Invest In Greater Zurich Area SE 2nd Edition

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02 前言 Preface



封面故事 COVER STORY 04 瑞士大苏黎世——您在欧洲业 务成功的发源地 Greater Zurich Area – Your Successful Business Hub in the Heart of Europe 成功案例 Success Story 12 中欧国际工商学院——连接瑞 士和中国职业经理人的教育桥 梁 CEIBS - An Edu-bridge Connecting SWISS and Chinese Executives


专访 INTERVIEW 16 瑞士菲谢尔(VISCHER)公司 Felix博士和高悦女士访谈 Interview with Dr. Felix W. Egli and Ms. Yue (Fiona) Gao from VISCHER 投资领域 INVESTMENT SECTORS 20 瑞士的主要投资领域 Switzerland’s Key Investment Sectors

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前 言

Balz Hösly 博士是著名的策略法律顾问和公司管

士和大苏黎世地区(GZA) 位于欧洲的心脏,向跨国公 司和企业提供一流的营商环 境。瑞士极具竞争力的税务架构和宽 松的劳动法,外加高素质和专业度的 劳动力队伍,都让瑞士和大苏黎世地 区特别适合作为进入欧洲和全球市场 的门户。得益于它和欧盟之间的双边 协议,瑞士也是进军全欧洲市场的理 想集散地。在大苏黎世地区开设分公 司不仅确保了进入具有世界上最强购 买力的瑞士本地市场的可能性,同时 也向投资者打开了通往欧洲 5 亿人口 市场的大门。 瑞士通过在欧盟一系列详尽的 双边协议确保了人员在欧盟成员国 之间的自由流动。2014 年 7 月,瑞 士和中国之间的自贸协定(FTA)也 开始正式执行。 这个协定目前已为两国带来了 大量的好处:协定不仅改善了双方 货物和服务的市场准入程度,增强 了知识产权在法律层面上的保护和 两国经济在总体上的紧密程度,更 不止步于关税免除,还让两国之间 在很多领域,包括科技、研发、教 育和文化方面的关系更为密切。值 得一提的是,协定的贯彻过程需要 五到十年的时间。因此我们的成功 故事才刚刚开始。 这些指标已经显示了非常正面 的效果:瑞士和中国之间在自贸协 定实施后的前 12 个月的贸易额比瑞 士和世界其它地方的增长率相比非 常显著。在此期间,瑞士向中国的 出口上升了 3%,来自中国的进口则 上升了至少 4%,瑞士向世界其它地 方的出口增长仅为 0.4%。 根据来自中国海关的相关数据, 2015 年的前 9 个月,瑞士已成为中 国第 9 大(和欧洲第二大)的外国 供应商和世界第 15 大(欧洲 6 大) 外国贸易合作伙伴。瑞士继续成为 中国最重要的贸易伙伴国之一。


理方面的执业专家。他也是多个公司策略发展 方面机构的董事会主席。作为 SBA 遗产法的认 证专家,他在公司传承和私人客户的国际遗产 规划方面也颇有见地。Balz Hösly 博士也在生活 娱乐业和电子商务,以及公众管理和公众私人 合作伙伴(PPP)的商业模式方面有所专长。 Dr. Balz Hösly is a renowned practitioner in strategic legal advice and corporate governance. He is chairman and member of several boards of directors and well versed in strategic corporate development issues. As a Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law he is expert in corporate succession and in international inheritance and estate planning for private clients. Balz Hoesly also focuses on live entertainment and e-commerce as well as on public governance and business models for public private partnerships (PPP).

Balz Hösly 博士 大苏黎世区经济发展署董事会主席

Dr. Balz Hösly Chairman of the Board, Greater Zurich Area AG


witzerland and the Greater

movement of persons between

Zurich Area are situated

countries. In July 2014, the free

in the heart of Europe and

trade agreement between China and

offer international corporations and

Switzerland has entered into force.

businesses some of the best operating conditions available. Highly competitive

So far, the agreement has brought many

tax structures and liberal labor laws,

benefits to both the nations: the FTA not

plus a greatly qualified and specialized

only improves mutual market access

workforce suggest that Switzerland and

for goods and services, enhances legal

the Greater Zurich Area are particularly

security for the protection of intellectual

suited to serve as a central gateway

property rights and bilateral economic

to the European and global market.

relations in general, but also goes far

Thanks to bilateral agreements with the

beyond tariff dismantling by fostering

EU, Switzerland is an ideal commercial

cooperation in fields including science,

hub for accessing the entire European

technology, research, education and

market. Opening a branch in the Greater

culture. But it has to be said, that the

Zurich Area not only guarantees access

implementation process will take five to

to the Swiss domestic market with the

ten years. So the success story has just

world's highest purchasing power but


also opens up the European market with 500 million consumers.

The indicators already show a positive effect: Switzerland’s trade with China

Switzerland is connected to the EU

during the first 12 months since

thanks to detailed agreements that

enforcement of the FTA grew much more

guarantee free trade and the free

strongly than Switzerland’s trade with Invest In Special Edition


中国已经是亚洲最大的瑞士工 业产品购买国。瑞士向中国出口的 最重要产品包括机械、钟表、仪器、 化工产品和药品。而中国向瑞士出 口产品中的 99.7% 因为两国间 FTA 的签订而得以免税。免税时间从五 到十年不等,而且有些时候对某些 瑞士出口产品来说,免税期限可长 达 12 到 15 年(比如液压泵、装瓶 机械、热交换机和工业用电炉等)。

the rest of the world. During that period,

products from Switzerland than any

Swiss exports to China rose by 3% and

Asian country and third worldwide,

imports from China rose by at least 4%,

following the EU and US. Today, China is

while Swiss exports to the rest of the

by far the most important trading partner

world increased by only 0.4%.

for Switzerland in Asia while Switzerland is China’s seventh largest trade partner

According to Chinese customs data,

and the sixth largest source of foreign

in the first nine months of 2015,

investment in Europe.

Switzerland was China’s 9th largest foreign (and second largest European)

And Switzerland is attractive to Chinese

supplier and 15th largest foreign (6th

investors: The Economist just recently

largest European) trading partner

ranked Switzerland on seventh place in

worldwide. Switzerland remains a strong

a ranking of Chinese direct investments

trading partner of the PRC.

abroad, making it the most attractive country in Europe to Chinese investors.

中国和瑞士间蓬勃的贸易关系 可 追 溯 到 17 世 纪 中 叶, 在 最 近 几 年则更为加速发展。瑞士是和中国 签订商业协议的首批国家之一。而 FTA 的签订则把两国间的经济关系 拉到更为亲密的距离。中国现在已 是世界第二大经济体,也是瑞士最 重要的贸易伙伴,FTA 的签订是两 国外交历史上的重要里程碑。中国 比其它任何亚洲国家购买的瑞士工 业产品都要多,更是紧随 欧洲和美 国之后,瑞士工业产品出口的世界 第三大国。时至今日,中国已成为 瑞士在亚洲最重要的贸易伙伴,而 瑞士也是中国的第七大贸易伙伴和 第六大中国对欧洲的投资国。

China is already the largest purchaser

Especially the Greater Zurich Area is an

of Swiss industrial products in Asia.

ideal location to set up a highly effective,

The most important Swiss products

successful and cost-efficient corporate

exported to China include machinery,

structure with central management

watches and instruments, as well as

functions. Realizing these business

chemical and pharmaceutical products.

models in the Greater Zurich Area

Whilst 99.7% of China’s exports to

guarantees Chinese corporations to tax-

Switzerland are duty-free since the

efficiently manage commercial operations

FTA entered into force, tariff reduction

in the European or global market under

periods of five to ten and, in some

privileged tax regimes.

瑞士对中国的投资者来说也充 满吸引力。《经济学人》杂志最近 把瑞士列为中国对外直接投资的第 七大国,让瑞士成为欧洲最吸引中 国投资者的国家。特别是大苏黎世 地区,更是设立高效率、高成功率 和极具性价比的,具有集中管理功 能的公司架构的理想选址之地。在 大苏黎世地区实现这些业务模型能 确保中国在欧洲或全球市场上以高 度节税的方式来管理业务和扩展市 场。

The excellent business relationship

cases, as much as 12 to 15 years apply to Swiss exports (for instance

Welcome to the Greater Zurich Area!

fluid pumps, bottling machines, heat exchangers and industrial furnaces).

between China and Switzerland goes back to the mid-17th century and recently developed at a rapid pace. Switzerland was one of the first countries to enter into commercial agreements with China. The FTA amounts now to even stronger economic ties across the board for China and Switzerland. With China now the world’s second largest economy, as well as a key trading partner for Switzerland, the FTA is a monumental


Invest In Special Edition

step forward. China buys more industrial



瑞士大苏黎世—— 您在欧洲业务成功的发源地 Greater Zurich Area – Your Successful Business Hub in the Heart of Europe By John Yang

什么许多如雷贯耳的世界级 品牌和数不胜数的其它跨国 公司选择“大苏黎世地区” (简称 GZA)来安置自己的公司和 业务?在第一期的《境外投资:瑞士 大苏黎世地区投资特刊》里,我们介 绍了 GZA 以怎样的方式给在当地投 资和居住的商业精英人士留下了深刻 印象,GZA 极为友好的税务系统更



s there a reason why companies

working there, and how businesses can

such as Google, Zimmer, Stryker,

benefit from its amazingly friendly tax

J&J, Uber, Biogen and many others

system. In this second edition, we are

chose Greater Zurich Area to settle their

going to expand more on its business

businesses? In our previous Invest In

environment as well as assess how the

Greater Zurich Area Special Edition,

new Sino-Swiss Free Trade Agreement

you learned how Greater Zurich Area

will unlock new opportunities for your

impressed many investors living and


Invest In Special Edition

Cover Story 为这个地区的营商便利性锦上添花。 在这第二期的《大苏黎世地区投资特 刊》里,我们将深入了解 GZA 的营 商环境和进一步分析新签订的“中瑞 自贸协定”如何为您在瑞士大苏黎世 地区的投资提供更多更精彩的机遇。 为所有人准备的商务中心 众所周知,瑞士蓬勃的营商环境 能让投资者充分利用瑞士和欧盟市 场,还有这里高素质、能说多种语言 的劳动力队伍。投资者也能从这里充 分自由的劳动法、先进和可靠的基础 设施和为数众多的尖端科研机构获得 实实在在的好处。瑞士世界一流的金 融市场和稳健的政治环境,都能让您 充分利用这里理想的法律和市场框架 来确保生意的成功开展。 大苏黎世地区毫无疑问是瑞士的 商业中心——因为这里高质量的生活 水平、强健的创新力和独一无二、精 益求精的专业精神。环绕苏黎世的周 围有世界一流的经济圈,有超过 150 万名能说多种语言的国际化劳动力队

Invest In Special Edition

Business Center for All

cleantech, high-tech, ICT and financial services. GDP per person is amongst

We all already knew that Switzerland's

the highest in the world – CHF 78,000

thriving business environment grants

with highly favorable tax rates.

you access to the Swiss and European market with a highly qualified multilingual

The Greater Zurich Area enables you to

workforce. You also benefit from

grow your business at an unprecedented

the liberal labor laws, state-of-the-

pace because of its most strategic

art and reliable infrastructure system

business competitive location in the

and a wealth of cutting-edge research

heart of Europe, its liberal business and

institutions. The world-class financial

competition regulations, its desirable

market and stable political environment

role as a hub for knowledge and high

offer you the ideal framework for your

value-adding industrial sectors, its

business success.

internationally renowned research and academic institutions and its direct link

The Greater Zurich Area is undoubtedly

to the most important trading partners in

the business center of Switzerland –

the region.

not least due to its high quality of living, strong innovation and unique culture

The New FTA Creates New

of precision. The economic region


surrounding the world-famous financial metropolis of Zurich employs around

The newly signed China-Switzerland

1.5 million multilingual and international

Free Trade Agreement has expedited

workers in 150,000 companies in

and facilitated ease of doing business in

industries such as life sciences,

the Greater Zurich Area; the achievement


封面故事 伍在 15 万家企业内工作,涉及行业 包括生命科学、清洁能源科技、高科 技、通讯科技和金融服务业,人均 GDP 位居世界前列——高达 78000 瑞士法郎,且个人所得税极为优惠。 大苏黎世地区以它位于欧洲心脏 位置,极具战略性和营商竞争力的地 理位置,以及公平自由的营商和法律 法规,让投资者的业务能够以前所未 有的步伐稳步增长。大苏黎世地区作 为知识和高价值行业的枢纽,以及它 国际知名的科研和学术机构和直达地 区内重要贸易伙伴的便捷通路,都是 投资者业务增长和增值的保证。 全新自贸协定创造全新机遇 最 近 签 订 的“ 中 瑞 自 贸 协 定” (FTA)加速和保证了在大苏黎世地 区营商的便利性;协议的签订被两国 的多位领导人和商业团体称为具有 “里程碑“式的意义,而瑞士当地的 媒体也把此举称为瑞士过去 40 年来 签订的最重要的国际协议。 分析数据表明中国和瑞士之间的 双边贸易总额在 2013 年已超过 300 亿美元,比 2010 年的数据上升了创 纪录的 50%。尽管席卷欧洲的欧债 危机和世界经济不景气的影响仍然存 在,中瑞两国之间的双边贸易总额仍 在 2014 年达到了 290 亿美元。 中国已是瑞士第三大主要贸易伙 伴,仅位于欧盟和美国之后,而瑞士 也是中国在欧洲的第七大贸易伙伴。 中国商务部部长高虎城表示,两 国间关于自由贸易协定的对话在两国 经济和贸易合作史上具有历史性的意 义。他认为自贸协定将是中国在最近 几年内和他国签订的最完整和最高层 次的贸易协定。而专家们也认为瑞士


Invest In Special Edition

Cover Story

的医药和化工行业、旅游业、工程和 制表行业,以及食品制造业等行业, 都将从中获得极大的好处。 瑞士一直以来都中瑞两国经济关 系的积极推进者。早在 2007 年,瑞 士就已成为第一个承认中国完全市场 经济地位的欧洲国家,而这也促成了 之后两国间自贸协定的签订。 在协议生效后,瑞士和它的竞争 行业,包括制药、机械、制表和旅游 业,无疑都将从中国这个巨大和自由 的市场中获得巨大利益。 中国无论从地理位置还是经济结 构上和瑞士都有显著的差异,但协议 签订后中国也将从中获得巨大收益。 来自瑞士的尖端科技将享受零关税的 自由进口渠道,这无疑也将满足中国 消费者不断增长的需求,同时帮助中 国的行业改造和升级。

was hailed as a "milestone" by political

China has signed with a foreign country

leaders and business communities, while

in recent years. Experts also said that

Swiss local media described it as one of

the Swiss pharmaceutical and chemical

the most important international deals in

industry, tourism, engineering and

40 years for Switzerland.

watch-making sectors, as well as food producers, would benefit from the deal.

Statistics showed that bilateral trade between China and Switzerland

Switzerland has been always at the

exceeded $30 billion in 2013, a record

forefront of economic relations with

increase of 50 percent compared with

China. Back in 2007, it became the first

that of 2010. Despite the persistent

European country to recognize China's

eurozone sovereign debt crisis and

full market economy status, which later

uncertainties in the world economy,

facilitated the signing of the FTA.

bilateral trade volume remained as high as $29 billion in 2014.

Under the agreement, Switzerland and its competitive industries, including

China is already Switzerland's third

medicine, machinery, watch making and

major trading partner behind the EU and

tourism, will undoubtedly benefit more

the United States, while Switzerland is

from a large and free Chinese market.

China's seventh largest trading partner in Europe.

China, which differs from Switzerland both geographically and economically,

迄今为止,约有 100 家中国企业 已经通过在瑞士设立分公司的方式把 业务拓展到了欧洲市场。而在自贸协 定签订后,这一数字预计将会大幅增 加。中国公司进驻瑞士的一个成功例 子就是爱玛电动车。这家生产电动助

Invest In Special Edition

Chinese Commerce Minister Gao

will also benefit from the highly

Hucheng said the completion of free

complementary cooperation modes.

trade talks is a historic event in bilateral

Zero tariffs and free import channels for

economic and trade cooperation. He

cutting-edge technology from Switzerland

said the FTA would be one of the most

will satisfy the growing needs of Chinese

comprehensive and high-level accords

consumers and help accelerate the


封面故事 力车的公司在苏黎世开设了欧洲的第 一家商店。作为他的首选地点,爱玛 公司认为瑞士是理想的地点,得益于 瑞士以高质量在世界上享有的盛誉。 “瑞士代表全世界的最高质量,所 以是我们建立全球品牌策略的完美地 点。” 在中瑞协定签订为两国带来的巨 大好处和潜在机遇的同时,欧盟也将 搭上这一顺风车。债务缠身的欧洲大 陆正在努力摆脱困境,世界经济也在 不确定中慢慢恢复元气,所以,中国 和欧盟之间紧密合作的紧迫性也是毋 庸置疑的。 如果中国和欧盟之间的没有达成 协议,中国出口欧盟的太阳能面板关 税将上升 47.6%,这意味着将极大 地损害欧洲的太阳能产业链,超过 60 万人将面临失业的威胁。中国—— 瑞士自贸协定来得恰是时候,它让争 论不休的政党冷静下来,同时也成为 一个双赢关系的典范。 中国和欧洲在很多方面都有显著 差异,所以巨额的双边贸易不可能没 有摩擦。虽然如此,一个健康的合作 关系应该建立在双方摒弃贸易壁垒, 为所有贸易伙伴们提供公平公正的营 商环境的基础上。 瑞士吸引力十足的企业税率

country's industrial transformation and

on Chinese solar panels, which will


rise up to 47.6 percent, could severely damage the European solar value chain

So far, almost 100 Chinese enterprises

and put more than 600,000 jobs at risk.

have expanded their business in the

The Chinese-Swiss FTA comes just in

European market by setting up branches

time to calm the disputing parties and

in Switzerland. The number is expected

serves as a model for a win-win trade

to grow substantially following the FTA.


An example of a successful expansion into Switzerland is AIMA. The Chinese

China and Europe vary in many aspects,

manufacturer of electric scooters has

and bilateral trade in large volume cannot

opened its first shop in Europe in Zurich.

be friction-free. However, a healthy

Of its choice of location, it described

partnership should be based on the fact

Switzerland as ideal thanks to its

that both parties abandon protectionism

reputation for high quality. "Switzerland

and offer a fair environment for all of their

represents the best quality in the world,

trade partners.

and so therefore was the perfect location for us to begin to build our global brand

Attractive Corporate Tax Rates in



While the Chinese-Swiss agreement

Actual tax rates of lower than 10% are

offers a great chance for the two sides

possible in the Greater Zurich Area. The

to unlock their enormous potential and

criteria to achieve this include a well-

bring more concrete benefits to their

considered choice of location combined

peoples, the same opportunity exists for

with careful planning of the corporate

the broader EU. With the world economy

structure. The Greater Zurich Area

burdened with uncertainties, closer

boasts an extremely attractive tax system

China-EU collaboration has taken on a

compared to the rest of Europe.

new urgency.

The cantonal taxes on profits for companies range between 6% and

If an agreement weren’t reached

12%. The Confederation (state) levies a

between the EU and China, the duties

nominal 8.5% (or 7.83% in real terms)

大苏黎世地区低于 10% 的实际 税率是可以实现的。要享受这一税率, 需要一个考虑周详的地点选择和公司 架构的周密规划。大苏黎世地区和欧 洲其它地方相比,其税务系统是极具 吸引力的。 瑞 士 各 州 的 公 司 税 率 在 6% 和 12% 之间。瑞士的联邦税(州税) 在瑞士全境对公司收益征收的名义


Invest In Special Edition

Cover Story 税 率 为 8.5%( 或 者 扣 除 物 价 因 素 7.83% 的实际征收税率)。 瑞士的税赋在三个联邦税的层面 上征收——国家级、州级和市级—— 而个人层面上应缴的所得税能在很大 程度上独立征收。 瑞士的税率取决于您为企业选择 的公司架构。在大苏黎世地区,您有 要求获得税务裁定的选择——这是一 个关于税赋征收方面的协议——由政 府负责提供。 总体上说,瑞士平等自由的理念 也在它的税务系统上得到体现:一个 规范的,相对来说较低的,依据国际 标准制定的税率,同时几乎完全放弃 了直接的补助的方式。 快速便捷地创立公司

tax on corporate earnings throughout

found a company in Switzerland.


The entire founding process, including preparatory work, usually takes less

Taxes in Switzerland are levied on

than a month. The company registration

three federal levels – state, canton and

itself can be completed in around

municipal – whereby the individual levels

seven business days. The basic costs

can set the tax rates independently to a

for founding a company in Switzerland

great degree.

average around CHF 4,000. The entire founding costs (also depending on

在大苏黎世地区创立您的公 司——快速而且便捷。瑞士法律规定, 在瑞士居住的任何居民都能在瑞士创 建公司。 整个公司的创建流程,包括准备 工作在内,需要的时间通常不会超过 一个月。公司注册本身能在七个工作 日之内完成。在瑞士创建公司的基本 费用平均约为 4000 瑞士法郎。全部 的创建费用(也取决于印花税的多少) 也基于公司创建资本和附加的(税务) 咨询开支。 瑞士不分居留或者工作签证,但 针对有效期的长短却有不同种类。针 对外国人的工作签证有一个双重系 统:欧盟和“欧洲自由贸易联盟” (EFTA)公民能在瑞士工作而无需 签证,这也要归功于欧盟的“人员自 由流动协议”;而非欧盟公民则需要 申请签证。

Invest In Special Edition

Tax rates in Switzerland depend on what

possible stamp duties) are based on

corporate structure you choose for your

the amount of the founding capital and

company. In the Greater Zurich Area,

the expenditures for additional (tax)

you have the option of requesting a tax


ruling – which is an agreement regarding the levying of the tax burden – from the

Switzerland does not differentiate


between residential and work visas, but does have different types of visas based

In Switzerland in general, the liberal

on length of validity. There is a dual

principle of equality is manifested in the

system for admitting foreign workers:

tax system as well: A uniform, relatively

EU and EFTA citizens are allowed to

low tax rate by international standards

work without a visa within the Swiss job

is contrasted with an almost complete

market thanks to the Agreement on the

forgoing of direct subsidies.

Free Movement of Persons; non-EU citizens require authorization.

Founding Your Company Quickly and Easily

Low Financing Costs

Found your company in the Greater

The effective interest rates for outside

Zurich Area – quickly and easily. As a

capital vary from 2%–7%, depending on

rule, any resident of Switzerland can

the customer. Compared to the rest of


封面故事 融资费用低廉 瑞士的外部资金实际利率在 2% 到 7% 之间,具体取决于客户。和世 界其它国家相比,瑞士的资本费用多 年来一直维持在极低的水平。 瑞士在外国投资者中一直享有盛 誉。基于这一国际声誉和高额的成本 节省,大苏黎世地区提供的低税率让 融资成本也大为降低。 除了较低的利率,瑞士一直以来 的低通胀率也是另一个优势,在过去 几年里一直保持在零到负数。瑞士法 郎也是独立和强健的货币。 大苏黎世地区作为瑞士的金融中 心,对投资者和国际大企业具有磁石 般的吸引力,特别是在科技领域。瑞 士苏黎世的股票交易市场专为科技公 司提供 IPO(首次公开募股)的服务, 也被证明对具有前瞻性眼光的科技投 资基金在诸如纳米技术等领域的基金 具有极强的吸引力。2015 年开始, 在中国人民银行向中国建设银行瑞士 分行签发必要的许可后,人民币可以 作为交易货币在瑞士使用。自此,中 国建设银行(CCB)瑞士分行由中国 人民银行授权,成为瑞士的人民币清 算银行。人民币清算服务将取消两国 之间的贸易壁垒,促进两国之间的投 资和降低银行费用,成为“中瑞两国 之间双边金融合作的进一步里程碑”。

the world, the capital costs in Switzerland

such as nanotechnology. Since 2015,

have remained extraordinarily low for

Chinese currency renminbi can be used


for transactions in Switzerland after the People’s Bank of China granted

Switzerland enjoys an excellent

the Zurich branch of the Chinese

reputation among foreign investors.

Construction Branch the necessary

Based on this reputation and a high

license. Since then, the Zurich branch

savings rate, Greater Zurich Area offers

of the China Construction Bank (CCB) is

low interest rates, resulting in reduced

authorised by the People’s Bank of China

financing costs.

(PBC) to be the renminbi clearing bank of Switzerland. Renminbi clearing services

In addition to low interest rates,

will help dismantle trade barriers between

Switzerland's traditionally low inflation rate

the two countries, facilitate investments

is another advantage. It has remained

in each country and lower banking costs,

zero to negative in the past few years.

and a “further milestone in the bilateral

With the Swiss franc, Switzerland also

financial cooperation between China and

offers an independent and strong


currency. Greater Zurich Area is not only a pearl Greater Zurich Area as the Swiss

in the center of Europe, as the most

financial center is known to be a

important business hub in Switzerland

magnet for investors and major

it has unapproachable advantages that

international companies, particularly in

investors from the globe can enjoy, with

the technology sector: The SIX Swiss

its friendly, helpful and highly effective

stock exchange in Zurich specializes

government, varieties of industries,

in "Initial Public Offerings" (IPOs) for

cost benefits and speed of company

technology companies and has proven

establishment, Greater Zurich Area is

to be very attractive for forward-looking

undoubtedly your one-stop-shop for all

technology investment funds in areas

you need to succeed your business.

大苏黎世地区不仅是位于欧洲中 心地带的一颗明珠,作为瑞士甚至世 界上最为重要的商业枢纽,它也为来 自世界各地的投资者提供无可比肩的 优势。瑞士友好、乐助和极为高效的 政府,多元化的行业,成本优势和公 司建立的高速度,大苏黎世地区无疑 是您生意成功的一站式投资目的地。


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Invest In Special Edition



中欧国际工商学院——连接瑞士和中国 职业经理人的教育桥梁 CEIBS - An Edu-bridge Connecting Swiss and Chinese Executives


EIBS( 中 欧 国 际 工 商 学 院, 以下简称“中欧”)正以苏黎 世校区为基核心,向世界传播 顶尖的欧洲管理教育理念。学院赞助 商们已收购著名的“苏黎世洛伦吉工 商学院”(LIBZ)为中欧提供更多的 选择空间。中欧国际工商管理学院总 部设于上海,是欧洲顶尖教育在中国 的缩影。 中欧对苏黎世的进军是一个自然 而然的过程。中欧建校于 21 年前, 是上海市政府和欧洲理事会的合资项 目,“时至今日,中欧已在美国和欧 洲的两个主要认证机构得到认证,这 两个机构分别是 EQUIS 和 AACSB; 而它的 MBA、EMBA 和职业经理人 培训课程都得到了全球认可。”中欧 副总裁和副校长 Zhang Weijiong 教 授表示,“我们希望这个项目能让我 们向学生和校友传授更多的国际化视



hina Europe International

and its MBA, EMBA and Executive

Business School (CEIBS)

Education programs have gained global

is expanding its European

recognition,” says CEIBS Vice President

offerings out of a campus in Zurich.

and Co-Dean Professor Zhang Weijiong.

Sponsors have purchased the Lorange

“We hope this project will enhance our

Institute of Business Zurich (LIBZ) to

ability to offer an even more international

provide CEIBS, which is headquartered

perspective to our students and alumni

in Shanghai, better access to Europe.

while also providing a new bridge for European companies to understand the

CEIBS’ foray into Zurich is a natural

Chinese market.”

progression. The school was established, 21 years ago, as a

CEIBS Chinese President Professor

joint venture between the Shanghai

Li Mingjun adds: “Through this new

government and the then European

initiative we will engage in teaching and

Commission. “Today, CEIBS has

research that bolsters CEIBS’ China

received endorsement from the two

Depth, Global Breadth positioning,

major accreditation bodies in the U.S.

boost our international presence and

and Europe, EQUIS and AACSB;

profile while also making the school

Invest In Special Edition

Success Story 野,提供欧洲公司更多了解中国的桥 梁。” 中欧国际工商学院总裁Li Mingjun 补充称:“通过这个新的计划,我们 会致力于支持中国和全球范围的教学 和研究,提升我们的国际形象和地 位,同时也加强学校应对中国市场的 需求。” 中欧在中国的经济和政治中 心——上海和北京都设有校区——在 中国南部重镇深圳和加纳首都阿克拉 也有运营。在学校遍布全球的 17000 多名校友中,大多数人都身居各行各 业的领导岗位。多年来,随着学生和 校友需求的不断变化,中欧也与时俱 进,为培养负责任的商务精英和领袖 出力。

stronger in meeting the needs of the

Chair Professor in Accounting at CEIBS,

Chinese market.”

the branch in Zurich will be part of an interactive exchange: "We will bring

CEIBS has campuses in China’s

Chinese executives to Zurich to visit

“越来越多的校友都在全球商 务市场上发挥重要作用,所以我们希 望为他们提供更好的服务。”中欧欧 洲总裁 Pedro Nueno 教授解释道。 “与 此同时,中国的经济规模也正在不断 扩大和趋于复杂化,中国经济对世界 的影响力毋庸置疑,来自中国的实践 经验,现在正是总结和发展商务理论 和模式的好时机,也是向世界传递信 息的最佳时机。”

economic and political capitals –

selected companies and interact with

Shanghai and Beijing – as well as

European experts. Our goal is for our

operations in Shenzhen in the south

Chinese students to understand how

of China and Accra in Ghana. Among

they can adapt European practices

the school’s more than 17,000 alumni

to their local context in China; and

around the globe, the majority are in

for Europeans to better understand

leadership positions. As the needs of

Chinese issues in the context of similar

its students and alumni have changed

problems they may have faced in the

over the years, CEIBS has adapted

past. This will be interactive, two-way

中欧副总裁和校长,中欧会计学 院和国泰资本主席教授 Ding Yuan 博 士表示,苏黎世分校将成为互动和交 流项目的一部分:“我们把中国的职 业经理人带到苏黎世,访问我们的精 选企业,并和欧洲的专家进行互动。 我们的目标是让中国学生理解如何把 欧洲的最佳实践在中国的本土大环境 中进行运用;同时也让欧洲人对过去 遇到过的,和中国有关的类似问题有 更多深层次的理解。这将会是一个互 动的,双向的沟通。”

to better fulfill its goal of educating


Ding Yuan 教授表示:“把欧洲 的科技知识向中国的传播,为跨国公 司、国有企业和私营企业培养和启发 具有竞争力的经理人方面,我们做 得很成功。现在更像是在‘看菜吃 饭’,我们的学生和校友们希望能从 我们这儿学到商务管理方面的培训以

Invest In Special Edition

responsible business leaders. "An increasing number of our alumni are

“We have been very successful at

doing business globally, so we have to

bringing knowledge to China, educating

better serve this group,” explains CEIBS

and developing competent managers

European President Professor Pedro

for multinationals, SOEs and private

Nueno. “At the same time, the Chinese

companies. You could say we provided

economy is growing larger and more

a ‘set menu’,” says Prof. Ding Yuan.

complex and its impact on the rest of

“Now it will be more ‘a la carte’. Our

the world is undeniable; so it’s time to

students and alumni are looking to

better summarize and develop business

us to provide them with the business

theories and models, based on Chinese

management training they need to face

practices, and convey those messages

the new challenges of the Chinese


economy. We have responded by covering topics such as innovation,

According to Prof. Ding Yuan, Vice

e-commerce, entrepreneurship,

President and Dean, Cathay Capital

branding, family business, industry 4.0


成功案例 面对中国经济发展时候遇到的实际问 题。我们以诸如创新力、电子商务、 企业管理、品牌策划、家族生意、工 业 4.0 等等科目来应对这一需求。” 他还补充道:“中欧的学生能从欧洲 案例和专家处学到创新力和家族生意 方面的课程。与此同时,欧洲学生则 能足不出户,从中国获得第一手的知 识和案例分享。我们需要教育职业经 理人——中国的来自其它国家的—— 让他们知道怎样在中国日趋复杂化的 市场中游刃有余,而且我们都赋予这 些知识一个全球化的背景。 绝佳的营商环境和位于中心地带 的地理位置,是中欧选择苏黎世作为 其进入欧洲门户的原因之一。“我们 需要一个能让客户满意的战略性地理 位置。这个非常重要。苏黎世多元化 的营商环境,包括银行业或制造业在 内,都将吸引我们的目标对象。此外, 苏黎世和亚洲各国都有便捷的直航班 机,还能便利地连接如慕尼黑和斯图 加特等城市。”Ding Yuan 教授表示。 2016 年 9 月份,中欧首个全球职业 经理人 MBA 课程将在苏黎世正式开 课。 大苏黎世地区 AG(The Greater Zurich Area AG)是大苏黎世地区经 济区的推广和市场行销机构,该机构 对中欧的全球化策略也十分支持。大 苏黎世地区向中国企业提供一座联通 的桥梁,也向有兴趣在瑞士营商的中 国公司提供免费的服务,把他们和瑞 士的企业、政府部门和行业和学术机 构连接起来。

and more.” He adds, “CEIBS students

Executive MBA will already start in

can learn from European cases and


experts on innovation and family business. At the same time, European

The Greater Zurich Area AG, the

students can get first-hand knowledge

international contact partner for

on cases and teaching from China while

promotion and marketing of the Greater

still in Europe. We need to educate

Zurich Area economic region, supports

business executives – both Chinese

CEIBS’ globalization strategy. GZA

and those from other countries – on

provides a bridge and free services to

how to navigate China’s increasingly

Chinese companies with an interest

complex market, and we do all this

in doing business in Switzerland and

within a global context.

connects them to relevant companies, authorities and institutions in industry

The excellent business environment

and academia.

and the central location were among the reasons CEIBS chose Zurich as

For more information visit:

its gateway to Europe. "We needed a


good location that would make strategic

sense to the type of clients we will


have. This was very important. The

diverse business environment of Zurich,

including the banking or manufacturing

sector, will attract our executives. Moreover, Zurich is easily reached with

Lorange Institute of Business, Zurich

direct flights from Asia, and places

A member of the CEIBS Group

like Munich or Stuttgart are easily

T: +41 44 7289944

accessible," says Prof. Ding Yuan. In


September 2016, the first CEIBS Global

欲知详情,请访问: 中文: http: // 英文: http: // 苏黎世 Lorange 商业研究院 中欧国际工商学院集团成员之一 电话:+41 44 7289944 邮箱 网址


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Success Story

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专 访

瑞士菲谢尔(VISCHER)公司 Felix 博士和高悦 Yue (Fiona) Gao 女士访谈 Interview with Dr. Felix W. Egli and Ms. Yue (Fiona) Gao from VISCHER 艾格里博士主要执业于企业金融和并购重组,并指导企业 及商业法的各个方面。从多年从事上市企业法律顾问的经 历中,他在企业跨国交易、商务协议、资本市场和公司治 理等方面积累了丰富的经验。他是菲谢尔律师事务所中国 业务的主管。 +41 58 211 34 90 Felix W. Egli mainly practices in the areas of mergers & acquisitions and corporate finance and advises on all aspects of corporate and commercial law. As Swiss counsel to large industrial groups he has extensive experience in cross-border M&A transactions, equity related capital market transactions (recognized by the SIX Swiss Exchange as representative of issuers), international commercial contracts, corporate governance and related issues. He is the head of the VISCHER China desk.

菲利克斯 • W • 恩格里博士 法学硕士 , 律师

Dr. Felix W. Egli Attorney at Law, Partner 高悦律师是菲谢尔律师事务所涉华业务的首要联系人,给 中国客户提供中文语言支持,帮助中国客户了解瑞士的法 律、经济、文化大环境及与中国的差异,并协助中国客户 的对瑞直接投资和对瑞贸易。同时她也帮助菲谢尔律师事 务所的瑞士客户了解中国的法律、经济、文化的环境和差 异,并联合谢菲尔律师事务所合作的中国律所向瑞士企业 对中国直接投资和对华贸易提供法律服务。 语言 : 中文,英文 电话 : +41 58 211 32 05 邮箱 : Associate of VISCHER and member of the China Desk. Fiona has several years of working experience in China in the field of Chinese general corporate law, transactional and commercial IP, foreign direct investment (FDI), and M&A, etc. Since 2014, she also works as in-house legal counsel for a Swiss pharmaceutical company in Basel.

高悦 法学硕士,美国纽约州注册律师


Yue (Fiona) Gao Attorney at Law (New York)

Invest In Special Edition

Interview 1. 瑞士和中国最近签订自贸协定(FTA)的主要特点是什 么?

1. What are the key features of Switzerland’s recently signed FTA with China?

高悦: 协定规定完全或部分免除很大范围内的双边贸易关税,虽 然在一些特定的案例中这些税收的豁免将需要经历一定的 过渡时期。非关税壁垒由行业特定的合作协议所规定。作 为贸易服务,市场准入保证由双方就许多行业而签订。很 多服务行业所提供的服务人员跨境流动也在很大程度上得 到简化。对瑞士来说最特别的好处是,知识产权保护的水 平得到了很大的提高。

Yue (Fiona) Gao: The FTA dismantles tariffs fully or partially for the vast majority of bilateral trade, whereby in some specific cases the tariff cuts would be subject to certain transition periods. Non-tariff barriers are tackled by sector-specific cooperation agreements. As to trade in services, market access commitments are made mutually for various services; the movement of persons providing cross-border services are somewhat eased. Of special interest to the Swiss side is the improved level of intellectual property protection.

2. 这些特点和其它更多的规定对中国投资者来说意味着 什么? 高悦: 针对瑞士货物的税收减免,对中国进口商和投资者来说是 具有重大的潜在意义的,特别对正日益国际化的瑞士制造 “品牌”或具有瑞士特点的产品来说更是受益匪浅。 对中国商品而言,只有纺织品、鞋类或农产品的出口商或 投资者会直接受益,因为所有其它产品都已经享受了瑞士 在自贸协定签订以前就对中国单方面施行的最惠国待遇 (零关税)。 3. 有许多其它的发达国家也已单方面地对中国产品在 GATS/WTO 框架下施行零关税的待遇,那么这一自贸协 定对中国出口商来说的优势又是什么? Felix W. Egli: 这些最惠国待遇的前提是中国是发展中国家。虽然作为世 界第二大经济体,中国也有可能在不久的将来摘掉这个帽 子。只要这个情况一出现,其它发达国家给予的单方面最 惠国待遇将会被撤销。因此要感谢自贸协定,瑞士将不会 撤销这一零关税的政策。 4. 大苏黎世地区已成为瑞士投资的焦点。这一地区的投 资优势到底有哪些? Felix W. Egli: 大苏黎世地区作为欧洲经济中心中最具活力的大都市经济 区之一,是因为它在创新意识、独特的精益求精的文化传 统和高质量的生活水平方面的国际声誉。许多著名的中国 和跨国公司,比如 Yingli 太阳能、Trina 太阳能、谷歌、 IBM、迪斯尼和苏黎世研究公司都把这里作为他们的欧洲 运营中心,来进行如知识产权管理、研发、供应链管理和 金融中心等业务。 在这里,公司能为他们的日常运行能发掘利用最高质量和 生产力和具有主观能动性的雇员队伍以及灵活多变、极低 Invest In Special Edition

2. How will these features – and any additional features or regulations – appeal specifically to Chinese investors? Yue (Fiona) Gao: The tariff cuts on Swiss goods offer huge potential to Chinese importers and investors, especially in light of the enormous goodwill related to the Swiss Made brand (Swissness) worldwide. As to Chinese goods, only exporters or investors of textiles and shoes or agricultural products will benefit, since all other products already enjoy preferential treatment (zero tariff) granted by Switzerland unilaterally prior to the signing of the FTA. 3. Many other developed nations have also unilaterally granted zero tariffs on most Chinese products within the framework of GATS/WTO, so where lies the advantage of the FTA for Chinese exporters? Felix W. Egli: These unilateral preferential treatments rely on the status of China as a developing country. However, as the second biggest world economy, China may lose this status in the near future. As soon as it is the case, the unilateral grants by the other developed countries will be revoked, whereas thanks to the FTA, Switzerland will not be able to revoke the zero-tariffs anymore. 4. The Greater Zurich Area has become a focal point for investment. What are the advantages of this particular area? Felix W. Egli: The Greater Zurich Area is one of the most vibrant economic centers in Europe not least due to its strong innovation, unique culture of precision and high quality of living. Many renowned companies from China and other global key markets such as Yingli Solar, Trina Solar, Google, IBM or Disney Research Zurich


专 访 限制的就业市场。大苏黎世地区也有大量的高科技科研机 构,高可靠性的基础设施和极具吸引力的税务系统。 5. 总的来说,在瑞士投资将给非欧洲籍的投资者进入欧 盟或欧洲带来多大的便利? Felix W. Egli: 凭借它和欧盟和欧洲自由贸易协定国(EFTA)的双边网络, 瑞士和欧洲的经济是相辅相成的,这样也避免了那些小国 由于政治受制于大国而承担的风险。 6. 瑞士今年 2 月关于欧盟工人配额——违背瑞士 / 欧盟 的人员自由移动的协议——对瑞士和欧盟市场的整合是否 构成威胁? Felix W. Egli: 不会。法律尚未生效,这还仅仅停留在立法阶段且首先要 最早在 2017 年由成文法实施才能生效。欧盟和瑞士的经 济相互依赖性对双方都很重要,因此我们能安全地假定它 将在瑞士 / 欧盟双边协定得到通过的基础上得以实施。 7. 中国公司要利用自贸协定的优势所需要采取的第一步 是什么? 高悦: 对于那些已经在瑞士或和瑞士同行合作经营的中国公司来 说,第一步是知晓自贸协定对他们会产生什么影响;其中

use the Greater Zurich Area as location for the European-wide bundling of key corporate operations, e.g. holding companies, intellectual property management, R&D, supply chain management and finance. Companies find top-qualified, highly productive and motivated employees for all their corporate operations as well as a flexible job market with minimum regulations. The Greater Zurich Area also offers a wealth of cutting-edge research institutions, a highly reliable infrastructure and an extremely attractive tax system. Last but not least, with its central location in the heart of Europe, the Greater Zurich Area boasts fantastic transportation connections. Its dense network of roads and railways and proximity to Switzerland’s international airports guarantee optimum mobility. 5. To what extent will investment in Switzerland give non-European investors’ access to the European Union or Europe as a whole? Felix W. Egli: By virtue of a whole network of bilateral treaties with the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Switzerland is economically fully integrated in Europe and yet it could avoid all the disadvantages of political heteronomy from which a small country would inevitably suffer in a political union of much bigger countries. 6. Isn't the popular vote of February 9, 2014 by which Switzerland adopted a need to introduce quotas for EU workers which would breach the Swiss/EU treaty on the free movement of persons a threat to Switzerland's integration in the EU market? Felix W. Egli: No. This law does not apply yet as it is constitutional law only that needs to be implemented by statutory law not before 2017. The EU/Swiss economic interdependence is important for both parties and it is safe to assume that an implementation compliant with the Swiss/EU bilateral treaties will be found. 7. What is the first step that Chinese companies need to take if they’re looking to take advantage of the FTA? Yue (Fiona) Gao: For Chinese companies already doing business in Switzerland or with Swiss counterparts, the first step will be to learn about the impact the FTA has on his business; it may be lowered tariffs, eased visa or establishment restrictions for expats or others. Since the FTA is a bulky document, comprising of numerous rules, the Chinese company would be well advised to present its case to our law firm, so that we can provide a thorough analysis about its potential benefits under the FTA.


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Interview 显而易见的是,有可能会实施更低的关税,更方便的签证 或外国人的入驻更为便利。由于自贸协定涵盖范围很广, 包含非常多的条款和规定,中国公司应该向本公司寻求更 好的顾问服务,我们能提供自贸协定针对客户的潜在利益 方面的全面分析。 那些尚未在瑞士进行业务的中国公司,他们的兴趣在于知 晓这一协定如何将瑞士和其它投资目的地区别开来。虽然 如此,这仍将取决于公司的特定业务范围和商业模式。我 们欢迎这些公司向我们展示他们的需求,我们很高兴为客 户进行分析并指出一些潜在的机遇和就法律方面提供应对 策略。 8. 瑞士(或大苏黎世地区)希望吸引的投资领域有没有 侧重? 高悦: 作为一个自由的经济体,瑞士对所有类型的投资都呈开放 态度。瑞士政府对促进或支持特定的行业持小心态度,以 避免扭曲和干涉对所有参与者来说都应该是公平竞争的市 场。 尽管如此,瑞士政府仍致力于为外国投资者创造良好的总 体商业环境;瑞士无处不在的跨国公司就是这一努力成果 的最佳证明。 因此,在决定是否对瑞士进行投资时,中国投资者应该首 先自己定义清晰的国际投资策略。应该仔细分析瑞士的商 业环境优势,看清这些优势是否能转化为他的竞争优势。 成熟的投资者不会仅局限于眼前的短期利益而忽略了他的 真正使命。 9. 您认为中国投资者在瑞士投资有最大潜力的领域是什 么? Felix W. Egli: 科技、制造业和贸易服务。 高悦: 和瑞士公司或研究机构在任何层面上的科技合作都会让中 国投资者在国内和国际市场上如虎添翼。合作方式可以有 很多种,从研发协议的研究任务、专利注册、技术和情报 的收购,到技术并购等不一而足。 瑞士也是高科技制造业的极佳选址地,让来自中国的高价 值部件和瑞士的形象完美结合,成为高竞争力产品。此外, 瑞士也是中国出口产品在国际分销的著名基地,同时也提 供相关的贸易服务。这也得益于瑞士拥有能操多种语言的 劳动力队伍,他们具有极强的职业道德和广泛的国际经验。

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For Chinese companies that have not done business in Switzerland yet, their interest will lie in learning, exactly how the FTA sets Switzerland apart from other investment destinations. However, this will still depend on the company’s specific business model and business intentions. We would invite such companies to present their case to us and we would be happy to conduct an analysis and showcase a few possible business opportunities and strategies from a legal standpoint. 8. Is Switzerland (or the Greater Zurich Area) aiming to attract investment from any sectors in particular? Yue (Fiona) Gao: As a liberal and free market economy, Switzerland is open to foreign investment of all kinds. The Swiss government is very cautious about promoting or subsidizing certain specific industries, in order not to distort the market and interfere with the fair competition among market players. However, the Swiss government strives to create an excellent overall business environment for foreign investors; the omnipresence of multinational companies in Switzerland is the best evidence of its efforts and success. Therefore, when deciding whether to come to Switzerland, a Chinese investor should first set a clear international strategy of his own. He should then analyze the advantages of the Swiss business environment carefully and see whether these advantages can be translated into competitive edges of his own. A mature investor would never follow some short-term external incentives and forget about his true mission. 9. Which investment sectors do you envisage having the greatest potential for Chinese investors? Felix W. Egli: Technology, manufacturing, and trade services. Yue (Fiona) Gao: Any level of technological cooperation with Swiss companies or research institutes will bring a competitive edge to Chinese investors in both domestic and global markets. The mode of cooperation may vary from research assignment, R&D agreement, patent licensing, buying up technology and knowhow, or technology motivated M&A. Switzerland can also be a very attractive location for high-tech manufacturing, combining good-value parts from China and the Swiss-made image for the end product. Furthermore, Switzerland is an excellent and well-known location to coordinate international distribution of Chinese export goods and provide related trade services – thanks to its multilingual workforce with high work ethics and international experience.



国和瑞士之间的自由贸易协 定(FTA) 在 2014 年 7 月 1 日正式签订,这一事件也 从侧面证明了中国在世界贸易经济舞 台上重要地位的确立。此双边协定中 有几个方面让它具有划时代的意义, 不仅因为瑞士是第一个和中华人民共 和国签订协议的欧洲大陆国家,更因 为瑞士是继 2013 年冰岛协议之后, 第二个和中国签订 FTA 的欧洲国家, 而且是继新西兰在 2007 年签订协议 之后的第三个和中国签订协议的世界 经合组织(OECD)成员国

瑞士的主要投资领域 Switzerland’s Key Investment Sectors

中国的企业家已经从两国紧密的 经贸联系中获得了实际利益——瑞士 对商业经营的积极态度——也证明了 在特定产业中许多公司都对这个欧洲 贸易港趋之若鹜的态度 。这些领域 中,最受瞩目的包括生命科学、医药 科技、高端制造业、机械制造和清洁 能源科技产业。瑞士一直以来都积极 主张对中国的招商引资,并吸引来自 这些特定产业的中国投资者入驻瑞 士。不过成功吸引中国投资者决定进 驻瑞士的众多因素中,并非只有瑞士 作为欧洲的贸易经济集散地的地位, 还包括许多其它重要因素——不仅在 经济方面,更在于瑞士令人艳羡的生 活质量、优越的地理位置和无可匹敌 的教育水平。 中瑞自贸协定由中国商务部部 长 高 虎 城 和 瑞 士 联 邦 议 员 Johann Schneider-Ammann 于 2013 年 7 月 6 日签订。中国驻联合国贸易组织 (WTO)大使俞建华指出,该协议 具有重要的历史意义,因为它代表两 国政府的相互承诺和信任和对两国之 间日益深入的贸易合作往来的信心。 但是,早在协议正式签订之前,中瑞 两国之间合作深入的信号就早已深入 人心遍地开花。中国驻瑞士大使许镜 湖表示,FTA 对两国双边贸易造成的 影响会相对早一些产生,比如有大量 的公司会重新提前规划他们的经营策 略来应对未来相关法规政策的调整。 在 2012 和 2013 年之间,两国贸易


By Claire van den Heever

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Investment Sectors 增 长 迅 猛, 达 到 100%—— 从 2012 年的 263 亿美元到 2013 年的 595 亿 美元——而且这还仅仅是一个开始。 不仅如此,自贸协定并不仅限于 双边贸易方面。它还包括在诸如劳动 力和就业、环境问题方面的双边合作 和知识产权保护等方面的协议。后者 已经是——也将继续成为——中国对 瑞士的信息通讯科技(ICT)领域投 资的方向,这些正是苏黎世和周边地 区的强项之一。 瑞 士 的 ICT 产 业 由 于 其 大 量 的 国际化人才队伍,对外国投资者来 说具有极强的吸引力,互联网公司 Amiando 联合创始人,也是科技先 锋企业家,同时也由世界经济论坛授 予“全球科技先锋”称号的 Marc P. Bernegger 表 示:“Google 在 美 国 本土外的最大研发办公室就位于苏黎 世。”


创 新、 研 发 和 高 等 教 育 是 中 国 和瑞士之间双边合作得到持续加强 的领域。针对这些产业的官方努力 早在 2008 年 8 月就已经开始,此时 Swissnex 在上海开设了第一个办公 室。Swissnex 是瑞士国家教育、研 究和创新秘书处牵头,联合瑞士联邦 外务部,旨在通过科学技术的前哨战 网络,加强瑞士和世界创新城市之间 的联系。迄今为止,上海是除了波 士顿、旧金山、新加坡、班加罗尔 和里约热内卢之外的 Swissnex 六个 选址地城市之一。根据由瑞士驻北 京大使馆 2014 年 6 月的一份报告, “Swissnex 在中国的使命是建立和 推广瑞士在科学、技术、创新和文化 方面的知名度,加强学术和商务联系, 促进两国之间的合作。”

he free trade agreement (FTA) set in motion on 1 July 2014 between China and Switzerland has been unequivocally recognized as confirmation of China’s importance on the global economic stage. There are several aspects of the bilateral agreement that mark it as momentous, not least of which is the fact that Switzerland is the very first country within continental Europe to enter into such an arrangement with the People’s Republic. Switzerland is the second European state to sign an FTA with China, after Iceland in 2013, and the third member of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, after New Zealand’s 2007 commitment.

consistently drawn to the European hub. Among those sectors that stand out are the life sciences industry, the medical technology industry, the high end manufacturing and machinery industry, and the clean tech industry. Switzerland has clearly been proactive in attracting Chinese investment and bricks and mortar businesses within these particular sectors to the country. But the factors that succeed in favorably influencing foreign companies’ decisions about where to set uptheir European headquarters reveal plenty about the nation’s appeal – not just in economic terms, but also where aspects like quality of life, location and education are concerned.

聪明的中国投资者投资瑞士的最 大目的之一就是获取瑞士的技术,这 也是为什么中国公司,特别在 ICT 领 域的公司越来越多地选择用脚投票。 ICT 领域,就其性质来说,是依赖于 高精尖科技和创新力的产业,根据瑞

A closer look at the Chinese industry players that have already begun to benefit from the relationship – and Switzerland’s progressive attitude to business – highlights the fact that companies within certain sectors are

The FTA was signed on 6 July 2013 by the Chinese Minister of Commerce, Gao Hucheng, and the Swiss Federal Councilor, Johann Schneider-Ammann. China's ambassador to the World Trade Organization Yu Jianhua pointed out that

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投资领域 士驻北京大使馆的报告,“在选择瑞 士成立研发中心或欧洲总部选址地 时,高等教育水平和处于中心的地理 位置是他们首要考虑的因素。”很多 时候,这些地方都处于一个国家的最 大经济中心,比如瑞士的大苏黎世地 区。 根据《瑞士制造——瑞士成功背 后鲜为人知的故事》一书的 作者 R. James Breiding 的文章,“瑞士企业 成功的秘诀就是创新力。”IMD 世 界竞争力报告的统计数据显示,瑞士 的人均专利数世界第一,瑞士也是获 得诺贝尔奖最多的国家。公司在研发 方面的投入占利润比例要高于大多数 的竞争国家,另外瑞士也是研发投入 占 GDP 比 重 世 界 六 强。Breiding 表 示:“这一注重创新力的主张有助于 应对低价著称的竞争对手,专注于高 附加值产品意味着劳动力成本不再是 最主要的因素。” 作为科技先锋人物的 Bernegger 也位于大苏黎世地区,他也充分利用 该地区有利的营商环境,指出这些优 势包括“高素质的劳动力、自由的法 律法规和可靠的基础设施。”很显然, 瑞士的高素质劳动力队伍对中国公司 来说是极为重要的资产——特别是在 那些不断发展的领域比如 ICT——因 此,来自中国的投资对瑞士经济来说 是极受欢迎的。北京的瑞士驻华使馆 指出,“这些投资能帮助就业,因为 其九成以上的雇员都是当地人。在 ICT 和太阳能领域的投资尤其如此。”

the agreement has great significance because it shows commitment and confidence from both governments in deepening the level of cooperation between the two countries. But, even before the official formalities had been completed, plenty of signs of deepened cooperation could already be seen on the ground in both Switzerland and China. According to China's ambassador to Switzerland, Xu Jinghu, the FTA’s impact on bilateral trade was evident relatively early on, in the form of a stream of businesses that started reworking their strategies ahead of time, in order to comply with some of the future regulations. Between 2012 and 2013, a hefty increase in bilateral trade of more than 100 percent – from $26.3 billion to $59.5 billion – is partly illustrative of this. The FTA, however, is not limited to bilateral trade. It includes agreements in such areas as labor and employment, cooperation in tackling environmental issues, and intellectual property protection. The latter has been – and will continue to be – key in the allocation of Chinese investment to Switzerland’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector, which is

particularly concentrated in the area surrounding Zurich. Switzerland’s ICT sector is attractive to foreign investors because of the vast pool of international talent that is housed within it, explains technology pioneer, Marc P. Bernegger, who – among other endeavors – is co-founder of the Internet company Amiando, which was awarded the title of “Global Technology Pioneer” by the World Economic Forum. “The biggest Google development office worldwide outside the US is in Zurich,” Bernegger points out. Innovation, research, and higher education are fields in which China and Switzerland’s bilateral cooperation is continuously being strengthened. Efforts in this regard were officially cemented as early as August 2008, when Swissnex opened an office in Shanghai. Swissnex is managed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, in conjunction with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and aims to connect Switzerland with the world's innovation hubs via a network of science and technology outposts. So far, Shanghai is one of six select Swissnex locations, along with Boston, San

瑞士的清洁能源科技当然也是中 国公司所青睐的成功领域。事实上, 首批进驻瑞士把苏黎世作为欧洲总 部的中国公司中有很多都是来自于 太 阳 能 领 域。 其 中,“ 晶 科 能 源” (JinkoSolar)就是领头羊之一。 晶科能源是全球太阳能光伏产业 中的佼佼者。它在 2006 年 6 月作为 硅片供应商开始发展,今天在中国的 江西和浙江省都有生产基地,且在全


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Investment Sectors 世界各地都设立了销售和市场行销办 公室。晶科能源在 2011 年 8 月宣布 进入瑞士,当时它在瑞士楚格(Zug) 设立了办公室,晶科能源(瑞士) AG 的建立表示该公司进军全球市场 的愿望,并在欧洲不断提升其运营能 力,确保为其不断增长的客户数量提 供最佳水平的服务。在该公司成立瑞 士基地的不久后,晶科能源的总裁李 仙德先生表示,该公司的成功归功于 承诺向客户提供可靠的,由当地人组 成的支持团队。他表示:“到今天, 我们很高兴宣布新的瑞士分公司正式 成立,楚格地区因为有利的营商环境 而著称于世,我们期望在不久的将来 能在这里组建运营团队,来提升欧洲 市场上的客户体验。” 时 至 今 日, 晶 科 能 源( 瑞 士) AG 业已成为一家跨国公司,主要从 大苏黎世地区向欧洲国家客户销售太 阳能产品。该公司把瑞士大苏黎世地 区作为欧洲营商的最佳选址地,且认 为“极佳的基础设施和遍布世界的通 路”和“对跨国公司慷慨的赋税优惠” 是在这个瑞士商务中心地区营商的众 多优势中的最重要优势。

Francisco, Singapore, Bangalore and Rio de Janeiro. According to a June 2014 report produced by the Swiss Embassy in Beijing, “Swissnex China’s mission is to create and promote awareness of Swiss excellence in science, technology, innovation and culture, to connect academia and business and to facilitate cooperation between the two countries.”

稍 后 加 入 的 是“ 英 利 绿 色 能 源 国 际 公 司 ”(Yingli Green Energy International AG), 该 公 司 欧 洲 总 部自 2012 年年底就已进驻瑞士苏黎 世。英利绿色能源国际公司以“英利 太阳能”的称号来销售其产品——也 是世界最大的光伏模块制造商。该公 司有超过 18000 名雇员,是中国最 大的全球光伏模块产品制造商。该公 司有在世界五大洲 20 多个国家分公 司运营的第一手经验,也被认为是世 界可再生能源领域的市场领导者。根 据英利绿色能源国际公司财务总监 Bert van Kampen 的说法:“苏黎世 是位于欧洲心脏地带的商务和金融集 散地,因此也是我们公司的最理想选 址地。”

Acquiring technology is one of the top goals of savvy Chinese who are investing in Switzerland, which goes a long way to explain why companies from the People’s Republic within industries such as ICT are increasingly voting with their feet. The ICT sector, by its nature, depends on cutting edge technology and innovation and, according to a Swiss Embassy report from Beijing, “the high education level and the central location seems to be of striking importance when choosing to set up a R&D center or a European HQ in Switzerland.” Most often, these are based within the country’s larger economic centers, such as the Greater Zurich Area.

在来自大苏黎世地区的代表团接 触该公司位于中国北部省份保定的

According to R. James Breiding, the author of Swiss Made – The Untold Story

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behind Switzerland’sSuccess, “Innovation is a common themeunderpinning Swiss corporate successes.” Statistics from the IMD WorldCompetitiveness Report show that Switzerlandhas the highest number of patents per capita, and has won more Nobel Prizes per capita than any other country. The percentage of corporate revenues spent on research and developmentis higher than in most competitor economies, and Switzerland is thesixth-biggest spender on R&D as a percentage of GDP. “This pro-innovation bias helps in the face of low-cost rivals,” says Breiding, “driving concentration on high value added products where labor costs are less key.” The technology pioneer Bernegger, who is based within the Greater Zurich Area himself, also attributes the region’s advantageous business environment to its “highly qualified workforce, liberal laws, and reliable infrastructure.” Naturally, Switzerland’s highly qualified workforce is a major asset for Chinese companies – especially those in ever-advancing sectors such as ICT – and, in turn, investment from China is a welcome contribution to the economy. As Beijing’s


投资领域 该公司总部的高层决策者时,英利起 先考虑把瑞士作为它管理营运和金融 交易的欧洲战略基地。在很多方面, 大苏黎世地区都是英利自然而然的选 择,而在此时,英利已经是 FIFA 世 界杯 2010 年的主要赞助商,FIFA 总 部也位于苏黎世。事实上英利也希望 成为 2014 年 FIFA 世界杯的赞助商, 因为他们感觉这个瑞士的大都市对该 公司来说是理想中的经济中心和贸易 集散地。在做最终决定之前,这个绿 色能源公司彻底地分析了苏黎世的营 商地理位置,并最终在 2012 年 9 月 把欧洲总部设立在了苏黎世。 英利财务总监 Bert van Kampen 在 2014 年 4 月中的一次和瑞士大苏 黎世地区的新闻发布会上表示,决定 选择苏黎世作为营商选之地的决定性 因素之一是它在吸引全球人才方面的 压倒性吸引力。进驻苏黎世——这里 高品质的生活质量,世界一流的基础 设施和位于欧洲心脏的地理位置—— 对具有出色教育背景的专业人士和专 家们来说具有显而易见的吸引力。这 里劳动力队伍的素质和多样化是瑞士 大苏黎世地区在世界上一览众山小的 秘密所在。 除了在欧洲管理运营和进行金融 交易之外,英利的瑞士基地还包括 处理公众和法律事务,以及进行国 际业务的开拓工作。另外还有计划 把这个地区继续扩张的可能性,van Kampen 补充道:“但也这要取决于 政治和经济的发展状况。” 事实上,稳定的政治环境也是对 中国公司至关重要的一环。根据一份 发表在 2014 年 9 月《中欧商业评论》 的研究报告,参与调研的 35% 的中 国公司认为政治的稳定性是决定是否 在瑞士设立公司的决定性因素。 另一个至关重要的因素——40% 的受访公司认为——是“瑞士的品牌 效应”。瑞士大苏黎世地区投资促进 署中国事务部代表 Qin Lan 表示——


Swiss Embassy points out, “These investments generate employment, as around 90 percent of the staff is locally hired. Investments in the ICT and solar industries are to be mentioned in particular.” Switzerland’s clean tech industry certainly stands out for its success in attracting Chinese companies to Swiss soil. Some of the very first Chinese companies to set up branches and European headquarters in Switzerland were, in fact, solar companies. JinkoSolar was among the pioneers. JinkoSolar is a global leader in the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry. It started out as a supplier of silicon wafers in June 2006, and today has production operations in both Jiangxi and Zhejiang Provinces in China, and sales and marketing offices around the world. JinkoSolar’s move into Switzerland was announced in August 2011, when it set up a new branch in Zug. The establishment of JinkoSolar (Switzerland)

AG signified the company’s desire to reinforce its global presence, while increasing operational capabilities within Europe as a whole, in order to providea better level of service to its growing clientele. Shortly after the company’s establishment of a Swiss base, Chairman of JinkoSolar Mr. Xiande Li said that the company’s success could be attributed to its commitment to ensuring that customers were provided with a reliable, local support team. “To this end, we are pleased to announce the opening of our new branch in Switzerland. The Zug region has a stellar reputation due to its favorable business climate, and we are looking forward to establishing operations in this region to enhance our customers’ experiences in the European market,” said Mr. Li. Today, Jinko Solar (Switzerland) AG is an international company which mainly sells solar products out of the Greater Zurich Area to customers based in EU countries. It considers Switzerland’s economic center to be an excellent Invest In Special Edition

Investment Sectors 由于中瑞之间 FTA 在海关方面的优 势——许多在瑞士设立业务的中国公 司都计划在返销回中国之前,在这个 国家生产产品。这些出口产品不仅会 由于 FTA 获益匪浅,而且还会因为 贴上“瑞士制造”的标签而获得身价。 根据“国家品牌索引”在 2013 年发布的一份调研报告,中国人在国 家形象方面把瑞士排列世界第五,紧 随德国、美国、法国和英国之后。瑞 士独有的特点事实上在中国人当中的 知名度最高,比如这个阿尔卑斯山国 家作为旅游胜地的美誉。在“瑞士制 造”的标签上,这个无形价值在全世 界范围内得到了广泛认可。 事实上,“瑞士制造”标签—— 这个同样能作为这个国家“品牌”形 象的标签——无论它出口什么样的产 品,都是无价的。但是毋庸置疑的是, 一些特定的制造业能吸引更多的来自 中国的直接投资。瑞士制造的标签因 其对质量和可信度的极度重视,对很 多产品来说具有极高的无形价值,这 也是能够解释为什么瑞士的生命科 学——特别是医药科技和医疗器械产 业——吸引中国投资的原因。在瑞士 设立办公室——或以其它方式投资这 个行业——不仅让中国公司保证他们 的产品质量,也让他们得以进军世界 上最大的医疗器械市场。 瑞士是世界上人均医疗保健开支 最大的国家,这让它成为世界上极具 吸引力的医疗器械市场,这个市场现 在价值为 32 亿美元,同时也是西欧 第六大市场。这个富裕地区海纳百川, 善于接纳新技术,加上政府资助的科 技开发项目,有利的税收系统、高素 质的员工和创新力的研发队伍,瑞士 的医药技术行业让它在过去的 15 年 内几乎成为全世界增长最迅速的国 家。难怪这个行业中的许多跨国公司 都放眼瑞士。由毕马威发布的“全球 选址和扩张服务实践报告”指出了生 命科学行业公司的主要考虑因素—— 生物科技公司、制药公司和医疗器械 Invest In Special Edition

location for doing business in Europe. It also counts “excellent infrastructure and worldwide accessibility” and “generous tax benefits for global companies” among the benefits of operating from of operating from the Greater Zurich Area. Only slightly later to the party was Yingli Green Energy International AG, whose European headquarters have been located in Zurich since the end of 2012. Yingli Green Energy International AG – which markets its products under the name “Yingli Solar” – is the largest manufacturer of photovoltaic modules in the world. With over 18,000 employees, it is also the largest Chinese manufacturer of solar modules globally. The company has first-hand experience of doing business from branches in over 20 countries on five continents, and is considered the market leader in the renewable energy sector. According to Bert van Kampen, financial director of Yingli Green Energy International AG, “Zurich is a business and financial hub located at the heart of Europe and thus presented itself as an ideal location for the company.” Yingli first began to consider Switzerland as a strategic base from which to manage its operations and financial transactions in Europe when a group of representatives from the Greater Zurich Area approached the company’s decision makers in its northern Chinabased head office in Baoding. In many ways, the Greater Zurich Area was a natural choice for Yingli who had, at that point, already been the official main sponsor for the FIFA World Cup 2010, which has its headquarters in Zurich. The fact that Yingli was also set to be the official main sponsor for the FIFA World Cup 2014 only reaffirmed the company’s sense that the Swiss metropolis was the ideal spot for its hub within Europe.

Before committing to anything, the clean tech company thoroughly analyzed Zurich as a business location, and consequently opened its European headquarters in September 2012. Yingli Finance Director Bert van Kampen told a Greater Zurich Area AG press conference in mid-April 2014 that one of the decisive factors in choosing Zurich as a location is how easy it is to attract global talent. The appeal of relocating to Zurich – with its excellent quality of life, world class infrastructure and central European location –is obvious to highly educated professionals and specialists. The quality and diversity that this lends to the workforce within the Greater Zurich Area is one of the secrets of successful international companies the world over. Apart from managing operations and financial transactions in Europe, the function of Yingli’s Swiss base also includes dealing with public and legal matters, and carrying out international business development. There are tentative plans to gradually expand the Swiss site in the future, "but this is dependent on political and economic developments”, says van Kampen. As a matter of fact, stable political conditions are one of the region's major draw cards for Chinese firms. According to a study published in the Central European Business Review Research Papers in September 2014, 35 percent of the Chinese companies surveyed said political stability was an important factor in deciding to locate their businesses in Switzerland. Another predominant factor – reported by 40 percent of companies – was the “Switzerland brand factor”. Qin Lan, delegate for China affairs in the


投资领域 公司——都在欧洲寻找它们的选址 地。 这份报告的其它调查结果也表 明,欧洲对来自新兴国家的生命科学 公司尤其具有吸引力——和美国并驾 齐驱——也在寻求诸如新技术、新产 品、人才和市场的到达率方面的优势。 “因为领先的科技和制造业技术,欧 洲对知识产权和高精尖产品的生产提 供有利的环境。”毕马威的报告进一 步指出。 大多数的欧洲国家都有强制性的 医疗保险制度——还有它日趋老年化 的人口结构——确保了需求的稳定。 报告还指出:“不仅如此,欧盟国家 消费者所接受的产品,或甚至那些在 欧洲生产的产品,都让新兴市场在可 信度和需求度方面能从这个‘欧洲红 利’中获益。” 瑞士不仅仅是一个位于欧洲的国 家。在生命科技产业聚集的六个欧洲 国 家 —— 法 国、 德 国、 爱 尔 兰、 荷 兰、瑞士和英国中,毕马威认为瑞士 有“众多的生命科学公司和大量的本 国公司的全球总部”,以及“六个国 家中非生命科学公司的地区总部的数 量最多”。这些公司中的大多数都位 于大苏黎世地区。 瑞士作为创新力集散地的优势又 一次展现:“大约 40% 驻扎瑞士的 生命科学公司都在这个国家内进行研 发,”报告还表示,其中几乎一半的 公司都在瑞士进行制造工作。也许 这 是 一 个 巧 合,2008 和 2012 年 之 间,中国医疗行业的复合年增长率 (CAGR)在新兴市场中是最高的, 增长率为 14% 多一点点。 创新力和重视科技发展的文化, 稳定的政治和经济状态,高度专业化 的劳动力队伍,第一流的基础设施: 全世界范围内的国际投资者都一致同 意这些瑞士的取胜优势——特别是大 苏黎世地区作为业务集散地的迷人优


promotional agency for the Greater Zurich Area, said that – because of the customs benefits of China and Switzerland’s FTA – many of the Chinese companies that have set up operations in Switzerland are planning to make their products in the country, before selling them back to China. Not only will these exports benefit from the FTA, but they will also have the prestige of being a Swissmade product. According to a 2013 study conducted by the National Brands Index, the Chinese rank Switzerland as fifth in the world in terms of national image, behind Germany, the US, France and the UK. Some of Switzerland’s features are, in fact, perceived more favorably by the Chinese than many other groups, such as the alpine country’s appeal as a tourist destination. When it comes to the “Made in Switzerland” label, however, its value is recognized and highly regarded on a global scale. In fact, the “Made in Switzerland” label –which can also be thought of as the country’s “brand” –is invaluable,regardless of the type of product being exported. But, without doubt, certain product manufacturing industries have attracted more Chinese foreign direct investment than others.The Swiss stamp of excellence has proved priceless for products where special emphasis is placed on quality and trust, which goes some way to explaining why Switzerland’s life sciences – and, in particular, medical technology and medical devices industry –is attracting its fair share of Chinese investment. Setting up offices in Switzerland – or investing in the industry in other ways – not only allows Chinese companies to affirm their products’ quality, it also gives them access to one of the largest medical device markets in the world.

Switzerland has one of the highest healthcare expenditures per capita worldwide, making it an extremely attractive market for medical devices, currently valued at US$3.2 billion, making it the sixth-largest market in Western Europe. The wealthy region is receptive to new technology and, along with government-backed technology development programs, favorable tax rates, high quality staff and innovative research, the Swiss medical technology sector has grown faster than almost any other sector in the country over the last 15 years. It is little wonder that global firms within this sector are looking to Switzerland. A recently published report by KPMG’s Global Location & Expansion Services Practice laid out some of the key considerations for life sciences firms –biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical companies and medical devices companies – looking for a European location for their operations. Among its other findings, the report highlighted the fact that Europe is especially interesting for life sciences companies from emerging economies – as well as from the US –which are seeking to leverage advantages such as access to new technologies, products, talent and markets.“With its technological leadership and manufacturing know-how, Europe offers interesting opportunities for the acquisition or development of intellectual property (IP) as well as the production of sophisticated products,” KPMG confirmed. The fact that most European countries have mandatory health insurance systems – along with ageing populations – ensures a steady demand. “Furthermore, products accepted by European consumers, or even those manufactured in Europe, can benefit from a ‘Europe bonus’ in emerging markets in Invest In Special Edition

Investment Sectors 势——是他们显而易见的投资最佳选 择。在来自中国的外国直接投资处于 飞速增长的时代,这些因素——和由 FTA 带来的好处——确保瑞士和未来 世界最大经济体之间合作的繁荣新篇 章。

terms of credibility and desirability,” the report continues. And Switzerland is not just any European country. In comparing the six leading nations where companies in

瑞士:简单数据 Switzerland: Quick Facts

活跃人口:~820 万 Active Population: ~ 8.2 million

面积:41,285 km2 Size: 41,285 km2

外国劳动力百分比:22.97% % of International Workforce: 22.97%

生命科学领域雇员:105000 Employees in Life Sciences: 105,000

事实和数据 Facts and Figures

人均 GDP:84733 美元 GDP per Person PPP: USD 84,733

账户结余占 GDP 比例:7% Account Balance in % of GDP: 7%

失业率:3.1% Unemployment Rate: 3.1%

在巴塞尔、苏黎世和日内瓦都有大型国际机场 Large international airports in Basel, Zurich, Geneva

劳动力市场灵活性:1 Flexibilty of Labor Market: 1

生活质量:2 Quality of Life: 2

国际排名 International Rankings

经济自由度指数:5 Index of Economic Freedom: 5

全球竞争力:4 Global Competitiveness: 4

来源:毕马威欧洲生命科学产业 2015 年报告 Source: KPMG’s European Life Sciences Cluster 2015 Report

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the life sciences industry are clustered – France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK – KPMG reported that Switzerland had “strong life science company clusters with large number of global headquarters of domestic companies”, and the “largest number of regional headquarters of nondomestic life science companies within the six countries covered.” The majority of these companies are based in the Greater Zurich Area. Once again, the draw of Switzerland as an innovation hub is clear: “Approximately 40 percent of life science companies based in Switzerland perform research and development in the country,” according to the report, and almost half have their manufacturing based in Switzerland. Perhaps it should be seen as a happy coincidence that between 2008 and 2012, the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of China’s healthcare market was the highest among emerging economies, with an increase of a little over 14 percent. A culture of innovation and technological advancement, stable political and economic conditions, the availability of specialist labor, andfirst-rate infrastructure: international investors from all over the world seem to be able to agree on the factors that make Switzerland – and particularly alluring European business hubs such as the Greater Zurich Area – an obvious choice for their investments. With Chinese foreign direct investment growing at leaps and bounds, these factors – together with the proverbial green light given by the new FTA – ensure the beginning of a prosperous chapter of cooperation and growth between Switzerland and the world’s largest economy of the future.


投资领域 如果要我用一个词来总结自由市场经济的 资本主义的特征,它的 “创新力”是写

Figure 1: Routine Bilateral Trade 图1:常规双边贸易

在 DNA 里的。 - R. James Breiding, 《瑞士制造》作

Reduced or 0% Customs Duty



If I had to choose one word that summed up the nature of free market capitalism, its DNA, it would be ‘innovation’. - R. James Breiding, author of Swiss Made – The

Swiss/China Producer 中国/瑞士制造商

Swiss/China Consumer 瑞士/中国消费者

Figure 2: Expanded Trilateral Trade 图2:扩大三边贸易

Untold Story behind Switzerland’s Success. Reduced or 0% Customs Duty

0% Customs Duties



EU Supplier 欧盟供应商


Reduced or 0% Customs Duty

统,到宽松的劳动力市场和多元文化,瑞 士是一个极具吸引力的地方——不光是在 这里营商,更是和家人享受生活的去处。 - 瑞士全球企业首席执行官 Daniel Küng From an extraordinary innovative capacity,a

China Producer




0%关税 Swiss Producer 瑞士制造商 Reduced or 0% Customs Duty

EU/other FTA Consumer

欧盟/其它FTA消费者 Reduced or 0% Customs Duty

减少或0%关税 Swiss Supplier 瑞士供应商

Swiss Consumer 瑞士消费者

0% Customs Duties

0% Customs Duties

to an excellent education system,a liberal labor

extremely attractive place to be – not only to do


ASEAN Supplier

China Supplier 中国供应商

China Consumer 中国消费者

0% Customs Duty


modern infrastructure and a high quality of living

market and diverse culture, Switzerland is an

减少或0%关税 Swiss Producer 瑞士制造商

减少或0%关税 China Producer

ASEAN Consumer



business, but also to live with a family.

- Daniel Küng, CEO Switzerland Global Enterprise

来源:毕马威欧洲生命科学产业 2015 年报告 Source: KPMG’s European Life Sciences Cluster 2015 Report


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