吉布提: 您在非洲营商的安全门户 Djibouti: Your Safe Business Connection to Africa 非洲信息和通信技术的领头羊 Spearheading Africa’s ICT Development
向全球标准看齐的基础设施框架 Towards a Globally Integrated Infrastructure Framework
Photograph Assal Lake- Djibouti, lowest point in Africa at 155 meters below sea level and the largest salt deposit in the world. It is also the only place in the world where salt uniquely transforms into pearls by a natural phenomenon.
简介 introDUCTION 02 吉布提:您在非洲营商的安全门户 Djibouti: Your Safe Business Connection to Africa
商务与投资 Business and Investment 04 进军非洲的桥头堡
Bridgehead to Africa
专访 Interview 10 非洲信息和通信技术的领头羊
Spearheading Africa’s ICT Development
基础设施 Infrastructure 14 向全球标准看齐的基础设施框架
Towards a Globally Integrated Infrastructure Framework
旅游 Tourism 18 地球上少有的非凡之旅
Out-of-this-world experience on Earth
简 介
吉布提:您在非洲营商的安全门户 Djibouti : Your Safe Business Connection to Africa
所周知,非洲大陆正经历着 翻天覆地的变化,而非洲的 经济发展主要依靠基础设施 建设和科技投资;根据世界银行的全 球增长预测,全世界 20 个增速最快 的国家中有 11 个是非洲国家。 吉布提有战略性的地理位置和 稳定的政府,其优越的地理位置能 够 迅 速 覆 盖“ 东 南 非 共 同 市 场” (COMESA)的超过名 4 亿消费者, 让 20 个成员国无缝连接,这也意味 着巨大的市场和营商机遇。 吉 布 提 被 称 作“ 和 平 避 风 港” (Haven of Peace), 是 非 洲 之 角 (Horn of Africa)国家中占据天时 地利的重要国家。吉布提位于红海 的入口,它作为自由贸易区的地位 意味着吉布提港(Port of Djibouti) 担任着该地区内所有国家经济命脉 的角色。
吉布提的最新发展状况 吉布提位于世界上第二繁忙的 航 运 通 路 上, 占 据 世 界 60% 的 海 上 运 输 流 量。 从 1998 年 开 始, 吉 布提的港口设施担任了埃塞俄比亚 100% 的 海 上 运 输 任 务, 海 运 依 靠 来往于亚的斯亚贝巴的公路和铁路 的货物运输来达到港口。这表示埃 塞俄比亚全国的 130 亿美元的出口 和 30 亿美元的出口都通过吉布提港 来完成。 为了加强吉布提作为上述地区 内内陆国的对外交通运输和物流的 枢纽国地位——该地区内有非洲大 陆 17 国中的 10 国——吉布提的基
Djibouti is strategically located in the Horn of Africa, near the Gulf of Aden and the Bab-el-Mandeb strait.
he African continent is embarking on an urban revolution. Its economic growth is coming from infrastructure and technology investments; and according to the World Bank’s projections for global growth, eleven out of the twenty fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa. With its strategic location and its stable government, Djibouti provides safe access to over 400 million consumers of the Common Market for Eastern and SouthernAfrica (COMESA), linking twenty member states. This represents substantial business opportunities. Djibouti is known as a Haven of Peace, and it plays a vital strategic role in the Horn of Africa. Its location at the entrance to the Red Sea and its status as a free trade area mean that the Port of Djibouti provides an economic lifeline for countries in the region.
countries 个国家
Members of COMESA. Market size of 400+ million people. COMESA 的成员国之一,市场规模高达 4 亿人以上。
Near the world’s second busiest shipping route. 地理位置靠近世界第二繁忙的航运通路。
Handles 100% of Ethiopia’s maritime traffic (Imports: USD 13 billion; Exports: USD 3 billion) 掌 控 邻 国 埃 塞 俄 比 亚 100% 的 海 上 交 通( 进 口 额: 130 亿美元,出口额:30 亿美元)
billion USD 140 亿美元
Invested in infrastructure mega projects 基础建设超大型项目的投资数额
troops 名士兵
Deployed in UN peacekeeping operations 参与联合国维和部队的士兵人数
Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Introduction 础设施建设将在未来十年内有数个 总额超过 140 亿美元的超大型基建 项目即将竣工。吉布提现正在建设 总额为 8.04 亿美元的多功能港口和 用于牲畜、碳酸钾和工业用盐出口 的特殊功能码头项目。其它超大型 项目包括新建的机场、国家航运公 司、原油码头、商务区开发建设和 一个投资额为 30 亿美元的天然气精 炼厂。 2015 年 5 月,吉布提政府批准 成立了国营吉布提航空公司,为贯 彻其交通设施建设和创造就业机会 提供支持,同时扩大国家收入来源 的政策。
吉布提 - 埃塞俄比亚电信网络 吉布提的电信设施名列非洲最 佳。到 2016 年底,该国的海底光缆 将会得到进一步的提升,此举也将 加强吉布提作为非洲之角地区网络 带宽枢纽的地位。吉布提电信公司 正致力于在 2016 年在该国全面覆盖 第四代网络技术(4G)。 过 去 的 五 年 间, 吉 布 提 已 拨 款 超过 5000 万美元来改进它的电信设 施,其中包括和埃塞俄比亚,这个 人口超过 9400 万的国家之间的三向 光纤传输工程。吉布提和埃塞俄比 亚的电信公司都对加强现有的合作 关系表现出浓厚的兴趣,更希望籍 此对区域经济的一体化提供更好的 服务。 吉 布 提 位 于 连 接 欧 洲、 中 东、 亚洲和非洲的海底光缆交汇点的理 想地理位置。随着吉布提服务行业 的发展,智能手机在该地区的使用 也呈急速上升的势头,而诸如银行 业和支付手段的技术发展或许也会 导致呼叫中心的蓬勃发展,这些都 意味着在吉布提有着令人兴奋的营 商机遇。
Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Photograph Djibouti city with DIBC Tower (Djibouti International Business Centre), Tenants will include International Commercial Court, Allianz and other international companies.
Djibouti’s Latest Developments Djibouti is located along the second busiest shipping route of the world, where 60% of the world marine traffic transits. Since 1998, its port facilities handled 100% of Ethiopia’s maritime traffic, which moves to and from Addis Ababa by truck and rail. This representsmost of Ethiopia’s USD 13 billion import and USD 3 billion export goods to come and exit through Djibouti port. To consolidate its regional transportation and logistics hub for landlocked countries in the region— ten out seventeen countries in Africa— Djibouti has embarked in several infrastructure mega projects totaling US$14 billion over the next ten years. It is currently constructing US$804 million multi-purpose and three specialized ports to be dedicated for export of livestock, potash and industrial salt. The other mega projects include new airports, national shipping company, crude oil terminal, development of business districts and US$3 billion natural gas refinery. In May 2015, the Djibouti government approved the creation of a national airline Air Djibouti to serve as a tool for implementing its transport and job creation policies as well as diversify its sources of revenue.
The Djibouti-Ethiopia Telecom Connection Djibouti’s telecom system ranks among the best in Africa. With its submarine connections to improve by end-2016, this will reinforce the country’s hub status for internet bandwidth in the Horn of Africa region. The Djibouti Telecom is working to introduce fourth generation (4G) technology by the year 2016. Over the last five years, it has spent over US$50 million to improve its telecomfacilities including threeway fiber transmission lines that connects it with Ethiopia, a country with a population of 94 million. Both Djiboutian and Ethiopian telecoms companies are interested to enhance its existing cooperation and even to boost the service for possible regional economic integration. Djibouti is well positioned as a major meeting point for undersea fiberoptic cable systems connecting Europe, the Middle East and Asia, to Africa. With the growth in the service-based economy, the rise of smartphone use across the region, innovations in banking and payments technology and perhaps the creation of call centers, this represents many exciting business opportunities.
Photograph The Harar is one of the vessels of the Ethiopian merchant navy, to which the Djibouti ports are critical.
吉布提——进军非洲的桥头堡 Bridgehead to Africa 经济总览 吉布提的经济在过去几年里出现
Economic overview Over the last few years, Djibouti’s
了强劲的增长。经济增长率从 2010
economy has seen an increasingly
年 的 4.4% 开 始, 到 2013 年 已 经
strong growth. From 4.4 percent in
达 到 了 5%。 吉 布 提 经 济 增 长 的 中
2010, it reached a 5 percent annual
growth in 2013. The pillars of the
资(FDI) 和 港 口 的 运 营。 尤 其 是
Djiboutian economy are foreign
direct investment (FDI) and port
段,2013 年达到了创纪录的 2.27 亿
activity. FDI in particular has been
continuously increasing as well, with
a new record amount of USD 277
million in 2013. This is expected
to continue in this fashion as vast
investment programs—especially in
the infrastructure area—are ongoing.
Priority is also given to providing the country with a comparative
和埃塞俄比亚、索马里和厄立特 里亚接壤——遥望位于曼德海峡另一
advantage in goods trading, in par with molding it into a regional hub Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Business and Investment 端的也门——吉布提位于几大洲交汇
的十字路口。曼德海峡是红海和亚丁 湾之间的分水岭,也是世界上最为繁 忙的海上航运线之一,是亚洲连接欧 洲和北非的重要通道。世界四分之一 的碳氢化合物货物通过这一通路进行 运 输, 每 年 的 运 输 流 量 高 达 30000 艘货船或等同于 7 亿吨货物。 吉布提以它的“2035 年视线” 发展计划把这一战略性地理位置的优 势发挥到极致。一方面,它希望成为 国际业务进入非洲和中东的桥头堡, 另一方面,东非强劲的经济增长也成 为它和邻国之间的贸易枢纽。 吉布提的理想地理位置、政治稳 定性和好客精神,都让它成为亚洲和 欧洲之间航运船只加油和货物转运的 理想地点。不仅如此,安全部队和人
道主义机构都在吉布提设有分部。此 外,法国、美国、日本、西班牙、意 大利和德国也在吉布提设有军事基 地,这些部队都是地区内航运和贸易 的安全保证。人道主义机构中值得一 提的是 USAID(美国国际开发署), 该机构也决定在吉布提设立办公室来 服务东非各国的需要。
营商和投资机遇 运输和物流部门在吉布提的经济 发展策略中占据举足轻重的地位,也 正因如此,上述行业的发展才会蒸蒸 日上。吉布提的投资机遇遍地开花。 但这并不代表仅在上述行业存有机 遇。值得一提的是,受飞速增长的交 通运输和物流行业的影响,吉布提经 济中的大部分行业都呈现出喜人的增 长势头。
1. Chairman of DPFZA, Mr. Aboubaker Omar Hadi with Mr. Carlos A. Giménez, mayor of Miami which is a sister port of Djibouti 2. The current Free Trade Zone which opened in 2004 is running at full capacity
服务业中的电信、房地产和旅游 业也都表现出飞速增长的势头。以此 类推,受服务业增长影响的是建筑和 Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
商务与投资 市政工程行业,现在已占据吉布提
for trade, handling and financial
one that figures is USAID, which
GDP 中 10% 的比重。吉布提也希望
decided to establish its regional office in Djibouti to serve the
countries of East Africa.
Bordering Ethiopia, Somalia,
Eritrea—and Yemen on the other
side of the Bab-el-Mandeb strait—
源 —— 最 近 已 确 定 要 建 设 一 个 300
Djibouti is located on a global
crossroads between continents. The
Bab-el-Mandeb strait, separating
The transport and logistics economic
the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden,
sectors play a key role in Djibouti’s
is one of the busiest maritime lanes
development strategy and, as a
in the world, notably connecting
result, are booming. The investment
Asia with Europe and Northern
opportunities are plentiful. However,
Africa. A quarter of the world’s
this is not to say that opportunities
hydrocarbon traffic transits on this
lie only in those sectors. Indeed,
route that is taken by nearly 30,000
pulled by a sharp growth in transport
ships and 700 million tons of goods
and logistics, most economic
a year.
sectors are growing at a brisk pace.
Djibouti, with its “Vision 2035”
In the service area,
development program, has
telecommunications, real estate and
decided to take advantage of this
tourism are expanding vigorously.
geostrategic location. On one hand it
In turn, this service boom creates
intends to become the bridgehead of
a demand in the construction and
choice to Africa and the Middle East
public works sector, which now
for businesses, and on the other
represent almost 10 percent of
低于 25% 增值税的前提下为在吉布
hand the powerhouse of East Africa’s
the GDP. Djibouti also intends to
economic growth at the service of its
make the most out of its mineral
neighboring countries’ trade.
resources—such as gold, copper,
Business and Investment Opportunities
zinc, iron and aluminum—as well Djibouti’s location, political stability
as of its energetic potential. Djibouti
and hospitality have made the
possesses natural gas, and great
country into the ideal location for
geothermal power potential—
the refueling and transshipment
construction of a 300 megawatt
of ships travelling between Asia
geothermal power plant was recently
and Europe. Security forces
agreed—and the ongoing oil
and humanitarian agencies also
exploration shows a lot of promise.
的 横 贯 非 洲 铁 路 网(Trans-African
established themselves in Djibouti,
Railways Network)也将把吉布提和
however. Additionally, France, the
Finance is also a sector that
United States, Japan, Spain, Italy
has been bolstered by Djibouti’s
and Germany have military bases in
development efforts. The country
Djibouti, from which they guarantee
used to have only three banks—two
的 货 柜 运 输 能 力 约 为 4210 万 个 20
regional shipping trade security.
subsidiaries of French banks and
Amongst the humanitarian agencies
one of the Bank of Africa—but now it
Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Business and Investment has more than 10 banks from Africa,
Trans-African Railways Network
Europe, Asia and the Middle East,
under construction will link Djibouti
appealed by the country’s growth
and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to
and stable currency, the Djibouti
various parts of Africa and drastically
Franc, which is pegged to the dollar.
reduce transit times. The railway
淡水等物资。正如吉布提总统 Ismaïl
The invigoration of the banking
network’s potential annual container
Omar Guelleh 在 2014 年 所 说 的,
sector also led to that of the private
traffic is estimated at 42.1 million
sector. Now, the Djibouti Central
Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEU).
Bank is implementing new reforms
to further the banks’ capacities to
This integration is especially evident
finance the economy.
in the case of Ethiopia. Indeed,
both countries enjoy a symbiosis As for manufacturing, Djibouti allows
relationship. Djibouti notably
the use of the “Made in Djibouti”
provides a maritime front to Ethiopia,
能够轻而易举地覆盖 21 个国家总共
label for goods manufactured in
while Ethiopia provides, among
4.97 亿人口的市场,这些国家中包
Djibouti with a minimum 25 percent
others, electricity and fresh water to
value addition.
Djibouti. The relationship between
Ethiopia and Djibouti is so strong
达和马达加斯加等国。吉布提也得益 于优先进入欧洲市场的便捷通路——
Djibouti’s integration within the
that Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, Djibouti’s
regional economy alongside its
President, said in 2014 that “Ethiopia
neighbors is showing a lot of
is Djibouti and Djibouti is Ethiopia,
promise. Furthermore, Djibouti is
no difference at all.”
located strategically at the heart of
自贸区 吉布提港口和自贸区当局
the region. From Djibouti one can
However, the country is also a
not only easily access Ethiopia’s,
member of the Common Market
Somalia’s, Eritrea’s, but also South
for Eastern and Southern Africa
Sudan’s growing markets. The
(COMESA), and can effortlessly
(DPFZA)宣称,利用吉布提战略性 地理位置的陆海空交通运输联动优势
新启动的 DFTZ 内可以进行的商务活动
Activities that will be possible on the new DFTZ
区,以吸引更多的投资者来分享经验 和向吉布提的经济注入资金。
01. Export processing 出口加工
吉布提目前已有两个自贸区。吉 布提的首个自贸区是一个由来已久 的,位于吉布提港内的自贸区。第二 个自贸区规模更大,成立于 2004 年, 被称为“吉布提自贸区(DFZ)”。 该自贸区内的土地、办公楼和仓储等 设施占地 17 公顷,位于吉布提港和 德拉尔集装箱码头之间。自贸区内员 工人数超过 1000 人,主要从事轻工 产品制造、物流重分配和普通贸易行
02. Manufacturing 制造业 03. Bonded storage 保税仓储 04. Sea-Air multimodal transport 海空联合运输 05. Multi-country consolidation 多国货物联拼 06. International logistics and distribution 国际物流和配送 07. E-Commerce regional distribution 电子商务地区配送中心
08. Entrepot trade 转口贸易 09. Small commodity trading 小商品贸易 10. International Conference, Exhibition and Training 国际会议、展览和培训 11. International Cruise Terminal 国际游轮码头 12. Supporting residential and recreational facilities 附属的居住和娱乐设施 13. Industry Park 工业园区 14. Fuel oil trading 燃料油贸易
业。 Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
商务与投资 新的吉布提自贸区(DFTZ)将
access its 21-country market of
over 497 million people, including
内开发,包含一个占地 48.2 平方公
such countries as Egypt, Libya,
里(32.8 平方公里的土地和 15.4 平
Democratic Republic of Congo,
Rwanda, and Madagascar. It also
benefits from preferential access
年内为吉布提创造 20 万个工作岗位。
to the European market—through
2015 年 3 月 25 日, 吉 布 提 自 贸 区
the African, Caribbean and Pacific
和 CMHI(中国招商局国际)签订了
Group of States and European
Project Area to be declared as Free
Union (ACP-EU) partnership
Trade Zone, consisting of the Core
agreement—as well as to the United
Free Trade Zone District with an area
States market—through the African
of 48.2 square kilometers (32.8 km²
Growth and Opportunity Act.
land area and 15.4 km² sea area).
2015 年 5 月举行的内阁会议中 又一个自贸区项目获批。该项目名为 “货运村”,将主要从事空运以及和 海运物流进行对接,发展海空运输以
This “mega-project” is expected to
Free Zones
create 200,000 jobs over ten years. The framework agreement was
The Djibouti Port and Free Zone
signed on March 25th 2015 together
Authority (DPFZA) acknowledges
with CMHI (China Merchants
that the best way to explore the
Holdings International).
advantages of its strategic location
2015 年 6 月开始运行。
and ground, sea, air transportation
Another free zone project was
synergy is to develop free trade zones
approved during a Cabinet meeting
in Djibouti aiming at attracting more
on May 2015. This free zone,
investors who can contribute with
called Cargo Freight Village, will be
their experiences and capital to the
dedicated to air cargo in order to
development of Djibouti’s economic.
link it with sea logistics and develop
sea-air cargo to serve landlocked There are two free zones in Djibouti
countries in Central and West Africa.
as of today. The first one is a
This multi-modal system is also
historical free zone located inside the
expected to serve Western Europe
port of Djibouti. A second and larger
and the East Coast of the Americas.
dedicated free zone called Djibouti
The establishment of Air Djibouti
Free Zone (DFZ) was opened in
Cargo airlines will expedite this
2004. It spans 17 hectares of land,
process and, to accomplish this, the
office space and storage facilities,
first dedicated Boeing freighter will
and is located between the Port of
commence operation on June 2015.
Djibouti and the Doraleh Container
Terminal. It employs more than 1,000
Benefits for businesses establishing
people, mainly in the sector of light
within Djibouti’s free trade zones are
goods manufacturing, redistribution
numerous, including corporate tax
and general trading.
exemption and the ability to repatriate
势,让他们能更快,更高效地为客户 提供服务。
all capital and profit. There is no The new Djibouti Free Trade Zone
requirement for a local partner, nor is
(DFTZ) will be developed in the
there a foreign exchange control. Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Business and Investment
Photograph he chairman of DPFZA Mr. Aboubaker Omar Hadi and the CEO of China Merchants Mr. Li Xiaopeng signing an agreement in the presence of the President of Djibouti, His Excellency Mr. Ismael Omar Guelleh and the Prime Minster of Djibouti, His Excellency Mr. Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed. The key points of the agreement are: • The creation of a new industrial free zone, DFTZ • The construction of a ship repair yard • The construction of a major highway • The extension Doraleh Container Terminal, Africa’s most efficient, modern and deepest port.
Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
A system called One-Stop Shop
particularly companies from export-
offers businesses all necessary
based economies. The African
administrative services such as
continent is on the move and its
applications for visas, work permits
consumer base is growing at a fast
and driving licenses, as well as
rate. Companies that are closer to
registration of vehicles, in one single
their customers will have advantage
over those companies trading
The new Djibouti Free Trade Zone
from afar because they can serve
is already taking reservations from
their customers faster and more
companies around the globe,
专 访
非洲信息和通信技术的领头羊 Spearheading Africa’s ICT Development
Photograph H.E. Mr. Ali Hassan Bahdon, Minister of Communication, Post, and Telecommunications.
布提位于阿拉伯世界的心脏以及 东方与欧美和非洲与亚洲之间的 十字路口,是海底光缆的重要平 台和国际中转节点。 在韩国釜山举行的 2014 国际电信联 盟全权代表大会上,《双边杂志》就吉布 提所在位置及在信息和通信技术全球舞 台上的目标,与吉布提通信、邮政和电 信部长 Ali Hassan Bahdon 先生进行了讨 论。 1. 在提出实际问题之前,您能否简单讲 述一下吉布提在国际舞台上的位置? 因其独特的地理位置,吉布提对所有行业 而言,无论是物流、运输、电信或金融, 均具有区域性作用。作为通往东非的入 口,吉布提有着众多机会,同时也是一个 充满国际贸易和区域外交悠久历史的多 元文化国家。正如韩国总统所说,吉布提 没有敌人,是所有国家的朋友。
jibouti is an important platform and an international transit node of submarine cables, simultaneously at the heart of the Arab World and at the crossroads between Orient and Occident, between Africa and Asia. During the International Telecommunication Union 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan, Republic of South Korea, Bilateral Magazine discussed Djibouti’s place and goals on the Information and Communication Technology global scene with Mr. Ali Hassan Bahdon, Djibouti’s Minister of Communication, Post, and Telecommunications. 1. Before the actual questions, could you briefly present Djibouti’s place on the international scene?
Photograph Mr. Mohamed Assoweh Bouh, Director General of Djibouti Telecom.
Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Interview 我们属于非洲,但我们也是阿拉伯国家联 盟和法语国家的成员,位于英语区。这一 文化的多元性是吉布提文化丰富性的一 部分。 自 1977 年独立以来,吉布提着重投资物 流业。十五年前我们虽然仅有一个港口, 如今却有四个营运港口——一个运油,一 个集装箱,一个散装货,另外一个多用途 港口——且目前另有三个港口正建—— 一个用于运输家畜,一个运油,另外一个 是散装货港口——并将在三年内投入使 用。对一个人口低于 100 万的国家而言, 拥有七大港口是相当独特的。其原因是吉 布提的发展不光是为了吉布提本国,而是 为了整个地区和全球经济的发展。 吉布提是提前全球化的国家。吉布提法 郎 自 从 1948 年 以 来 就 一 直 紧 盯 美 元, 自 1958 年 以 来 始 终 固 定 在 一 美 元 兑 换 177.721 吉布提法郎的价值。这为吉布提 提供了在该地区内独有的、坚实的经济、 政治和社会稳定性。吉布提自 1980 年 7 月以来还拥有一个自由贸易区,以满足国 际贸易的需要。 2. 作为国际贸易的节点,吉布提的地理 位置是否可以让吉布提承担信息和通信 技术发展的领头羊角色?这将对吉布提 的发展产生什么样的影响? 世界经济从实物商品趋势向数字商品转 移,同样地,吉布提不仅从物流和港口的 丰富性中受益,也发展了虚拟和数字领 域。从这方面来说,本国已经取得相当大 的进步,是唯一处理五个海底电缆运行的 非洲国家。具有更高带宽的另两条海底光 缆的安装,目前也提上日程。
Djibouti has an inherent regional role due to its unique location, for all business sectors, whether it be logistics, transport, telecommunications or finance. Gateway to East Africa, Djibouti is a country brimming with diverse opportunities, as well as a multicultural country with a long tradition of international trade and regional diplomacy. As the President of the Republic says, Djibouti isfriend of all, and enemy of none. We belong to Africa, but we are alsomember of the Arab League and of the Francophonie, and located in an English-speaking region. This cultural diversityis part of the richness of Djibouti. Since the independence in 1977, Djibouti has largely invested in the logistics sector. As a result, while we had only a single port fifteen years ago, todaywe have four operational ports—one oil, one container, one bulk and one multipurpose ports— and three other ports are currently in construction—one livestock, one oil and one bulk ports—and should be operational within three years. These seven wonders are quite unique for
a population of less than one million. The reason is that the developments undertaken are not for Djibouti, but for the whole region and the global economy. Djibouti is a country that was globalized prematurely. The Djibouti Franc is pegged to the US dollar since 1948, and fixed since 1958 to the value of one dollar for 177.721 Djibouti Francs. This provides Djibouti with a solid economic, political and social stability that is unique in the region. Djibouti also possesses a free zone since July 1980, proof, if any were required, of the experience of the country in international trade. 2. Will the geographical location of Djibouti, being an international trade node, allow Djibouti to take a leader’srole in the development of ICT? What influence would that have on Djibouti’s growth? In the same manner that the world economy tends to move from physical goods to digital goods, Djibouti, benefitting from its logistics and port richness, is also developing its virtual and digital sector. In this regard, the country has a considerable
CABLES SUBMARINE CABLES INCLUDE: 01. Europe India Gateway (IEG) 02. Eastern Africa Submarine System (ESSAy) 03. Asia Africa Europe-1 (AAE-1)
04.SEACOM/Tata TGN Eurasia 05.South-East Asia—Middle East—Western Europe 3 06.Middle East North Africa Cable System (MENA)
关于金融业,吉布提因其稳定性、独特性 及坚实性而具有优势,同时其银行体系在 财政上也非常有利。这个国家拥有能成为 地区枢纽的一切条件,且正积极寻找全球 的合作伙伴
我们在区域外交上起着非常积极的作用, 且与所有最重要的世界经济参与者均拥有 非常良好的关系。现在是吉布提在世界舞 台上发挥作用的时候。现在是实现目标的 时候。 Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
专 访 我们在区域外交上起着非常积极的 作用,且与所有最重要的世界经济参与者 均有非常良好的关系。现在是吉布提在世 界舞台上发挥作用的时候。现在是实现目 标的时候。
advance, being the only African country disposing of five operational submarine cables. The installation of two other submarine cables, of higher throughput, is also scheduled.
3. 您能否简要介绍一下 “吉布提 2035” 关于信息通信技术的理念和目标? 吉布提所拥有的能力远远超出了需 求,甚至超出地区的需要。陆地电缆是对 海底光缆的完善。吉布提有野心成为数据 中心、大数据处理和各种活动的区域枢纽, 这是吉布提的一个显著优势。 “吉布提 2035 愿景”粗略规划了 发展区域的全球愿景,由“技术和电信” 分类构成。吉布提数字化项目是该分类的 重点内容之一,预计在 2025 年完成。 吉布提的数字化建设意味着为吉布 提经济创造新的机会。在数字时代,这会 影响教育、健康、经济和娱乐等不同领域, 它利用技术进步的优势,无论是服务容量 和质量方面或是相关技术方面,为合作伙 伴提供在其它地方无法获得的机会。事实 上,吉布提的电信技术人员和工程师是本 地区最棒的。 吉布提的数字化进程也意味着将 城市的新愿景具体化了。吉布提希望在 2025 年实现既定目标,成为一个可持续 发展的绿色城市,成为第一个完全依赖可 再生能源的非洲国家,这主要归功于吉布 提重要的 专业化的来自国际组织的合作 伙伴。吉布提这也是一个以信息和通信技 术为基础的经济体,其研究和创新占据 主导地位,其教育——从幼年到大学期 间——均由现代技术提供。例如,,无论 家庭的社会地位和经济状况如何,现在我 们都已向遍布全国的公立学校里所有的一 年级学生提供了 XO 平板电脑。我们努力 激发他们对创造力和技术的理解,使他们 成为未来技术变革的参与者。 4. 在这一全权代表大会结束时有什么目 标?对吉布提及其合作伙伴而言,潜在获 益是什么? 吉布提要充分发挥在全球舞台上的 经济作用,并促进技术和电信行业的发展, 就算这不是一种责任,也要成为一种目标。 我们也希望表达我们成为世界舞台上活跃 角色的诚挚意愿,让我们可以参与国际大
We play a very active role in the regional diplomacy, and have very good relationships with all the most important world economic actors. It is time for Djibouti to play its part on the international scene. Nowis the time to bethere. Concerning the financial sector, Djibouti possesses several advantages as well, thanks to its stable, unique, solid, and fiscally very advantageous banking system. This is a country that has what it takes to become a regional hub, and as such is proactively engaged in searching for partners worldwide. We are notably working with Japan at the moment to strengthen our coastguard’s capabilities. We play a very active role in the regional diplomacy, and have very good relationships with all the most important world economic actors. It is time for Djibouti to play its part on the international scene. Nowis the time to be there. 3. Could you briefly describe the concept and goals of “Djibouti 2035” regarding ICTs? Djibouti possesses capacities well beyond its needs, and even beyond regional needs. Submarine cables are completed by land cables. Djibouti has for ambition to become a regional hub for data centres, big data processing and a variety of activities in which Djibouti has a remarkable comparative advantage. “Vision Djibouti 2035” is a global vision that draws rough areas of development, and which is composed of a “Technology and Telecommunications” subpart. The Djibouti Digital project is one of the
key elements of this subpart, and is expected to be completed in 2025. Djibouti Digital is about creating a new reality for the Djiboutian economy. In the digital era, which affects such diverse fields as education, health, economy and hobbies, it is a matter of taking advantage of technological progress so as to offer our partners opportunities they could not obtain elsewhere, whether in terms of capacity and quality of service or in terms of know-how. Indeed, Djibouti Telecom technicians and engineers figure amongst the best in the region. Djibouti Digital is also about materializing a new vision for the city. A sustainable, green city, with the goal of being, by 2025, the first African country relying exclusively on renewable energy, notably thanks to partnerships with major, specialised international groups. But this is also a city with an ICT-based economy, where research and innovation occupies a predominant place, and where education—from the young age to university—is provided through modern technology. Today for instance, we offer an XO Tablet to all first-graders in public schools throughout the country, whatever their family’s social status and financial situation. We strive to awaken their creativity and comprehension of technology, so that they may become actors of technological change in the future. 4. What are your goals at the end of thisplenipotentiaryconference? What are the potential gains for Djibouti and its partners? Djibouti has as goal, if not as duty, to fully play its role of economic actor on the global scene, and to contribute to the development of technology and telecommunications. We also want to demonstrate our sincere will to be a visible, active actor that takes part in discussions and debates, and that can be relied on for the future of technology. Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Interview 事的讨论和辩论,也可以成为技术未来之 依靠。
为具有包容性和创新性,我们必须以我们 的方式寻找某种恰当方法,同时尊重对方 的立场,这表明所有宽容在这种努力中均 是必要的。 作为本次会议的参与者,我们的作 用是让所有的合作方参与其中,以增加我 们的合作伙伴,而且如果需要的话,我们 也可为那些没有发言机会的群体代言。我 们必须找到某种恰当的应对方法,使其既 能够具有包容性和创新性,同时能够尊重 对方的立场,这表明所有的宽容在这种努 力中均是必要的。 的社会地位和经济状况如何,现在 我们都已向遍布全国的公立学校里所有的 一年级学生提供了 XO 平板电脑。我们努 力激发他们对创造力和技术的理解,使他 们成为未来技术变革的参与者。
要想让这些合作伙伴关系能够长久,就需 尽快准备:未来眷顾有备之人。 本次会议的成果是共赢的,是发展与公共 机构如国际电信联盟(ITU),以及与私 人机构,例如行业里的重要集团,特别是 在亚洲拥有基地的众多行业巨头的伙伴关 系。如果我们希望这些合作伙伴关系能够 长久,需尽快准备:未来眷顾有备之人。 5. 你认为信息和通信技术会对社会产生 负面影响么? 万事皆有其两面性,每朵玫瑰都有 刺。我们必须协同管理、规范、发展且修 正我们的错误。除了其它方面外,越来越 猖獗的网络犯罪意味着必须建立一定规模 的安全屏障。这是每一位个人和机构的责 任,为人类的美好而努力而不是危害人类。 因此,将有必要与人类共存,尽量避免可 能出现的任何负面影响。 技术为我们提供了建设更公平社会 的手段。这取决于社会是否以这种方式使 用技术。事实上,这即是此次国际电联全 权代表大会的目标:借助信息和通信技术, 达到人与人之间的平等和公正。 Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Photograph Djibouti Ports & Free Zone Authority stand at Transport & Logistics trade show –Shanghai June 2014
We must find a certain appropriateness in ourapproach in order for it to beboth inclusive and innovative, while respecting each other’s stances and showing all the tolerance that is necessary in this kind of endeavour. Our role, as participants of this conference, is to involve all ourpartners, to expand our sphere of partners, but also if required, to act as spokesperson for thosewho do not have the opportunity to speak. We must find a certain appropriateness in our approach in order for it to be both inclusive and innovative, while respecting each other’s stances and showing all the tolerance that is necessary in this kind of endeavour.
These partnerships, that we hope long-term, need to be prepared soon: tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. The gains from this conference, which are reciprocal, are to develop partnerships with public bodies like the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), but also with private bodies such as the industry’s major groups, in particular in Asia where numerous industry giants are based. These partnerships, that we hope long-term, need to be prepared soon: tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. 5. Do you think ICT could have a negative impact on society? There is nothing that is not doubleedged. Every rose has its thorn. We then must manage, regulate, progress in tandem and fix our mistakes. Cybercriminality, amongs other things, implies a certain number of barriers will have to be set up. It is the duty of every individual as well as of institutions to work with good sense for mankind, and not against mankind. Thus it will be necessary to accompany the people to minimise any negative impact that could emerge. Technology provides us with the means to develop fairer societies. It is up to societies to use technology in this fashion. This is, as a matter of fact, the objective of this ITU Plenipotentiary Conference: moving towards equality and fairness between peoples thanks to ICT.
Photograph The Doraleh Container Terminal is scheduled to have its capacity doubled in the years to come, and is Africa’s most productive port in terms of move per crane per hour.
础设施是任何国家的经济发 展都不可或缺的重中之重。 没有合格的基础设施,比如 道路交通、电信通讯和能源供给,没 有国家能驶入发展的快车道。 也正因为如此,吉布提在过去的 几年里都一直致力于国家基础设施的 现代化建设。吉布提不仅仅满足于基 础设施的现代化进程——它还努力成 为物流和交运业的地区领导者。为了 达成这个目标,吉布提的发展着重在 海陆空交通的无缝整合上,希望充分 利用地理方面的得天独厚的优势。
海运 吉布提在 1999 年以前只有一个 港口。现在已增加到了三个,且还有 四个正在建设之中,港口正成为这个 国家经济发展的支柱行业。吉布提位 于曼德海峡,这个日经 90 艘海轮的 世界上最繁忙海运航线的咽喉位置, 吉布提正努力成为地区内海上运输的 首选目的地。 除了原有的吉布提多用途港 (Port of Djibouti SA) —— 这 个 在 2014 年 一 年 内 就 服 务 了 420 万 吨普通货柜和 70.710TEU 的港口之 外——还有另两个港口,一个位于多 拉尔(Doraleh)的原油港口(2006
向全球标准看齐的 基础设施框架 Towards a Globally Integrated Infrastructure Framework
nfrastructure is key to any development effort. Without proper infrastructure such as transportation, telecommunications and energy, any country’s development will be severely impaired. Well conscious of this fact, Djibouti has been striving for several years now to modernize its infrastructure. However, the country does not intend to contend itself with modernization— it also strives to become a regional leader in the industry of logistics and transportation. In order to achieve this ambition, Djibouti’s development emphasizes on synergies between sea, land and air transportation, and intends to fully benefit from its geostrategic location.
Sea Djibouti had only a single port before 1999. It now has three, and four more under construction, making the port industry the pillar of its economy. Located on the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, the busiest sea route in the world, with 90 ships per day, Djibouti aspires to become the destination of choice for cargo movements in the region. In addition to the historical multipurpose Port of Djibouti SA— which processed over 4.2 million tons of bulk and general cargo as well as 70.710 TEU in 2014—two other ports are located in Doraleh: an oil terminal (completed in 2006), and a container terminal (completed in 2009). Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Infrastructure 年竣工)和一个货柜码头(2009 年 竣工)。 两 个 港 口 中, 前 者 由 吉 布 提 地 平线港口有限公司(HDTL)负责运 营,年吞吐量超过 300 万立方米原 油,现正扩建中,建成后有望在现有 的基础上增加 30% 的吞吐能力。后 者是非洲排名第五的最繁忙港口,到 2016 年会在货柜吞吐量上翻番,使 之成为非洲大陆上最繁忙的港口,年 吞吐量达到 300 万个集装箱的能力。 该港口目前已经是非洲最高产的港 口,每小时的起重机使用率高达 34 次,遥遥领先于非洲 20 次的平均值 (世界平均值为每小时 25 到 35 次)。 多拉尔集装箱码头也是世界上为数不 多的三十个 18 米货柜深水港码头之 一。 吉布提已开始着手建设另外四 个港口。其中 Damerjog 牲畜港将在 2016 年建成,届时将成为年吞吐量 高达 1000 万头牲畜的港口,主要用 来从埃塞俄比亚和苏丹向海湾国家和 北非出口牲畜。吉布提也有非洲第一 个由世界动物卫生组织官方认证的检 疫中心的国家。 塔 朱 拉 港(Port of Tadjourah) 是一个矿运码头,主要负责埃塞俄比 亚碳酸钾矿石的运输。吉布提港口 和 自 贸 区 当 局(DPFZA) 和 Allana Potash 公司签订了协议,新建成的 设施将主要用于出口北埃塞俄比亚达 罗尔(Dallol)的钾矿石。港口建设 的第一期将于 2016 年的 3 月完工。 第二期将于 2018 年完全建成,届时 将有望在吞吐量上翻番,达到每年的 800 万吨。 靠 近 塔 朱 拉(Tadjourah) 和 阿 塞尔盐湖(Salt Lake Assal)的高比 特港(Port of Ghoubet)将主要负责 盐矿和石膏的出口,特别针对亚洲, 年吞吐量将达到 600 万吨。阿塞尔 湖是世界最大的未开发盐矿储备,也 是世界上含盐量第二高的水体,仅 次于南极洲的东胡安湖(Don Juan Pond)。 最后也是最重要的,多拉尔的一 个多功能码头在 2013 年开始建设, 随着非洲和世界其它国家之间贸易的 不断增长,该港口有望分担吉布提港 的部分吞吐量。这个多拉尔多功能码 头将通过公路和铁路连接埃塞俄比 亚,能同时服务装卸 22 艘货轮。 Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Photograph The DCT is also among the thirty ports worldwide that have a depth of 18 meters, which can accommodate any container ship.
The former, overseen by Horizon Djibouti Terminals Limited (HDTL), delivers over 3 million cubic meters of fuel a year to the region and is currently undergoing expansion to increase its capacity by an expected a 30 percent. The latter is ranked the fifth busiest port in Africa and projects to double the capacity of the container terminal will be undertaken in 2016 with the ambition to make it the port with the most traffic in the continent with a total capacity of 3 million containers a year. It is already Africa’s most productive port with a per crane rate of 34 moves per hour, contrasting with the African average of 20 moves per (the world average is between 25 and 35 moves per hour). The Doraleh Container Terminal is also one of the few thirty ports worldwide with a depth of 18 meters for container ships.
Ethiopian potash. The Djibouti Ports and Free Zone Authority (DPFZA) signed an agreement with Allana Potash Corporation. The new facility will be used primarily to export the potassium from Dallol in northern Ethiopia. The first phase of the construction will be operational on March 2016. The second phase will be fully complete in 2018, with a doubled capacity to reach 8 million tons a year.
Djibouti has begun works on four other ports. The Damerjog Livestock Port, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2016, will be a livestock port with an anticipated capacity of 10 million heads of livestock per year, and will export livestock from Ethiopia and South Sudan to the Gulf countries and North Africa. Djibouti is also the first African country to have a quarantine center officially certified by the World Organisation for Animal Health.
Last but not least, the construction of a new multipurpose port in Doraleh (DMP) began in 2013 to relieve the historical Port of Djibouti SA as the pace of trade between Africa and the rest of the world rises. This Doraleh Multipurpose Port will be connected to Ethiopia by road and rail, with capabilities to process 22 ships at the same time.
The Port of Tadjourah is an ore port particularly intended for the export of
The Port of Ghoubet, near Tadjourah and the salt lake Assal, will specialize in salt and gypsum exports, particularly to Asia with an expected 6 million tons a year. Lake Assal is the world’s largest undeveloped salt reserve and is the second most saline body of water on Earth after Don Juan Pond in Antarctica.
In addition, three other projects are planned. A liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Damerjog will export gas from Ethiopia’s Ogaden region primarily
基础设施 除此之外,吉布提还有三个项目 正在进行中。一个位于 Damerjog 的 液化天然气码头将负责埃塞俄比亚奥 加登地区的天然气资源出口,主要目 的地为中国。该地区的液化气工厂年 产量将达到 1000 万立方米。在同一 地区,将有一个主要从南苏丹北部的 迈鲁特地区出口原油的码头。第三个 项目是一个每年能服务 50000 吨, 最多 150 艘轮船的船坞维修干船坞 码头——而距离最近的干船坞则要到 海湾地区了。
空运 吉布提有数个机场,其中一个为 国际机场。吉布提安波力国际机场 (Djibouti Ambouli Airport) 位 于 城 市中心而无法扩建,因此两个新的国 际机场分别在 2015 年 1 月 19 和 20 日开工建设。 第一个机场名为 Al Haj Hassan Gouled Aptidon 国际机场和货运村, 位于 Bicidley。机场在 2018 年建成 后,年服务能力将达到 150 万乘客 和十万吨空运货物。Bicidley 地区位 于吉布提安波力国际机场西南面的 25 公里处,已预留出了 46 平方公里 的土地为未来扩建之用,机场跑道也 进行了先期规划,能起降所有现代机 型,包括大型喷气式客机比如空客 A380 等机型。
to China. The liquefaction plant will produce 10 million cubic meters of LNG a year. In the same area a Crude Oil Terminal will be built for the export of crude oil from Melut, in the north of South Sudan. The third project is the construction of a ship repair and dry-docks to provide maintenance to 150 ships of up to 50,000 tons each year—the closest ship repair facility being in the Gulf countries.
Air Djibouti is home to several airports, one of them being an international one. Because Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport is located within the city and cannot be expanded, two new international airports began construction in January 2015, one on the 19th and the other a day later. The first airport is the Al Haj Hassan Gouled Aptidon International Airport & Cargo Village, located in Bicidley. Once operational, it is expected to serve 1.5 million passengers and 100,000 tons of air cargo a year by 2018. The Bicidley area is located about 25 kilometers south-west of the Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport. Forty-six square kilometers were
reserved for long-term expansion, and the airfield geometry was planned so that the airport can accommodate all modern aircraft, including larger jet airliners such as the gigantic Airbus A380. The second airport is the Al Haj Ahmed Dini Ahmed International Airport. It is located in the northernmost region of Djibouti, Obock, and more precisely on the Ras Siyan peninsula. It is next to the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, where the Archipelago of the Seven Brothers is located. The location of the Al Haj Ahmed Dini Ahmed International Airport was decided with the aim of dedicating this airport to tourism activities. As such, it is expected to handle 350,000 passengers during its first year of operation in 2016, and over 760,400 passengers per year by 2021. It will also be equipped with a 3-kilometre long, 60-metre wide runaway, allowing the airport to accommodate a wide range of aircraft. In May 2015, the government of Djibouti decided to resume activities of the nation’s flag carrier, Created in 1962, Air Djibouti was one of the first African airlines, and was in operation until 2002. The airline, which currently
第 二 座 机 场 名 为 Al Haj Ahmed Dini Ahmed 国 际 机 场, 位 于 吉 布 提 最 北 面 的 地 区 Obock, 更 准 确 地 说 是 位 于 Ras Siyan 半 岛 地 区。 它毗邻曼德海峡,也是“七兄弟群 岛 ”(Archipelago of the Seven Brothers) 所 在 的 地 区。Al Haj Ahmed Dini Ahmed 国际机场的选址 主要为了服务旅游业的发展。因此, 该机场建成后将在 2016 年第一年的 运营时服务 35 万名旅客,到 2021 年, 年游客吞吐量将达到 760400 名。机 场还将有一个 3 公里长,60 米宽的 超宽跑道,有能力起降各种类型的飞 机。 2015 年 5 月, 吉 布 提 政 府 决 定 重 新 启 用 创 建 于 1962 年 的 国 家 航 空 公 司, 吉 布 提 航 空 公 司(Air Djibouti)是非洲最早的航空公司之 一,运营直到 2002 年才结束。该公 司现有飞机五架,已经把恢复货运航 线提上了议事日程,客运航线也将在 不久的将来恢复,重点飞吉布提到伦
Photograph Rock legend and front man of Iron Maiden Mr. Bruce Dickinson signing an agreement on behalf of Cardiff Aviation. Mr. Dickinson who is an aviation enthusiast is also a seasoned pilot and Captain of up to Boeing 757. The British company manages Air Djibouti which started cargo operation in August 2015 and is set to start passenger operations in March 2016. As well as flights to all major regional destinations, the airliner will start with flights to London, Paris, Dubai and Mumbai with more international routes to follow.
Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Infrastructure 敦的航线。为了对吉布提航空公司在 欧洲的业务提供支持,该公司和卡迪 夫航空公司已签订了一个谅解备忘 录。吉布提希望借此进一步发展它的 海空货运联动航线。
陆运 吉布提的目标是通过和邻国的 高效连接而成为地区内的物流枢纽。 吉布提还规划了数条铁道线 路, 主 要 把 吉 布 提 和 埃 塞 俄 比 亚 和 南 苏 丹 连 接 起 来。TadjourahWeldia-Mekele 铁 路 就 是 一 个 举 足轻重的洲际陆上走廊,把吉布提 和埃塞俄比亚北部,包括钾矿萃取 场和塔朱拉矿石码头在内的地区连 接起来。另一条吉布提 - 埃塞俄比 亚铁路将连接两国的首都城市,吉 布提和亚的斯亚贝巴。该条铁路的 建设已经完工,将在 2015 年 10 月 份通车,届时也将成为两条铁道线 路建设项目完工的第一步。两条铁 路中第一条将通过南苏丹、中非共 和国和喀麦隆把吉布提和大西洋连 接起来;第二条被称为“跨非洲铁 路 网 路 ”(Trans-African Railway Network), 将 通 过 拉 各 斯 把 吉 布 提和达喀尔连接起来。这些铁道线 路连接东非和西非,以及印度洋和 大西洋,将对世界贸易格局产生革 命性的影响。 从 苏 丹 的 一 分 为 二 开 始, 吉 布 提也希望成为南苏丹通往海洋的通 路,这和埃塞俄比亚的角色比较相 似。2012 年 2 月,三个国家签订了 一个基础建设开发,比如通信、交 通和管道输送方面的协议。当年的 晚些时候,南苏丹 - 埃塞俄比亚 吉布提(SSED)石油输送管道建设 项目的协议也在亚的斯亚贝巴签订, 让南苏丹和埃塞俄比亚通过吉布提 向外出口他们的原油和天然气资源。 吉布提政府目前正着手协商建 设一家炼油厂,让吉布提从南苏丹 和海湾国家进口原油并在东非出售 加工后的成品油。 另一个正在讨论中的项目是 Horns 大 桥 的 建 设 项 目, 这 是 一 座 29 公里长,通过曼德海峡连接吉布 提和也门的跨海大桥。该桥将设六 车道和四条铁轨,日流量为 10 万辆 汽车和 5 万名乘客。大桥也将承载 一条送水和一条天然气的输送管道。 Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Photograph The Doraleh Oil Terminal allows Djibouti’s landlocked neighbors to export their oil.
owns five aircraft, is now scheduled to resume its cargo freight operations, with plans to resume passenger flights in the future as well, notably to connect London and Djibouti. To support Air Djibouti operations in Europe, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the company and Cardiff Aviation. Djibouti aims to enhance its sea-air freight synergies even further.
Land Djibouti aims to be a regional logistics hub, and as such, it is efficiently connected with neighboring countries. Several railways are planned, linking Djibouti to Ethiopia and South Sudan in particular. The Tadjourah-Weldia-Mekele railway is one such critical continental corridor, linking Djibouti with the north of Ethiopia, including the potassium extraction site to the Tadjourah ore port. Another Djibouti-Ethiopia link will connect both capitals, Djibouti and Addis Ababa. The construction of the railway is complete, and the line is expected to be operational in October 2015 and be the first step to the development of two railway lines. The first will connect Djibouti to the Atlantic Ocean through South Sudan, Central African Republic and Cameroon; the second, called Trans-African Railway Network, will link Djibouti to Dakar
through Lagos. By connecting East Africa to West Africa, and the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, these lines are predicted to revolutionize world trade. Since the partition of Sudan, Djibouti is also looking to become South Sudan’s outlet to the sea, much like it is Ethiopia’s. In February 2012, the three countries signed a cooperation agreement for the development of infrastructure such as telecommunications, transport and pipelines. Later that year, the South Soudan-Ethiopia-Djibouti (SSED) pipeline construction project agreement was signed in Addis Ababa, allowing South Sudan and Ethiopia to export their crude oil and gas via Djibouti. Djibouti’s government is currently conducting negotiations to build a refinery, allowing Djibouti to import oil from South Sudan and the Gulf countries and sell processed, finished products in East Africa. Another construction project in discussion is the bridge of the Horns, a 29-kilometre long bridge that would connect Djibouti to Yemen over the Bab-el-Mandeb strait. Six road lanes and four railway lines on the bridge will allow 100,000 vehicles and 50,000 rail passengers to cross the bridge daily. The bridge will also support a water and a LNG pipeline.
投旅 资领 游域
吉布提 地球上少有的非凡之旅
Out-of-this-world Experience on Earth
Photograph The Lake Abbe, with its alien landscape, was the place of filming of the 1968 Planet of the Apes movie.
布提为旅游胜地 Ras Siyyan 而全新建设的 Al Haj Ahmed Dini Ahmed 国 际 机 场 是 吉 布提为旅游业的发展和改进而迈出的 第一步。事实上也的确如此,吉布提 政府对旅游业能为经济带来的巨大收 益非常清楚。来吉布提的观光游客能 在这里享受到海上和陆地各式各样丰 富多彩的非凡体验。
s denoted by Djibouti’s development of the new airport dedicated to tourism in Ras Siyyan, the Al Haj Ahmed Dini Ahmed International Airport, Djibouti also strives to improve its tourism sector. Indeed, the country is very conscious of the positive impact the tourism industry can have on economic Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
吉布提对旅游业对经济产生的巨大 效益非常清楚。 吉布提能为游客提供世界上最 令人兴奋的潜水胜地,这要归功于 它水晶般洁净的温暖海水。吉布提 的海洋生态系统极为丰富,鱼类种 群 极 为 繁 多, 甚 至 还 有 鲸 鲨 的 出 没——这个世界上迄今存活的最大 型非哺乳类脊椎动物,游客能在每 年 的 11 月 的 回 游 季 节 中 看 到。 其 它海上运动项目还包括整年都能进 行的深海渔猎、独木舟、帆板冲浪 和风筝冲浪等运动。最受欢迎的旅 游 胜 地 包 括 摩 卡 珊 瑚 礁 岛 和 Sept Frères(七兄弟岛)火山群岛。吉 布提的海岸线也同样大受欢迎:其 中 Sables Blancs(白沙滩)海滩是 吉布提最美丽的沙滩之一。Sables Blancs 度假胜地有独特的顶级酒店 和餐厅——游客能在这里尽情享用 吉布提的传统风味——当然还有为 商务人士所准备的众多商务和游乐 设施。
陆 地 上, 吉 布 提 以 其 优 美 的 风 光 和风土人情吸引了众多名人的 造 访, 比 如 耳 熟 能 详 的 Arthur Rimbaud、Henry de Monfreid 和 Jean-Jacques Cousteau 等 等 不 一而足。 陆 地 上, 吉 布 提 以 优 美 的 景 色 和风土人情吸引了众多名人的造访, 比如耳熟能详的 Arthur Rimbaud、 Henry de Monfreid 和 JeanJacques Cousteau 等等不一而足。 吉布提位于三个不断漂移分离的大 陆板块的交汇处——这三个板块是 非洲努比亚、非洲索马里和阿拉伯 板块——不断漂移的板块造就了一 个正在不断扩大的板块间裂缝,在 数百万年后这里也将会产生一个新 的大洋。因此吉布提有独特的,近 似于月球的地貌,它的地理特征已 Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition
Photograph Nomads have extracted and traded salt from Lake Assal for centuries, and still do today.
Photograph The whale shark is one of the most unique species that can be observed in the sea around Djibouti.
growth. Visitors to Djibouti can enjoy a very wide array of activities, both on land and at sea.
The country is very conscious of the positive impact the tourism industry can have on economic growth.
Djibouti can offer visitors some of the best diving spots in the world, thanks to its crystal-clear, warm waters. The marine ecosystem is very rich, with a very large number of fish species, and may even include whale sharks. The largest living non-mammalian vertebrate can be seen during its yearly migration starting in November. Other marine sports such as yearround deep-sea fishing, canoe, windsurfing and kitesurfing are also
投旅 资领 游域 在过去的几个世纪里吸引了数不清 的游客。 这种地貌的极佳例证就是著名 的 阿 塞 尔 湖(Lake Assal): 一 个 非常壮观的,位于海平线以下 155 米的盐湖——也是非洲大陆的最低 点。阿塞尔湖是世界上第二大的含 盐水体,平均含盐量达到 34.8%。 几个世纪以来,游牧民族都一直从 盐湖中萃取盐分,在周围建立了古 代的运盐商路。地表下的地热温泉 是盐湖的主要水源,对希望在矿泉 水中沐浴的游客来说是绝佳的体验。 阿塞尔盐湖也是地球上最热的地区 之一,温度最高可达 52 摄氏度。
和 冰 岛 的 阿 尔 法 洼 地 一 样 —— 这个湖也被称为阿尔法三角区—— 位于此地的大湖也是地球上唯一的 一个能在陆地上研究大洋中脊的地 区。 阿贝湖位于吉布提和埃塞俄比 亚之间的国境线上,也是上述地貌 的又一个印证。阿贝湖靠近休眠火 山 Dama Ali,现在仍能在火山附近 看到石灰岩火山口喷发出的硫磺烟 雾和周围遍布的温泉。和冰岛的阿 尔法洼地一样——也被称为阿尔法 三角区——位于此地的大湖也是地 球上唯一一个能在陆地上研究大洋 中脊的地区。这里近乎外星球般的 地形正是 1968 年版的《人猿星球》 电影的拍摄地。 吉布提也有众多的文化旅游 项 目 来 吸 引 游 客, 比 如 首 都 的 Hamoudi 大 清 真 寺, 以 及 被 称 为 Grande Pêcherie 的 鱼 市, 在 这 里 能品尝到原汁原味的新鲜海产品。 新鲜,通过传统方法捕获的海鲜是 吉布提美食的显著特征。一个例子 就是一种被称为“也门鱼”的海鲜, 这道菜里有鱼和其它海鲜,配以番 茄酱和各种调味料,鲜美无比。
in vogue. Some very popular tourist destinations include the Moucha coral island and the Sept Frères (seven brothers) volcanic islands. The coast is equally popular: the Sables Blancs (white sands) beach is one of Djibouti’s most beautiful beaches. The Sables Blancs holiday resort features a highend hotel and restaurant—where one can enjoy traditional Djiboutian food—as well as facilities dedicated to business seminars. On land, Djibouti displays exceptional sights that have inspired prominent figures such as Arthur Rimbaud, Henry de Monfreid and Jean-Jacques Cousteau, to name a few. The country is located at the intersection between three tectonic plates that are constantly growing apart—the Nubian African, Somalian African and Arabian plates—creating a rift where an ocean is expected to appear in a few tens of millions years. As such the country presents unique, moon-like landscapes and geological features that have attracted travellers for centuries.
On land, Djibouti displays exceptional sights that have inspired prominent figures such as Arthur Rimbaud, Henry de Monfreid and Jean-Jacques Cousteau, to name a few. An example of this type of landscape is Lake Assal: a shallow, large salt lake 155 metres below sea level— the lowest point in Africa. Lake Assal is the second most saline body of water in the world with an average salt concentration of 34.8 percent. Nomads have been extracting salt from Lake Assal for centuries, and
established the ancient caravan routes. Subsurface geothermal springs, the main source of water supply of the lake, offer an extraordinary experience for those who wish to bath in its mineral waters. It is also one of the hottest places on Earth, with temperatures reaching as high as 52 degrees Celsius.
Along with Iceland, the Afar depression—also called Afar Triangle—where the lake is located is the only place in the world where a mid-ocean ridge can be studied on land. Lake Abbe, on the border between Djibouti and Ethiopia, is another example of such a landscape. It is close to the dormant volcano Dama Ali, as evidenced by the sulphuric fumes coming out of limestone chimneys and the hot springs scattered in the area. Along with Iceland, the Afar depression—also called Afar Triangle—where the lake is located is the only place in the world where a mid-ocean ridge can be studied on land. Its alien landscape is where the filming of the 1968 Planet of the Apes movie took place. Djibouti also has cultural sights to present to visitors, such as the Grand Mosque of Hamoudi in the capital, or the city’s fish market called Grande Pêcherie, where freshly caught fish can be prepared for immediate tasting. Fresh, traditionally and responsibly caught and harvested seafood is a prominent part of Djiboutian cuisine. One example is the dish called Yemenite fish, which consists of fish and other seafood with a tomato sauce and a mixture of spices. Invest In DJIBOUTI Special Edition