ultraviolet radiation, and treatment by VLF and microwaves. We are just beginning to understand the incredible healing powers of the EM spectrum.” – p.54 The Cosmic Question by John A. Keel) As Margaret R. Buckingham straightforwardly explains:


“The aliens occasionally appear as religious personages, especially the Virgin Mary… the Fatima incident…occurred in Portugal in 1917** when three shepherd children saw the Virgin Mary… She appeared several times, but only to the children, although a crowd of fifty to one hundred thousand people saw the sun dance among the clouds. Today of course, we know better and would immediately recognize it as a flying saucer carrying out its usual maneuvers.” – FSR: Aliens – Their Hidden Agenda by Margaret R. Buckingham, 2003 A.D. (** “Many clergymen, among them the Rector of Fatima, the Rev. Manuel Marques Ferreira, were skeptical or openly hostile to the sightings. The Rector even thought it could be the Devil himself who was tempting the children.” - FSR: What Happened at Fatima by Antonio Ribera) This was also the conclusion of Joaquim Fernandes, author of The Secret of Fatima: “The relationship between the total conjunction of physical and psychophysiological features of the ‘Apparitions phenomenon’ (what Fernandez describes as “…the ‘Marian Apparition Phenomenon’ so typical of the Latin American countries where Catholicism is predominant…”) and the modern ‘UFO phenomenon’ is only too apparent.” – FSR: The ‘Apparition of the Virgin’ at Fatima Considered in Relationship to the UFO Phenomenon by Joaquim Fernandes (For more information see Extraterrestrial Intervention at Fatima: The Apparitions and the UFO Phenomenon by Joaquim Fernandes, 1982 A.D. and Heavenly Lights: The Apparitions of Fatima and the UFO Phenomenon by Joaquim Fernandes, 2007 A.D.) “For those who are unfamiliar with the Fatima incident, a brief description is in order… The three children involved in the worldfamous miracle of Fatima (a small village in Portugal) were shepherds who, one day in the early spring of 1916, were tending their flocks on the rock-strewn slopes of an old, weathered rise near their home. It was noontime, a pleasant sunswept day, and the three children laughed and played while they ate their sandwiches. But suddenly a strange wind sprang up along the hillside, and the youngsters, interrupted in their frolic, looked up to see an eerie, luminous globe of light approaching from the east. Then, as they stood transfixed, they were engulfed by the light. Momentarily, the glowing figure of a man materialized in the


unworldly illumination and announced to the children that he was the ‘angel of peace.’ Thus began what was to become the most heralded series of ‘miracles’** since the days of the Prince of Peace (Jesus). Twice more the angel put in sudden, unannounced appearances (three in total so it would seem to satisfy the test of Samuel. See 1Samuel 3:18), and then his visitations were replaced by (preannounced) visits of the Lady of the Rosary, or, as she is more popularly known, the Lady of Fatima… She (the Virgin Mary) made six visits to the hillside at Fatima, culminating in the colossal events of October 13, 1917 …on the last day, October 13, 1917…nearly a hundred thousand spectators saw the ‘strange dance of the sun.’ …nearly every aspect of the events at Fatima point unerringly to a relationship with the present day phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. UFOs, often having the appearance of luminous globes, have been reported regularly since 1947…” – pp.14-15,16 Is God Supernatural? by R.L. Dione, 1976 A.D. (**Miracles are in the eye of the beholder and entirely technological in nature: “…demons can work miracles, that is, things which rouse man’s astonishment, by reason of their being beyond his power and outside his sphere of knowledge.” – Summa Theologica by demonologist/ufologist St. Thomas Aquinas) The following first-hand account is a description of the socalled Dance of the Sun at Fatima: “…let the sighting be explained by one qualified witness: the Professor Almeida Garett, distinguished scientist, professor at the Coimbra University, who was among the crowd: ‘It was raining hard, and the rain trickled down the dresses of everybody. Suddenly the sun shone through the dense cloud which covered it: everybody looked in its direction … It looked like a disc…like a polished wheel… This clearshaped disc suddenly began turning. It rotated with increasing speed… Suddenly the crowd began crying with anguish. The sun (the disc), revolving all the time, began falling towards the earth, reddish and bloody, threatening to crush everybody under its fiery weight’… When the disc, rotating all the time, descended towards the crowd, many people felt a tickling sensation and heat. From a place situated at 12 kilometers from Fatima, some other witnesses saw also the ‘dance of the sun.’ But the astronomical observatories all over the world had not noted anything abnormal on that day… This means it was a local phenomenon (and not having anything to do with the actual sun itself whatsoever).” - FSR: What Happened at Fatima by Antonio Ribera, 1964 A.D. (According to other published accounts: “At midday Lucia


[one of the “three shepherd children” to whom the “Mary” apparition had earlier appeared] cried out ‘look at the sun’ [as Lucia explains in her book Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words: “…the reason why I cried out to the people to look at the sun…was not to call their attention to the sun, because I was not even aware of their presence. I was moved to do so under the guidance of an interior impulse.” This is a classic case of UFO possession] and the crowd turned to see what might have been the disk of the sun emerge from the clouds. But the silvery disk which they saw was not blinding and it began to revolve throwing out multicolored light in all directions. It stopped and repeated this ‘dance’ twice. Then the disk, now blood-red, seemed to plunge towards the ground in a zigzag motion. There was great heat from it and many in the crowd were quite terrified that they would be crushed by its enormous mass. Many were weeping and expecting that at any moment the end of the world would come. After ten minutes this phenomenon ceased…” – FSR: The Fatima Miracle, 1995 A.D. And again: “As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendor. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent firewheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colors of the rainbow and sending forth multicolored flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes. The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees.” - Dr. Manuel Formigão as quoted in The Immaculate Heart by John De Marchi, 1952 A.D. Compare this incident to ancient descriptions of archaic cherubic ‘Sun gods’) The ‘Miracle at Fatima’ was no unique experience: “Throughout all Brazil, and also abroad, the phenomenon is being repeated, time after time. Visionaries or (Spiritualist) mediums believe they are receiving holy messages from the Virgin Mary, and summon up gatherings of the Catholic faithful—where what then appear are— UFOs!” – FSR: “Marian Phenomena,” with UFOs Appearing Openly, are Increasingly Frequent by A.J. Gevaerd, the Brazilian director of MUFON (MUFON is the Mutual UFO Network which works in conjunction with J. Allen Hynek’s Center for UFO Studies), 1995 A.D. (The connection between UFOs and Marian apparition phenomena would appear to be no new phenomenon as many artistic depictions of the Virgin Mary complete with a halo encompassing Mary’s head. The


word ‘halo’** is derived from the Greek word halos meaning “the disc of the sun.” The attribution of the Marian apparition phenomenon which occurred at Fatima to the workings of extraterrestrials in UFOs is known as the Fatima UFO Hypothesis) (** A halo in Latin is known as an aureole, the translation of which is ‘golden crown/crown of gold.’ The word crown is Biblically synonymous with the word cherub) As Gevaerd goes on to explain: “The appearance of the Virgin Mary—or what is believed to be the Virgin Mary—to members of the public prior to the manifestation of some phenomenon connected with UFOs is something well known. So far as we are aware, the first such case on record happened at Fatima in Portugal (in 1917 A.D.)… And similar cases…have been recorded in other places all over the world, from Yugoslavia to Paraguay, from Japan to Alaska… A few cases seem to be occurring at present in Brazil, and on a scale that may become a ‘wave’ … On the evening of September 7 of this year (1994), one of the dates that the Virgin was said to have given for a future appearance, many people claim that they ‘saw the Sun spinning in the sky and making little circles’ – precisely in accordance with the pattern seen at Fatima.” – FSR: “Marian Phenomena,” with UFOs Appearing Openly, are Increasingly Frequent by A.J. Gevaerd, 1995 A.D. (As the Editor of Flying Saucer Review would note: “…in 1917—and also ever since—there were, and there have been and there still are—plenty of ‘religious’ people in all denominations of the Christian Church, who would opt for the ‘demonic theory’ about Fatima…” - FSR: “Marian Phenomena,” with UFOs Appearing Openly, are Increasingly Frequent) Early Historical Depiction of Marian Apparition Phenomena


Note Mary in Heavenly Glory

In fact: “There are a number of solid pieces of proof attesting to the ufological veracity of the so-called Marian Apparitions which are constantly occurring throughout the whole world. In recent times, the North-East of Brazil has been a frequent target of such phenomena. One of the areas of maximum incidence has been our northeastern State of Ceara, and principally in the vicinity of the town of Baturite (in Brazil). There have been hundreds of eyewitnesses who have seen—and many have also photographed—UFOs passing through the skies there, burning vegetation and causing climatic changes. But most impressive of all evidence is the great number of contacts with aliens that have been recorded there by groups of ufological investigators.” – Brazilian UFO Journal #39/1995 As the article goes on to explain:


“At the present time (circa 1994 A.D.), the (‘Marian Apparition’) phenomenon is so wide-spread and so abundant, everywhere in the world, that not even the (Catholic) Church can keep a full record of it… In Brazil, ours being a very ‘mystical’ country, the phenomenon is interpreted in various ways. In the North-West, where the apparitions take place before thousands of poor, simple, uneducated folk, the religious myth prevails.” - Brazilian UFO Journal #39/1995 Indeed: “Many UFO entity encounters (like appearances of the Virgin [Mary]) have the characteristics of divine revelation. The entities’ avowed purpose for appearing to the witness is to convey a sort of heavenly message, or ‘orgalogue.’ … All sorts of stratagems and ploys are used —automatic writing (viz. Oahspe,** The Book of Mormon, The Urantia Book, and so on), ‘spirit guides,’ ‘trance communications,’ ‘Virgins and Christ figures,’ and ‘evangelizing extraterrestrials.’” UFOs: Beyond Real and Unreal by Michael Coleman Talbot. Modern day manifestations of extraterrestrial UFO phenomena are in Michael Coleman Talbot’s learned opinion “…the old gods appearing in new clothing…” who have in fact “…been with us throughout our written history…” (See pp.28-29 Gods of Aquarius by Brad Steiger, 1976 A.D.). (**One notable example of the conveyance of a heavenly orgalogue through automatism is a book entitled Oahspe: A Kosmon Bible in the Words of Jehovih and his Angel Embassadors by John Ballou Newbrough, 1882 A.D., a purported product of ‘automatic writing’ [also known by the pseudo-scientific name of polygraphics] allegedly dictated by a spirit during the Spiritualism Movement in America which enlightens its readers of the existence of: “…angels from above…from the colleges of Craoshivi…” [‘Craoshivi’ is therein translated as “God’s heavenly place” and as meaning another planet], a group who “…were to sojourn on the earth…as inspiring spirits and protectors…” [read: as guardian angels], with Newbrough therein surmising that “angels” from another planet have indeed “dwelt on the earth” [See Ibid Chapter IV: Book of Wars Against Jehovih v.14]. This book was commonly cited by some as an explanation for the UFO mystery during the 1950s in America, the appearance of UFOs themselves being most typically attributed in Cabalistic circles to the activities of heavenly angels. Similarly, Ufologist Jaques Vallee in Messengers of Deception p.143 attributes the writings of Hiram E. Butler as a major influence on the Paris, France-based Order of


Melchizedek UFO cult: “…the Order of Melchizedek…espouses a one world government… The Order is cabalistic in its mystical practices, the Qabalah being an ancient form of Jewish mystical cosmology, a philosophy also employed by other occult groups such as the OTO and the Freemasons.” - Saucers of the Illuminati. In the pursuit of spiritual truth, writes Hiram E. Butler in 1887 A.D. in his book Solar Biology at the height of the American Spiritualist Movement: “We have to confront numerous traditions regarding a fallen race, tempters of Adam and Eve,” who are “‘the powers and principalities of the air’ [read: the angels. See Ephesians 6:12], against which the people of this earth have to contend.” In Chapter 12 of The Goal of Life, 1908 A.D., Butler speaks of Azazel’s group of angels entrapped within the earth when he professes the existence upon our Earth of an “Eternal Brotherhood… gathered from those who are called in Genesis vi. 2 ‘the sons of God’ [read: angels],” a group which Butler attests abides here now upon our Earth) (Author’s Note: As history so attests, many ufological encounters often result in the creation of a religious cult with no small number of adherents. And many of those cult leaders [i.e., priests] in communication and/or in league with/under direct control of these demonic forces have historically been the political elites, political rulers of the nations/empires of the world or the real power behind the ruling throne. It may even be successfully argued that no great empire in the history of our world has been in fact attained without the help and guidance of the extraterrestrial beings which then overtly but now covertly oversee and aid in mankind’s own development. Indeed: “UFOlogists…believe that all past civilizations are the result of saucer visitation upon this earth…that the Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans were all built under the supervision of intelligent beings from outer space.” – p.153 Sons of God Return by Kelly L. Segraves, 1975 A.D.) Indubitably: “The UFO phenomenon is the current manifestation of what down through the ages have been presented to us as angels and demons, fairies** and leprechauns, the devil and the Virgin Mary.” - FSR: The Double Deception by Robert Perry Collins (As ufologist Jacques Vallee in his 1991 A.D. book Revelations also concedes, modern “…stories about contact with aliens…formed a striking parallel to the intercourse with angels, demons, and elves in earlier ages.”) (**The following excerpt from the Introduction to The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1691 A.D. reveals that a peculiar


kind of Spiritualism was likewise associated with the fairies, particularly those plaguing 16th Century Scotland: “A good case in point is that of Bessie Dunlop, of Dalry, in Ayrshire, tried on 8th November 1576 for witchcraft. She dealt in medicine and white magic, and obtained her prescriptions from Thomas Reid, slain at Pinkie fight (1547), who often appeared to her [after death], and tried to lead her off to Fairyland. She, like Alison Pearson, was "convict[ed of witchcraft] and burnt" (Scott's Demonology, p. 146, and Pitcairn's Criminal Trials). Both ladies knew the Fairy Queen, and Alison Pearson beheld [the deceased] Maitland of Lethington, and Buccleugh, in Fairyland [she being a true witch/UFO contactee subjected to UFO abduction and subsequently imbued with various screen memories], as is recounted in a rhymed satire on Archbishop Adamson (Dalzell's Scottish Poems, p. 321). These are excellent proofs that Fairyland was a kind of Hades, or home of the dead… persons carried off to Fairyland meet relations or friends lately deceased…” Compare the necromancy/Spiritualism aspect of the Fairyland screen-memory deception to the UFO contactee experience recorded in John 20:1-31 wherein the friends of Jesus and Jesus’ brother John meet with the recently executed Jesus following his ressurrection from death. Note Mary like Eve had a son which resembled both the higher angels, Jesus being the son of the God of the Elohim, and one that resembled the lower humans, John being the son of Joseph) The spectacular sun-mimicking con witnessed in ‘Marian Apparition’ phenomena is but an age old demonic deception. Consider the following ancient ufological account related in the late 1 st Century Biblical Antiquities of Philo and heed its warning well: “And at that time there came up a certain Aod of the priests of Midian (Ufo contactee Moses’ father-in-law Jethro was one such priest of Midian [See Exodus 2:18]), and he was a wizard (by definition one with magical power, one proficient in the occult sciences, they often themselves being true UFO contactees), and he spake unto Israel, saying: Wherefore give ye ear to your law? Come and I will shew you such a thing as your law is not. And the people said: What canst thou shew us that our law hath not? And he said to the people: Have ye ever seen the sun by night? And they said: Nay. And he said: Whensoever ye will, I will shew it unto you, that ye may know that our gods have power, and will not deceive them that serve them. And they said: Shew


us. And he departed and wrought with his magic, commanding the (fallen) angels that were set over sorceries (See Appendix A), because for a long time he did sacrifice unto them…and by these signs do they (the fallen angels)** work who minister unto men in sorceries, until the unmeasurable age shall come. And at that time Aod by art magic*** shewed unto the people the sun (in actuality a brightly lit cherub) by night.**** And the people were astonished and said: Behold, what great things can the (cherubic sun) gods of the Midianites do, and we knew it not! And God, willing to try Israel whether they were yet in iniquity, suffered the (fallen) angels, and their work had good success, and the people of Israel were deceived and began to serve the gods of the Midianites (it is in Midian of the Midianites where is located Mt. Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments along with his own quite famous UFO contactee experience from God. It is said by Jews that Moses received instruction in Kabbalah [including magic] at Sinai [See Avot 1:1]).” - The Biblical Antiquities of Philo Chapter 34 (**Azazel and the fallen angels [including Satan and his band of rebel angels] were worshipped under a variety of names and titles throughout the ancient world, they often communicating with the humans who consulted them through a variety of magical means, this including the infamous wizard Marcus, the magic practicing founder of the Marcosian Gnostic magic sect circa the 2nd century AD.: “With good reason, therefore, and very fittingly…has that divine elder and preacher of the truth burst forth in verse against thee as follows: Marcus, thou former of idols, inspector of portents, skill'd in consulting the stars, and deep in the black arts of magic, ever by tricks such as these confirming the doctrines of error, furnishing signs unto those involved by thee in deception, wonders of power that is utterly severed from God and apostate, which Satan, thy true father, enables thee still to accomplish, by means of Azazel, that fallen and yet mighty angel…’” - Irenaeus in Against Heresies Book 1.15:6. These are the so-called “angels that were set over sorceries” and such is true of all who practice magic) (*** “Magic is the art of producing supernatural effects by the agency of spirits.” – p.1 A Treatise on Magic: On the Intercourse Between Spirits and Men by Frederick Henry Quitman, Professor of Divinity, 1810 A.D.) (**** Such aerial demonstrations are not without Biblical precedence: “And Joshua said unto the people,


Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.” - Joshua 3:5. What were these “wonders” of which Joshua 3:5 speaks? The Biblical Book of Joshua is rather revealing in our efforts to understand the UFO mystery. God would demonstrate His ability to outperform the supernatural performances of pagan sun-gods during His own aerial contest with the Amorites: “Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.” - Joshua 10:12-13. While the priests often understood such displays to be carried out by the angels themselves with whom they were in communication, the people commonly believed the aerial displays carried out by the UFOs to be indicative of the power of the angelic Elohim ‘gods’ to manipulate the natural world around them, and the power thereby conferred upon the magic practicing priests who represented them. God warns us of this ruse in Deuteronomy 13:1-3: “If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign [the word sign is synonymous with the word cherub] or a wonder [the word wonder is also synonymous with the word cherub], and the sign or the wonder come to pass [including fly-bys by cherubic glory discs], whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” - Deuteronomy 13:1-3. Love of God certainly has its rewards: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life [a cherub], which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” - James 1:12 [Interesting Quote: “And the city (the New Jerusalem city-ship: “…the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven [the sky]…” - Revelation 21:2) had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory (the cherub) of God did lighten it, and the Lamb (the cherub of Jesus) is the light thereof (See also Revelation 22:3).” - Revelation 21:23]) (In


the UFO eyewitness report contained in 1Enoch chapter 18, the description of the cherubic “wheels”/glory discs which are said to combine to form a larger “throne,” a landing platform for the Majestic Glory mothership, are therein likened to the “shining sun”: “And I looked and saw…a lofty throne…the wheels [the cherubim/UFOs] thereof as the shining sun…And the Great Glory [the Majestic Glory mothership] sat thereon…”) Moses Recieves the Ten Commandments


“These words (the Ten Commandments) the LORD (God) spake unto all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness (read: from the Majestic Glory mother-ship), with a great voice: and he added no more. And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me (Moses).� - Deuteronomy 5:22


“And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire,) that ye came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;And ye said, Behold, the LORD our God hath shewed us his glory (His cherub) and his greatness (His Majestic Glory), and we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire (from the Majestic Glory): we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he liveth.� Deuteronomy 5:24

Note the disc-shaped aerial object with which God is associated


We find such a sun-god scheme evident in archaic UFO contactee cults including the Egyptian King Akhenaten’s cult of the sun-god Aten, in the cult of the Greek sun-god Helios, and in the Roman Legionnaire’s cult of the sun-god Mithras. Indeed, The Great Magical Papyrus of Paris in such a way allowed a successful ritualist to magically invoke to appearance and I quiote “the great Sun God” Azazel/Behemoth under the title of Mithras, an epithet of the Greek ‘sun-god’ Helios. This magical work speaks of the cherub Behemoth therein describing it as a sky-borne “Heavenly Wheel” similar to the prophet Ezekiel’s “whirling wheels” description of the sightings to which he was an eyewitness during his own close encounters with cherubim (See Ezekiel 10:6,13). The “Heavenly Wheel” described in The Great Magical Papyrus of Paris was similarly said to “turn” (read: revolve; spin) on its “Axis.” And much like its highly judgmental Biblical counterparts, this great “Heavenly Wheel” was said to “hurl thunder and thunderbolts, earthquakes and lightning against the race of the impious.” Yes. There was even once upon a time when UFOnaughts openly rewarded the good and rightly punished the evil! The following decorated pottery piece depicts a Greek chariot wheel to which such “Heavenly Wheels” were likened. Note the quartered-circle design of the chariot wheel, the sign of Azazel:


The ritualist who performs the Mithraic magic ritual found in G.R.S. Meade’s A Mithraic Ritual derived from Paris Magic Papyrus 574 invokes to appearance the “Disk” of the “Sun Mithras, the Great God,” the cherubic “Light-glory,” it speaking of the “the spinning (whirling) Axis of Heaven’s Circle (wheel)” and of “Ruling Gods ascending heavenwards” and of “other ones descending,” that by way of this magic ritual and “through (the subsequent appearance of) his (Mithras’) Disk...there shall be seen the Way-of-going (the vehicle) of the Gods.” The magician who authored this magic ritual identifies these god-like extraterrestrial beings as the “guardians” whose leader, upon the successful completion of the magic ritual contained therein, one might “gaze in the Air intently, and thou shalt see...a God descending, [a God] transcending vast (exceedingly large), of radiant Presence (brightly lit), with golden Locks, in flower of age, [clad] in a Robe of brightness, with Crown of gold” (his descent accompanied of course and as therein described by the usual lightnings and thunderings and earthquakes commonly associated with the appearance of a cherub). It is additionally revealed therein that through the agency of the god Mithras’ (Azazel’s) own “archangel” (Satan) the ritualist therewith “may soar to Heaven, and contemplate (study/learn) all things.” Such magic rituals invoked the angels in cherubim to appearance that thereby one might cunningly come into contact with these craft. The following Mithraicon provides a depiction of such a successful magic ritual:


Compare Mithras in Glory disc (with sunburst):

To the Roman Sun-God Sol Invictus in Glory disc (The Unconquerable Sun), to Persians known as Mithras:


And the Greek Sun-God Helios. Note the white horse sun symbolism:

The Eyptian sun-god Khepra, said to sail across the sky in his dome-shaped solar barque, appears in the following manner in Egyptian hieroglyphics. Again, note the inclusion of the disc-shaped UFO:

Khepra: Winged-Disc


Azazel’s cherub was also worshipped in various periods as the serpent-associated Egyptian sun-god Atum (in hieroglyphics depicted in the following manner. Note the domed-disc shape associated with him):

The sun-god Aten from the Egyptian Amarna Period, the socalled Lord of the Disk, is similarly represented in the following manner. Again, note the inclusion of the domed-disc shape and UFOshaped disc:


Egyptian depictions of the Aten (Oph-Aten) sun disc:


Oph-Aten = Phaeton

Compare the actions of the UFO sun-god hovering over the Egyptians above to the so-called Dance of the Sun associated with Marian Apparition phenomenon. It is not uncommon for UFOs to mimic the sun or the moon as well as stars and planets in the nighttime sky. Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXI (aka The Papyrus of Ani) provides a description of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth in the form of the Egyptian god Osiris: “…the Great One (Azazel’s cherub Behemoth) he goeth round (it spins)… Image, behold, that of gold, having the splendours of the disk of heaven (of the sun), possessing terror; thou goest round (the cherub spins).” In hieroglyphic writing, Osiris is depicted in the following manner. Note the inclusion of the eye, a common symbol for a cherub:

The Egyptian sun-god Ra in one aspect also represented a cherub. The Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate X B.D. Chap. XVII speaks of the god Ra “…who shinest forth from thy disk and risest in


thy horizon, and doth shine like gold above the sky…who givest blasts of fire from thy mouth (from the door on the front of the cherub which in its configuration appears as a mouth on the face of a man flashes forth flames of fire)…”

The Eye of Ra

In hieroglyphics, Ra is depicted in the following way (note the inclusion of the saucer-shaped discs):



Ra pictured with a variation of the Oph-Aten Sun-Disc

Most legitimate UFO sightings today may indeed be attributed to the activities of fallen angels, old gods in new clothing. UFOs in the Vedas The Vedas are a large body of Hindu religious texts made up of four main canonical Samhita known as the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda (its teachings are incorporated into the religious system known as Vedantic Buddhism). The Atharvaveda is a compilation of magic spells, incantations, mantras, charms and hymns. As noted in Art Magic: “The Vedic hymns are nearly all (magic) invocations…” - Art Magic


Buddha (Azazel) with Glory Disc: The Samsara Wheel of Life Tales of flying demons are plentiful within the pages of The Vedas. In the Vedic religion, Vritra, an Asura, was said to be a serpent/dragon. Vritra was also known as Ahi, a name meaning ‘snake’ (serpent/seraph). Vritra is a cherub. Varuna also represents a cherub and was likewise said to be an Asura. The word ‘Asura’ is Sanskrit for ‘demon.’ The Asura represent cherubim. Varuna is Satan’s cherub, Leviathan. Vritra is Azazel’s cherub Behemoth. Compare the Vedic term for a demon, Asura, to the name of the Assyrian god Ashur who is Azazel. In times past UFOs along with there humanoid occupants were known by earthlings as demons. The following is an ancient depiction of the Assyrian god Ashur, he of the winged flying-disc (a humanoid Nordic alien):

Ashur in his Disc


The Sumerian god Ashur (meaning ‘all-seeing’; note the eye imagery) is the god of the winged-disc. The animals associated with Ashur were the bull, the eagle and the lion, representing in fact “faces” such as those to be found on the cherubim as described by the prophet Ezekiel. Below is another stylized depiction of the Sumerian god Ashur, a Nordic humanoid alien, in his E-kur, a cherub:

“…in the ancient Sanskrit writings of great Indian literature, such as the Bhagavata Puran, the Mahabharata** and the Ramayana…descriptions of the Vimana (the so-called flying wheels) of ancient India appear to be almost exactly like the descriptions of the ‘flying saucers’ seen in recent years… the UFO phenomenon has been going on, not just for a few hundred years, but many thousands of years. The Vedic descriptions of the numerous types of flying craft and their humanoid occupants with their mystical and superhuman powers is echoed again and again in recent (as well as ancient) times. Even the UFO contactee stories and abduction claims are paralleled in the Sanskrit writings.” – FSR: Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern Day UFO Phenomena by Joan Wilder, 1993 A.D. (**Pertinent Quote: “The Mahabharata…contains many references to what would now be called flying saucers but in Sanskrit were termed Vimanas or Celestial Chariot.” – p.89 Operation Earth by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1969 A.D. The Vimanas, like UFOs, were said to be able to fly as well as be submerged like submarines underwater)


The Vajrachakra Spheres “…the Dzogchen Buddhist and Bon Po traditions of Tibet relate that shien extraterrestrials—immortal Bodhisattvas (enlightened-beings)— came in vajrachakra spheres—self generated star ships…” - Alien Initiations by Harald Kleemann, 2003 A.D. Buddhism is indeed a Spiritualism-based magic religion: “In China, Tibet, India and amongst the Northern Asiatic nations, Spiritism has never died out, and continues in force… Few nations of the East exhibit a greater amount of devotion to magic than the Chinese… Buddhism, the ruling faith…has inseparably blended its religious belief with faith in spiritism… The Chinese sacred books abound with directions for the invocation of spirits, and the use of talismans, spells, amulets, fumigations, and other means of inducing trance, and spiritual vision.” - Art Magic

An Artistic Rendering of a Vajrachakra Sphere

Compare Vajrachakra spheres to the Sanskrit Vimana flying wheels, the heavenly flying mandalas of the gods. True to their aeronautical nature, in some modern Hindu languages, the word ‘vimana’ translates as ‘aircraft:’


The wheel-shaped Buddhist Dharmachakras spheres of the Deva deities (Deva, from the root word div, to shine; the shining ones) are similar in construction and likewise represent the cherubim of the angels:



Chinese Jade Dragon Discs




Ancient British Dragon Disc


Celtic Dragon Disc

Iberian Dragon Disc


Note its similarities to the Ourobouros dragon disc below

Ourobouros Serpent/Dragon Disc

“This is the serpent crown of the ancient gods.” - Manly P. Hall. The words ‘serpent’ and ‘crown’ are Biblically synonymous with the word ‘cherub’

A Fatima Medallion


The Virgin Mary in Glory with Halo (and associated UFOs!)


Compare the Virgin Mary above to the Haloed Chinese Solar God below:

The Star Lord of the Solar Palace


Notice he also wears the Sun like a Crown, a Biblical symbol of a cherub

St. Joan of Arc (Traditional)


Roman Catholic St. Joan of Arc Medal

“…Catholics place great faith in their medals and medallions inscribed with the images of saints and martyrs…little different from the faith placed in ancient charms and talismans...” – p.265 The Black Art

Constantine’s Mystical Vision: In This Sign Conquer 343

See Lucii Caecilii liber ad Donatum Confessorem de Mortibus Persecutorum


In Hoc Signo Vinces

Note the angels associated with this disc as well as the ufo-shaped patterns incorporated within the design of the border of the disc itself


Native American Dream Catcher

The Dream Catcher with its iconic wheel within a wheel disc-shaped design is associated with nocturnally appearing night ‘mares’ (manes), the Old English word ‘mare’ meaning demon being another name for an incubus, by definition a devil in the shape of a man which has carnal knowledge of a woman. The angels have a long history of committing aggravated criminal sexual assault against females of the human species. As we learn from The Book of Enoch, a historical account of fallen angels, this was indeed one of the main charges leveled against the fallen angels of God. It is the occupants of UFOs of which The Book of Enoch speaks


Native American Thunderbird Discs


Ancient Spinning Disc Petroglyphs

The craft spins, much like a FrisbeeŠ in flight


Shaman Petroglyph Discs

Extraterrestrial fallen angels commonly interacted with Native American tribes though most particularly with the Shaman tribesmen who conjured them and females who caught their fancy


End part 1


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