Invest In Trinidad and Tobago Special Edition 2015

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特立尼达和多巴哥: 拉丁美洲和加勒比的投资门户为您敞开 Trinidad and Tobago: Your Hub in Latin America and the Caribbean 特立尼达和多巴哥税收体系的效益 及财政稳定性 Benefits of Trinidad and Tobago’s Tax System and Financial Stability

特立尼达和多巴哥的外资投资领域 Sectors Targeted for Investment In Trinidad and Tobago

我们专注于能源开发行业 特立尼达和多巴哥国家能源公司(简称:国家能源公司)是特立尼达和多巴哥国家天然气有限公司(NGC)的全资子公司。 过去的35年来,国家能源公司一直致力于通过天然气领域的能源业开发、基础设施建设和海事服务来对上述行业的发展提供 支持。 公司的核心业务是“特立尼达和多巴哥新兴能源和下游行业的概念化、振兴、发展和实施。”国家能源公司也提供如下能源 方面的服务: 新工业园区的选择和开发,和深水港的协调工作 海事和其它基础设施资产的所有权和经营,以促进国家所有的天然气和金属冶炼厂的发展 拖船服务和港口运营 La Brea和联合工业园区的开发和管理 针对环境的可持续性管理 我们是国家能源公司……我们是能源使用的未来 Cor. Rivulet and Factory Roads Brechin Castle, Couva Trnidad and Tobago P.O. Box 1127, Port of Spain t: (868) 636-8471 f: (868) 679-8858








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前 言 elcome to Trinidad and Tobago, your gateway to the Americas. Backed by over 100 years of success in the energy sector and a proven track record of foreign direct investment, Trinidad and Tobago is the leading Caribbean producer of oil and natural gas. In addition, Trinidad and Tobago is the largest exporter of ammonia and methanol from a single site and also is home to the sixth largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) globally. As a result, Trinidad and Tobago has earned a reputation as an excellent investment destination for international businesses and has one of the highest growth rates and per-capita incomes in the Caribbean and Latin America.


Dr. Vernon Paltoo 总裁 特立尼达和多巴哥国家能源公司 President National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago

2 欢

迎您来到特立尼达和多巴 哥——您进军美洲的门户。 追溯到一个世纪以前,这个 国家的能源行业就已经是外国直接投 资所青睐的热门行业之一,特立尼达 和多巴哥是加勒比地区领先的石油和 天然气生产国。除此之外,特立尼达 和多巴哥也是世界上最大的氨元素和 甲醇单一矿址出口国和世界上第六大 液化天然气(LNG)的出口国。正因 如此,特立尼达和多巴哥得以以它一 流的投资环境而闻名于世,也是加勒 比和拉丁美洲地区经济增长速度最 快,人均收入增长最迅速的国家之一。

The energy sector has encouraged growth in downstream areas. At Point Lisas, home to the island’s massive industrial estate and port facilities, there are investments in ammonia, methanol and other petrochemicals manufacturing,

能源行业的增长让下游行业也因 此受益。在利萨斯角(Point Lisas) 以大量的工业设施和港口著称,在甲 醇和石化产品的生产、制造业、食 品和饮料、钢铁和电气产品项目上 都有大量的投资。其它工业园区也 在西半岛区域得到开发。所有石化 和能源产业发展的龙头企业就是“特 立尼达和多巴哥国家能源有限公司” (National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited,简称 “国家能源公司”)。 国家能源公司在特立尼达和多巴 哥的多个能源相关项目上都扮演者 INVEST IN SPECIAL EDITION

Photograph Vessel loading at Pt.Lisas Industrial Estate, Trinidad.

food and beverage, steel and electrical goods. Other industrial estates are also taking shape on the western peninsula of the island. At the forefront of all petrochemical and energy-based industrial development is National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (National Energy). National Energy has pioneered several energy related developments in Trinidad and Tobago and as a result of our wealth of experience, we are poised and ready to welcome the Chinese business community to broaden its participation in Trinidad and Tobago’s world – renowned energy sector. We are the State organisation responsible for the conceptualization, development, promotion and facilitation of new energybased and downstream industries in Trinidad and Tobago.

Preface 领头羊的角色,因此在这方面的丰 富经验也让我们对欢迎中国的投资 者入驻和深入探索特立尼达和多巴 哥世界著名的能源行业方面胸有成 竹。我们是国家官方的投资促进机 构,负责特立尼达和多巴哥新能源 方面和下游产业的概念化、开发和 投资促进工作。 直到今日,国家能源公司着重关 注的领域包括下游能源和天然气产 业。我们希望能最大限度地利用这 个国家的天然气资源,开发不同的 投资项目组合,进一步向能源价值 链的下游产业扩张。 由于在建立甲醇和氨元素产品制 造业方面有丰富的成功经验,我们 希望在特立尼达和多巴哥开发新的 产业,我们不仅会在向价值链下方 扩张的同时在利用天然气资源方面 提供更大的价值,也会在就业和可 持续性发展方面提供更多的投资机 遇以创造工作机会,为我们国家的 可持续性发展做贡献。我们一直以 来都希望寻找那些渴望在整合和独 立无机化工产品制造工厂方面投资 的公司,来进一步发展特立尼达和 多巴哥的无机化工产业。其它开发 重点包括塑料、金属、可再生能源、 生物化学和特殊化工产品行业。 为了配合本国的下游能源行业的 继续发展,国家能源公司确保工业 区的深水港口,并提供公司进驻的 工业园区建设,确保能够赶上发展 的脚步,提供及时的基础设施服务 来支持上述行业。 目前,特立尼达和多巴哥是加勒 比地区最大的向美国出口国,也是 进入超过 9000 万人口国际市场的前 哨站。特立尼达和多巴哥是进入现 成市场桥梁,也能在签订多个贸易 协议的前提下向中国公司提供便利 到达美洲和即成市场的出口和业务 增长机会。另外,这里有高技术和 高能动性的劳动力队伍,稳定的金 融环境和税务制度,这一切,都让 特立尼达和多巴哥成为您理想的投 资目的地之选。

Photograph National Energy Explorer at Port Galeota.

Today, National Energy places particular emphasis on the downstream energy and gas-based industry. We seek to maximize the benefits of the country’s natural resources by developing a diversified portfolio of projects that go further downstream the energy value chain. Building upon the successes in establishing our methanol and ammonia industries , we are now pursuing new businesses that will not only provide added value by going further down the gas value chain but will also offer new opportunities for investment, employment creation and contribute to the sustainable development of the country. As such we are actively seeking to develop an inorganic chemical industry in Trinidad and Tobago via companies desirous of establishing both integrated and or stand-alone inorganic chemical production facilities. Other areas of focus for development

are Plastics, Metals, Renewables, Biochemical and Specialty chemicals industries. In promoting the continued advancement of the local downstream energy sector, National Energy ensures the timely establishment and availability of industrial deep water ports and industrial estates to support the industries. Currently the largest Caribbean exporter to the USA and with access to regional and international markets of over 90 million people, Trinidad and Tobago is the bridge to a ready market, which is close proximity and with which there are numerous trade agreements, for Chinese companies wanting to grow their businesses in the Americas. With a skilled and highly motivated workforce backed by a steady financial climate and tax regime, Trinidad and Tobago will prove to be an ideal investment location for you. INVEST IN SPECIAL EDITION



特立尼达和多巴哥: 拉丁美洲和加勒比的投资门户为您敞开

Trinidad and Tobago: Your Hub in Latin America and the Caribbean By Frances Emery



806 年,首批中国移民乘坐“坚 毅号”船踏上特立尼达岛的中 国移民,他们来自中国的澳门, 槟城和广东。这个英国殖民地国家认 为他们会成为农民和工人,但这些首 批移民却表现出了惊人的毅力,不久 以后,决定留在当地的移民创造了传 奇,通过自己的努力在各个行业,如 屠夫、掌柜、木匠和种植园农场主。 基于对成功的渴望和野心,第二 波来自广东澳门、香港和广州的移民 来到这里——在 1853 和 1866 年之 间奴隶制度废除之后。这是中国人向 亚洲以外国家移民大潮中的一部分, 这些国家包括澳大利亚、加拿大、美 国和加勒比的许多其它国家。他们中 一些人以契约工的方式来支付进入新 世界的费用,另一些人则独自前来寻 找梦想。 接着第三波中国移民要追溯到上 世纪 20 年代和 40 年代之间,穿越 INVEST IN SPECIAL EDITION


he first group of Chinese immigrants to ever set foot on the island of Trinidad arrived on 12 October 1806 on a ship called Fortitude. They came from Macao, Penang and Canton, and the British colonials who received them imagined that they would establish themselves as farmers and laborers. But these inaugural immigrants displayed far more fortitude than their host country had expected, and before long, those who decided to remain on the island had forged their legacy and established themselves as butchers, shopkeepers, carpenters and market gardeners. Ever ambitious and eager to succeed, a second wave of Chinese immigrants made their way to Trinidad from Guangdong Province – an area comprising Macao, Hong Kong and Canton at the time – during the period between 1853 and 1866, after the abolition of slavery. This movement

was part of a larger, global migration from China to countries beyond Asia’s perimeters, including Australia, Canada, the United States, and various nations within the Caribbean. Some paid for their passage to the New World by offering their services as indentured laborers; others came independently, to seek their fortune. And so it was for the third wave of immigrants from China between the 1920s and 1940s, who made the journey across the Pacific – often at the encouragement of family and friends who had already made a life for themselves – to the recently unified island nation, Trinidad and Tobago. This group, too, became successful merchants, peddlers, traders and shopkeepers. All this time, Chinese immigrants had been bringing with them to the Caribbean island their unique customs, traditions, religion, games, and artifacts, but with

Cover Story 太平洋来到这里——很多情况下是受 已经在特立尼达和多巴哥生活亲友的 怂恿——来到这个刚刚统一的岛国。 这些移民也成功地在当地成为商贩和 店主。 长久以来,中国移民也为加勒比 群岛带来了他们的传统文化、宗教、 风俗、游戏和手工艺品,但对第四波 和第五波移民来说,这一现象已在一 个不同的领域展现:商业。 1970 年代以后,中国施行改革 开放政策,来到特立尼达和多巴哥的 中国移民重新走上了轨道,中国最近 在世界商贸舞台上的大展身手也让来 到这里的工商业者和商人们,从某种 程度上来说,成为十年后进出口业务 激增的一个先驱力量。 特立尼达和多巴哥“中国艺术和 文化协会”的创始人 Maria Lee 作为 一个受人尊敬的商人,正是第四波进 入这个国家的移民之一。Lee 表示当 她刚到达这里时,她的家族在圣费尔 迪南多开了一家商店,开始向当地人 地销售来自中国的商品。Lee 对中国 文化的激情最终让她在 2011 年创办 了“中国艺术和文化协会”。“中国 文化的保留”也是符合当时大使认为 “中国和特立尼达和多巴哥之间和谐 关系的继续发扬的重要努力”。 因此中国人在特立尼达和多巴哥 的传奇源远流长,也让两国关系更为 亲近。最近中国和特立尼达和多巴哥 之间的关系更是进入了一个新时代, 让两国不仅在外交关系上更为紧密, 在经济利益上也更加互惠互利。 中国对这个地区的持续看好是这 些紧密关系的重要因素之一。中国对 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的慷慨援助始 于 2011 年,当时的副总理王岐山在 访问加勒比地区时承诺向加勒比共同 市场成员国发放 10 亿美元的贷款。 这笔贷款在于对经济发展提供支持, 后续又有一笔对加勒比共同市场基金 进行的 100 万美元的捐赠款。 两年后的 2013 年,习近平主席 宣布对加勒比国家提供 30 亿美元的

Photograph Power Plant at Union Industrial Estate.

the fourth and fifth “wave” of immigrants, this phenomenon became evident in a different arena: commerce. By the 1970s, when China started opening up to the outside world, Chinese migration to Trinidad and Tobago picked up pace once again, and with China’s recent exposure to international trade and commerce came the arrival of a class of shopkeepers and businesspeople that, in some ways, can be seen as a precursor to the burgeoning growth in the import-export sphere that began a few decades later.

Maria Lee, the founder of Trinidad and Tobago’s Chinese Arts and Culture Society and a respected businessperson in her own right, was among those who arrived in the fourth wave. Lee said that when she first arrived, her family set up a shop in San Fernando and began selling goods from China to the locals with surprising ease. Lee’s passion for the promotion of Chinese culture eventually led her to open the Chinese Arts and Culture Societyin 2011. “The preservation of Chinese culture” was an endeavor which the then-Ambassador

特 立尼达和多巴哥:总体信息 Tr i nidad & Tobago: Gen er al in fo • • • • • • •

国内 生 产 总 值 ( G D P ) — — 2 4 6 . 4 亿 美 元 ( 2 0 1 3 年 ) 人口 数 量 — — 1 3 4 . 1 万 人 识字 率 — — 9 5 . 6 % 手机 覆 盖 率 — — 1 4 0 %

• • • • • •

G ro s s d o m e s t i c p r o d u c t ( G D P ) – 2 4 . 6 4 b i l l i o n U SD ( 2 0 1 3 ) Po p u l a t i o n – 1 . 3 4 1 m i l l i o n ( 2 0 1 3 ) Literacy – 95.6% Mobile penetration – 140% Ho u s e h o l d i n t e r n e t u s e – 8 0 . 1 % G D P P e r- c a p i t a – U S$ 1 8 , 1 2 3

家庭互联网使用率——80.1% 人均 GDP——18,123 USD 发电——100% 天然气发电

• Electricity Generation – 100% Natural Gas 来源:世界银行 Source: World Bank



封面故事 development projects for the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)’s member nations. According to Trinidad and Tobago embassy officials in China, the billions of dollars pledged in financial assistance to Latin American and Caribbean Countries will lead to “an intensification in trade, investment and tourism activities between China and LAC Countries, including Trinidad and Tobago.”

Photograph Port of Galeota


援助计划,其中一半的款项被用于优 惠买方信贷,其余款项被用于当地 的基础设施建设。此外又有一笔 350 亿美元的款项被承诺将用于“拉丁美 洲 和 加 勒 比 国 家 联 盟”(CELAC) 成员国的基础设施开发项目。 根据特立尼达和多巴哥驻华使馆 官员的说法,这些注入拉丁美洲和加 勒比国家的数以百亿计的金融资助款 将“加强中国和 LAC 成员国之间的 贸易、投资和旅游业的联系,其中包 括特立尼达和多巴哥。” 中国和上述国家的合作在公众和 私人领域里,最近几年里愈发紧密。 中国私人投资者对上述地区的最大规 模投资就是建设一个连接大西洋和太 平洋的运河项目。总部位于香港的 HKND 集团是一家私人控股的国际基 础设施开发公司,该公司正着手该项 目的准备工作,预计运河需要五年时 间和 500 亿美元的资金。该公司首 席执行官,中国富豪王晶在和 BBC 进行的一场罕见专访中表示,“运河 会是连接东西方的桥梁”。 上述项目是大型国家投资项目对 私人投资者的引导作用的又一例证, 如果该地区有一个领域是中国政府和 多个国有企业都有极高的兴趣参与 的,那就必定是基建。 但是中国对特立尼达和多巴哥 的投资还远不止于基建项目。特立


said was “important in the development of continuing harmonious relations between Trinidad and Tobago and China.” And so the story of the Chinese in Trinidad and Tobago began, and with it, the start of a fruitful relationship. Though it has long been considered a mutually beneficial one, in recent years, China’s relations with Trinidad and Tobago have entered a new era, unsurpassed in the strength of the two nations’ diplomatic ties and, indeed, in their mutual economic interests too. China’s optimism in the region as a whole has been a major contributing factor to the strengthening of these ties. Its series of generous pledges of financial assistance to Latin American and Caribbean countries began in earnest in 2011, when Vice Premier Wang Qishan committed to a loan of US$ 1 billion for countries with membership to the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) during his visit to the Caribbean. The loan was intended to support local economic development, and was supplemented by a US$ 1 million donation to the CARICOM Fund. Two years later, in 2013, President Xi Jinping announced a US$ 3 billion scheme for concessional financing for Caribbean countries, half of which was allocated to preferential buyers’ credit, and the remainder to infrastructural development. An additional US$ 35 billion was pledged for infrastructural

Such intensification has become increasingly evident in recent years, both in the public and private sectors. The largest scale example of private Chinese investment in the region is easily the construction of a shipping canal through Nicaragua, connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific. The HKND Group, the privately-held international infrastructure development firm headquartered in Hong Kongwhich is getting ready to implement the gargantuan project, estimates that the canal will cost US$ 50 billion and take five years to build. The firm’s Chairman and CEO, Chinese billionaire Wang Jing, told the BBC in a rare interview, “This canal is connecting East and West.” This project is one example of how bullish state investment often causes private investors to follow suit, and if there’s one sector where investment from both China’s government and several state-owned enterprises has shown immense enthusiasm in the region, it is infrastructure. But Chinese investment in Trinidad and Tobago goes far beyond infrastructure, too. “China has been deeply involved in development activities through trade, investment and other financial programs as well as technical cooperation in health care, sport, education, agriculture, science and technology and national security,” so said embassy officials at an Investment Trade Fair in Lanzhou, Gansu Province in July 2015. “To help in making all of this happen, the following are some of the Chinese companies who have been operating in Trinidad and Tobago or are seriously thinking of going there to invest:

Cover Story 尼达和多巴哥驻华使馆官员在今年 2015 年 7 月在中国甘肃省兰州举行 的一个贸易投资展会上表示:“中国 通过贸易、投资和其它金融项目,以 及在医疗健康、体育、教育、农业、 科技和国家安全方面的投入深入了特 立尼达和多巴哥的各个领域。” “为了让这一切都实现,以下是 一些已经在特立尼达和多巴哥经营的 或正认真考虑在这里投资的部分公 司:上海建设集团、中国港口集团、 中国铁路集团、中国水电、重庆博赛、 特变电工、山东威玛(和)北京建设 集团。” 特立尼达和多巴哥是加勒比国家 中的工业国之一,这也要归功于该国 丰富的石油和天然气矿藏。该国在能 源行业的丰富经验让它成为一个掌控 能源市场的理想之地。中国公司在这 一领域的投资已经拔得头筹而且会继 续深入。特立尼达和多巴哥已经成为 该地区降低温室气体排放的领先国 家。 一名潜在的投资者在今年早些时 候在兰州举办的会议中得知:“对于 能源业来说,特立尼达和多巴哥已有 超过 100 年的经验,我们国家的经 济仍然在很大程度上依赖这个行业。 我们作为世界上氨气的最大出口国, 生产大量的清洁汽油,我们也是世界 第二大甲醇出口国和液化天然气出口 国,对全球环境的保护功不可没。”

Shanghai Construction, China Harbor, China Railway, Sinohydro, , TBEA, Shandong Weimer [and] Beijing Construction.” The Caribbean nation, which is among the few countries in the region to have a primarily industrial economy, attributes its wealth to its large reserves and exploration of oil and natural gas. The country’s experience in the energy sector makes it an ideal location from which to harness the vast potential of the renewable energy market, too. With Chinese firms leading several innovations in this field, we can expect to see increased investment in this particular sector of Trinidad and Tobago’s economy. Indeed, Trinidad and Tobago is already leading the trend to reduce greenhouse gases in this part of the world. As far as energy is concerned an audience of would-be investors earlier this year in Lanzhou were informed that, “Trinidad and Tobago has been in this business for over one hundred years and our economy is still heavily dependent on this sector. We have played our part in contributing a healthier environment by producing large quantities of clean fuels by being second largest exporter of Methanol and a significant exporter of [Liquefied Natural Gas] LNG.”

According to the Oxford Business Group, which publishes investment and economic reports on over 30 countries, “The energy sector remains the backbone of T&T’s economy… accounting for 42% of GDP in 2014, 80% of exports from April 2013 to May 2014, and 34.8% of fiscal revenues for the period from October 2013 to September 2014.” Trinidad and Tobago is intent on reducing its (negligible) carbon footprint. “even though it accounts for less than 1% of global greenhouse gas emission, the government remains committed to playing its part in achieving the stabilization of Carbon Dioxide levels consistent with the U.N. framework convention on climate change (UNFCO).” The country was, in fact, referred to by the U.N. Secretary General as the “regional leader” in implementing the U.N. Post 2015 Development Agenda, and was congratulated for having surpassed several Millennium Development Goals after a recent CARICOM meeting in Barbados. In addition to being an appealing choice of location for investment in the production of alternative energy sources, including wind and solar power, Trinidad and Tobago offers alluring

在 30 多个国家出版经济报道的 “牛津商业集团”称:“特立尼达和 多巴哥的能源产业仍然是这个国家的 支 柱 产 业 …… 占 该 国 2014 年 GDP 的 42%,2013 年 4 月 到 2014 年 5 月间出口的 80%,和 2013 年 10 月 到 2014 年 9 月 间 国 家 财 政 收 入 的 34.8%。” 特立尼达和多巴哥正致力于减少 (已经可以忽略不计的)碳排放量。 “虽然我们只有全球温室气体排放 量的 1%,政府仍承诺对降低全球二 氧化碳排放水平的联合国标准框架 (UNFCO)做出贡献。”

Photograph Atlantic LNG facility at Pt. Fortin.




联合国秘书长把这个国家称作 联合国后 2015 年发展时间表的“领 导者”,也在最近巴巴多斯举行的 CARICOM 会议上以达到数个千禧年 发展目标而受到称赞。


除了作为可替代能源,包括风能 和太阳能产地的投资国之外,特立尼 达和多巴哥还提供在下游能源行业和 通讯技术服务、农业、旅游业(包括 医疗和生态旅游)、娱乐业(包括体 育、休闲、电影娱乐业)、金融服务、 制造业和创新产业方面极具吸引力的 刺激政策。 特立尼达和多巴哥做出了吸引中 国投资的承诺,两国间 40 年友好外 交关系的保持也可以说是一个小小的 奇迹,两国之间的关系也正在不断加 强。特立尼达和多巴哥业已成为中国 在加勒比投资的中流砥柱,这一事实 已经毋庸置疑,虽然我们是一个面积 相对狭小的岛国,但这一趋势不会改 变。 从 1990 年知道现在,特立尼达 和多巴哥一直是美洲大陆上,继美 国和加拿大之后人均 GDP 产值第三 富有的国家。它被世界银行列为高 收入国家,且在 2013 年的全球竞争 力 指 数(GCI) 排 名 上 位 列 148 个 国家中的第 37 位。它的识字率高达 95.6%。且在科学家和工程师拥有率 方面被 GCI 列为世界排名第 48 位的 国家。特立尼达和多巴哥是一个科技 知识普及率异常高的民主国家。也因 此,这个国家被世界银行列为营商便 INVEST IN SPECIAL EDITION

incentives for investing in downstream energy-based industries, information and communications technology (ICT) services, agriculture, tourism (including health and eco-tourism), entertainment (including sports, leisure, entertainment and the film industry), financial services, manufacturing, and the creative industries.

who continuously strive to improve. Indeed, the country places 61st in the World Bank ranking of all countries for the ease of doing business, which – when it comes down to it – is what investors are usually most interested in.

With such commitment on Trinidad and Tobago's part to attracting Chinese investment. it is little wonder that the two countries celebrated 40 years of Diplomatic Relations. The countries enjoy excellent relations, have celebrated deep historical and cultural ties and have entered a new era of trade, investment and tourism promotion as well as technical cooperation. It is clear that Trinidad and Tobago has become a pivotal partner for China in the Caribbean and, despite being a physically small island nation; it is run on very sturdy ground.

Foreign investors in Trinidad and Tobago can open a business in just three days with the assistance of the government’s investment arms, National Energy and InvesTT, which endeavors to “ensure that you possess all the knowledge, tools, linkages and facilitation your organization needs to efficiently navigate the way to new business opportunities in our nation. Foreign investors are allowed to own 100% of their business, and to purchase up to one acre of land for residential purposes, and up to 5 acres for trade or business purposes, without requiring a license to do so. 100% of business profits can be repatriated, and up to 30% of the share capital of a local public company owned, without a license.

Trinidad and Tobago is the third richest country by GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) per capita in the Americas after the United States and Canada. In addition, the country’s GDP per capita has grown continuously since 1990. It is recognized as a high income economy by the World Bank, and was ranked 37 out of 148 countries for the soundness of its banks in the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) of 2013. It boasts a 95.6% literacy rate, and the country’s availability of scientists and engineers puts it at 48th in the world as measured by the GCI. It is a stable democracy populated by talented people

As far as the country’s currency is concerned, the last 20 years have seen the Trinidad and Tobago dollar remain very stable as a free floating currency. The fact that it is based on a floating peg system to the US dollar means that foreign exchange risks are significantly reduced. The Oxford Business Group stated in their extensive publication, The Report: Trinidad and Tobago 2015, “The country’s low debt ratio, substantial foreign reserves and the momentum provided by major infrastructure projects should ensure stability in 2015 and beyond.”

Cover Story 捷度世界排名 61 位,而这也是投资 者最终看中的优点之一。 特立尼达和多巴哥的外国投资者 能在政府部门 InvesTT 的支持下在三 天之内开设公司,该机构的使命是致 力于“确保您获得所有希望在我们国 家高效率地经营生意方面所需要的所 有 知 识、 工 具、 人 脉 和 设 施。” 外 国投资者能被允许对其产业的 100% 所有权,能购买最大面积为 1 英亩的 住宅用地和最大面积为 5 英亩的贸易 和商务用地而不必申请执照。营商利 润能得到 100% 的回汇,且能在不 必申请执照的情况下拥有当地公众公 司 30% 的股权资本。 货币方面,过去的 20 年里,“特 立尼达和多巴哥元”作为一个自由浮 动的货币来说相当稳定。《牛津商务 集团》在一份详细的出版物中说明, 事实上这个基于美元的自由浮动货币 系统意味着外汇交易的风险得到显著 降低。这个名为《特立尼达和多巴哥 2015 年报告》的报道宣称:“这个 国家的低负债率,大量的外汇储备和 大型基建项目所提供的经济动力应该 确保它在 2015 年和之后的经济稳定 性。” 拉丁美洲、加勒比地区,特别是 特立尼达和多巴哥,和其它很多国家 一样,对中国的“一带一路”政策而 言充满了机遇。曾几何时,作为一个 中国移民背井离乡追寻梦想的前哨 站,特立尼达和多巴哥已把自己建成 一个四通八达和世界经济的完整一份 子。而使馆官员们也对此间的巨大价 值深表认同:“在这个真正全球化的 世界,一带一路周围发生的任何事情 都会对其它地方产生深远影响,不管 我们身处何处,有多遥远,都不应等 闲视之。” 在演讲结尾处,使馆官员还着重 宣布:“特立尼达和多巴哥张开双臂 迎接中国商务人士的到来,我们将给 您红地毯的最优待遇。”而不管是红 地毯还是一带一路的政策,特立尼达 和多巴哥将会竭尽全力地将它延伸到 中国。

Latin America, the Caribbean, and Trinidad and Tobago in particular, have a lot to offer both China and the various other countries in the swathe of land that currently comprises the Belt and Road’s expanse. Trinidad and Tobago, once a small but promising outpost to which Chinese immigrants travelled to improve their fortunes has established itself as a well-connected and integral player in the global economy, and embassy officials are well aware of the value – and the effects – of global connectivity. Officials are quoted as saying “In this truly globalized world, everything that

takes place along the One Belt and One Road…will impact the rest of us regardless how far removed we are, physically, from this region.” The embassy has further stated that “Trinidad and Tobago is open for business and is ready to welcome Chinese business people with the red carpet treatment.” And, whether or not there is a single Belt and Road along which to spread the proverbial red carpet, Trinidad and Tobago will do whatever it takes to make sure it is extended to China.

特 立 尼达和多巴哥:税率 Tr i n i dad & Tobago: Tax R ates 增值税(VAT)——12.5% 公司税——25% 预提税——红利:5/10%,利息:15%,版税:15% 雇主所支付的社会安全金额——不一;雇主支付的金额两倍于雇员 Va l u e A d d e d Ta x ( VAT ) – 1 2 . 5 % Co m p a n y Ta x – 2 5 % W i th h o l d i n g Ta xe s – D i vi d e n d s : 5 / 1 0 % , I n t e r e s t s : 1 5 % , Ro ya l t i e s : 1 5% S o c i al Se c u r i t y C o n t r i b u t i o n s P a i d By Em p l o ye r s – Va r i e s ; e m p l o ye r s c o n t r i b u t e t w i c e t h e e m p l o ye e ’s c o n t r i b u t i o n 来源:Santander Trade Source: Santander Trade



专 访

专访:特立尼达和多巴哥能源部 CEO Thackwray “Dax” Driver 博士 A Talk with Dr. Driver, CEO of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago By Jonathan DeHart


中国能源业的公司不断在海外寻求新机遇的时 候,特立尼达和多巴哥已成为他们加勒比地区的 首选国家。这个岛国是加勒比地区最大的石油和 天然气生产国,能源业占整个国家 GDP 的 40% 和出口 的 80%。

s Chinese energy companies seek to expand their business overseas, Trinidad and Tobago is the first port of call in the Caribbean. The island nation is the region’s largest producer of oil and gas, which account for a whopping 40% of its GDP and 80% of exports.

特立尼达和多巴哥的第一口油井 1857 年在特立尼达和多 巴哥南部的沥青湖(The Pitch Lake)钻探成功,在过去 100 多年的时间里,特立尼达已生产了超过 30 亿桶石油。 预计 2013 年的原油储量将达到 7.28 亿桶,根据 EIA 的 数据,这个国家的石油产量并没有放缓的迹象。

Starting with the drilling of the first oil well near the Pitch Lake in South Trinidad in1857, over more than the past 100 years Trinidad has produced more than three billion barrels of oil. Estimated crude oil reserves in 2013 reached about 728 million barrels, according to the EIA, and the nation shows no signs of slowing down.


In addition to oil, Trinidad also has a booming natural gas sector, with its Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited among the largest natural gas processing plants in the Western Hemisphere. The facility is based in the Port of Savonetta and boasts processing capacity of nearly two billion cubic feet daily, or a daily output capacity of 70,000 barrels. It is no surprise that the roster of oil and gas companies operating in Trinidad includes the world’s largest players, with major Chinese oil players such as LandOcean entering the market. Given that Trinidad’s oil and gas sub-sectors are seeing a surge in the realm of deep water exploration, and have received a recent nod of acknowledgement for their adherence to international laws and transparency, there is no better time than now for Chinese firms to consider establishing operations in the country. We spoke with Dr. Thackwray“Dax” Driver, Chief Executive Officer of Trinidad’s Energy Chamber, about what these exciting developments mean for Chinese investors eager to engage the country’s energy sector. Dr. Driver, CEO of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥能源部 CEO Thackwray “Dax” Driver 博士


1. Relative to other countries, can you briefly describe the current state of development of Trinidad and

Interview 除了石油之外,特立尼达还有相当可观的天然气行业, 它 的 Phoenix Park 天 然 气 加 工 有 限 公 司 是 西 半 球 最 大 的 天 然 气 加 工 工 厂。 该 工 厂 位 于 萨 沃 尼 塔 港(Port of Savonetta),每天的天然气加工能力高达 20 亿立方英尺, 或者日产量 70000 桶。 因此,世界上最大的石油和天然气公司都有在特立尼达设 立工厂也不足为奇了,中国的石油企业 LandOcean 也在 其中。在特立尼达的石油和天然气子行业进入深海勘探时 代之时,全球性的法律和税务信息透明度也在这里得到承 认,对中国企业来说,现在正是考虑进入这个国家能源行 业的最佳时期。 我们有幸对特立尼达和多巴哥能源部首席执行官 Thackwray“Dax” Driver 进行了独家专访,让他对中国 投资者进入这个国家的能源行业做了详细说明。 1. 和其它国家相比,您能否简单介绍一下特立尼达和多 巴哥目前的发展状况(以下简称为特立尼达),它和中国 特别在能源行业的贸易和经济关系? 特立尼达和多巴哥在石油和天然气行业的历史悠久,可上 溯到一百年以前。特立尼达和中国之间在能源行业的贸易 和经济关系有限,但最近这一状况有所改观,中国公司正 积极进入我们的能源行业进行投资。在上游行业,朝阳石 油(BVI)有限公司,一家中海油和中石化成立的联合财团, 持有 BHP Billiton 运作的离岸安格斯图拉石油和天然气开 发的 25% 的非经营者股权。 另一家中国公司 LandOcean 是伦敦证交所上市的 Range Resources 公司的主要投资者和战略合作伙伴,在特立尼 达的在岸持有多个勘探和生产基地。特立尼达的能源行业 还有许多家活跃的中国公司,比如对石油行业,特别是钻 井行业供应设备和服务的科瑞集团。中国国有企业也在特 立尼达的“大西洋液化天然气工厂”进行了投资。贸易方 面,特立尼达对中国的产品出口非常有限。偶尔有运往中 国的液化天然气集装箱,我们也向中国出口世界著名的产 于我国的沥青湖(Pitch Lake)的沥青。 2. 我知道有一个在最近对特立尼达投资的中国大型企业 叫做 LandOcean。LandOcean 是不是第一批中国公司 对特立尼达石油行业投资的企业,或者说这个行业已经有 很多其它企业了?您是否认为这家公司会刺激更多的中国 公司进入特立尼达? LandOcean 通过与 Range Resources 的战略合作和投资 而进入特立尼达。他们在钻探和石油生产行业都有涉足。 该公司也对其它行业,包括地质数据储存等方面表现出了

Tobago’s (Trinidad for short, going forward) trade and economic relationship with China in the energy sector — in particular? Trinidad & Tobago has a very long history in the oil and gas industry, going back well over a century. There has traditionally been limited trade and economic relationships between Trinidad &Tobago and China in the energy sector, but this has been changing in the recent past mainly through Chinese companies investing in our energy sector. In the upstream sector, Chaoyang Petroleum (BVI) Limited, a consortium between CNOOC and Sinopec, hold a 25% non-operator interest in the offshore Angostura oil and gas development operated by BHP Billiton. Another Chinese company, LandOcean, is a major investor and strategic partner in the London-listed Range Resources, who hold various exploration and production blocks onshore Trinidad. There are also a number of Chinese companies active in the energy services sector, such as Kerui Group who have been supplying equipment and services to the oil industry, in particular in the drilling sub-sector. There is also Chinese state investment in the Atlantic Liquefied Natural Gas facility. In terms of trade, there are very limited volumes of products from Trinidad to China. There are occasional LNG cargoes that do make it to China and we also supply asphalt to China from the world famous La Brea pitch lake. 2. I’ve read that one of the major new investors in Trinidad is the Chinese advanced oil recovery company LandOcean. Is LandOcean a trailblazer among Chinese oil firms in Trinidad’s oil sector, or one of many already involved? Do you expect the company’s presence to trigger a wave of Chinese investment in the oil industry? LandOcean has entered the Trinidad market through their strategic alliance and investment in Range Resources. They are active in both the drilling sector and, through Range, in oil production. They have also stated their intention to become involved in other sectors including seismic data storage. They are not the first Chinese company to invest in our oil sector, but they have been very active in the recent past and are playing an important role at the moment. Through their involvement in the drilling sector, they are interacting with a wider number of established companies in Trinidad. Given our very long history in the industry, Trinidad & Tobago has many skilled professionals in the energy industry



专 访 兴趣。他们并不是第一家进入特立尼达石油行业的中国公 司,但最近他们表现得异常活跃,成为一个重要的行业角 色。

and companies with long histories of involvement in the sector. This creates the opportunity for sharing of knowledge and technology between Trinidad and China.

LandOcean 通过钻探行业和特立尼达的其它公司建立联 系。我们在行业里有着悠久的历史,特立尼达和多巴哥在 能源行业也有数量众多的技术专家,经验非常丰富。这些 都让特立尼达和中国之间能够更好地分享经验、知识和技 术。

3. What are some of the specific projects that are or will be open for investment in Trinidad’s downstream energy sector, which could potentially be of strong interest to Chinese investors?

3. 特立尼达的下游能源行业是否会有,或者已有外国投 资项目?哪些对中国投资者来说具有吸引力?


特立尼达的下游石化和天然气加工产业在上世纪 90 年代 中期到 2000 年以后,有一个加速发展的过程。过去的七 年里,我国在石化和天然气加工行业里的发展有限,过去 几年里的投资侧重点在于上游产业,以确保我们能找到新 的天然气储备来维持现有的产出水平。出于对未来特立尼 达和多巴哥的油矿发现和不断增加的石油产量,国家能源 公司——负责开发能源洗项目的国营促进机构——正在开 发一系列的下游能源项目,让我们向能源价值链的下游进 一步扩张,更接近可在加勒比共同市场上销售的最终成品, 以我们位于美洲大陆上的战略性地理位置来供应不断扩张 的拉丁美洲市场。我们最新获批的下游项目是二甲醚工厂, 由三菱公司、特立尼达和多巴哥国家天然气公司和一家当 地的财团 Massy 投资兴建。由国家能源公司开发的,同

Photograph Port of Brighton, La Brea


Trinidad’s downstream petrochemical and gas processing sector underwent a period of rapid growth between the mid1990s and the late 2000s. For the past seven years there has been limited new growth in the petrochemical or gas processing sectors. The focus of investment over the past few years has been in the upstream, to ensure that we are able to find new gas reserves and maintain production at current levels. Given the expectation for future gas finds and increased gas production going forward, National Energy – our state agency responsible for developing energy projects – is currently developing a suite of downstream energy projects that will allow us to further expand down the energy value chain closer to final products for markets in CARICOM and to supply the expanding Latin American market from our strategic location in the Americas. Our latest downstream project to receive approval is a methanol and DME plant, with investment from Mitsubishi Corporation, the Trinidad & Tobago National Gas Company and

Interview a local conglomerate, Massy. Other projects being developed by National Energy and which they are seeking to attract investment include plastics, inorganic chemicals and renewable technology manufacturing. 4. What does EITI compliance mean for Trinidad and China in terms of potential collaboration and investment?

时也希望吸引投资的其它项目包括塑料、无机和化学品和 可再生科技产品的制造。 4. 对 EITI(采掘业透明度行动计划)来说,特立尼达和 中国有哪些潜在的合作和投资机会? 特立尼达和多巴哥在 2015 年 2 月达成了 EITI。这意味着 全球 EITI 行动对我们提供的,由第三方对我们政府的上 游石油和天然气收到的税收信息表示认可。符合 EITI 的 标准,能让国际投资者对我们政府在国际透明度合规的方 面增加信心。EITI 报告可在线阅读,它也是一个上游石油 产业方面的极佳信息来源之一。 5. 有什么特定的优势——如法律、税务等——特里尼达 可以向中国投资者提供? 特立尼达和多巴哥在过去几年内出台了一系列的改革措施 来鼓励投资,其中包括鼓励上游能源行业的新勘探和开发 项目的税收措施,特立尼达和多巴哥为所有国家的投资者 提供一个公平竞争的环境,并热忱欢迎来自世界各个国家 的投资者。 6. 您认为来自中国的投资和其它国家相比,在未来的 一二十年内会有怎样的趋势? 一般来说,我国能源行业的主要投资者大部分来自英国、 美国、加拿大和德国等发达国家。我国对来自所有国家的 投资都持开放态度,其中也包括中国。特立尼达和多巴哥 驻中国大使馆的成立,应该能加强两国间更深入的经济和 社会文化合作,我们热忱欢迎有更多的中国投资者到来。 特立尼达和多巴哥的能源部每年都在本国举行一次能源行 业的会议(最近的会议定在 2016 年 1 月 18 日),我们 热情邀请全球各地的代表参加。这是中国投资者和商务人 士访问特立尼达和多巴哥,寻求市场新机遇和了解本国投 资行业的绝佳机会。

Trinidad & Tobago achieved EITI compliance in February 2016. This means that the global EITI movement recognized our efforts to provide comprehensive information, verified by an independent third-party, on the revenue received from the upstream oil and gas industry by the Government of Trinidad & Tobago. Compliance with EITI gives international investors increased assurance about Trinidad & Tobago’s adherence to international standards of governance and a commitment to transparency. The EITI reports, available online, are also an excellent source of information about the upstream energy sector. 5. What specific benefits — legal, taxes, etc. — does Trinidad offer to potential Chinese investors? Trinidad & Tobago has introduced a number of reforms to encourage investment over the past few years, including tax incentives to encourage new exploration and development in the upstream energy sector. Trinidad & Tobago offers a level playing fields for investors from all countries and we welcome direct foreign investment from any part of the globe. 6. How significant do you envision Chinese investment to be in Trinidad’s energy sector a decade or two down the line, compared with that of other nations? Traditionally our major investors in the energy sector have been from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Germany. As a country we are open to investment from all sources, including from China. The opening of the new Trinidad and Tobago Embassy in China should help to foster deeper economic and social ties between the two countries and we look forward to welcoming new investors from China in the future. The Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago organizes the major energy sector conference in Trinidad & Tobago each year (it will be on the 18th January 2016) and we welcome delegations from around the world to the event. This is an ideal time for Chinese investors and business people seeking new markets to visit Trinidad & Tobago and to learn more about our sector.



投资优势 • 特立尼达和多巴哥的财政稳定 性 特立尼达和多巴哥的官方语言是 英语,它是一个资源丰富、政治稳定 的岛国,并且是公认的金融服务之都。 它是南北美之间的重要商业通道。特 立尼达和多巴哥利于营商,并且欢迎 外来投资。 不仅如此,特立尼达和多巴哥还 拥有有利于中国投资者的税收体系和 健全的监管体制。而且,一旦满足条 件,投资者可以获得一定的财政鼓励, 享受较低的物价消费,并且可以进入 美洲市场。


特立尼达和多巴哥税收体 系的效益及财政稳定性

Benefits of Trinidad and Tobago’s Tax System and Financial Stability

就整个区域而言,这里还有强大 的信用评级。2015 年 4 月,穆迪给 予特立尼达和多巴哥 Baa2 投资评级, 这是最好的信用等级,它是基于一个 强有力的政府资产负债表,具有能负 担的债务和牢固的外部地位。2014 年 12 月,标准普尔评级机构(S&P) 将该国的投资等级确定为长期和短期 的‘A/A-1’主权信用评级。提及理由, 标普表示:“特立尼达和多巴哥的外 部净资产的地位,外部稳固性以及稳 定的政治系统支持该评级。” 我们的财政体系占国内生产总值 的 12%,组织严密,管理良好并且 极大地促进了经济的发展。特立尼达 和多巴哥的中央银行独立于政府的运 作,可以自行决定货币政策,设立折 扣利率和法定存款准备金率。该体系 规范商业银行和其他金融机构的操作 系统。

• 特立尼达和多巴哥的税收体系 特立尼达和多巴哥的税收主要包 括所得税、企业所得税、商业税、各 种石油税、增值税(VAT)、预提税、 关税以及消费税。对于资本汇回、利 INVEST IN SPECIAL EDITION

By National Energy of Trinidad and Tobago

Investment Advantages 润、股息、利息、分销或投资收益, 没有任何限制。

• Financial Stability in Trinidad and Tobago


Trinidad & Tobago is a stable English-

discount rates and reserve requirements. It regulates operations of the commercial banks and other financial institutions.

speaking democracy with a strong

中国企业将受益于稳定的税率。企业 税率占应缴税利润以及下游能源制造 业和其它产业企业短期资金收益的 25%。 35% 的税率适用于从事天然气液化、 石油化工产品生产、天然气输送和分 配以及石油产品营销和批发分销的公 司。还需重点指出的是,在特立尼达 和多巴哥生产和炼油的石油公司拥有 一个独立的税收制度。 商业税 公司每年的商业税占公司总收入的 0.6%,公司有权运用其一年收入抵 免其任何一年的最高商业税。 绿色基金税

Energy sector, and is recognised as the

• Trinidad and Tobago Tax System

region’s capital for Financial Services. It is strategically located as a prime

The principal taxes in Trinidad and

commercial gateway between North and

Tobago are income tax, corporation

South America. Trinidad and Tobago is

tax, business levy, various petroleum

business friendly, agile and welcomes

taxes, value added tax (VAT), withholding

foreign investment.

tax and customs and excise duties. There are no restrictions on repatriation

As such, Trinidad and Tobago

of capital, profits, dividends, interest,

possesses a favourable tax system and

distributions or gains on Investment.

a robust regulatory framework that can be beneficial to Chinese investors. Also,

Corporate Tax Rates

investors will be able to access fiscal incentives once all requirements are met,

Chinese companies stand to benefit

benefit from low utility costs and gain

from a stable tax rate. Corporation tax is

entrance to the Americas marketplace.

charged at a rate of 25% on chargeable profits and short term capital gains for

Enablers include strong credit ratings

companies in the downstream energy-

that compare favourably across the

based manufacturing sub-sector and

region. In April 2015, Moody’s bestowed

other types manufacturing concerns.

upon Trinidad and Tobago an investment

绿色基金税占公司总收入的 0.3%, 即在正常运营中允许业务开支减税之 前的所有收入。

grade of Baa2 based on a strong

A rate of 35% is applied for companies

government balance sheet, moderate

engaged in liquefaction of natural

and affordable debt burden and strong

gas, manufacture of petrochemicals,

external position. In December 2014,


Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P) affirmed its ‘A/A-1’ long- and short-

对于公司所得税,一个公司的普通交 易亏损可能结转,并且抵消未来第一 笔可用的利润(不包括短期资本收 益),没有时间限制。损失可能无法 弥补。

term (investment grade) sovereign credit ratings given to the country. Giving its rationale, S&P said: “T&T’s net external asset position, low external vulnerability and stable political system support the ratings.

对中国投资者的财政激励 Our financial system which accounts for

政府的经济政策是针对强健的、开放 的、以市场为导向的经济发展。政府 承诺积极鼓励在特立尼达和多巴哥的 外商投资。已经采取措施立法消除对 外商投资的限制,并且为投资者提供 各种激励措施。

12 per cent of GDP, is well-organised, soundly-regulated and plays a pivotal role in the economy. The Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago operates independently of Government in determining monetary policy and setting

Mr. Carlton Thomas Business Analyst National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago INVEST IN SPECIAL EDITION



各种税收减免和其他激励措施会在 特立尼达和多巴哥的免税区法案第 81:07 章和财政激励法第 85:01 章的 保护下实施。这两部法规都要求公司 满足一定的条件才能获得税收减免的 资格。


transmission and distribution of natural gas and wholesale marketing and

• Fiscal Incentives Available to Chinese Investors

distribution of petroleum products. It is important to also note that petroleum

The government’s economic policy

companies involved in production

is geared towards the development

and refining operations in Trinidad and

of a robust and open market-driven

Tobago operate under a separate tax

economy. The Government has made

激励机制由以下几个方面组成: • 财政豁免 • 进口关税减免 • 研发设施 • 免税区


a commitment to actively encourage


a company The company is entitled to a

自由贸易区 该国提供与其他国家具有可比性的激 励措施。中国投资者可以从免税区获 益,无期限地免除关税、增值税以及 股息所得税。在当地注册的公司有百 分之百的所有权;没有外汇管制,企 业可以完全享受资金外汇。员工培训 的激励措施也被视为运营商的具体需 求。

foreign investment in Trinidad & Tobago. Business Levy

As such legislation removing restrictions on foreign investment and providing

Business levy at the rate of 0.6% is

various incentives to investors has been

charged yearly on the gross income of


tax credit against its business levy liability

Various forms of tax relief and other

for a year of income of any payment

incentives may be applied for and

made in respect of its corporation tax

obtained under the Trinidad and Tobago

liability for that year up to a maximum of

Free Zones Act, Chap. 81:07 and under

its business levy liability.

the Fiscal Incentives Act, Chap. 85:01. Both statutes require that certain pre-

Green Fund Levy

requisites be satisfied before a company can become eligible for the tax relief

Green Fund Levy is charged at the rate

benefits being offered.

of 0.3% of the company’s gross income, that is, all income received in the ordinary

The Incentive Regime is comprised of:

course of business before allowing any

• Fiscal Exemptions

deductions for business expenses.

• Import Duty Concessions


• Research and Development Facility

特立尼达和多巴哥通过与委内瑞拉、 哥伦比亚、多米尼加共和国、哥斯达 黎加、法国、美国、加拿大、古巴以 及欧洲等的双边贸易协定,提供一个 超过 7 亿人的拓展市场。 该国还参与被称为“加勒比海盆地计 划(CBI)”的贸易项目,它是美国 INVEST IN SPECIAL EDITION

Tax Treatment of Losses

• Free Zones

For corporation tax purposes, a

Cost Benefits and Incentives

company's ordinary trading losses may be carried forward and set off

Free Trade Zone

against the first available future profits (excluding short-term capital gains),

The country has comparable incentives

without time limit. Losses may not be

to other regional locations. Chinese

carried back.

investors can benefit from being

Investment Advantages 及其在中美洲和加勒比地区邻国的经 济关系的重要元素。 成本效益

located in a free zone where they

investors access to some of the

are exempted from customs duties,

lowest electricity tariffs in the Western

value added tax and income tax on

Hemisphere, and significantly lower than

dividends for an indefinite period. There

average rates in China.

is 100% ownership of locally registered

特立尼达和多巴哥的成本效益在中美 洲和加勒比地区一直首屈一指。特立 尼达和多巴哥向中国投资者提供的电 力价格低至 0.03 美元 / 千瓦小时, 这是西半球最低的电价,远低于中国 的平均价格。

companies; there are no foreign

Low Operational Costs

exchange controls, and companies can enjoy full repatriation of funds. Incentives

Based on a cost comparison by FDI

for staff training will also be considered

Benchmarks (A service of Financial

based on the specific needs of the

Times Limited 2015) Trinidad and


Tobago is the second cheapest location within the Caribbean and Latin American


Market Access

根据 2015 年《金融时报》提供的外 商直接投资成本比较基准,特立尼达 和多巴哥是在加勒比和拉丁美洲地 区,提供电、水、通讯以及天然气的 价格第二便宜的国家。

Trinidad and Tobago provides access

财政鼓励 根据财政鼓励法第 85:01 章,在特立 尼达和多巴哥成立的大规模生产企 业,包括石油化工产品和无机化学产 品制造或加工的企业可以获得关税、 相关产品或服务的增值税豁免。

regions when the costs of electricity, water, telecoms and natural gas are compared.

to an extended market of over 700 million people through bilateral trade

Fiscal Incentives

agreements with Venezuela, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica,

Under the Fiscal Incentives Act Chapter

France, USA, Canada, and Cuba,

85:01 large scale manufacturing


including petrochemicals and inorganic chemicals or processing companies

The country also participates in a trade

established in Trinidad and Tobago

programme known collectively as the

can receive an exemption from paying

Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), which

customs duties, Value Added Tax on

is a vital element of the United States

the costs related to the production of

economic relations with its neighbours in

approved products and or services.

Central America and the Caribbean. Import Duty Concessions


Cost Effectiveness

根据该国的海关条文规定,生产企业 可以获得原材料、机器设备以及特殊 情况下的包装材料等的免税。

Trinidad and Tobago has been ranked

duty free treatment on their raw materials,

1st for cost effectiveness in Central

machinery and equipment and in some

America and the Caribbean. Electricity

cases packaging material based upon

rates within Trinidad & Tobago start as

the provisions of the country’s Customs

low as US$0.03/KWh offering Chinese


Manufacturing enterprises are allowed

利润汇款和资金汇回 对资本、利润、股息、利息、分销或 投资收益的汇回没有任何限制,可在 商业银行实现汇回。适用时,仍需支 付预扣税。 资本成本津贴 所有进行贸易、商业或行业的公司有 权获得每年的机械设备磨损津贴,根



投资优势 annual wear and tear allowances on their machinery and equipment, calculated according to the declining-balance method. In the first year, the initial and annual allowances are calculated on cost. Thereafter, annual allowances are calculated on the balance of cost after deducting the allowances previously granted. Accelerated tax depreciation is allowed to manufacturers in the form of an initial allowance at the rate of 90% on capital expenditure on plant and machinery. For those companies engaged in the production of petrochemicals, or enjoying concessions under the Fiscal Incentives Act, the rate is 20%. A - Buildings and Improvements


B - Plant and machinery, motor vehicles, furniture C - Heavy equipment, trucks, computer equipment D - Aircraft and Extra Heavy Equipment

Foreign Ownership The Foreign Investment Act provides for the acquisition by foreign investors of an interest in land or shares in local

据余额递减法计算。第一年,最初和 年度津贴是以成本计算的。此后,年 度津贴先要扣除之前获得的津贴,然 后平衡成本计算。

Profit Remittance and Capital Repatriation There are no restrictions on repatriation of capital, profits, dividends, interest,

税赋的加速降低会以向在工厂和 机械上投入的资金消耗能方面初步折 扣的形式向制造商提供。对那些涉足 石化产品制造或通过“财政激励法案” 而享受税收优惠的公司来说,税率为 20%。


the formation of companies by foreign investors. In summary, the Foreign Investment Act, 1990 makes the following provisions: 现在的汇率

distributions or gains on investment.

New Rate

Repatriation may be effected through the commercial banking sector. There


remains the liability to pay withholding

Class A

tax, where applicable.


Class B

Allowances for Capital Costs

A - 建筑和改造 B - 工厂和机械,汽车、家具

private or public companies and for


Class C

All companies carrying on a trade, business, or profession are entitled to


Class D

10% 25% 33% 40%

Investment Advantages C - 重型机械、卡车、电脑设备 D - 飞机和超重型设备

外资所有权 《外商投资法》规定外商可以获 得当地私营企业或上市公司的地产或 股票及外商成立公司。总之,1990 年的《外商投资法》有以下规定: • 允许外国投资者在私营企业持有

100% 的股份,但投资前必须事先告 知财政部长。 • 允许外国投资者拥有当地上市公司 (可以无许可证)总股本 30% 的股份。 • 如果有许可证,外国投资者可以拥 有当地上市公司总股本 30% 以上的 股份。 • 如果没有许可证,外国投资者可以 获得五英亩土地用于商业目的;如果 超过五英亩的面积,必须提前告知财 政部长,并获得许可证。 通过在特立尼达和多巴哥开展业 务,中国投资者将可以获得适宜的财 政鼓励。此外,他们可以信赖特立尼 达和多巴哥拥有一个强大的财政体 系、较低的运营成本以及在北美和南 美地区 7 亿多人的市场拓展,而且该 国欢迎并尊重他们的投资。

Photograph Aerial view of the Pt. Lisas Industrial Estate.

• A foreign investor is permitted to own

• A licence is required to permit foreign

100% of the share capital in a private

investors to own more than 30% in total

company, but prior to the investment the

of the share capital of a public company.

Minister of Finance must be notified.

• A foreign investor may acquire interest

• Foreign investors are permitted to own

in land for business purposes up to

up to 30% in total of the share capital of

five acres without having to acquire

a local public company without a licence.

a licence. For any further acreage in excess of the five acre limit, a license must be acquired from the Minister of Finance prior to acquiring such acreage. By locating operations in Trinidad and Tobago, Chinese investors will be able to access a suite of fiscal incentives. Additionally, you can have confidence in knowing that Trinidad and Tobago possesses a strong financial system, comparatively low operating costs, market access to the 700 million plus people that make up North and South


America region and that your investments are welcomed and respected.

Shiploading at National Energy's Savonetta Piers, Pt.Lisas




特立尼达和多巴哥的外资投资领域 Sectors Targeted for Investment In Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥能源行业一览

Overview of the Energy Industry

特立尼达和多巴哥能源行业的主 要分析数据如下显示:

Key statistics from Trinidad and Tobago’s energy sector are shown below:



• 高度发达的石油、石化和钢铁工业 • 以贸易协定进入发达和新兴市场的 通路 • 高素质和经验丰富的劳动力队伍 • 竞争力强的能源开采成本 • 竞争力强的原材料出产和开采成本 • 竞争力强的财政激励政策 • 极佳的重工业基础设施和服务支持 行业 • 发达的支持和次级产业 • 先进的教育和培训设施 • 极佳的生活水平和为外国人和其家 属预备的住宅社区 • 可便捷使用高度发达的通讯基础设 施

投资目的行业 无机化工 特立尼达和多巴哥现有的天然气 使用和发展成为一个更为多元化和 可持续性的化工行业。 目前,特立尼达和多巴哥希望吸 引有兴趣开发综合氢氧化钠无机化 工工厂的投资。 无机化工产品是特立尼达和多巴 哥固有的优势: 渴望开发无机化工产业,希望籍 此将下游能源行进行多元化的发展。 因此国家能源公司作为政府负责下 游能源行业的臂膀,正在寻找感兴趣 的,希望在岛上建设开发一家无机化 工制造工厂的中国企业。国家能源公 司已探索整合了一家生产苛性钠工 厂,更希望希望吸引那些能够在这个 INVEST IN SPECIAL EDITION

表 1——2014 年的能源出口 Table 1 - Energy Sector Exports in 2014

产品 Product

2014 年(出口) 2014 (Exports)

甲醇 Methanol

560 万公吨 5.6 million tonnes

氨 Ammonia

470 万公吨 4.7million tonnes

尿素 Urea

44.1 万公吨 441,000 tonnes

硝酸 Nitric Acid

49.5 万公吨 495,000 tonnes

硝酸铵 Ammonium Nitrate

13 万公吨 130,000 tonnes

尿素硝酸铵 UAN

130 万公吨 1.3 million tonnes

三聚氰胺 Melamine

2.5 万公吨 25,000 tonnes

尿素甲醛 Urea Formaldehyde

1.2 万公吨 12,000 tonnes

钢铁 Iron and Steel

170 万公吨 1.7 million tonnes

来源:能源和能源工业部——特立尼达和多巴哥 Source: Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries- Trinidad and Tobago

Benefits of investing in the Energy Industry of Trinidad and Tobago • Highly developed oil, petrochemical and steel industries • Access to developed and emerging markets through trade agreements • Highly skilled and trained labor force • Competitive energy costs • Competitive raw material cost and availability • Competitive fiscal incentives • Excellent infrastructure and support services for heavy industries • Developed support and secondary industries • Advanced education and training facilities

• Excellent living standards and communities for foreign nationals and their families • Access to a highly developed communications infrastructure

Target Sectors for Investment Inorganic Chemicals The expansion in the utilization of our natural gas led to the creation of a diversified and sustainable petrochemical industry. At present, Trinidad and Tobago is desirous of developing an inorganic chemical industry in an effort to further diversify the downstream energy sector. As such National Energy the arm of the Government responsible for the expanding the downstream energy sector is seeking to attract and work with interested Chinese companies wanting to develop an inorganic chemical producing facility in the island. National Energy has explored an integrated caustic soda complex but is not limited to caustic soda production and is open to investors who may be willing to establish other types of inorganic facilities in the country. Raw materials from Trinidad and Tobago or the CARICOM region can be sourced for proposed projects. For example, ammonia, methanol, limestone and natural gas are available in the country and region and can be source of raw material for an integrated complex.

Investment Advantages 国家设立其它类型的无机化工企业 的投资者。 来自特立尼达和多巴哥或加勒比 共同市场地区的原材料能被用作上 述项目之用。 举例说明,氨、甲醇、石灰和天 然气在本地都有开采,能被用于在整 个综合设施中建设整合工厂。 此外,无机化工产品项目也是上 述“特立尼达和多巴哥税务系统和金 融稳定性”一文中介绍的政策激励行 业,能从特立尼达和多巴哥的当地企 业所能获得的众多优势中获益。 举例说明,一家整合的或独立的 无机化工厂能由当地岛上低廉的电 费中获益,因为电费是上述工厂的主 要成本之一。这个国家的电费十分具 有竞争力也很可靠,因此特立尼达和 多巴哥的制造成本应该比美国和欧 洲国家更为低廉。特立尼达和多巴哥 的电费是 0.03 美元 / 千瓦时,是美 国工业用电在 2014 年的 0.73 美元 / 千瓦时的一半左右(美国能源信息管 理局 2014 年数据)。 在推荐进行二次开发之前,由感 兴趣方提交的项目提案将会根据设 定的标准,包括科技评估、市场分析、 对环境造成的影响和经济活力等方 面得到审核。 不仅仅在无机化工产品行业方面 的努力,国家能源公司也正致力于发 展石油化工行业和建立可再生能源 科技和能源制造行业。

石化产品 氨和下游产品 特立尼达在 2014 年的氨出口量 为 450 万立方公吨。国家能源公司 希望吸引氨和下游产品工厂的投资, 当地的天然气可用来制造氨,其衍生 产品为尿素、尿素硝酸铵(UAN)、 三聚氰胺和磷酸氢二铵(DAP)。 甲醇和下游产品甲醇和烯烃 特立尼达在 2014 年出口了大约 560 万立方公吨的甲醇。国家能源公 司很希望甲醇的下游产品得到开发 机会,它们是:

21 Additionally, inorganic chemical projects would be afforded incentives as highlighted in the above “Trinidad and Tobago Taxation System and Financial Stability” section and benefit from the several advantages of locating facilities in Trinidad and Tobago. For example, the economics of an integrated or standalone inorganic chemical plant would be enhanced by the low electricity costs in the island as electricity is one of the major cost elements in operating such a facility. Electricity in the country is both competitive and highly reliable and as such production costs in Trinidad should be lower than in both the United States and European countries. Trinidad and Tobago’s electricity cost at US$0.03/ kWh is approximately half the average charge to industrial customers in the U.S for 2014 at US$0.73/kWh. (U.S Energy Information Administration 2014)

Ms. Merlyn Rennie-Browne Vice-President, Energy Industry Development (Ag.)


投资优势 • 醋酸 • 甲醛 • 聚乙烯 • 聚丙烯 • 氧化丙烯 其它潜在的投资领域包括丙烯酸 酯、丙烯酸和羰基醇。 我们乐于接受上述行业之外的投 资项目提案,欢迎投资者提交让双方 互惠的投资建议。

可再生能源科技制造 太阳能电池模组制造 国家能源公司目前正研究在特立 尼达和多巴哥建立一个独立的太阳 能光伏模组制造工厂的可能性。我们 已经为可再生能源科技产品的制造 工厂选定了能够方便我往返于港口 的用地。


基于能源的制造业 国家能源公司一直关注能源和制 造业之间的联系,以求最大程度地利 用我们国家的自然资源。目前,特立 尼达和多巴哥的下游化工产品是氨 和甲醇的衍生品尿素硝酸铵(UAN) 和三聚氰胺。 国家能源公司有兴趣吸引基于能 源的制造业升级开发项目,比如说, 首先是基于甲醇和氨及其衍生产品 制造的消耗品,包括但不限于塑化 剂、涂料、粘合剂、层板和药物。 欲知详情,请联系: Merlyn Rennie-Browne 女士 特立尼达和多巴哥国家能源公司 能源业开发部,副总裁 Corner Rivulet and Factory Roads Brechin Castle Pt. Lisas, Couva The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. W.I Tel: 868-636-8471 Fax: 868-636-2905 Email: Website: 其它建议浏览的网站:


Proposed projects from interested parties are assessed, prior to being recommended for further development, according to set criteria that include a technology evaluation, market analyses, impact on the environment and economic viability. Not with standing the thrust towards the inorganic chemical sub-sector, National Energy is pursuing the expansion of the Petrochemical Industry and the establishment of Renewable Energy Technology and Energy-Based Manufacturing industries.

Petrochemicals Ammonia and Downstream In 2014, Trinidad exported approximately 4.5 million metric tonnes of ammonia. National Energy is seeking investment for an ammonia and downstream complex utilizing natural gas to produce ammonia and derivatives such as urea, urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), Melamine and Diammonium Phosphate (DAP). Methanol and Downstream In 2014, Trinidad exported approximately 5.6 million metric tonnes of methanol. National Energy is desirous of developing the downstream opportunities from methanol such as: • Acetic Acid • Formaldehyde • Polyethylene • Polypropylene • Propylene Oxide Other potential areas for investment include acrylates, acrylic acid and oxoalcohols. National Energy is not limited to receiving proposals for projects only from the areas previously listed, but also welcomes investors to propose projects that can be of mutual benefit.

Renewable Energy Technology Manufacturing Solar Module Manufacturing We are also currently exploring the potential for photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturing in the country. We have already identified sites with ready access to ports for locating such projects and welcome investment in this new and sustainable industry to our shores. Energy Based Manufacturing National Energy has been focusing on developing linkages between the energy and manufacturing sectors in order to maximize on the full value of our resources. Currently, the downstream chemicals produced in Trinidad and Tobago from ammonia and methanol are urea ammonia nitrate (UAN) and melamine. National Energy is pursuing the advancement of energy-based manufacturing industries from methanol and ammonia and for their derivatives to produce consumables such as but not limited to plasticizers, coatings, adhesives, laminates for pharmaceuticals. For further information, please contact: Ms. Merlyn Rennie-Browne Vice-President, Energy Industry Development (Ag.) National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Corner Rivulet and Factory Roads Brechin Castle Pt. Lisas, Couva The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. W.I Tel: 868-636-8471 Fax: 868-636-2905 Email: Website: Other websites of interest:

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