The Demonic Theory of UFOs Part 2 Final

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The Demonic Theory of


Baptism of Christ

By John of the Gentiles 1

The Demonic Theory of UFOs By John of the Gentiles Copyright 2012-2019 by JMB Productions All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form Final Edition 6/16/19 United States of America


“An impressive parallel can be made between UFO occupants and the popular conception of demons.” - Messengers of Deception by Jacques Vallee

Table of Contents: Chapter: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Demonic Theory of UFOs 5 Aliens Among Us 17 UFOs and The Bible 38 Ancient Descriptions of UFOs 216 The Magic of UFOs 336 UFOs: Friends or Foes? 485 Conclusion 529

Appendix A: Magic


Appendix B: The Rose Cross





The Truth is Out There… 4

“A working knowledge of occult science is… indispensable to UFO investigation.” – Trevor James, FSR Vol. 8, No.1

Chapter 5: The Magic of UFOs “In Great Britain also, fantastic rumors are spreading. British scientists, some people claim, have been contacted by a mysterious source through radio and have become involved in undercover activities at the request of extraterrestrials. Some of these scientists have disappeared. Through such contacts, so the story goes, the extraterrestrials hope to control our history. For what purpose? I myself have received letters from individuals claiming to be members of secret organizations whose headquarters are, quite literally, “out of this world.” These correspondents informed me that the purpose of these groups is to prevent mankind from reaching other worlds in space. Of course, other ‘contactees’ make exactly opposite claims. The fact remains, however, that belief in nonhuman control of terrestrial destinies is as old as politics… To pursue this line further would involve reopening the entire problem of witchcraft, which is obviously beyond the purpose of this book. It is important, however, to note the continuum of beliefs, for the continuum leads directly from primitive magic, through mystical experience, the fairy-faith, and religion, to modern flying saucers. The study of witchcraft has shown these subjects to be closely interrelated…” - Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers, authored by former NASA scientist Jacques Vallee, 1969 A.D. As pertains to the aforementioned Fairy-Faith and the covert alien infiltration of human society: “…the true fairy tradition**…describes fairies as creatures very much like ourselves (who are in fact associated with “fairy circles.” Also note the inherent ability of fairies to fly)… their peculiarly sinister character derived from their close similarity to ordinary people, which made it possible for them to infiltrate human communities without being detected.” – p.59 The Flying Saucer Vision by John Michell, 1967 A.D. (** “The opinion now generally accepted is that the present idea of fairies is due to Shakespeare. Up to his time English fairies were of the same type as in those countries where his influence has been less felt. In northern Scotland, in Ireland, and in France [areas where Celtic


Revival groups such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn held sway], especially in Brittany [a former Roman province inhabited by magic-practicing Britons and Celts], the fairy [also known as a ‘fay angel’ from the Latin word Fates] is of the size of an ordinary human being and has all the characteristics of a human person… There is plenty of literary evidence in the seventeenth century to show that a fairy [a ‘fay angel’] could be mistaken for an ordinary mortal; and it was not until after the appearance of [William Shakespeare’s] A Midsummer Night’s Dream that the fairy began, in literature [most notably in children’s fairy tales], to decrease to its present diminutive proportions. Literature, especially through the theatre [a classic example being the magical fairy Tinkerbell from the story of Peter Pan], altered the popular conception of the old tradition, and the tiny elf of fancy drove out its human progenitor… These fairies*** were not the little gossamer-winged flower-elves of children’s [fairy] tales, but [human-like] creatures of flesh and blood, who inspired the utmost fear and horror among the comfortable burgher folk of the towns…” – p.22-23 The God of the Witches by Margaret Alice Murray, 1933 A.D. [*** “The same power attributed to saucer entities was once the exclusive property of fairies, witches, shamans and the like.” Revelations by Jacques Vallee, 1991 A.D.]) (Pertinent Quote: “An obvious connecting link between fairies and UFO occupants is their common habit of abducting people—removing them from Earth and after a lapse of time, bringing them back again. The striking effect in each case is that those who undergo the experience are somehow changed by it, becoming more sensitive or spiritually minded and sometimes developing the psychic qualities of a shaman or spirit medium.” – The Rough Guide to Unexplained Phenomena by John Michell and Bob Rickard, 2007 A.D.) A working knowledge of the history of magic and the various connected occult sciences is indeed indispensable to successfully understanding the UFO phenomenon: “There has recently arisen a growing suspicion that the techniques of the parapsychology phenomenon bear strong resemblance to those of the UFO phenomenon itself. It is this position which has motivated a strong body of opinion to campaign for the widening of the terms of reference of UFO investigation to include such objects as [the] occult, religion, parapsychology, spiritualism, folklore and demonology.” – Jonathan M. Caplan, FSR Vol. 20, No. 3


The UFO phenomenon is indeed represented in the myths and legends associated with occultism, magic and witchcraft, just as ufology has long been an object of occult study in its earlier form of demonology. As revealed in the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) magic group’s magic journal Khabs: “…the central concern of magic is communion with…extraterrestrial intelligences.” The so-called “extraterrestrial intelligences” with whom they seek to communicate are the alien rebel angels also known by the archaic designation ‘demons’ under which name they were known to ancient Greeks,** demonology being devoted to the study of these aerial angelic beings who are at this time residing upon our Earth in open rebellion against God. Magic systems invoke the fallen angels and seek to communicate with them. And do. is one such modern-day: “Kabal inspired…(web)site dedicated to UFO magic” and the traditional magical conjuration of UFOs. Adherents of magic systems even work in conjunction with the fallen angels and often profit handsomely thereby—mind reading aliens are privy to much inside information. As one UFO ‘contactee,’ a former Air Force pilot, relates: “At this point whether I like it or not, we are at a level of ‘thought transfer.’ There’s only one hitch—your mind is an open book to them” (See FSR: The Contact Enigma: The Flying Saucer Missionaries by Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour. As 1950s UFO contactee Orfeo Angelucci similarly explains in The Secrets of the Saucers [1955 A.D.], the UFOnaughts “…knew my every thought, dream and cherished hope! …all my thoughts were known to them…”). (**Pertinent Quote: “TIMOTHY.—…a perplexity of long standing respecting demons distresses me; among other things, I should like to know whether they are manifestly seen by the demoniacal wretches [by practitioners of the magical arts]. THRACIAN.—Not a doubt of it, my friend, for this they all strive, might and main; their assemblage and sacrifice, and [magic] rites, and every horrible practice of theirs, are held for this purpose, to bring about a [demonic] manifestation [read: to bring about a UFO contactee experience].” – p.26 Psellus’ Dialogue on the Operation of Dæmons by Michael Psellus, 1050 A.D.) The UFOnaughts are but demons in sheep’s clothing. In the words of one occult survivor:


“I think the twentieth century marked a change in the modus operandi of the secret societies as science (originally the realm of magic) began to have greater power… They began a movement from demons to space aliens.” - Mauri, anonymous Satanic cult survivor, 2004 A.D. (Pertinent Quote: “…there are beings in this universe beside ourselves, beings which the ancients sometimes called angels, and who are now being called "space men." …” – Publisher’s Forword to In Days To Come p.9 authored by the extraterrestrial being Ashtar through the mediumship of UFO channeler Ethel P. Hill, 1957 A.D.) Concerning this marked changeover, as we learn from The Stargate Conspiracy p.271: “…in the years immediately after the Second World War (at the time of the 1947 A.D. Kenneth Arnold UFO sightings)…there was a new emphasis in the philosophy of the (magic/Freemasonic) orders. It began to be associated with extraterrestrials, rather than ‘traditional’ occult entities such as angels, demons or spirit guides.** The major figure in this development was (OTO-member) Charles Stansfeld Jones…(British ceremonial magician Aleister) Crowley’s leading disciple.” (**Demons are fallen angels and the terms ‘spirit guides’ and ‘guardian angels’ are virtually synonymous. To be sure: “Occult contacts with ‘spirit guides’ and angelic beings bear a striking resemblance to the messages and manifestations of UFOnaughts.” – p.261 UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? by William R. Goetz, 1997 A.D.). Central in this changeover from demons to extraterrestrials were the UFO channelings of University of California professor/OTOmember Meade Layne, a friend of Aleister Crowley’s former secretary Israel Regardie. For a record of Meade Layne’s OTO magic orders’ UFO channelings which began in 1946 A.D., a full year prior to the UFO sightings reported by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 A.D., see The Coming of the Guardians by Meade Layne, 1954 A.D., a written record of Layne’s own UFO channelings. OTO-member Aleister Crowley’s magic disciple, UFO contactee Jack Parsons (who is sure to have known Meade Layne), had originally belonged to Charles Stansfeld Jones’ OTO magic order before later being granted a charter by Aleister Crowley to launch his very own OTO magic lodge. Jack Parsons was one of the very first Americans to report a UFO sighting in the 1947


A.D. UFO flap era, the end result of his apparently successful magic invocations. Prior to the UFO channelings of OTO-member Meade Layne, Aleister Crowley, a British secret agent who worked with the OSS during WWII (See Secret Agent 666) who was head of the OTO magic order himself is purported to have previously established magical contact with extraterrestrial beings one of which had allegedly identified himself as Lam back in 1918 A.D. during Aleister Crowley’s ‘Amalantrah Working’ magic ritual. Prior to this event, it was during Crowley’s Abuldiz Working magic ritual performed in 1911 A.D. that Crowley is said to have established contact with ‘Abuldiz,’ an extraterrestrial intelligence with whom ceremonial magician Dr. John Dee had claimed to have been in contact [See p.95 Outside the Circles of Time]. It was however, the Swiss professor of psychology at the University of Geneva, Theodore Flournoy [it was Flournoy’s own cousin, Spiritualist medium Héléne Preiswerk who was the subject of Swiss psychologist/OSS agent/Spiritualist/Theosophical Society member/Ufologist Carl Jung’s own doctoral dissertation submitted in 1902 A.D. (See Jung: A Very Short Introduction)] who in the Preface to his book Spiritism and Psychology [1911 A.D.] therein employs the term “extra-terrestrial intelligences” synonymously with the word spirits in reference to the entities encountered by Spiritualist mediums during Spiritualist séances [a particularly accurate portrayal as some ‘spirits’ encountered during Spiritualist séances claimed to be from other planets** including the planets Venus and Mars (an account of Spiritualist medium/UFO channeler Héléne Preiswerk’s channeling of extraterrestrial intelligences claiming to be residents of the planet Mars [including instances of spirit/ufo possession] beginning in 1894 A.D. may be found in Flournoy’s psychical research book From India to the Planet Mars, 1900 A.D.) while other such spirits were themselves deemed to be from an otherworldly Fourth Dimension (thus giving birth to the Interdimensional Theory of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligences. In this author’s opinion these deceptive beings are one and the very same. Indeed: “…[the Roman philosopher] Porphyry [234-305 A.D.] says, as quoted by Augustine (De Civ. Dei x, 11): ‘There is a class of demons [the fallen angels] of crafty nature, pretending that they are gods [gods said to have come to the Earth from the heavens mind you, the ancient word god (El) being quite synonymous with our word extraterrestrial] and the souls [spirits] of the dead.’” - Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas. As concerning modern Spiritualism practices, it was theologist Dr. Robert Brown’s


expert opinion after many years of careful study that “…demons… personate the deceased relatives and friends of those who consult them…” – p.289 Demonology and Witchcraft by Robert Brown, 1889 A.D. Indeed. There is nothing new under the sun. As occult historian Lewis Spence explains: “Though the (Spiritualist) movement in its present form dates no further back than 1848, it is possible to trace its ancestry to witchcraft, demoniac possession, poltergeist disturbances, and animal magnetism [animal magnetism was derived from the teachings of the ceremonial magician/physician Paracelsus. At any rate: “Magic…to use a modern term, is the science of magnetism…” - The Book of Splendours by Eliphas Levi]. In these all the phenomenon of spiritualism may be found, though the disturbing influences were not in the earlier instances identified with the spirits of the deceased… In such cases the symptoms were generally referred either to angelic or diabolic possession…” – p.380 An Encylopaedia of Occultism, 1920 A.D. Today we refer to this as UFO possession. The Bible itself teaches that humans are incapable of communicating with other humans after death. See Ecclesiastes 9:5-6,10)]. That the word ‘spirit’ may be used synonymously with that of the word ‘angel’ is evident in Hebrews 1:7, and the word ‘angel’ itself is in fact a cognate of the word ‘alien.’ Spiritualist mediums conversing with extra-terrestrial intelligences linked to UFO phenomena are generally referred to as UFO channelers. Spiritualism and the UFO channeling phenomenon are inextricably interlinked, each being but another name for the other. The fact that demons were now masquerading as space aliens was also noted in [the OTO-associated] Flying Saucer Review [FSR] magazine in 1955 A.D. coming on the heels of the release of OTO-member Meade Layne’s The Coming of the Guardians in 1954 A.D. and corresponding with the founding of Anton LaVey’s OTO-associated Order of the Trapezoid in 1955 A.D.: “Flying Saucers are becoming the centre of a new mystique… The significant thing is a development of a strong…link between Flying Saucers and Occultism [Pertinent Quote: “An interesting and instructive fact has drawn my attention as I have researched the UFO/demonization connection. It is the fact that most, if not all, of the recorded cases of abductions are of people who have had previous occult involvement… Their previous occult connections included talking with spirits…” – p.185 UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? by Pastor William R. Goetz, 1997 A.D.].… Since 1947, when reported observations of Flying Saucers began to come in from all parts of the world in ever-increasing numbers, there has been a new movement in spiritualist and occult circles. Whereas the spiritual guides and contacts of mediums were once the ‘passed over souls’ of great people, now


they tend to be pilots of Flying Saucers. And, instead of telling us about their ‘etheric’ experiences on higher spiritual planes, clairvoyants now tell us about adventures on Venus and Mars; and give us forecasts of massed landings by Flying Saucers whose occupants will bring a purer, higher existence to this earth.” – FSR: Occultism and Flying Saucers by Desmond Judge, 1955 A.D. One particular OTO-member named Allen H. Greenfield [editor of an annotated version of OTO lodgeleader Charles Stansfeld Jones’ book Liber Thirty-One], an awardwinning NICAP Ufologist/SPR-member/Spiritualist/ordained bishop of the Gnostic Catholic Church, the religious arm of the OTO, links UFO phenomena to magical practices [Qabalism in particular] in his 1994 A.D. book Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts. Note this NICAP-OTO link as NICAP is basically an OTO offshoot. Not surprisingly, NICAP also has CIA associations as well. The first CIA director, Roscoe Hillenkoeter, would play a leading role in NICAP by accepting a job with this organization following his retirement from the Navy in 1957 A.D. The OTO = British/American Intelligence) (**As UFOlogist John A. Keel explains: “Denizens of other planets frequently materialized at sѐances during the spiritualism craze of the 1800’s and the 1920’s.” The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel) (Another variation on the Interdimensional Theory was that: “UFOs…may be objects which enter our three-dimensional space coming from a fourth dimension.” – FSR: UFOs and the Fourth Dimension by Luis Schoenherr. And as the Fourth Dimension was, according to prevailing scientific beliefs, generally thought to be Time, by some, UFOs were envisioned as ‘time machines’: “…the fourth dimension is considered to be formally identical with time… the UFOs may therefore be what H.G. Wells would have called time machines.” - FSR: UFOs and the Fourth Dimension by Luis Schoenherr. As such, a cherub is known as the Wheel of Time. In the words of the U.S. government sponsored psychical researcher/Ufologist Dr. Andrija Puharich: “My basic assumption is that what is called spacecraft is indeed a time machine that can transform from one dimension to another… spacecraft and extraterrestrials are…entering our dimensionality from another dimension…” – p.148-149 Gods of Aquarius by Brad Steiger, 1976 A.D. This is known as the Interdimensional Theory of UFOs. According to the Interdimensional Theory, UFOs are three-dimensional nuts-and-bolts objects utilizing the fourth dimension, time, for space travel: “Space travelers are indeed coming from outer space but they use the fourth dimension for their voyages.” - FSR: UFOs and the Fourth Dimension by Luis Schoenherr, 1963 A.D.) (Pertinent Quotes: “The UFO phenomenon is…a manifestation of Satan, and in the same


category as Spiritism and the occult… there are close similarities between the messages of the ‘spacemen’ and those from the mediums associated with Spiritism… ‘Talking to spacemen’ is in the same category as ‘communing with spirits.’ Both are of the devil and should be totally avoided.” – pp.14,44 UFOs: Satanic Terror by Basil Tyson, 1977 A.D. And again: “It is common knowledge among some Christian missionaries and veteran ufologists that in certain areas where the occult has a strong foothold, where ancient pagan sites are located, or where ritualistic [magic] ceremonies are performed, UFO and other paranormal manifestations are frequently reported. Eileen Buckle, a British ufologist, said that ‘It is probably no coincidence that in Brazil, where UFO reports [including UFO-related ‘Marian Apparition phenomena’] have been numerous, spiritualism has a strong footing.’ Well-known theologian Kurt [E.] Koch has said [in his book Occult ABC, 1978 A.D.], ‘The explanation that these UFO beings are to be thought of as materialized demons has the most justification. The mass evidence of this is overwhelming…” – p.237 Unmasking the Enemy: Visions and Deception in the End Times by Nelson S. Pacheco and Tommy R. Blann, 1994 A.D.) As ufologist John A. Keel explains concerning the history of the Flying Saucer Movement: “Flying saucer mythology took hold in a big way in the 1950s, wrapped in gaudy pulp covers and flashed on movie screens. Jack Parsons, the CalTech rocket pioneer and high priest of the OTO’s Agape Lodge in Pasadena (Pasadena, CA was a haven for retired Eastern millionaires; the OTO had also thrived on the East Coast in New York City, where Aleister Crowley first settled in Greenwich Village upon his arrival to America [Crowley also residing for a time there in Pasadena as well], and also in Chicago, Illinois from whence Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey’s family hails)—and one of the first Americans (in the late 1940s) to report a UFO sighting—was addicted to science fiction (Jack Parsons was through his magical workings in communication with an extra-terrestrial “Intelligence” which he claimed communicated with him directly—it even providing him with workable “instructions” for which he was obliged to follow. See Jack Parsons’ The Magickal Revival p.167). He regularly attended meetings of the L.A. Fantasy and Science Fiction Society** (established in 1934 A.D., many of its members resided in Jack Parsons’ Pasadena mansion. Sci-fi writer Ray Bradbury joined in 1937 A.D. Ray Bradbury has served as a member of the Advisory Council of The Planetary Society devoted in part to the


search for extraterrestrial life/alien civilizations. Ray Bradbury, a known guest in Jack Parsons’ special home was an associate of Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey’s own good friend, horror film afficionado Forrest J Ackerman. Another one of Church of Satanfounder Anton LaVey’s NASA associated friends, NASA scientist Jacques Vallee [an associate of NASA employee Frank Malina and of his NASA Jet Propulsions Laboratory business partner, OTO lodge leader Jack Parsons (See p.193 Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons, 1999 A.D.)], was at the forefront of Ufological investigations in America. It is crucial to note ufologist Jacques Vallee [a colleague of U.S. government ufological investigator/CIA scientist Dr. J. Allen Hynek] was himself a member of the Church of Satan as Anton LaVey’s own personal secretary, U.S. Army Intelligence officer/NSA*** officer/Church of Satan-member Michael A. Aquino points out in his history of the church entitled The Church of Satan, Fifth Edition, p.210. These Intelligence connections identify the Church of Satan as being a secret U.S. government funded/CIA created entity [***As revealed by Navy Intelligence officer William Cooper, the NSA itself was originally tasked at its founding with establishing contact between our U.S. government and the extraterrestrials piloting these craft: “President Truman created the supersecret National Security Agency (NSA) by secret Executive order on November 4, 1952. Its primary purpose was to…establish a dialogue with the extraterrestrials.” - A Covenant With Death by William Cooper]. Note well this direct connection between the OTO magic group, the Church of Satan, the NSA, NASA and official top secret U.S. government Ufological investigations), where in 1945 the black (magic) adept (Jack Parsons, an employee at NASA’s JPL)...met Lt. Commander L. Ron Hubbard (a known U.S. Navy Intelligence officer), who made "alien" visitations an integral part of a religious doctrine he called Scientology (the Church of Scientology being by definition a UFO religion).” - The OTO and the CIA: Ordis Templis Intelligentis by Alex Constantine (Pertinant Quote: “I have listened to a general who headed up an agency of the U.S. Air Force and who told me about his own contact [with aliens]. I have had dinner with an ex-CIA pilot who assured me the aliens were actually here, alive and in large numbers, working secretly with our scientists. And another man, a former Naval Intelligence officer, assured me he had once been assigned the mission to brief three admirals on the nature of the secret treaty that linked the U.S. government to these aliens, who lived inside our most secret military bases.” – Introduction to Revelations by Jacques Vallee, 1991 A.D.) (** The OTO = British/American Intelligence. A number of the


OTO-associated science fiction writers involved with the L.A. Fantasy and Science Fiction Society*** [they undoubtedly being initiated OTO members themselves] would go on to become members of Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey’s Order of the Trapezoid magic order established in 1955 A.D. which overlaps/corresponds with LaVey’s attendance at the Sampson De Brier magic salon [it appears Anton LaVey’s OTO-associated Order of the Trapezoid magic order, and, immediately prior to his death, Jack Parsons himself, constituted the core of the Sampson De Brier OTO magic group. For detailed information concerning the famous Hollywood connections to the Sampson De Brier magic group see The False Prophet Azazel]. Members of this mystical Order of the Trapezoid [also known as The Magic Circle] would thereafter serve as the governing body of Anton LaVey’s later creation, the Church of Satan established in 1966 A.D. [See The Church of Satan: A Brief History by Blanche Barton, 2003 A.D. As we additionally learn from The Secret Life of a Satanist : The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey, a number of these sciencefiction writers had previously been members of Charles Fort’s Fortean Society in New York, which later grew to include a San Francisco chapter, several members of which would later partially constitute Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey’s Magic Circle. The first president of the Fortean Society in New York, Theodore Dreiser, a personal friend of Charles Fort, was also a friend of John Cowper Powys who was himself a friend of OTO-head Aleister Crowley’s friends Isadora Duncan and OTO-member Louis T. Wilkinson, Wilkinson being an associate of both Theosophical Society-member Oscar Wilde [Wilde’s wife Constance had been a member along with Aleister Crowley of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order] and Aleister Crowley’s friend Frank Harris. Included amongst the membership rolls of the Fortean Society in New York was Hollywood Hellfire Club-member Ben Hecht [who played a key role in the founding of of the modern state of Israel, a pasttime he had in common with Israeli gun-runner/Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey as LaVey so boasts in his autobiography], Oliver Wendall Holmes, Booth Tarkington and Allexander Wolcott along with a number of wellknown science-fiction writers forming the L.A. Fantasy and Science Fiction Society who were themselves associates of Jack Parsons, then serving as head of Aleister Crowley’s OTO magic lodge [by way of explanation, the OTO is a Templar group tasked with the reinstitution of Temple services on the Temple Mount. At time of his suspicious death, Jack Parsons was in the process of moving to Israel as a newlyminted employee of the Israeli Institute of Technology, aka the


Technion Society of which Jewish CalTech scientist Albert Einstein was likewise a member. The Technion Society was a pre-Israel Jewish Intelligence front organization]. Also included within this magical little grouping was sci-fi author/actor Tiffany Thayer whose bestselling novel Thirteen Women [1930 A.D.] would be made into an RKO film by the same name in 1932 A.D. Ben Hecht and Tiffany Thayer were in fact the original founders of the Fortean Society (See THE JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE Spring 1975. Volume 8, Issue 4: The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel). So we find the Fortean Society itself connects to the Theosophical Society, its inner circle Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order, the OTO and the Church of Satan as well, facts one should think seriously serves to bolster the Demonic Theory of UFOs as: “UFOs appear most frequently in countries where the cult of Satan flourishes. UFOs and occult practices run parallel. It is clear they have the same origin.” – p.237 Unmasking the Enemy: Visions and Deception in the End Times by Nelson S. Pacheco and Tommy R. Blann, 1994 A.D. A number of these well known occultists have claimed to have been in direct communication with extraterrestrial intelligences) (*** “Science fiction, fantasy, horror and erotica frequently have occult aspects.” – p.197 UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? by William R. Goetz, 1997 A.D.) The demons and space aliens are one and the very same. The demonic fallen angels, hailing from another planet identified in The Bible as the New Earth are by definition aliens and extraterrestrial beings which would explain why: “Apparently one evening in 1949 (during the early years of the modern UFO era following Project 1947’s official findings released in 1949 A.D. that: “Since flying saucers first hit the headlines almost two years ago there has been wide speculation that the aerial phenomena might actually be some form of penetration of the earth from another planet…” – Project 1947 Project "Saucer" memorandum to the Press, April 27, 1949 A.D.), Kenneth Grant (the Aleister Crowley-initiated head of the magical order known as the Typhonian OTO) and his wife, (along with British government official Gerald B.) Gardner (English hereditary witch and Father of the Gardnerian Wicca witchcraft religion), Dolores North (Madeline Montalban) (Dolores North, an English ceremonial magician, was the founder of the Order of the Morning Star [aka Stella Matutina] magic order, an off-shoot of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order of which British spy Aleister Crowley had been a member), and an unnamed Witch


(probably Olive Green)(Olive Green was a witch in Gerald B. Gardner’s New Forest witches coven) met to perform a (magic) ritual together, supposedly to contact an extraterrestrial being (no doubt the extraterrestrials with whom they sought contact were the demonic fallen angels who hailed from the New Earth). The material basis for the rite was a drawing by AO Spare. ” - History of Wicca in England: 1939 to the Present Day by Julia Phillips, 2004 A.D. Edition (The London-born World War I British army war artist Austin Osman Spare [1886 – 1956 A.D.] was a practicing ceremonial magician [as an official WWI British army war artist, AO Spare was an employee of the Foreign Office of the British Intelligence services], author of such books as A Book of Satyrs [1907 A.D.] and Anathema of Zos [1927 A.D.]; Zos was Spare’s magical name. One of Spare’s favorite spells invoked ‘Rehctaw’ which is simply the word ‘Watcher’ spelled backwards, the Elohim angels themselves being commonly known as ‘Watchers’ (See Daniel 4:17)]. To magic-practicing artists, their artworks are magic charms/talismans/sigils, and Surrealism itself as an art genre owes its existence to the occult practice of automatism: “Surrealism as an art form borrows from the automatic-writing techniques of the Spiritualist mediums [automatic-drawing and automatic-painting, if you will] and is formally known as Surrealist automatism whereby a spirit is said to produce a drawing by working through a Spiritualist medium. In this case the artist himself is the Spiritualist medium — Surrealist imagery is largely garnered from elements of witchcraft, the Tarot, alchemy, Tantra, Shamanism, Gnosticism, Vodoun and a plethora of other such mystical occult elements [For more information see Surrealism and the Occult: Shamanism, Magic, Alchemy, and the Birth of an Artistic Movement by Nadia Choucha]. – The False Prophet Azazel). (UFOs form the heart of the occult magic witchcraft experience. British witch/author Nigel Jackson writes circa 1996 A.D. in Masks of Misrule p.42 that certain aspects of known historical encounters associated with the Horned God of the witches “…exhibit certain features in common with so-called ‘alien abductions’ in our own day…” In fact: “…a definite correlation emerges between the UFO/Alien phenomenon and occultic/satanic activity… Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists (now Christians) indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien types, especially during coven meetings and holiday rituals.” - Demons in Alien's Clothing by Ron Patton. UFO researcher Janet Gregory in her exposé FSR: Similarities in UFO and Demon Lore demonstrates that there are notable parallels between “present-day UFO manifestations” and those of previously observed “phenomenon…once


thought to be the result of witchcraft” as described in 16 th Century witch hunter Nicholas Remy’s book Demonolatry published in 1595 A.D. She ominously therein concludes: “…whatever was visiting us several hundred years ago is still visiting us today…” Ufological phenomena was commonly associated with witchcraft. Of witches in the 15th Century A.D. it was said “certain women…in the silence of the night, have been raised into the clouds and…ride forth at night, in company with devils…” - p.49 The Attitude of the Catholic Church Towards Witchcraft and the Allied Practices of Sorcery and Magic by Sister Antoinette Marie Pratt, 1915 A.D. Such supernatural forms of “transportation” have always been attributed to the practice of witchcraft: “…certain wicked women…misled by the wiles and tricks of the devil, believe and declare that in the nocturnal hours, with Diana, the goddess of the heathen, or with Herodias [aka Aradia, daughter of Diana and Lucifer] and in company with innumerable other women, riding on certain animals…in the midnight stillness traverse many lands…” – Ibid p.40) Writing concerning and I quote “the UFO phenomena” currently being observed and the beings to be found therein, OTO occultist Kenneth Grant explains in Outside the Circles of Time: “…a mounting mass of evidence seems to suggest that mysterious entities have been located within the earth’s ambience for countless centuries…” Concerning the occult UFO channeler/OTO ceremonial magician Kenneth Grant: “Kenneth Grant (1924-2011 A.D.) is (read: was) a British occultist and head of the magical order previously known as the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis (an OTO magic order) but which is now referred to as the Typhonian Order… (During WWII) He (as a member of the British army) met and began personal tutelage in magick under Aleister Crowley in 1944, at the age of twenty (at which time British spy Aleister Crowley was known to be reporting to the OSS [See Secret Agent 666]. It is thus likely Grant was a member of the OSS as well). Crowley was sixty-nine… Grant was a great admirer and close friend of Austin Osman Spare (a member of the British Foreign Office Intelligence service). Spare himself had been an initiate of British spy Aleister Crowley’s Argentinum Astrum magic order circa 1910 A.D. [“Crowley’s…Argenteum Astrum, or A.:A.: (‘Silver Star’)…was the Third Order of the the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Only the


highest initiates were admitted, and they were believed to be in direct contact with the Secret Chiefs (the “Secret Chiefs” being the extraterrestrial fallen angels).” – The Stargate Conspiracy. As OTOmember Robert Shell reveals as related in Revelation: The Divine Fire: “Kenneth Grant, the British head of the Ordo Templi Orientis [OTO] and also a friend of mine, has speculated that these beings referred to as ‘those on high’ [occupants of UFOs] are the same beings that Aleister Crowley referred to as the Secret Chiefs...”]. A.O. Spare also had associations with the Society of Psychical Research [the SPR**], a well known Spiritualist psychical research organization highlighting the connection between Spiritualism and UFO contacteeism). Together they (Austin Osman Spare and Kenneth Grant) founded the Zos Kia Cultus in 1952.” – Wikipedia: Kenneth Grant (**UFO research was a subject of SPR psychical research study [SPR-member/OSS spy/Ufologist Carl Jung being a classic case in point] and UFO manifestations are in fact intricately interconnected with parapsychological phenomena: “A point which modern [UFO] researchers either miss or are entirely ignorant of is that these earlier investigators [read: psychical researchers****] were completely aware that the [extraterrestrial] Intelligences that they were contacting were the ‘Gods…Daemons and Elementals, Shades and Devils’ which were said to have inhabited our terrestrial environment from the beginning of time and who had, during certain epochs, entertained personal relationships with, and interfered in the lives of, the comparatively newly evolved ‘human race’ … Evidence of all this, and much more, is to be found in the ancient writings and in memorials handed down, somewhat naively it is true, in the form of mythology, folk-lore and legend in every corner of the globe.” – FSR: UFO Entities: Occult and Physical by E.A.I. Mackay, Chairman of the British UFO Research Organization [BUFORA], 1973 A.D. (Author’s Note: Associated with the SPR was the London-based Ghost Club all early members of which are now known to have been agents of British Intelligence, this organization serving as an Intelligence front operation. The interests of the Ghost Club like those of the SPR have likewise expanded to include UFO studies. The Ghost Club you will find offers a long historic link between many otherwise seemingly connection-less [Intelligence] linked individuals and organizations pertinent to the UFO story)


At the forefront of psychical research (and Intelligence) in America was the American branch of the Society for Psychical Research (generally referred to as the ASPR though no distinction was ever made by members between its American and British branches) founded for the empirical study of Spiritualist phenomena headed by Harvard University psychology professor William James, a prominent member of the Theosophical Society whose good friend, French philosopher Henri Bergson (who was himself of the belief that: “It is… probable that life goes on on other planets, in other solar systems…” – Creative Evolution by Henri Bergson 1911 A.D.), was the father-in-law of ceremonial magician S.L. Macgregor Mathers, the Grand Master of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order of which British spy/ceremonial magician/Rosicrucian/33° Freemason Aleister Crowley was a member. Aleister Crowley would himself serve as head of the OTO** magic order from which many modern day ‘UFO channeling’ practices are derived thusly highlighting the connection between magic and UFOs [**American branches of which were headed up by Charles Stansfeld Jones and JPL rocket scientist Jack Parsons. Both Jack Parsons and Anton LaVey were known to have attended Hollywood actor/occultist Samson De Brier’s magic salon in Los Angeles, CA, De Brier being a quite common link between these individuals and their related magical organizations. It is likely Samson De Brier’s magic salon was also an OTO entity. Another Samson De Brier magic salon attendee, Kenneth Anger, was both a known Church of Satan member and a known OTO member as well highlighting the connection between the U.S. CIA/British Intelligence-associated OTO and the U.S. Army Intelligence-associated Church of Satan. For detailed information see The False Prophet Azazel by John of the Gentiles]. UFO channeling is a direct outgrowth of the Spiritualism Movement in America and Europe of which the Theosophical Society, which itself had introduced


mystical Buddhist Spiritualist practices of the East to the West, was front and center. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is the magic-practicing inner-circle of the Theosophical Society itself. As Crowley-initiate Kenneth Grant in The Magickal Revival reveals: “The (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn was the Inner Mystery School of the Order that formulated itself in the outer world as the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky’s intention in initiating her society was the destruction of Christianity…” Of course the Spiritualist medium H.P. Blavatsky was definitely herself demon inspired in this endeavor. Such demons have long been at odds with the Christian church originally instituted by God. As OTO co-founder Franz Hartmann explains in Magic, White and Black: “‘Mediums’ [Spiritualist mediums such as H.P. Blavatsky] through which such unseen powers act” will so often become “their unwilling slaves.” This is commonly known as spirit/demon possession and is also apparent in known UFO contactee cases. It is for this very reason that God often mandated the deaths of practitioners of magic. For more information see CE-VI Close Encounters of the Possession Kind: Interference from the Extraterrestrials Among Us by William J. Baldwin, Foreword by Dr. Edith Fiore, PhD which explains: “The possibility of spirit possession, that is, full or partial takeover of a living human [a technology no doubt of interest to the military and the CIA]…has been recognized, or at least theorized, in every time and in nearly every culture… People around the world have described these possessing entities as gods, demons, deities, ancestors, spirit guides, healing spirits of some sort, great teachers, and, more recently, as travelers and teachers from other star systems such as the Pleiades, Arcturus, Orion, Andromeda, Lyra, Vega, or Sirius. Spirit possession is an ancient yet enduring concept… They can affect humans in a dreadful variety of ways.” Do not fall prey to such demonic deceptions) (****The title ‘psychical researcher’ is essentially a euphemism for a practitioner of magic as is noted by Spiritualist author Sir Conan Doyle [yes, that Sir Conan Doyle] in his book The History of Spiritualism Vol II Ch IV. The empirical study of Spiritualism itself was formally known as ‘Transcendental Physics’ named after SPR-member Johann Friedrich Zollner’s book concerning his own psychical research into Spiritualist phenomena entitled Transcendental Physics, 1878 A.D.) (Pertinent Quote: “Just what are these spirits and how do these spiritualist phenomena occur? I cannot emphasize too strongly they are part of Satan’s strategy to deceive Christians and to enslave those who do not know God.” - I Talked to Spirits by former Spiritualist Victor H. Ernest, 1970 A.D.)


The possibility of extraterrestrial contact is no new phenomenon as the reader shall later discover, but long held occult teachings handed down through secret societies with which the angels were in contact throughout the many millennia. As influential Christian Cabalist Emanuel Swedenborg had noted back in the 1700s: “There are two worlds; a spiritual world where spirits and angels are; and a natural world where men are.” - Canons Chapter IV.2 by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1769 A.D. This he had learned through his own communications with these extra-terrestrial beings. Swedenborgian Spiritualism was born of Cabalism. The aforementioned magical working seeking contact with extraterrestrials of which Julia Philips has written is detailed in OTO member Kenneth Grant’s book entitled Nightside of Eden, 1977 A.D. pp.122-124. Kenneth Grant says they were attempting to contact “certain extraterrestrial intelligences” with which he was at that time by his own admission “in almost constant rapport.” Kenneth Grant, by definition a UFO contactee, relates that Austin Osmand Spare was also in contact with extraterrestrial intelligences at this very same time during the late 1940s as well. Of an interesting note, on p.48 of Nightside of Eden, Kenneth Grant identifies the non-human entities with whom Ceremonial Magician Dr. John Dee with the aid of his Spiritualist medium Edward Kelly had established contact during the late 16th and early 17th Centuries as “extraterrestrial entities.” At least Grant recognizes the angels for what they truly are, alien beings from another planet now residing on ours—they are no mere figments of superstitious imaginations as many would have you believe. Indeed, as pointed out by the head of the Typhonian OTO magic order/Crowley-disciple Kenneth Grant himself: “(Arthur) Machen, (Algernon) Blackwood, (Aleister) Crowley, (H.P.) Lovecraft, (Dion) Fortune, and others, frequently used as a theme for their writings the influx of extra-terrestrial powers which have been moulding the history of our planet since time began; that is, since time began for us, for we are only too prone to suppose that we were here


first and that we alone are here now, whereas the most ancient occult traditions affirm that we were neither the first nor are we the only ones to people the earth; the Great Old Ones (extraterrestrial gods said to once rule the Earth as set forth in the H.P. Lovecraft Cthulu Mythos) and the Elder Gods (a group of humanoid extraterrestrials in the postLovecraft Cthulu Mythos tradition said to have been worshipped as gods by nearly every ancient civilization) find echoes in the myths and legends of all peoples. Austin Spare claimed to have had direct experience of the existence of extra-terrestrial intelligences… As explained in Images and Oracles of Austin Osman Spare, Spare was initiated into the vital current of ancient and creative sorcery** by an aged woman named Paterson, who claimed decent from a line of Salem witches. The formation of Spare’s Cult of the Zos and the Kia owes much to his contact with Witch Paterson who provides the model for many of his ‘sabbatic’ drawings and paintings.” - The Sorceries of Zos by Austin O. Spare taken from Cults of the Shadow, 1995 A.D. by Kenneth Grant) (**Pertinent Quote: “Sorcery…consists of corresponding with…spirits…” - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott, 1830 A.D.) As Kenneth Grant himself had straightforwardly explained in Nightside of Eden circa 1977 A.D.: “…extra-terrestrial demons…have swarmed in myth and legend in the guise of…gnomes, elves and fairies etc., of the elemental kingdoms… amenable to (magic) invocation and—though more rarely—evocation. Austin Osman Spare, for instance, evolved a system of magical sigils for controlling these monstrous atavisms… All initiated systems of ritual (magic) are methods of establishing contact with beings of the ‘other side.’ Whether these are considered to be extra-terrestrials from outer space, or subjective denizens of inner space, makes little difference to the practical occultist.” - p.88 Nightside of Eden Grant speaks of course of the ongoing debate between various Ufologists concerning whether UFOs originated from an otherdimensional inner space (a view known variously as the ‘Ultraterrestrial Theory,’ the ‘Interdimensional Theory’ and the ‘Extradimensional Hypothesis’) or from an extraterrestrial outer space


(as proffered by the ‘Extraterrestrial Hypothesis’). Obviously enough, Kenneth Grant and other members of the OTO who had in fact established contact with these beings themselves subscribe to the ‘Demonic Theory’ of UFOs. As Kenneth Grant explains in Outside the Circles of Time p.140, mantra chanting was “…one method of invoking UFOs from the shadows of space…” employed by practitioners of magic such as he himself (Some Beatniks beginning in the 1950s and hippies during the 1960s and 70s also magically invoked UFOs while high on LSD. Case in point: San Francisco occultist E.E. Rehmus. E.E. Rehmus, founder of The Academy of M/magic(k)al Arts in San Francisco, CA was an LSD magician in a completely modern sense, a key if little known figure in the Beatnik 1950s and Underground 1960s hippie countercultural revolution in San Francisco, California, a black magic occultist who like Aleister Crowley mixed recreational drug use with theurgical magic workings entirely Shamanic in character. From E.E. Rehmus’ The Magician's Dictionary we learn: “Egregores (are) Watchers (a word synonymous with that of the word angel), thought-form entities** created by visualization (they allegedly being created by the magican’s Will, this being a good example of the ‘psychic projection’ theory of UFOs), (magic) ritual and such (**The term ‘thought-form’ is by definition a ‘spirit’: “Every human is inhabited by a spirit; this is a form of force which, for the sake of simplicity, we describe as a thought form.” – p.156 The Complete Art of Witchcraft by Sybil Leek). They come in collective groups. They are somewhat like angels, except that they are relatively mindless and quite willing to follow orders. Some UFOs may be egregores.” The word ‘egregore’ itself is the French translation of the Greek word ‘Watcher.’ Again, as previously noted, the angels are known as ‘Watchers.’ 1960s Hippies who invoked UFOs while high on LSD include Charles Manson Family-member Tex Watson who during his own murder trial reported on several occasions while under the influence of psychedelic drugs to “…talking to space people who would come down out of the sky and you could see their space ships.” Of an interesting yet pertinent note, in places legendarily associated with the appearances of the “Sky People” as John A. Keel notes in FSR: The Time Cycle Factor, some UFO contactees had often gone quite “…mad, committed murder or suicide.” Perhaps Charles Manson’s own communal collection of misfit murderers and witchy murderesses were themselves the unwitting victims of UFO contacteeism/demonic possession. The Manson Family inner-circle including Charles Manson himself consisted of a group of witches


known to have been practitioners of magic, a number of whom including Charles Manson, Susan Atkins and Bobby Beausoleil were also known attendees of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan (For detailed information see The False Prophet Azazel by John of the Gentiles. As 1960s hippie Tom Wolfe explains in his book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test: “The idea [of getting in his words “spaced out on LSD”] was to try to hit that beam and that mode that would enable you to communicate with beings on other planets, other galaxies…” – p.312 The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe). In fact, as revealed by Beatnik hippie Ed Sanders in his Manson Family exposѐ The Family, convicted murderer Bobby Beausoleil (a member of Solar Lodge OTOmember/Church of Satan-attendee Charles Manson’s coven of witches), and OTO/Church of Satan-member Kenneth Anger, would often UFOwatch together. It was common during the 1960s for people interested in UFOs (including the CIA) to attend UFO watch parties particularly in UFO ‘flap’ areas. For the last 50 years, the magical environs of Topanga Canyon where Charles Manson was known to frequent have also been a UFO hotspot for flying saucer sightings [See UFOs Over Topanga Canyon by Preston E Dennett, 1999 A.D.]. Topanga Canyon itself has a long magical Shamanic connection with the Sky People dating back in time some 8,000 years. More recently and quite pertinently however, Topanga Canyon was the site of Georgina Brayton’s infamous Solar Lodge OTO Spiral Staircase/Snake Pit magic lodge formerly located at 3921 Topanga Canyon Blvd. with which Lodge OTO-member Charles Manson and the Manson Family were closely associated, and the murder of Gary Hinman at the hands of Manson Family members would take place in 1969 A.D. nearby at Gary Hinman’s home there in the UFO-plagued magical environs of Topanga Canyon. May Day till this day is a very witchy place in Topanga Canyon]) (Interesting Quote circa 1969 A.D.: “…negative forces [read: evil UFOnaughts] are influencing the minds of underdeveloped people…adding to the violence, murders, assassinations and other horror shows now coming increasingly to the fore.” – Operation Earth by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, one-time editor of Flying Saucer Review magazine, 1969 A.D.) As noted in the Fortean Times© article A Saucer Full of Secrets penned by Andy Roberts, 2007 A.D.: “Social historians invariably associate the (1960s/70s) hippie movement with Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism (Eastern Spiritualism-based magic systems), sources of both inspiration and imagery, and the


hippies’ interest in these belief systems has been well documented. But there was another alternative to the blinkered Western worldview of the 1960s already deeply embedded in the British (and American) cultural psyche, and already present in the lives of those who would form the movement known as the Underground – the flying saucer culture…” As John A. Keel elucidates: “The great UFO wave of the 1960’s (in America and Britain) had a visible effect on the youth sub-culture. The use of hallucinatory drugs (such as LSD) often produced visions remarkably similar to the visions of the (UFO) contactees (many of whom like the hippies were involved with mystical New Age groups themselves). The recognizable propaganda of those ‘illusion-prone spirits’ appeared in the lyrics of popular songs (including the songs released by pop music group UFO and those ‘British invasion’ bands which got their start at the UFO Club in Britain. Exemplary are the lyrics to the swansong 1977 A.D. pop hit ‘Come Sail Away’ by Styx: “A gathering of angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said. They said come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me/I thought that they were angels, but to my surprise, we climbed aboard their starship, we’re headed for the skies.”), in endless articles and poems in the ‘underground’ newspapers, and even in comic books. The Woodstock Nation went on a cosmic trip that dwarfed the adventures of (1950s UFO contactees George) Adamski and (Howard) Menger. During the peak years UFO lecturers were in great demand on college campuses, often extracting large fees to spread the gospel of the space people. James Moseley (the son of U.S. Army Major General George Van Horn Moseley and brother of Hewlett-Packard Vice-President Francis L. Moseley), publisher of Saucer News (now defunct); Dr. J. Allen Hynek (a CIA scientist colleague of Jack Parson’s ufologist friend Jacques Vallee, an associate of Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey. Hynek was scientific advisor to the U.S. Air Force under top secret ufo Projects Sign, Grudge and Bluebook. These facts lend credence to the belief that the Church of Satan [which has known OTO associations. The OTO = British/American Intelligence] was a secret U.S. government-funded UFO research project likely under the CIA’s MKOFTEN program), the skeptic who turned believer in 1966; Stanton Friedman, engineer turned full-time UFO lecturer (Stanton Friedman, one of America’s leading


UFO researchers, worked at the OTO-member Jack Parsons-founded Aerojet aircraft company from 1959 – 1963 A.D. Stanton Friedman would testify before the Congressional House Committee on Science and Astronautics during the UFO Symposium of 1968 that “the earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles whose origin is extraterrestrial” and whose occupants are very “humanoid” in their appearance), and several others were all active on the college circuit by the end of the 60’s. Dr. James McDonald, a meteorologist and ET enthusiast (as well as a leading member of the Condon Committee organized by the U.S. Congress to investigate UFO sightings), also lectured widely before groups of scientists and journalists until his death by suicide** in 1971.”- THE JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE Volume 8, Issue 4, Spring 1975: The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel. (**Author’s Note: Murders and suicides [including murders made to look like suicides] also share a common demonic possession/UFO phenomenon link: “Possession is a major theme of magic and other occult practices [“…the occult spirits seem to choose a person as a vehicle and control that person to certain ends…”] and, of course, is also found among the UFO contactee reports… They are not merely ‘in communication’; they are sometimes truly possessed, and in the worst sense of the word. They are mouthpieces rather than reporters… (John A.) Keel also asserts that the dangerous kind of possession usually associated with witchcraft and black magic ‘is apparent in many UFO contact cases.’ He refers to ‘a number of senseless murders’ which were reportedly ordered ‘by Martians or space people’ [or, if one prefers, by the Overshadowing demonic fallen angels who pilot the UFOs, hence the proliferation of UFO murder/suicide cults such as the infamous magic-based Order of the Solar Temple and the Heaven’s Gate** UFO cult (**the 39 members of which would commit ritual mass suicide in 1997 A.D. in a vainglorious attempt to attain and I quote “the Evolutionary Level Above Human” which is to say, angelhood)]...” – pp.100,101 UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. Satanic ritual murder today is more modernly mainstream. Exemplary of this fact is UFOlogist Brad Steiger’s 1991 A.D. book Demon Deaths which features documented testimony of Satanic ritual murders perpetrated by demon possessed individuals in the name of the devil as well as his 1971 A.D. book


Satan’s Assassins the basic premise of which is history’s most famous assassins had operated under demonic control) It is important to note this extraterrestrial connection with magic as one of the most interesting offshoots of traditional magic practices are the so-called UFO cults and UFO religions of 20th Century America. The most famous amongst modern UFO cults/UFO religions is The Nation of Islam (founded by Wallace Fard Muhammad in 1930 A.D. [he disappeared mysteriously in 1934 A.D., perhaps himself the victim of alien abduction. His successor, Elijah Muhammad, has stated that he believes modern flying saucers to be the ophanim/flying wheels described by the prophet Ezekiel in The Bible (See Message to the Blackman in America and The Fall of America)]. It is now headed by a Freemason named Louis Farrakhan), Heaven’s Gate (also known as Human Individual Metamorphosis [H.I.M.], a San Francisco-based UFO contacteee group founded by Marshall Applewhite** during the 1970’s which believed a spaceship was hidden in the tail of the HaleBopp comet as it made its flyby of the Earth. On March 26, 1997 A.D., 39 of its members committed ritual mass suicide) and The Church of Scientology (founded in 1952 A.D. by OTO-member Jack Parsons’ magic partner/Navy Intelligence officer L. Ron Hubbard, himself for all intents and purposes a member of the OTO as well. The Church of Scientology should rightly be considered an OTO offshoot). (**Interesting Quote: “We see fallen angels and space aliens as synonymous…” – Marshal Applewhite, Planet About To Be Recycled Your Only Chance To Survive - Leave With Us Edited Transcript of Videotape - October 5, 1996 A.D. Like many before him, Marshal Applewhite equated the flying wheels/luminous clouds of The Bible with modern day UFOs/extraterrestrials in spacecraft: “My Father's Kingdom also moves or travels in spacecraft… You could say, "Oh, my goodness, that's outrageous." Well, you don't like the illustrations of chariots of fire or wheel within a wheel? You don't like the illustrations that are in your religious literature that tell of spacecrafts of my Father's Kingdom? "Clouds of light" - at that time they didn't know what else to call them. Even when they saw angels that they said had wings - how else could they have described that they fly? …Certainly some of these illustrations mean that they came to Earth in a flying object and they


left aboard that flying object. And when they saw Jesus ascend, they said, "He went up into that cloud of light."� - Ibid) One notable offshoot of Ariosophy is the Esoteric Nazism of the Tempelhofgesellschaft predicated on the belief Aryans were sired by an extraterrestrial race. The Nazis interestingly enough employed a variation of the winged-disc symbol as their emblem:

The Nazi Party was founded by members of the Thule Society.

Thule Society Emblem

Note the Thule Society’s luminous disc design. All secret magic societies and groups such as the Nazi Thule Society, the OTO, Freemasonry and the Theosophical Society need also be considered UFO religions:


“UFO religions are commonly groups which deal with communication between humans and extra-terrestrial beings.” – Wikipedia: List of UFO religions Such organizations often adhere to what is known as the Ancient Astronaut Theory: “According to certain authors, intelligent extraterrestrial beings called ancient astronauts or ancient aliens have visited Earth, and this contact (known as ‘paleocontact’) is connected with the origins or development of human cultures, technologies, and religions (some authors cite verses of The Bible such as Genesis 6:1-4 as proof). A common variant of the idea includes proposals that deities from most, if not all, religions are actually extraterrestrials, and their technologies were taken as evidence of their divine status… Proponents of ancient astronaut theories often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations of beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. An associated idea is that much of human knowledge, religion, and culture came from extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times.” – Wikipedia: Ancient Astronauts (One prime example being the story of the Varacochas [a word which translates as ‘white masters’], the so-called Sons of the Sun, the group of white men [a group of Nordic humanoid aliens/incarnate fallen angels] from outer space who at one time had reigned over the native population at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia. In a similar fashion, The Book of Enoch LXXXVI.1 speaks of the fallen angels when it dutifully records the following ufolgical phenomenon: “…there came forth from heaven as it were the likeness of white men…” the angels being Caucasian males in appearance. For this reason angels are often referred to as Nordic aliens. It is alleged Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, a known Spiritualist medium/practitioner of magic, was himself in contact with a group of extraterrestrials known to history as the Übermensch** [a word which translates as Supermen], the purported Nordic gods from whom he professed he took his marching orders, committing to kilns millions of Jews as burnt offerings in their honor. For more detailed information see The False Prophet Azazel by John of the Gentiles) (**Pertinent Quote: “A further type of reported aliens [distinct from the humanoid Grays] is comprised


of the so-called Nordics. These are fully human in appearance, their physique, as the name suggests, converging upon the ideal of the blonde, blue-eyed, fair complexioned Aryan Übermensch of Nazi ideology…benevolent elder star-brothers, intent on assisting humanity on the evolutionary ladder.” – p.141 Alien Initiations by Harald Kleemann, 2003 A.D. Some would obviously argue they are a bit less than benevolent though all may agree it is from them the Aryan race originates) (A Most Interesting Pertinent Quote: “The Angels had originally been a blond, blue-eyed family of normal-appearing Earthmen.” - I Remember Lemuria by Richard S. Shaver, 1948 A.D. I Remember Lemuria is the tale of a race of chthonic beings said to dwell within the Earth shades of the story of The Book of Enoch. According to legend, Lemuria, home of spirit beings known as Lemurs [the Els from Mu from whom it was said the Romans were descended], is the mythological Land of Mu [See Sacred Symbols of Mu by James Churchward, 1933 A.D.]. Spirits are angels. Mu was said to be home of the Lamia “serpent people” who were very human-looking angels in seraphim [the word serpent being synonymous with the word seraph], UFOnaughts revered as serpent gods by serpent cults the world over. Mu/Lemuria is the New Earth. The Lost Continent of Mu/Lemuria [it only being ‘lost’ because it exists not on our Earth] looms large in Theosophical Society lore) The so-called Nazi Black Sun symbol (in German a sonnenrad, a word which translates as “sun-wheel”) such as found at Wewelsburg Castle (built in 1603 A.D. during the magically scientific Rosicrucian renaissance in Germany) is a symbol associated with the Übermensch Supermen said to dwell within the Earth. Note its disc-like appearance and wheel within wheel design:


One of the oft cited books which falls into the Ancient Astronaut Theory category is a book entitled Chariots of the Gods?: “Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past…is a book written in 1968 by Erich von Däniken. It involves the hypothesis that the technologies and religions of many ancient civilizations were given to them by ancient astronauts who were welcomed as gods.” – Wikipedia: Chariots of the Gods? (Pertinent Quote: “A popular concept is that UFOs are chariots of the gods. It is felt by advocates of this position that highly advanced beings from outside our solar system visited this planet in the past and are responsible for the creation of humans here.” – p.89 Sons of God Return by Kelly L. Segraves, 1975 A.D. It is interesting to note Kelly L. Segraves is connected to UFO contactee/OTO high-priest Jack Parsons’ friend L. Ron Hubbard, creator of his very own UFO religion. Indeed, in the Forward to the 1973 A.D. British edition of The Bible and Flying Saucers by Presbyterian Pastor Barry H. Downing (originally published in America, 1968 A.D.), Downing writes: “I am more convinced than ever that the Biblical faith was strongly influenced by, if not deliberately caused by, beings from another world, wherever and whatever that world may be.” - The Bible and Flying Saucers (The word ‘alien,’ it must again be noted, is a cognate of the word ‘angel.’ Most truly: “…angels are extraterrestrials…” – p.109 The Source: Journey Through the Unexplained by Art Bell and Brad Steiger, 1999 A.D.) And Downing in this belief is not alone by a long shot: “In his book A Guest from the Universe, Alexander Kazentsev theorized that the angels mentioned in the Bible might actually have been extraterrestrials. British ufologist Brinsley Le Poer Trench, author of The Sky People, supports this notion, as does Paul Misraki in Les Extraterrestres.” – p.64 Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel, 1970 A.D. (See also NASA scientist Josef F. Blumrich’s The Spaceships of Ezekiel, 1974 A.D.)


The Theosophical Society also fits the definition of a ‘UFO Cult.’ The following selection from Theosophical Society President Annie Besant was written in 1911 A.D. and offered the following spin upon an age old story: “If you could look backwards beyond historical periods; backwards still across the mist of legend and of myth; backwards into the darkness of the past where even legend and myth have ceased to be; backwards ever, into the far night of time, into the beginnings of humanity, as humanity, on our globe; then would you see a brilliant golden cloud (an alien spacecraft, more commonly known by its Biblical name ‘cherub’) flashing down to earth from a far-off planet — the planet which you know as Shukra, and which we call Venus in the West. From that planet far away in space a radiant cloud (a brightly lit cherub/spacecraft) is coming, a cloud (cherub/spacecraft) of fire and of light; and as it descends through the ambient air, as the clouds of heaven roll away dispersing at its coming, the fire-cloud (cherub/spacecraft) sinks gently to earth like some huge Bird of Heaven, and settles down upon an island — the White Island, it is called in the Purãnas (in Eastern religious texts) — the island on which later was built the sacred City of Shamballa (aka the ‘City of the Gods’). There the fiery cloud (cherub/spacecraft) comes to rest; there the glorious Beings (angels) who were borne in it, as in a chariot of fire,** descend. They are the Sons of the Fire, the Lords of the Flame (the term Lords of the Flame refers to the Elohim angels as we learn from Max Heindel in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. It is this very group of extraterrestrials who theosophist Guy Ballard of the “I Am” UFO cult had claimed to channel during the 1930s in California. As detalied on pp.258-9 of Guy Ballard’s 1934 A.D. book Unveiled Mysteries, Ballard claimed to have been visited by a group of 12 Venusians from the planet Venus whose arrival/return was marked by the appearance of a “Dazzling”/“Blazing Bright Light”). The term “Lord of Flame” appears in the Hekalot Rabbatti 156 as an epitaph of God, the “God of gods” [See Daniel 2:47] head of the Elohim angels): They come to this planet as the Messengers (the word ‘messenger’ is often used synonymously with the word ‘angel’) of the Logos, of Îshvara (a deva/god) Himself; They (the angels) come as the Helpers of our infant humanity, to guide its


tottering steps along the path of evolution.” - The White Lodge and it's Messengers Adyar Pamphlets No. 149 by Theosophical Society president Annie Besant, 1911 A.D. (** Annie Besant’s use of the phrase “chariot of fire” to denote a cherub-type spacecraft is not without precedence. 2Kings 2:11 describes the presence of such a “chariot of fire” when Elijah was said to have been taken up into heaven. No doubt The Bible is the source of the term which she herein employs as UFO contactee Annie Besant was a prominent disavowed Christian, a well-known UFO contactee categorical subset) As we learn from Wikipedia: “Christopher Patridge wrote that the works of (Theosophical Societymember Alice A.) Bailey, (OTO-member) Rudolf Steiner (Spiritualist leader of a German Theosophical Society lodge and founder of the German Anthroposophical Society, an organization which attributes modern-day UFO phenomena to the activities of “demonic forces” [See FSR92V37N3]. And: “What does anthroposophy have to do with the occult and Satan’s devices? The answer is simple. The theological collection Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart has this to say: "Anthroposophy, the wisdom of man, or, as it calls itself, the study of the human spirit, is the most complete form of occultism."” – Occult ABC by Kurt E. Koch), and Theosophy in general all influenced what he called the ‘UFO religions.’ He explained that ‘...Theosophy has several prominent branches, and, strictly speaking, the branch which has had the most important influence on the UFO religion is that developed by Alice Bailey.’ Professor Robert S. Ellwood (Professor of World Religions) of the University of Southern California (home to USC ufologist/OTO-member Meade Layne, a former co-member along with OTO-member Jack Parsons of Charles Stansfeld Jones’ OTO lodge) investigated a wide range of religious and spiritual groups in the United States during the 1970s, including a nationwide group of UFO believers called Understanding, Inc. (aka the Long Beach International Research Group founded in 1957 A.D. and located at 1227 E. 2 nd St. in Long Beach, CA), which had been founded by a UFO contactee named Daniel Fry (an Aerojet employee of ceremonial magician/OTO-member Jack Parsons’ aircraft company who reportedly had his first UFO encounter in 1950 A.D.). He reported that, ‘…the New Age Prayer (formally A Prayer for the New Age, “given by Maitreya the Christ”) derived from the Alice Bailey writings is used as an invocation’ (to invoke UFOs). George D. Chryssides of the University of


Wolverhampton, cited Bailey’s influence on the ideas of the Order of the Solar Temple (a magic-based murder/suicide cult) and related UFO organisations. Benjamin Crème, formerly a member of the UFO religion the Aetherius Society (founded by George King on the instructions of the alien ‘Master Aetherius’ and located at 674 Crenshaw Blvd. in Los Angeles, CA), became a follower of Alice A. Bailey and then proclaimed in 1975 that he had been contacted by Maitreya (the ‘Arya Met,’ the fallen angel Azazel) to prepare for the return of Maitreya to Earth that had been prophesied by Alice A. Bailey in 1946. Alice A. Bailey prophesied in January 1946 that ‘…Christ (… The World Teacher…) (the counterfeit Christ who they identify as Maitreya, who is Azazel) would return himself by manifesting a physical body of his own on the physical plane’ … and that this would be the New Age equivalent of the Christian concept of the Second Coming of Christ.” – Wikipedia: Alice A. Bailey. For this reason The Bible refers to the fallen angel Azazel as the False Prophet. For more information see The False Prophet Azazel and Evildoer Added to Evildoer: The Story of Satan, Azazel and the Rebellious Angels by John of the Gentiles) As saucer evangelist Benjamin Creme explains: “The first thing to understand is that UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects, may be unidentified by the government agencies, but they (the UFOs which Benjamin Creme identifies as “…the ‘ships’ of the Space Brothers…” [‘Space Brothers’ as defined as ‘Nordic aliens,’ also known as ‘Pleiadians,’ humanoid extraterrestrials said to resemble blonde European Nordic-Scandinavians]) are real, they exist… They are all part of the plan of the emerging Hierarchy of our world.” – Benjamin Crème, Share International Magazine, July/August 2009 A.D. (For more information see The Gathering of the Forces of Light: UFOs and their Spiritual Mission by Benjamin Crème, 2010 A.D.) The ‘Hierarchy’ of which Benjamin Creme speaks will be headed of course by the fallen angels Azazel and Satan! Indeed: “Many followers of the New Age aspire for contact with extraterrestrial Entities.** The most common way of making such a contact is channeling. Channelers (acting as mediums, in effect) are persons gifted as psychics, who transmit messages to humanity from higher


levels of consciousness.” – The Invisible Influences by Živorad Mihajlović-Slavinski, 2008 A.D. (** As noted in a 1958 A.D. Editorial in Flying Saucer Review magazine [FSR:1958/4N1], it is these very “Space People” [the Biblical fallen angels] who were expected to usher in a new “Golden Age” during the so-called dawning of the “New Age” [of Aquarius]. The New Age program was specifically designed to rebrand the rebel angels in a new and acceptable light. As British ufologist Brinsley Le Poer Trench explains concerning the ongoing success of this endeavor circa 1959 A.D.: “The saucer movement today is worldwide. There are clubs, discussion groups, research bureaus and magazines in all four corners of the globe, devoted to studying, evaluating and reporting the news and significance of the coming of the space ships. All these people are helping, either consciously or unconsciously, to bring about a New Age…preparing the way for humanity on earth to accept the recognition of the space ships…that Man is not alone in the universe.” – FSR: Editorial by Brinsley Le Poer Trench (FSR:1959/5N1). As noted in The False Prophet Azazel: “Theosophical Society-themes such as those espoused in the writings of Theosophical Society-member Alice Bailey in particular are the fundamental philosophies of New Age teachings—New Age is simply a recent repackaging of the Old Religion of witchcraft and ceremonial magic…” The term ‘New Age’ itself is employed in reference to the astrological ‘Progression of the Equinoxes’ which occurs every two thousand years. The advent of the 21st Century signaled the dawning of the new Age of Aquarius,) Spiritualism amongst the educated masses gave seamless way to the later UFO contacteeism craze: “Contact with the UFO’s often seems to be by occult means… The ouija board, a tool of an innocent-seeming, fortune-telling parlor game, is widely utilized by psychics and occult practitioners as well as by the general public (though inexplicably marketed as a children’s board game). Occultist William Blatty, author of The Excorcist (the story of a 12 year old girl who becomes demon possessed after playing with a Ouija board), has a healthy fear of it, however, for he refers to the ouija board as very dangerous and says that mental institutions ‘are loaded


with people’ who got involved with the occult by using it… Some of the old fashioned (Spiritualist) mediums are able to act as competent UFO contactees…in a manner described as similar to the ‘way a medium serves as the channel for spirit communication’ during a séance.” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. Spiritualist mediums were able to act as competent UFO channelers because it is the demonic occupants of the UFOs themselves who were previously masquerading as the spirits of the dead during the Spiritualism craze in America and Europe: “Mentally detected voices are heard in both UFO and occult contexts, the contactees claiming that these represent communication with extraterrestrials and the occultists with various spirits. (The latter claim contact with the dead, which, as with all occultism, involves contact with demons, who impersonate the dead…)…” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. (Indeed, and I can’t stress this enough, as the 3rd Century A.D. Neoplatonic philosopher/demonologist “…Porphyry says, as quoted by Augustine (De Civ. Dei x, 11): ‘There is a class of demons [the fallen angels] of crafty nature, pretending that they are gods and the souls [spirits] of the dead.’” - Summa Theologica by Dominican priest St. Thomas Aquinas [a student of Roman Catholic Bishop/ceremonial magician St. Albertus Magnus], an early ufologist of sorts. Even ceremonial magician Rollo Ahmed was of the opinion that elementals/demons/evil spirits “frequently manifest themselves” during Spiritualist séances while “masquerading as departed human beings” [See p.246 The Black Art]) The Psychiatry profession itself plays a key role in the realm of UFO investigations as UFO contactees at times undergo hypnosis by psychiatrists in order to recall forgotten details of an often traumatic UFO contact experience. Additionally, many UFO contactees and those individuals who have experienced UFO sightings—and this is especially true in the case of airplane pilots—are often subsequently subjected to psychiatric testing in order to determine their current states of mental health and their subsequent ability to return to active duty.


UFO contact, like demon possession, often manifests itself as schizophrenia: “In some cases the (UFO) contactee hears only a voice within his consciousness… In this type of case the contactee is likened to a mental patient inflicted with schizophrenia. Experts refer to this type of contactee as a case of UFO possession—the earthling seems to be in the control of an entity from outer space.” – p.66 Sons of God Return by Kelly L. Segraves, 1975 A.D. Compare ‘UFO possession’ to known cases of ‘demonic possession.’ They are truly one and the same. As occultist Hans Holzer notes in his book Witchcraft p.552, today, “demonic possession…in a medical sense” is typically diagnosed as “schizophrenia” by members of the medical profession. The same may be said of UFO possession. Correspondingly, psychiatrists are the new excorcists: “Psychiatrists and certified therapists study extraterrestrial Entities as well [the word psychiatry is in fact derived from the word psyche, meaning, ‘spirit’]. Among them, a special place is reserved for Dr. Edith Fiore, author of several (Ufology) books in this field, and Dr.William Baldwin, author of probably the best manual on this topic, entitled Spirit Releasement Therapy (1992)(Spirit Releasement Therapy® consisting of clinical excorcism shorn of ritual). When the term ‘extraterrestrial entities’ is used, it is implied that the Entities come to earth from other planets, galaxies and parallel universes (a term that is widely used in recent times is ‘Autonomous Appearing Intelligent Structures’).” - The Invisible Influences: Freedom From the Effects of Bodiless Entities by Zivorad M. Slavinski And one may add Theosophical Society-member, Spiritualist/psychical researcher Carl Jung, a psychiatrist by training, the student of august psychiatrist/Ashkenazi Jew Sigmund Freud, to the list of people who sought to scientifically study and to contact such extra-terrestrial Otherworldly entities (psychiatrist/Ashkenazi Jew Carl Jung was a UFO contactee. Jung’s particular psychiatric system was, as he notes in his The Red Book, a product of automatic-writing revealed to Carl Jung psychically in part by his so-called wise spirit


guide Philemon [an anagram of Nephilon in reference to the Nephilem fallen angels. See Carl Jung’s Memories, Dreams, Reflections], a master of form who appeared to Jung in the guise of a bull-horned winged-man with whom as we learn from The Occult p.480 Carl Jung had “held conversations” Add Jung to the list of ufo contactee Kabbalists). In fact, Psychiatry as it exists today is an outgrowth of the Spiritualist Movement, and of course, of magic and witchcraft (again, for more detailed information concerning the magical history of psychiatry, see The False Prophet Azazel. In her 1979 A.D. book penned on the subject of witchcraft entitled Drawing Down the Moon, well-known witch Margot Adler rightly identifies the field of ‘psychiatry’ for what it truly is, “psychiatry” being in her own therein quoted words: “…the most popular witchcraft religion of our day...”). Psychical researcher/Theosophical Society-member Carl Jung, in addition to collecting data on Spiritualist séances, also collected data on UFOs, a subject matter into which he busily immersed himself following the UFO flap of 1947 A.D. Carl Jung, a WWII OTOassociated OSS agent, had even initiated contact with U.S. Major Donald Keyhoe (who himself believed UFOs to be spacecraft extraterrestrial in origin**) and had joined Keyhoe’s civilian (OTOassociated) UFO study group NICAP (the National Investigative Committee on Aerial Phenomena). Concerning UFOs, Carl Jung (an early skeptic who believed UFOs to be of an entirely hallucinatory nature, although in the end he would at long last after careful study change his earlier hypothesis) himself at one time wrote: “…the ‘disks’…show signs of intelligent guidance… Our present day observations of Saucers coincide - mutatis mutandis - with the many reports going back into antiquity…” - Dr. Carl Jung Himself on Unidentified Flying Objects [Reprint from Flying Saucer Review Vol.1, No. 2 (May/June 1955)]. Carl Jung was also of the opinion that: “…many (UFO) sighting reports of recent date belonged to the realm of religious vision…” - FSR: Conversations with Dr. Jung by Lou Zinsstag (**Pertinent Quote: “In the January 1950 issue of True, I [U.S. Major Donald Keyhoe] reported that we had reached the following conclusions [concerning the “flying saucer mystery”]: 1. The earth has been observed periodically by visitors from another planet. 2. This observation has increased markedly in the past two years.” - The Flying Saucers Are Real by Donald Keyhoe, 1950 A.D.) Of a pertinent note, one of the most interesting UFO religions to date is the British-based Aetherius Society with which Benjamin Crème, an avid follower of Theosophical Society-member Alice A.


Bailey, is associated. One may consider this to be a direct offshoot of the Theosophical Society itself and has gained no small number of adherents. The Hollywood offering Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977 A.D.) directed by Steven Spielberg was to the Atherius Society what Rosemary’s Baby had been to Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, a propaganda extravaganza: “(The Christian UFO Research Association) CHRUFORA saw the imminent release of the Steven Spielberg film Close Encounters of the Third Kind as the most obvious focus for their campaign launch. (Paul) Inglesby described the massive popularity of the film as ‘slow poison, more deadly even than The Exorcist.’ The use by Spielberg of the Devil’s Tower monument in Wyoming as the focal point of the film’s final close encounter was clear evidence to CHRUFORA of the movie’s demonic inspiration. Members also identified a number of other evil elements in the plot. For example, those contacted by the aliens are subject to a form of ‘mind control’ (demonic possession) that gives them an overwhelming desire to make their way to the Devil’s Tower. At the climax of the movie, the UFO entities are portrayed as benevolent and angelic, and—as all well-informed demonologists know —Satan’s demons are able to disguise themselves as ‘angels of light’ to deceive world leaders. Rev. Millican’s reaction to the opening of the film in his native Bristol was to set up a stall in the foyer of the Odeon Film Centre. By June 1978, over 150,000 people had passed through; there were plenty of souls to save. During his campaign, he handed out 4,000 leaflets warning cinemagoers that UFOs were not ETs (extraterrestrials) but ‘the devil’s messengers.’ Millican’s display was in direct opposition to the message of the local UFO club and the Aetherius Society – which had 20 stalls of its own at cinemas up and down the country – but his demonic message seems to have been the most newsworthy.” - Flying Saucers From Hell by Dr. David Clarke, 2006 A.D. John A. Keel, writing in Flying Saucer Review likewise lamented: “Those of us who have been concerned about the true nature and intent of UFOs must regard this popularization and exploitation of the UFO


lore with some alarm. Hollywood (with its Theosophical Society/OTO connections and known for its rampant Satanism) has chosen only a small part of the whole problem for the glamour treatment and Close Encounters assures its audiences that the Ufonauts are really friendly, super-intelligent creatures sympathetic to the human condition. We know this has seldom been the case in real-life UFO encounters. The film is a propaganda masterpiece, not only in getting the public to accept UFOs, but leading them to accept the benevolence of the Ufonauts… The abject horror of those who have experienced close encounters and their agonizing suffering afterwords, are whitewashed by this film. People leaving the theatre find themselves gazing at the sky wistfully, hoping it will happen to them, convinced that the advent of the flying saucers is somehow a religious event … mankind meeting the gods.” - FSR: Close Encounters of the Religious Kind by John A. Keel, 1976 A.D. And following the cutesy 1982 A.D. movie offering from Steven Spielberg entitled E.T.: The Extraterrestrial many were in fuzzy love with them. For yet another interesting and quite telling if not hilarious pro-alien offering filmed during this pre-contrived propaganda blitz google Carpenters - Space Encounters 1978 A.D. television special. As a means of explanation, as noted in the 1966 A.D. Special Issue of Flying Saucer Review magazine entitled The Humanoids, it is therein noted that: “In the American (sci-fi) film (genre), ca. 1951-57, the ‘saucer people’ were commonly depicted as monsters, ready to terminate our existence at the drop of a hat. Therefore hostility towards the occupants of a UFO (as some armed individuals experiencing UFO occupant sightings would automatically “fire upon” the aliens with which they came into contact) could almost be considered a preconditioned reflex.” Detailing the origin of this development is ufologist Derek D. Dempster: “When H.G. Wells wrote War of the Worlds (in 1897 A.D. following the great UFO flap of 1896-97 A.D., a novel depicting a hostile alien invasion of Earth by extraterrestrial Martians in intergalactic spacecraft) he triggered off a chain reaction among science fiction writers that has had a serious effect on the world’s population and is continuing to influence our youth in an ever increasing measure. Practically every newspaper printed in the world…


carries some form of science fiction strip cartoon (such as Flash Gordon). And in nearly every case the space men—generally Martians —are depicted as aggressive creatures or individuals endowed with sub-human instincts and evil intelligence (for example, the evil though very humanoid alien being Ming the Merciless)… Through the press, radio and television, our younger generations are being provoked into feelings of enmity and fear which are directed against a form of life… of which we know little at present. Is it surprising then that children grow up to consider outer space with fear and trepidation… Surely it is they who are being psychologically conditioned to fear and hate, when the reverse is in fact what is needed! … If the science fiction writers must people their planetary fantasies, it’s about time they used a superior type of being whose influence would enrich and ennoble the earth rather than stimulate young minds with unnecessary fears…” – FSR: Editorial by Derek D. Dempster, 1956 A.D. And again: “In recent years one science fiction horror film after another has been put before the public depicting monsters or little green men with death rays from outer space… The net result of all this is that the mass of the people are becoming gradually conditioned to the idea that anything that may come from outer space is a menace and of a terrifying nature… All this is strongly deplored. Flying Saucer Review knows that the space people have been observing us for centuries. They have not harmed us in all this time (Author’s Note: Not true!). We reiterate the space people are friendly toward the inhabitants of the earth (even though the evidence would wholly suggest otherwise). We abhor this trend to condition world opinion through films and other media to fear the space ships. On the contrary, the space people should be welcomed.” – FSR: Special Editorial by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1959 A.D. In the words of one 1950s UFO contactee: “…with the first reports of the saucers people everywhere considered with alarm a possible intrusion of space craft from other worlds. We, by our own standards, expected them to have predatory ideas of conquest and enslavement of mankind. As a result the flood of horror films of monstrous extra-terrestrial invaders has not yet ceased. As a matter of fact, the coming of the saucers is not an intrusion of a new order on our Earth…The saucer phenomena we have thus far witnessed is an integral part of a vastly greater plan for us than our finite minds can begin to comprehend. Thus, the saucers definitely are not to be feared! …we should be ready and eager to greet them as brothers in the infinite federation of the universe… They have come as harbingers of light to do everything possible to turn the tide of destruction which threatens to engulf Earth…” –pp.163-164 The Secrets of the Saucers by Orfeo


Angelucci, 1955 A.D. Steven Spielberg’s whimsical alien films (as well as television offerings such as My Favorite Martian, Mork and Mindy and Alf, all comedy shows featuring loveable if misunderstood alien intelligences and the humans who secretly work with them) appear to be quite specifically designed to rectify this situation, a very intentional and concerted attempt to psychologically precondition people to exhibit a more favorable attitude towards the alien beings with which they will in the future come into contact. As occultist/UFO contactee Brad Steiger writing circa 1973 A.D. has explained regarding the UFO contacteeism craze: “Literally dozens of revelators throughout the world claim to be receiving direct communications from entities who identify themselves as beings from other worlds. In UFO research there is the phenomenon of the ‘contactee,’ one who claims special knowledge through direct communication with the occupants of what he is told is an extraterrestrial spacecraft… Their alleged communion with the UFOnaughts had definitely touched the ‘missionary’ element within certain of the UFO contactees (they in effect becoming saucer evangelists proclaiming the messages of the space people)… The contactees are told, for example,** that man is not alone in the solar system and that higher intelligences have come to teach…that man stands now in the transitional period before the dawn of a New Age… As in the illumination experience of the mystics, the contactee is often confronted with a blinding light—that in this case, appears to be emanating from a strange craft either on the ground or directly overhead. The contactee communicates with either an attractive ‘Space Brother’ or a ‘voice inside his head’ (or as one contactee had revealed, she was being: “mentally impressed with thoughts that were not my own,” a typical case of ‘Overshadowing’/ufo possession***)… I cannot help questioning whether the Space Brothers might not be angels, spirit guides, and other messengers hiding themselves in more contemporary, and thereby more acceptable, personae… the contactee phenomenon is taking place on a global scale, with an increasing number of recipients of the Celestial Gospel joining the ranks each day.” – pp.161-2 Revelation: The Divine Fire by Brad Steiger (**For more information see Aquarian Revelations also authored by Brad Steiger. In his book The Star People, Brad Steiger notes there are many


very human-looking alien ‘Star People’ residing on this planet: “…alien intelligences do exist, and they are here now, living among us on Earth… They are normal appearing men and women…” – pp.1,2 The Star People by Brad and Francie Steiger, 1981 A.D.). As Brad Steiger later therein concedes concerning the ET enigma: “…everyone seems to agree that there is some kind of spiritual awakening process at work, and a good many observers feel that this growing mystical consciousness may have something to do with the ‘last days’ (as prophecized in The Bible).” – Ibid p.192. Indeed, as Kelly L. Segraves warns: “The Satanic entities posing as angels and ministers of light are deceiving people in these last days. In an attempt to destroy the pure and life-giving message of the Bible they have come as visitors from outer space.” – p.164 Sons of God Return by Kelly L. Segraves, 1975 A.D. (***As one saucer evangelist tasked with spreading the message of the saucerians has publically claimed: “Frequently when I stepped upon the platform to speak a strange transition came over me. It was as though another personality overshadowed me…” - p.77 The Secrets of the Saucers by Orfeo Angelucci, 1955 A.D. This is a common case of UFO/demon possession) Concerning the messages emanating from the ‘Space People’ and their Earthly emissaries: “The alleged extraterrestrials who ostensibly have our interests at heart have warned that our planet is verging upon its Last Day and will be totally destroyed, either by nuclear incontinence or, in some versions, by mysterious ‘natural causes’ (and today, global warning). We are consoled to learn, however, that if we will only ‘believe’ in the saucers —and not just in the logical sense of acknowledging their apparent existence, but in the illogically extended sense of having faith in them —then we shall enter the fold of ‘the chosen’ to be ‘saved’ by an eleventh-hour UFO-pickup. The scriptural angels appointed to gather up the ‘chosen’ are cultistically rendered as the saucers, and the scriptural New Age—‘a new heaven and a new earth’—is taken as referring to the planetary paradise to which the elite will be transported… a cursory reading of the above-cited Gospel passages might lead one to conclude that the saucer-eschatology is compatible


with the scriptural. It is only when one makes a more exhaustive comparison that one glimpses the deception at work. And one sees that Christ has in fact warned us against it in no uncertain terms: ‘Many will come in my name and saying, “I am he,” and “The Day is upon us.” Do not follow them.’ … ‘There will be…in the sky terrors and great portents.’ ‘Imposters will come…and they will produce great signs and wonders and mislead even God’s chosen, if such a thing were possible. See, I have forewarned you. If they tell you, “He (Jesus) is there in the wilderness,” do not go out.’ … In summation, then, it appears that… [they] are wolves in sheep’s clothing…” – FSR: UFOs and Sign of the Times by Malcolm Dickson Indeed: “The strong warning of the Apostle Paul makes it certain that these messages from the UFOs must be rejected, for they are of the devil. Paul could not have been clearer—even if an angel from heaven presents such a message, it must be rejected. It is not of God.** To this the Apostle John adds that the spirits should be tested, and if they do not confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God they should be rejected.*** These UFO spirits, when put to the test, do not acknowledge the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.” – pp.48-49 UFOs: Satanic Terror by Basil Tyson, 1977 A.D. (**See Galatians 1:8) (***See 1John 4:1-3) Contact with such otherworldly beings often involves mental telepathy. In The Alien Message to Humanity, Louis D. Whitworth writes: “Routine communication by aliens to humans is largely accomplished telepathically. Another common element in these encounters is the presentation to the abductee of long detailed messages on large screens inside the craft. These communications usually warn of cataclysmic events and destruction coming upon the earth. Sometimes the information is blatantly religious, claiming (1) that we humans were created by the aliens, (2) that the aliens are trying to promote us along the road of evolution by their hybrid breeding program, and (3) that mankind must unite, through alien supervision, into a one-world government and a one-world religion in order to survive.” – As quoted


in Flying Saucers and Alien Abductions: What’s a Christian to Think? by Louis D. Whitworth, Crossroads Evangelical Ministries Some UFO contactees such as Benjamin Crème become in effect ‘saucer-evangelists’ of the so-called ‘flying saucer vision’ of the message conveyed by the extraterrestrial beings with whom they have come into contact: “Recently the authors have been personally or tangentially involved in (UFO) contactee cases… All of these contactees claim communication with ‘space intelligences’ through telepathic thought transfer and, therefore, seem to fit into the ‘mental contact’ type of case which ufologists have been encountering in great numbers recently. In each of the cases which we have investigated we have found the contactee to be imbued with an almost religious fervor to spread the ‘message’ which has been given him by the flying saucer occupants. The zeal with which these ‘flying saucer missionaries’ preach the cosmic gospel reminds one instantly of the apostles with tongues of the Holy Spirit’s flame dancing on their heads. The philosophical and metaphysical content of the message allegedly entrusted to the contactee is always the same. Samples of the Outer Space apocrypha would include such statements as these: ‘We are not alone in the solar system. We have space brothers and they are here to reach us and teach us.’ ‘They have advanced information which they want to impart. They want us to rejoin the Federation of Planets, a spiritual government.’ ‘They are here to teach, to help awaken our spirits, to help us (evolutionarily) rise to higher levels.” - FSR: The Contact Enigma: The Flying Saucer Missionaries by Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour. In reality: “…these ‘aliens’ do not care if we live or die; they are actively seeking our destruction. They are demonic powers whose sole purpose is to work toward the destruction of man and the overthrow of God’s kingdom… They are promising evolutionary progress to a god-like existence (as did the Biblical serpent-angel in the Garden of Eden as related in the book of Genesis, thusly resulting in mankind’s original fall from grace). Instead they will bring people down to destruction.” – p.221 UFO End-Time Delusion by Lewis/Shreckhise, 1991 A.D. Again.


There is nothing new under the sun as The Bible well instructs us as Paul admonishes believers of this deception in 2Corinthians 11:3, a warning as pertinent in his day as it is in ours. As William Bramley notes: “Of primary interest to us are some New Age ideas about UFOs. A great many people throughout the world have been exposed to the ‘ancient astronauts’ theory with its postulate that some ancient religious events were the doings of a space age extraterrestrial society… an effort has been made through the New Age movement (brought to you by the Theosophical Society) to re-establish the old religious beliefs that the extraterrestrial race seen flying about in our skies is composed of enlightened almost-godlike beings who should be accorded reverential awe and looked to as a source of salvation. This worshipful attitude has certainly been promoted through some New Age literature and in recent American motion pictures like Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Cocoon… Instead of ‘angels,’…the New Age offers us ‘Space Brothers.’ … If history is any indication, our nearby ‘Space Brothers’ appear to have little to offer us but oppression and genocide…” – p.428 The Gods of Eden by William Bramley, 1989 A.D. ‘UFO Contacteeism’ was particularly prominent during the early years of the 1950s and had developed a virtual cult following with highly religious undertones (sometimes referred to as ‘saucer-cultism’). In response The Voice of Healing Magazine editor Gordon Lindsay during the 1950s Pentecostalism Healing Revival in America published a book entitled The Mystery of the Flying Saucers in the Light of the Bible circa 1954 A.D. highlighting the demonic nature of UFOs. In the June 1954 issue of The Voice of Healing Magazine Gordon Lindsay warns us: “Since publishing our book ‘The Mystery of the Flying Saucers in the Light of the Bible,’ new developments have occurred—developments which led us to believe that the warning we expressed was given none too soon. More so-called ‘contacts’ have been made with occupants of the Flying Saucers, and some who have made the ‘contacts’ have already been given the privilege of speaking in Full Gospel (Pentecostalism) churches… Some kind of Satanic delusion is behind


this kind of thing… there has been placed in our hand an article that has just recently come out in DESTINY. The explanation of the Flying Saucers, by the writer, is interesting… The writer of the article, “Flying Saucers,” in DESTINY points out what we alluded to briefly in our book, that certain fallen creatures (read: fallen angels) apparently played a part in the apostasy of Ante-Diluvian days. He believes that there is some connection between these fallen beings (the fallen angels) and the space-visitors… let us have spiritual discernment and not be carried away by seducing spirits.” - The Voice of Healing (June, 1954): Further Developments on the Flying Saucers by Gordon Lindsay As one prominent ufologist would write concerning the UFO enigma: “Can the Holy Bible and many other ancient sacred texts be right? The preponderance of evidence would seem to indicate that they are. We must judge the Nordics (UFO occupants human-like in their appearance; Benjamin Crème’s so-called ‘Space Brothers’) by their deeds, not by what they say. Are they a Satanic power from a dark Netherworld skilled in illusion and subterfuge and full of lies? A diabolic force attempting by mental infiltration to internally possess the resident species? Are these forces growing more powerful every day and are the increasing inroads of the Aliens a sign of the ‘End-Time’? Are the Nordics an evil part of all this? Will the supreme source of Light return to defeat them? … Beyond tomorrow, we will know.” FSR: Researching the Blond Utra-Terrestrials by Don Worley, 1995 A.D. And indeed we most certainly shall—Dr. I.D.E. Thomas may have provided the answer to this question: “…humanoids…Saviors from the skies, or demons from the depths? … God’s angels or Luciferian forces? … The clinching argument may well be the fact that many human-beings who have been exposed to UFOs and their occupant humanoids have become themselves demonpossessed in the process.” – p.183, 207 The Omega Conspiracy: Satan’s Last Assault on God’s Kingdom by Dr. I.D.E. Thomas, 1986 A.D. As Kelly L. Segraves similarly notes:


“These entities claim to be visitors from outer space… they seem to possess their contacts and control their actions. Sound familiar? Of course it does. The Bible is full of examples of demon possession.” – p.113 Sons of God Return, 1975 A.D. The “internationally known scholar”/ufologist Dr. Clifford Wilson astutely poses the following question in his book U.F.O.s and their Mission Impossible: “Is there a desperate preparation for a last-ditch stand by the forces of evil, a final attempt to thwart the plans of the Holy God against Whom they have rebelled?” - U.F.O.s and their Mission Impossible I believe the short answer to be ‘yes.’ “It was not long after my own encounter with strange aerial phenomenon that I began to see a link between UFOs to such seemingly disparate topics as psychedelics, psychotronics, and ritual magick… To me the term ‘UFO’ simply suggests something unexplainable hovering in outer or inner space, whether it is machinelike elves encountered under the influence of DMT (DMT-containing plants have been used in Shamanistic magic rituals for thousands of years), or nuts and bolt craft performing inexplicable aerial maneuvers over Area 51.” – Ritual Magic, Mind Control and the UFO Phenomonom by Adam Gorightly I believe Captain Ivar Mackay, at time of writing Chairman of the British UFO Research Association, offers some good sound advice when he most wisely states: “Don’t go all ‘mystical,’ sit in ‘meditation,’ or ‘open your mind’ to the ‘Space people’ —you are not in a position positively to know what type of Intelligence or Energy may be seeking to invade your mind, and you may suffer disastrous harm in consequence of this practice, as has been only too apparent among some researchers in recent years.” – FSR: UFOs and the Occult Jewish Kabbala, Christian Cabala, and Graeco-Egyptian Hermetic Qabala are ancient magic systems in the category of UFO


religions which involve contact with the extraterrestrial fallen angel ‘Space people.’ Captain Ivar Mackay, the Chairman of the British UFO Research Association, writes: “One source which promises to provide the most astonishing information on UFOs is Transcendental Qabalism [as espoused by ceremonial magician/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member Eliphas Levi.** See The Qabalah: Secret Tradition of the West by Papus. The term Transcendental Qabalism is synonymous with the term Transcendental Magic on which subject Levi literally wrote the book].** This is a vast and highly complex system of Cosmology, both physical and spiritual…” - FSR: UFOs and the Occult by Captain Ivar Mackay (**Pertinent Quote: “Qabalah is theory and philosophy… Magic is the practical application of that theory.” - The Art and Meaning of Magic by Israel Regardie. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order practiced Graeco-Egyptian Hermetic Qabalah, aka Transcendental Qabalism/Transcendental Magic, the most famous and successful practitioner of which being Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member/British spy/UFO contactee Aleister Crowley, a fool who believed he could control UFOs) Qabalah is the extraterrestrial beings:






“The Qabalah, a secret tradition of mysticism, offered certain privileged initiates the capability of communicating with ‘aerial people.’” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. (The following quote is exemplary of this claim: “…can we contact the angels? Can we get their attention? Can they help us achieve our goals? Are there special rites and invocations that can bridge the unfathomable distances between our material world and the divine realms where angels dwell? The answer to all these questions is yes… Angel magic is the way we connect with angels and get their undivided attention… Kabbalah is a vast storehouse of lore about angels… Kabbalah is the key to the magic of the angels.” – Introduction to The Kabbalah & Magic of Angels by Migene GonzalezWippler, 2013 A.D.)


The ‘aerial people’ are the astral angels who fly about in spacecraft. The central tenet of Qabalism, variously spelled Kabbalism and Cabalism to denote the specific types (Hermetic [GraecoEgyptian], Jewish and Christian, respectively. Islamic ‘Kabbalism’ is known as Sufism), is the practice of magic both ‘black’ and ‘white.’ Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars in 1670 A.D. notably explains in Discourse III of The Comte De Gabalis that: “Among the ancient Philosophers…demons (the fallen angels) were held to be an Aerial Race” of aeronauts and that the Hebrews through the practice of Kabbala “possessed the special art (art = magic) of holding communion with that Aerial People and of conversing with all these Inhabitants of the Air” which they described as being “…creatures of human form (Nordic humanoid aliens)…great lovers of the sciences…eager to serve the sage…” The title of one magic manuscript succinctly sums up the goal of every magic system. The Grand Grimoire is subtitled “The Art of Controlling Celestial, Aerial, Terrestrial, and Infernal Spirits (angels).” One major sub-category of Kabbalism which specifically deals with Ufology is Merkabah Mysticism: “There are two main branches of Kabbalistic thought: the speculative and the practical. The speculative branch concerns itself solely with the operations of the spiritual dimension of the universe… The practical Kabbalah is primarily concerned with winning the energies of the spiritual world for the purposes of magical control… It was out of the mystical tradition of the (Jewish) Merkabah-riders & their involvement with angelology, talismans & magical incantations…that the branch of practical Kabbalism originally sprang.”** – pp.55,59 Kabbalah: An Introduction for the World Today by Charles Ponce, 1973 A.D. Merkabah mystics were early UFO contactees. (**As William J. Schnoebelen in The Dark Side of Freemasonry explains: “Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this [the 20th] century were Kabbalists.”) “The Qabalah…is divided under two main headings: the Theoretical and the Practical Qabalah… The first main division, that is the Theoretical, is philosophical; the second is magical and is largely elaborated round the Masseh Merkabah – the Chariot of Ezekiel… Out


of this mystical Qabalah much of the magic of the Middle Ages was developed.” – The Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah: A Study in Jewish Mystical Thought by UFO contactee Aleister Crowley’s friend, British Major General J. F .C. Fuller Concerning the history of Merkabah Mysticism: “The first major expression of mysticism within postbiblical Judaism can be found in the writings that make up the so called merkavah (“chariot”) and heikhalot (“palace”) corpus (as palaces are where one is expected to find a throne)… These terms are used to denote those texts…that describe in detail the ascent of an individual through the heavenly realms, culminating with an ecstatic vision of the luminous throne (a throne is a cherub stand upon which sits a luminous enthroned cherub when at rest; in essence, such writings are ancient written accounts of Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind)… The details of a vision of the divine chariot were first recorded in the book of Ezekiel, a prophet living in Babylonia in the sixth century B.C. (again, Biblical prophets were UFO contactees). The first use of the technical term merkavah to refer to Ezekiel’s vision of the enthroned glory (Ezekiel’s close encounter with God’s cherub; see Ezekiel 9:3, Isaiah 37:16 and Revelation 4:1-8,11) is found in the apocryphal Ecclesiasticus 49:8. ‘It was Ezekiel who saw the vision of glory (the merkavah) which God showed him above the chariot** of the cherubim’ (NRSV).” – p.1977 The Jewish Study Bible,Tanakh Translation, 2004 A.D. (**As such a chariot denotes the four conjoined cherubim of Ezekiel’s vision)


Merkabah Mystic

It was a common practice within pagan religions (including those specifically highlighted in The Bible) to ritually invoke the cherubim (the flying wheels/saucers) of the fallen angels (whom they revered as gods) on such holy ‘high-places’ as well during magic rituals often involving human sacrifice as well as ritual orgies commonly known as sex magic. Today, modern pagan reconstructionist movements such as the OTO (which itself practices ritual Qabalism) carry on this ancient mystical magic tradition of invoking occupants of UFOs. Historically speaking, most religions throughout history one will find fall within the ‘UFO religion’ category. Concerning the Kabbalistic theurgical magic practices of the Merkabah mystics and the prophet Ezekiel’s own reported contactee experiences: “‘And above the firmament…was the likeness of a throne (Jeremiah 14:21 refers to this as the throne of God’s glory), as the appearance of a


sapphire stone: & upon the likeness of the throne (a ‘throne’ is a cherub stand) was the likeness as the appearance of a man above it (this is a description of the man-like face on the front of a cherub. Due to this sort of cherubic personification the Merkabah is known as the Spirit Light Body)… This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory (the cherub/glory disc) of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, & I heard a voice of one that spake.’ (Ezekiel I, 26-8). This scriptural passage was to serve as the keystone for the first & longest phase of Jewish mysticism, Merkabah mysticism (today generally referred to as UFO contacteeism), covering roughly the period 100 b.c.e (before christian era) to 1000 c.e. The term Merkabah means God’s throne-chariot, and refers us to the chariot of Ezekiel’s vision. The Merkabah mystic, or Merkabah-rider** as he was sometimes called, had one goal: entry into the throne-world*** of the Merkabah… In order to protect himself from the demons & evil spirits which would attempt at every turn to destroy him, the devotee had to have prepared beforehand talismans, seals & magical incantations (magic rituals being quite central to the practice of Kabbalah)… It was to these beings (the demons and evil spirits) that the devotee had to present his amulets, seals & secret passwords… The devotee sought nothing more than the vision of the Merkabah (God’s cherub). No explicit doctrinal statements beyond accounts of their journeys into the heavens (inside the cherubim/flying saucers which would make an appearance in response to their magic rituals) grew out of the experience…” pp.55,57,59 Kabbalah: An Introduction for the World Today by Charles Ponce, 1973 A.D. (** “The noun merkabah "thing to ride in, cart" is derived from the consonantal root r-k-b [it being directly related to the word cherub] with the general meaning "to ride".” – Wikipedia: Merkabah mysticism) (***As related in 2Chronicles 18:18 and 1Kings 22:19, the ufo contactee/prophet Micaiah was accorded such an entrance into the “throne-world”/throne room of God within the Majestic Glory mother-ship and returned to tell tales about it, as did the ufo contactee/prophet Isaiah as related in Isaiah 6:1. All Biblical prophets were ufo contactees. Some reportedly did not return, however, as Elijah was said to have been taken alive into heaven by God, he vanishing without a trace (See2 Kings 2:10-17). Enoch was similarly taken: “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and


was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” - Hebrews 11:5. This should be the way of the mystic—to find himself pleasing in the eyes of God)

Merkabah of God

“The remark 'ascend hither! ascend hither!' (See Revelation 4:1)… points to another prominent phase of Rabbinic mysticism…the conception that heaven may be reached without dying… The experiences of Enoch (Genesis, v. 24) (“And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” - Genesis 5:24) and of Elijah (2 Kings, ii. 11) are illustrations (as Elijah was said to have been taken into heaven by God, he vanishing without a trace [See 2Kings 2:1017])… A further development is seen in the theory that certain pious men may temporarily ascend into the unseen, and, having seen and learnt the deepest mysteries, may return to earth again (as is evident in Revelation 4:1). These were the mystics who…were able to…behold visions and hear voices which brought them into direct contact with the Divine Life… the mystics…called themselves Yōrědē Merkabah (i.e.


Riders in the Chariot).” – pp.48-49 Jewish Mysticism by J. Abelson, 1913 A.D. Riders in the Chariot were UFO contactees.

The Translation of Enoch (Traditional)

Enoch Translated into Heaven (See Hebrews 11:5)

God takes Enoch (See Genesis 5:24)

The Ascension of Elijah


See 2Kings 2:10-17


Ritually invoking UFOs (particularly God’s Shekinah glory/cherub) was the expressed aim of Kabbalism, Jewish Merkabah mysticism: “…the sacrifice performed by Solomon (See 1Kings 3:3-15) was a ritual act designed to call the Lord forth for conversation, ‘For the tabernacle of the Lord which Moses made in the wilderness, and the altar of the burnt offering, were in the high place at Gibeon.’ Wherever the tabernacle was located, there the people could perform sacrifice and come into contact with the Lord (at which time God would descend in his cherub).” – p.269 Kabbalah: An Introduction for the World Today by Charles Ponce, 1973 A.D. True to the ufological nature of Merkabah mysticism: “Evelyn Underhill says of a certain mediaeval German mystic, Rulman Merswin, that ‘a brilliant light shone around him; he heard in his ears a Divine voice of adorable sweetness; he felt as if he were lifted from the ground, and carried several times round the garden’ (The Mystic Way, p.162). Phenomena of a similar type cluster round the Shechinah mysticism.” – p.87 Jewish Mysticism by J. Abelson, 1913 A.D. When their experiences take place within a religious context or are of a devoutly religious character, ufo contactees were commonly referred to as mystics (Christian mystics, Islamic mystics, etc.). Ancient UFO religions were commonly known as Mystery religions, the archaic definition of which is “handicraft, trade, art,” which is to say, the trades of the masons/builders. Jesus is the stone which the masons/builders rejected who would become the cornerstone (See Matthew 21:42) of his very own Mystery religion (See Romans Mark 4:11, 16:25, Ephesians 5:32 and Colossians 4:3) known to history as Christianity. Jesus it is said was a carpenter (See Mark 6:3), by definition a builder, from the Roman word artifex, an adept in the art. Builders were adepts of the magic arts. It was believed Jesus was such a Merkabah mystic: “According to Bruce Chilton in Rabbi Jesus, Jesus was a Merkabah mystic who mastered the technique of envisioning God’s chariot throne.” – Jesus a Merkabah Mystic by Charles L. Quarles, 2003 A.D. (In answer to this I would just have to stress Jesus like his father was a


carpenter by trade. In Jesus’ day, trades were hereditary much like those of the Masonic craft as well as the art of hereditary witchcraft [Jesus and his band of 12 apostles incidently numbering 13, the typical number of witches composing a traditional witch’s coven]. As a “just” member of the Masonic mystery trade of carpentry, Joseph was a Jewish Merkabah mystic who had found favor in the sight of God. The word carpenter as applied to Joseph is translated from the Roman word artifex: “an expert practitioner of any art” and etymologically speaking, gives us an idea of Joseph the non-biological father of Jesus being a ‘builder,’ an adept of the art of the cart learned in the ways of Merkabah mysticism [from the root word car, a cart, chariot, something to ride in, k-r-b]. And Joseph’s wife Mary the mother of Jesus is no doubt the most famous UFO contactee of all time and needless to say the central element of all Marian Apparition UFO phenomena encountered today. Mary the mother of Jesus would become impregnated by the beings with which she was in contact: “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together [sexually], she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David [read: thou member of the royal line of David], fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet [Isaiah], saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us [See Isaiah 7:14]. Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not [Joseph abstained from sexual contact with his wife, the virgin Mary] till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” - Matthew 1:18-25. Jesus also had numerous quite human brothers and sisters [See Mark 6:3 and Matthew 13:55]. Jesus was in fact a Rabbi [whose knowledge of scripture had so impressed the doctors of theology in the Second Temple at the tender age of twelve (See Luke 2:45-46)] who had the following discussion concerning Merkabah mysticism with the head of the Jewish Merkabah mystics himself. The Messiah Jesus had spoken of the futility of such a practice: “There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews [his generation’s Tzaddik Ha-Dor who is best described as


somewhat of an aspiring potential messiah]: The same came to Jesus [the true Messiah] by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him [unless he be the prophesized Immanuel, “God with us,” the long promised and expected messiah]. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man [a human] be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God [the Majestic Glory throne-room of God, the entrance to which all Merkabah mystics aspire]. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water [the human body being composed of 90% water] and of the Spirit [unless he be an angel/human hybrid], he cannot physically enter into the kingdom of God [into the Majestic Glory throne-room of God. A purely human being may however enter a cherub and physically survive. The main question in Kabbalism was always whether an individual might enter heaven alive or after death]. That which is born of the flesh is flesh [human]; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit [angel]. Marvel not that I said unto thee [Nicodemus, a man of pure human parentage], Ye must be born again [be rebirthed in the Tree of Life artificial womb/fusion chamber, each cherub being equipped with one. See The Knowledge of Wisdom by John of the Gentiles. At the resurrection, Jews and Jewish Christian converts receiving cherubim in consolation of their martyrdom are “born again” through the cherub’s Tree of Life artificial womb/fusion chamber. Artificial wombs on Earth were first created by Japanese scientists (read: magicians) in 1992 A.D.]. The wind [wave] bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound [waves] thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth [it being invisible to the sight]: so is every one that is born of the Spirit [a cherub; See Psalms 104:4]. Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? [As Nicodemus was likely a ufo contactee subject to alien abduction as well, having already ridden in the cherub of a fallen angel]. Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a [Kabballah] master [baal shem] of Israel, and knowest not these things? [The Pharisees of The Bible were Kabbalists]. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know [the kingdom of God/the Majestic Glory throne-room of God], and testify that we have seen the kingdom of God [the Majestic Glory throne-room of God]; and ye receive not our witness [Nicodemus would not believe the eyewitness UFO reports of Jesus and his ufo contactee disciples]. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly


things? And no man [of Jewish human birth] hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man [Jesus, the angel/human biological son of God and the very human virgin Mary] which is in heaven.” - John 3:1-13. And again: “Then was brought unto him [Jesus] one possessed with a devil…and he healed him… And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David [the promised Messiah of the royal line of David]? … the Pharisees…said [to themselves], This fellow [Jesus]…cast out devils… by [authority of] Beelzebub the prince of the devils. And Jesus knew their thoughts [the ability to read minds is called telepathy, an ability common amongst ufonaughts], and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub [the Hebrew name for Baal/Azazel] cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out [Pharisees were paid excorcists doing a very lucrative business in his day. See Acts 19:13-14]? therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the [Holy] Spirit of God [the Holy Spirit of God is God’s cherub], then the kingdom of God*** is come unto you.” - Matthew 12:22-28) (***The “kingdom of God” is the Majestic Glory throne-room of God. See Psalms 145:12, Psalms 103:19, Psalms 103:19, Psalms 45:6 and 1Chronicles 29:11) As Jesus made the extraordinary claim “God is come unto you,” he even claiming to be the Son of God himself by whose very authority he commanded the demons, the Pharisees demanded proof of these declarations: “Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.” - Matthew 12:38 What the Pharisees demanded to see was the sign in the height, the divine Sign of Immanuel itself. The Sign of Immanuel is God’s cherub:


The “sign” of Jesus’ Second Coming, which is to say, what we are to envision when he arrives, is akin to the “sign” of his first coming, the so-called Sign of Immanuel (See Isaiah 7:14), the prophecized and long awaited God-given “sign…in the height above” mentioned in Isaiah 7:11 (which Biblically prophesied event manifested itself as the Star of Bethlehem UFO phenomenon). The Sign of Immanuel (Immanuel meaning ‘God with us,’ the Sign of Immanuel in the sky above thusly signifying the very presence of God’s cherub) is the ufological “sign from heaven” demanded of Jesus by Pharisean Kabbalists as related in Matthew 12:38, Matthew 16:1, Mark 8:11 and Luke 11:16, the successful commanded appearance of which was required as proof of Jesus’ Messiahship, heavenly authority and birth (See 1Corinthians 1:22: “For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom [magic].”). Jesus was the genesis of the Good News of the Kingdom of God form of Christian mysticism, aka Christianity (See 1Peter 4:16), which began in the time of Christ: “The law [the Ten Commandments, having no other gods before Me, etc.] and the prophets [including the heavenly orgalogues and the tales


of UFO contacteeism in the books of the various prophets in The Bible thusly giving birth to Merkabah mysticism] were until John [the Baptist]: since then the good news of the kingdom of God is preached, and every one enters it violently [from henceforth any would-be Merkabah-rider who seeks to enter the Majestic Glory (the term “kingdom of God” here being used to define the Majestic Glory throneroom of God, the central element of Merkabah mysticism) are able to enter only post-death (though following their resurrection when they are to be presented with cherubim in consolation of their martyrdom). This is the Good News preached of the Kingdom of God—Jesus preached the possibility of commanding a cherub, and not just simply the prospect of riding in one (See Hebrews 9:1-15)].” - Luke 16:16. The cherub received at his resurrection was Jesus’ reward for his own obedient death: “…Christ Jesus…was made in the likeness of men… and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name (a cherub) which is above (better than) every (any other) name (cherub)…that at the name (cherub) of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth…and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” - Philippians 2:5,7,9,10 (Jesus was said not only to have been a Kabbalistic master Merkabah-rider greater than the greatest Phariseean Merkabah-rider [the baal shem] in all of Israel but was also said to have been high-priest in the very throne-room of God into which all aspiring Merkabah-riders worthy of their salt sought entry. To Phariseean Kabbalists, this was a most extraordinary claim: “Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens [read: Jesus’ ‘throne’ is located to the right of God’s ‘throne’ in the throne-room of the Majestic Glory]; a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched [built], and not man.” Hebrews 8:1-2). Considering what we know of the history of demonology and ufology, Merkabah-riders and other associated practitioners of magic may however continue to enter the cherubim of the demonic fallen angels and live to return to tell about it as magic and its associated contact with ufo’s originated with those very fallen beings themselves. With UFO possession and demon possession representing one and the same phenomenon, it is no surprise that we find Jesus in his role of excorcist, an excorcisor of evil spirits/demons/fallen angels/evil ufonauts, a pursuit traditionally associated with the practice of magic)


When four conjoined cherubim (in the Book of Ezekiel called “wheels”) fly together as one craft, it is sometimes referred to as a chariot [See 2Kings 6:17], by definition a four-wheeled cart. Jewish mystics (in Jesus’ day known as Carpenters) were ufo contactees (and not simply hewers of wood), adepts of the art of the cart as it were. Relevent scripture include: “And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot (by definition a fourwheeled cart) of fire (four conjoined cherubim/“wheels”), and horses of fire (cherubim), and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind (in a cherub) into heaven. And Elisha saw it (this being a UFO sighting, Elisha being a UFO contactee, and this being an eyewitness UFO report), and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel (a craft composed of four conjoined cherubic wheels), and the horsemen (angels) thereof. And he (Elisha) saw him (Elijah) no more…” - 2Kings 2:11-12 (Following an extensive search by local authorities, Elijah was determined to have vanished without a trace [See 2Kings 2:17]). King David was also a ufo contactee, an adept of the art of the cart: “Bless the LORD (God)...who maketh the clouds (the cherubim) thy chariot (combining them into a cart composed of four conjoined cherubic wheels), who ridest on the wings of the wind...” - Psalms 104:1,4. The prophet Zechariah was likewise a ufo contactee: “And again I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, four chariots came out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of bronze. Then I said to the angel who talked with me…” - Zechariah 6:1. These individuals, ufo contactees each and every one of them may be said like Jesus and Joseph to be Carpenters, adepts of the art of the cart, riders in the chariot of heaven. Saucer author John of Patmos, author of the eyewitness UFO report related in the Biblical Book of Revelation, literally an orgalogue to end all orgalogues, was an early Christian mystic/ufo contactee (See Revelation 4:1-11, he being as he describes in detail therein abducted into the Majestic Glory mothership itself, a suggested must-read for all aspiring Jewish Kabbalists). John in Revelation also writes up a report about a ufo contactee said to have been “caught up” to the very “throne” of God (See Revelation 12:5. This is in reference to the baby Jesus himself. At books end and as the final act, John describes his vision of God’s greatest craft of all descending from the sky deus ex machina, the New Jerusalem city-ship [See Revelation 21:2]. However, there are some indications that the New Earth itself represents a planetsized craft in and of itself [See Isaiah 65:17, Isaiah 66:22 and 2Peter


3:13] capable of maneuvering into any stars’ sweetspot conducive to the propagation of life. God has been saving His very best for last). Most revealing in our magic quest is the song of Rabbi Akiba (b.40–d.137 A.D.), “Head of all the Sages” of Jerusalem, the Kabbalistic Merkabah mystic/Merkabah rider who sings in praise of: “…the wheel of the throne of His (God’s) glory (also described therein as “the wheel of the Merkabah”)… precious vessel! Made marvelously and a marvel… I came to take refuge under the shadow of Thy wings… Thy throne doth fly… as a bird doth it fly… Who is like unto the Lord our God?” - Hekalot Rabbati [94,97,105]. Rabbi Akiba had studied under Rabbi Eleazer and Joshua ben Hananiah who were of purely Levitical priestly descent, he practicing a Pharisaic philosophy consisting of Spiritualism/Kabalism dating to the time of Jesus and the Second Temple (As a point of reference and to provide some insight into the Judaic religious atmosophere prevalent in the time of Jesus, Jesus was crucified around 40 A.D. just prior to the birth of Rabbi Akiba. The advent of Jesus was a God-given sign of the coming destruction of Jerusalem [See Luke 11:30 as well as Matthew 3:7]). The following coin includes a stylised representation of the flying Merkabah (winged-disc) of Yahweh, the humanoid God of Israel:


The Merkabah is known as the Vehicle of Ascension. The 6 th Century manuscript known as the Hekalot Rabbati is one of the major extant texts dating from the period of Merkabah mysticism (many texts of which do in fact exist, though few there are like the Hekalot Rabbati that have since been rendered into English), an early record of 2 nd Century A.D. CE-4 ufological encounters (the Hekalot Rabbati being as well a testament to the ways these Rabbinic UFO contactees, who as evidenced therein viewed these UFO contacts to have been of a wholly religious experience, were deceived by the demonic occupants of the craft by whom they had been contacted. An obsessed UFO contactee, Rabbi Akiba, as history so attests, would officially recognize Simon Bar Kokba [a title which translates as "Son of a Star," it being perhaps a term synonymous with Starchild] as the long awaited though much prophesied conquering Messiah [as related in Hekalot Rabbati 140-143, the Jewish rabbis of the period (including fellow UFO contactees Rabbi Akiba and Rabbi Ishmael) believed it in fact to be as the UFO occupants had directly revealed unto them, the time of “the Messianic end” (this being in fact the very same claim of the saucer occupants encountered today) that Simon Bar Kokba was indeed the Biblically promised “Messiah” whose coming was prophesied to these Rabbis by the UFO occupants with whom they had come into contact (as is explicitly mentioned therein), most specifically the message proffered by the supernatural being they identify as the angel Metatron** (See Appendix A)], the UFO occupants in this way directly prompting Simon Bar Kokba’s ill-fated revolt against an all-powerful imperial Rome in 132–136 A.D. Rabbi Akiba as a result of this deceptive extraterrestrial contact was directly responsible for the ensuing genocide of the Jews [deaths numbering in the hundreds of thousands including the death of Rabbi Akiba himself as history so attests], the survivors of which were sold as slaves into Egypt—a most devious demonic deception indeed! Had the Merkabah-riders heeded the warning of the Christian ufo contactees whom they had ruthlessly persecuted, they would not have been so thoroughly deceived. Of a most pertinent note, the Biblical patriarch Noah first received his Biblical God-ordained message of an impending intended worldwide destruction by flood (See Genesis 6:13,17) following an initializing contact with the angel Uriel, this ufological contact being detailed in The Book of Enoch. Uriel is known as the ‘Prince of the Torah’ and is largely credited with revealing Kabbalah to mankind). (**As “Metatron has been identified with the Zoroastrian Mithra [Mithra = Azazel/Behemoth].” – p.72 Jewish Mysticism by J. Abelson, 1913 A.D., this suggests a Persian Magi influence on the religious doctrines


of the Pharisees. Compare the word Pharisee to Parsi/ Persia to which it is etymologically related) To truly understand Kabalism one must first understand Qabalism, and to truly understand Qabalism one must eliminate some of the nonsense being taught in Egyptology today. Indeed, Merkabah mysticism, also known as Kabbalism, saw its genesis with Moses and the Hebrews and the Egyptian Qabalist priests of Memphis. The Jewish concept of the Merkabah was in origin the Egyptian Ba of the Ka (Memphis being the House [Temple] of the Ba of the Ka Ptah). The Egyptian Ba (plural Bau) typically takes on the stylized form of a humanoid being in a winged dome-shaped flying disc (and is sometimes referred to as a Ba-bird. Ba is essentially an Egyptian word meaning “winged-disc”). Also note the Sun-Disc with which the Ba is closely associated:

In Egyptian paintings, the Ba (in magic terminology one’s Holy Guardian Angel) is typically shown hovering above a deceased mummified body. True to its ufological nature, the Ba was associated with the ascension of one’s spirit into heaven:


Winged-Disc: A hovering Ba

A variation of the winged-disc motic: The Ba bird crowned with Sun disc


A tale of UFO contacteeism: The Ba bird was associated with the red cherub of Satan. The god Ra as pictured immediately above was by definition a Ba bird Egyptian deities (such as Ptah) were said to be divine ‘Guardian’ spirits known as Kas (singular Ka), a Ka being by definition a divine Guardian spirit. Spirits are angels. The Ba of a Ka is then the winged-flying disc of a divine Guardian spirit in later magic tradition known as a Holy Guardian Angel). The divine disc Osiris (a cherubic glory disc) is also known as the ubiquitous Ba of Ptah (every god had his Ba). Ptah was the god of craftsmen and architects, which is to say, the god of the Egyptian Masons of Memphis. To such teachings belong the traditions of the Freemasonic Memphis-Mizraim cult. Mizraim = Egypt. Ptah was a title of the Egyptian god Osiris. Ptah rendered in Egyptian hieroglyphics always contains the following saucer-like design:

That Rabbi Akiba’s followers were sold as slaves in Egypt following his ill-advised angel-inspired insurrection against Rome was a right fitting punishment considering the roots of Jewish Merkabah mysticism may be traced to the banks of the Nile River in Egypt, that ancient Land of Khem. As such the word Merkabah (through a simple juxtaposition of letters as names of gods were often anagrammed to


avoid unwanted calls) can itself be translated as the Ba of Ra of Khem. Behold the cherubic Ba of the sun-god Ra of the ancient land of Khem (Egypt). Ra is typically depicted in flying bird-disc motif:

Qabalistic ‘throne-world’: The enthroned ‘Ba of Ra of Khem’ Merkabah

The Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate X B.D. Chap. XVII speaks of the cherubic Sun-god Ra “…who shinest forth from thy disk and risest in thy horizon, and doth shine like gold above the sky…”


The Egyptian Phoenix was said to represent the Ba of Ra, a cherubic sun-disc:

The name of the Sun-god Ra when rendered into hieroglyphics, by definition “a writing system that uses symbols or pictures to denote objects” always includes the following classic UFO/flying saucer shaped images,: and . It is with the occupants of these objects with which magic-practicing Egyptian Qabalist priests had sought to communicate. The ufo contactee Moses was himself raised amongst priests in the household of the Pharoah of Egypt (See Exodus 2:10), he being a magic adept: “…learned in all the wisdom [magic] of the Egyptians.” - Acts 7:22). With the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt, Moses would export this Qabalistic magic tradition from the temples of Egypt in Memphis to the very borders of the Promised Land. Or so the story goes… (Related to the Egyptian cherubic Ba is the Hebrew god Baal [Ba’al], aka the flying lord Baalzebub/Beelzebub [Bel/Belenos] representative of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth. The word Kabbalah itself would appear to invoke the Ka [variously Kab, the spirit/angel] of Ba’al [the spirit/angel in the Ba known as the Hebrew god Baal]). Jewish revolutionary Simon Bar Kokba employed the following Kabbalistic magic talisman as a symbol of his administration:


This is the sign of the Ka known as Baal (and hence, Kabbalah involving magical contact with the Ka [the spirit/angel] of Baal):

An enthroned Baal glory disc: Carthage, North Africa

Baal worship, a full-fledged ancient Middle Eastern UFO contacteeism cult, was the cause of the Babylonian Dispersion (See Jeremiah 32:29-36). Related to this is the Islamic Kaba (al-Ka’Ba), the Bayt Allah/House of God (the House of the Ba of the Ka Al[lah]. Kabballah additionally = Ka of the Ba of Allah). Allah is Baal. AlKa’Ba is an anagram of Kabala/Kabbalah. Religious pilgrims typically “make the circuit of the Kaba” in deference to the circular disc-shaped


Ba of the Ka, much like witches dance the round and whirling dervishes spin in circles thereby mimicking the actions of the cherubim. The ‘Throne of Allah’ is known as Al’Arsh. The celestial throne of Allah:

Al’Arsh (Ra): the Celestial Throne of Allah From the synonymous use of an ‘eye’ to denote a cherub comes the Egyptian reference to the ‘Eye of Horus’ which itself represents the cherub of the fallen angel Azazel. As both eyes and UFOs are quite similar in shape the analogy is certainly appropriate: “…the Eye of Horus (aka “the winged disk of the open eye of Horus”) is identified with the angelic Watchers** of Enochian apocrypha (as found in The Book of Enoch)…” - p.157 Alien Initiations by Harold Kleemann, 2003 A.D. (** “…the Fallen High Angels…were known to the Greeks as ["Archons"]… The Chief of the Watchers is named AZAZEL…” - The Book of the Black Serpent)


The revolutionary Eye of Horus design incorporates both the bottom (as represented by the iris) and side views of a cherub into one single motif:

Baphomet: The cherubic Eye of Horus (also known as Osiris whose sign was the X, in Egyptian, Met) was associated with the Ba bird winged-disc (depicted at left) and the serpent (oph), the sign of Azazel (depicted at right). Put it all together and you get Ba-pho-met, the Knights Templar god of Egyptian origin Indeed: “…the so-called ‘Eye of Horus’ … was always represented as a winged circle with all the characteristics of the winged-sun discs worshipped in other parts of the world.” - FSR: Space Visitors in Ancient Egypt by Roberto Pinotti, 1966 A.D. Baphomet is the Ba of the Serpent god (Oph) whose sign is X (met). In a similar way Bahamut (the great fish/USO which figures prominently in the 1001 Nights Tales) is the Ba in the underworld (in Ha) of the Ka angel of death (Mut). The fact that the ancients believed themselves descended from cherubic gods is reflected in the term Abba (Ab’a), father, as in “Our Father who art in heaven” (See 2Kings 2:12), which is to say, our Father who art in the Ba. Paul warned his new


Jewish converts to Christianity against the UFO channeling practices of Jewish Kabalists in 1Timothy 2:5 telling us there was one mediator between God and man, the Lord Jesus Christ, taught them that the correct way to contact God “our father who art in heaven” was through prayer (See Luke 11:2-4, Matthew 6:9-11 and Acts Chapter 11, a record of such a successful contact) and not through traditionally frowned upon UFO channeling practices. Had Rabbi Akiba heeded his warning, disaster would have been diverted. Test the spirits with whom you come into contact. None can say “Jesus is Christ” but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Make them say: “Jesus is Christ.” The fallen angels can’t and they won’t (See 1John 2:22,4:3). The Egyptian word Ba denoting a cherub may be said to be synonymous with the Hebrew word star (kokab/kokba). Notice the star shown hovering above the Temple on the coinage issued during Bar Kokba’s rebellion:

As explained by UFO contactee Rabbi Ishmael in Hekalot Rabbati 204, in order to come into contact with such a “Merkabah” (a UFO) one must dutifully “conjure him” through a series of “call”s (compare to the ‘Enochian calls’ by which British ceremonial magician Dr. John Dee** similarly invoked the presence of the angels. The word call is synonymous with the word invoke. A call is a magical invocation). This Kabbalistic manuscript gives instructions whereby one may successfully bring extraterrestrial contact to fruition. The


Hekalot Rabbati is in fact a Merkabah rider’s magic book. Jewish Kabbalists through magic rituals ceremoniously invoked UFOs, they often thereby being the recipients of a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind, and thusly returning to Earth they would religiously write about these otherworldly experiences! Kabbalists were early ufologists/UFO contactees. (**Pertinent Quote: “Dr. John Dee…had studied deeply the mysteries of the Cabala and the Talmud, and these had impressed him with the belief that it would be possible for him to hold converse with spirits and angels, and to learn from them the secrets of the universe.” – p.114 The Romance of Sorcery) In the time of Jesus, the Son of God, Kabbalism was practiced by the Biblical Pharisees for whom UFO contact represented a truly religious experience, a tradition which continues to this day. As the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (circa 1943 A.D.) explains: “The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees.” Within Judaism itself magic was the realm of the Pharisee: “For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.” Acts 23:8. As explained by Biblical Archaeological Revue (BAR) editor Hershel Shanks: “All forms of modern Judaism are heirs of Rabbinic Judaism, which emerged in the centuries after the destruction of the Temple (in Jerusalem) in 70 A.D. … much of post-destruction Rabbinic halakhah (as found in Rabbinic Judaism) can already be found in pre-destruction Pharisaic Judaism.” - pp.176,177 The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1998 A.D. The Pharisees were Merkabah-riders/UFO contactees and as such were under demonic possession/UFO possession. It was it must be noted this very same Pharisaic Judaism religious system which Jesus so vehemently opposed (and with which Kabbalistic UFO magic cult the extraterrestrial being Satan was Biblically attested to have personally worked) and which had been ultimately responsible for his death on a cross. Throughout this period, Rabbinic Judaism has retained and has built upon aspects of earlier Pharisaic magic practices. It must again be stressed that magic systems involve communication with sojourning alien beings known to Christians as fallen angels. Shanks himself goes on to explain (See The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls p.179) that: “…after the


destruction of the (Jewish) Temple (in Jerusalem) in 70 A.D…only two forms of Judaism survive the cataclysm. One, Christianity, eventually dominates Western civilization after separating itself from its forbears (it is from this Christ-centered branch of Judaism that Christian Cabalism originates). The other, Rabbinic Judaism, is the ancestor of all branches of modern Judaism.” The teachings of Kabbalah fall under the category of Rabbinic Judaism (by definition a UFO religion) as descended from the traditions of the magic-practicing Pharisees. Kabbalism is known as “Jewish witchcraft.” It was the Jewish seer/UFO contactee Rabbi Akiba who laid the framework for the Mishna, the first major work of Rabbinic Judaism. As historian Montague Summers points out in The History of Witchcraft and Demonology p.195: “…in the Mishna, there are undoubted traces of magic, and in the Gemara demonology (an early form of ufology) and sorcery (communication with alien beings called demons, also known as fallen angels) loom very largely (the Gemara is the section of the Talmud comprising the rabbinical analysis of and commentary upon the Mishna. The Gemara and the Mishna together make up the Talmud. Indeed: “The importance of the Talmud…rests entirely on the great and immutable truths of the sacred Kabbalah.” – The Mysteries of Magic. Kabbalah, no matter how you spell it, is magic). Throughout the Middle Ages Jewish legend (such as to be found in the Haggada) played no insignificant part in the history of Witchcraft… in Spain, until the nineteenth century at least, there were prosecutions (under the Spanish Inquisition, Spain being, notably enough, home to the highly influential Jewish Medieval Kabalist scholar Moses de Leon), not so much for the observance of Hebrew ceremonies as is often suggested and supposed, but for the practice of the dark and hideous traditions of Hebrew magic.” The modern-day UFO contacteeism craze as it exists today is but a resurgence of ancient Kabbalistic practices prevelant during the lifetime of Jesus. There is nothing new under the sun.

The Divine Name Rosicrucian Cabalists of the Reformation period commonly depicted God’s cherub as the Divine Name (the Divine Name Glorified)


contained within numerous variations of the Sun-God Sun-Burst emblem (for more information see The Name Jehova at the Time of the European Reformation: Depicted on Coins and Metals, Buildings and Other Objects by Hans-Peter Marquart). These were magic sigils which were commonly used for protection by Christian mystics and Protestant armies during the 16-17th Century Protestant-Catholic wars of religion in Europe:

The Divine Name: The Annunciation

The Divine Name Glorified


Cherubic Sun-God: Divine Name

Translation: “Under the Shadow of Your Wings”: Divine Name Cherub over Nuremburg, Germany, 1656 A.D.



Divine Name Glorified: Sun-God


Glory Disc with Divine Name


Note the Triangle in the Eye/Eye in the Triangle Design of this Glory Disc


Divine Name: Ezekiel’s Wheel Magic Sigil


Divine Name: Kabbalistic Star of David Sigil The Divine Name is also known as the Tetragrammaton which is by definition the Hebrew name of God transliterated in four letters (rendered variously as YHWH [Yahweh] in Hebrew or JHVH [Jehovah] in English). The Tetragrammaton symbol is commonly employed during Christianized Cabalistic magic ceremonies derived from Jewish Kabbalistic magic rituals. The mystical use of the Divine Name, the Divine Name Glorified, has its genesis in Psalms 148 and in Jesus’ ufo contactee experience described in John 12:28-29: “Praise the LORD (YHWH) from the earth, ye dragons… Let them praise the name of the LORD (God): for his name (His cherub) alone


is excellent; his glory (God’s cherub) is above the earth and heaven...” - Psalms 148:7,13 “Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven (from a cherub/glory disc in the sky), saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, an angel spake to him.” - John 12:28-29 (See also 2Samuel 7:13 and 1Chronicles 22:10. God’s “name” is therein used synonymously with the word cherub. God is known as the God of Glory and the Father of Glory) The following Divine Name Tetragrammaton magic sigil is designed to resemble the cherubic Glory discs of the angels with whom the ceremonial magician sought to communicate, in this case Azazel whose sign is the Upright Pentagram (See Appendix A):


Freemasonic Blazing Star Flying Bird-Disc: Upright Pentagram of Azazel


A Variation: Freemasonic Blazing Star of Sirius

The Upright Pentagram as depicted above is the sign of Sirius (See Appendix A), and as such, it is the symbol of the Freemsonic god Azazel, and this is the esoteric significance of the Upright Pentagram Blazing Star of the Freemasons whose own teachings are based on the mysteries of Jewish Kabbala. The symbol of the star Sirius as a symbol for Azazel hearkens back to Biblical days: “Yea, ye [Jews of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel] took up the tabernacle of Moloch [their ‘King,’ Azazel], and the star [called a Chiun; the word ‘chiun’ translates as ‘star’ (kokba, a cherub)] of your god Remphan [Azazel], figures [idols] which ye made to worship them [the fallen angels]: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.” - Acts 7:43; and again: “But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch [their ‘King,’ Azazel] and Chiun your images, the star of your god [Remphan/Azazel], which ye made to yourselves.” - Amos 5:26

Obverse: Molech Azazel, King of Seirim (Satyrs/Stars) Reverse: A Chiun


Satyr in Glory

Satyr in Glory Disc


The Satyr screen memory: Note the star upon the Winged-disc with which the Satyrs are associated



Greek Satyrs 460 B.C.: Note the Quartered-circle disc with which they are associated

Satyr in Glory: 1927 A.D.


One interesting intersect of Kabalist teaching and modern-day ufology is Jewish Kabalist author Jacques Bergier who writes in his book entitled Extraterrestrial Visitations from Prehistoric Times to the Present: “Charles Fort said: ‘We are the property of someone.’ I go further than he does, in declaring that we are the creation of someone; and less far, in postulating that we are under surveillance and perhaps ‘they’ intervene in our activities and in our history. Why hasn’t there been, and isn’t there, direct, open contact between ‘them’ and us? This question is frequently debated. For my part, I believe that these contacts do exist, but that they are hidden from man as a whole and have taken place, at well-defined periods, only with very advanced individuals (one example of course being Rabbi Akiba), who have been above the average of their fellows.” – Prologue to Extraterrestrial Visitations from Prehistoric Times to the Present by Jacques Bergier, English Version 1973 A.D./Original publication date: 1970 A.D. This contact continues. As Aleister Crowley-disciple/chronicler and former head of the OTO in England Kenneth Grant similarly notes in his book entitled Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, 1974 A.D.: “Crowley was aware of the possibility of opening the spatial gateways and of admitting an extraterrestrial current in the human life-wave... It is an occult tradition — and (H.P.) Lovecraft gave it persistent utterance in his writings — that some transfinite and superhuman power is marshaling its forces with intent to invade and take possession of this planet... This is reminiscent of Charles Fort’s dark hints about a secret society** on earth already in contact with cosmic beings and, perhaps, preparing the way for their advent.” (**He speaks of course of British spy Aleister Crowley’s own British Intelligence-sanctioned secret magic order of which he was himself a member. Crowley’s disciple Kenneth Grant even himself professes therein to have had perfected a method of “…contacting extra-terrestrial and non-human entities” which is the ultimate goal of all such systems of magic. Communication with the alien fallen angels known collectively as the


Watchers is in fact the bedrock upon which all modern day New Age UFO cults and ancient UFO religions real or fictitious are built) Such writers refer of course to page 286 of Charles Fort’s 1919 A.D. book entitled The Book of the Damned where Charles Fort writes of: “…another world that may be in secret communication with certain esoteric ones of this earth’s inhabitants…” Charles Fort here speaks of Aleister Crowley’s OTO magic order with which he himself was associated. Crowley had just prior to this book’s publication established contact with the alien being Lam during his 1918 A.D. Amalantrah Working ceremonial magic ritual conducted in Manhattan in New York City, home to Charles Fort’s Fortean Society, for all intents and purposes an offshoot of Crowley’s OTO magic order. Aleister Crowley’s own magic disciple Kenneth Grant would go on to consecrate the Cult of Lam which focuses upon the invocation of this specific extraterrestrial entity with whom Aleister Crowley had established contact years prior [See the OTO’s The Lam Statement by Kenneth Grant, 1987 A.D.]. As the OTO has known British/American Intelligence agency associations these should be considered clandestine government ufo channeling projects. As espoused by the foremost ufologist of his day: “…as Charles Fort stated in one of his remarkable books (The Book of the Damned), ‘We are property.’ Yes, it could be said that we are property, for as you have seen—if you go along with traditional stories from around the world—we were made by them, put here, and since then they have interbred with us…watched our progress over thousands of years…and are still with us today… it could be said they own us…” – Mysterious Visitors: The UFO Story by Brinsley LePoer Trench, 1971 A.D. It is today erroneously believed UFOs first made their appearance in 1947 A.D.: “The beginning of the modern UFO era (which in this author’s opinion has all the earmarks of a specially crafted propaganda operation, and this with U.S. government Intelligence associations in order to introduce the aliens with which they were in contact to the world) is often traced back to June 24, 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold sighted ‘a formation of very bright objects’ while flying over the


Cascade Mountains of Washington State… Arnold described the objects as moving ‘like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water.’ Bill Bequette, a reporter with the East Oregonian newspaper, recalled Arnold’s description when he later placed his story on the AP wire. His use of the phrase ‘saucer-like’ gave the phenomenon a name: ‘flying saucers’ … Kenneth Arnold's sighting was one of the first of over 850 UFO reports to appear in the US media by the end of July, 1947 (recall the inception of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s covert infiltration of the US media, commenced also at this time in the late 1940s). Approximately 150 reports made their way into the files of Technical Intelligence, T-2, at Wright Field (Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, home to Hangar 18 where debris from UFO crashes are housed, this being the headquarters for the U.S. Air Force’s Project "Saucer" and Project Sign UFO investigations. Project 1947’s Project "Saucer" Memorandum to the Press briefing dated April 27, 1949 A.D. states that reports of “unidentified flying objects” are not “peculiar to the present day,” it therein referencing The Books of Charles Fort by Fortean Society co-founder Tiffany Thayer published in 1941 A.D. in New York as proof adding: “similar [ufological] phenomena are described as having been sighted at various times throughout past centuries.”). Today these files are part of the USAF Project Blue Book files located at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland… Perhaps even better known than Kenneth Arnold’s sighting is the so-called Roswell Incident, the alleged retrieval and cover-up of a crashed flying disc somewhere near Roswell,** New Mexico, in June/July, 1947 (the Roswell Incident occurring 8 days following Kenneth Arnold’s famous sighting on June 24, 1947 A.D. amidst a flap of ongoing UFO sightings in America and Britain taking place throughout the summer of 1947).” - PROJECT 1947: UFO REPORTS – 1947 (Pertinent Quote: “Reports of strange objects seen in the skies have been handed down through the generations.” – Project 1947) (**It was the U.S. Army Air Force’s 509th Operations Group headquartered at Roswell Army Air Field which purportedly recovered the alien spacecraft. The 509th was the home base of the Enola Gay, the B-29 Superfortress bomber piloted by U.S. Army Air Force Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Jr. who under the command of U.S. Army Air Force General ‘Hap’ Arnold and Manhattan Project Navy Rear Admiral William Sterling Parsons dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan during the final days of WWII. Some UFOnaughts had in fact claimed to have traveled to our Earth due to America’s use of the atomic bomb during WWII with the expressed purpose to warn its inhabitants against further uses thereof, and to thereby save them from


self-destruction, as was the case with the George Adamski flying saucer contacts) (Pertinent Quotes: “After one year’s investigation of the flying saucers and Air Force operations, I [U.S. Major Donald Keyhoe] have come to the following conclusions… In regard to the flying saucers themselves, I believe that in the majority of cases, space ships are the answer: 1. The earth has been under periodic observation from another planet, or other planets, for at least two centuries. 2. This observation suddenly increased in 1947, following, the series of Abomb explosions begun in 1945. 3. The observation, now intermittent, is part of a long-range survey and will continue indefinitely.” – pp.173174 The Flying Saucers Are Real by NICAP founder/U.S. Major Donald Keyhoe, 1950 A.D. And again: “Whether Flying Saucers are "air sylphs," as sometimes claimed by some theosophists and other clairvoyants; physical objects, as claimed by Major Donald Keyhoe; Etherships, as suggested by Meade Layne and others, or whether space beings are entities who have once lived on this earth and since resided on other planets, or remained cruising in space, as Daniel Fry points out in The White Sands Incident, one thing is certain, Flying Saucers are here and communications with space beings and extra-terrestrials is an interesting phenomena of our times. The messages received from extra terrestrial sources seem to have one thing in common, regardless of where they are received or through what instrumentality [Ouija Board, Spirit mediumship/automatic-writing, telepathy or extrasensory perception]. They all, without exception, warn of impending disaster if mankind does not adopt a more tolerant and understanding attitude among nations and peoples, and cease the hydrogen bomb and [nuclear] armament race.” –Publisher’s Forword to In Days To Come pp.13-14 by the alien Ashtar through the mediumship of Ethel P. Hill, 1957 A.D. UFO warnings have been used to sell everything through the years from nuclear disarmament to environmental conservation) Note that the Wright Patterson Air Force Base badge is the classical winged-disc (with ‘Upright Pentagram’ design which as detailed in Appendix B is the very sign of the fallen angel Azazel):


The following is a representative photo of a typical American saucer to which such disc-shaped ‘flying saucers’ were likened:

Interestingly enough, OTO ceremonial magician Kenneth Grant credits OTO ceremonial magician Jack Parsons’ Babalon Working magic ritual for the 1947 A.D. UFO flap: “The [Babalon] Working began in 1945-46, a few months before (OTO-member Aleister) Crowley’s death in 1947, and just prior to the wave of unexplained aerial phenomena now recalled as the ‘Great


Flying Saucer Flap’ (of June/July, 1947 A.D., the time of the infamous Roswell Incident and the Kenneth Arnold sighting)... Parsons opened a door and something flew in. A Gateway for the Great Old Ones has already been established—and opened—by members of the O.T.O. who are in rapport with this entity [Lam, an extra-terrestrial being whom Crowley supposedly contacted while in America…].” ** - Kenneth Grant, O.T.O. (**Aleister Crowley allegedly contacted an ‘extraterrestrial’ non-human entity named Lam during his so-called ‘Amalantrah Working’ magic ritual. Lam is a shortened form of ‘Lamia.’ In the language of demonologists the word lamia was used to denote a demon [Lamaism is a form of magic involving the invocation of demons. In Latin, lamia means witch]. The Lam with whom Aleister Crowley was in contact was the demonic fallen angel Azazel. You may also know the extraterrestrial fallen angel Azazel with whom Crowley was in contact as Aiwaz (alternatively spelled Aiwass), also called Horus (and also known as the Egyptian god Set [Crowley reportedly invoked his “Guardian angel” Set under the name Aiwass]. According to the Rosicrucian Cabalist/Freemason Albert Churchward in The Origin and Evolution of Religion p.189, the Egyptian god Set was identified as “the fallen leader of the angelic host…worshipped by the Yezidi in Mesopotamia.”). Crowley did in fact identify Aiwaz as being the ‘devil’ of the Yezidi. As Crowley himself explains: “Aiwaz is not a mere (magic) formula, like many Angelic names, but it is the true, most ancient name of the God of the Yezidi, and thus returns to the highest antiquity. Our work is therefore historically authentic; the rediscovery of the Sumerian (magic) tradition.”** And Aiwaz, it is said, was the Chief of the Hidden Masters, aka the Secret Chiefs. As revealed in The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’s The Book of the Black Serpent circa 1900 A.D., a magic order in which Aleister Crowley was himself a member: “…the Fallen High Angels…were known to the Greeks as ["Archons"] (compare to Aeons/Aions as the angels were known to the Gnostics)… The Chief of the Watchers is named AZAZEL…” The Sumerian tradition as encapsulated in the magic rituals of the Yezidi and later ‘rediscovered’ by Aleister Crowley was none other than the cultus surrounding the ancient worship of the fallen angel Azazel. It was the extraterrestrial being Aiwaz/Azazel who reportedly dictated that bedrock of Crowleyism known as The Book of the Law to Aleister Crowley personally through a process known as automatic-writing. As Crowley’s disciple Kenneth Grant cryptically explains: “…the next phase in the advancement of evolution on this planet…will be achieved with a willed congress with extra-terrestrial entities of which, in a sense, Aiwaz [Azazel] is the immediate messenger to humanity.


According to Crowley, Aiwaz [Azazel] is ‘a messenger from the forces ruling this planet at present,’ forces ‘of a kind superior to any of the human race.’ Aiwaz [Azazel] is therefore the type of extra-terrestrial Intelligence such as we may expect to come into conscious contact with…”) (**Pagan Reconstructionist British ceremonial magicians such as the high-ranking British spy Aleister Crowley typically performed magic rituals uncovered during ongoing archaeological discoveries, they often simply substituting their very own names therein [as is explained by Aleister Crowley’s personal secretary/magician’s assistant Israel Regardie on p.266 of his book The Tree of Life], and/or performed their own variations thereof [See pp.3435 The Art and Meaning of Magic by Israel Regardie]. Aleister Crowley’s magic book Liber Samekh was itself derived from a GraecoEgyptian [Qabalist] magic text reprinted in British Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge’s book Egyptian Magic, a prime example of this practice. Many archaeologists [British Wicca-founder Gerald B. Gardner upon whom Aleister Crowley had once conferred an OTO charter being quite exemplary], sociologists and anthropologists are in fact true practitioners of magic. As Aleister Crowley has wisely noted: “…the study of comparative religion has made it clear… the mystics of all ages and religions…were talking of the same things…” – Liber 888 [Pertinent Quote: “…all rites diversely represent one and the same dogma.” – p.124 The Book of Splendours by Eliphas Levi]. And all such practitioners of magic [most notably those occultists such as Aleister Crowley in the employ of the British and American Intelligence services] are searching for what Renaissance magician Marsilio Ficino has termed the Prisca Theologia, the pure numinous fount, that system of magic from which all such subsequent mystical Wisdom-Religions have originated. It is no surprise that Aleister Crowley would seek out such rituals in the very cradle of civilization itself) The following is an esoteric rendering of Aiwas/Aiwass, variously known as Melek Tawus (spelled Ta’us), the quite infamous Peacock King (read: Angel King), who is the fallen angel Azazel (Melek translates as ‘king.’ Ta’us means both ‘peacock’ and ‘angel’ in the Yezidi language. Note the cherubic quartered-circle and dingir disc symbols with which this angel is associated):


The Yezidi people do indeed trace their ancestry back to the extraterrestrial angels who interbred with earth women as related in Genesis 6:4 (See p.11 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson, 2000 A.D.), back to and I quote, the very “bloodline that goes back to the fallen angels” (Ibid p.15). Concerning the so-called Babalon Working: “John (Jack) Whiteside Parsons (a U.S. government aerospace defense industry worker with top secret government clearance) and L. Ron Hubbard (a member of U.S. Navy Intelligence), founder of Scientology (itself a New Age UFO religion) were involved in a (government funded) special project during 1945 and 1946 (during WWII)... This special project which was carried out in the California (Mojave) desert (home to various U.S. military bases including Edwards AFB [which allegedly according to researcher David Icke is a notorious center for Satanic worship] involved in top secret black projects tasked with the development of advanced experimental aircraft including jet fighters for which Jack Parsons was an alchemist pioneer receiving funding from U.S. Army Air Force General ‘Hap’ Arnold), was a part of magical ceremonies (read: attempts to contact alien angels in an attempt to learn the scientific secrets of the universe) known as the


'Babylon Working', designed by (British Intelligence agent) Aleister Crowley, who died in 1947... The purpose of the series of (magic) ceremonies performed by Parsons and Hubbard was to unseal an interdimensional gateway (a stargate, by definition an Einstein–Rosen bridge allowing expedited travel between two distant locations) that had been sealed in antiquity thereby allowing other dimensional entities known as the 'Old Ones' (the gods of the ancients) access to our space/time continuum. The culmination of the (magic) ceremonies was reported to have been successful, having resulted in the establishment of ‘extra-terrestrial contact’...” - Outside the Circle of Time by Kenneth Grant, 1980 A.D. (Our story now takes an even more interesting turn for as per author extraordinaire Nicholas Redfern in his 2010 A.D. book Final Events, it was the official finding of the Collins Elite, an official U.S. government think-tank, that UFOs were demonic in character: “…a secret government cabal called the Collins Elite [CE]… was formed in response to interest in the work of occultists such as Aleister Crowley and Jet Propulsion Lab co-founder Jack Parsons. The CE [Collins Elite] came to believe that the magical/occult activities of these two famous occultists possibly opened portals between the human world and the ‘other side’ allowing passage of evil, demonic entities into our world. The CE reached the conclusion that these releases (or transgressions) had explanatory power for the wave of UFO sightings in the late 1940s and which have continued to this day… the CE firmly believes that not only are the aliens who are thought by millions to be visiting earth and abducting people actually demons, but that these entities are controlling a process (involving humans) of [alien] disclosure. The goal of [alien] disclosure is quite sinister: to convince the public that ET life is real and that it has been in contact with humanity for some time. And this will of course make the idea put forth by wacky people of faith that aliens are demons look perfectly silly— when that is precisely what they are…” – Review of Nick Redfern’s Final Events by Dr. Heiser, 2010 A.D. The Collins Elite were members of a U.S. military Intelligence project tasked with making contact with “Non-Human Entities” [NHEs] first thought to be extraterrestrial in origin. In the words of Nicolas Redfern: “As time went on, however, that theory was replaced by a far more controversial one [following an unusual string of bad luck for and the mysterious deaths of a number of


its members]. The group came to believe that they were dealing with nothing less than demonic entities from a literal Hell.”) Jack Parsons’ sex-magic partner in the Babalon Working, Marjorie Cameron, was also a firm believer in UFOs and even spoke once of encountering a flying saucer which likely made an appearance in response to her and Jack Parsons’ Babalon Working magic ritual. Concerning this incident Tristan Eldrich adeptly writes: “Did Jack Parsons’ fool-hardy magick really open some kind of (Interdimensional) door, a door that would haunt the skies of the twentieth century with the peripheral spectre of the UFO? (Kenneth) Grant’s theory is undoubtedly among the stranger and more fanciful we have heard for the origin of the (flying) saucers. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that in March of 1946, Marjorie Cameron witnessed a flying saucer hovering over the Parsonage (the Parsonage was Jack Parsons’ mansion built with profits from the Aerojet Co. Parsons and other OTO members had long been involved in magic rituals invoking fallen angels. A number of the nuclear scientists involved in the Manhattan Project resided there at the Parsonage along with Jack Parsons, a number of whom would go on to become involved in an official U.S. government UFO research projects.** Rocket scientist Jack Parsons’ own colleague at CalTech, Dr. Theodore von Karmen would serve as the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board chairman from 1944-1954 A.D. and had been intimately involved in the Air Force’s UFO investigations Project Sign, Project Grudge and during its early years, Project Blue Book); had she reported it, this would have made her the first eyewitness of the Great Flap of (19)47. Writing about the incident to (Aleister Crowley’s magic disciple, Hollywood actress) Jane Wolfe*** in 1953, Cameron associated the craft with the ‘war engines’ promised in Crowley’s Book of the Law: ‘The flying saucers the miracle! - our war engine! I saw the first one in the spring of 1946...’” - American History Hex Conclusion (**Amongst the scientists involved with the Manhattan Project who resided there at the Parsonage alongside OTO lodge leader Jack Parsons was Air Force Intelligence officer Raymond E. Fowler, a Minuteman Missile project scientist who has served as MUFON [Mutual UFO Network] Director


of Scientific Investigations and as an OTO-associated NICAP [National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena] Chairman [Raymond E. Fowler being a Flying Saucer Review consultant as well, a magazine likewise associated with the OTO due to its association with Watkins Books bookstore (the Contents page of Flying Saucer Review from 1965 A.D. and onward lists FSR’s Editor’s address as 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road which is in fact the address for Watkins Books), a spook-filled London bookstore formerly frequented by OTOmember/British spy Aleister Crowley (See The Great Beast. Watkins Books was founded by John M. Watkins, a friend of Theosophical Society-founder Madame Blavatsky, in 1897 A.D. Aleister Crowley was a leading member of the Theosophical Society’s own magic practicing inner circle, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn prior to his takeover of the OTO magic order. It is said, and the evidence most certainly points in this direction, that the Theosophical Society was an organ of British Intelligence). All roads in fact lead to the OTO]. Raymond E. Fowler, himself a professed UFO abductee, has authored numerous books on the subject of UFOs [including The Watchers and The Watchers II written on the subject of the group of extraterrestrial beings known as “The Watchers” and the role they have played in the development of our religious history]. As usual, the devil is always in the details, as it is said Jack Parson’s Babalon Working magic ritual was devised by Parsons, Navy Intelligence officer L. Ron Hubbard and Manhattan Project scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory at that time headed-up by an Ashkenazi Jew [a social group known for its Kabbalistic magic practices] named J. Robert Oppenheimmer. Heading up the Manhattan Project itself was one Major General Leslie Groves, a descendent of French Huguenots, a social group also known for delving into Cabalistic magic practices. In fact, the modern scientific discoveries of the Manhattan Project represent the successful culmination of some 300 years of Rosicrucian Cabalistic alchemical studies, nearly 2000 years of Christian Cabalistic magic studies and many thousands of years of Jewish Kabbalistic scientific studies amidst the concerted joint martial efforts of Cabalists, magicians, Spiritualists and witches of the entire western world. CalTech was at its advent an ultramodern school of magic, the Babalon Working an official if secretive government-funded magic school project aimed at


establishing contact with UFOs. Allied armed forces began encountering UFOs known as foo fighters in large numbers during WWII) (***In our efforts to discover the mysteries inherent to UFOlogy, one must also uncover a commonality between the seemingly juxtaposed histories of those individuals so involved. This appears to come in the form of the OTO. As we learn from Craig Heimbichner in Blood on the Altar p.121-122: “His [Jack Parsons’ OTO] Agape Lodge was affiliated with many Hollywood writers and actors [many of whom worked with the Defense Department during WWII making Hollywood war propaganda and training films. Some including German actress/OSS spy Marlene Dietrich would serve as Allied spies], including John Carradine, father of David Carradine [David Carradine’s wife Annie Bierman is a member of L. Ron Hubbard’s Church of Scientology with close ties to its leaders]…star of Kung Fu’ and the cinematic blood-geyser ‘Kill Bill’ [directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring CIA MKULTRA scientist Timothy Leary’s own goddaughter Uma Thurman [spycraft like witchcraft also being hereditary in nature]. Quentin Tarantino’s film Natural Born Killers would be produced by professed Israeli spy [see his autobiography] Arnon Milchan whose film production company Regency Enterprises was 50% owned by Warner Bros.©, itself basically a U.S. Intelligence front company stemming from its WWII wartime partnerships with the U.S. government and its continuing peacetime associations]. The elder Carradine read one of Crowley’s poems at the inauguration of [Jack Parsons’ OTO] Agape Lodge No. 2 in 1935 [to put this date in context, Jack Parsons’ Aerojet company would be founded the following year in 1936 A.D. with the expressed purpose of selling his newly developed rockets to the U.S. military]… [Hollywood actor] Dennis Hopper [whose father Jay Hopper had been a member of Jack Parsons’ OTO lodge]…acted with [Jack] Parsons’ Scarlet Woman [by definition a woman with whom he worked his SexMagick ceremonies], [Marjorie] Cameron [who appeared with Dennis Hopper in the 1961 A.D. horror film Night Tide], who also knew Dean Stockwell [Hollywood actor Dean Stockwell was also a member of Jack Parsons’ OTO Agape Lodge. Dennis Hopper, Dean Stockwell and Marjorie Cameron were even roommates for a time. Dennis Hopper (who like his father was also most likely an OTO member himself,


these three at this time likely forming the heart of the Solar Lodge OTO) was a good friend of known Solar Lodge OTO-member Charles Manson]… [Marjorie Cameron’s brother, sister and father were, like Jack Parsons, all employed by JPL which was then engaged in top secret U.S. government work during World War II; Marjorie Cameron at one point had even been in the Navy and worked for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and had associations with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, all facts which would, one should think, brand her as being a member of Navy Intelligence herself. I believe the evidence suggests everyone who resided at Jack Parsons’ Parsonage was stationed there during WWII or worked for the government in its nearby top secret environs in some top-secret official Manhattan Project-associated capacity. Jack Parsons would sell his Parsonage after the successful launching of two atomic bombs upon Japan, thusly marking the successful conclusion of America and Britain’s highly-secretive Manhattan Project, and this particular group of magically-inclined scientists would disburse, at wars end, in 1946 A.D.]…This Babylon Working also included the cooperation of science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, who worked for US Naval Intelligence and founded the Church of Scientology, an institutionalized and bureaucratic form of Crowleyanity.” [The Church of Scientology being a direct offshoot of the OTO]. Sampson De Brier magic salon-attendee/Hollywood director Curtis Harrington was himself a magic initiate of OTOmember Aleister Crowley’s magic disciple, the Hollywood actress Jane Wolf [such initiations being by sexual intercourse, aka sex-magic]. It had become all the rage for avante-guarde filmmakers to stage real life magic rituals in the tradition of Aleister Crowley all the while filming them for posterity, government and profit. These occult filmmakers initially included voodoo priestess Maya Deren and OTO-member Kenneth Anger [who was at one point was Jack Parsons’neighbor] whose early theatrical works are real life filmed magic ceremonies and magic spells conducted in the magic salon house of Sampson De Brier with OTO-lodge leader Jack Parsons’ Scarlet Woman Marjorie Cameron, Anger’s later films featuring Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey and Church of Satan-attendee/Manson Family member/convicted murderer Bobby Beausoleil providing a direct link between the OTO, the Church of Satan and Charles Manson], and later


continues with Hollywood directors Roman Polanski, Roger Corman right on down to Quentin Tarantino. Many Hollywood films of the day would likewise incorporate true magic rituals within their stories and this oweing to the fact early projectors were developed by Theosophical Society-member Thomas Edison, with Hollywood itself in the beginning being closely associated with the Theosophical Society’s Krotona Colony. Many Hollywood actors had served as Allied OSS spies alongside leading members of the Theosophical Society, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the OTO magic orders during WWII. For detailed information see The False Prophet Azazel) The selection in British spy Aleister Crowley’s The Book of the Law to which Joint Chief of Staff Navy vet/Scarlet Woman Marjorie Cameron so excitedly refers reads: “I am a god of War and of Vengeance… I will give you a war-engine.** With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you.” – The Book of the Law 3.3,7-8 (**The ‘war-engine’ to which this angelic god of war refers is a cherub, hence the military’s interest in magic. The Babalon Working was an attempt by the U.S. government to obtain such a demonic weapon of war. The Book of the Law itself from which Jack Parsons’ Babalon Working was derived was a product of automatic-writing dictated to Aleister Crowley by his Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass in 1904 A.D. Likely it was with the foo fighters with which the Navy had sought contact. As UFO contactee George Hunt Williamson [who had served in the U.S. Army Air Corp during WWII**] reveals in his 1953 A.D. book [as a matter of note CIA psychical researcher Andrijah Puharich had begun his U.S. government-sponsored contact with a group of extraterrestrials known as The Nine claiming to be Egyptian gods in 1952 A.D.], Other Tongues, Other Flesh, those secret societies [and these certainly include Freemasonic orders] who are allied with the Sirius-associated extraterrestrials [who are in fact Satan’s and Azazel’s groups of fallen angels] employ as their symbol the ‘eye in the triangle’ motif [aka the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Providence] such as the one to be found on the back of a U.S. one dollar bill, a Freemasonic device first designed in 1782 A.D.:


It was U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Freemasonic Vice-President, Theosophical Society-member Henry A. Wallace, who is largely responsible for its inclusion thereupon in 1935 A.D. Was this an official declaration of a newly established American alliance with the extraterrestrial beings with which they had established contact? You be the judge. High-degree Freemasons are notorious practitioners of magic. The term Novus Ordo Seclorum [New World Order] as found thereon is from Virgil’s Ecologue IV 5-11 and references the establishment of a New World Order whose “lineage is sent down from heaven” under the kingship of the god Apollo under whose “consulship…shall this glorious age begin.” How very very quaint. Apollo represents Azazel/Behemoth. [And what more is Russian spy/ceremonial magician G.I. Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson than an allegorical Theosophical Society tale of Earthly evolutionary interventions by a group of extraterrestrial beings originating from the Sirius star system who have been watching over humanity and who have been by and large aiding in its progress. The Gurdjieff Foundation having this very tale as its founding central tenet was created following the death of Aleister Crowley in 1949 A.D. by G.I. Gurdjieff-disciple J.G. Bennett, one-time head of British Military Intelligence in Constantinople and is worldwide today with many spooky chapters located right here in the United States. This appears to


have been a British Intelligence-founded UFO channeling psychical research organization. The Gurdjieff Foundation should rightly be considered an offshoot of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn/OTO magic orders due to the numerous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn/OTO connections of Gurdjieff Foundation co-founder Jane Heap, owner of a periodical named The Little Review. Author Ezra Pound, a friend of author/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Grandmaster W.B. Yeats, acted as its foreign editor in London and Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member/OTO-head/333 Freemason/Rosicrucian Aleister Crowley’s disciple, British author Mary Butts, a friend of Aleister Crowley’s Scarlet Woman Nina Hamnett who had lived and practiced magic with Crowley at his Abbey of Thelema in 1921 A.D. would also see her works published within the pages of The Little Review as well. Mary Butts had notably enough been given co-authorship credit along with Leilla Waddell and Mary Desti [alias Mary D’Este, Mary D’Este Demsey, Mary D’Este Sturges —she was the mother of Hollywood director Preston Sturges whose notable friends included millionaire Howard Hughes whose Hughes Aircraft Company employed OTO-head Aleister Crowley’s OTO lodge-leader Jack Parsons], for her contribution to Crowley’s Magick (Book 4) published in 1912 A.D. It was Leilla Waddell’s Fellow of the Royal Society Sumerian scholar uncle Laurence Waddell, a British army Major stationed in India, who was largely responsible for the “rediscovery of the Sumerian Tradition” of magic which Crowley himself espoused. Laurence Waddell had authored a book entitled The Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism [1885 A.D.], another common thread within our UFO story. The empirical study of this magic system was championed by British spy Aleister Crowley. It is of much import to our story to make such [Intelligence] associations in our efforts to better understand the true threat of the UFO phenomenon as it exists today) (**UFOs had officially been witnessed prior to the Kenneth Arnold civilian sighting of 1947 A.D. During WWII U.S. Army Air Force pilots such as George Hunt Williamson often reported encountering unidentified aerial phenomenon known as foo fighters, mysterious unidentified flying objects which had trailed and run circles around Allied army aircraft: “During the latter part of World War Two, fighter pilots in England were convinced that Hitler had a new secret weapon. Yanks dubbed these devices "foo fighters" … One of the Air Force Intelligence men now assigned to check on the saucer scare was an officer who investigated statements of military airmen that circular foo fighters were seen over Europe and also on the bombing route to Japan. It was reported that Intelligence officers have never obtained


satisfactory explanation of reports of flying silver balls and disks over Nazi-occupied Europe in the winter of 1944-45. Later, crews of B-29'S on bombing runs to Japan reported seeing somewhat similar objects. In Europe, some foo fighters danced just off the Allied fighters' wingtips and played tag with them in power dives. Others appeared in precise formations and on one occasion a whole bomber crew saw about 15 following at a distance, their strange glow flashing on and off. One foo fighter chased Lieutenant Meiers of Chicago some 20 miles down the Rhine Valley, at 300 m.p.h., an A.P. war correspondent reported.” – pp.34-35 The Flying Saucers Are Real by Donald Keyhoe, 1950 A.D. As UFO investigator H.P. Robertson, head of the Robertson Panel has written concerning the foo fighters of WWII: “If the term ‘flying saucers’ had been popular in 1943-1945, these objects would have been so labeled.” [See p.16 Strange Skies: Pilot Encounter with UFOs, 2003 A.D. by ufologist Jerome Clark]).

The Theosophical Society employed a variation of the wingeddisc symbol on its magazine The Path, incorporating the Theosophical Society seal within its design:


At any rate, it is interesting to note that the U.S. Army Air Corp of which UFO contactee George Hunt Williamson was himself a distinguished member employed as its insignia the ‘winged-disc’ motif encompassed by a star, the symbol of an angel/cherub, the ‘Upright Pentagram’ design being as detailed in Appendix B being the very symbol of the fallen angel Azazel himself:

During the early 1950s (following the death of Jack Parsons) the CIA funded a CalTech study (which panel included J. Allen Hynek; Hynek served as a scientific advisor to Jack Parsons’ business partner/project head Theodore Von Karmen in the U.S. Air Force’s UFO investigatory projects Project Sign, Project Grudge and Project Blue Book) of Unidentified Flying Objects which panel reported a true threat from UFOs did in fact exist (as these craft showed mastery over America’s own most advanced aerial capabilities) but the panel recommended down-playing any threat publicly. Their recommendations included the official institution of a general debunking program (See Durant, F. C.: Report on Meetings of


Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects. Washington, D.C.: CIA, 1953). While privately: “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” - Former CIA Director/NICAP Board Member Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 A.D. In fact, as per the official story: “The experience of the Orson Welles (War of the Worlds radio) broadcast years before (which caused widespread panic among listeners who believed an actual alien invasion to be in progress) was constantly in the minds of many officials and there was good reason to believe that public panic might follow statements such as an admission that U.F.O.s might come from outer space.” - U.F.O.s and their Mission Impossible by Dr. Clifford Wilson, 1974 A.D. As noted in Above Top Secret: “The OSS was concerned that such (UFO) sightings could cause panic… The flying saucers had to be debunked. Psychological warfare and propaganda were brought to bear, using hoaxes, false sightings and wild reports. Articles ridiculing flying saucers were planted in national newspapers and magazines.” Such is the realm of Satanic deception. With the idea of government-mandated “hoaxes, false sightings and wild reports” in mind it is of interest to note it was U.S. government employee Jack Parsons, one of the first Americans to report a UFO sighting and many individuals connected with him (or who like him were likewise involved with occult practices) who were largely responsible for the UFO contacteeism craze in 1950s America. As we learn in Sex and Rockets: “Another Aerojet employee [recall Jack Parsons was a co-founder of the Aerojet company], Daniel Fry, saw a saucer in 1950 and went on to become an active figure in the 1950s contacteeism… Still another occult-oriented employee in the aerospace engineering industry, the Californian Orfeo Angelucci, claimed to be a contactee in the 1950s.” One 1950s ‘UFO contactee’ of note was a Theosophist author and friend of UFO contactee George Adamski named George Hunt Williamson who reportedly channeled extraterrestrial UFO saucer crews with the use of a homemade spirit board of the Ouija class.


Another ufo contactee, Truman Bethurman, was a fortune teller/spiritual advisor. Yet another 1950s ‘UFO contactee’ was a Hughes’ Aircraft Company [an aircraft company where Jack Parsons was also at one time employed] and Lockheed employee named George Van Tassels [1950s ‘UFO contactee’ Orfeo Angelucci worked at the same Lockheed plant in Burbank, CA as UFO ‘contactee’ George Van Tassels. Of an interesting note, the government was also known to employ nuclear physicists in pursuit of UFO research, one notable example being Stanton Friedman, one of America’s leading UFO researchers who worked at the Jack Parsons-founded Aerojet aircraft company from 1959 – 1963 A.D.]. It is interesting to note that Jack Parsons’ boss at JPL/CalTech and partner in Aerojet was the Hungarian-Jewish adept-scientist Professor Theodore von Karman. Von Karman along with Jack Parsons and British Intelligence-connected partners founded the Aerojet company in 1936 A.D. Theodore von Karman was a direct descendant of Kabalist Rabbi Judah Loew of Prague (1520-1609 A.D.), himself an associate of British spy/ceremonial magician/UFO contactee Dr. John Dee (See p.104 Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman II), a known channeler of ufos. Dr. Theodore von Karmen served as the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board chairman from 1944-1954 A.D. and as such had been intimately involved in the U.S. Air Force’s UFO investigations Project Sign, Project Grudge and also during the early years of Project Blue Book ever since a number of UFOs began threateningly appearing above top secret American nuclear installations during the late 1940s, including incidents where UFOs had hovered menacingly above both the super-secretive Los Alamos National Laboratory nuclear weapons lab in Los Alamos, New Mexico (many of whose physicists were frequent vistors to or residents of Jack Parsons’ palatial Parsonage home and had attempted to contact these extraterrestrials via magical means) and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (See pp.266-7 Above Top Secret by Timothy Good). It is in fact to the flying saucers of the fallen angels themselves that we owe credit for the creation of the CIA:


“According to investigative journalist Warren Smith the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) first became interested in UFO reports prior to its establishment in 1947, when it was known as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), (a WWII Allied armed forces Intelligence organization) headed by Major General William (“Wild Bill”) Donovan. The ‘foofighters’ (UFOs) were being sighted in increasing numbers during the later stages of World War II. Shortly after pilot Kenneth Arnold’s famous sighting on 24 June 1947, Smith was told the OSS met at the prestigious Brooks Club in New York (notable members of ‘The Brook’ include John F. Kennedy and other high-ranking Navy Intelligence commanders) and organized a funded effort to establish the truth about flying disks.” – pp.329-30 Above Top Secret. From that very meeting emerged the CIG group (the successor organization to the OSS and the predecessor organization to the CIA) which was itself constituted and staffed with members of U.S. Navy Intelligence with the express purpose of investigating the mysterious disappearance of the Navy’s infamous Flight 19 of which no trace has subsequently been found and which had disappeared supernaturally during a routine flight in 1945 A.D. in the Bermuda Triangle area, an incident generally attributed to UFO abduction. Flight 19 was composed of five Navy bomber aircraft and its disappearance included the loss of 14 Navy airmen. A search plane sent out to find this missing flight group along with its own crew of 13 Navy airmen had also mysteriously disappeared. One of the men involved with the Air Force’s Project Sign was a mysterious man named Alfred Loedding (as we learn from Center for UFO Studies boardmember Jerome Clark in Strange Skies: Pilot Encounter with UFOs p.78 [2003 A.D.], Alfred Loedding was “an Air Force-employed civilian aeronautical engineer,” a Project Sign UFO investigator who believed UFOs to be of extraterrestrial origin**), present at a number of classified early CalTech rocketry tests conducted by magic-practicing OTO-member/UFO contactee Jack Parsons*** and his comrades in cooperation with the United States Air Force (See p.75 Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons by John Carter, 1999 A.D.). Yet another interesting character in the Jack Parsons saga is a man named Andrew G. Haley, a lawyer for Aerojet who coined the term Metalaw, a concept of space law based on a set of


‘universal’ laws as set forth by the Spiritualist Immanuel Kant. Metalaw involves the establishment of special tenets governing humanalien contact with extraterrestrial intelligences. Andrew G. Haley was involved in the program known as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) which scientifically sought to establish contact with extraterrestrial intelligences, magic gone mainstream (Another one of the scientists involved with SETI was the CalTech psychonautic psychoanalyst/MKULTRA researcher Dr. John C. Lilly. Dr. John C. Lilly was amongst the group of scientists who formulated the Drake Equation used to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations present in our Milky Way galaxy. As we learn from Robert Anton Wilson in his book Cosmic Trigger p.113: “Dr. John Lilly, who has duplicated much of [MKULTRA CIA psychiatrist] Timothy Leary’s [top secret CIA] research and supplemented it with hypnotic methods and Sufi yoga [which technique employed the Shamanic magic practices of Yezidi devil worshippers], describes many encounters [under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs] with what seem to be extraterrestrial intelligences in his [1971 A.D. book] Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer.” In John C. Lilly’s professional opinion, the “extraterrestrial intelligences” with which he, Dr. John C. Lilly, as an official U.S. government-funded research scientist during the course of a U.S. government-funded research project [performed at the National Institute of Mental Health], had himself through the scientific application of millennia old magicpracticing techniques established contact, may in likely fact be [and I quote]: “Illuminati Adepts alive now on earth, ‘angels’ in the traditional sense…” Contact has been made. As Robert Anton Wilson goes on to illumine: “In [his later 1972 A.D. book] The Center of the Cyclone he [Dr. John C. Lilly] says clearly…‘Such a network [of “Illuminati Adepts…‘angels’ in the traditional sense”] exists and functions…throughout this earth.’” This represented Dr. John C. Lilly’s official but secret U.S. government finding) (**Author’s Note: The rash of UFO sightings in America following World War II produced a number of government Intelligence investigatory projects all highly secretive in nature. In the realm of UFOs it is often hard to separate government fact from fiction. As demonstrated by Projects Sign and Grudge as well as Bluebook, much government misinformation exists, as does a plethora of reports of a highly dubious nature: “Project Sign was an official U.S. Government study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) undertaken by the United States Air Force [the USAF was formed as a separate branch of the military in September of 1947 A.D. possibly as a way to better combat the flying discs****] in late 1947


[following the incident at Roswell amidst the 1947 A.D. UFO flap in America] and dissolved in late 1948… Some of Sign’s personnel including director Robert Sneider, favored the extraterrestrial hypothesis [that credible UFO reports can be credited to UFOs which are extrarerrestrial in origin] as the best explanation for UFO reports. They prepared the Estimate of the Situation arguing their case. This theory was ultimately rejected by high-ranking officers, and Project Sign was dissolved and replaced by Project Grudge.” – Wikipedia: Project Sign. And as occultist/psychical researcher Colin Wilson correctly explains in his book Alien Dawn: “Project Grudge…was more intent on soothing and misinforming the American public than in uncovering new information.”) (***Pertinent Quote: “…ufologist John A. Keel has drawn a close parallel between the sinister acts of the [OTO] Illuminati Cult (related to witchcraft and black magic) and certain UFO phenomena. In his research on the occult and magic practices of John Whiteside [Jack] Parsons, a rocket fuel scientist deeply involved in [ceremonial magic] ritual, he notes the presence of power failures, strange glowing lights, and temporary paralysis, all common in UFO reports.” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D.) (**** “The first [unidentified flying saucer] case listed [under Project Sign] was that of Kenneth Arnold, a Boise businessman, who had set off the saucer scare. Arnold was flying his private plane from Chehalis to Yakima, Washington, when he saw a bright flash on his wing. Looking toward Mount Rainier, he saw nine gleaming disks outlined against the snow, each one about the size of a C-54. “They flew close to the mountaintops, in a diagonal chainlike line,” he said later. “It was as if they were linked together. The disks appeared to be twenty to twenty-five miles away, he said, and moving at fantastic speed. Arnold’s estimate was twelve hundred miles an hour. "I watched them about three minutes,” he said. “They were swerving in and out around the high mountain peaks. They were flat, like a pie pan, and so shiny they reflected the sun like a mirror. I never saw anything so fast.” The date was June 24, 1947… Kenneth Arnold’s story was generally received with amusement. Most Americans were unaware that the Pentagon had been receiving disk reports as early as January [of 1947 of that year prior to the Kenneth Arnold sighting]. The news and radio comments on Arnold’s report brought several other incidents to light, which observers had kept to themselves for fear of ridicule… On July 8 more disks were reported. Out at Muroc [now Edwards] Air Force Base [in California], where top-secret planes and devices are tested, six fast-moving silvery-white saucers were seen by pilots and ground officers… By this time, saucer reports had come in from


almost forty states... These cases included sightings at eleven Air Force bases and fourteen American airports, reports from ships at sea, and a score of encounters by airline and private pilots. Witnesses included Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force officers; state and city police; F.B.I. agents; weather observers, shipmasters, astronomers, and thousands of good solid American citizens… Alarm was increasing, and there were demands that radar be used to track the disks. The Air Force replied that there was not enough radar equipment to blanket the nation, but that its pilots were on the lookout for the saucers.” – pp.2324,27-28 The Flying Saucers Are Real by Donald Keyhoe, 1950 A.D. This could be a hazardous undertaking. In some cases including the infamous Mantell UFO Incident of January 7, 1948 A.D., the pursuit of UFOs would end in the inglorious deaths of the pilots so involved)

A 1940s pie pan to which the UFOs observed by Kenneth Arnold were likened

The MKULTRA program was a covert CIA investigation into the paranormal including in-depth Shamanic entheogenic experimentations (though overtly billed as a study for the cure of schizophrenia, a psychological condition historically known as demonic/UFO possession) headed up by a CalTech Doctor of Philosophy, a black magic ceremonial magician named Sydney Gottlieb. MKULTRA simply represented the top secret classification of


earlier ongoing entheogenic studies/psychical research projects previously being conducted by Harvard College professor William James and his SPR/ASPR/Theosophical Society/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn/OTO associates including British spy Aleister Crowley (author of Liber CMXXXIV, aka The Cactus, an ‘elaborate study of the psychological effects produced by Anhalonium Lewinii [the peyote cactus]…compiled from the actual records of some hundreds of experiments.’ Disappearing at wars end in parallel with the official institution of MKULTRA by American and British Intelligence agencies, this remains a lost book/is classified to this day). MKULTRA, some of whose experiments were likewise conducted at Harvard University, can trace its very genesis through a direct link to Theosophical Society-member William James and Company. As we learn from an MKULTRA researcher named Michael Hollingshead in The Man Who Turned on the World (1973 A.D.): “…the genealogical line of research in altered consciousness (read: the experimentation of the effects of entheogens upon the human consciousness, what Hollingshead himself refers to as “The Great Work of Magical SelfLiberation”) at Harvard (Harvard College/Harvard University) starts with (SPR/Theosophical Society-member) William James and from him spreads to Morton Prince (Morton Prince was one of the fathers of clinical psychology; he was also like William James before him immersed in psychical research studies [a modern scientific term denoting the study of ancient magic practices] including the empirical study of Spiritualism). And after Prince came another giant of psychology: Henry A. Murray. Professor Murray used fantasy, dream legend, folklore, mystic vision, poetry and esoteric writings (read: Henry A. Murray employed traditional magic practices including Shamanism, Kabbalism, witchcraft and ceremonial magic) as the raw material of his work on human personality.” Notably enough, during World War II Henry A. Murray had served as a lieutenant colonel for the Office of Strategic Services (the OSS) under William ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan (a personal friend of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt whose own Vice-President was Theosophical Society-member Henry A. Wallace),** wartime head of the OSS (which worked closely as Allies with many members of the spy-filled Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and OTO magic orders including British spy Aleister Crowley during WWII), and following WWII Henry A. Murray would engross himself in CIA MKULTRA research at Harvard along with MKULTRA/CIA research psychiatrist Timothy Leary who was by his own account “an admirer of Aleister Crowley” (Timothy Leary being as well a personal friend of Aleister Crowley’s former personal secretary


Israel Regardi [See Crowley’s Apprentice by Gerald Suster, 1989 A.D.]. Note this direct link between the OSS which worked with British spy/OTO-member Aleister Crowley and CIA psychiatrist Timothy Leary) who was also as he professed in his 1983 A.D. book Flashbacks to be: “…carrying on much of the work that he (British spy Aleister Crowley) started over a hundred years ago…” (Timothy Leary would be tasked by the CIA with continuing research into the military use of entheogens begun under the British OSS-connected spy Aleister Crowley in the aftermath of Crowley’s death on Dec. 1, 1947 A.D. Henry A. Murray connects to fellow OSS agent/SPR/Theosophical Society-member Carl Jung notably enough through his colleague Christiana Morgan. Christiana Morgan had worked with Carl Jung in Zurich, Switzerland during the 1920s. Ufologist Carl Jung, himself an OSS secret agent during WWII, it is important to note, served as the Dulles’ family’s personal psychiatrist. At war’s end the OSS would morph itself into the CIA via the OSS successor organization, the CIG group. It was CIA head (DCI) Allan Dulles who had at the first instituted Project MKULTRA (including a continuation of British spy Aleister Crowley’s own earlier hallucinogenic research efforts), a massive concerted U.S. government-supported covert scientific study of arcane magical practices (**Former WWII OSS agent/former OSS wartime-head William J. Donovan’s New York law firm employee/Saigon CIA Station Chief William Colby, DCI under U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford [it was as a Congressman that Gerald Ford would order a Congressional UFO hearing involving J. Allen Hynek and Project Bluebook head Col. Hector Quintanilla in 1966 A.D.], would, during the Vietnam War, oversee the PSYOPs Phoenix Program with which Church of Satan high priest/Temple of Set-founder/Army Intelligence officer/high-ranking NSA officer Michael A. Aquino was intimately involved in the traditional magician at the head of the army role. During WWII the OSS worked with its allied counterpart British Foreign Office [the forerunner of Britain’s SIS/MI6 Intelligence services, the undisclosed secret head of which in previous years was British sci-fi writer H.G. Wells, author of The War of the Worlds, 1898 A.D., the tale of a hostile extraterrestrial attack upon the Earth] which employed numerous Theosophical Society, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and OTO members (many of whom were likewise authors) including ufo contactee Aleister Crowley as spies (See Churchhill’s Wizards and Secret Agent 666). For detailed history and other information see The False Prophet Azazel by John of the Gentiles. It must also be noted that Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member, Israel Regardie, British spy/OTO-member Aleister


Crowley’s personal secretary, was a friend of British witch Sybil Leek (See Sybil Leek’s book Diary of a Witch. As we learn therein, British Intelligence head H.G. Wells and British spy Aleister Crowley were frequent visitors to the Leek family estate in Britain highlighting the Leek family’s covert British Intelligence/OTO associations. Sybil Leek like CIA psychologist Timothy Leary was a friend of British spy/OTO head Aleister Crowley’s personal secretary Israel Regardie) and she likewise was known to have worked with the CIA. Gordon Thomas in his 1987 A.D. book Journey into Madness: Medical Torture and the Mind Controllers briefly delves into British witch/spy Sybil Leek’s post-war work with the CIA during official U.S. government sponsored parapsychical research attempts to harness the demonic forces of evil (For more information see Secrets and Lies by Gordon Thomas, 2007 A.D.). As explained by Alex Constantine in Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, 1995 A.D., these efforts represented a classified MKOFTEN Subproject: “Project MKOFTEN was a covert Department of Defense program developed in conjunction with the CIA, a partner program to MKSEARCH [In (MK)Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks, Marks therein explains, in 1964 A.D., under congressional order to discontinue MKULTRA entheogenic occult-based research, the most promising MKULTRA research subprojects had simply been reclassified under the designation MKSEARCH]… According to author Gordon Thomas’ 2007 book, Secrets and Lies, the CIA’s Operation Often was initiated by…Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to "explore the world of black magic" and "harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach." As part of Operation Often, Dr. Gottlieb and other CIA employees visited with and recruited fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologists, mediums, psychics, specialists in demonology, witches and warlocks, Satanists, other occult practitioners, and more.” – Wikipedia: Project MKOFTEN. The creation of the Church of Satan itself basically corresponds with the onset of the CIA’s Operation Search: “On June 30th, 1966 (6/66), Richard Helms became Director of Central Intelligence. He was the first DCI since Dulles to push hard for results in the mind control field. Operation MKSearch (already in progress at this time) went into overdrive. Old (MKUltra) projects were resurrected, abandoned projects reactivated…” - Nexus© Magazine April/May1992: A HISTORY OF SECRET CIA MIND CONTROL RESEARCH by Sid Taylor]. The date of the commencement of MKSearch’s partner program Project MKOften [aka MKChikwit] under the direction of CIA deputy director Dr. Steven Aldrich corresponds with Army


Intelligence officer Michael A. Aquino’s induction into the Church of Satan [Michael A. Aquino was a member of the Church of Satan from 1969 – 1975 A.D. (the terminal year of 1975 being the year of the Church Committee investigations into Project MKUltra whereat it was learned MKUltra records had systematically been destroyed), serving as personal secretary to Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey: “Beginning in 1969 [the year of the very witchy Manson murders], a team of Agency [CIA] scientists from the Office of Research and Development (ORD) ran a number of bizarre and potentially farreaching experiments in mind-control [including the control of one’s own mind as well as the mind’s of others]… Operation Often was intended to…explore the world of black magic and the supernatural…” – p.409 Journey into Madness: Medical Torture and the Mind Controllers by Gordon Thomas, 1987 A.D. It is with this background history that one should rethink the entire Manson Family murders affair. It was then-Governor and later-U.S. President Ronald Reagan who had originally appointed the judge who would oversee Charles Manson’s murder trial in order to steer it clear of any mention of classified government involvement (Ronald Reagan had been a loyal former member of General ‘Hap’ Arnold’s U.S. Army Air Force who served under Hollywood director John Huston in General ‘Hap’ Arnold’s First Motion Picture Unit and appears in various Warner Bros.© films alongside Charles Manson’s friend Terry Melcher’s mom Doris Day (who links to the Church of Satan through fellow Warner Bros.© contract actor Frank Sinatra whose Rat Pack co-member Sammy Davis Jr. was a well known Church of Satan member. Doris Day’s son, Warner Bros.© Reprise Records© producer Terry Melcher was a friend of Solar Lodge OTO-member Charles Manson), an associate of OTO-member British spy Aleister Crowley’s friend Christopher Isherwood. Previously during WWII Ronald Reagan (an actor and later U.S. president who appears with actress Doris Day in the 1951 A.D. Warner Bros. film Storm Warning. Warner Bros. has long maintained a close association with the U.S. military) had been working at the super-secretive Lookout Mountain Laboratory in Laurel Canyon in the Hollywood Hills area of California (in what would later be Charles Manson’s own stomping grounds) tasked with providing inservice production of classified motion pictures and still photographs for the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission involving Manhattan Project atomic bomb field tests. General ‘Hap’ Arnold at this point in time was the highest ranking U.S. Army Air Force General. It was General ‘Hap’ Arnold who had personally procured grant money for OTO-member/rocket scientist


Jack Parsons, Frank Malina and Theodore von Karman in support of their work in the fledgling field of rocketry/JATO (jet assisted take-off) at CalTech—and General ‘Hap’ Arnold would work with Theodore von Karmen for many years after WWII. Theodore von Karmen would serve as the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board chairman from 1944-1954 A.D. and was intimately involved in the Air Force’s UFO investigations Project Sign, Project Grudge and during the early years, Project Blue Book. At wars end Navy Intelligence officer L. Ron Hubbard himself would join General ‘Hap’ Arnold’s former magic man Jack Parsons’ OTO extraterrestrial contacting magic group there in Pasadena, CA prior to founding his own Church of Scientology, Hollywood’s favorite UFO religion. “Parsons’ Jet Propulsion Laboratories (established 1944 A.D.) grew out of the Harry Guggenheim-funded, Guggenheim Aronautical Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT) (many practitioners of magic in modern scientific form at this time were receivers of Guggenheim grants/awards. Family patron Meyer Guggenheim was of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry [Ashkenazim were by definition Jews descended from the medieaval Jewish communities situated along the Rhine River in Germany], which as a group were well-known propounders of Rabinic Judaism, of Kabbala, which is to say, magic, also known as Jewish witchcraft [Hasidic Jews are expressly schooled in Kabbala and Hebrew mystics are known as Hasidim]. One famous example of a magic-practicing Ashkenazi Jew from the aforementioned mediaeval period is world famous ceremonial magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. Another famous example of a magic-practicing Ashkenazi Jew was Kabalist Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezazel of Prague. According to Michael A. Hoffmann II: “GALCIT had been run by the ‘Hungarian-Jewish scientist Professor Theodore von Karman, who claimed to be a direct descendant of [Kabalist] Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezazel of Prague (ca. 1520-1609) (Prague in Bohemia at the time was the capital of the Holy Roman Empire [whose ruler from 1440 A.D. onward was the head of the House of Habsburg], being traditionally a protector of Kabalists including Rabbi Loew [said to be of the line of King David through a family of Jewish Babylonian exiles (See Avotaynu©: The Maharal of Prague's Descent from King David by Chaim Freedman, Spring 2006)]. At the demise of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 A.D., Prague would be included within the Kingdom of Bavaria, home to the Bavarian Illuminati founded by the Ashkenazi Jewish banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild with whom the Oppenheimmer name [think: J. Robert Oppenheimmer


of Manhattan Project fame] is associated. Much of the works of Swiss alchemist/physician Paracelsus had been published by his followers in Prague during the 1560s and the 1570s, followers including famous Bavarian father/son team of alchemist/physicians, Martin Ruland the Elder and Younger, the father being a disciple of Paracelsus the son himself being a member of Habsburg Holy Roman emperor Rudolph II’s mystical retinue in Prague [“Rabbi Judah Loew of Prague, an associate of John Dee…was also an adviser to the Rosicrucian occultist Rudolph II, Emperor of Bohemia, whose protection he enjoyed.” – p.104 Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman II]. Of an interesting note, Kabalist Samuel ben Moses Haida’s Seder Elihu Zuta published in Prague in 1677 A.D. explains how Azazel and his angels: “…descended to earth, lusted after the daughters of man, led them to sin and taught them witchcraft [and that therewith they may be contacted]…” This was a basic Kabbalistic teaching). Von Karman himself was a close associate of US Army General H. ‘Hap’ Arnold and an advisor to (U.S. President) Franklin Roosevelt. Rabbi Loew (an Ashkenazi Jewish Kabalist) was in turn the (magic) tutor of Dr. John Dee (who served as personal consultant to Queen Elizabeth I), producer of the Enochian (magic) system.” – Blood on the Altar by Craig Heimbichner, 2005 A.D. Theodore Von Karman, a Hasadim of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry was himself well versed in Kabbala. Theodore von Karman along with ufo contactee Jack Parsons and Julian Huxley-associate Frank Malina (Julian Huxley’s brother Aldous Huxley [along with Jack Parsons, Aldous Huxley was a known Sampson De Brier magic salon attendee] of the British Huxley spy family was himself a known associate of ufo contactee/British spy Aleister Crowley) founded a company called Aerojet General in 1936 A.D. with the expressed intent of selling rockets to the U.S. military. Aerojet is most famously known for producing solid-fuel rocket boosters for the U.S. Space Shuttle program. As Gideon Levy lamented concerning the makeup of Israeli society circa 2010 A.D.: “Our [Israel’s] entire political, economic, legal, academic and even military leadership is made up of Ashkenazim…” - Haaretz©: The most Ashkenazi elite of them all. In modern-day Israel, magic rules the roost. This is the reason why Israel takes its name from the northern Kingdom of Israel and its errant Ten Lost Tribes of Israel intentionally cut off from the Promised Land by God for the prohibited practice of magic (See 2Kings 17:1-23) and why it was not named for the southern Kingdom of Judah whose capital itself was in the city of God, Jerusalem (following the death of Solomon his kingdom being duly


divided) and from whence was descended the lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus the son of God: “In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah began Hoshea the son of Elah to reign in Samaria over Israel nine years. And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD… Against him came up Shalmaneser…the king of Assyria (who following a three year siege in Samaria)…carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan (in Asia. See Acts 19:10), and in the cities of the Medes (from whence hailed the Zoroastrian Magi present at the birth of Jesus). For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, which had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and had feared other gods…Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only… So was (the Ten Lost Tribes of) Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day.” – 2Kings 17:17,18,23. This in known as the Assyrian Exile. Peter Lavenda speaks of project MKOften in his book Sinister Forces: “Initially Operation OFTEN was a joint CIA/Army Chemical Corp drug project (an MKUltra subproject), based out of Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland and using inmates of the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia as test subjects (MKUltra commonly used prison inmates such as American witch Charles Manson for medical research). It came under the aegis of the CIA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD), which was concerned with parapsychology and the application of supernatural powers for military purposes. Later, OFTEN would become a kind of grab bag of CIA investigations into the paranormal, and would include everything from (Spiritualist) séances and witchcraft to remote viewing and exotic (entheogenic) drugs. Although the CIA had been investigating ESP and the paranormal and infiltrating (as well as initiating**) occult groups (including most importantly the Sampson De Brier magic group composed of Hollywood actors and actresses of which OTO lodgeleader Jack Parsons and Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey were members) since 1952 when (CIA scientist) Andrija Puharich (from 1953-1955 A.D. Puharich as an Army captain was stationed at the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal [Al]Chemical Center, headquarters for the MKULTRA program of which his 1950s UFO channeling efforts were


part and parcel) began contact with the Nine (group of extraterrestrial beings), someone at the the CIA evidently felt that the occult underground in 1969 (an occult underground in which OTOmember/Esalen Institute-attendee Charles Manson’s group of Church of Satan-associated witches and warlocks figured prominently along with the murdered OTO witch/actress Sharon Tate. The OTO, the Esalen Institute and the Church of Satan all have known American/British Intelligence associations) might have access to special techniques for the manipulation of consciousness and memory, and they took to their renewed study with vigor (front and center of which was that bastion of magic, the American/British Intelligenceassociated Esalen Institute).” – Sinister Forces by Peter Lavenda (**One prime example being Joseph Bearwalker Wilson, founder of the 1734 Tradition of witchcraft and founding-member of the Wicca umbrella organization known as the Covenant of the Goddess who would later be outed as a "secret agent" working for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations) This represents official if clandestined American and British allied attempts to create partnerships with devils. This secret partnership generally manifests itself in America today in the form of the international Deep State faction of the New World Order, including its U.N. military arm. UNESCO, the U.N.’s religious arm is in and of itself the great “International Bund” of practitioners of magic first envisioned by leading Thesophical Society-member/OTO-lodge leader Rudolph Steiner (See Chapter 11 p.101 of Modern Ritual Magic: The Rise of Western Occultism by Francis King, 1989 A.D.). Cabala is the nefarious one world religion of this New World Order: “…the Qabalah is a world philosophy, and consequently there lurks within it the makings of a world religion… illumination (read: magic)…will give life and light to a new world order…” - The Secret Wisdom of Qabalah by British spy/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order member Aleister Crowley’s magic-practicing military ‘friend’ (spy handler) British Major-General J.F.C. Fuller. Esteemed Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawnmember/Ceremonial Magician A.E. Waite in an 1896 A.D. tome entitled Devil-Worship in France minces no words when he directly explains that “the attempt to form a partnership with the lost angels of orthodox theology…constitutes Black Magic” and that “the purpose of Black Magic is simply and obviously to communicate with devils…” It would appear that making pacts with devils has become official if


ultrasecret governmental policy here amongst the Cabala-centered Western world ‘elites.’ It is also important to note as Church of Satanfounder Anton LaVey reveals in an interview with Jack Fritscher in Popular Witchcraft: Straight from the Witch’s Mouth by Jack Fritscher, 1969 A.D. [2004 A.D Revised Edition], Anton LaVey himself at this very crucial point in time in 1969 A.D. had “personally” known the CIA-associated British spy/witch Sybil Leek as birds of an occult CIA feather so often do flock malevolently together. The OTO-associated Manson Family were themselves the product of a CIA intrigue. Of a completely conspiratorial note, Bobby Kennedy’s ‘Manchurian Candidate’-type assassin killer Sirhan Sirhan was a known “OTO cultist” as well (See p.88 Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman II) , as OTO-member Charles Manson would himself be responsible for the death of U.S. presidential hopefull Bobby Kennedy’s mistress, OTO witch/actress Sharon Tate. These were CIA wet works operations. The OTO = British/American Intelligence). Of an interesting and quite pertinent note, according to UFOlogist Dr. Richard Boyland, an affiliation with government and military Intelligence agencies is a quite common denominator amongst individuals involved in modern day UFO/alien sightings and abductions.** As detailed in The False Prophet Azazel, the OTO magic order is basically an arm of British and U.S. Intelligence agencies wherein magic meets UFOs. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the OTO-associated Church of Satan founded in 1966 A.D. which employed U.S. Army Intelligence agent and later NSAmember Michael A. Aquino in 1969 A.D. as high-priest represented a covert U.S. government attempt to form such a martial partnership with devils, this coming amidst the Army’s declining fortunes at the height of America’s Vietnam War. Murdered OTO witch Sharon Tate was herself the daughter of a Navy Intelligence officer, her Hollywood director husband’s friend at the time being Hollywood producer and professed Israeli spy Arnon Milchan. In his autobiography, the OTOassociated Church of Satan-founder Anton LaVey brags about being an Israeli gun runner. Interviewed during the filming of The Devil’s Rain, Anton LaVey himself alludes to being a part of and I do indeed quote him here: “an elite force of Satanists” whose very objective it is “to rule the world.” [See Argosy© Magazine: The Satanist Who Wants to Rule the World,[June 1975]. Church of Satan membership rolls include names of U.S. Congressman) (**Pertinent Quote: “The occult underpinnings of the spy business should not be glossed over if we are attempting to understand historical world manipulation by [Satanic] secret societies [by definition Synarchy, the rule of the world by the


demonic fallen angels through a network of secret societies and their obsessed/possessed human agents], much less the real nature of UFO abductions. It may be interesting to note that many occultists channeling "alien" entities have had one foot in the occult camp, the other foot among spy agency contacts [this being due to the fact that many members of the Theosophical Society and its magic practicing inner circle Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order served as noted alongside allied U.S. OSS Intelligence agents during WWII. See Churchhill’s Wizards and Secret Agent 666]. [Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member/OTO head] Aleister Crowley was a "magickal" adept who functioned as a spy for the British … During his career as the world’s foremost occultist of the time, Crowley claimed to be in contact with any number of alien beings, including gods of ancient Egypt, and to channel written material such as The Book of the Law, which he attributed to an extraterrestrial entity...” – Saucers of the Illuminati by Jim Keith, 2004 A.D.) (Author’s Note: Magic practices [including the interconnected field of UFOlogy] have long been associated with martial enterprises, and for this reason many of the major players within the realm of modern-magic [including the related field of UFOlogy] possess a martial background: “The Assyrian armies were always accompanied by the Magi” and the “Chaldean chief of the Magi accompanied the Chaldean armies” [See S.F. Dunlap in Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man pp.113,114]. Indeed: “In Chaldea, as in other Asiatic and Eastern nations, the connection between religious rites and the art of magic was inseparable. The highest class of the Priesthood—those set apart for Temple service…practiced the highest form of magical rites. Babylonish Priests…claimed to be able to cast spells on whole armies, arresting their progress, or paralyzing their power of action. They could even cause the downfall of nations…” Art Magic. In 1865 A.D., French Emperor Napoleon III, a Spiritualist member of the Society of the Carbonari would famously pit the ‘father of modern conjuring,’ aka Stage Magic, French ceremonial magician Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin against Islamic wizards during an insurrection in French Algeria. European statesmen had not uncommonly sent magicians such as Houdin to Africa in an effort to out-magician African magicians through the applied ‘magic’ of physics and in this way retain the colonial loyalties of superstitious African tribesmen. During World War II, Hitler’s Nazi SS cult was largely composed of modern-day magic-practicing Warrior-Wizards and the armies of England [in close partnership with the U.S.] widely employed witches such as Sybil Leek and ceremonial magicians including Aleister Crowley in their martial endeavors as well.** Magic and the


military and the Military/Industrial complex are yet still in complete lockstep today [as is likewise true historically of Kabbalism-based Masonry/Freemasonry, the military and magic due to its own historical associations with military engineering endeavors including the construction of fortifications such as castles, forts and defensive city walls]. To such magic-practicing warriors, war itself involves an aspect of ritual human sacrifice) (** One prominent example is: “‘Operation Cone of Power’ [a true Intelligence ‘Operation’ led by magicpracticing British OSS Intelligence agents] when the witches, as they claim, sent up a force against Hitler’s mind. This is documentarily an important enough part of the history of witchcraft to quote verbatim from [Gardnerian Wicca witchcraft founder/British government agent Gerald B.] Gardner’s own mouth. He refers to it in both of his witchcraft books, and it has been repeatedly referred to by reviewers and columnists. The most complete details now available are thus: "We were taken at night to a place in the [New] Forest [home of the CIAassociated British Intelligence agent Sybil Leek and the British Intelligence-associated Leek family estate as well as RAF Christchurch which served as a WWII British RAF/U.S. Army Air Force base and additionally home to the Airspeed Ltd. RAF aircraft manufacturing plant. It is pertinent to note British hereditary witch Gerald B. Gardner’s neighbor in Christchurch Mrs. Mabel Besant Scott was the daughter of Theosophical Society president Annie Besant whose uncle, Royal Society Fellow/historian W.H. Besant, was himself the son of a New Forest witch [See pp.38-39 The Autobiography of Walter Besant]. It is also quite important to note witchcraft [like spycraft] is hereditary in British witch families, as Mabel Besant Scott was an influential member of the International Order of Co-Freemasonry (a female freemasonic order which practiced witchcraft as part of its rituals) founded by her mother Theosophical Society Annie Besant for which freemasonic order it is of the most pertinent of notes serving as Grand Secretary was Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order member Francis D. Harrison (See pp.42-43 The Golden Dawn Scrapbook. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is the magicpracticing inner-circle of the Theosophical Society and CoFreemasonry is its hereditary witchcraft practicing spawn peopled with hereditary witches of which the Besant family is a famous example) so we find all of these organizations to be quite sinuously intertwined, all of which magic orders have British Intelligence as well as American Intelligence associations], where the Great (magic) Circle was erected; and that was done which may not be done except in great emergency. And the great Cone of Power was raised and slowly directed in the


general direction of Hitler. The command was given: ‘You cannot cross the Sea. You cannot cross the Sea. You Cannot Come: You Cannot Come.’ Just as, we were told, was done to Napoleon [See Witchcraft Today by Gerald B. Gardner, 1954 A.D.], when he had his army ready to invade England and never came. And, as was done to the Spanish Armada [during the reign of the British witch Queen Elizabeth I whose chief court advisor was ceremonial magician Dr. John Dee, widely regarded as Britain’s first spy. Dr. John Dee was reportedly in communication by magical means with ‘Abuldiz,’ an extraterrestrial intelligence later allegedly contacted by Aleister Crowley during his 1911 A.D. Abuldiz Working magic ceremony. See p.95 Outside the Circles of Time], mighty forces were used, of which I may not speak [“The great storm which scattered the Spanish Armada was believed to have been raised by magical means.” – Natural Magic. Storm-raising was a witch’s special skill, through the help of the demonic cherubim of course]. Now to do this means using one’s life-force; and many of us died a few days after we did this. My asthma, which I had never had since I first went out East, came back badly. We repeated the ritual four times; and the Elders said: ‘We feel we have stopped him. We must not kill too many of our people. Keep them until we need them…’” Gerald Gardner, Witch, 1960 A.D. It is of this very same psychic attack of which Francis King proudly writes in p.178-179 Modern Ritual Magic: The Rise of Western Occultism, 1989 A.D: “On at least one occasion the [New Forest] Hampshire witches [the witches coven of which Gerald B. Garner was a member and from whom he derived Garnerian Wicca. Sybil Leek was a New Forest witch whose witchcraft shop was located in Hampshire, she also likely being a member of this coven] indulged in human sacrifice—but done in such a way that there could not possibly be any legal unpleasantnesses. This was done in May 1940 [in the aftermath of Dunkirk], when Hitler’s invasion [of England] was felt to be imminent. The witches felt that it was essential that he should be deterred from invasion plans by a powerful ritual, the central point of which was to be the death of a (volunteer) sacrificial victim. The oldest and frailest member volunteered for sacrifice and left off his protective grease [which was generally applied to protect its user from the cold] so that he might die of the effects of exposure [as such magic rituals were typically conducted in the nude]. Unfortunately enough, it was the coldest May night for many years, and not only the volunteer but two other members of the coven died from pneumonia within the next fortnight.” The following appended account is contained in a Q&A in OTO-member Alex Sanders biography King of the Witches: The World of Alex Sanders: “Q: In all the time that


witchcraft has been worked, have there been no major victories? A: Certainly. When the [Spanish] Armada was sighted in July 1588 [an illfated effort by Counter-Reformation forces to invade England in order to return it to the Catholic fold], witches all over Britain passed the word calling for a grand sabbath to combine their powers. While Sir Francis Drake was finishing his game of bowls [Drake was an English privateer/explorer appointed by Queen Elizabeth I, second-in-command of the English fleet in opposition to the Spanish Armada], witches from far and wide were risking their lives to meet in small groups and conjure up the north-westerly gale that crippled the ships from the home of the Inquisitors [members of the Spanish Inquisition which put many of their witches to death]. More recently, when it was thought that the Germans would invade England in the Second World War, another grand sabbat was called. In the New Forest over four hundred witches met to celebrate the grand mass. To increase the potency of their power, they accepted the offer from some of the members to be willing sacrifices, for although our god demands none, it accepts voluntary victims as proof of their faith, as, I suppose, Jesus Christ accepts Christian martyrs. No witch was killed that night but many were scourged with real whips, and some sent out so much of their vital life-force into their familiars that they subsequently died. That week dense mists and fogs obscured the English Channel; the invasion was called off. We believe it was due to witchcraft.” – pp. 126-127 King of the Witches: The World of Alex Sanders by June Johns, 1969 A.D. It is said the OSS-associated British spy Aleister Crowley [the OSS employed numerous Theosophical Society/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn members including Aleister Crowley as spies during WWII] was also involved in Operation Cone of Power [another more publicly waged magical battle conducted against Hitler by Crowley’s friend William Seabrook, author of the then hugely popular Witchcraft: Its Power in the World Today published in 1940 A.D. which provided the inspiration for the soon to be described magic ritual, was reported in the pages of Life magazine in 1941 A.D. and involved “respectable residents of Washington, D.C.” employing real shamanic drums supplied by the “U.S. Department of the Interior” all with the express intent of putting a “hex” on Hitler in order “to kill Adolf Hitler by voodoo incantation” (for more information google: Life© magazine’s ‘Putting a Hex on Hitler’). Dion Fortune and members of her Society of the Inner Light (originally known as The Christian Mystic Lodge of the Theosophical Society [See p.147 The Rebirth of Witchcraft]) also participated in this so-called ‘Magical Battle of Britain’ which occurred during the days of World War II’s ‘Battle of Britain’ in which the RAF


played a prominent role [for more information see The Magical Battle of Britain by Dion Fortune]). Interestingly enough: “…to the secret council of adepts [adepts = magicians], humanity’s purpose has always been the creation of a race of perfected beings - the superman if you like. This thesis has lead to a widespread conspiracy and indeed struggle between adepts of the black [magic] and white [magic] brotherhoods, either to preserve the secret agenda of humanity or to mould it to their own ends. In the twentieth century things are said to have come to a head when the struggle between good and evil magi culminated in two brutal world wars [for more information as pertains to WWI see A Supernatural War by Owen Davies, 2019 A.D.]. The two have long been at odds…” – Typhonian OTO-member Mogg Morgan, 2008 A.D.) Many UFO contactees do indeed exhibit a quite mystical background: “Recently [in 1969 A.D.] the U.S. Government Printing Office issued a publication compiled by the Library of Congress for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research: UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography. In preparing this work, the senior bibliographer, Miss Lynn E. Catoe, actually read thousands of UFO articles, books, and publications. In her preface to this 400-page book she states: A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing, and invisible entities (such as spirits), as well as phenomena like poltergeist manifestations and possession... Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demoniac possession and psychic phenomena which has long been known to theologians and parapsychologists.” – p.38 Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel, 1970 A.D. In point of fact: “Although most of the (UFO) contactees claim an initial physical contact with a space being, the operable mechanics of the experience seem reminiscent of what can be seen in Spiritualism as the medium works with a spirit guide or a control from the ‘other side.’ In


Spiritualistic or mediumistic channeling, the sensitive individual enters the trance state and relays information through the guide, who contacts various spirits… The mechanism in the Flying Saucer Movement is often that of the contactee going into some state of trance and channeling information from space beings. George King, George Van Tassel, Gloria Lee, George Hunt Williamson, and several other contactees have been members of psychic development groups.” UFO Contactees and Abductees, Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained, 2003 A.D. Again we learn: “Careful study of contactees reveals that many had claimed highquality psi (psychic phenomena) after their UFO experiences. However, deeper scrutiny also yields evidence for many psi experiences before their alleged UFO contacts. The common contactee attributes for dissociation, capability for entering a deep hypnotic trance, hypersuggestibility, etc. are also found in many high quality sensitives. The overlap between various psychic phenomena such as telepathy, precognition, telekinesis, materialization, dematerialization, teleportation, etc. have their analogies in many UFO experiences… it would seem that the study of documented gifted sensitives can yield a wealth of high quality psi that is entirely analogous to many UFO experiences. By psychiatric study and experiments of these gifted persons, more might be learned about the modus operandi of the UFO experiences which, like psi, encompass a wide variety of enigmatic phenomena.” - Presumed Physical Mediumship and UFOs by Berthold E. Schwarz, M.D., FSR Consultant, 1986 A.D. And again: “…many people interested in UFOs in the fifties and sixties ended up involved in spiritualism and various occult societies (including most notably U.S. government-associated ufologist Jacques Vallee who would join the Church of Satan at its founding in 1966 A.D.). Others, recognizing the relationship of UFO reports and psychic phenomena, undertook parapsychological research (this group of scientists includes Andrija Puharich who had personally worked alongside MKULTRA head Dr. Sidney Gottlieb on various MKULTRA parapsychological


research subprojects). Astronaut Edgar Mitchell…founded the Institute for Noetic Sciences, which we assume has researched the implications of the correlation between UFO reports and psychic phenomena.”** – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. (**Both CIA scientist Andrija Puharich and former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell are known to have worked with ufo channeler Uri Geller: “Uri Geller, the Israeli psychic, says he is in communication with ‘space intelligences.’” - UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt 1975 A.D.) (Of an interesting note: “UFOs and their manifestations have very real similarities to Spiritism and activities at séances.” - UFOs: Satanic Terror by Basil Tyson. One theory of the day in the ongoing debate concerning the mysterious origin of the flying discs was that UFO phenomena could itself be ascribed to the spirits of various dead people who were simply returning to their previous home planet Earth from a technologically advanced spirit world in newly acquired flying saucers. While addressing a UFO symposium in 1969 A.D.: “[British Royal Air Force] Air Marshall Sir Victor Goddard [a Spiritualist (British spiritualists typically being witches)/former Deputy Director of Intelligence at the British Government’s Air Ministry and mastermind of the Battle of Britain during WWII, many of whose pilots reported UAP foo fighter sightings, the manufactured result of the OSS’s ‘Magical Battle of Britain’]…went on to suggest that UFOs may well be the work of departed ones, in that the consciousness [the spirit] of the ‘dead’ can return to display, for example, the wonders of the ‘new world’ [read: the wonders of the spirit world/the other world] in which they find themselves. To take the idea even farther, could not the consciousnesses [read: the spirits] of those who had been technically skilled in this present world of ours return to demonstrate—for example —the advanced ‘aerial machines’ of their new world?” – FSR: UFOs and Psychic Phenomenon by Charles Bowen. Such a completely crackpot theory belongs to the Interdimensional Hypothesis category. Spirits, it was believed, particularly those spirits claiming to be deceased humans who had appeared to Spiritualists including Sir Victor Goddard, a leading Spiritualist of his day, during the Spiritualist séances which Spiritualists such as Goddard himself frequently attended, were believed to have come from another dimension [most specifically utilizing the 4th Dimension for travel]. It is, however, helpful to here again note: “…Porphyry says, as quoted by Augustine (De Civ. Dei x, 11): ‘There is a class of demons [the fallen angels] of crafty nature, pretending that they are gods and the souls [spirits] of the dead.’” - Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas. Again, it is the


demonic fallen angels themselves, the occupants of these UFOs, who pose as the spirits of the dead) The Interdimensional Hypothesis itself has its roots in the Spiritualist Movement of the day. One such group of “illusion-prone spirits” which failed to heed Porphyry’s early warnings is U.S. research scientist Andrija Puharich (recall Andrija Puharich had personally worked alongside MKULTRA head Dr. Sidney Gottlieb on various CIA MKULTRA parapsychological research projects) who during the course of the clandestine U.S. government funded (read: the taxpayer funded) Stargate Project reportedly established contact through various occult means with the group of extraterrestrials known as The Council of Nine, a group claiming to be the “Elohim (the angels)…of the Old Testament” of The Bible (they also claiming to be the Aeons of the Gnostics, the Gnostic equivalent of the Biblical angels. Gnosticism is another word for witchcraft). Puharich himself had claimed to have first established contact with The Nine in 1952 A.D. amidst the throes of the UFO contacteeism craze in America. As OTO-member Robert Shell explains: “Kenneth Grant, the British head of the Ordo Templi Orientis (the OTO) and also a friend of mine, has speculated that these beings referred to [in The Bible] as ‘those on high’ [occupants of UFOs] are the same beings that Aleister Crowley referred to as the Secret Chiefs, and the Egyptians deified into their many god forms (including most specifically the Egyptian gods constituting the Ennead of Heliopolis, a word which translates as The Nine, aka the Nine Muses, the ruling council of nine extraterrestrial beings with whom Puharich was purportedly in contact, Puharich at times employing celebrity psychic/UFO contactee Uri Geller as his UFO channeler). These beings are, in the ultimate setting, the true rulers and the true owners of this planet.” – Revelation: The Divine Fire Chapter 9. For more information on The Nine group of extraterrestrials with whom Puharich was in contact, see The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, 1999 A.D.) UFOs and occultism are directly related: “Interestingly enough, UFO contactees often have a history of psychic abilities or an interest in the occult… Before entering the UFO field,


(UFO) contactee George Adamski headed up a mystical cult, the Royal Order of Tibet (operating from 1940-1960 A.D., it was later formally known as the Royal Order of Tibet School of Philosophy and UFO Studies and was located on the southern slope of California’s Mount Palomar, a Tibetan monastery/school of philosophy originally located in Laguna Beach, CA during the 1930s where he frequently gave lectures of an entirely mystical nature [Mt. Palomar playing host according to Michael Hoffman II in his book Alchemical Conspiracy and the Death of the West, to the site of an OTO temple, it being a mountain traditionally sacred to Native American shamans, a group well known for its own native forms of Cabalistic-type magic practices. According to the authors of The Stargate Conspiracy, the Palomar Observatory opened in 1949 A.D. and operated by CalTech stands on the sight of a former OTO temple. Many of the alien contacts reported by George Adamski were said to have taken place in the vicinity of Mt. Palomar (according to the National UFO Reporting Center, Mt. Palomar and its surrounding cities are a veritable UFO hotspot, included in which is San Diego, home to Marshall Applewhite’s Heaven’s Gate UFO cult). CalTech, purposely located at the 33° latitude in keeping with its occult Freemasonic roots, was the fruit of the labors of a magic-practicing astronomer named George Ellery Hale who had claimed to have had a magickal Elf, by definition a fallen angel, serving as his advisor (See First Light: The Search for the Edge of the Universe by R. Preston, 1987 A.D. The book Strange Angel likewise speaks of Harvard grad George Ellery Hale’s: “…interest in the mythical aspects of astronomy. The oldest of the sciences, astronomy provided Hale with a link back through history to the ancient (magic) schools of Mesopatamia, Babylon, and Greece… (Hale’s) quasi-religious mission to further his science was well known. The New York Times called him ‘Priest of the Sun’ and ‘the Zoroaster of our time.’ … Hale was endlessly fascinated by astronomy’s links to an ancient world in which the Sun was revered as a god.” George Ellery Hale had styled himself a priest in the magic-practicing Chaldean/Zoroastrian astrologer-priest tradition]. UFO contactee George Adamski’s book Flying Saucers Have Landed co-written with British occultist Desmond Leslie, son of Sir Shane Leslie [author of The Ghost Book], a cousin of British Prime Minister Winston Churchhill and published in 1953 A.D. is itself a history of UFO reports through the ages. Flying Saucers Have Landed is a best-selling book which has been translated into 50 different languages and has been described as “a key text of the New Age movement”).” – p.101 UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. As John


Michell notes in Eccentric Lives and Peculiar Notions p.227, the “UFO missionary” George Adamski had even “claimed to be in constant telepathic communication with the space beings” and that in fact “poltergeist** disturbances seemed to follow him around.” In fact: “Poltergeists have long been connected to UFO flaps. John Keel plotted a graph of poltergeist reports and UFO flaps…and found them highly coordinated. Poltergeist flaps seem to precede, closely follow, or occur simultaneously with UFO flaps.” - UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. (** This is not surprising as the word poltergeist translates as ‘noisy [polter] spirit [geist]’ and was first utilized by 16-17th Century German demonologists to denote a specific kind of demon. Poltergeist activity has been accredited to major disasters including arson) (Pertinent Quotes: “Many saucer researchers have encountered poltergeist activity. By that we mean strange, unaccountable behavior such as pictures falling off the wall, crockery breaking and furniture moving; odd noises; unpleasant smells and the sound of footsteps when no one else is in the house except the person or people who hear the sounds. This is only one aspect of psychic phenomena [typically associated with UFOs]…a mischievious…and in some cases malevolent one.” – pp.41-42 Operation Earth by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1969 A.D. And again: “It cannot be denied that there is a connection between UFO encounters and psychic phenomena… UFO abductees have reported being plagued with all sorts of paranormal manifestations following their UFO experience… objects moving by themselves, … ghostly footsteps, apparitions, doors opening and closing by themselves, precognitive dreams, telepathy, telekinesis—the list is endless…” – p.269 One in Forty – The UFO Epidemic: True Accounts of Close Encounters with UFO’s by Preston E. Dennit, 1997 A.D. Poltergiests are even known to physically assault human beings as Paul was so accosted. See 2Corinthians 12:7) Ghostly poltergeist hauntings were commonly associated with demonic activity: “…spirits…were called by the ancients (including the Romans) by diverse names, according as their actions were. For if they were spirits who haunted some houses, by appearing in diverse and horrible forms, and making great din (noise): they were called Lemures or Spectra.” – King James’ Daemonologie, 1597 A.D. For this reason the demonic fallen angels were also known as ‘house spirits.’ Another category of demons were hurtful demons the Romans called Larvae (singular Lare) deceptively supposed to be the spirits of wicked dead men (again, it is the demons who commonly masquerade as the spirits


of the dead). In Rome, these spirits of the dead were associated with a winged-wheel motif:

Roman Larvae house spirits were associated with winged-wheels As John A. Keel keenly relates, when compiling data on a UFO report: “It is also important to extract a complete biography of the witness with emphasis on any unusual psychic or occult experiences they may have had prior to the UFO encounter. I discovered that the majority of all witnesses had latent or active psychic abilities… Although many UFO believers choose to assume that most UFO sightings are random chance encounters, the startling truth is that witnesses are selected by some mysterious process and that strictly accidental sightings are rare, if not altogether nonexistent… Religion can also play a part. Although we now have a huge body of many thousands of reports covering the past 30 years we find that Catholic and Jewish witnesses are extremely rare (although if one factors in Roman Catholic Church-associated Marian Apparition UFO phenomena and the multitudinous historical accounts of demons assailing mystic Saints, priests, nuns and other assorted holy men including violent assaults of a physical nature [St. Anthony’s famous torment came in the form of a vicious beating and ended with the appearance of a great bright light signaling the demons’ departure.


St. Paul was similarly physically assailed by a demon as set forth in The Bible in 2Corinthians 12:7: “....And to keep me from being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a Angel of Satan to beat me, to keep me from being too exalted.”] as well as other purported ‘angel’ sightings and Jewish Merkabah mysticism (aka Temple Mysticism) practices into the ufological equation it then appears to be a rather quite common occurrence. Additionally, Jewish members of Kabbalistic secret magic societies and Freemasonic temples are no doubt inclined to keep their UFO experiences just that, a well guarded secret). Protestants (adherents of a form of Christianity whose very own roots may be traced to the reform movements of Rosicrucian magic-practicing Cabalists, important aspects of Rosicrucianism being magic and Spiritualism. See The False Prophet Azazel by John of the Gentiles) and ‘fallen Catholics’ (those who have drifted away from the active practice of their religion) account for the bulk of reports. People with American Indian (a group whose Shaman priests typically perform Spiritualist magic ceremonies) or Gypsy blood (a people whose culture highlights a long magic/witchcraft tradition) in their background tend to see more UFOs than other people.” – Investigating UFOs: Probing a Phenomenon Wrapped in a Mystery by John A. Keel. Where witches, gypsies and shaman go, there the UFOs are you know. UFOs and Magic/Spiritualism are to each other quite tightly tethered: “It is increasingly evident that there is a strong connection between the UFO phenomenon and the culting of the modern world. Christian UFO researchers have noted a very high incidence of prior involvement in the occult by individuals who have been contacted or abducted by UFOs.” - Spacemen or Angels by Reverend Richard A. Steeg, 1973 A.D. And again: “An interesting and instructive fact has drawn my attention as I have researched the UFO/demonization connection. It is the fact that most, if not all, of the recorded cases of abductions are of people who have had previous occult involvement…” – p.185 UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? by Pastor William R. Goetz, 1997 A.D. (Pertinent Quote: “Demons… one writer informs us, "…are more God-fearing than men are and


should you ask why they do so much harm, they harm no one without good cause; if a man does not provoke them . . . he need have no fear." Prime provocation consisted in forcing them to do one’s will, by means of conjurations, amulets, and the like. This was the strongest practical argument against demon-magic, and we hear it reiterated time and again—the man who enters into dealings with evil spirits will not escape them unscathed.” - Jewish Magic and Superstition by Joshua Trachtenberg, 1939 A.D.) Indeed: “Without exception, every person claiming a CE-3 contact (a Close Encounter of the Third Kind involving contact and/or communication with an extraterrestrial being[s]) that I have researched, corresponded with, or met had one thing in common. Each had a prior connection to metaphysical activity or cults. Some had been in devil worship, witchcraft, psychic phenomenon, New Age, channeling, and so on.” – UFO: End Time Illusion by Lewis/Shreckhise Writing circa 1997 A.D., UFO contactee Brad Steiger and radio host Art Bell duly explain: “It is interesting to note that many people who claim contact with aliens have been involved with the occult. And it is not uncommon for those who engage in certain occult practices to attempt to initiate contact with spirit beings. In fact, some occultists have reported contact with spirit entities who have similar traits as those described by those abductees who have encountered what they believe to be aliens. If these beings should be from the same source, this should not really come as a surprise. Given that there are many more people than ever before engaged in occult practices because of the New Age spiritualist movement, this may well explain the increase in reported ‘alien’ experiences over the last thirty years.” - p.93-94 The Source: Journey Through the Unexplained by Art Bell and Brad Steiger, 1999 A.D. (It certainly may. In times past, ufology manifested itself in the form of demonology, the empirical study of demons: “Demonology is…the ancient and scholarly study of the monsters and demons who have seemingly coexisted with man throughout history. Thousands of books have been written on the subject, many of them authored by educated clergymen, scientists, and scholars, and uncounted numbers of welldocumented demonic events are readily available to every researcher.


The manifestations and occurrences described in this imposing literature are similar, if not entirely identical, to the UFO phenomenon itself.” – Ufologist John A. Keel as quoted in Gary Bates’ Alien Intrusion, 2004 A.D. As demonology was an early form of ufology we may additionally learn from this scholarly ufological pursuit. As demonologist Sir Walter Scott notes circa 1830 A.D. in his book Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft: “We must not omit to state that those [Spiritualists] who had an intimate communication with these spirits… were most apt to be seized upon and carried off [read: were most apt to be abducted by the spirits in ufos]...”) (Pertinent Quote: “The fair land of France [home to the infamous Vaudois stregone witches: “…men and women given over to sorcery and seduced by the devil.” – The Attitude of the Catholic Church Towards Witchcraft and the Allied Practices of Sorcery and Magic by Sister Antoinette Marie Pratt, 1915 A.D.] smiles like an enchantress, bewitching mortals with magic spells and exhilarating men’s souls to dream of romance… epic Knights of Charlemagne and Troubadours of gay Provence lilting their love songs; Masons building cathedrals and Alchemists transmuting gold; Adepts of the Rosy Cross [Rosicrucians]; all echo some plaintative mystery veiling realms of the Gods. The wine-scented air of Gaul [ancient modern day France] seduced Caesar to seek the elusive source of Celtic witchery, for he marveled to hear the Druids [themselves practitioners of magic] vow that the Gauls descended from the god** Dis Pater (Jupiter) [(See Commentaries on the Gallic Wars VI:18) a god who represented the fallen angel Azazel]. As we know, they worshipped deities [reputed gods who came from heaven] such as Mercury, Apollo, Mars and Minerva, Beings from Space… Charlemagne** [King of the Franks from whence France receives its name] and his heirs passed savage laws to combat ‘demons’ poisoning crops and the [Roman Catholic] Church, which was still not firmly established, waged bitter war against the ‘Spacemen,’ anathematizing them as ‘evil spirits’ haunting the air. This campaign was to later flame into the persecution of heresy and witchcraft [which saw its genesis with the Roman Catholic Church’s Albigensian Crusade waged against the angelworshipping Cathar cult in Albi, France], to stifle scientific progress [science itself being wholly rooted in magic] for hundreds of years [through the ensuing Spanish Inquisition]… Our modern cynical souls simply cannot conceive why some of the most brilliant men in the Middle Ages penned such savage diatribes against ‘aerial demons,’ why normally human priests condoned tortures of alleged wizards and witches suspected of dealing with the ‘Devil.’ We must regress our minds to the past and enter that mediaeval world of magic where the


Men from Space loomed not as myths but as a menacing reality… Today our Church closes its eyes to the ‘Spacemen’; a thousand years ago its priests would have tortured [cult leader/UFO contactee George] Adamski to death [for the crime of heresy and witchcraft] and damned his soul for all eternity.” – FSR: Spacemen in Norman Times by W.R. Drake, one of the foremost researchers into the subject of UFOs in antiquity. The tales of demons in days afore are indeed identical to the modern day UFO contacts of our present day) (**One such god of the Celts whose cult Caesar would have encountered there in Gaul was the Celtic god of thunder, fire and sky, by name Taranis [Taranis, like Dis Pater, being yet another name/title for the Roman god Jupiter] and

immortalized by the following symbol: , the Celtic god Taranis being a cherubic ‘wheel-god’ conjured by the magicpracticing Druids, the Druids being in essence UFO contactees and Druidism itself yet another early magic-based UFO religion. The socalled Solar Wheel, in reality a representation of a cherubic UFO, is a prominent symbol commonly found on ancient Celtic religious artifacts. (**“During the rein of Charlemagne spacecraft took away some of earth’s inhabitants to show them something of the way of life of space people. These events are described in the Comte de Gabalis’s discourses.” – p.74 The Flying Saucer Story, 1966 A.D. As explained in the 17th Century Cabalistic Rosicrucian text Comte De Gabalis Discourse II, one of the central teachings of “ancient Cabala” [a branch of ufology] is the fact that “…the Elements [of which one is the air] are inhabited by most perfect beings [called Sylphs, by definition a race of spirits inhabiting the air]... The immense space which lies between Earth and Heaven has inhabitants far nobler than the birds and insects… The air is full of an innumerable multitude of Peoples, whose faces are human… the seas and rivers are inhabited as well as the air.” In ufological terms we today refer to these aerial people of humanoid nature who inhabit the seas, rivers and air as Nordic aliens. In days long gone, and for good reason I might add, UFO contacteeism was considered the realm of magic and sorcery, the very work of the devil, a fallen angel. Consider the following account of a 9 th Century UFO contacteeism craze [as a point of reference, witch trials instigated by the Roman Catholic Church would formally commence in the 10 th


Century A.D.] amidst a worldwide UFO flap as related in the Rosicrucian manuscript Comte de Gabalis Discourse V: “The famous Cabalist Zedechias [a 9th Century Jewish physician/magician], in the reign of your Pépin [the King of the Franks], took it into his head to convince the world that the Elements are inhabited by these Peoples whose nature I have just described to you. The expedient of which he bethought himself was to advise the Sylphs to show themselves in the Air to everybody; they did so sumptuously. These beings were seen in the Air in human form…on wonderfully constructed aerial ships… The people straightway believed that sorcerers had taken possession of the Air for the purpose of raising tempests and bringing hail upon their crops (in the Kingdom of the Franks, invokers of UFOs were known as Tempestarii, magicians in contact with the Nordic alien fallen angels claiming at this time to hail from the magical land of: “Magonia, whence ships sail in the clouds.”). The learned theologians and jurists were soon of the same opinion as the masses. The Emperors believed it as well; and this ridiculous chimera went so far that the wise Charlemagne, and after him Louis the Débonnaire, imposed grievous penalties upon all these supposed Tyrants of the Air. You may see an account of this in the first chapter of the Capitularies of these two Emperors. The Sylphs [the humanoid occupants of UFOs] seeing the populace, the pedants and even the crowned heads thus alarmed against them, determined to dissipate the bad opinion people had of their innocent fleet [of UFOs] by carrying off men from every locality and showing them their beautiful women, their Republic and their manner of government, and then setting them down again on earth in divers parts of the world. They carried out their plan. The people who saw these men [the UFO abductees] as they were descending came running from every direction, convinced beforehand that they were sorcerers who had separated from their companions in order to come and scatter poisons on the fruit and in the springs. Carried away by the frenzy with which such fancies inspired them, they hurried these innocents off to the torture. The great number of them [UFO contactees] who were put to death…throughout the kingdom is incredible (The Capitulary of Charlemagne Issued in the Year 802 mandates that “magicians and wizards or witches” when discovered be given up “that they may be bettered and chastised by the law: so that, God permitting, all these evils may be removed from the Christian people.” Of course the Christian penalty for witchcraft is death as mandated by God.** “So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.” – Deuteronomy 13:5). One day, among other instances, it chanced at Lyons that three men and a woman were seen descending from these aerial ships. The


entire city gathered about them, crying out that they were magicians and were sent by Grimaldus, Duke of Beneventum, Charlemagne's enemy, to destroy the French harvests. In vain the four innocents sought to vindicate themselves by saying that they were their own countryfolk, and had been carried away a short time since by miraculous men (read: Nordic aliens) who had shown them unheard-of marvels, and had desired them to give an account of what they had seen.” – Compte de Gabalis Discourse V. As we additionally learn therefrom, such UFO contactees were thought to be “sorcerers” and “magicians” and guilty of acting as “Ambassadors of the Sylphs.”) (**Remember, witchcraft is as rebellion in the eyes of God, in essence, treason, so the charge against the witch in embracing the devil, that “ancient and implacable enemy of mankind” was rebellion against the government of God. In the words of 16th Century A.D. Puritan*** demonologist/ufologist William Perkins [1555-1602 A.D.], even a white witch though a doer of good was worthy of death because the witch “hath renounced God his king and governor and hath bound himself by other laws to the service of the enemies of God and his church, death is his portion justly assigned him by God: he shall not live.” [See p.370 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.] [See also Deuteronomy 13:1-18]. In times past, the penalty for UFO contacteeism/UFO channeling was death) (Author’s Note: There is of course a Spiritualism/magic connection as English Puritans were [in many cases Rosicrucian] Spiritualists who believed themselves to be reincarnated Israelites, reincarnation being the very basis of Spiritualism, and adherents in the belief of the associated British Israelism movement believe the British to be the descendents of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Rosicrucian ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley was notably enough born to Puritan parents. The Puritans who came to North America at Jamestown, Virginia had as a group opposed the power of the Roman Catholic Church in England as well as the authority of the Church of England itself and had supported Oliver Cromwell’s overthrow of the royal English monarchy [Ottenheimer on p.40 The Secrets of the Black Art, 1900 A.D. describes the occult nature of the English Civil War which was, as Thomas Carlyle describes it, the ‘war of the Puritans’: “It is asserted by several authorities that no less than three thousand persons (in England) were executed for Witchcraft during that dark period of heretical depravity, the Great Rebellion (during the English Civil War which was waged between 1642-1652 A.D.). Now, as "Rebellion," according to the express assurance of the Prophet Samuel (1 Sam. xv. 23) "is as the sin of Witchcraft," no hearty believer in God’s revelation can be at all


surprised to find that both Witchcraft and Rebellion in an atmosphere of heresy flourished together, under that o d i o u s t y r a n t and hypocritical fanatic, Oliver Cromwell (Cromwell was a Puritan spiritualist himself): when the altar was thrown down and both King (Charles I) and Archbishop (William Laud, the Archbishop of Canterbury who was beheaded by virtue of a bill of attainder) were murdered.” These facts are made all the more interesting when we dig a little further in order to discover that one of Cromwell’s closest friends was the magic-practicing Kabbalist Menasseh Ben Israel (See p.93 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements), and that: “Cromwell, the arch-opponent of the Catholic Church, was ‘a higher initiate of masonic mysteries’…” (Ibid p.98) which included the practice of invoking fallen angels and this by established Jewish magic ritual—as the learned British witch Doreen Valiente notes in her book Natural Magic: “It was whispered among Royalist sympathizers that Cromwell had a pact with the Devil.”]. Following the subsequent reinstatement of the monarchy in England in 1660 A.D. formally known as the Stuart Restoration, many Puritan spiritualists fled to North America to avoid penal prosecution for treasonous activities and not as generally instructed the result of religious persecution. The parents of Benjamin Franklin, a Freemason who would foment his own rebellion across the pond in the English colonies in the Americas, were amongst the group of rebellious Puritan spiritualists who absconded to our virgin American shores. The American Revolution should rightly be considered a fallen angel inspired continuation of the earlier failed fallen angel inspired English Civil War)


Ships sailing in the clouds

Druidic Celtic Cross


The following is a similar symbol associated with the god Apollo, the leader of the Muses, a humanoid being who is also said to have descended from the sky. Note its disc-like appearance:

That the Air is inhabited by humanoid beings is a typical Jewish Kabbalistic teaching: “…"And he (Jacob, the progenitor of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. God would change Jacob’s name to Israel [See Genesis 32:28]) dreamed a dream and behold a ladder was planted firmly on the ground, the head of which reached to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending upon it"** (See Genesis 28:12-17) … the Creator of the universe formed the air so that it should be the habit(at) of those bodies which are immovable, and the nature of those which are moved in an invisible manner, and the soul of such as are able to exert an impetus and visible sense of their own… let no one deprive the most excellent nature of living creatures of the most excellent of those elements which surround the earth; that is to say, of the air. For not only is it not alone deserted by all things besides, but rather like a populous city, it is full of imperishable and immortal citizens… philosophers in general are wont to call these demons, but the sacred scriptures call them angels…” - pp.59-60 Jewish Mysticism by J. Abelson, 1913 A.D. We ourselves know them as the occupants of UFOs (** “And he dreamed [this incident taking place at night, quite typical of a UFO contactee experience], and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the LORD [YHWH] stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father…” - Genesis 28:1213.) It was traditionally understood that Jacob/Israel was a UFO contactee:


Jacob’s Ladder (Traditional)

Jacob’s Ladder is the route traversed by the angels in their descent from the New Earth located in the Pleiades group of stars to our own Earth

Some UFO abductees (victims of CE-4 contacts) are unaware that they have been abducted until hypnotic regression sessions with psychiatrists prove otherwise. As Ufologist David M. Jacobs explains in his book The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda, such: “… unaware abductees…will explain his nighttime odd and halfremembered visitations as ‘guardian angels’ calling on him (compare to Jacob’s own experience)… unaware abductees also frequently report seeing religious figures or the Devil” and a UFO abductee unaware that he has even been abducted by a UFO may typically also: “…think that he has seen ‘ghosts’ and that his house is ‘haunted’ (due to the


poltergeist activities commonly associated with UFOs).” Alien demons are truly Masters of Form.** In ufology, this ability to appear to the contactee in any of many forms is generally referred to as ‘transmogrification’ (While acknowledging the ability of the alien angel Satan to transmogrify into a multitudinous number of forms, numerous eyewitness reports from 16-18th Century witches describe the “devil existing in the species of a man.” See p.459 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.). (**Another major class of ‘humanoid beings’ reported during UFO sightings and alien abduction encounters are ‘Grey’ aliens. These appear to be biological robots [what has been described as ‘cloned bio-robots’], golem-type beings created and controlled by their humanoid ‘Nordic’ alien handlers: “…humanoids [‘Nordic’ aliens, human in appearance]…have been reported by abductees to be present on UFOs, apparently working with and for the [Grey] aliens. There are many such reports… They [the Greys] appear to be rather robotic…in their capacities… Whatever the case, it appears there is another ‘race’ behind the abducting grey aliens, directing their activities [In fact: “…the abducting aliens referred to as the Nordic, or ‘Blond’ … appear very infrequently in ‘Grey’ abduction cases. When they are present, they are in command.” – FSR: Dire Warnings from Aliens? by Don Worley, 1995 A.D. As prominent Ufologist Aime Michel explains in FSR: The Problem of Non-Contact, the Greys appear to be “robots…made for a specific task” (particularly made for abduction purposes and medical examination procedures)]. This ‘race’ [‘Nordic’ aliens, human in appearance] is not merely ‘alien’—it is evil. It is truly sinister, malevolent and unswervingly committed to the damnation of all humanity—and it is definitely not extraterrestrial. These intelligences have been characterized in ancient scriptures as native to Earth, diabolic, hostile to our very existence as free people and intent upon dominating us totally—physically, mentally and spiritually. St. Paul spoke of humanity contending with ‘powers and principalities’ [he refers of course to Ephesians 6:12] … such entities are ontologically real, albeit paraphysical. I see the hand of such intelligences behind much of the UFO phenomenon. I will even name the chief entity, using its Judeo-Christian appellation: Lucifer/Satan.” – FSR: Aliens Among Us—A UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religious Mode by John W. White. It is highly likely that accounts of alien beings in other reported forms are quite hallucinatory in nature, the Guardian Angels themselves being what is known in magic circles as ‘Masters of Form’ (as indeed warns the early Church Fathers: “…it is very easy for the Enemy [the devil, an extraterrestrial ‘fallen angel’ long ago


banished to our Earth] to create [false] apparitions and appearances of such a character that they shall be deemed real and actual objects…” Syriac Paradise of the Fathers. As Witch Trials-era demonologist/ufologist Ulrich Molitor had similarly noted circa 1489 A.D.: “During sleep as well as during a waking state, devils can produce impressions so vivid that men believe they see or act in actuality.” As revealed by witch UFO-contactees during official court testimony during the infamous Witchcraft Trials in America and Europe: “The devil [an alien angel] could appear in whatever form he pleased.” – p.463 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.): “…the ‘Form’ which the Holy Guardian Angel assumes…” at his appearance, “…the apparently divine Form which appears during rites” … “For the Christian, this ‘form’ will appear to be Jesus of Nazareth [Jesus warns us against this deception in Luke 21:8], or Mary [such as encountered in Marian Apparition phenomena], or anybody else in the Christian pantheon [including an angel or one of a bevy of Christian saints. In the case of the famous 20th Century A.D. Roman Catholic Church canonized priest Father Padre Pio, the beings he identified as demons appeared to him in the form of St. Francis, the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ himself]. For the Mohammedan, he will be the Prophet or the Angel Gabriel who brought the message to Mohammed. The Buddhist devotee likewise will see Sakya Muni [Buddha], and so forth.” In fact: “… the form which the Holy Guardian Angel assumes must differ for each aspirant… No two students will experience identically the mystical event, nor will they perceive the same Form—though each will know that this Form is his Holy Guardian Angel…” [See Ceremonial Magic pp.71-73 by Israel Regardie]. Indeed, as Aleister Crowley explains in Chapter 83 of the paradoxically entitled work Magick Without Tears [1945 A.D.]: “It should never be forgotten for a single moment that the central and essential work of the Magician is the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel,” contact with an alien angel being magic’s ultimate goal]. As occultist/UFO contactee Brad Steiger explains in layman’s terms in Revelation: The Divine Fire, these: “…entities, whatever they are, couch themselves in the form most likely to be accepted by the mind they contact [hence the term ‘Master of Form.’ I believe the list of ‘forms’ should include the spirits of loved ones]. Thus the occultist has his invocations of spirits, good and evil, and the Saucerian has his space people.” So for those individuals expecting sightings of an entirely reptilian nature [‘Reptilian Humanoids’ being another category of ‘humanoid beings’ reportedly encountered during UFO sightings], they will see humanoid


beings of a reptilian nature [a phenomenom dating back to the Genesis narrative where the ‘serpent’ is depicted as a wholly bi-pedal being, such angelic appearances also recalling the Hindu Naga (Naga meaning serpent) also said to have been of a humanoid nature, the Islamic Jinn (said to be capable of shift-changing between a humanoid and serpentine appearance), the Lamia (Lamia also meaning serpent/demon) of Tibetan Lamaism, psychedelic serpents encountered under the influence of the entheogenic drug ayahuasca (DMT), etc.], etc., etc., etc., including sightings of ‘little green men’ apparently related to archaic mediaeval Green Man legends [Pertinent Quote: “Alien appearances have been disguised hundreds of ways, most often by externally-imposed imagery. Though the range of screen memories is surprisingly broad, animal images** [think: witch’s familiars such as the black cat, the frog and the pug dog as well as the iconic white horse] predominate [another quite noteable animal form being the “devil in the shape of a deer” (See p.463 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D.), quite reminiscent of the infamous Horned God of the witches]. Sadly, deception is as much a part of the UFO phenomenon as are flashing lights, examination tables, and small grey figures… Of all the things we know about the UFO occupants, two features stand out: their innate deceptiveness and their power to implant self-serving ideas and images [into the human mind] at will… The aliens, whether by intellectual, psychic or technological means, are able to create any perception, and therefore, any illusion…” – FSR: Wishful Thinking and SelfDeception of Abductees and UFOlogists by Cyril Marystone]. Demonologist Michael Psellus may have provided the clue to the solution of this mystery when he speaks of the chameleon-like ability of “…demons, assuming appearances and colors, and whatever forms they please… for they from within can send out to their bodies the semblance of colours; for which reason each, when metamorphosed into that appearance which is agreeable, extending over the surface of his body the appearance of color, sometimes appears as a man, sometimes is metamorphosed as a woman, and, changing those forms, it retains neither constantly, for its appearance is not substantial, but resembles what [optically] occurs in the atmosphere, or water, in which you no sooner infuse a color, or delineate a form, than straitway it dissolves and is dispelled.” – pp.35,43 Psellus’ Dialogue on the Operation of Dæmons, 1050 A.D. This ability to change appearances is most likely of a technological nature) (**According to the eyewitness testimony of Roman Catholic Saint/ufo contactee Father Padre Pio: “The devil would appear to him [Father Padre Pio] as an ugly black cat,


or in the shape of a truly repugnant animal… Other times demons came as young girls, nude and provocative, performing obscene dances, to test the young priest’s chastity.” – p.463 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D. Indeed: “The devil could appear in whatever form he pleased. He might imitate a man’s mistress or an unattainable ideal, as when [the devil] Mephistopholes conjured for [the magician] Faust the image of Helen of Troy.” – Ibid p.463. Consider also: “The history of the proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler and her confederates on account of their dealings in unhallowed arts…” Alice Kyteler, the 14 th Century A.D. witch/spirit “medium”/Sorceress of Kilkenny, Ireland, a ufo contactee extraordinaire, was said to have “had a certain demon, an incubus… who had carnal knowledge of her… This incubus made its appearance under various forms, sometimes as a cat, or as a hairy black dog, or in the likeness of a negro [the demon at times appearing in humanoid form]…” – Irish Witchcraft and Demonology by John D. Seymour, 1913 A.D. Reported encounters with alien demons have often been of a sexual nature. Witness tales of the mare demon, aka the Nightmare, a nocturnal amorous incubus: “The nightmare dream is sexual in latent content…an erotic dream.” – p.255 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, 1959 A.D. Sex with devils during the 16-18th Century witch craze was commonly reported and quite integral to the witchcraft-ufo contactee experience thusly giving birth to the term demon lover. Reports of sex with aliens [who are by one account: “Great in bed.”] is not unknown today, wholly reminiscent of Genesis 6:4: “‘Women,’ saith the Apostle, ‘should pray with their heads covered, because of the angels,’ and the Apostle speaks thus because he knows that the angels are disturbed when they look upon them and see that they are beautiful [“For indeed it is ‘on account of the angels’ (See 1 Cor. xi. 10) that he saith women must be veiled, because on account of ‘the daughters of men’ angels revolted from God…” – Anti-Nicene Fathers Volume 3: Tertullian, Ethical Chapter XXII]. No sooner do they touch the earth [arriving thereupon from another world] than they desire to embrace mortal women and fulfill their desire… In order to assure yourself that I am not deceiving you, Maurice, on this subject of the amorous embraces of angels and women, look up Justin, Apologies, I and II; Flavius Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, Book I, Chapter III; Athenagoras, Concerning the Resurrection; Lactantius, Book II, Chapter XV; Tertullian, On the Veil of the Virgins; Marcus of Ephesus in Psellus; Eusebius, Præparatio Evangelica, Book V, Chapter IV; Saint Ambrose, in his book on Noah and the Ark, Chapter V; Saint Augustine, in his City of God, Book XV, Chapter XXIII; Father


Meldonat, the Jesuit, Treatise on Demons, page 248; Pierre Lebyer the King’s Counsellor…’” – The Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France, 1914 A.D.) “I'd like to add a further aspect of reported abductions which has not received adequate attention from abduction researchers to date, namely the association of so-called paranormal phenomena with abductions. This is not a new idea, as many UFO researchers have, over the years, commented upon the relationship between the paranormal in general and the UFO phenomenon… Way back in the 1970s, after years of researching the UFO phenomenon, Dr. Richard Haines noted that many ‘UFO-related experiences include numerous incidents closely similar to poltergeist, telepathy, and other psi phenomena [including] visions and other ‘creative’ inspirations [and] so-called astral projection, clairaudience, and precognition... Other ‘symptoms’ include alleged materialization of matter, spectre-like UFO occupants, dreamlike experiences (such as that UFO contactee experience reported by Jacob in Genesis 28:12-13) [and] ‘psychic type projections’ into the minds of observers...’ (Haines, 1979:2). Dr. J. Allen Hynek, at the first International UFO Congress in 1980, commented that ‘there’s enough evidence today for a psychic-component theory for the UFO phenomenon. It simply cannot be disregarded.’ (Fuller, 1980:355). Others have gone beyond merely stating a casual relationship between the paranormal and the UFO phenomenon to suggest a direct or even central linkage of the two. For example, well known English author and researcher of both the paranormal and UFOs, Hilary Evans, advanced the suggestion that ‘there are indications in many cases that there exists some kind of psychic link between the witness and the UFO or its occupants... There are many cases in which the psychic or parapsychological link is central to the events.’ (Evans 1983:49) … Jacques Vallee, following an examination of some very intriguing reports, went even further in his work Dimensions, pointing out that ‘during the 1970s, the report of paranormal events in connection with close encounters with UFOs seems to have become the rule rather than the exception.’ (1988:170)… U.S. psychiatrist Berthold Schwarz investigated numerous UFO cases in depth and published a series of extremely well documented case studies. He wrote: ‘Many close


encounters are also associated with telepathic communications, telekinesis, teleportation (see transvection), precognition, materialization, dematerialization, and the causing or treating of diseases.’ (1983)… The connection or linkage between the paranormal and UFO phenomena may be most pronounced where abductees are concerned. English researcher Jenny Randies looked at abduction reports coming out of the United Kingdom and concluded: ‘Another feature which this and many other cases turned up, was that the witnesses who had experienced abductions had an incredible history of what they believed to be psychic phenomena. This was usually so extensive and important that this may be no mere coincidence but a crucial clue to the understanding of why they subsequently went through an abduction. Most common were poltergeist events in the home, apparitions, and out-of-the-body sensations...’ (1988:7)… Before proceeding, perhaps we should say what we mean by ‘paranormal’ … The late parapsychologist D. Scott Rogo (1975) divided Paranormal Phenomena into three major categories. In the first category, ‘extrasensory perception’ (ESP), he placed experiences which fall under the label of mental psychic phenomena. These include telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and mediumship. The second category he labeled physical psychic phenomena. Here he placed psychokinesis, physical mediumship, poltergeists and paranormal healing. An area of middle ground exists between mental and physical events. In this area occur such things as apparitions, hallucinations and out-of-body experiences.” - MUFON UFO JOURNAL: The Paranormal Connection by Keith Basterfield (As the famous UFO abductee/former UFO evangelist Whitney Streiber** has written concerning his own UFO abduction experiences: “Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life or death, it might be a struggle for my soul… I wondered if I might not be in the grip of a demon.” As Streiber goes on to explain: “Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be.” – Transformation, 1977 A.D. Another former UFO contactee turned Christian named Barbara Schutte, a UFO abductee whose story has appeared in psychical researcher/parapsychologist/ufologist Brad Steiger’s book The UFO Abductor: “Now…believes her contacts with the extraterrestrial beings


were part of a demonic latter-days’ deception…” (See p.99 UFOs in the New Age by William M. Alnor, 1992 A.D.). Like Aleister Crowley before her, Barbara Schutte professed to have been in communication with an alien being through the occult process of ‘automatic writing’ highlighting the magic/Spiritualism/UFO connection). (** Of an interesting note, UFO contactee Whitney Strieber makes a cameo appearance in Rosicrucian Walt Disney©’s 2009 A.D. film Race to Witch Mountain, a sci-fi film depicting friendly Nordic aliens and their ‘innocent’ interactions with certain psychic members of the human population of the Earth. The film’s director Andy Fickman has claimed a CIA collaboration in the making of this film, the film’s designed intent no doubt being to introduce the current generation to the existence of a ‘benevolent race’ of Nordic blonde aliens and serves as well to emphasize the paranormal-UFO-magic connection) Without a doubt as researcher William M. Alnor has found: “…occult dabbling often leads to encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings…” – p.95 UFOs in the New Age by William M. Alnor, 1992 A.D. This has been true throughout history. In conclusion, ones beliefs and religious practices are often a determinant factor for ones probability of experiencing an alien encounter: “The personal reactions of victims after alien abduction or extensive alien contact point out the demonic nature of these extraterrestrial visitors… Abductee surveys have revealed that the overwhelming majority of abductees have shown an interest in paranormal activities, Eastern religions (such as Buddhism, an ancient Eastern system of magic), and [the] New Age world-view… The fact that very few bornagain Christians show up among abductees is instructive.” - Flying Saucers and Alien Abductions: What’s a Christian to Think? by Louis D. Whitwort To this end:


“…the UFO ‘movement’ around the globe has blossomed (as it has on multiple occasions throughout history) into a powerful religious movement. It has an apocalyptic bent; the aliens usually say they have something to do with the end times referred to in the Bible, and many talk about a ‘second coming.’ Believers of these extraterrestrial messengers often call them space brothers… In short, this new religion is intent on changing the world. It wants us to reject traditional JudeoChristian ideas about God, morality, and even reality itself in favor of a new world order and an occult-based spirituality.” – p.14 UFOs in the New Age by William M. Alnor, 1992 A.D. Many magic symbols are designed to resemble the cherubim (UFOs) of the angels:

Islamic Jinn Magic Talisman

Kabbalistic Magic Talisman


Cabalistic Ceremonial Magic Circle

Magic Circle


The fallen angels are known as the ‘Guardians of the Magic Circle’

Hermetic Qabbalah

Wicca Wheel of the Year 154

Astrological Houses


Kabbalistic Astrology

The Blazing Star of Freemasonry


Tibetan Prayer Wheel

Like the UFO it represents, the wheel is designed to spin upon its axis


“…the UFO’s are no friends of ours…” - UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt 1975 A.D.

Chapter 6. UFOs: Friends or Foes? As John A. Keel explains in an article entitled The Flying Saucer Crime Wave: “The record is long, appalling and exceptionally well-documented. People all over the world have been pursued, injured, kidnapped, and even killed by UFOs. Automobiles have been wrecked and planes have crashed because of flying saucers… these incidents…indicate that the ‘flying saucers’ are engaged in activities far more complex and searching than a mere ‘aerial survey’ of our planet.” - The Flying Saucer Crime Wave UFOnauts claim to be our friends and benefactors but what does the evidence reveal? It often reveals a different story entirely: “…there have been more than a few cases in which human beings have been wantonly killed or injured by UFO’s…” – Jerome Clark, FSR Vol. 11 No. 5 “The best words to use in describing the character of the UFO entities who have manifested themselves to people would have to be ‘contradictory’ and ‘deceptive.’ On the one hand they claim to desire the wellbeing of mankind, expressing eagerness to show us mortals how to avoid nuclear war, environmental disasters and other dangers. Their supposed vastly superior intelligence and technological knowhow are to be made available for our benefit to lead us into a peaceful new ‘golden age’ for Planet Earth. They’re benevolent we’re told. On the other hand these entities manifest malevolent characteristics… UFO entities have been responsible for deaths…scarring, bruising, fear, depression, illnesses and suicidal tendencies. Psychological damage has included sleep disturbances, phobias, panic disorders, obsessions, bizarre memories and psychosexual developmental problems. Property has been damaged, families disrupted and general havoc created in the lives of numerous individuals as a result of UFO encounters.” –


p.148,150 UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? by William R. Goetz, 1997 A.D. As a matter of fact: “Although a few of the contactees have said that the humanoids they saw appeared to be friendly, quite a number have indicated otherwise. To them the humanoids appeared unfriendly, even hostile. Another frightening feature resulting from contact with extraterrestrials is the number of contactees who have died shortly afterwards—some of them from leukemia, a disease that can be caused by radiation poisoning. What compounds the tragedy is that a number of these contactees were comparatively young. Hardly an act of friendliness! Major Donald E. Keyhoe lists a whole catalogue of incidents where UFOs have been responsible for deaths and injuries to humans (including Air National Guard flight leader Capt. Thomas F. Mantell who pursued a UFO to his death in 1948 A.D.). And John Weldon supplies further documentation accusing UFO occupants of being ‘responsible for aggravated assault, burnings by direct ray focus, radiation sickness, murders, abductions, pursuits of cars, assaults on homes, paralysis, cremations, disrupting power sources, etc.’ And to leave us no doubt whatsoever, he adds that even UFO investigators have succumbed to sudden and mysterious deaths, others to suicides and nervous breakdowns. Some would add to this list the horrible mutilations of animals witnessed in a number of Midwestern states.” – pp.189-190 The Omega Conspiracy by I.D.E. Thomas, 1986 A.D. John A. Keel offers the following take on the dual nature of UFO experiences: “It could be possible that some of the groups involved in the UFO phenomenon are not allied. They might even be competing in some way. There might be ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys.’ The ‘good guys’ might be trying to warn us while the ‘bad guys’ try to deceive us and set us up as the ‘marks’ in some cosmic chess game.” - Saga: Strange Messages from Flying Saucers by John A. Keel Indeed:


“Christianity agrees with Dualism (the teachings of which form the basis of magic/witchcraft/Kabbalism/Cabalism/Qabalism) that this universe is at war. But it does not think this is a war between independent powers. It thinks it is a civil war, a rebellion, and that we are living in a part of the universe occupied by the rebel.” – Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, 1943/1945 A.D. The Bible tells the story of this rebellion in heaven which was led by the fallen angel Satan: “Now war arose in heaven, Michael (the leader of God’s angelic army) and his angels fighting against the dragon (Satan); and the dragon (Satan) and his angels fought, but they were defeated…” - Revelation 12:7-8 Satan and his fellow seditious angels were thrown down to our Earth where they secretly reside today: “And the great dragon (Satan in his cherub, ‘Leviathan.’ The word ‘dragon’ is synonymous with the word ‘cherub’) was thrown down, that ancient serpent (seir), who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth (to our Earth, where he currently resides), and his angels were thrown down with him (exiled to our Earth when his rebellion was defeated). And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for (Satan) the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him…Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you…” - Revelation 12:7-10,12 Most UFO encounters may be attributed to the cherubim of the rebellious fallen angels. Interestingly enough nearly half of all modern-day UFO reports include accounts of unidentified objects entering and exiting the water bodies of our Earth. Like the cherubim described in The Bible, modern day reports of UFO sightings describe


round/wheel-like/disc–shaped objects capable of flight which display submarine-like capabilities. In this regard UFOs are often referred to as USOs—Unidentified Submersible Objects. In Hebrew, USOs are known as Tanninim (singular Tannin and variously described as a sea monster, a whale or by the proper name Leviathan). Bill Hamilton in his book Underwater UFO’s begs the question: “What secrets lurk in ocean depths? Are there alien forms of intelligent life that occupy the vast volumes of water that constitute our oceans, seas, and lakes? The largest of our oceans, the Pacific, covers 64,000,000 square miles and reaches a depth of 36,198 feet, a depth that no ray of sunlight ever reaches. Could these depths hide alien submarine bases?” Indeed they could—and do. As explained in the Comte de Gabalis, the rivers and seas are indeed inhabited by men in flying objects. In a long bygone day, a defeated Satan was thrown down to our Earth and his fellow seditious angels were thrown down with him. They secretly reside here today. The fallen angel Azazel’s own detachment of rebel alien angels reside upon this Earth as well. Theosophists teach that in times past: “…an important event happened - the most important up to this time upon our planet. This event was the coming of what the ancient scriptures call the ‘Shining Ones,’ the ‘Sons of God.’ These Beings have been called by many names… They have sometimes been referred to as the ‘fallen angels’ … The coming (descent) of these divine sons (angels), and their sojourn (their entrapment) in the lower regions (‘Hades’ of the Greeks, ‘Ament’ of the Egyptians) has been the subject of myth and legend of all peoples since the beginning of time. This is a theme which has been immortalized by sage and poet.” - The Theosophical Seal by Arthur M. Coon, 1958 A.D. The Book of Enoch the scribe provides an official ufological record of Azazel’s group of angels’ and their descent to our Earth. It relates to us how in the days of Jarod 200 angels landed on Mt. Hermon


amongst the Anti-Lebanon mountain range on the Lebanon-Syrian border, taking up residence amongst the human population of the Earth, mating with their women and corrupting mankind by the infusion of their advanced heavenly knowledge: “And they (the angels) were in all two hundred; who descended (in their cherubim) in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon…” - 1Enoch VI.6 This event was also recorded in The Book of Jubilees: “…she bare him a son…he called his name Jarod, for in his days the angels of the Lord descended on the earth, those (angels) whose name are the Watchers,** that they should instruct the children of men, and that they should do judgment and uprightness on the earth.” The Book of Jubilees IV.15 (**Pertinent Quote: “…messages from supposedly extraterrestrial entities known as ‘The Watchers,’ or ‘The Guardians’ … have been reported for many years.” – p.89 The UFO Report, edited by Timothy Good, 1989 A.D. As a most pertinent example, parapsychologist/OTO-member Meade Layne [1882-1961 A.D.], a professor at the University of Southern California and founder of the Borderland Scientists Research Associates/Borderland Scientists Research Foundation paranormal/UFO/psychical research organization located at 3524 Adams Ave. in San Diego, CA [publishers of the Journal of Borderland Science], is said to have been in contact with ufonauts he referred to as the “Guardians” through the mediation of a Spiritualist medium [See The Coming of the Guardians by Meade Layne, 1954 A.D., a record of Meade Layne’s UFO channelings]. Meade Layne’s book The Ether Ship Mystery and its Solution [1957 A.D.] weds the modern UFO mystery to the archaic mysticism of Kabbala. Meade Layne’s UFO channelings began in 1946 A.D. the year prior to the official Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting in 1947 A.D. His UFO chzanneling efforts corresponded with OTO-leader Jack Parsons’ own efforts through his Babalon Working magic ritual likewise designed to contact extraterrestrials) As the early church father Athenagoras, in Chapter 24 of his A Plea for the Christians Concerning the Angels and Giants (circa 2nd Century A.D.), explains concerning the arrival of these extraterrestrial Guardian angels:


“Just as with men, who have freedom of choice as to both virtue and vice…so it is among the angels… some outraged both the constitution of their nature and the government entrusted to them… these fell into impure love of virgins, and were subjugated by the flesh, and he became negligent and wicked in the management of the things entrusted to him. Of these lovers of virgins, therefore, were begotten those (angel/human hybrids) who are called giants.” – Athenagoras’s A Plea for the Christians Concerning the Angels and Giants Chapter 24 It was said of these angels: “…they (the 200 angels) have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have borne giants (angel/human hybrids), and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness.” - 1Enoch IX.8-9 The Bible likewise speaks of this event: “When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons (angels) of God saw that the daughters of men (female humans) were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God (the angels) came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them (the Nephilim are the hybrid offspring of angels and humans). These were the mighty men (‘gibborim’) who were of old, the men of renown (the heroes of old).” Genesis 6:1-2, 4 In The Instructions of Commodianus, “The Worship of Demons,” Commodianus (circa. the 3rd Century A.D.) relates that: “When Almighty God…willed that the earth should be visited by angels, when they were sent down they despised His laws. Such was the beauty of women, that it turned them aside…” - The Instructions of Commodianus In fact, do what thy wilt became the whole of their law and through the influence of these angels was the Earth wholly corrupted:


“You (read: the rebellious fallen angels) have been in heaven, but all the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women (with which they cohabitated), and through these mysteries women (witches) and men (wizards) work much evil on the earth.” 1Enoch XVI.3 As a result of the resultant chaos unleashed upon the Earth by these extraterrestrial demonic angels, God commenced to insure the destruction of their offspring by unleashing the schismatic event generally known as the Biblical Flood. At that point Azazel’s angels were imprisoned within the Earth where they remain entrapped to this day. Satan’s band of angels, perpetrators of a latter day rebellion, conceal themselves within the water bodies of our world while Azazel is interred within the dark recesses of the earth (for greater details, see Evildoer Added to Evildoer: The Story of Satan, Azazel and the Rebellious Angels by John of the Gentiles). Indeed, The Testament of Kohath, speaks of: ‘…the eternal sinners (the rebel angels hidden)…in the depths of the sea and in all the hollows of the earth.” In fact: “Demons (fallen angels) are of two classes (classifications) – those who are free with the earth and the air as their abode (those who are bound to reside here on Earth and its vicinity, ranging freely upon the Earth, in the water and in the air)…and those who are imprisoned in the abyss (those fallen angels imprisoned within the Earth)… The abyss is only the temporary prison house…” – The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary: Demon, 1963 A.D. This is why the Earth is known as the Prison Planet (along with the fact that Adam and Eve were themselves sentenced to ‘Transportation’ to our Earth when they were banished from the Garden of Eden on the New Earth. See Evildoer Added to Evildoer). Satan himself is held in Minimum Security lockup, bound to the Earth and its solar system’s environs, while Azazel is held in Maximum Security lockup, securely (for now) imprisoned within the Earth. Archaeologist S. Langdon speaks of these two groups of rebel angels when he writes:


“Even more explicit is her (Azazel’s human wife, the goddess Ishtar’s) title queen of the Igigi, or of the six hundred spirits of heaven (the word ‘igigi’ means ‘six hundred’ [See Babyloniaca iv. 236 n. 2]), a legion of divine beings who inhabit the skies (this refers to Satan’s group of 600 rebel angels). But she (Azazel’s human wife) is also the regent (queen) of the corresponding spirits (angels) who reside in the underworld (this refers to Azazel’s chthonic group of 200 rebel angels imprisoned within the earth). These hosts or angels of heaven and earth…are termed the ‘great gods’…” - Tammuz and Ishtar by S. Langdon, “Shillito Reader of Assyriology, Oxford,” 1914 A.D. Describing UFOs and their occupants, demonologist/ufologist Michael Psellus in Psellus’ Dialogue on the Operation of Daemons (circa 1050 A.D.) classifies demons as Aerial (fully capable of flight), Lucifugus (light emitting), Aqueous (a reference to the UFOs/USOs of Satan’s group of angels who reside in and travel through the water bodies of the world), and Subterranean (a reference to Azazel’s group of angels entrapped within the earth) noting: “…the air is full of them (demons in their aerial, light-emitting objects), both that above and that around us, the earth and the sea are full of them, and the lowest subterranean depths.” Demons have long been a plague upon humanity. Alien angels have visited our Earth and have in fact remained. They had been banished to our Earth as a result of their rebellions and have long played a role in the affairs of mankind. It is likely some of Satan’s group of fallen angels today marry and are given in marriage as did their Azazelian angelic compadres as related in Genesis 6:4, as mythological historical reports would suggest. As The Bible so attests, this was no isolated incident. Angels have a long history of influencing events in the world in which we live. While shaping its history these rebel angels await God’s coming Judgment, awaiting certain punishment, and have vowed to take to Hell with them as many humans as possible. This is the stuff of legends. Those humans in league with these rebel angels will share in the angels’ destruction.


Judgment Day (Traditional)

Note the disc-shaped object in the background associated with the Second Coming of Jesus and the subsequent Judgment

There are many on Earth who are in league with these angels today. Indeed, theosophist author and prominent Theosophical Society member Alice A. Bailey circa. 1922 A.D. in America speaks of the Earthly existence of Azazel and the rest of the rebellious fallen angels and those who are in league with them when she herself explains: “In Lemurian days (in the days of the Roman spirits known as the lemurs [the Els from Mu], inhabitants of Lemuria, aka the New Earth), after the great descent of the spiritual Existences (of the rebellious fallen angels) to the earth, the work They planned to do was systematized (the work these angels planned to do, it must be noted, included the eternal destruction of the entire human race by whom they had been supplanted, though they in fact profess to help instead of hinder). Offices were apportioned, and the processes of evolution (most specifically human evolution, an endeavor one should think would include human-angel hybrid breeding experiments. As The Book of Enoch so attests, the Earth required a cleansing by God by Flood in order to exterminate the evil angel/human offspring of the rebel fallen angels who began to supplant Earth’s native population) in all the departments of nature were brought under the conscious wise guidance of this initial Brotherhood (the Great White Brotherhood, aka the


Space Brothers, the ‘great gods’ of the ancients. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic-order is said to be the ‘Outer Order of the Great White Brotherhood’). This Hierarchy of Brothers of Light still exists, and the work goes steadily on. They (the angels who constitute this ‘Brotherhood’) are all in physical existence (incarnate), either in dense physical bodies, such as many of the Masters employ, or in etheric bodies, such as the more exalted helpers and the Lord of the World occupy (the angel Azazel is the Gnostic Iadabaoth who was called the “Lord of the World,” being he whose anger blazed with jealous rage at the created primal man Adam who then became superior to himself. As the university professor Antoni Ferdynand Ossendowski writes in Beasts, Men and Gods: “The Lord of the World is in [telepathic] touch with the thoughts of all those who direct the destiny of mankind...”). It is of value for men to remember that They are in physical existence (the angels are incarnate), and to bear in mind that They (the angels) exist upon this planet with us, controlling its destinies, guiding its affairs, and leading all its evolutions on to an ultimate perfection. The central home of this Hierarchy is at Shamballa (a chthonic, subterranean abode said to be ruled by Maitreya [the Arya Met who is Azazel], a purported Space Brother), a centre in the Gobi desert (in Mongolia/China), called in the ancient books the “White Island.” … Several of the Masters (read: angels) in physical bodies (Nordic alien angels incarnate) dwell in the Himalaya mountains, in a secluded spot called Shigatse (in Tibet), far from the ways of men, but the greater number (of rebellious fallen angels) are scattered all over the world, dwelling in different places in the various nations, unrecognised and unknown (concerning this subject see Hebrews 13:2 which states: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares,” the alien angels being virtually indistinguishable from the native human inhabitants of the Earth. Unbeknownst and unawares to many, to be sure, angels stride the hallways of power, Intelligence agencies and commerce upon this planet. In this regard the award for Most Interesting Choice of Words [uttered concerning a conflict of viewpoints on U.S. economic policy] goes to Congressional Majority Leader John Boehner, on 09/15/11: “It’s almost like we’re two different people from two different planets who don’t understand each other.” Perhaps less almost like than exactly like)… It might here be well to point out that, working as members of that Hierarchy are a great number of beings called angels by the Christian, and devas by the oriental.” - Initiation, Human and Solar Chapter IV: The Founding of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey, 1922 A.D. (The teachings of Alice A. Bailey and the


Theosophical Society are in direct contradiction to Book 3 of The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage: “Evil Spirits [read: rebellious fallen angels]…avoid having to submit themselves, and subject themselves unto Man, their greatest enemy, seeing that they behold him in powerful condition arriving at the enjoyment of that Eternal Glory which they themselves have foolishly lost; and their rage is so great and their grief so poignant, that there is in the world [on our Earth] no evil which they be not ready to work, if God were to permit them, they being always attracted to the idea of the destruction of the Human Race.” True that) Theosophical Society president Annie Besant in The Inner Government of Our World speaks of the shadow government of the world which is composed of rebellious fallen angels when she explains that “…all the activities of our world…are directed by a Group of great Beings” an “Occult Government of the World… considering the especial Government of our own world, the Occult Hierarchy (of angels) as it is called, the Beings (angels) composing that (Occult Hierarchy) having come to our earth in the middle of the third human Race from the planet Shukra (Venus)**... (read: from an alien planet; the angels came, in fact, from the New Earth. At that time people were naïve enough to believe the angels when they claimed to be aliens from the planet Venus, later scientifically discovered to be a blatant lie)… They were of Those who originally came to our world for its helping, and who are still with us… the high Devas (the rebellious fallen angels/devils)...are the true inner Rulers of our world.” - The Inner Government of Our World by Annie Besant (** It was a commonly held belief amongst many UFO contactees and individuals who had studied the UFO phenomenon that many UFOs had originated from the planet Venus located within our solar system [this was in fact the claim of numerous extra-terrestrial intelligences with which humans had come into contact] until in 1962 A.D. it was scientifically ascertained by the Mariner II space probe built by scientist-magicians from JPL/CalTech that temperatures on the planet Venus were not at all conducive to the development of intelligent life forms thereupon [as it was discovered that the planet Venus was itself molten hot] thereby creating more new questions than providing needed answers and thusly exposing the truly deceptive nature of these extra-terrestrial beings.


Conclusion: “…the UFO occupants would have us believe they are from another planet. They claim to be from Venus, from Saturn, from the non-existent planet Clarion and from many other places. It is all part of the Satanic delusion…” – UFOs: Satanic Terror by Basil Tyson, 1977 A.D. As a matter of record: “Many supposed contactees of the 1950s such as George Adamski, Howard Menger [whose own contact with “men in flying saucers” dates back to 1931 A.D.] and [the Bolivian UFO contactee] Luis Maertens have claimed to have encountered friendly human-like Venusians. These beings were often described as blond-haired Nordic-like humanoids… It is also believed in Theosophy that the governing deity of Earth, Sanat Kumara [‘Sanat’ being an anagram of ‘Satan,’ satans being devils/demons/fallen angels] is a Nordic alien originally from Venus.” – Wikipedia: Venusians. Such tales of human interaction with Venusian extraterrestrials can be traced as far back as the scientific writings of 17 th Century German Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher [See Anatomy of a Phenomenon by ufologist Jacques Vallee]. It was also believed in some circles [a belief that has persisted well into the 21st Century] that intelligent life existed on the planet Mars [See for instance Harvard University-grad/American Association of Arts and Sciences Fellow Percivel Lowell’s books Mars (1895 A.D.), Mars and its Canals (1906 A.D.) and Mars as the Abode of Life (1909 A.D.), Percivel Lowell being the founder of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, AZ devoted to the study of the planet Mars, it being more famous however for the discovery of the former minor ‘planet’ Pluto. Percivel Lowell cites renowned French astronomer/Theosophical Society-member/Spiritualist/psychical researcher Camille Flammarion’s 1892 A.D. book La planète Mars (in which Flammarion refers to its Martian inhabitants as “our brothers in space,” the origination of the term Space Brothers) as the source for his beliefs. The magical Theosophical Society itself and the associated Spiritualism Movement it spawned is in fact a major source of modern day extraterrestrial hypotheses theories, with Flammarion’s first book La pluralité des mondes habités (The Plurality of Inhabited Worlds, 1862 A.D.) claiming the existence of multiple inhabited worlds, it being a blockbuster best seller in its day garnering 33 editions in its first twenty years]. The international scientific community’s formal belief in a Mars teeming with life was finally put to rest by the 1965 A.D.


digital photographic transmissions of NASA’s Mariner IV Mars probe launched in 1964 A.D. It was also widely believed until the advent of the Soviet Union’s Luna 3 probe in 1959 A.D. and NASA’s Lunar Orbiter and alleged Apollo launches of the late 1960s that the ‘dark side of the moon’ might in fact itself harbor intelligent alien life forms and secret alien bases as well [Pertinent Quote: “The earth has probably been visited by creatures of an advanced civilization from outer space, Dr. Carl Sagan, distinguished astronomer at the University of California, recently told the American Rocket Society. Moreover, Dr. Sagan stated, the earth may have been visited many times by various galactic civilizations, and a base may be maintained for such visits. The hidden side [the dark side] of the moon, he said, would be a reasonable location (the belief in which may be found in Intelligent Life in the Universe by Carl Sagan and I.S. Shklovshii, 1966 A.D. wherein Sagan additionally admits to the “possibility” that such a civilization from outer space might retain “an extraterrestrial resident agent” here on earth. It was believed these extraterrestrial alien agents were sent here as spies: “Many intelligent persons—including scientists—believe that the saucers contain spies from another planet.” – The Flying Saucers Are Real by Donald Keyhoe, 1950 A.D.).” - FSR: “Space Ships Have Visited Earth” U.S. Astronomers Belief, 1963 A.D.]. Another theory put forward by psychical researchers and parapsychologists such as Ingo Swann describes the moon as a hollow sphere harboring alien underground bases (a subject broached in earlier years in British Intelligence head/author H.G. Welles’ 1901 A.D. sci-fi novel The First Men in the Moon). The OTO-associated Journal of Borderland Science director Riley Hansard Crabb would also notably enough publish his booklet Flying Saucers on the Moon during the early part of the 1960s as well, possibly providing the OTO-associated NASA/JPL an extra added impetus for a historic moon landing. Recall JPL founder/rocketeer Jack Parsons headed Aleister Crowley’s OTO lodge in Pasadena, CA, and U.S. government officials were indeed focused on discovering the origin of the mysterious flying saucers]. In response to the great public outcry concerning ongoing UFO sightings and driven by a desire to discover the origin of UFOs, the Condon Committee was convened which studied UFO flap reports from 1966 – 1968 A.D. eventually culminating in the issuance of the Condon Report


which ruled out UFOs as being extraterrestrial in origin, it also mysteriously ruling that the evidence studied merited no further investigation. Following the recommendations of the Condon Report, Project Bluebook [which ominously concluded that UFOs probably did not originate from outside our Earth] was officially closed. It is at this point in time during the mid to late 1960s that The Demonic Theory of UFOs and the Interdimensional Theory of UFOs begin to dominate UFO conversations in the OTO/CIA MKUltra/MkOften-associated hippy areas of America and Britain, this period also corresponding with the official creation of the Church of Satan in America in 1966 A.D. as Mars was in turn eliminated from the list of possible originating planets) The UFO debate itself has been raging in fact for many, many centuries though it had previously been couched generally as a debate concerning the existence of life on other planets. This brings us to the subject of ‘Cosmic Pluralism’: “Cosmic pluralism, the plurality of worlds, or simply pluralism, describes the belief in numerous other worlds which harbour extraterrestrial life. The debate over pluralism began as early as the time of (Greek philosopher) Thales (c. 600 BC) and has continued, in a variety of forms, until the modern era… After Thales and his student Anaximander opened the door to an infinite universe, a strong pluralist stance (the belief in the existence of multiple inhabited planets) was adopted by the atomists, notably (the Greek philosophers) Leucippus (first half of 5th century B.C.), Democritus (circa. 460-370 B.C.), and Epicurus (341– 270 B.C.).” - Wikipedia: Cosmic pluralism. Philosophers were early ufologists. In the exemplary words of Renaissance Humanist philosopher/astronomer Giordano Bruno, a Dominican friar/Cabalist/practitioner of magic writing in the 16th Centrury A.D.: “Innumerable suns exist; innumerable Earths revolve around these— living beings inhabit these worlds.” – Friar Giordano Bruno, burned at the stake for the charge of heresy, February 16, 1600 A.D.


The 16th Century ceremonial magician Paracelcus wrote of these Otherworldly incarnate angels depicting them as Elemental ‘gnomus’ (from whence is derived the word gnome), by definition ‘earth-dwelling’ Elemental spirits. Such beings were the subject of innumerous stories which today fall within the ‘folk lore’ category: “Such stories were so well established during the Middle Ages that the problem of communicating with the Elementals (read: communicating with the incarnate fallen alien angels as “…‘elementals’ are akin to the angels” – Studies in Islamic Mysticism) became a major preoccupation of the hermetics (practitioners of Graeco-Egyptian magic, aka Qabalism) and an important part of their philosophy. Paracelsus wrote an entire book (his Liber de Nymphis, Sylphis, Pygmaeis et Salamandris et de Caeteris Spiritibus [A Book on Nymphs, Sylphs,** Pygmies, and Salamanders, and on the Other Spirits], a 16th Century Hermetic/Cabalistic/alchemical magic book) on the nature of these beings, but he took great pains to warn the reader of the dangers of an association with them: I do not want to say here, because of the ills which might befall those who would try it, through which (magic) compact one associates with these beings, thanks to which compact they (the fallen angels) appear to us and speak to us (one may however find complete details within the pages of Paracelsus’ aforementioned book).” – Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore and Parallel Worlds by Jacques Vallee, 1969 A.D. (** ‘Sylphs’ are, by definition, a race of spirits inhabiting the air) (Author’s Note: Harvard University in America at its founding was based on the alchemical magic teachings of the Renaissance Humanist ceremonial magician/alchemist Paracelsus, Harvard [from whose student body many members of the CIA are recruited] being a major bastion for magical Spiritualist practices/psychical research in America [as well as UFO research, it being the university home of the famed UFO researcher John E. Mack]. For more detailed information see The Satanic States of America by John of the Gentiles) Indeed: “…to establish communication with worlds which are normally beyond our reach is undoubtedly included in the great claims of the magus; and the art of evoking spirits (angels/extraterrestrial intelligences), taken in its true and its highest sense, is the head and crown of Magic…” – p.10 The Occult Sciences by A.E. Waite, 1891 A.D.


Of an interesting note, Spiritualism is in fact an officially recognized religion which in fact belongs to the category of UFO religions. Spiritualism practices themselves (which involve the channeling of spirits and extraterrestrial intellingences in ‘spirit circles’ reminiscent of traditional ‘magic circles’) were initially the realm of magic and witchcraft. As Montague Summers himself explains: “Camouflage it as you will, Spiritualism with its kindred superstitions, such as necromancy and occultism, is a recrudescence of the old, old practices cultivated in the days of long ago. In other words this ‘New Religion’ (such as practiced in Spiritualist churches [Unitarian, Mormon, etc.], at Harvard Divinity School, by members of the Theosophical Society and within the Spiritualist circles of the Spiritualism Movement in general) is but the Old Witchcraft.” – p.256 The History of Witchcraft and Demonology (Author’s Note: “Magic may be termed the science of Spiritism.” – Art Magic. And it has been. In The Right Angle, Geoffrey Farthing similarly speaks of: “Magic, and…its twin sister, Spiritualism” and in Aleister Crowley: The Nature of the Beast [1987 A.D.] pp.156-157 occultist Colin Wilson therein muses: “For most of us, the word ‘magician’ conjures up a picture of a Walt Disney character in a conical hat waving a magic wand. Yet the things that take place at ‘spiritualist sѐances’ every day are a kind of magic, and would have been recognized as such by our ancestors.” As ceremonial magician Rollo Ahmed similarly notes: “A verse in Deuteronomy [See Deuteronomy 18:11] says: ‘There shall not be found among you…a consulter of familiar spirits, or a necromancer’ … If we are going to take this text seriously and literally, I think it would have to be applied equally to sorcerers of the past and modern spiritualists.” – p.229 The Black Art. Communication with the alien fallen angels collectively known as the Watchers who often masquerade as the spirits of the dead is in fact the bedrock upon which all modern day New Age UFO cults and UFO religions are built) In fact: “The possibility of extraterrestrials remained a widespread speculation as scientific discovery accelerated. William Herschel, the discoverer of (the planet) Uranus, was one of many 18th–19th century astronomers (astronomy also being rooted in magic) convinced that the Solar System, and perhaps others, would be well-populated by alien life. Other luminaries of the period who championed “cosmic pluralism”


included Immanuel Kant and Benjamin Franklin.” - Wikipedia: Extraterrestrial life. In the case of Immanuel Kant: “(Immanuel) Kant admitted not only the possibility of the existence of a spiritual conscious world, but also the possibility of communion (communication) with it.” - Chapter XVI Tertium Organum, by P.D. Ouspensky, 1922 A.D. P.D. Ouspensky was the most famous disciple of revered Russian ceremonial magician G.I. Gurdjieff. The father of Russian cermonial magician/Sufi adept G.I. Gurdjieff was himself one of the last of a long line of traditional ashohks, Armenian bards who had transmitted their ancient legends orally from generation to generation in the grand old magic-practicing bardic tradition. Sufi Muslim magic adepts such as Jami and Rumi (Rumi was the founder of the Whirling Dervishes magic order) were themselves mystic poets and theirs to be certain is no dieing trade—their numbers had literally exploded in the West during the 20th Century (along with accounts of UFO sightings and extra-terrestrial communications) as Sufism and magic enjoyed a Theosophical Society-induced renaissance. The Spiritualist teachings of Immanuel Kant would give birth to the Transcendental Movement of the 1830s in America. ‘Transcendentalism’ as taught at Harvard College (located at Harvard University) is based upon the Spiritualist philosophies of Immanuel Kant concerning the possibility of communication with the spirit world, spirits thereby identified as the angels of The Bible. Transcendentalism was greatly akin to and a precursor of the broader Spiritualism/Spiritism Movements in America and Europe. All have a basis in magic and witchcraft. The influential Christian Cabalist Emanuel Swedenborg himself had at one time exclaimed: “There are two worlds; a spiritual world where spirits and angels are; and a natural world where men are.” - Canons Chapter IV.2 by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1769 A.D. As Swedenborg has written in his book Spiritual Diary circa the 18th century A.D.:


“THAT THE PRIVILEGE OF CONVERSING WITH SPIRITS AND ANGELS MIGHT BE COMMON AND APPROPRIATE TO MAN. Man was so created that he might hold interaction with spirits and angels.” Spiritual Diary Swedenborg, a Spiritualist medium, has even professed of his ability “…to talk with angels and spirits; and this I have now been doing for many years without a break.” - True Christian Religion (magic-based Cabalism apparently being according to Swedenborg, the true Christian religion) Emanuel Swedenborg was a UFO contactee. As Swedenborg confides in his book Heaven and Hell: “…angels speak spiritually with me from heaven, they speak just as intelligently as the man by my side.” - Heaven and Hell (Typical of those of his ilk, Swedenborg’s UFO contactee story has an unhappy ending: “Emmanuel Swedenborg, the Swedish mathematician (16881772) [a Spiritualist practitioner of ‘mathematical magic’], had years of experience in the twilight world of space travelers and angelic messengers and wrote a number of books detailing life on other worlds. But eventually he realized he was the victim of some kind of cosmic con game and denounced his strange friends as untrustworthy fabricators.” - THE JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE Volume 8, Issue 4, Spring 1975: The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel) Cosmic pluralism is indeed a central tenet of the science of Spiritism. The word ‘Spiritism’ itself differentiates French Spiritualism practices from its American and European counterparts. The main driver of this Cabalistic form of Spiritualism was Allen Kardec. As French Spiritist medium/UFO contactee Allen Kardec (in essence a Cabalist as the Spiritism/Spiritualism teachings of Allen Kardec are a Christianized version of pagan magic/witchcraft practices aimed at contacting extra-terrestrial intelligences) himself explains: “‘Let not your heart be troubled: Ye believe in God, believe also in me (Jesus). In my Father’s house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14: 1-3).’ … The house of the Father is the Universe. The ‘different mansions’ are the worlds


which circulate in infinite space and offer the Spirits who incarnate on them dwelling places which correspond to their progress (a concept known as the ‘progressive transmigration’ of souls/spirits according to the so-called ‘law of progress’ **).” – p.37 The Gospel According to Spiritsm by Allen Kardec, 1866 A.D. (** The Theory of Evolution, a basic tenet of ‘cosmic pluralism,’ is itself rooted in the practice of Spiritism/Spiritualism: “For spiritists of the Kardec school, as for all others who embrace the idea [including theosophists such as C.W. Leadbeater], reincarnation is closely linked to a 'progressivist' [as in, as noted, the ‘progressive transmigration’ of souls/spirits according to the so-called ‘law of progress’], or if preferred, an 'evolutionist' conception of things. Originally the word 'progress' was simply used, but today 'evolution' is preferred… As for the word 'evolution'…it must be acknowledged that what it designates is really in harmony with the various spiritist theories…” – Reknowned philosopher Rene Guenon. Evolution in essence is another name for reincarnation: “Reincarnation means evolution, the evolution of the spirit of man through many successive lifetimes on earth.” – p.38 Those Curious New Cults. Reincarnation, a belief in the spirit’s progression through many life times, is now generally referred to by the pseudo-scientific name metempsychosis. Sometimes referred to as Eternal Progress, reincarnation is a principle held by Spiritists and Spiritualists of every creed and stripe including Theosophists, Rosicrucians, Wiccans, Kabbalists, Mormons, Buddhists, Hindus, Transcendentalists, Unitarians, Scientologists, Druse, Druids, etc. and is a purely ‘magic’ based belief proffered by fallen angels in order to sell their deceptive device known as Spiritualism. The religion of Spiritism/Spiritualism of the modern Spiritualism Movement is itself amongst the doctrines of devils the appearance of which was prophesied in 1Timothy 4:1: “…in the latter times some [Christians] shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits [Spiritualism is a recognized religion and many Spiritualists do indeed seek out as well as order their lives upon the advice of spirits], and doctrines of devils [read: religious doctrines of demonic ufonaughts].” It appears Spiritualism is a sign of the latter times. In point of fact: “Many [Spiritualist] mediums, especially in the United States, are also stout Christians, both Catholic and Protestant.” – p.105 Witchcraft by Hans Holzer, 2002 A.D. Such Spiritualist practices


must be filed under the category of witchcraft/Cabalism/Christian mysticism. As so ably explained on p.269 The History of Witchcraft and Demonology: “Modern Spiritism is merely Witchcraft revived…” and as we are also additionally therein warned: “…Spiritism opens the door to demoniac possession…” - Ibid p.253. The operating mechanism of spiritual mediumship is the possession of the medium by a spirit being. Spirit possession is but another name for demonic possession and UFO possession, these terms being quite synonymous) Belief in reincarnation is the cornerstone Spiritism/Spiritualism. In the words of Allen Kardec:


“…they (spirits) go to these (inhabited) worlds where from one incarnation to another they are purified and regenerated…(whereupon it is explained they would eventually return perfected to God).” – p.42 The Gospel According to Spiritsm by Allen Kardec, 1866 A.D. (To Spiritists, resurrection is reincarnation: “Reincarnation was part of the Jewish dogmas, being taught under the name of resurrection.” – p.46 The Gospel According to Spiritism by Allen Kardec, 1866 A.D. Such false Spiritualist teachings helped give birth to the Interdimensional Hypothesis Theory of UFOs. For more information on the history of Spiritualism and its historic association with magic, as well as the little known role magic has played in the history of our world, see The False Prophet Azazel by John of the Gentiles. For information regarding the important role magic had played in the founding of America, see The Satanic States of America by John of the Gentiles) As Spiritualists teach: “Under the general designation of fairies and fays (fay angels), these spirits of the elements (called Elementals) appear in the myth, fable, tradition, and poetry of all nations, ancient and modern. Their names are legion — peris, devs, djins (Jinn), sylvans, satyrs (Satyrs were the evivalent of the Arabian jinn), fawns (“…sylvans and fauns… are commonly called incubi…” – Augustine, The City of God 23. Incubi are demons), elves, dwarfs, trolls, kobolds, brownies, stromkarls, undines, nixies, salamanders, goblins, banshees, kelpies, pixies, moss people, good people, good neighbours, wild women, men of peace (true to their demonic character: “Consumption, lingering disease, unexplained disappearances, sudden deaths, have been


accounted for by the agency of the Fairies, or People of Peace.” Introduction to The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1691 A.D.), white ladies (according to St. Bernadette’s description of her Marian Apparition at Lourdes in France in what has become known as the Miracle at Lourdes, Bernadette had herself encountered one such [and I quote] “Lady dressed in white”), and many more. They have been seen, feared, blessed, banned, and (magically) invoked in every quarter of the globe and in every age. These elementals (the fallen angels) are the principal agents of disembodied but never visible spirits at séances, and the producers of all the (spirit) phenomena…” — ("Isis", preface xxix., vol. 1). “In the Jewish Kabbala the nature spirits were known under the general name of Shedim, and divided into four classes (morning, mid day, evening and night spirits). The Persians called them devs; the Greeks indistinctly designated them (the spirits of the dead as well as the angels) as demons (they being of a common source); the Egyptians knew them as 'afrites' (the Islamic jinn). The Ancient Mexicans, says Kaiser, believed in numerous spirit-abodes, into one of which the shades of innocent-children were placed until final disposal; into another, situated in the Sun, ascended the valiant souls of heroes (note this sun-god imagery); while the hideous spectres of incorrigible sinners (read: Azazel and his angels imprisoned within the Earth as related in The Book of Enoch and as additionally confirmed by The Bible) were sentenced to wander and despair in subterranean caves, held in the bonds of the earth-atmosphere, unwilling and unable to liberate themselves. They passed their time in communicating with mortals**… — ("Isis," page 313, volume 1).” - Difference between Elementals & Elementaries, 1889 A.D. (There is no difference between elementals and elementaries, it is simply one [the fallen angels] masquerading as the other [the ‘spirits of the dead’]. The angels being able to read the thoughts of humans through highly advanced technologies know all of yours and your loved ones personal details [your every thought and spoken word is additionally being recorded by your DNA, aka the Book of Life, and is also quite ‘readable.’ See The Knowledge of Wisdom by John of the Gentiles]) (**This is a central tenet of Jewish Kabbalism, a UFO contactee religion the basis of which is magic, communication with fallen angels: “Azazel [alive and well entrapped beneath the earth within his cherub]…persists in his corruptive activity. Therefore Israel brings offerings and casts one lot for the Lord, so that He [God] might accept atonement for all the sins of Israel, and one lot for [the angel] Azazel so that he might bear the burden of the sins of Israel.” - Midrash Bereshit Rabbati: The Midrash


of Shemhazai and Azazel, 1940 A.D. The Kabbalistic system of Magic encapsulated in the grimoire known as The Greater Key of Solomon invokes Azazel under the name of ‘Abaddon’ [a reference to the Ba (Ab-) spirit of the Master (-addon). Master = Ba’al] the angel of the pit, identifying him as “ye who by your own sin have been cast down from the Empyreal Heaven, and from before His [God’s] Throne; by Him [God] who hath cast ye down unto the most profound of the Abysses of Hell.” [See The Greater Key of Solomon Book I Chapter VI]. In India, the word Buddha was coined as a derivative of the name Abaddon: “In India, the ‘Great Abad’ is Bhudda, Bauddha, Buddha, or Baddha. There is a connection suggested here with the Abaddon of the Greeks.” - The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries p.294 by Hargrave Jennings. It is with Azazel and the rest of his shedim angels that Jewish Kabbalists sought to communicate. Based on scripture found in 1Kings 4:30 it is believed King Solomon was a great magician, the greatest magician in all the world (See 1Kings 4:30, 1Kings 10:23, and 2Chronicles 9:22). As per the extra-biblical Testament of Solomon, Solomon was able to control these demons, even employing them as temple builders (this possibly in the esoteric sense that Solomon commanded the Masons who constructed the temple of God who were themselves magic-practicing ‘Builders’ under demonic control, so hence he commanded the very demons themselves). Mormonism likewise exhibits such a ‘Cosmic Pluralism’ belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life: “Some modern LDS Church leaders (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormons) have taught that there are people living on other earths. For instance, apostle Joseph Fielding Smith (19 July 1876 – 2 July 1972) wrote: “We are not the only people that the Lord has created. We have brothers and sisters on other earths. They look like us because they, too, are the children of God and were created in his image, for they are also his offspring (See Doctrines of Salvation 1:62).” Smith also wrote, “...the great universe of stars has multiplied beyond the comprehension of men. Evidently each of these great systems is governed by divine law; with divine presiding Gods (in Smith’s view apparently, forming in essence, an immense pantheon of such Gods), for it would be unreasonable to assume that each was not so governed (See Answers to Gospel Questions 2:144).” Prominent LDS Apostle Neal A. Maxwell (July 6, 1926 – July 21, 2004) would write: “…we do not know how many inhabited worlds there are, or where they are. But certainly we are not alone…” (See p.25 A


Wonderful Flood of Light by Neal A. Maxwell, 1989 A.D.)” – Wikipedia: Mormon cosmology The Koran, the Islamic holy book, also exhibits a cosmic pluralism bent when in the opening lines of The Koran itself it likewise speaks of the existence of multiple “worlds” (See The Koran Chapter 1 Verse 2). As Theosophical Society-member C.W. Leadbeater, like Mormonism founder John Smith a 33° Freemason, explains in The Inner Life (First Series): “…the Great Brotherhood (of angels)…rules the world.” The working members of this Hierarchy (including extraterrestrial fallen angels and their human lackeys, hybrid or otherwise) constitute a Globalist Deep State Shadow Government bent on global domination. The one world religion they wish to institute is Kabalism. That the rebel angels are in control of this Earth is verified in The Bible: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood (humans), but against principalities, against powers (angels), against the rulers of the darkness of this world (in positions of power), against spiritual wickedness in high places.” - Ephesians 6:12. Included in the ‘Hierarchy’ of the rulers of the darkness of this world is Satan and his own group of rebel angels: “And the devil (Satan), taking him (Jesus) up into an high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him (Jesus), ‘All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.’” - Luke 4:5-6). The world is Satan’s oyster. He gives it to whomever he pleases, and indeed, has given it, and indeed, will give it. They to whom it has been given control it now. Globalization of economies under a one-world government, secretly headed by the leadership of Satan, and seconded by Azazel, in a New World Order, along with the overthrow of God’s kingdom is the ultimate aim of Masons and Freemasonry, cells of one organism with one common goal, all part of The Great Work known as the Theosphical Movement, which is the Mystery of Lawlessness of which 2Thessalonians 2:7 speaks, an association which was already a ‘work’ in progress in Jesus’ own time. At the present moment this goal nears its attainment (Interesting Quote: “There is ample evidence that there has been and is now a global conspiracy through an unknown number of members all sharing the same vision. Those constituents are not normal people but the fallen angels themselves… The conspirators are an all-powerful, evil force manipulating lesser actors while they themselves stay in the background… These fallen angels control a


network of foundations, banks, oil cartels, corporations, and associations controlling the greater part of the global economy… The fallen angels have from time immemorial been the real power brokers.” - pp.98-101 Fallen Angels by C.K. Quarterman, 2012 A.D. This form of government, the rule of the world by the ‘ascended masters’/fallen angels through a network of secret societies and their human agents is generally known in occult circles as Synarchy).

The Temptation of Christ

See Luke 4:1-14 and Mark 1:13 (wild beasts = satyrs/fallen angels). Note the disc-shaped objects depicted hovering in the sky alongside Satan above

Freemasonry is likewise a UFO religion. As the pope of Freemasonry Albert Pike has noted in Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: “Masonry is identical with the ancient Mysteries… Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion.” At the heart of these Freemasonic Mysteries is the teachings of Kabbalah:


“All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the (Jewish) Kabbalah… everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob Boehme,** Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabbalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols.” - Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike. It is interesting to note that every president in the history of America has been a 33° Freemason of what would be the magic-practicing degrees, and that Nordic Americans along with their Nordic British counterparts amongst which populations Nordic aliens may operate openly, discreetly and freely are the driving engine behind Western globalization efforts (**Pertinent Quote from Jacob Boehme: “…the Devil [Satan] dwells with us in this World, who is both God’s Enemy and ours, and daily misleads us, and ensnares us, as he has from the Beginning, that we might fall away from our God and Father…and bereave us of our Eternal salvation.” - Jacob Boehme in The Author’s Preface to Three Principles of the Divine Essence. See also Revelation 12:9) Kabbala, the cornerstone upon which Freemasonry was erected, is an ancient Jewish system of magic. According to Jewish legend, the teachings of the Kabbala were revealed to mankind by the fallen alien angels themselves. As we learn from a number of sources: “The Kabbala (a system of occult science) was first taught by God himself to a select Company of Angels who (before their fall) formed a theosophic school (a ‘collegium’) in Paradise” (See p.284 The Secret Doctrine Volume II by H. P. Blavatsky, The Kabbalah by Christian D. Ginsburg and The Kabbalah Denudata of Christian Knorr von Rosenroth). Included in this group of angels were the fallen angels Satan and Azazel. The knowledge revealed to the angels by God was later revealed to man via Azazel’s troop of fallen angels when they descended to our Earth in the days of Jared as reported in The Book of Enoch. These fallen angels are known as shedim, by definition, demons. Shedim, said to be an aerial race of beings, were commonly invoked during Jewish Kabbalistic magic ceremonies. In fact, it is this very system of Kabbalistic magic which Jesus and his disciples so opposed, the story of which may be found in the New Testament (Brit Hadasha) section of The Bible (See Appendix A). Magic practicing Jewish Kabbalists do not believe that Jesus was the son of God, nor do


Masons hold him in esteem. Jesus is: “…the stone which the builders (read: the Masons/practitioners of magic) rejected.” - Matthew 21:42. As theosophist Geoffrey Farthing elucidates in The Right Angle concerning the esoteric importance of the designation ‘builders’: “Throughout the countries of the Orient, wherever magic and the wisdom-religion are studied, its practitioners and students are known among their craft as Builders.” The temple Builders of ancient days who erected temples in honor of pagan gods representative of the fallen angels were magic-practicing stonemasons. This fact is particularly true of high-degree Masons/Freemasons who are historically speaking, notorious practitioners of magic, as well as Jewish Kabbalists upon whose magical teachings Freemasonry itself was crafted (in this context it is interesting to note that Jesus, the stone rejected by Jewish Kabbalists, would himself become the cornerstone of Christian Cabalism). High-degree magic practicing Masons/Freemasons are designated Operative Masons. Those Masons considered mere students of the occult still in the process of procuring knowledge are known as Speculative Masons. All are known collectively as ‘Builders,’ the very definition of the word ‘Mason.’ They are the: “…"Builders"…of which (the Egyptian god) Osiris (Azazel/Behemoth) is the chief…” - Deity, Cosmos and Man by Geoffrey Farthing. The Freemasonic Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraim is derived from the magic rituals of the Masonic priests of ancient Egypt (the country from whence would emerge the peoples constituting the 12 tribes of Israel), as Memphis is a city in Egypt and Mizraim is the Hebrew word for the land of Egypt (Moses it is said was versed in all the ‘mysteries’ of the Egyptians, Egyptian magic included, the basis of this belief being Acts 7:22: “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians,” Moses besting all of the Egyptian “wise men and the sorcerers” in magical contest). The purveyors of the Egyptian mysteries were the priests who built pyramids and temples devoted to their gods, the chief amongst whom was Osiris (Azazel/Behemoth). Indeed, one of the secrets passed down during the high-degree rituals of the Masonic Rite of Memphis is the existence of the “genii” (read: fallen angels) who “dwell under the earth” (See p.26 The Secret High Degree Rituals of the Masonic Rite of Memphis by John Yarker, 1911 A.D.). This was an ancient Egyptian mystery teaching. As noted by the Greek philosopher Plutarch, like


Moses a student of the Egyptian mysteries: “Osiris (Azazel’s cherub Behemoth within which is the imprisoned angel Azazel) really dwells in the earth and under the earth.” – De Iside LVIII. It is GraecoEgyptian magic practices which constitute Hermetic Qabalah (Greece having bested Egypt in military contest and then subsequently occupying it): “Magic operations…which involve conjuring up a ‘spirit’ – an occult force personified as an angel or demon – have a long history and tradition. The basic pattern of the ceremonies is already found in the Graeco-Egyptian magical texts, which date from about A.D. 100 to 400, and is repeated in mediaeval and modern textbooks, though with many variations in detail.” – The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish, 1967 A.D. Central to the introduction of the ancient Egyptian magical arts and mysteries into Western culture were the Freemasons. In fact: “The historical list of occultists and Witches in the last century who were Freemasons (the foremost of whom was Aleister Crowley) reads like a Who’s Who of 20th century occultism.” Freemasonry: The Witchcraft Connection by William J. Schnoebelen. Indeed: “The (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn was an occult organization formulated out of some British high masonic lodges in the year 1878. Authorization for its institution in England seems to have come from the continent (from Germany), from alleged descendants of mediaeval Rosicrucian groups (Rosicrucians being Christian Cabalists). It was thus a secret Rosicrucian body.” – Roll Away the Stone authored by Aleister Crowley’s former secretary Israel Regardie, 1968 A.D. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a creation of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia [SRIA] English Rosicrucian Society. 33° Freemason/Rosicrucian/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member/leading OTO-member Aleister Crowley was a practitioner of Hermetic Qabalah (and a well known UFO contactee as well) and it was his OTO magic-practicing organization from which would emerge a number of trailblazing ‘UFO channelers,’ and this in the truly modern sense of the word. As previously noted and as OTOmember Robert Shell has explained:“(Aleister Crowley’s disciple) Kenneth Grant, the British head of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and also a friend of mine, has speculated that these beings referred to as ‘those on high’ [occupants of UFOs] are the same beings that Aleister Crowley referred to as the Secret Chiefs, and the Egyptians deified into


their many god forms (including Osiris, the god of the Builders, the ancient Egyptian religious system with its pantheon of gods and goddesses likewise being a collection of UFO religions). These beings (the fallen angel occupants of UFOs) are, in the ultimate setting, the true rulers and the true owners of this planet.” – Revelation: The Divine Fire Occult mysteries as performed in the Masonic temples of antiquity (such as in the temples of the Egyptian Masonic priestly caste) were systems of magic involving contact with alien angels flying about in extraterrestrial spacecraft who the mystical erring ancients would personally revere as gods. This practice continues to this day in the Freemasonic temples of our times. In fact, many politicians in America today are sworn to secrecy high-degree Freemasons of the magic-practicing degrees (Pertinent Quote: “…every president of the United States since [the Declaration of] Independence [in 1776 A.D.] has purportedly been a 33rd degree Freemason.” - Sabbatai Zwi and the Illuminati). When you vote for a Freemason you vote for a magician who takes his marching orders from rebellious fallen angels! Magic (and its associated pacts with extraterrestrial devils) is an all-important part of The Great Work wrought by the greater Theosophical Movement of which the Theosophical Society was front and center during the 19th and 20th Centuries. The Theosophical Society founded by a magic-practicing 33° Freemason named H.S. Olcott and a Spiritualist medium member of the British Intelligenceassociated Society of the Carbonari Spiritualist order named H.P. Blavatsky especially espoused magic: “We have also to consider another class of entities which are frequently employed in magic; and this time we are dealing with real and evolving beings…There are vast hosts of these beings… Broadly speaking, we may divide them into two great classes (a) nature-spirits or fairies, and (b) angels or, as they are called in the East, devas (a cognate of our word ‘devils.’ The UFOnauts themselves were at the center of both of these great demonic deceptions). This second class begins at a level corresponding to the human (the incarnate angel), but reaches up to heights far beyond any that humanity has as yet touched, so that its connection with magic is naturally of the slightest kind, and belongs solely to one special type of it, of which we shall speak presently. The nature-spirits have been called by many different names at different periods and in various countries. We read of them as fairies, elves,


pixies, kobolds, sylphs, gnomes, salamanders, undines, brownies, or ‘good people’ and traditions of their occasional appearance exist in every country under heaven. They have usually been supposed to be merely the creations of popular superstition, and it is no doubt, true that much has been said of them which will not bear scientific investigation. Nevertheless it is true that such an evolution does exist, and that its members occasionally, though rarely, manifest themselves to human vision… now and then exceptional circumstances have brought some of them into direct contact and even friendship with man… Naturally they possess powers and methods of their own, and sometimes they can be either induced or compelled to put these powers at the service of the student of occultism. Although they are not as yet individualized, and in that respect correspond rather to the animal kingdom than to humanity, yet their intelligence is in many cases equal to that of man. They seem, however, to have usually but little sense of responsibility, and the will is generally somewhat less developed with them than it is with the average man. They can therefore readily be dominated by the exercise of mesmeric powers, and can then be employed in many ways to carry out the will of the magician. There are many purposes for which they may be utilized, and so long as the tasks prescribed to them are within their power they will be faithfully and surely executed… All this will no doubt seem strange and new to many minds, but any student of the occult will confirm what I have said here as to the existence of these beings and the possibility that they can be used in various ways by one who understands them… The forces to which I have referred are those most commonly employed in ordinary types of magic… We may usefully divide the subject of magic into two great parts, according to the methods which it employs; and we may characterize these respectively as methods of evocation and of invocation – of command and of entreaty. Let us consider the former first. Although it may act through many different channels, the one great force at the back of all magic of this first type is the human will... By this magnetic (mesmeric) control may be gained over any of the classes of naturespirits (in all actuality, the control of human individuals is the result)… Indeed it is scarcely possible to fix the limits of the power of the human will when properly directed (See Matthew 21:21 and Mark 11:23); it is so much more far-reaching than the ordinary man ever supposes, that the results gained by its means appear to him astounding and supernatural… We find abundant traces of this magic of command in the ceremonies connected with almost every religion in the world…” - Some Glimpses of Occultism Chapter VIII by


Theosophical Society member C.W. Leadbeater, 1919 A.D. And indeed, as ceremonial magician A.E. Waite explains in his book Devil-Worship in France Chapter I: Satanism in the Nineteenth Century, 1896 A.D.: “…the attempt to form a partnership with the lost angels of orthodox theology…constitutes Black Magic,” that “the purpose of Black Magic is simply and obviously to communicate with devils…” As Leadbeater himself explains: “The highest system of evolution connected with this earth, so far as we know, is that of the Beings whom Hindus call the Devas (synonymous/cognate with our word ‘devils’), and have elsewhere (most specifically, in The Bible) been spoken of as Angels, Sons of God, etc...** Their attention can be attracted by certain magical evocations, but only Adepts (the word Adept is synonymous with the word Magus)...have power to command their obedience.” Some Fundamental Teachings by C.W. Leadbeater (**Pertinent Quote: “According to the Ancient Wisdom, an angel is a member of a parallel stream of evolution which progresses through this solar system side by side with humanity.” – Thus Have I Heard Chapter IX Co-operation with Angels by Theosophical Society author Geoffrey Hodson) According to the 33° Freemason/Theosophical Societymember Rudolph Steiner (who received his OTO magic-group charter from OTO-founder Theodor Reuss in 1906 A.D.) in Chapter V of Cosmic Energy, contact between these so-called extraterrestrial Lemurians (read: the angelic Els from Mu) and mankind: “…consisted in a kind of ‘thought reading.’” Writing in articles for his magazine entitled The Path, mystic William Q. Judge (one of the original founding members of the Theosophical Society) under a variety of aliases professes the existence of “beings known to the inhabitants of Indians as that of the Devas”) (1890 A.D.) (the word ‘Deva’ is a cognate of the word ‘Devil.’ The Devas represent the rebellious fallen angels, and Judge asserts these angelic “Adepts” have in the past and are now “assisting all good movements by acting on men from behind the scenes through mental influence” (1893 A.D.) (this mental influence, the transference of actual thoughts through ELF wave transmissions [through a form of microwave information transfer; interestingly enough is the 5G rollout with its attendant swarm of satellites bathing the Earth with microwaves], is the ‘spirit of error’ of which The Bible speaks); “They (these angels) watch (a play on the word ‘Watchers’) the progress of man and help him on in his halting


flight up the steep plane of progress” (1883 A.D.); that Judge and his fellow Theosophists “are working with and for the great unseen, but actual, Brotherhood” (Amazingly enough they actually profess to be working with the fallen angels) (1892 A.D.); that this Brotherhood of angelic “Adepts…consciously send messages from a distance” and “impress thoughts or sentences on the mind of another at a distance” [through a form of microwave ELF information transfer] (1892 A.D.), that this they do through telepathy: “Telepathy**…is the communicating of thought or idea from mind to mind. This is a natural power (a reference to these angels’ use of ELF [extremely low frequency] waves), and being well-understood may be used by one mind (that of an incarnate angel) to convey to another (conveying ‘thoughts’ to the human mind) no matter how far away or what be the intervening obstacle, any idea or thought” (1894 A.D.). (This phenomenon is known as the Frey Effect, aka the microwave auditory effect [aka the microwave auditive effect, Artificial Telepathy/Synthetic Telepathy, Voice to Skull (V2K) and most tellingly Voice of God technology] as pioneered by modern lab magus Dr. Allan H. Frey in the 1960s A.D. For more information see Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications by Prof. James C. Lin, 1978 A.D. Telepathy is a common method of UFO contact). To the Theosophist, such demonic possession is known by the pseudo-scientific designation of Overshadowing (as we learn from Annie Besant in Superhuman Men in History and in Religion circa. 1913 A.D.): “Overshadowing is the dominating of consciousness for a time by the Superhuman Helper (by the angel). The consciousness of the man is dominated, not stimulated (likely through the employment of what is technologically known as low frequency infrasound accoustic psycho-correction techniques). The idea (implanted by the angel) dominates his thought, and becomes to him apparently his own (thought). Many a one (a human) is overshadowed by a Higher Being (an angel) who is not conscious of the source of the thoughts that come into his mind...these are breathed out (in the form of sound waves) from a higher consciousness (the angel) to a lower (a human), and they dominate the lower (human) and become its ideal. Ideals, those fixed ideas that guide and control conduct, constantly come from the overshadowing power...” (The word ‘power’ is synonymous with the word ‘angel.’ The ‘thought’ on which


the person acts is conveyed to the human by the angel who then serves as an avatar for the angel). Perhaps the people in the aluminum foil hats aren’t as crazy as everyone thinks! In fact Judge flatly states: “The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875, with the avowed object of forming a nucleus for a Universal Brotherhood (of mystics and sages), and its founders state that they believe the Indian Mahatmas (the so-called ‘Indian Mahatmas’ are the rebellious fallen angels with whom they were in contact) directed them to establish such a society.”- Echoes from the Orient Chapter I by William Q. Judge, 1890 A.D. Simply astounding! William Q. Judge and his associates were in contact with the rebellious fallen angels themselves and these angels had in fact “directed” Judge and fellow co-founders “to establish” the magic/spiritualism-based Theosophical Society. In this way many have been manipulated (** “The term telepathy is derived from two Greek words, and its literal meaning is ‘feeling at a distance,’ but it is now generally used almost synonymously with thoughttransference, and may be taken to cover any transfer of an image, a thought or a sensation from one person to another (usually from an incarnate angel to a human).” This is also known as: “…‘mediation,’ in which the seer (acting as a medium) supposedly has mind-to-mind (telepathic)** contact with Masters (angels) on the ‘inner planes’ (the term ‘inner planes’ is synonymous with ‘other dimensions’ thusly giving birth to the Interdimensional Theory of UFOs).” - p.157 Ritual Magic: The Rise of Western Occultism by Francis King, 1989 A.D. Telepathy is a subject of intense scientific study (** “Thought force concentration by a single individual can sometimes penetrate to another, even at a distance. We call this telepathy, and the work exploring this human gift is generally covered under the heading of extrasensory perception, or ESP.” – p.195 Witchcraft by Hans Holzer). In all actuality the Brotherhood/Masters with whom the Theosophical Society works are the Biblical fallen angels themselves, first and foremost of whom is the Devil, Satan. As explained on p.118 A Compleat System of Magic, 1729 A.D.: “Dream and Midnight the Method by which God himself often used to reveal himself to the Prophets and other of his most eminent Servants of old [See Numbers 12:5-6]... the Devil, who is cunning enough to Imitate all Those Methods of Access to the Minds of Man which 'tis possible for


him to come at him by, and which his Maker has used for like Communications, has always made use of this Method and when he has designed the Delusion, or the perplexing of Mankind, or any other of his infernal Infatuations, he has brought them to pass by the Injection of evil Thoughts...” See also 2Corinthians 10:4 which states the weapons of spiritual warfare are of mind/imagination and not carnal/physical in nature) It is through this process of thought-transference by which: “The members of the Brotherhood, through Their agents, are constantly trying to work with the important people of the world, putting advice and suggestions into their minds” - The Inner Life (First Series) by C.W. Leadbeater (Rudolph Steiner identified this thought-transference process as “Ahrimanic** powers working…through human minds” concluding “a great part of mankind today is already under the control…of Ahrimanic [read: demonic] forces…” [See The Ahrimanic Deception by Rudolph Steiner, 1919 A.D.]. Rudolph Steiner [b.1861– d.1925 A.D.] was world-famous for his Masonic and Rosicrucian based teachings. In An Outline of Occult Science Chapter VIII [1922 A.D.] Steiner professes the existence of “beings of the world of soul and spirit who influence from hidden worlds the outer manifested world,” and that a person who is by nature attuned to this manipulative telepathic force duly “receives influences” broadcasted by these beings, that “beings of the spiritual world convey them [the mechanically broadcasted “influences”] to him [the target person so attuned].”) (**As a note of explanation: “According to Persian and Chaldean tradition, the Ahrimanes are the fallen angels [aka demons], who out of revenge for being expelled from heaven continually torment the apex of God’s creation, the human inhabitants of the Earth.” – p.117 The Source: Journey Through the Unexplained by Art Bell and Brad Steiger, 1999 A.D. Indeed, Ahriman was the name of a Persian god who represented the Genesis serpent known as the fallen angel Azazel:** “In Persia…it was the serpent [that old serpent called Azazel], who, under the name of Ahriman, formed the basis of the [magic] system of Zoroaster [magic-practicing Zoroastrian priests being known as Magi]; and it is the same serpent who, among the Jews and Christians, tempted Eve, the celestial virgin…” - p.392 A General History of Freemasonry by E. Rebold, 1879 A.D. (**As a word of explanation and as rightfully noted in The Jewish Study Bible [Tanakh Translation, Oxford University Press, 2004 A.D.]: “Unlike some later Jewish and Christian


literature, Genesis does not identify the talking snake with Satan.” This was a later erroneous assumption. The Genesis ‘serpent’ is Azazel). In fact: “…there are on this earth other spiritual beings whose intention is to prevent mankind following its true evolution… These beings, also known as the ‘lying spirits’ (See 1Kings 22:22-23 and 2Chronicles 18:21-22) are in the service of the cosmic being who has been known since ancient Persian times as Ahriman.” – FSR: Let’s Take Off Our Blinkers by Dan Lloyd. Many Anthroposophists in the mold of Rudolph Steiner believe the ancient being ‘Ahriman’ to be behind the modern-day UFO phenomenon: “Ahriman is a cosmic being who has worked on humanity through the ages… It is this cosmic being whom a growing body of anthroposophists feel is behind all the manifestations of the UFO phenomenon…all part of the web of deception being spun to instill ‘belief in flying saucers’ while hiding the true threat behind the phenomenon.” - FSR: Anthroposophists and UFOs by Charles Bowe. Magism should be considered one of a multiple varieties of Cabalism, forms as numerous as there are ufo cults. Cabalism in all its forms should be defined as communication with extraterrestrials through magical means) The alien angels are thusly capable of controlling ones actions: “…another frequent component in the (UFO/alien) abduction scenario…is the fact that many people find themselves suddenly under powerful compulsions of various sorts… What do we learn from these compulsions? For one thing, that the aliens can exert great control over our actions, thoughts and desires, contrary to our best interest.” – FSR: Alien Aftershock: Compulsions in the Aftermath of Alien Abduction Experiences by Dr. Karla Turner. Such compulsions are akin to demonic possession: “…the phenomena of alien control of speech facilities, voices in the head, and speaking in unknown languages…is completely identical to that of demonic possession. In full demonic possession, there is also the phenomenon of ‘missing time’ (ie loss of consciousness during the period of the possession fit) characteristic of (alien) abductions.** Likewise, in the partial demon possession, there is the phenomenon of ‘compulsion’ also apparent in the actions of UFO abductees…” - FSR: Wishful Thinking and Self-Deception of Abductees and UFOlogists by Cyril Marystone (**Pertinent Quote: “UFOs and alien abductions…


have nothing to do with outer space and everything to do with fallen angels… fallen angels have watched and intervened in humanity since the dawn of time… they hide among us…forever manipulating us…” – p.86,24,109 Fallen Angels by C.K. Quarterman, 2012 A.D.) In this way the alien angels clandestinely influence human events, political, scientific, economic and otherwise. Spiritualist-medium Helena P. Blavatsky describes the thought-transference process as she had experienced it: “Every word of [esoteric] information found in my writings comes from the teachings of our Eastern Masters (read: from the fallen angels); and many a passage in these works (of automatic-writing) has been written by me under their dictation. In saying this no supernatural claim is urged, for no miracle is performed by such a dictation.** Space and distance do not exist for thought; and if two persons are in perfect mutual psycho-magnetic rapport (possibly a reference to ‘brainwave synchronization’/’brainwave entrainment’ through ‘sympathetic resonance’), and of these two, one is a great Adept in Occult Sciences, then thought-transference and dictation of whole pages, become as easy and as comprehensible at the distance of ten thousand miles as the transference of two words across a room.” - HPB, "My Books," Lucifer magazine, May, 1891 (**There is nothing mystical about this process—it is made physically possible by those who possess such advanced technological capabilities [for more information on this topic, see Evildoer Added to Evildoer by John of the Gentiles]: “…nothing on this plane is supernatural. What we see now, and what we have read of in ages past, is but the operation of [scientific] law which has not yet been studied and defined.” - The History of Spiritualism Vol I by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1926 A.D.) As William Q. Judge explains the process: “To communicate with another mind at any distance the Adept (an angel) attunes all the molecules of the brain and all the thoughts of the mind so as to vibrate in unison (at the same frequency) with the mind to be affected (perhaps through the Law of Entrainment), and that other mind and brain have also to be either voluntarily (willingly) thrown


into the same unison or fall (through sinful acts) into it voluntarily (“Angels may solicit, or demons may tempt, but none can compel the spirit within to action, unless it first surrenders the will to the investing power.” — ("Art Magic," page 335).” - Difference between Elementals & Elementaries, 1889 A.D.). So though the Adept (angel) be at Bombay and his (human) friend in New York, the distance is no obstacle, as the inner senses are not dependent on an ear, but may feel (through sound wave vibrations) and see the thoughts and images in the mind of the other person. And when it is desired to look into the mind and catch the thoughts of another and the pictures all around him of all he has thought and looked at, the Adept’s (angel’s) inner sight (mind) and hearing are directed (indicative of directed beam technology) to the mind to be seen, when at once all is visible.” (The angels can, as it were, read minds [See Hebrews 4:12-13, Psalms 94:10-11, 1Chronicles 28:9, and Jeremiah 20:12], as if thoughts were a spoken word [ESP] and can ‘see’ everything the Overshadowed person sees [remote viewing], as well as direct the actions of that person [possession] by programming his thoughts, and all in real time) - The Ocean of Theosophy by William Q. Judge, 1893 A.D. (As expressed in Chapter 4 of America’s Subversion: The Enemy Within by Sonny René Stermole, the book being a treatise on Freemasonry: “The Kundalini serpent force ending in ‘illumination’ of the brain by Lucifer, having Lucifer or Satan intensely impress thoughts upon one’s brain, is what is considered to achieve occult ‘redemption,’ ancient ‘Wisdom.’” (Author’s Note: Such men thus led by “the spirit of error” were said to be Illuminated/Illuminati. The word ‘kundalini’ is Sanskrit for ‘snake.’ In this case the serpent/snake is analogous of the electromagnetic wave, yet more specifically, and in relation to Satan’s “flaming darts” [See Ephesians 6:16] referring to an electromagnetic wave of a specific wavelength/frequency [ELF waves/microwaves], whereby he implants thoughts into the minds of men. This is known variously as thoughttransference and Overshadowing) It is the fallen angels of whom the President of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society A.P. Sinnett in Chapter II of his book The Occult World spoke when he wrote circa 1881 A.D. of: “… the adepts (the rebellious fallen angels) as they now exist, or, to use the


designation more generally employed in India, of ‘the Mahatmas’ … constitute a Brotherhood, or Secret Association, which ramifies all over the East, but the principal seat of which for the present I gather to be in Tibet.” He goes on to say: “Madame (Helena P.) Blavatsky is constantly in communication, by means of the system of psychological telegraphy (telepathy/thought-transference) that the initiates employ, with her superior ‘Brothers’ in occultism… the Brothers (the rebellious fallen angels)…have been at work with her…dictating through…her brain” her book Isis Unveiled by means of the “deific powers which the Brothers enjoy,” or, more to the truth, by the advanced technology they are able to employ. Such an enterprise is commonly known in the occult world as ‘automatic writing.’ In fact, A.P. Sinnett himself in the Second Edition of The Occult World confessed to having himself received “direct revelation from the Brothers (from the rebellious fallen angels).” Heavily engrossed in magic-based Spiritualist practices, these individuals were what we today refer to as UFO contactees. It is Azazel’s group of fallen angels of which the Rosicrucians speak circa. 1617 A.D. when they obfuscate the following: “As far as the Collegium is concerned…The brethren (read: the brotherhood) are nearer unto thee than thou thinkest…they are… Theosophi.” - The Mirror of the Wisdom of the Rosicrucians (Theosophi means “wise (soph) gods (theoi)” in reference to the fallen angels). Rosicrucianism itself was a product of the 16 th Century Cabalism craze in Europe (See pp.67-73 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements). (Pertinent Quote: “Traditionally, the Rosicrucians were Christians of the Reformation—mystics, alchemists, occultists, but always Christians.” – The Eye in the Triangle by Israel Regardie) It is this assembly of “Theosophi” composed of Azazel and his fellow rebellious fallen angels from which is derived the term Theosophical Society, it being founded under their direction. In his book entitled The Cloud upon the Sanctuary, Karl von Eckartshausen, who studied at the University of Ingolstadt under the Freemasonic Illuminatus Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian


Illuminati, reveals his esoteric knowledge concerning this assembly of wise gods who are interred within the earth when he speaks of the presence of an “interior society,” a “hidden assembly, a society of the Elect” formed “after the fall of man” a “society of sages” which “communicated, according to time and circumstances, unto the exterior societies,” with those humans on the surface of the Earth, or rather, was in communication with such individuals/groups who sought to conjure them, and that “this interior illuminated circle” (located within Azazel’s disc-shaped cherub within the interior of the Earth), was an “illuminated community” (commonly known as the Illuminati) which “counts its members from more than one world,” they being originally from the New Earth. Elias Gewurz, a one-time resident of the Theosophical Society’s commune of Krotona located in Hollywood, CA writes (circa 1922 A.D.) of Azazel and his assembly of rebel angels and how this group may in fact be contacted in his Theosophic work entitled Mysteries of the Qabalah, with Gewurz explaining “The Brotherhood of the White Lodge (also known as “the Masters of Wisdom”) is a body of great men (read: an assembly of incarnate fallen angels)” who “watch (a play on the word ‘Watchers’) over humanity from their exalted (spiritual) planes (read: from other dimensions)” (one of the main tenets in magic, as we learn from Ritual Magic: The Rise of Western Occultism, is there “are other planes than the physical and other intelligences than those in physical incarnation. Man is regarded as being half-way up the ladder of evolution not at its top.”). Gewurz’s book states that “the White Lodge has its representatives on earth, its messengers (again, a play on words. Angels are by definition the ‘messengers’ of God) and teachers, and pupils (by definition, a Collegium),” and how it was possible that certain individuals may become “channels” (mediums) for The Brotherhood of the White Lodge group of extraterrestrials, for a “man to become a servant of the great Lords (wise gods) and co-operate with them here on earth,” such individuals being made “to serve faithfully the Masters of Wisdom,” thereby becoming “messengers of the White Lodge” (See Mysteries of the Qabalah Part I: The Brotherhood of the White Lodge. This book is classified Hermetic Qabalah and sets the stage for the ‘UFO channeling’ of the ‘aerial people’). As Gewurz explains, such an individual in this way “becomes a cooperator with those high intelligences whom we call Masters (these Masters are angels and every ‘master’ has his slaves, Gewurz and other members of the Theosophical Society included. The slaves shall indeed serve)…” (See


Chapter 8 of Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah by Elias Gewurz, 1918 A.D.). Asserts British Jung-influenced psychotherapist, occultist and Thesophical Society/Stella Matutina/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn member Dion Fortune in her book The Mystical Qabalah: “…the first Qabalists…were angels,” and she herself professed to be in contact with them. As Gewurz explains: “They (the angels) are always affiliated to those organizations on earth whose members are single-minded, and true hearted and genuinely desirous of the welfare of the race (in such a way Satan and his ilk deceptively masquerade as ‘angels of light,’ this also being the mask of Freemasonry itself). Especially are they interested in the advancement of science, philosophy (science and philosophy being rooted in magic) and (false) religion, and all public bodies promoting these subjects are helped (without knowing whence the help cometh) by the Brotherhood of the White Lodge (helped by Azazel’s group of angels, which conveys this knowledge to them through the broadcast of ELF waves, a process known as Overshadowing. One may argue whether many occult-connected geniuses such as the OTO-associated CalTech/JPLconnected Manhattan Project scientist Albert Einstein of Akenazi Jewish descent as well as OTO lodge leader/CalTech-connected JPLfounder/rocket scientist Jack Parsons himself may well have received their ideas through the process of Overshadowing/thoughttransference/telepathy). For the last three decades (from the 1890’s to the 1920’s) there has been a steady and growing increase of knowledge in all departments of human activity. Inventions have multiplied, and discoveries of unsuspected laws of nature are being made on every hand. Philosophic and scientific thought has never been so abundant and so brilliant as it is today, but the receivers of the gifts know not the givers (the ‘givers’ being the rebellious fallen angels from whence magic was derived)...” - Mysteries of the Qabalah by Elias Gewurz (1922 A.D.) Part I: The Brotherhood of the White Lodge In fact, King James, who has given us the King James Version of The Bible, explains: “Satan obliges himself to the greatest of Magicians… he will oblige himself to teach them arts and sciences (the arts and sciences being rooted in magic), which he may easily do, being so learned a knave as


he is.” - Book I Daemonologie by King James 1597 A.D. (As a demonologist, King James was an early ufologist) Indeed. The impartation of heavenly knowledge is part of Satan’s ploy: “To accomplish his malicious purpose (“man’s destruction”) Satan has assumed different forms and used different methods… He has assumed to be man’s superior friend and protector, to inspire him with wisdom, to reveal future events and to unravel mysteries.” – The Borderland of the Supernatural by Levi White, Revised Edition, 1905 A.D. And again: “There is some historical record of occultists receiving very advanced technical information via contact with spirits. (Jewish Kabalist) Jacques Bergier (author of Extraterrestrial Visitations from Prehistoric Times to the Present and Morning of the Magicians) records a large number of cases involving supernatural beings, or ‘creatures of light,’ whose sole desire was to impart advanced knowledge of philosophy and various academic data. They appeared in large numbers during the five centuries between 1000 and 1500 A.D. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries they appeared in connection with the Freemasons, a group which later held a belief in extraterrestrial life.” – UFOs: What on Earth is Happening by Weldon/Levitt, 1975 A.D. (Pertinent Quote: “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” - Jeremiah 33:3) In fact: “Many persons while demon possessed give evidence of knowledge which cannot be accounted for in ordinary ways… They sometimes converse in foreign languages (a phenomenon known as glossolalia) of which in their normal states they are entirely ignorant.” – p.163 The Omega Conspiracy: Satan’s Last Assault on God’s Kingdom by Dr. I.D.E. Thomas, 1986 A.D. (Compare to the form of glossolalia in Christianity commonly known as ‘speaking in tongues’ which is typically associated with Pentecost [See Acts 2:1-12]** as well as speaking in “the tongues [the language] of…angels,” a dialect distinct from those to be found amongst mankind. See 1Corinthians 13:1)


(Pertinent Quote: “When a subterranean [chthonic] demon assails one, he agitates and distorts the person possessed, and speaks through him, using the tongue of the sufferer as if it were his own member [becoming in essence an avatar of the angel]...” – p.36 Psellus’ Dialogue on the Operation of Dæmons, 1050 A.D.)

Speaking in Tongues (Traditional)


**Notice the saucer-shaped aerial objects closely associated with this phenomenon


This transfer of knowledge is accomplished by the process of thought-transference. Also known as telepathy, thought-transference falls within the category of parapsychological phenomenon. It is these very magic teachings espoused by the Theosophical Society which underlie all modern day UFO religions. It was members of the Theosophical Society’s magic-practicing inner-circle, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order which would give birth to the OTO and their specific brand of ‘UFO channelings’ (at the head of which served British spy Aleister Crowley. The Church of


Satan itself with its OTO-associations it would appear is a direct offshoot of the OTO), these UFO cults being merely modern day incarnations of millennia old ancient magic-based Mystery religions. The rebellion of the angels rages to this day. True to the demonic nature of UFOs: “UFOs appear most frequently in countries where the cult of Satan flourishes. UFO and occult practices run parallel. It is clear they have the same origin.’” – p.158 UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? by William R. Goetz, 1997 A.D. The cult of Satan flourishes in America, birthplace of the modern flying saucer movement. Of an interesting related historical note as dutifully recorded by demonologist/ufologist Walter Scott in 1830 A.D. in Letter VI of Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, following the introduction of Christianity into theretofore magicpracticing pagan locales, fairy (read: early UFO) sighting reports along with the superstitions which accompany them had become noticeably less commonplace than had previously been the case.

Sigil of the Church of Satan


Temple of Set Logo

Luciferian Church Logo

Logo of The Church of Azazel

Specifically note their saucer-shaped designs.


“Our conclusions are that there exist…two diametrically opposed forces of entities interested in us… There is obviously a ‘War in the Heavens’ between these two factions… the earth is now the stage of a gigantic cosmic confrontation between the forces of good and evil.” – Operation Earth by UFOlogist Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1969 A.D.

Chapter 7. Conclusion Prior to the Second Coming of Jesus, a pair of harbinger angels will in turn make an appointed appearance. The angel flying in midheaven and the second angel said to follow the first angel as related in Revelation 14:6-8 below is a description of the seraphim of the Two Witnesses, who are two angels, in cherubic flying ‘wheel’ glory discs. They will proselytize to the people of the Earth, proclaiming an eternal gospel to its inhabitants (See Matthew 24:14) and are to serve as heralds of the coming Judgment: “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven (flying in the sky), having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. And there followed another angel…” - Revelation 14:6-8 Might I suggest you promptly prostrate yourself humbly before God when these two angels arrive. God has forewarned us. Do not confuse the cherubim of these vanguard angels who are loyal messengers of God with the cherubim of the fallen angels. They will preach the true gospel.


The Second Coming of the conquering Jesus (See Matthew 24:30-31) will be hailed as a malevolent alien invasion. The Bible prophecies such an attack: “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse (a white cherub); and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True (this is the cherub of the conquering Jesus), and in righteousness he doth judge and make war… And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses (angels in white cherubim)… And I saw…the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse (against Jesus in his newly acquired state-of-the-art cherub), and against his army (of angels in cherubim).” – Revelation 19:11,14,15-16,19


The Second Coming of Jesus (Traditional): Note the disc-shaped object in which he is expected to return Indeed. Towards this end: “The late General Douglas MacArthur, a man who must have been privy to much secret information, repeatedly made public statements asserting that the next war would be an interplanetary conflict with mankind uniting to combat ‘evil forces’ from some other world” (what MacArthur describes as the “ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy”). – p.281 UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel, 1970 A.D.


In the words of Douglas McArthur himself: “The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.” The establishment of a ‘common front’ against this Biblically prophecied attack is the goal of Satan-inspired globalists (who seek to undo that which was done by God at Babel. See Genesis 11:9) and their one world government/New World Order system (in this context it is interesting to note the timely creation of America’s new militaristic Space Corp in 2018 A.D.). U.S. General Douglas McArthur’s British military counterpart of the day, Lord Louis Mountbatten,** likewise addressing the UFO threat circa 1950 A.D., had himself likewise concluded: “If the human race wishes to survive they may have to band together.” (**Lord Mountbatten’s Broadlands estate interestingly enough would be the scene of a well known UFO encounter in 1955 A.D. [See Above Top Secret pp.40-42], Lord Mountbatten himself being a Knight of the Order of the Garter, a traditional witch’s coven [See The Satanic States of America by John of the Gentiles], whose own personal clairvoyant and psychic advisor was the famous British witch Dolores North thusly highlighting the UFO/magic connection. Such magically inclined individuals commonly fall under the control of alien angels). Britain’s former chief UFO investigator/Intelligence officer Nicholas Pope has even said “there was a war going on” with the occupants of UFOs, and that “these could attack at anytime.” According to ex-U.S. Dept. of Defense official Christopher Mellon, ufos pose a “vital national security threat… our sovereignty is being violated by vehicles of unknown origin.” Precontrived? The father of the American educational system, American philosopher/psychologist/Humanist(a modern name for what was formerly known as a ‘white witch’) John Dewey had himself once exclaimed in a speech at a dinner for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in New York City in the year 1917 A.D. during the darkest years of WWI thirty years prior to the start of the 1947 A.D. UFO era: “Some one once remarked the best way to unite all nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet.” There is even talk of a fake alien invasion formally known as Project Bluebeam shades of the successful trial run 1938 A.D. Orson Welles’ War of the


Worlds Martian invasion psychological operation, as well as a simulated Second Coming of Christ. Demonic UFOs could even be revealed as America’s secret space force many years in development. Satan’s deceptions as we have learned are many and varied. Kelly L. Segraves offers us the following prescient warning concerning New Age teachings: “In recent years a fascinating new religion has landed upon the world scene. It is the (New Age) religion of UFOlogy… Reportedly these super-intelligent visitors from outer space claim to be our gods and the entire Bible is to be reinterpreted in the light of this frightening concept… Even the sacred belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is challenged by these champions of UFOlogy as we are told that Jesus Christ was simply a saucer being…that he will come again with his myriad of saucers to take control of this world that is waiting for judgment. These new religionists firmly believe in their concept and with evangelistic fervor they proclaim their beliefs for all who will listen. But what is the purpose behind their preaching? What is the meaning of their message? …the evidence clearly shows that the (New Age) concepts of UFOlogy are really Satan’s last attempt to falsely fulfill Bible prophecy (particularly as concerns the Second Coming of Jesus) in an effort to deceive mankind in the end times. Satan and his followers are preparing now to establish the kingdom of…the antichrist (a false Christ)…” – Introduction to The Great Flying Saucer Myth by Kelly L. Segraves, 1975 A.D. (Pertinent Quote: “In his recent lecture [in Chicago, IL on May 8, 1954 A.D., world-famous UFO contactee George Hunt] Williamson stated the following information as received from the Saucer occupants. The lecturer stated that the Saucer occupants told him that the Flying Saucers were the signs and wonders referred to in the Bible [See Luke 21:11] that would precede the return of Jesus Christ who is directing the operation and mission of the Saucers…” – pp. 8-9 Signs of the Saucers by J.D. Johnson, 1954 A.D.) As pertains to the prophecized simulation of the Second Coming of Christ, Jesus directly warns us this takes place in John 5:4243: “…I know that you have not the love of God in you. I (Jesus) have come in my Father’s name (in God’s name), and you do not receive me;


if another (a reference to the newly-released formerly imprisoned fallen angel Azazel. See Revelation 9:11 and Revelation 11:7) comes in his own name, him you will receive (as the promised Messiah. For this reason Azazel in known as the False Prophet).” - John 5:42-43 …and again in Matthew 24:21-27, noting: “Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he (Jesus) is in the desert (of Sinai as prophecied concerning the coming of the promised messiah in Isaiah 40:3); go not forth: behold, he (Jesus) is in the secret chambers;** believe it not.” – Matthew 24:26 (**This word chamber is a cognate of the word cherub and is in fact a word employed in Kabbalistic Hekalot literature such as the Hekalot Rabbati to directly denote a cherub, typically as noted disc-shaped and fully capable of flight) Do not be so deceived. As Jesus goes on to explain in Matthew 24:27, there will be no mistaking his true promised arrival: “For as the lightning (which as must be noted appears in the sky) cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west (spanning the heavens lighting up the entire sky, with great flashing lights and loud thunderous noises); so shall also the coming of the Son of man (Jesus) be.” - Matthew 24:27 As Jesus goes on to reveal: “…then shall appear the sign (the cherub) of the Son of man (Jesus) in heaven: … the Son of man (Jesus) coming in the clouds of heaven (along with numerous cherubim) with power and great glory.”** Matthew 24:30 (**While a glory is typically a cherub, this term ‘great glory’ refers to the Majestic Glory mothership itself) What is the “sign” of the Son of Man Jesus which will appear in “heaven” (read: in the sky) at his coming?

Christian ICTHYS Symbols Jesus’ ICTHYS Symbol (Early) 208

Jesus’ ICTHYS Symbol (Traditional)

The traditional ICTHYS symbol of Jesus symbolically representing a fish in form embodies a domed-disc cherub (UFO). As evidenced in The Bible and the 1001 Nights Tales, fish are at times used as symbols of underwater UFOs more commonly known as USOs.

Second Coming of Jesus (Traditional)


The Merkabah (ba/baal) of Jesus. Note the sky-borne disc-shaped object associated with the Second Coming of Jesus in which Jesus is expected to return. Christianity was at its inception universally understood to be a UFO religion, one amongst a number of other UFO religions prevelant in its day


Christianity was not your typical run of the mill Mystery Religion ufo cult (See Ephesians 6:19, Mark 4:11, Romans 16:25, 1Corinthians 2:7, 1Corinthians 15:51 and Revelation 10:7): Christ in Great Glory (in the Majestic Glory) at the Second Coming. Pictured with Jesus are angels and Twenty-Four Elders. At bottom, disc-shaped cherubim with which he returns (See Matthew 25:31)

The ufological nature of the Second Coming of Jesus was prophecied in the following manner: “And when he (Jesus) had spoken these things, while they (the 12 apostles) beheld, he (Jesus) was taken up; and a cloud (a cherub) received (took) him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven (toward the sky) as he went up, behold, two men (two humanoid angels) stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come (at the Second Coming) in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” - Acts 1:9-11 The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles additionally contains this related revelation: “…when lawlessness increases, they shall hate and persecute and betray one another, and then shall appear the world-deceiver (the antichrist False Prophet Azazel) as Son of God (as a counterfeit Messiah), and shall do signs and wonders (such as making fire come


down from his cherub in the sky, shades of the book of Job. See Revelation 13:13), and the earth shall be delivered into his hands…” The Didache (The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) Authors Weldon and Levitt believed that one: “…possibility is that the Antichrist will bring about a world unification through man’s need to combine forces against a common enemy—in this case, hostile invaders from other worlds.” - UFOs: What on Earth is Happening This is precisely the plan proffered by the military leaders quoted above. In fact, the fallen angels are currently readying their forces in these the final days aided by their human martial allies to oppose the Second Coming of the conquering Jesus and God’s angelic army which will as prophecied accompany him: “…the fallen angel…sons of God are upon us preparing for a great invasion (the Second Coming of Jesus) and laying the groundwork for a final struggle at Armageddon.” – pp.180,182 Sons of God Return by Kelly L. Segraves Indeed: “…the present activities relating to UFOs fit the Biblical picture… Demons…know that the last great Battle of Armageddon is coming and that their own time is short… These beings are seeking recruits for the final onslaught, and so they battle for the souls and minds of men… These beings who occupy UFOs…are deluding men and women, working on them so that they will be ready to fit into the great counterplan of revolution against Almighty God.” – pp. 86-87 UFOs: Satanic Terror by Basil Tyson, 1977 A.D. The Biblical prophecy concerning the coming Battle of Armageddon:


“And I saw three unclean spirits…the spirits of devils,** working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them (“…into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon…” – Revelation 16:16) to the battle of that great day of God Almighty… And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse (a white cherub); and he (a reference to Jesus) that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war… his name (Jesus’ cherub) is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him… And I saw…the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him…and against his army…” – Revelation 16:14, Revelation19:11,14,19 (**Pertinent Quote: “…demons and devils…are a certain group of alien beings who have been present on this planet for a long time…” – The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Casteneda, 1968 A.D.) As a prominent ufologist warns us: “…the increasing numbers of UFOs in our skies are the result of Satan’s evil forces gathering to fight on behalf of the Antichrist… Before the End Times can arrive Satan must implement his evil plan for world domination. In order to succeed large numbers of people, particularly those in high places, will be brainwashed or possessed by evil spirits in order to prepare them for the final battle on the side of the Antichrist.” - Flying Saucers From Hell by Dr. David Clarke, 2006 A.D. And again as similarly revealed by celebrated theologian Dr. Kurt E. Koch: “UFO’s are…the heralds of the coming Antichrist… Without a doubt the UFO’s are phenomena of the end-time… Today they turn up in ever greater concentrations, as we approach the time of the return of Jesus. Lucifer sends his elite troops ahead. He is arming for the final battle.” – Occult ABC by Kurt E. Koch, 1978 A.D. Writing in 1858 A.D. at the height of the Spiritualist Movement in America prior to the onset of our modern-day UFO era


beginning in 1947 A.D. (as well as prior to the earlier less-publicised 1896-97 A.D. UFO flap in America), Seventh Day Adventist Church cofounder Ellen G. White issued the following prescient warning: “The apostle John in vision heard a loud voice in heaven exclaiming: "Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Revelation 12:12. Fearful are the scenes which call forth this exclamation from the heavenly voice. The wrath of Satan increases as his time grows short, and his work of deceit and destruction will reach its culmination in the time of trouble. Fearful sights of a supernatural character will soon be revealed in the heavens, in token of the power of miracle-working demons. The spirits of devils will go forth to the kings of the earth and to the whole world, to fasten them in deception, and urge them on to unite with Satan in his last struggle against the government of heaven. By these agencies, rulers and subjects will be alike deceived… As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will personate Christ... the great deceiver (Satan) will make it appear that Christ has come.” - pp. 623-624 The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White, 1858 A.D. (1911 A.D. Edition) Do not be so deceived! You do not want to be counted amongst the unrighteous minions of Satan and Azazel when Jesus returns in might—the black hole of hell awaits them all. Turn and be healed. Amen. Come Lord Jesus. “And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of (Mount) Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” - Isaiah 2:3


The LORD upon Mount Zion: Synod of Sion, 1619 A.D.

“…it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory (my cherub)… I will set a sign (my glory/my cherub) among them (at the Second Coming), and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations…that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory (my cherub); and they shall declare my glory (my cherub) among the Gentiles… I will also take of them (of the Gentiles, the so-called goyim) for priests and for Levites, saith the LORD.” – Isaiah 66:18,19,21 “And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.” 1John 2:25


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.� - Ephesians 6:12 The propaganda war has begun:

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956 A.D.) based on a story by National Investigative Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) founder U.S. Major Donald Keyhoe


Appendix A: Magic To truly understand the story of the rebellious fallen angels one must study the practice with which they are associated, namely, Magic. “I wish to explain to you whence the worship of idols began in this world… the beginning was in this wise. Certain angels (Azazel’s group of fallen angels as revealed in The Book of Enoch), having left the course of their proper order, began to favor the vices of men, and in some measure to lend unworthy aid to their lust (See Genesis 6:4), in order that by these means they might indulge their own pleasures the more; and then, that they might not seem to be inclined of their own accord to unworthy services, taught men that demons (read: the fallen angels) could, by certain arts—that is, by magical invocations—be made to obey men.” - Pseudo-Clementine Book IV Chapter XXVI circa 4th Century A.D. (See also Eusebius of Caesarea’s Praeparatio Evangelica Book V. The jinn-inspired Koran likewise explains that the “devils’ taught men “sorceries.” See The Koran 2.102) Tatian in 2Apology5 (ANF, Vol. 1, 190) circa the 2nd Century A.D. informs us: “[God]...committed the care of men and of all things under heaven to angels whom He appointed over them. But the angels transgressed this appointment, and were captivated by the love of women, and begat children who are those who are called demons; and besides, they afterwards subdued the human race to themselves, partly by magical writings, and partly by fears and the punishments they occasioned, and partly by teaching them to offer sacrifices, and incense, and libations, of which things they stood in need after they were enslaved by lustful passions; and among men they (the fallen angels) sowed murders, wars, adulteries, intemperate deeds, and all wickedness.” Julius Africanus (circa 200 A.D.), as related in the AntiNicene Fathers Volume VI, explains:


“When men multiplied on the earth, the angels of heaven came together with the daughters of men (as related in Genesis 6:4)…if it is thought these refer to angels, we must take them to be those who deal with magic and jugglery, who taught the women (the first witches) the motion of the stars and the knowledge of things celestial (Astrology/Astronomy), by whose power they conceived the giants as their children, by whom wickedness came to its height on the earth, until God decreed that the whole race of the living should perish in their impiety in the deluge (as related in The Book of Enoch as well as the Book of Genesis).” - Julius Africanus Anti-Nicene Fathers Volume VI Extant Fragments from the Chronography Part II The Kabbalistic grimoire Zohar 3:208a likewise attributes Azazel (Aza’el) and his angels for the introduction of the knowledge of the secrets of the magic arts to mankind, as does The Book of Enoch Chapter VII which explains how the angels from heaven taught the human women with whom they had “cohabited” (See Genesis 6:1-4) “sorceries” and “incantations.” Astrology/Astronomy and the use of medicine including ‘medical magic’ (including the use of herbs) were also amongst the magical arts taught to humans by the fallen angels (See The Book of Enoch Chapter VIII). Zohar 2:7a tells us the gods of the nations as spoken of in The Bible were no mere powerless idols but represented very real celestial beings that have influence over actual events on our Earth. The genesis of such pagan magic practices may be directly attributed to the demonic alien angels. According to Jewish legend, the teachings of the Kabbala were revealed to mankind by these angels, beings they called shedim, a race of aerial peoples. Shedim are invoked during Kabbalistic magic ceremonies (the word shedu, the singular form of the plural shedim, is derived from the Semitic word ‘sedu’ meaning ‘spirit’). Jewish Kabbalists are Spiritualists who through ancient magic practices invoke the shedim fallen angels/Nordic aliens. In Arabian countries the jinn (in English, ‘genii’), who also represent Azazel’s group of rebellious fallen angels are likewise associated with magic. Arab magicians are called Muqarribun, their traditions predating even Islam itself (one example of an Arabic magic


book is The Picatrix of Planetary Talismanic Magic, a compilation of various Middle Eastern magic traditions. Sufi dervishes are the most famous group of Arabic practitioners of magic). Through their use of magic, the Muqarribun sought to control the jinn who they knew to be the rebellious fallen angels in order to thereby exploit these beings and to use them to their advantage. Spells were employed in an effort to control the jinn, to enslave them and even sometimes as protection against them. Some even solicited their protection in their role as guardian angels. The ancient Egyptians employed priestly magicpracticing magicians as well (See Exodus 7:11. Jannes and Jambres are the names of two Egyptian magicians who acted in opposition to Moses [See 2Timothy 3:8]), as did the Babylonians (See Daniel 2:10). Even the three wise men, the kings of the east who visited Jesus at his birth, were Magi (See Matthew 2:1), they also being, as their name suggests, magicians. As The Zondervan Pictorial Dictionary informs us as to the origin of the word ‘magic’: “Originally the word meant the science or art of the Magi, the Persian priestly caste.” These Magi (singular ‘Magus’) constituted the magic-practicing priesthood of the Persian Zoroastrian religion for which the winged disc is a central motif. The Magi were Spiritualists: “…the Magi were a Persian religious caste… Origen affirms that they were in communication with evil spirits (See Contra Celsum I.60)…” - Earth’s Earliest Ages by G.H. Pember, 1889 A.D. “The Magi, also, not only know that there are demons, but, moreover, whatever miracle they affect to perform, do it by means of demons; by their aspirations and communications (with said demons) they show their wondrous (magic) tricks, making either those things appear which are not, or those things not to appear which are.” - The Octavius of Minucius Felix Chapter XXVI The Magi, from whence comes our word ‘magician,’ employed magical charms and performed ritual magic ceremonies, practiced the invocation of spirits/angels and thusly communicated with spirits/angels (the word ‘Mason’ is also a cognate of the word ‘magic,’ both being cognates of the Roman word ‘manes’ and the Greek word ‘mani’ who were the rebellious fallen angels with whom such


practitioners sought to communicate. Many American Indian groups such as the Sioux and Navaho likewise spoke of beings which they similarly referred to as the Manidos who are said to have controlled creation from their seats above the clouds and of who it is said descended to the Earth there to intermingle with humans [See The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall]. The Manidos are representative of the Biblical fallen angels. Compare the etymology of the words ‘mani/manes/manidos.’ ‘Manes’ is the Roman word and ‘mani/man’ the Etruscan word for Azazel and his angels. Sioux medicine men/Shamans were Spiritualists who sought to communicate with these beings through magic practices. Note the swastika/quartered circle disc motif associated with these celestial beings. Azazel, it would appear, is the sinuous Great Spirit)

Navaho Manido Sand Painting

Simon Magus is a magician mentioned in Acts 8:9-24 whom Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry identifies as being the founder of Gnosticism. Hippolytus before him identified various others of the Gnostic creeds as simply being the mystic teachings of Simon Magus under different appellations. In fact, Simonians as they are known were a Gnostic sect which regarded Simon Magus as its founder and traced its doctrines back to him. Gnosticism itself had been greatly influenced by Jewish Kabbalism as well as the teachings of the Zoroastrian Magi [of such were the three ‘wise’ men who visited Jesus at his birth]). By definition, ‘Magus’ means: 1. Zoroastrian priest: in the ancient Persian


religion of Zoroastrianism, a priest [As per the teachings of Zoroaster: “The whole creation is placed under the guardianship of God as the head, and six Ameshaspends (archangels). Ameshaspends are mystical guardian spirits, who work night and day incessantly for the welfare and protection of the creation committed to their charge by the Almighty… With the assistance of Yazats (angels) night and day they police this earth and guard their respective charges…” - The Teachings of Zoroaster by S.A. Kapadia, 1905 A.D. The Guardians are guardian angels] 2. man with magical powers: especially in ancient times, a man with supernatural or magical powers (Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation). (In King James’ Daemonologie James himself states: “…it is most true indeed, that all these wise [wicca] men of Pharaoh were Magicians of art: As likewise it appears well that the Pythoness (the Biblical witch of Endor),** with whom Saul consulted (the witch being, by definition, a Spiritualist who practiced necromancy. See 1Samuel 28:7-9), was of that same profession: & so was Simon Magus.” - King James’ Daemonologie Book II Chapter I, 1597 A.D.) (** She being a ‘wicce,’ a witch who summoned Typhon/Azazel. From this name for a witch is derived the word ‘Wicca,’ the name for a British system of witchcraft (wicca [masculine]/wicce [feminine]). The Bible [as the KJV was originally written in Old English] often uses the word ‘wicked’*** to denote a practitioner of magic, and hence the term ‘wicked [wicced/wicce] witch,’ the word witch being a cognate of wicce/wicca) (*** The word ‘wicked’ is itself derived from the Old English word wicce meaning “wizard”) Other historically famous practitioners of magic included the Druids. Celtic Druidic magic rituals are included in many modern-day black magic ceremonies. Druidism retains its popularity in Britain even today, particularly in connection with the mystical site of Stonehenge (Pertinent Quote: “The magic circle [which symbolizes the craft of the extraterrestrials with which witches sought to communicate] is a fundamental requirement of all kinds of occult ceremonial, and one of the most ancient. The magicians of Babylonia [home of the Babylonian Exile] and Assyria [home of the Assyrian Exile] used magic circles in their rites… The most famous magical circle of the


island of Britain is Stonehenge.” – Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente). In fact, one of the main centers of the Arch-Druids of Britain is London (Some Freemasons trace their genesis to the Knights Templar group, and the Knights Templar’s Temple Church English headquarters is located there in London [specifically in Temple, London, located in the Medieval City of London area]. It is for this very reason that: “What Jerusalem is to Jews and Mecca to Mohammedans, and Rome to Catholics, that London is to Freemasons.” – Mysteria by Rhyne, 1895 A.D. London is the religious center of Kabbalism practicing Freemasons, where Freemasonry in its modern sense was born). According to 33° Freemasonic author and ceremonial magician Albert Pike in what is considered to be the Masonic Bible entitled Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: “The first Druids were the true children of the Magi, and their initiation came from Egypt and Chaldaea (Babylon), that is to say, from the pure sources of the primitive Kabalah.” (Notable quote: “...our mode of teaching the principles of our profession [Masonry] is derived from the Druids...and our chief emblems originally came from Egypt...” - The Spirit of Masonry by William Hutchinson, Mason, 1775 A.D. The Freemasonic author Albert Churchward similarly blithely states that Masons are: “…our present Druids…” (See Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man: the Evolution of Religious Doctrine from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians by Albert Churchward, London, England, 1913 A.D., Second Edition, p.189). The use of the traditional magical Druidic runic alphabet known as Ogham was in fact: “…continued by the Bards of Wales (in Britain) in order to write down the traditional knowledge they claimed to have received from the Druids” - p.21 An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present. The word ‘bard’ itself is from the Latin word bardus (Greek bardos) used to denote a Druidic Celtic priest—Mediaeval bards carried on the Druidic magic tradition. The British playwright William Shakespeare, a contemporary of Queen Elizabeth I (she was known to have attended a number of his plays) and her high court official, the Welsh magician Dr. John Dee, was himself considered to be a bard (Shakespeare’s nickname was in fact ‘The Bard,’ he being as it were, a Druidic Celtic priest)—the subject of magic permeates his


writings, the writings of an adept magician. As noted by Rollo Ahmed in The Black Art, 1936 A.D.: “Much of Welsh magic carried on the most ancient Druid customs into comparatively recent times.” Britain long has had a quite nefarious magic tradition, the ancient Bretons believing themselves to be as previously noted descendents of a fallen angel. Ceremonial Magic has a long storied history: “Magic operations, like those of the Lemegeton (a 17th Century grimoire also known as The Lesser Key of Solomon**), which involve conjuring up a ‘spirit’ – an occult force personified as an angel or demon – have a long history and tradition. The basic pattern of the ceremonies is already found in the Graeco-Egyptian magical texts (categorized as Hermetic Qabalah), which date from about A.D. 100 to 400, and is repeated in mediaeval and modern textbooks, though with many variations in detail. First the magician prepares all the necessary accessories – his sword, his wand, perfumes, talismans, the magic circle, pentagrams and hexagrams. When everything is ready, he summons the spirit to appear in a succession of powerful incantations. Finally he gives the spirit its orders and dismisses it.” – The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish, 1967 A.D. Spiritualism is magic pure and simple: “In the final formulae of evocation, the mind must be concentrated fully on the purpose and presence most desired. Thus, if the object be to summon the attendance of beloved spirit friends, the ordinary methods of waiting, either alone or in a small harmonious gathering (often referred to as a ‘spiritualist circle’), now so popularly practiced amongst modern Spiritists in Europe and America, may be sufficient to ensure the desired results. The performance of very good and spiritually inspired music should always precede, or rather form the invocatory process in such (spiritualist magic) circles, the effect of good music producing as great a difference in the atmosphere as on the feelings and sensations of the listeners.” - Art Magic


Spiritualism is in fact a form of goetic necromantic magic. As Robert Fludd, leader of the English Rosicrucian magic adepts, explains: “Necromantic Magic is divided into goëtic, maleficent, and Theurgic (Theurgy is ceremonial magic by definition). The first (goëtic) consists in diabolical commerce with unclean spirits, in rites of criminal curiosity, in illicit songs and invocations, and in the evocation of the souls of the dead (Spiritualism). The second (maleficent) is the adjuration of the devils (fallen angels) by the Virtue of Divine Names. The third (Theurgic) pretends to be governed by good angels and the Divine Will, but its wonders are most frequently performed by evil spirits, who assume the names of God and of the angels.”** (**To use one example of such a Cabalistic magic invocation, the so-called black magic grimoire entitled the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum states: “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father and the son and the Holy Ghost, holy trinity and unseparable unity. I call upon thee…that thou give me grace and divine power over all the wicked spirits (read: fallen angels)…so as which of them soever I do call by name, they may come…and accomplish my will…” The Grimoire of Armadel [Sloane 2731, British Museum] is also a good example of a Christian-based system of magic, by definition Cabalism. Likewise the black magic work Verus Jesuit Libellus states: “So come o ye angelic ones…and do all that I have requested in the name of the three-fold Jehovah, whose praises all spirits sing ceaselessly giving honor to the all powerful who is your Lord as he is mine. Amen.” 33° Freemason A.E. Waite invokes Lucifer in The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts with the following Christian-themed magic ritual: “First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty Living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear…” Another manuscript which greatly influenced many Victorian era magic orders such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. As is noted in the Introduction to this book: “The invocation of Angelic Forces…is an idea common in works of Magic, as also are the Ceremonies of Pact with and submission to


Evil Spirits” and that the “magnum opus” propounded in the aforementioned work is “to obtain the knowledge of and conversation with one’s Guardian Angel, so that thereby and thereafter we may obtain the right of using the Evil Spirits for our servants in all material matters…” Establishing contact with alien angels is the goal of all such systems of magic) These magic-based Spiritualist practices are directly descended from the spiritualist practices of the Magi (and before them the Biblical witch of Endor). As King James I of England (creator of the King James Version [KJV] of The Bible) in his 1597 A.D. book Daemonologie Book I Chapter III duly informs us: “There are principally two sorts (of magic), whereunto all the parties of that unhappy art are redacted; whereof the one is called Magie or Necromancy, the other Sorcery or Witch-craft… they say, that the witches are servants only, and slaves of the Devil; but the Necromancers are his masters and commanders.” It must be noted England retained anti-witchcraft laws called Witchcraft Acts which forbade the practice of conjuring, invoking and evoking of angels/spirits/demons, prohibiting witchcraft and sorcery in all of its variations, upon its books in one form or another in the British Isles, these often mandating the death or imprisonment of the offender, starting in the year 1542 A.D. and continuing up until the ultimate repeal of the Witchcraft Acts in 1951 A.D. This law’s repeal would precede a major Western revival of the archaic practice of witchcraft. As the British witch Doreen Valiente, writing circa 1978 A.D. explains: “The resurgence of the old religion of nature-worship and magic really began in 1951, when the last of the antiquated Witchcraft Acts in Britain was finally repealed… it was largely through the influence of the Spiritualist movement (front and center of which was the Theosophical Society and its psychical research arm, the SPR), now widely accepted as respectable, that the final Act was swept away.” – p.13 Witchcraft for Tomorrow. The repeal of the Witchcraft Acts in Britain in the mid 20th Century A.D. would lead to a profusion of mass-produced published works of an entirely occult nature as previously underground practitioners of magic came out of the proverbial closet (indeed, as


Charles G. Leland intimates in the Introduction to his Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling circa 1891 A.D.: “There is not a town in England or in Europe in which witchcraft is not extensively practiced, although this is done with a secrecy the success of which is of itself a miracle.” Its popularity has never waned). Books released after the repeal of the Witchcraft Acts included books authored by the father of modern Gardnerian Wicca witchcraft Gerald B. Gardner’s High Magic’s Aid (1951 A.D.), Witchcraft Today (1954 A.D.) and The Meaning of Witchcraft (1959 A.D.). Concerning the practice of witchcraft and magic, Gardner himself had explained: “The foundation of magical beliefs, of which witchcraft is a form, is that unseen Powers exist (‘powers’ is a Biblical word used to denote ‘angels’), and that by performing the right sort of ritual these Powers (angels) can be contacted and either forced or persuaded to assist one in some way.” The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald B. Gardner, 1959 A.D. Gardner’s books on the subject of magic as well as a plethora of others including one entitled The Morning of the Magicians helped to fuel the 1960’s New Age counter-culture revolution in America and England. The Morning of the Magicians was issued by two French alchemists named Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier—Bergier was in addition a Jewish student of Kabbala and was in fact a nuclear physicist as well as a chemical engineer, these fields being archaic alchemy’s wholly modern counterparts as Bergier very helpfully points out in his book. Indeed: “Alchemy is a total science of energy transformation… the creating of energy from matter is alchemy… The explosion of a nuclear bomb is alchemy. The scientist is now an alchemist (and vice versa).” – Introduction to The Mystery of the Cathedrals (For more information see German chemist Dr. Herman Kopp’s 1834 A.D. book The History of Chemistry, a treatise highlighting the magical alchemical roots of modern chemistry). Aleister Crowley’s writings are cited as the inspiration which had compelled Anton LaVey to write his own Satanic Bible and to found the Church of Satan. As Anton LaVey notes in the Satanic Bible:


“Satanic Ritual (as practiced in LaVey’s Church of Satan) is a blend of Gnostic,** Cabbalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements, incorporating nomenclature and vibratory words of power (read: magic spells and mantras) from virtually every mythos (read: gleaned from every ancient system of magic)… Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments (a fact most particularly true of governments in America and Britain), and virtually every occult (magic) order has many Masonic roots.” - The Satanic Rituals p.21,78 by Anton LaVey, 1972 A.D. (** As witch Paul Huson informs us, the word: “‘Gnostic’ itself in its etymological derivation means much the same as ‘witch’ … It is the tattered remnants of the wisdom of the Watchers [the fallen angels], or gods, which constitutes the lore of the witch… It is the Watchers [the extraterrestrial fallen angel occupants of UFOs]…that constitute the witch’s true deities…[their leader] Azael or Azrael [alternatively spelled Azazel] is one of the modern witch’s gods.” – Introduction to Mastering Witchcraft). As pertains to the history of the Freemasons, the Biblical King Nimrod was himself described as being a “great magician…who took up with magical practices.” Nimrod performed the magic rituals as instituted by the nefarious fallen angels (See The Clementine Homilies Homily IX Chapter IV). According to the Kabbalistic teachings of The Zohar, in reference to the builders of the Tower of Babel, the builders themselves being magic-practicing Masons, the first and foremost being the aforementioned Nimrod: “Said Rabbi Abba: ‘They were the subjects of a horrible and demoniacal infatuation in that they impiously wished to abandon the worship of the Lord (God) for that of Satan or the serpent (Azazel) to whom they rendered homage and glory.’” Freemasonry itself brags of an historical association with the Masonic magician Nimrod. As per The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, the Freemasonic York MS. No. 1 says “At ye making of ye toure (tower) of Babel there was a Masonrie first much esteemed of, and the King of Babilon it called Nimrod was a Mason himself...” The Masons first identified themselves as such in reference to the building of the Tower of Babel, it being a tower constructed of masonry bricks. British Harleian, Sloane, Landsdowne and Edinburgh-Kilwinning Masonic


manuscripts, for instance, state as historical fact that Masons were employed in the building of the Tower of Babel. In Homily IX of The Clementine Homilies Chapter V Clement states that: “Therefore the magician Nebrod (the Greeks and Egyptians knew Nimrod as Nebrod. In the Septuagint version of The Bible, the name ‘Nimrod’ is rendered as ‘Nebrod’), being destroyed by this lightning (from a cherub) falling on earth from heaven, for this circumstance had his name changed to Zoroaster, on account of the living stream of the star (read: cherub) being poured upon him (Nimrod was killed by an angel in a cherub, albeit by an angel of the non-rebellious type). But the unintelligent amongst the men who then were, thinking that through the love of God his soul had been sent for by lightning, buried the remains of his body, and honored his burial-place with a temple among the Persians, where the descent of the fire occurred, and worshipped him (Nimrod) as a god.” (Author’s Note: When it is stated that Zoroastrians worshipped fire, it is this incident to which they refer, the fire which eminated from a cherub). It is from the Biblical magician Nimrod, also known as Zoroaster, that the Zoroastrian Magi, well known priestly practitioners of magic, are descended. Zoroastrian Magi would be present at Jesus’ birth, a pageant famously led by a cherub commonly known as the Star of Bethlehem). Freemasonry itself renders homage to Satan and Azazel. Of an interesting note, the Tower of Babel was constructed upon the 33rd Degree Parallel as Freemasonry is composed of 33 Degrees. In Chapter VI Clement continues: “Him (Nebrod/Nimrod) the Greeks have called Zoroaster,” and such were the circumstances surrounding the origins of the Zoroastrian ufo religion. Nimrod was the builder of the Biblical tower of Babel, and was himself a magician as well as a Mason, the two words being virtually synonymous (As Geoffrey Farthing elucidates in The Right Angle concerning the esoteric importance of the designation ‘Builders’: “Throughout the countries of the Orient, wherever magic and the wisdom-religion are studied, its practitioners and students are known among their craft as Builders.” This fact is particularly true of Masons/Freemasons (the historical builders of temples, pyramids, stone circles and churches) who are notorious practitioners of magic, as well as the Jewish Kabbalists upon whose teachings Freemasonry itself was crafted. One must remember, Jewish Kabbalists do not believe Jesus was the son of God, nor do


Masons hold him in esteem. Jesus is: “…the stone which the builders (read: the Masons/practioners of magic) rejected.” - Matthew 21:42. In Pseudo-Clementine Book IV Chapter XXVIII it is related how following Nimrod’s death “foolish men…extolled him…raising a sepulcher to his honor, they went so far as to adore him as a friend of God, and one who had been removed to heaven in a chariot of lightning (a cherub), and to worship him as if he were a living star. Hence also his name was called Zoroaster after his death—that is, living star.” It must be noted the work entitled The Oracles of Zoroaster and attributed to Zoroaster (Nimrod) himself speak of the sacred (read: magic) rites employed in the conjuration of divine beings, these divine beings being, of course, the demonic fallen angels/ufo occupants. As we further learn from the adept magus Nigel Jackson: “According to esoteric doctrine, Nephilic blood flowed in the veins of Nimrod (which would make Nimrod an angel/human hybrid): ‘And Cush begat Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one in the Earth; He was a mighty hunter before the Lord…and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel.’ The Masonic Cooke Mss dating from the 1430 CE accords Nimrod the status of the first Grand Master of the Masons. He allegedly delivered the original charges and constitutions to the Craft brethren whom he oversaw during the building of the Tower of Babel… Babylon is Bab-Illani or the Gate of the Gods (Illu = Elohim) (Elohim = angels)… The researches of Clement Stratton have confirmed that in the first degree of medieval operative Masonry the pledge by the candidate was called the Oath of Nimrod.” – p.44 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson. So Freemasonry itself can be traced back to a fallen angel-inspired human rebellion perpetrated against God, the story of which is contained in Genesis 11:1-9 as well as in other extant writings including The Zohar itself on which Freemasonry and Kabbalism are based. There were a number of such fallen angel rebellions perpetrated against God including one which took place at the creation of Adam. This story is told in The Koran, in essence a transcript of Satan’s trial in God’s court of law:


“And certainly We (God and the Elohim) created you (Adam), then We fashioned you, then We said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam. So they did obeisance except Iblis (Satan); he was not of those who did obeisance. He (God) said: What hindered you so that you did not make obeisance (to Adam) when I commanded you? He (Satan) said: I am better than he: Thou (God) hast created me of fire (of indestructible electromagnetic waves), while him Thou didst create of dust (of matter). He (God) said: Then get forth from this (state), for it does not befit you to behave proudly therein (Satan and Azazel, like Adam, were made incarnate [some might say their spirits were thusly imprisoned within humanoid bodies, a fall from grace as it were], and in this state they were placed upon the New Earth). Go forth, therefore, surely you are one of the abject ones (Satan received a stay of execution as it were). He (Satan) said: Respite me until the day when they are raised up (resurrected). He (God) said: Surely you are one of the respited ones (the carrying out of his sentence was thusly delayed). He (Satan) said: As Thou (God) has caused me to remain disappointed I will certainly lie in wait for them in Thy straight path. Then I will certainly come to them from before them and from behind them, and from their right-hand side and from their left-hand side; and Thou shalt not find most of them thankful. He (God) said: Get out of this (state), despised, driven away; whoever of them (of the humans) will follow you (Satan), I will certainly fill hell with you all.” - The Koran 7.11-18. The Life of Adam and Eve virtually parallels this story but amends it to include the fact that “God the Lord was wrath with me (Satan) and banished me and my angels from our glory (Satan and the angels who joined him in his rebellion at the creation of Adam were duly stripped of their glory discs); and on thy account were we expelled from our abodes (from their cherubim) into this world and hurled on the earth (onto the New Earth).” - Vita Adae Et Evae XIII.1,2 - XVI.2. This event took place on the New Earth. When next we pick up the trail of the story of the rebellious angels, we find Satan and his angels (including Azazel) had been demoted in rank and relegated as Gaurdian angel babysitters to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden on the New Earth home of the Elohim. It is there, as we shall learn, that Azazel would impregnate Eve. The Zohar, that bedrock upon which all the magic of Freemasonry rests, teaches that an angel had impiously


impregnated Adam’s New Earth wife Eve: “…the serpent (the angel Azazel) injected that slime (his semen) into Eve, she absorbed it, so when she copulated with Adam she bore two sons (Cain and Abel): one (Cain) from the impure side (from the angel. Cain being born of the ‘seed’ of the ‘serpent.’ See Genesis 3:15) and one (Abel) from the side of Adam, Cain resembling both the higher image (of the angel) and the lower (the human Eve; Cain was an angel/human hybrid)… Cain was certainly son of the impure spirit…deriving from…the side of the Angel…” - Zohar 1:54a. Indeed: “Originally the serpent (of the Book of Genesis) was not a reptile, but a creature of humanoid aspect… associated with the serpent in symbol…the source of magic and mysticism…of the arts and sciences in general… The serpent (the humanoid angel/Nordic alien Azazel)…was the original master magician…” - Alien Initiations by Harald Kleeman, 2003 A.D. For this reason magic is known as the Way of Cain (See Jude 1:11). Thusly: “… (magic) adepts of the Grand Orient Lodges (instituted by Illuminatifounder Adam Weishaupt) and Councils of the New and Reformed Palladian Rite (instituted by 333 Freemason Albert Pike and embodied by the OTO) are taught that their form of Masonry has continued since the fall of Eve. They teach that her seduction by Satan (through Azazel) produced Cain and that Cain founded the Synagogue of Satan (aka “… the Illuminati, otherwise known as the Synagogue of Satan…” though commonly referred to as Masonry. See Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9)…that Masonry really originated with Cain (Cain being the first recorded Mason, the Biblical builder of Earth’s first city. See Genesis 4:17)… This is the teaching that requires members of the lower degrees of the Grand Orient and Palladian Rite to become Satanists… The initiates are told that (Satan) initiated Eve into the pleasures of sexual intercourse, and taught her the secret of procreation, and thus made her and Adam equal in power to God.” – Satan, Prince of this World by William Guy Carr, R.D. Commander R.C.N., 1959 A.D. Adherents of the Palladian Rite perform ancient sex–magic rituals. (Pertinent Quote: “A perennial theme runs through the mythological record from religious, occult and mystical texts to Victorian supernatural romance fiction and beyond. From the nineteenth century onward it gained renewed impetus as attempts were made outside esoteric orders to link the relevant myths with history. Their purport in essence is this:


Humanity is not alone; nor is it the first intelligent species on the planet. It was preceded, and shares the planetary environment with, at least one nonhuman species which, like the human, has evolved several distinct racial types. This non-human race is identified with the generic mythological serpent [the Genesis serpent is the fallen angel Azazel who is commonly misidentified as Satan, though as the story goes it was Satan’s idea for Azazel to seduce Eve in the first place]… The human line, by way of distinction, and in keeping with JudaeoChristian sources, is usually called the Adamic race [being descended from Adam through Adam’s sons Abel and Seth. See Genesis 4:25]… the Adamic lineage of Abel and Seth remaining nomadic herdsmen, from which stock arose dreamers and prophets [prophets of God whose history may be found in The Bible culminating in the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus and the actions of his apostles and promises of his later return], while that of the Serpent of Cain and his descendants [descended from the “serpent’s seed,” the bloodline of Cain (aka the Gentiles). See Genesis 3:14-15] became artificers and builders of cities [the hybrid offspring of the angel Azazel through Eve became magic-practicing Masons. At its beginning, Masonry was born of mathematical magic, architecture traditionally being of divine sacred origin].” – p.77 Alien Initiations by Harald Kleeman, 2003 A.D.) The story of the fallen angels continues in the Kebra-Nagast and here we find God’s answer to these angels who had so reviled Adam to the point of rebellion against God: “And the Merciful One and the Lover of mercy (God) answered them (the rebellious angels) on behalf of Adam, and said unto them: “You have I created out of fire and air with the one intent that ye should praise Me. Him have I created of twice as many elements as you—of dust and water, and of wind and fire; and he became a being of flesh and blood…As for you, ye have no other object in your minds but praise of Me, with the exception of that arrogant one (Satan) who produced evil, and became an evil being, and was driven forth from your assembly (of angels). And now, why do ye magnify yourselves over Adam? If ye were as he is, and I had created you of water and dust, ye would have been flesh and blood, and ye would have


transgressed My commandment more than he has done, and denied My word.” And the angels said unto Him, “Praise be unto thee, O Lord! Far be it from us! We will not transgress Thy commandment, and we will not oppose Thy word; for we are spiritual beings for life, and he is a creature of dust doomed to folly. And now try us well, and put us to the test so that Thou mayest know whether we are able to keep Thy word.” And when they had vaunted themselves in this manner, God, the lover of men, said unto them, “If now ye go astray so far as transgressing My word, the wrong will be upon your own heads, for Jahannam, and fire, and sulphur, and fervent heat, (imprisonment within the earth) and whirlwind (a whirlwind is a Biblical symbol of a cherub) shall be your habitation (God is here telling them that if they break God’s law they will be sentenced to imprisonment within their cherubim within the earth as a punishment) until the Great Day (of the Judgment of the Angels):** (at which time) ye shall be kept in chains which can neither be loosened or broken for ever (Gods here speaks of a subsequent eternal imprisonment in the black hole called Hell)…And you, according to what ye wish, there shall be upon you the mind of a man and the body of a man (they were then made incarnate like Satan and Azazel before being sent to our prison planet Earth). But take good heed to yourselves that ye not transgress My word and break not My commandment; and defile not ye yourselves with eating, or drinking, or fornication, or with any other thing whatsoever; and transgress ye not My word.” - The Kebra-Nagast Chapter 100. From there the continuation of our story emerges in the pages of The Book of Enoch including how Azazel’s band of extraterrestrial angels descended to our Earth, mating with Earth women, teaching them the ways of magic and culminating in his and his angels’ subsequent imprisonment within the Earth, a story well known by Jewish and Christian Cabalists alike. The story then reemerges in the Book of Genesis in The Bible with the story of the Biblical Flood and the band of human Ark-borne survivors over which group King Nimrod would reign. By now you should be up to speed but for those who require more detailed information please see Evildoer Added to Evildoer: The Story of Satan Azazel and the Rebellious Angels. (** “Know ye not that we shall judge angels?” – 1Corinthians 6:3: “And the Lord said unto Michael: ‘Go, bind Semjaza and his associates [Azazel’s group of 200 angels] who have united


themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness…bind them fast…in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss [a black hole] of fire: to the torment and the prison [hell] in which they shall be confined forever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations.” - 1Enoch X.4-15 [See also Kephalaia 92:23-28]. The Second Book of Peter speaks of a great day of judgment which is to be held for God’s angels: “For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell [Hades] and committed them to pits of nether gloom [beneath the earth] to be kept until the judgment…” - 2Peter 2:4. The “judgment of the great day” in the following passage refers to the day of the Judgment of the Angels: “And the angels that did not keep their own position but left their proper dwelling have been kept by him in eternal chains in the nether gloom [encased within the Earth] until the judgment of the great day.” Jude 6. The Kebra-Nagast speaks of the angel’s imprisonment within the earth, therein to be kept until the Great Day of the Judgment of the angels: “And straightway God was wroth with them, and He bound them in the terror of Sheol [He imprisoned them within the earth] until the day of redemption, as the apostle sayeth, “He treated His angels with severity. He spared them not, but made them to dwell in a state of judgment and they were fettered until the Great Day” [See Jude 6]. The word of God conquered, Who had fashioned Adam in His likeness, and those [angels] who had reviled and made a laughingstock of Adam were conquered.” - The Kebra-Nagast Chapter 100. 1Enoch XCI.15 sheds light on this Judgment of the Angels: “…there shall be the great eternal judgment, in which He will execute vengeance amongst the angels.” - 1Enoch XCI.15. See also 1Enoch XVI.1 which speaks of a “great judgment…over the Watchers…” The Watchers are angels. The Koran also speaks of the future Judgment of the Angels. The jinn are the rebellious angels spoken of in Jude 6, 2Peter 2:4 and The Book of Enoch as related above: “And on the day [of the Judgment of the Angels] when He [God] shall gather them [the angels] all together: O assembly of jinn [a reference to Azazel’s group of 200 angels]! You took away a great part of mankind…He shall say: The fire [of hell] is


your abode, to abide in it [the rebellious angels will be sentenced to hell]…” - The Koran 6.128. And also: “And on the day [of the Judgment of the Angels] when He [God] will gather them [the angels] all together, then He will say to the angels: Did these [humans] worship you? They will say: They worshipped the jinn [a reference to Azazel’s group of 200 angels]; most of them [most of mankind] were believers in them [much of mankind worshipped them as gods in one form or another].” - The Koran 34.40-41. The Koran 26.95,98 tells us Iblis/Satan and his hosts of angels were held as equals of God, being worshipped as gods. This group of angels was amongst the pagan gods worshipped of old in a multitude of civilizations under a great number of names. The Gnostic work entitled The Tripartite Tractate speaks of the Judgment of Satan and the rebellious angels who joined with him in an attempt to assassinate Jesus through Herod: “Those [rebellious angels]…who are proud because of the desire of ambition, and who love temporary glory, and who forget that it was only for certain periods and times which they have that they were entrusted with power [cherubim], and for this reason did not acknowledge that the Son of God [Jesus] is the Lord of all and Savior…will receive judgment for their ignorance and their senselessness, which is suffering, along with those who went astray, anyone of them who turned away; and even more (for) wickedness in doing to the Lord [Jesus] things which were not fitting…including his death.” - The Tripartite Tractate) Kabbalism was practiced by the Biblical Pharisees. As we learn from Biblical Archaeological Revue (BAR) editor Hershel Shanks: “All forms of modern Judaism are heirs of Rabbinic Judaism, which emerged in the centuries after the destruction of the Temple (in Jerusalem) in 70 A.D… much of post-destruction Rabbinic halakhah (as found in Rabbinic Judaism) can already be found in pre-destruction Pharisaic Judaism” (See pp.176, 177 The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1998 A.D.). It was this very same Pharisaic religious system which Jesus so opposed and which had been ultimately responsible for his death. Within Judaism itself magic was the realm of the Pharisee: “For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection (nor


life after death, nor reincarnation), neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.” - Acts 23:8. This core belief precluded the Sadducees entirely from magic practices involving the invocation of angels as well as from Spiritualism practices. Reincarnation is in fact a basic belief of Witchcraft: “One of the chief tenets of the Craft—and indeed many other pagan religions—is a firm belief in reincarnation.” – p.13 Lid Off the Cauldron by Patricia Crowther. As the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia published in 1943 A.D. explains: “The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees.” And throughout this period, Rabbinic Judaism has retained and has built upon aspects of earlier Pharisaic magic practices which explains why Jesus was so vehemently opposed to the Pharisees, and they against him, and why the Pharisees ruthlessly persecuted early Christians until which time the tables had been turned and the balance of power shifted and Jews were later persecuted by Christians. Hershel Shanks himself goes on to say (in The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls p.179) that: “… after the destruction of the (Jewish) Temple (in Jerusalem) in 70 A.D… only two forms of Judaism survive the cataclysm. One, Christianity, eventually dominates Western civilization after separating itself from its forbears. The other, Rabbinic Judaism, is the ancestor of all branches of modern Judaism.” The teachings of The Zohar as well as Kabbala itself fall under the category of Rabbinic Judaism as descended from the traditions of the Pharisees. Hassidic Jews such as the Chabad Lubavitch sect in particular embrace Kabbala wholeheartedly, and Kabbala is known as “Jewish witchcraft.” As Montague Summers, who himself provided the first English-language translation of the 15th century witch hunter’s manual entitled the Malleus Maleficarum, points out in The History of Witchcraft and Demonology p.195: “…in the Mishna (the first major work of Rabbinic Judaism), there are undoubted traces of magic, and in the Gemara (the Gemara is the section of the Talmud comprising the rabbinical analysis of and commentary upon the Mishna; the Gemara and the Mishna together make up the Talmud) demonology and sorcery loom very largely (Pertinent Quote: “The importance of the Talmud…rests entirely on the great and immutable truths of the sacred Kabbalah.” –


The Mysteries of Magic). Throughout the Middle Ages Jewish legend (such as to be found in the Haggada) played no insignificant part in the history of Witchcraft, and, especially in Spain (under the Spanish Inquisition, Spain being, notably enough, home to the highly influential Medieval Kabalist scholar Moses de Leon), until the nineteenth century at least, there were prosecutions, not so much for the observance of Hebrew ceremonies as is often suggested and supposed, but for the practice of the dark and hideous traditions of Hebrew magic.” As is explained in The History of Witchcraft and Demonology p.269: “Modern Spiritism is merely Witchcraft revived…” and as Summers also therein warns “…Spiritism opens the door to demoniac possession…” (Ibid p.253). The popularity of magic-practices such as Spiritism/Spiritualism amongst the Jews in the time of Jesus in this respect would seem to explain the numerous instances of spirit possession and the existence of demoniacs** so prevalent amongst Jews in Jesus’ own time as related in the New Testament section of The Bible and this being due to prevailing Pharisaic magic practices (See Matthew 8:28-32, Matthew 9:32-33, Matthew 12:2, Matthew 17:14-18, Mark 1:23-27, Mark 1:32-34, Mark 3:11-12, Mark 5:1-13, Mark 7:25, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 4:33-35, Luke 8:26-33, Luke 9:37-43, Luke 10:1720, Luke 4:40-41, Acts 16:16-18, Acts 19:11-16 and Tobias 6:14). The Apostles of Jesus also strove against practitioners of magic, even convincing a number of them as to the grave error of their ways, thusly winning them over to God, for as we learn from The Bible: “…not a few of them (“them” being the “Jews and Greeks, that dwelt at Ephesus.” See Acts 19:18 ASV) that practiced magical arts brought their books (grimoires) together and burned them in the sight of all (at the instigation of the evangelising apostle Paul); and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.” - Acts 19:19 ASV. This was no insubstantial amount of money; it was certainly indicative of the popularity of magical practices involving the invocation of rebel angels involving actual communication with these angels in the 1st Century A.D. Roman period at Ephesus in Anatolia at a time when Ephesus boasted a population of 250,000 inhabitants, a city only second to Rome in size and importance in all of the great Roman


Empire (which would itself convert to Christianity during the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine)! I mention this that one might know the encompassing influence of magic on all world religions—in fact the Biblical Daniel himself held the office of what basically amounts to ‘Master of the Magicians, Astrologers, Chaldeans, and Soothsayers’ (See Daniel 4:8-9 and Daniel 5:11-12) and not through a lack of knowledge of the art (this is not to say he conjured fallen angels. He was put in this position because he excelled over these magicians in prophecy, in foreseeing future events, thanks be to God. The prophet Samuel was also considered to be a ‘seer’ [See 1Samuel 9:11-19] and this I believe was due to the fact God himself was in actual communication with Samuel in the same manner as he had been with Daniel. Daniel was a UFO contactee as he therein explains in Daniel 7:9,13-14). And as we learn from Acts 7:22: “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians,” besting all of the Egyptian “wise (wicce) men and the sorcerers” in magical contest. Indeed, he bested all of the “magicians of Egypt” thanks again be to God, as Moses was as noted in The Bible likewise in direct communication with Him (See Exodus 7:712. Early physicians such as Luke [See Colossians 4:14] the disciple of Jesus were also thusly magically inclined [though Luke would abandon this profession to become a loyal devotee of Jesus. As noted in Secret Sects of Syria and the Lebanon p.93: “A select class of the Essenes were termed Therapeutia or healers… Apparently there were branches of the Essenes and especially of the Therapeute, who became actual Christians…” Luke the physician was an Essene. As Manly P. Hall explains: “The name Essenes is supposed to be derived from an ancient Syrian word meaning ‘physician.’” – The Secret Teachings of All Ages. According to Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member A.E. Waite in The Secret Tradition: “…the Essenes…are actually that hidden sodality from which Masonry derives through the Knights Templar” crusaders who had worked closely with the Knights Hospitallier group which operated medical facilities in the Holy Land where was as is to be expected a place where they employed physicians, and these no doubt of the magic-practicing variety. 33° Freemason Aleister Crowley’s Order of the Oriental Templars [OTO] magic order was a rehash of this earlier Knights Templar group)]. The fact that early physicians were magically inclined is particularly evidenced by the


Renaissance physician/ceremonial magician Paracelsus, a practitioner of the Hermetic arts. As occult author Rollo Ahmed notes in The Black Art: “…the prescriptions of the physicians of the Middle Ages (such as the physician Paracelsus, author of: “some of the greatest works on magic in existence”)…read so exactly like a witch’s potion that if we were asked which was the magical formula and which the doctor’s compound it would be impossible to tell.” In fact, the magical use of herbs, which is to say, ‘natural magic,’ gave birth to modern medicine [from Latin medicus, “a physician.” For this reason a magic-practicing Native American Shaman is known as a “medicine-man,” and such early practices were additionally known as ‘medical magic.’** The following selection is an example of the bridge between ancient ‘natural magic’/‘medical magic’ and modern-day magic-derived medicine: “Curare, the infamous plant poison traditionally used on (Shaman-prepared poisoned) arrows and darts, acts as a muscle relaxant, causing eventual asphyxiation (leading to death). Curare’s main component, Dtubocurarine (typically isolated through an alchemical process), works so well as a muscle relaxant that it now appears in various anaesthetics used in conventional surgery (by modern-day witches/physicians).” – p.272 The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca. (**Pertinent Quote: “You cannot name one science which has not been itself a rebellion… the natural sciences, the observatory, the museum, the botanical garden, the schools of medicine, and all the modern libraries… All these novelties came of [the great rebel] Satan… He…created chemistry, physics, mathematics ay, even mathematics… Medicine especially was a Satanic thing…” – p.397 La Sorciere by J. Michelet, 1862 A.D.) Remains of The Book of Enoch (1Enoch) were found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls associated with the Qumran commune of the Qabalism/magic-practicing Essenes (amongst whom was included a faction of Therapeute) in Israel, a group in existence in Jesus’ own day (a story I might add which is central to early magic beliefs). In fact we know: “The Essenes and healing Therapeutes were followers of the ancient theurgic (ceremonial magic) Mysteries.” – The Masters of Wisdom by A.E. Adams, 1890 A.D. This explains the magic spells found amongst the Dead Sea scrolls near Qumran. It would seem


Jesus’ disciple Luke the ‘physician’ was one such Therapeutic magic adept, an Essene, before his subsequent conversion. As the gospels so attest, Jesus was likewise a healer (for an example see Luke 6:19), the very definition of the word physician. Jesus and his band of twelve physicians were exorcists/healers (See Acts 8:7 and Acts 19:12). Many such Essenes of the day were Christian converts. As occultist Gerald Massey explains: “The Essenes were Christians in the Gnostic sense, and according to Pliny the elder, they were a Hermetic Society that had existed for ages on ages of time. Their name is best explained as Egyptian. They were known as the Eshai, the healers or Therapeutae, the physicians in Egypt; and Esha or Usha means to doctor or heal, in Egyptian.” – Logia of the Lord by Gerald Massey (As explained in Art Magic: “One of the chief duties of the Egyptian priesthood was the cure of the sick, and for this purpose the Initiates were instructed in the simple arts of medicine…”). As noted in Secret Sects of Syria and the Lebanon p.95: “Their (the Essene’s) connection with the Therapeutae of Egypt is usually recognized, and Pliny (in Natural History) speaks of their colony near the Dead Sea.” Many magic spells along with remnants of The Book of Enoch detailing the angel’s descent to our Earth were discovered amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls of the magicpracticing Essene community at Qumran. These occult practices were also akin to traditional Babylonian magic practices as encountered by Jews during their Babylonian Dispersion—known as ‘Asu’ (compare ‘Asu’ to ‘Usha’), such individuals were physicians/herbalists. Concerning such Babylonian ‘medical magic’ practices: “There are two major types of (Babylonian) therapeutic practitioners: the ashipu, the exorcist or magician, and the asu, the physician or herbalist. In the traditional texts that preserve the lore of the physician, descriptions of symptoms are followed by instructions for preparing and administering medications. The material medica consist in the main of plant and animal substances and some minerals. The physician employs potions, bandages, lotions, suppositories, enemas, etc. The asu’s job is that of the practical physician.” - Mesopotamian Witchcraft by Tzvi Abusch. As Margaret Alice Murray explains in The God of the Witches (1933 A.D.) concerning medical magic practices: “Many of the magical charms and spells were for the healing of the sick or for the prevention of disease... Many charms and spells surviving to the present day


contain the names of pre-Christian gods (all representing the angel Azazel who was in various magic systems known as the god of healing). These spells are usually connected with cures for diseases in human beings and animals…” as cherubim were known to both cause and cure diseases. As Christine Hole explains: “The white witch, or wiseman, was the protector of the community, as his criminal opponent (the black magic practicing witch) was its enemy. Like the black witch, he relied on magic, but he used it principally for benevolent purposes, to cure diseases, to defeat spells, detect thieves or find stolen goods, and to protect his neighbors from every kind of ill… he was often able to cure simple ailments by the use of herbs and common sense, garnished with (magic) charms… he had to have some acquaintance with practical psychology and herbal remedies, and he often had real medical and veterinary knowledge… Most cures were semi-magical. Drugs and herbal medicines were used, but the herbs had to be gathered with prescribed ceremonies at certain phases of the moon and prepared with secret rites and incantation.” – Witchcraft in England, 1947 A.D. In the Western world, these practices in time would become highly specialized and largely shorn of their original mystical trappings. The science of Chemistry is also derived from magic. The Byzantine chronicler George Syncellus in his signal work Chronography (composed approximately 810 A.D.), quoting from the Gnostic Greek alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis (a city referred to by the ancient Greeks as Khemmis/Chemmis where archaeologists have also found fragments of The Book of Enoch) writes (circa the 3rd – 4th Centuries A.D.): “The ancient and divine writings say that the angels became enamoured of women; and, descending, taught them all the works of nature (natural magic/physics). From them, therefore, is the first tradition, chema, concerning these arts; for they called this book chema and hence the science of chemistry (a cognate of the word ‘alchemy’) takes its name.” And let us not forget, Egypt, home of the Hermetic arts, was known as the ‘Land of Khem,” a civilization known for its alchemists. (Pertinent Quote: “At one time chemists were considered magicians. Albertus Magnus (1193-1290), considered a wizard in his day, was responsible for the discovery of caustic potash, cinnabar, and ceruse. He was a leader in witchcraft… He was a chemist


who was preoccupied with turning other metals into gold by (transmutation) alchemy. In the course of his experiments he discovered things that were to be of far more value to succeeding generations than a pot of gold. Potassium bicarbonate was discovered by another alchemist of that era. Sulphuric ether and hydrochloric acid were other compounds the alchemists discovered as they practiced their kind of witchcraft. The existence of gas, sodium sulphate, phosphorus and tin oxide were other discoveries made during that period. In the course of their experiments, these men chanted, lit candles (thereby practicing ‘candle magic’) and did all sorts of weird things and, as a result, became the forerunners of the abracadabra type (stage) magician.” – Witchcraft for All by Louise Huebner, 1970 A.D. The alchemist was also the forerunner of the modern day chemist (See German chemist Dr. Herman Kopp’s The History of Chemistry [1843-4 A.D.], a treatise highlighting the magical alchemical roots of modern chemistry). God abhors such magical practices: “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God…And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off (a sentence of death) from among his people… A man also or woman (a witch) that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.” - Leviticus 19:31,20:6,27 And again: “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire (such a Yule-time/Beltane fires), or that useth divination (a soothsayer, which is to say, a fortune-teller), or an observer of times (an astrologer), or an enchanter (such as an enchanter of weapons), or a witch, or a charmer (a maker/user of magical charms/amulets), or a consulter with familiar spirits (‘familiar spirits’ are demons/angels), or a wizard (such as a ceremonial magician), or a necromancer (such as a Spiritist/Spiritualist, performers


of sѐances/mediums. As Rollo Ahmed writes in The Black Art: “Necromancy is the practice of calling up the spirits… Necromancers of the past were looked upon with fear and loathing, as their art seemed the most ghastly of all the categories of black magic… Both witches and necromancers of the past were frequently nothing more than mediums as we know them today.”**). For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them (the populations of the magicpracticing nations whose lands the Israelis were to dispossess) out from before thee.” - Deuteronomy 18:10-12 KJV (See also Isaiah 8:19 and Revelation 21:6-8). God makes no such distinction between white or black or grey magic as such but condemns this practice in all of its forms (**Pertinent Quote: “…modern occultism…has accomplished little beyond the coining of a number of new terms. Sorcery, I think, covers them all. Father Henry Day, S.J., speaking at Manchester, advanced a similar opinion, but classed all magic as Black, when he said: ‘The Church condemns the new form of modern spiritism as she condemned the old superstitions. They are identical with devilworship, with black magic, with the necromancy of the past.** Whatever may be said of the pretensions of the spiritism of the day, the Church regards it as the continuation of Satan’s revolt against God.’” – p.8 The Romance of Sorcery, 1914 A.D. [** Indeed: “Spiritism stretching forward in one unbroken chain of influence from ancient to modern times, has never ceased to exist…” - Art Magic]. Again. There is nothing new under the sun: “In the history of psychical phenomena the records of so-called ‘spiritualism’ in Europe, America, and elsewhere hold an important place. Advisedly I say that no term was ever more misapplied than that of ‘spiritualism’ to the cult in Europe and America just mentioned, inasmuch as there is nothing of the spirit about it… the misnamed practices of modern mediums and so-called spiritists constitute the Worship of the Dead, old-fashioned necromancy, in fact, which was always prohibited by spiritual teachers… This cult is supposed by some to have originated about forty years ago [in 1848 A.D.] in America at Rochester, N.Y., under the mediumship of the Fox sisters, but it was known in Salem during the witchcraft excitement [during the Salem Witch Trials, circa 1692-1693 A.D.], and in Europe one hundred years ago [circa 1793 A.D.] the same


practises were pursued, similar phenomena seen, mediums developed, and sѐances held. For centuries it has been well known in India where it is properly designated ‘bhuta worship,’ meaning the attempt to communicate with the devil…” - The Ocean of Theosophy by William Q. Judge, 1893 A.D.). “During the last few years another strange phase of thought has appeared in the wake of Spiritualism…boldly avowing its Pagan origin. We allude to Theosophy, now so common a subject of conversation, and which, in various forms, is ever presenting itself in the periodic and other literature of the day… we understand it to be the revival of a philosophy communicated by the Nephilim (read: by the angel/human hybrid offspring of the rebellious fallen angels)…an emanation from those Powers of the Air (those angels) which effected the ruin of our first parents (Adam and Eve).” - Earth’s Earliest Ages by G.H. Pember, 1889 A.D. Theosophy is the central tenet of the Theosophical Society. The word ‘theosophy’ is synonymous with the word ‘magic’: “Theosophy (Fellow of the Theosophical Society William Kingsland in the Introduction to his 1895 A.D. book entitled The Esoteric Basis of Christianity defines ‘theosophy’ as being “the wisdom of divine beings”) was the name finally given to the whole vast renaissance in the world of magic that affected many thinkers so profoundly at the beginning of the (20th) century.” – The Dawn of Magic (aka The Morning of the Magicians) by Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier,1960 A.D. Concerning the dawning of this theosophical magical renaissance, G.H. Pember writes circa 1889 A.D.: “…to-day, we see the men of this nineteenth century returning to the wisdom of long past ages, and modern thought sustaining its flight upon the wings of ancient lore. Nay, almost every characteristic of antiquity seems to be reappearing. Open intercourse with demons (read: ufonaughts) is being renewed on a vast scale in the very heart of Christendom… numerous circles are carrying on magical practices,


attempts are being made to restore the influence of those ancient Mysteries which are said to have been always kept up by a few initiates… practices of primal and mediaeval times, are once more becoming common… They come no longer veiled in mystery, nor claiming to be miraculous or Divine but, in accordance with the spirit of the age, present themselves as the fruit of science (under the heading of ‘psychical research’), as an evidence of the progress of knowledge in regard to the laws of the visible and invisible worlds.” - Earth’s Earliest Ages by G.H. Pember, 1889 A.D. As Pember goes on to note circa 1889 A.D.: “Direct communication with demons (read: ufonaughts), whether by writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, or in other ways is now becoming universally prevalent. It is sustained by what is called mediumistic power…” - Earth’s Earliest Ages So as we see, modern UFO channeling had earlier existed in an unbroken chain under the guise of Spiritualism and prior to this under the name of Magic. Concerning the history of magic-based Christian Cabalism, Rollo Ahmed, in outlining the history of magic practices in his book The Black Art p.94 explains: “During the Middle Ages the (Roman Catholic) Church paid as much attention to Satan** as she did to the Virgin (Mary) and Son (Jesus Christ), and certainly fed the forces of darkness by increasing and trading upon the fear of the Devil and his attendant host of demons (who were in actual fact a very near and present danger) (** “…to be a Satanist you must be a Catholic… Satanic rituals are all degenerate Catholic rituals.” – p.204,205 Popular Witchcraft: Straight from the Witch’s Mouth by Jack Fritscher, 1969 A.D.). She possessed also her trained band of excorcists, who practiced as much magic as the professional caster of spells. At a time when alchemy was preoccupying the minds of men (thanks largely in fact to the Christian Crusaders including the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitallier groups and their interactions with adherents of Islam), the clergy were no exception to the rule, and nearly every parish priest was engaged upon alchemical experiments and sorcery in a greater or lesser degree.


The state of affairs in many monasteries all over Europe was even worse.” These facts are evidenced most notably in the persons of the Roman Catholic Bishop St. Albertus Magnus and his student, Dominican priest St. Thomas Aquinas, and by Roman Catholic abbot Johannes Trithemius whose own illustrious students included the ceremonial magicians/alchemists Paracelcus and Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (Trithemius would also serve as the personal physician to Erasmus, a Renaissance humanist/Catholic priest in the vanguard of the Reformation movement). Such Cabalistic magic practices within the Roman Catholic Church (it was those individuals involved in Cabalistic magic practices which who would eventually give birth to the Reformation) would reach new and dramatic heights during the Renaissance era with the ascension to the papal throne of Pope Leo X (it was Leo X who instituted the selling of indulgences in 1517 A.D. sparking the Protestant Reformation in Germany). Pope Leo X was the son of Lorenzo de Medici whose grandfather’s Platonic Academy (a reformulation of Plato’s original Academy devoted to the study of the occult sciences and magic) gave birth to the Italian Renaissance (at which time would emerge such intellectual greats as Leonardo de Vinci, Copernicus, Giordano Bruno [Bruno would be burned at the stake by the Inquisition in 1600 A.D.], Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and Galileo), eventually spreading through Europe more or less as a whole (from whence in England emerges Dr. John Dee, the Bard William Shakespeare and Sir Francis Bacon). In total, the magicpracticing Medici family would supply no less than four popes to the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church during the 16 th to early 17th Centuries. The Renaissance, also known as the Age of Enlightenment, largely owes its birth to the introduction of magic practices both black and white (white magic practices and beliefs, also known as mageia, would come to be known as ‘Renaissance humanism,’ and later, simply, as ‘humanism’) into European courts sparking backlashes which included prosecutions by the Spanish Inquisition and the repressions of King James I. The War of the Spanish Succession (one of the main combatants of which was John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, from whom is descended British P.M. Winston Churchill, a Druid by religion) would bring the Enlightenment to Spain and, ultimately, Revolution to France and the Americas. A pair of Mediaeval magic manuscripts purportedly authored by popes exist to this day— The Great Grimoire of Pope Honorious III and The Enchiridion of Pope Leo, and as H.P. Blavatsky has noted: “Benedict IX, John XX, and the Sixth and Seventh, [Roman Catholic] Popes Gregory are all known in history as sorcerers and magicians.” – Isis Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky.


German Reformation Rosicrucianism would emerge from this Mediaeval Cabalism** craze establishing its British counterpart in the court of the Germanic English queen Elizabeth I. Indeed, as Israel Regardie has noted: “Traditionally, the Rosicrucians were Christians of the Reformation—mystics, alchemists, occultists, but always Christians.” – The Eye in the Triangle by Israel Regardie (Germany, birthplace of the Reformation and Rosicrucianism has long had a mystical background. As noted in The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Robbins, 1959 A.D.: “Germany was the classic land of witchcraft… Not only was witchcraft more widely spread in Germany than in other lands, but its persecution here was more ruthless… In England, not more than 1,000 people were executed as witches; in Germany, at least 100,000 were executed.” A true witch may rightly be defined as a UFO contactee in the throes of UFO possession, and in years prior, witches were often put to death as per German Reformationist/Rosicrucian Martin Luther: “…witchcraft…we may justly designate high treason against divine majesty, and revolt against the infinite power of God…” [See Ibid p.550] the penalty for which is death) (**“Some people [Cabalists], Christians in name only, have forsaken the first light of truth to ally themselves with death and traffic with hell [by making “an open and avowed pact with the devils”]. They sacrifice to and adore devils… they command demons through their magic art, getting replies to their questions from them, asking their aid in carrying out their wicked ends… …” – Pope John XXII, Papal Bull of 1326 A.D.) As evidenced by the Biblical Pauline Letters and Jesus’ letters to the seven churches as related in the book of Revelation, in Paul’s own day Christian Cabalism had early already taken root, Christianity itself at its advent being a known UFO religion, as many important milestones in the life of Jesus were accompanied by identified ufological phenomena. Of these archaic Gnostic sects Paul had this to say: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” 2Corinthians 11:13-15. Christianity itself has been wholly infiltrated by Satan and his ministers much as was Jesus’ own group of apostles infiltrated by Satan through Judas.


As we learn from Gerald B. Gardner, European witches of the Middle Ages (as was also the case with individuals such as the Italian Christian Cabalist Pico della Mirandola) learned to practice magic from Jewish Kabbalists: “During the Middle Ages many learned Christians, notably Pico della Mirandola studied the Jewish Qabalah,** ostensibly ‘to bring about the conversion of the Jews;’ but actually to gain knowledge of its magical practices, which they then proceeded to give a Christian veneer to, so that later grimoires not only use the Hebrew Qabalistic Names of God and of the archangels to constrain the spirits, but also the names of Jesus, Mary, and the Apostles (applying such a Christian veneer to magic makes it no less an affront to God). The Wica (‘The Wise Ones’/witches) seem to have been taught certain beliefs, most probably by the Kabbalists, which they have incorporated into their own.” - The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald B. Gardner, 1959 A.D. To truly understand the vast extent and widespread use of magic in nearly every ancient civilization’s religious belief system including Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Roman, etc, one should read Amulets and Superstitions by Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge, a one-time ‘Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities’ in the British Museum. In addition, philosopher Manly P. Hall in his book, America’s Assignment with Destiny (1951 A.D.) unequivocally states: “All the aboriginal tribes of North America practiced mystical and magical rites.” This was true of the tribes in South America as well. It is was also true of Germanic and European tribes such as the Celts. Magic practices and beliefs are experiencing a renaissance in the world we live in today, all predicated by Jewish Kabbalism. As William J. Schnoebelen in The Dark Side of Freemasonry explains: “Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this (the 20th) century were Kabbalists.” In conclusion, the genesis of all magic systems revolve around their adherents belief in and of their esoteric knowledge concerning the rebellious fallen angels including, in most cases, actual communication with said nefarious entities:


“…the possibility of communication with the unseen (with the “unseen world”), are the subject of historical magic, which is filled with thaumaturgic accounts of…this communication.” – Introduction to The Occult Sciences by A.E. Waite, 1891 A.D.

Appendix B: The Rose Cross The concept underlying the Rose Cross symbol of the Rosicrucian is the ancient Egyptian symbol, the ‘rostau’: “…brought from ancient Egypt, is the Cross upon the Rose (in Egypt known as the ‘rostau’)…” – The Brotherhood of Religions by Theosophical Society president Annie Besant Adyar Pamphlets No.24 The ‘rostau’ was the symbol of the Egyptian god Seker (Seker another name/title for Osiris, who represented the fallen angel Azazel), who was known as ‘He of the rostau,’ which is to say, he of the rose (red) cross. In Scene 2 of the 3 rd Tableau of the Initiation of Plato, it is revealed that Azazel’s symbol, “the red cross,” was “traced upon the banner of Egypt,” on what amounted to being the national flag of Egypt. And according to Flying Roll No. 10 (in Roman numerals, 10 = X, so named in honor of Azazel) of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, ‘X’ (a cross variant) is the occult sign of Osiris risen (Osiris represented Azazel’s cherub Behemoth [Abydos, the cult center for the worship of Osiris in Egypt, in hieroglyphic pictographic writing is denoted in part by the following depiction of Osiris (Azazel’s cherub): ]. It is for this reason A. E. Waite, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, lists the Wheel of Fortune, representative of Azazel’s cherub, as the 10th [Roman numeral X] Major Arcana of the Tarot. Crossed-arm symbolism represents ‘Osiris slain’ [it was in the 10th nome (by definition a Greek administrative district) of Egypt where was deposited it is said the ‘divine heart’ of Osiris (See On the Hieratic Papyrus of Nesi-Amsu by E.A. Wallis Budge)]. Additionally, in The Book of Enoch Azazel is listed ‘Tenth in the Order of the Princes’ on a


list of 20 named fallen angels who were known to have visited Earth. It must also be noted The Church of Scientology employs a similar logo, called the Cross Saltire (in form an ‘X’ surmounted on a cross):**

Compare the Cross Saltire to Aleister Crowley’s OTO Rose Cross Lamen (a lamen is a magical charm-like pendent worn around the neck by the leader of a witch’s coven):


Both of these symbols are in essence an 8-Point Compass Rose. It must be noted L.Ron Hubbard was Jack Parsons’ magic partner. Jack Parson’s was the leader of Aleister Crowley’s OTO lodge in Pasadena, CA. L. Ron Hubbard designed his cross to resemble Crowley’s Rose Cross Lamen. Compare also to the Star of Isis, Azazel’s human wife:

Isis is known as Isis the Magician, the Lady of Magic [PDM xiv.554-62]

This signifies Azazel’s (represented by the ‘X’) future appearance as the false Christ (represented by the cross). When the symbol for Azazel (X) is superimposed upon the cross (+), it forms what is known as an eight-point compass rose (compare to the Sumerian cuneiform name of the god Anu who likewise represented Azazel, in basic form an eight-point compass rose (essentially an ‘X’ surmounted on a cross): . The ‘Compass Rose’ is also known as the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and the Samsara, the Buddhist ‘Wheel of Life’ [See p.175 Secrets of the Satanic Executioners by Ambrose Bertram


Hunter, 2007 A.D.] representative of Azazel’s wheel/disc-shaped cherub Behemoth).

Compass Rose

Wheel of Fortune


Wheel of Life/Samsara

For this reason a classical wooden ship’s wheel, which resembles an 8-point compass rose, is at times used as a symbol of


Azazel (as are wheels and other devices of similar composition). (**Author’s Note: The Process Church of the Final Judgment founded by two former members of the Church of Scientology employed a decidedly related symbol depicting a serpent upon a red cross [in the place of Christ crucified], what one might venture to identify as being a quasi Christianized-version of the palladium (the palladium is related to the Rosicrucian alchemical device known as the ‘Crucified Serpent.’ As Nigel Jackson explains: “One of the oldest symbols in the esoteric tradition is the serpent on the tree (by definition a ‘palladium’ representing the Genesis serpent Azazel [See Genesis 3:1]). This is usually depicted as a snake coiled or crucified on a Tau cross (in form a ‘T’).” – p.183 The Pillars of Tubal Cain. The signification of the Greek letter ‘T’ and the Hebrew letter ‘t’ as noted by Aleister Crowley’s friend J.F.C. Fuller in his table of Hebrew Alphabet and Correspondences as set forth in his book, The Secret Wisdom of Qabalah [1937 A.D.], is in fact the serpent). The Process Church of the Final Judgment even had rings made with this cross depicted in red on a white background [within the ‘disc’] the sigil of Azazel [See below]):

Compare to the Gnostic serpent cross:


Palladium in Glory

In Egyptian hieroglyphics the god Ptah (another name/title for Osiris, a god who represented Azazel) is always associated with an ‘x’ within a circle, also known as the quartered circle (in appearance an ‘x’ superimposed upon an ‘o’ for which reason an ox has become an esoteric symbol of Azazel. A male ox is called a bull, a common angel symbol (by extension, Azazel’s human wife may be symbolized as a cow. The Egyptian cow goddess represents Azazel’s human wife). Compare the ‘X’ within a circle symbol of Ptah to the Cross of Wodan (Odin), also a cross within a circle:


The Germanic god Wodan is yet another god who represented the flying cherub of the angel Azazel. The Celtic solar-cross of the Druids (and the Wicca witchcraft religion as well) also incorporates the ‘cross within a circle’ motif. In some circles the ‘cross within a circle’ motif is known as the Mark of Cain (this is due to the fact that in the Phoenician alphabet the letter ‘T’ is rendered as an ‘X’ and is pronounced ‘tau,’ meaning ‘mark’; the Mark of Cain is also known as the Mark of Set, who is Azazel). Cain of course was the son of Azazel by Eve. Compare to the head Turkic god Tengri (circa 8th C. A.D.), the sky god whose sign is likewise a variation of the quartered-circle symbol:

The quartered-circle was the badge (a talisman/magic charm) of the Grand Master of the Knights Templar group (1119-1312 A.D.) as well. No doubt it was worn in part to protect its user in battle, as God was said in Genesis 4:15 to have placed such a “mark” upon Cain to keep him from being slain, hence the term, the Mark of Cain. The socalled Freemasonic Scottish Rite 18th Degree Rose Croix quartered circle (also a symbol of the Gnostics/Gnosticism) is a variant of the ‘cross within a circle’ motif due to the fact the ‘quartered circle’ is alternatively known as the Rose Cross (See p.94 Dictionary of Occult,


Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils by Fred Gettings). The NATO military alliance created in 1949 A.D. at the beginning of the modern UFO era also employs as a protective magic talisman in the guise of a logo a variant of the ‘quartered circle’ design which is wholly representative of the god of war Azazel/Behemoth. And as we learn from the Wicca witch priestess Doreen Valiente in Witchcraft for Tomorrow pp.67-68, the cross within the circle motif, the sign of Azazel, was one of the designs of the ‘magic circles’ of the witches— the construction of such a ‘magic circle’ was standard practice when witch’s invoked their Horned God, who is Azazel, a typical example of an ancient cargo cult. In fact, the device known as the ‘witches’ mark’ which was employed by the witches (often signed during witches’ initiation ceremonies much like when the Roman Catholic Church similarly makes the sign of the cross) is itself “an X-shaped cross” (Ibid p.179), the sign of Azazel. This is akin to the ‘Qabalistic Cross’ signed by touching the forehead, then the solar plexus, the right shoulder then the left shoulder, performed during ceremonial magic rituals as well (See p.51 The Practice of Ritual Magic by Gareth Knight). As in witchcraft, the magic circle of the ceremonial magician is typically divided into “four quarters based on the cardinal points” (Ibid pp.2122), creating a classic quartered circle/cross within the circle motif. The cross within the circle motif is also known as the Celtic Cross as employed by magic practicing Celtic Druids which is also known as the ‘wheel cross,’ itself also known as the ‘rose cross’ (See An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present p.405). The signification of the Freemasonic LVX (also rendered LUX) is also the ‘quartered circle’ sign of Azazel: “The early expositors of Freemasonry regarded the Latin word LVX, ‘Light,’ as synonymous with their science, and they dwelt on the fact that by dividing the Circle into four equal parts (the quartered circle) they produced a Cross from which they got the outline of the three Roman letters needed to spell this word - LVX.” – Introduction to The Apocalypse of Freemasonry p.5 by F. De P. Castells, 1924 A.D. (As additionally noted therein, LVX [Light] was also symbolic of the Freemasonic god [who is Azazel] who was represented by the ‘All-


Seeing Eye’ [Ibid p.6] which is for this reason oft depicted surrounded by rays of light [the significance of the ‘rays’ of light being LVX], the Being also known as T.G.A.O.T.U., an abbreviated form of The Great Architect of the Universe. Eyes are typically analogous of the classic UFO saucer-shape when viewed from the side):

The red (rose) cross (in appearance a red X), was emblazoned upon Azazel’s cherub Behemoth: “Lamia is the ‘snake’ among the Ophidian; Lama is the hand: lamh, hand (for this reason a hand may also be used to represent Azazel; two examples are the god Sabazios, who represents Azazel, and whose symbol is a hand and also the witch’s Hand of Glory which likewise represented the Horned God of the witches, Azazel), is a divine name in the Scythian tongue. It also means the number 10 (in the Hebrew alphabet, the Hebrew letter yodh, whose signification is the ‘hand,’ in Gematria is assigned the numerical value of 10), and the Roman numeral X, which is a cross…which, according to Eastern allegory, is placed…upon the Rebellious Spirits (read: a red X was emblazoned upon the cherub of the angels) in their ‘abyss’ or ‘prison’ (within the earth).” - The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries by SRIA member Hargrave Jennings, 1870 A.D. X marks the spot.** (Pertinent Quote: “In many cases, percipients have reported seeing a cross-like appendage or a cross-shaped design over the body of the UFO.” – p.36 Gods of Aquarius by Brad Steiger, 1976 A.D.) (**The SRIA is an English Rosicrucian Society. SRIA members, it must be remembered, gave birth to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order which derives its “mysteries” in part from this book by Jennings). With this preceding information in mind it is also instructive to learn that: “The 10th and central Arcanum [of the Tarot, the ‘Wheel of Fortune’], [is] circumscribed by the tetramorph [reminiscent of Ezekiel’s cherubic


‘wheel’] and lettered Caph… Caph is ‘the palm of the hand’...” – The Magician’s Dictionary: Wheel of Fortune by E.E. Rehmus). When Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member/OTO-member Aleister Crowley (a known British spy. See Secret Agent 666) claimed to have made contact with an extra-terrestrial named ‘Lam,’ he refers of course to the alien angel Azazel. The Knights Templar god Baphomet also represented Azazel. As we learn from The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries p.215, the Coptic root –met [such as that encountered in the word Ba-pho-met] means “ten” (Compare also to the name of the angel Mastema, an anagram of Met-Sama[el]. The El called Sama whose sign is the X, Samael, is Azazel [“Azazel is Moloch and Samael.” - p.299 Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man by S.F. Dunlap, 1858 A.D.]). The Roman numeral signifying 10, rendered as an X, a cross variation, is the sign of Azazel (Ba [winged-disc]-pho [=oph/serpent]-met [X]). As Doreen Valiente is nice enough to point out: “The distinguished nineteenthcentury French occultist, Eliphas Levi, declared Baphomet** of the (Knights) Templar to be identical with the god of the witches’ Sabbat; it was not the figure of a devil (Satan), however, but of (the Greek god) Pan (the Horned God of the witches, who is Azazel)…” - p.53 An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present by Doreen Valiente. This author certainly agrees with this assessment. In a like way, Metraya is an anagram of the ‘Arya Met.’ Arya (like Baal) is a Sanskrit word meaning master/lord, with Met of course signifying 10 (the word ten being a cognate of Met), in Roman numerals rendered as an X (See note on ‘Master X’ below). In her book Witchcraft for Tomorrow p.117 the Wicca witchhigh priestess Doreen Valiente reveals: “Ogham was a sacred Druid alphabet and would certainly have contained magic secrets…” I would say one of the biggest secrets it reveals is the mystery surrounding the identity of the mysterious Theosophical Society deva known as Master KH (the 10th Aethyr, Khoronzon, Master of Form, aka Master KH) with whom many high-ranking members of this society claimed to be in contact. In the sacred Ogham alphabet of the magic practicing Druids, KH was rendered as an X. Master KH, which is the Druid way to say,


Master X, was the Hidden Master Azazel himself. This is also the idea behind the word ‘Ur-Khaos,’ the god of the underworld: KH (X) + A (horned ox head sign of the horned god) + O (the disk, a cherub) + S (the serpent),** the horned god whose sign is the serpent of the Xmarked disk of the Chaldean city of Ur (Ur-Khaos later became Orcus, the Gaelic Druidic god of the underworld/abyss [aka Lord Sathanas who art in Orcus [Ur-Khaos], the serpent seducer of Eve of the Gnostic Ophites. The Ophites were a magic practicing group which revered the Genesis serpent Azazel]). (As noted in The Jewish Study Bible [Tanakh Translation, Oxford University Press, 2004 A.D.]: “Unlike some later Jewish and Christian literature, Genesis does not identify the talking snake with Satan.” This was a later erroneous assumption) (** “The letter S, which takes on the curving shape of a snake, corresponds to the Greek khi (X) and takes over its esoteric meaning [which esoterically signifies Azazel]… It is a theoretical image of the Beast of the Apocalypse**…” - p.152 The Mystery of the Cathedrals by ‘Fulcanelli’) (**A reference to Revelation 17:8 which states: “The beast [Azazel] that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit [where he is entrapped in his cherub within the earth in the Abyss (from the Late Latin abyssus "bottomless pit," related to the Greek abussos**)], and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names [one’s name denotes one’s DNA sequence] were not written in the book of life [the book of life is DNA] from the foundation [creation] of the world [those humans of a genealogical descent different from that of His original creation Adam, namely, angel/human hybrids including those of a Rh negative blood type], when they behold the beast...” - Revelation 17:8) (**The KJV New Testament Greek Lexicon gives the following definition for ‘Abussos’: “Bottomless; unbounded; the abyss; the pit; the immeasurable depth of Orcus [the Gaulish god Orcus, a derivative of Ur-Khaos, god of the underworld in which he is entrapped, a god who represented Azazel], a very deep gulf or chasm in the lowest parts of the earth…the abode of demons [read: the abode of the fallen angels where they remain entrapped within the earth].”) (According to Islamic legend [as noted in the 9th-10th Century A.D. writings of the Islamic scholar Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari], it is said that the fallen angels [jinn] are in fact bound in Babylon [wherein is located the ‘abyss’ in


which the angels are imprisoned] and continue in their imprisonment to teach men magic [See p.115 Fallen Angels: The Soldiers of Satan’s Realm by Bernard J. Bamberger, 1952 A.D.]) (Compare Met to its cognate Amenta, the land of the manes: “Indeed, 1Enoch LXXXVIII.3 explains that the rebellious angels were “stoned from heaven,” a reference to the comet which struck in their vicinity and in such a way the angel Raphael “cast them in an abyss of the earth” (See 1Enoch LXXXVIII.3). From Enoch we learn that “that abyss was narrow and deep, and horrible and dark” (See 1Enoch LXXXVIII.1). The furrow this astral plowshare plowed was by some called the Valley of Death (asteroids, meteorites and comets are symbolized as plowshares in Far Eastern ancient Sutra texts). It is the “valley of the shadow of death” mentioned in Psalms 23:4. The Greek philosopher Plutarch refers to it as the “valley of misery.” The Greek word for this abyss is Tartaros (The Expository Dictionary of Bible Words, p.337, explains that: “Tartaros was the Greek name for the…abyss in which rebellious gods [read: the rebellious fallen angels] were confined” [See 2Peter 2:4]. These angels are “the spirits in prison” mentioned in 1Peter 3:19; the Greeks also called the place of the angels entrapment Hades, home to the chthonic god Hades [also known as Pluto, who is Azazel], who, according to the Greek poet philosopher Hesiod in his Theogony, “dwells under the earth”). The place of the angels’ entrapment was also known as the Valley of Eleusis. In Mesopotamia this abyss was variously known as Irkalla and Aralu. The Hebrews called it Sheol. The Egyptians knew this Valley of Death as Ar-en-Tet named after their gods the Neteru (singular: Neter; ‘Ta’ = Land; Ar-en-Tet is an anagram of ‘Ta Neter,’ the ‘Land of the Neteru,’ aka the ‘Land of the Watchers’ of The Book of Enoch) who were therein entombed, where Horus (one name by which the Egyptians knew Azazel), the Chief amongst the Manes (highest ranking amongst the angels who accompanied him to the Earth) was thrust into the darkness of Amenta, into the ‘underworld’ beneath the earth (the ‘underworld’ is also known as the ‘netherworld’ which is to say, the Neter-world). Amenta (the ‘Land [Ta] of the Manes’) receives its name from the fact that it was the place where was entrapped the fallen angels whom they alternatively called the Manes. The following Egyptian mystery teaching speaks of Azazel being interred within the earth, and


extraordinarily enough, being alive and well therein: “…the great god (Azazel), lord of Amenta…joined to the earth in the inner part great, being laid on the earth [he is] not dead in Amenta,** [he is] a glorious being in it.” - The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XVI (**Also spelled Amenti, i.e., the "hidden place," also known as the "Other World" per Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge in The Egyptian Heaven and Hell [1905 A.D.], the angels oft times being referred to as Otherworldly beings)” – The False Prophet Azazel by John of the Gentiles. Azazel remains entrapped to this day in his cherub beneath the earth [See notes below]) According to the Ritual Magic of the Golden Dawn (p.208, King 1987), the rising of Adonai** (read: Azazel: “…Adonai, a Hebrew word for Lord which Crowley employed as a synonym for the Higher Genius, the term used by the Golden Dawn, and for the Holy Guardian Angel, the phrase employed by Abramelin.” - pp.353-4 The Eye in the Triangle by Israel Regardie [and as Regardie explains in Foundations of Practical Magic p.127: “…the Adept seeks to unite himself to his…higher self [which in the realm of psychology is symbolic of the ‘Higher Genius’/the‘Holy Guardian Angel’], symbolized again in the Hebrew word Adonai.”]), of Mithra (the Zoroastrian name for Azazel) the Lord (Baal) of Wide Pastures (Azazel is often depicted as a shepherd god) was by the ancient mysteries symbolized under the form of a rose (also known as the ‘Rose of Dawn’). In a like way, the gods Adonai and Mithra represented Azazel/Behemoth (** “Adonai has…come to mean, through the Rosicrucian tradition, the Holy Guardian Angel [with whom, it must be noted, magicians sought to communicate].” - Eight Lectures on Yoga by Aleister Crowley, 1939 A.D.). Azazel will in the future arise within his cherub being loosed from his earthly imprisonment. In respect to the angel Azazel, the rose cross also symbolizes the future rising of Azazel/Behemoth, Azazel being accepted as the promised coming Messiah. So the rose is also used as a symbol of Azazel. The Rosicrucian symbol of the rose surmounted upon the cross represents Azazel in his role as the False Prophet of the book of Revelation. A rose of the plant species typically rises from the ground in which it is


planted, an apt symbol for Azazel’s future release from his earthen imprisonment. The red cross as a symbol of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth hearkens back to the Egyptian mysteries of Osiris. The god Osiris represented Azazel’s cherub Behemoth, and by extension, Azazel. In the Egyptian Hymn to Osiris, the “disk” of Osiris (Osiris = Behemoth) is identified as the rose tau, the rose (red) cross (“Divine oblation to Osiris [Behemoth] Khent-Amenti, lord of Abydos [Lord of the Abyss] …the disk [a cherub]…the rostau” - Hymn to Osiris). Cherubim are disc-shaped. Osiris represented Azazel’s cherub Behemoth, and in its personified form, Azazel. In Freemasonry, the symbol for Azazel, a tau cross, is represented by the T-square. The Rosicrucians, whose name means “rose cross” in German, names their secret organization after the rostau/disk/Osiris/Behemoth. The Germanic name Christian Rosenkreuz, which in English translates as ‘Christian Rose Cross,’ represents no other persona than the rebellious angel Azazel himself. The name is a play on words which may be interpreted as the christ of the red cross, representing the Genesis serpent Azazel, whose sign is the red cross, in reference to his future appearance as the falsechrist/false prophet/messiah. He is the ‘beast coming up out of the earth’ as mentioned in Revelation 13:11 (See also Revelation 17:8). (It must also be mentioned when one adds the disc (O) [Azazel’s cherub is disc-shaped], to the word Sirius, it becomes Osirius, and when one drops the ‘u’ it becomes Osiris. His reappearance is associated with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius, whereupon he will be hailed as the messiah. In this same way, the Babylonian god Ea, alternatively spelled Ia (another such god which represented Azazel/Behemoth), becomes the name of the Gnostic god Iao with the inclusion of the disk [O]). The words ‘Sirius’ and ‘Osiris’ are related to the Semitic word ‘Siru’: “Scholars ordinarily refer to the serpent god (who is Azazel) by the name Siru, being the Semitic word for serpent…” - p.120 Tammuz and Ishtar. In Gematria, the numerical values for the Hebrew words for “messiah” and “serpent” are the same. It would also seem the name Isis [Azazel’s human wife] is also derived from the word Osiris). As an additional added bonus note, in the ancient Babylonian system of Gematria, where letters are used to represent numbers, the number 10


(which Roman numeral is represented by an X) is represented by the letters IA. ‘Ia’ of course is an alternative spelling of the name of the Babylonian god ‘Ea.’ Compare the modern spelling of our number ‘ten’ to the name of the Egyptian sun disc ‘Aten’ (in Roman, A-X) (AX = IAO = OX). No doubt there exists a connection here. In the pictographic alphabet of the Egyptians, a horned ‘ox head’ (representative of the horned-god Azazel) was the equivalent of the Roman letter ‘A’ (and hence was also derived the anarchist symbol for Azazel, an A within a circle/disk [O]. The ‘Circle-A’ symbol for anarchy is likewise derived from the legends of Azazel for as we learn from The Secret Societies Handbook by Michael Bradley, 2004 A.D.: “Asmodeus [the Destroyer, who is Azazel, the seducer of Eve] is also the symbol for anarchy—an upper case ‘A’ inside a circle is a depiction of Asmodeus [the king of the shedim/king of demons].”). All of these are designations for Azazel’s cherub Behemoth and by extension, the Horned God Azazel. Additionally, Ax/Abrasax were synonymous terms: “You are Ax (A-ten), you are Abrasax (Ba [cherub] + Ra [the disk] + S [the serpent/oph] + Ax [A-ten]), the angel (whose sign is the serpent) who sits upon the tree of Paradise (thusly forming what is known as the palladium)...” (A-X is in fact the Archaic Latin alphabetic version of the classical Greek Alpha-Omega, the title of the resurrected Christ [See Revelation 22:13]. Both are the first and last letters of their respective alphabets. The Classical Greek Alpha-Omega is the all-encompassing All). As such an ax in the literal sense is often used as a symbol for Abrasax/Azazel (Compare ‘ax’ to the Greek word ‘aix’ which means ‘goat.’ The Hebrew word for a male goat was additionally used to denote a demon, demons being by definition fallen angels. For this reason Satyrs/demons, representative of fallen angels, are symbolically represented as being goat-like in appearance, such as the horned-god of the witches, Pan, the king of satyrs (a word cognate with stars) of Greek mythology, who represented Azazel: “The satyrs are, of course, the seirim [the word seirim itself being cognate with the word seraphim] or ‘hairy ones’ who follow their master, the goat god Azazel.” – p.137 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson. The seirim are the fallen angels: “Azazel was the leader of the Watchers, who lusted after the daughters of men, and also the chief of the seirim…who are mentioned several times in the Old Testament and


were worshipped by some of the Jews.” - The Black Arts p.314 by Richard Cavendish, 1967 A.D. It was the head of a company of masons in the employ of King Solomon [who as we learn from 1Kings 11:33 himself later spurned God by sacrificing to other gods representing the demonic fallen angels], namely, Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim, who led the revolt against King Solomon’s son Rehoboam [thereby becoming the king of what was to be known as the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel] and who appointed priests dedicated to the worship of the seirim [See 2Chronicles 11:15] chief amongst whom was Azazel. And many there are of their number today. The worship of the seirim demons is mentioned in Leviticus 17:1-7 and entailed animal sacrifice offered in open fields, the drinking of sacrificial blood and sex-magic rituals). The letter ‘O’ (the disc) itself was derived from the Semitic letter `Ayin ( ‫ ע‬meaning ‘eye’), and hence, the ‘eye (disc) of Horus,’ also known as Azazel’s cherub Behemoth. The Egyptian god Osiris (Azazel) is indeed the Horned God of the witches, also known as: “… the Great Father, who of old was called Osiris…” - A Witches’ Bible: The Complete Witches’ Handbook p.13 by Janet and Stewart Farrar. Consider also the name of the angel Metatron of the 6 th Century work, the Hekalot Rabbati, one of the major extant Kabbalistic texts from the period of Merkabah mysticism. If we assume as its name suggests that this angel’s name had an Egyptian-Christian Coptic influence (as Copts are Egyptian Christians), and we juxtapose the letters found therein, we find the elements contained within to be MetT-Ra-On. ‘On’ was the Egyptian name for the ‘City of the Sun’ (in Greek Heliopolis) named after the Egyptian sun-god Ra (rendered Helios in Greek), whose name in hieroglyphics contains the following symbol: the X-marked disc, . The Egyptian god Ra represented Azazel’s cherub Behemoth. The name of the sun-god Ra itself when rendered into hieroglyphics (by definition: “a writing system that uses symbols or pictures to denote objects”) includes the following images: and (the classic UFO/flying saucer shape). The Coptic word Met means “ten” (in Roman numerals X), a symbol of Azazel, he of the X-marked disc. And last but not least we also encounter the Egyptian tau cross, also a sign of Azazel, in Greek rendered T. The


most famous groups of Merkabah mystics are Hassidic Jews and Ashkenazi Jews. As we learn from The Bible, the worship of Baal is given as one of the main causes for the destruction of the tribe of Judah (See Jeremiah 19:5). Baal worship = Judaism = the adoration of Baal esoterically as Metatron. Judaism, as the eminent Jewish scholar Josephus coined the phrase, was born of Baal worship (See Jeremiah 19:5), raised in the magical environs of Babylon (See Jeremiah 20:4-6), educated in alchemical Egypt, later to grow to a Satan-allied Pharisean adulthood in multi-cultural Rome, greatly learned in their native Kabbala as well as diverse international magic traditions including Greaco/Egyptian Qabalism. Phariseeism = Satanism (See John 8:44 and Matthew 23:15).** Pharisaic Judaism incorporates both the worship of Satan and Azazel alongside that of God. (**Pertinent Quote: “…by means of various secret associations, Occultism appears to have been handed down from the times of the Mysteries to our days… by comparing the Bible with old Mythologies and the opinions of modern Theosophists, we have shown that the whole system of the mysteries was probably communicated by those fallen angels who transgressed just before and immediately after the Flood… There is little doubt that the culmination of the mysteries was the worship of Satan himself… It would appear, then, that from remote ages, probably from the time when the Nephilim were upon earth [See Genesis 6:2-4], there has existed a league with the Prince of Darkness, a Society of men consciously on the side of Satan, and against the Most High [God].” Earth’s Earliest Ages by G.H. Pember, 1889 A.D.) The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn also esoterically derives its name from Azazel. Hermes was another Graeco/Egyptian name for Azazel, he of a thousand names. The Golden Dawn itself is analogous of the solar disc, the sun god, Azazel’s cherub Behemoth (“…the holy one [read: the angel Azazel in his cherub] appeared…; as a golden dawn [as a sunrise] did he appear…” - Aleister Crowley’s LIBER ARCANORUM τών ATU τού TAHUTI QUAS VIDIT ASAR IN AMENNTI SUB FIGURÂ CCXXXI LIBER CARCERORUM τών QLIPHOTH CUM SUIS GENIIS. ADDUNTUR SIGILLA ET NOMINA EORUM). Israel Regardie, a Rosicrucian who later joined the Stella Matutina, a successor organization of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Regardie once served as personal secretary to


Aleister Crowley), writes in his book entitled The Golden Dawn: “‘The Rose-Cross’ (rostau) … is a glyph…of the higher Genius (read: angel) to whose knowledge and conversation the student is eternally aspiring” (in reference to Aleister Crowley’s “attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.” As Israel Regardie explains in Ceremonial Magic p.64, the term “Holy Guardian Angel” [“…extrapolated from The (Book of the) Sacred Magic of Abremelin the Mage…”] was a term “synonymous with the Golden Dawn reference to the Higher Genius and the Theosophical term the Higher Self [aka the High Self].”). The ‘Genius’ of which Regardie speaks with whom such individuals sought to converse is a so-called ‘guardian angel,’ the fallen angel Azazel. His glyph/symbol is the rose cross/red cross (this being the significance of the ‘Red Cross,’ also known as the ‘Cross of Fire’ which is used as one of the symbols of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn—a ‘white triangle surmounted by a red cross’ symbol is emblazoned upon Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn altars [See p.135-136 The Eye in the Triangle by Israel Regardie] —the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn being at heart a Rosicrucian order founded by Rosicrucians]. A Rose Cross may also be represented by a gold cross with a red ruby in its center, namely, “the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold” [Ibid p.176]. The Rose Cross is, as Israel Regardie notes, a variant form of the pentagram: “A variation of the Pentagram symbol employed by other people with a certain degree of success is a golden cross surmounted by a crimson rose. The symbolism in both cases is identical…” – p.244 The Tree of Life: A Study in Magic by Israel Regardie. The Upright Pentagram is the sign of Azazel). The Rosicrucian initiate, as Israel Regardie explains: “…pledges himself to his higher and divine Genius” (See Ceremonial Magic p.84), this higher divine Genius being the fallen angel Azazel, to whom is devoted “the service of the (Hermetic) Order (of the Golden Dawn).” Theosophist Freethinker Ida C. Craddock provides yet another piece of our puzzle: “Why did these mystics call themselves Rosicrucian? Some writers have attempted to derive the name from two words meaning "dew" and "cross": but the usual interpretation is "followers of the Rosy Cross" (read: followers of the angel Azazel whose glyph is the rose cross) a cross with a rose (used analogously of Azazel) being used as the society’s symbol.” -


Heavenly Bridegrooms. Rosicrucians are followers of and pledge allegiance to the “Holy Guardian Angel” Azazel whose sigil is the rose cross and with whom they are in contact. Azazel is also known as Sirius, the Hidden God of the Illuminati (the Illuminati-angels are also known as the ‘Grand Masters of the Templars’ [the Order of Oriental Templars, aka the OTO, derives its name from the Knights Templar group]. The humans in league with them are often referred to as Illuminati as well), so named as Azazel is associated with the Dog Star Sirius: “In his book ‘Magickal Revival’ Grant writes that Phoenix was (Aleister) Crowley’s most secret name. It represented the ancient Constellation in which Sothis (Seth) (Set) or Sirius was the highest star. He writes that Crowley associated the very heart of his teachings and ‘Magick’ with a certain star, namely the ‘Sun behind the Sun’ (in reference to Sirius A and its companion star, Sirius B), the ‘Hidden God Sirius.’ The secret of the Illuminati, or the Enlightened Ones is the blazing star Sirius, Grant writes.” – The Sirius Mysteries (Pertinent Quote: “To the Egyptians, the Sun behind the Sun [Sirius/Set] was known as Osiris [a god who represents Behemoth/Azazel] and also as Amun-RA, the Hidden Sun.” - The Book of the Master by Marshall Adams. Indeed, the Egyptian Hymn to Osiris-Soka [Sokar/Seker] is a magical summons/call/invocation addressing the angel Azazel in greeting: “Hail, thou hidden God, Osiris in the underworld!”) (In the Great Hymn of Aten, Aten being representative of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth, Azazel/Behemoth is also referred to therein as the “hidden…god…in the underworld…”). Crowley was merely carrying on a long established magic tradition, most notably of the magic practiced by high-degree Freemasons (particularly within the Egyptian derived rites of Memphis-Misraim, ‘Memphis’ being a city in Egypt and ‘Mizraim’ being the Hebrew name for Egypt, its magic practices often based on information gleaned from ongoing archaeological discoveries of the period): “The Ancient Astronomers (astronomers were as a rule astrologers/sorcerers) saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our (Freemasonic) lodges as the Blazing Star” (which is a symbol of Azazel [‘Blazing’ is


synonymous with ‘shining,’ the Egyptian term ‘shining ones’ (Illuminati) often used as a term to denote the fallen angels and their disc-shaped cherubim].** The ‘Blazing Star’ which represents Azazel is known as the ‘Upright Pentagram.’ Conversely, a downward pointing pentagram, the ‘Averse Pentagram,’ typically represents Satan. A superimposition of the two yields the ten-point star, the ‘Dekagram,’ said to be a powerful charm in the realm of magic) - Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Scottish Freemasonry by Albert Pike. Indeed, as we learn from C.W. Leadbeater in Glimpses of Masonic History the Blazing Star Sirius (representative of Azazel), the so-called glyph of the higher genius with whom all practitioners of magic sought to contact, was also symbolized by and I quote “the Rose which ever blossoms at the heart of the Cross,” the rose cross, the very symbol of the Rosicrucians themselves. Compare to the Dogon tribe in Africa which also portrays the helical rising of Sirius as a cross with a flower-like sun at its center. (The fallen angel Azazel is associated with the star Sirius. The upward pointing Five-Pointed Star [the ‘Upright Pentagram’] is the icon of Sirius, and as such, it is the icon of Azazel, the hidden god of the underworld with whom it is associated] and this is the esoteric significance of the five-pointed Blazing Star of the Masons. The symbol of the star Sirius as a symbol of Azazel hearkens back to Biblical days: “Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch [their ‘King,’ Azazel], and the star [called a Chiun; ‘chiun’ translates as ‘star’] of your god Remphan [Azazel], figures [idols] which ye made to worship them [the fallen angels]: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.” - Acts 7:43; and again: “But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch [their ‘King,’ Azazel] and Chiun your images, the star of your god [Remphan/Azazel], which ye made to yourselves.” - Amos 5:26. The god Chiun is also known as Night. Night is an Egyptian hieroglyph in appearance a tau cross. The tau cross of course is a symbol of Azazel) (** “According to Sufi expert Idries Shah the: “… true rulers of the world are the ‘Enlightened Ones’ (Illuminati) [read: the fallen angels] and the Sufi have discovered their secret in the Quran in the following verse: ‘Allah [who is Azazel] is the Light [LUX] of the Heavens and the Earth. His Light [his cherub] is resembled by a lamp within a niche [a reference to The Koran 24.35: “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth, the parable of His Light is as if there were a


niche, and within it a Lamp: The Lamp enclosed in Glass; the glass as it were a brilliant star”]. The lamp within a crystal, like a shining [blazing] star.’” Idries Shah claims his allusion to a ‘shining star’ is a reference to the star ‘Sirius’ [See The Sirius Mysteries], Sirius being a symbol of Allah of the Quran, who is Azazel. The angels are known as the Shining Ones and a star is often analogously used as the symbol for an angel/cherub, hence Shining Star/Blazing Star) (A Not-So-Notable Quote: “Such surely is the destiny that awaits our beloved [Masonic] Order in the future; such the splendour that will transfigure the Craft [of Freemasonry] in the years that are to come, until within its temple walls [all Freemasonic lodges are temples erected in the name of Azazel as symbolized by the Upright Pentagram] once more is raised— not only in symbol [the Upright Pentagram reverentially displayed in Freemasonic lodges being representative of the god of the Freemasons, Azazel] but in actual fact [which is to say, upon Azazel’s release from his earthen imprisonment he will take his rightful place of honor in a Freemasonic temple]—the ladder which stretches between earth and heaven, between men [Freemasons] and the Grand Lodge above, to lead them from the darkness of the world to the fullness of light in God [he speaks not, to be sure, of the God of Christians, but of the god of the Craft, who is Azazel], to the Rose which ever blossoms at the heart of the Cross, to the Blazing Star whose shining brings peace and strength and blessing to all the worlds.” - Glimpses of Masonic History by C.W. Leadbeater) (As UFO contactee George Hunt Williamson reveals in Other Tongues, Other Flesh [1953 A.D.], those secret societies [and these certainly include the Freemasons] who are allied with the Sirius-associated extraterrestrials [who are in fact Azazel’s group of fallen angels] employ as their symbol the ‘eye in the triangle’ [aka the Eye of Horus,** the Eye of Sirius*** and the Eye of Providence] motif such as the one to be found on the back of the dollar bill. It was FDR’s V.P., Theosophical Society-member Henry A. Wallace who is largely responsible for its inclusion thereupon) (** “… the Eye of Horus [aka “the winged disk of the open eye of Horus”] is identified with the angelic Watchers of Enochian apocrypha [as found in The Book of Enoch]…” - p.157 Alien Initiations by Harald Kleemann, 2003 A.D.) (*** “The mythical Satanic bringer of


civilization to earth [this satanic being being Azazel] was supposed to be an alien from the star system Sirius, around who the Egyptians and all subsequent Hermetic systems constructed their elaborate and obsessive religio-astronomic observances… most of the geomantical siting of the Temple architecture of Egypt, the Gnostics, the Masons, the Templars and the Rosicrucians is calculated to the Solstitial rising of the "Dog Star" Sirius. Sirius is the hidden supreme god of the secret societies of the West, the subject of untold centuries of veneration and sacrifice… The emblem of the All-Seeing Eye above the unfinished pyramid is the representation of the Eye of Sirius…” – p.16,74,17 Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman II, 1989 A.D.) (Pertinent Quote: “…Freemasons believe that civilization on Earth was initially formed by initiates from the Sirius star system, whom they equate with the Egyptian Trinity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus…forming the basis of an Egyptian priesthood that worships Sun gods. The adepts of these mystery religions have always referred to themselves — in one form or another — as the Illuminati… Sirius…is regarded in occult circles as "the hidden god of the cosmos." The famous emblem of the all-seeing eye [symbolizing a cherub] — seen hovering above the unfinished pyramid — is a depiction of the Eye of Sirius [Azazel’s cherub], and is a common motif found throughout Masonic lore.” – The Beast of Adam Gorightly: Ritual Magic, Mind Control and the UFO Phenomenon by Adam Gorightly, 2005 A.D.) According to a footnote to The Dionysian Artificers: “Thamuz (a variant spelling of Tammuz) signifies the name of a month, and likewise the name of an idol or divinity, which even in the opinion of St. Jerome is the same as (the god) Adonis (both are gods who represent the angel Azazel—Adonis is a cognate of the word Dionysus/Dionysian). Plutarch says that the Egyptians called Osiris (Osiris = Azazel’s cherub Behemoth) Ammuz (the Az from Mu. Az = serpent = seraph. Mu = the New Earth), and from thence was corruptly derived the name of Jupiter Ammon (The Latin ‘Ammon,’ a varient spelling of the Egyptian ‘Ammoum,’ has come to mean ‘the Hidden One.’ See p.29 Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente, 1978 A.D. Ammon is Amen, also known as Amen Ra, “the Hidden Sun,”** Sirius, from whence is derived the name Osiris. Osiris = the disc (O)


from Sirius (**See Sacred Symbols of Mu. The so-called Lost Continent of Mu = Lemuria, home of the Lamia “serpent people” serpent gods/angels/UFOnaughts revered by serpent cults the world over. Mu/Lemuria = the New Earth. Lemuria was the New Earth home of the Roman spirits known as the lemurs. Spirits are angels. The Lost Continent of Mu/Lemuria looms large in Theosophical Society lore). Another variant spelling is Amoun: “Amoun was the primeval god of the Egyptians…all [Egyptian] deities were his various forms. Therefore his names were many; but his real name [the name of he who is the El Azaz (Az translates as serpent, Azazel’s symbol also being the Double Serpent/SS), the fallen angel/El from heaven Azazel] was secret.” – p.130 An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present by Doreen Valiente). Robertson (Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae) says that the word Ammuz (read Ammoum) used by Herodotus and Plutarch, were corruptions from the Hebrew Thamuz (Hebrew ‫{ תםוז‬Hebrew TMWZ}) (the Az from Mu whose symbol is the tau cross, T). I would rather say that the word was originally Egyptian, and made Hebrew by the addition of the formative ‫{ ת‬Hebrew T})…” And so was an Egyptian name for Azazel, namely Ammuz, transformed into Tammuz by the addition of the symbol for Azazel, namely, the Egyptian tau cross (rendered in Greek as a T; in the Phoenician alphabet, the Greek letter ‘T’ takes the form of yet another enigmatic symbol of Azazel’s cherub Behemoth, the quartered circle/‘x’ within a circle, , pronounced ‘tet’ and meaning ‘wheel,’ a Biblical name for a cherub (thusly rendering the translation of Ammuz as ‘the Az [serpent/seraph/oph] from Mu who sign is the quartered circle’/tau cross). This corresponds to the Hebrew letter ‘teth,’ meaning ‘serpent.’ [See The Secrets of the Satanic Executioners p.170], (by which rendering Tammuz translates as ‘the Az from Mu whose sign is the serpent.’ The god Tammuz encountered in The Bible was the Egyptian god Ammuz who sign was the tau [T] cross) which also relates to the Greek letter Theta [which numerical number is 9 and is connected to the 9th sign of the Zodiac, Capricornus, Latin for ‘horned goat,’ a demon], the initial letter of Thenatos, the Greek god of death [Ibid p.170]). It must be noted The Dionysian Articifers (circa. 1820 A.D.) is an essay written by an eminent Brazilian Freemason. The Greek Dionysiacs as they were also called was an association of architects and engineers, followers of the god Dionysius


(also known as Bacchus), builders of temples, theatres and stadia, they being an early society of Freemasons. As earlier noted, in Freemasonry the tau cross, the symbol of Azazel, is represented by the T-square: “The TAU cross is preserved to modern Masonry under the symbol of the T square.” - The Secret Teachings of All Ages p.582 by Manly P. Hall (Interesting quote: “The TAU [the sign of Azazel] is the central figure of the Theosophical Seal [employed by the Theosophical Society] and the heart of its message.” - The Theosophical Seal by Arthur M. Coon, 1958 A.D.) (The Hammer of the god Thor, yet another god who represented Azazel, in form resembles and represents a tau cross [T], the sign of Azazel: “…the TAU [the sign of Azazel]…is sometimes designated as the hammer cross…” – The Secret Teachings of All Ages p.582 by Manly P. Hall)

The Horned God Ammon (Mammon)/Ammuz. Note the disc (as well as the serpent) with which he is associated

The fact that the cross (X) is linked with Azazel, who is oft confused by some as being the devil Satan himself, is the reason the horned devil, who in reality represents the ‘horned god’ Azazel, is associated with crossroads. In fact many Egyptian mummies are laid to rest with arms crossed in the sign of ‘Osiris Risen,’ the crossed arm


symbol (and red X [red cross] symbol) of Azazel being depicted on numerous Egyptian statues and reliefs, most notably depictions of the god Osiris representing Azazel himself:

Osiris Risen

(A man sitting cross-legged may also be thusly interpreted. For example: “The Indian figures of the Horned God (who is Azazel), found at Mohenjo-Daro, are of the earliest Bronze-age…The most remarkable is that of a man with bull’s horns on his head, sitting cross-


legged…This representation was regarded in historic times as a form of Shiva (who represents Azazel) and is called Pasupati, ‘Lord of animals’ (a shepherd of sorts. Azazel is often depicted as a shepherd god as well).” – p.11 The God of the Witches by Margaret Alice Murray, 1933 A.D.). As we learn from British witch/author Nigel Jackson in Chapter VI Masks of Misrule pp.93 & 99, the Horned One, the Horned God of the Witches (Azazel), was represented by a “skull resting on crossed thighbones” (as he also reveals in The Pillars of Tubal Cain p.185: “… crossed legs…are said to represent the tau…” which is of course the sign of Azazel. It must be noted a skull is also used to symbolize the angel of death). Two crossed swords in the form of an ‘X’ is a symbol of the Roman god of war Mars who likewise represented the angel Azazel, as is the ‘skull and crossbones’ insignia said to have been originally flown on Knights Templars ships, though being more famously flown on English privateer pirate ships (one of whose main ports of refuge was the port in New York City) of British persuasion (these being known collectively as ‘Jolly Roger’ flags). As the British witch Doreen Valiente explains in An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present p.341-2: “…witches of the older traditions sometimes include a skull and crossed bones, or a representation of them (in their magic rituals)…The Masonic fraternities also make use of the skull and crossed bones, in their ceremonies; which are descended, if not actually derived, from the ancient Mystery cults (ufo religions).” The swastika employed by German Nazis, Neo-Nazi Aryan groups and the Theosophical Society itself is but the Indian/Hindu form of the sign representing Azazel (X). It must be noted the swastika, the Hindu sigil of Azazel, is the letter ‘G’ in the Ancient Northern European/Anglo-Saxon Runic script known as ‘Futhorc’/‘Futhark’ (the Armanen ‘Futharkh’ of Guido Von List, also known as the Norse rune ‘gifu,’ which is rendered as a simple ‘X’). This is the esoteric reason for the inclusion of the ‘G’ within the Freemasonic ‘Square and Compass’ standard. The swastika, it must also be noted, is called the ‘Hammer of Creation,’ and in Teutonic legends, the swastika is known as ‘Thor’s Hammer,’ as Arthur M. Coon is nice enough to point out in explanation of the significance of the swastika’s inclusion in the seal of the most reverent Theosophical Society (See The Theosophical Seal by


Arthur M. Coon, 1958 A.D.), Thor of course representing the fallen angel Azazel. The hammer then is likewise a symbol of the blacksmithing god Azazel, who taught mankind the magical art of metalworking.** He has placed his mark upon the craft. It is interesting to note at this point that: “…the TAU [the sign of Azazel]… is sometimes designated as the hammer cross…” – The Secret Teachings of All Ages p.582 by Manly P. Hall) (See Jeremiah 10:9) The Roman emperor Constantine the Great (c. 285-337 A.D.), who made Christianity the official religion of Rome, of “In this sign, conquer” fame, conquered under the sign of Azazel (as did the ancient Egyptians, the Knights Templar, the Spanish Conquistadores, England and later Hitler also similarly conquer under the sign of Azazel) when he emblazoned the red cross on white background insignia on the shields of his conquering legions (See also the Labarum [Chi-Rho symbol] of Constantine which incorporates the sign of “Osiris risen,” namely, the ‘X’ within its construction. The Knights Templar (c. 12th 13th Centuries) likewise employed a red cross on white field motif, as did their Crusading contemporaries the Knights Hospitalliers of St. John of Jerusalem (Indeed: “The Knights of St. John…continue the Manichaean Gnostic concepts…” – Angels, Demons and Freemasons: The True Conscpiracy, 2008 A.D. Indeed, the ‘Red Cross’ symbol employed by the Knights Hospitalliers and the Red Cross organization was implemented as a magic charm/talisman: “Many of the magical charms and spells were for the healing of the sick or for the prevention of disease... Many charms and spells surviving to the present day contain the names of pre-Christian gods [all representing the angel Azazel]. These spells are usually connected with cures for diseases in human beings and animals…” - p.75 The God of the Witches by Margaret Alice Murray, 1933 A.D. In Sigil Magic, a red cross is often employed in the construction of healing sigils) who ran a hospital there in Jerusalem in what is now modern day Israel (Notable quote: “From the descendants of the Magi, the Sufis, the mystics amongst the Mahometans, derived their knowledge of astrology, medicine, and of esoteric doctrines. In 1118 the order of the Temple [the Knights Templar] was founded, nominally for the protection of [Christian] pilgrims, but really for the restoration of the primitive mysteries [of the


ancient mystery religion of the Magi. Mystery religions are ufo religions by nature].” – The Masters of Wisdom by E. Adams, 1890 A.D.) (The Germanic Teutonic Knights also employed the Red Cross of Azazel as its sigil. The Red Cross [formally known as the “Red Cross of Tiphereth”] is also the sigil placed upon the altars of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn). Today the Hospitallers (currently known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta [SMOM; aka Knights of Malta, an order of alchemists]) are headquartered in Rome (and awarded permanent U.N. observer status I might add), as is the Vatican, and the Grand Master of the Knights Hospitalliers group is considered the world’s highest-ranking Catholic lay person. The modern contemporary of the Knights Hospitalliers of St. John of Jerusalem is the medical organization known as the International Organization of the Red Cross which likewise employs a red cross on white background insignia, this being the sign of Azazel. The British Red Cross Society works closely with a group called the St. John Ambulance Association, named after the leader of the Knights Hospitallers, St. John of Jerusalem. The red cross, also known as St. George’s Cross, is the English national emblem, with the British national flag, the Union Jack, incorporating a red cross on a white background motif within its design, as well as the esoteric ‘X’ sign of Azazel. However, the Flag of England, home to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn magic order, is simply a red cross on white background. The Union Jack is also in essence an 8-point compass rose, another sign of Azazel. Finis “If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name (a cherub) which is above (better than) every name (other cherub): That at the name (the cherub) of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” - Philippians 2:1-11


“…upon the bounteous earth Zeus [the leading Greek god of the gods of Olympus**] has…spirits, watchers of mortal men, and these keep watch on judgments and deeds of wrong…” – Hesiod: Works and Days Line 238 (** “[The 2nd Century Christian theologian] Tatian [a student of the Roman Catholic saint Justin Martyr]…identifies the demons with the [Greek] gods of Olympus.” – p.75 Fallen Angels: The Soldiers of Satan’s Realm by Bernard J. Bamberger, 1952 A.D. Demons of course are fallen angels, aka the Watchers, aka Nordic aliens)


Bibliography U.F.Os and their Mission Impossible Word of Truth Productions, Inc. New York, 1974 A.D. The Omega Conspiracy: Satan’s Last Assault on God’s Kingdom Hearthstone Publishing Ltd. Oaklahoma City, 1986 A.D. God Drives a Flying Saucer Bantam Books New York, 1973 A.D. UFO: End-Time Delusion New Leaf Press Green Forest, 1991 A.D. The Sky People Award Books New York, 1960 A.D. The Flying Saucer Vision Ace Publishing Corporation New York, 1967 A.D. Above Top Secret Quill William Morrow


New York, 1988 A.D. The Bible and Flying Saucers Downing, 1973, 1977 Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse John A. Keel Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained [2003 A.D.] UFO Contactees and Abductees Flying Saucer Review: FSR: Close Encounters of a Religious Kind by John A. Keel FSR: The “Flap” Phenomenon in the United States by John A. Keel SAGA: SAGA: The Flying Saucer Evidence Everyone Ignores by John A. Keel SAGA: Mystery of the Alien Submarines by John A. Keel SAGA: Strange Messages from Flying Saucers by John A. Keel UFO Report: Aliens Among Us by John A. Keel Investigating UFOs: Probing a Phenomenon Wrapped in a Mystery by John A. Keel The Flying Saucer Crime Wave by John A. Keel Behind the FBI’s Undercover Flying Saucer Investigation by John A. Keel Presumed Physical Mediumship and UFOs by Berthold E. Schwarz, M.D., FSR Consultant The Bible For detailed historical data concerning the UFO phenomenon in America see: THE JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE Spring 1975. Volume 8, Issue 4: The Flying Saucer Subculture by John A. Keel @ ( Further Reading: Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife by Nick Redfern, 2010 A.D.


A 17th Century A.D. Rosicrucian Ceremonial Magic Talisman

Martin Luther’s Rosicrucian Rose Cross Seal


Knights of the Garter


Freemasonry: Ourobouros

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member William Butler Yeats’ Magic Talisman

Green Man in Glory


The Sun-God Belanos (Bel/Baal)

Additional print copies of this book may be obtained from: Other titles by this author also available from include: The False Prophet Azazel ISBN-10# 1456511572 ISBN-13# 978-1456511579 Evildoer Added to Evildoer ISBN# 1442168145 EAN-13# 9781442168145 Hidden Truths ISBN# 1448635942 EAN-13# 9781448635948 The Knowledge of Wisdom ISBN# 1449501958 EAN-13# 9781449501952


London Fortean Society Symbol

Sigillum Dei


The Baphomet Disc of William Blake


“Merkabah of Jesus”


The Word of God


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