前言 Preface 02 瑞士大苏黎世地区:为中国投 资者创造美好未来 The Greater Zurich Area: A Knowledge Hub with a Future for Chinese Companies
封面故事 COVER STORY 04 大苏黎世:投资者在欧洲的桥 头堡 Greater Zurich: A European Sweet Spot for Investors 观点 OPINION 12 成功源自持续创新 Success Builds on Constant Innovation
18 软实力很重要—— 中国公司在瑞士的成功投资 Soft Skills Matter – Chinese Companies’ Successful Investment in Switzerland 专访 INTERVIEW 20 皇冠金属贸易公司许奇专访 Interview with Jacky Xu, Crown Metals Trading AG 投资领域 INVESTMENT SECTORS 22 瑞士总部——通往欧洲之门 Swiss Headquarters – Your Gateway to Europe
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前 言
The Greater Zurich Area A Knowledge Hub with a Future for Chinese Companies
国和瑞士的友好关系由来 已 久, 两 国 之 间 的 商 务 关 系 紧 密 默 契。 中 瑞 之 间 的
long-standing friendship exists
pace and mutual direct investments are
between China and Switzerland,
continuously gaining importance. China
as both countries have a
and Switzerland have overcome the
联系早在上世纪 50 年代就已经开始,
strong interest in intensifying business
economic crisis without lasting damage,
relations. Connections between China
and both have proven to be a refuge
and Switzerland were established in
of economic stability. This stability is an
1950 when Switzerland was one of
essential prerequisite for innovation and
the first Western nations to recognize
sustainable economic prosperity.
the People's Republic of China as an
independent country. Today, China is a
The Greater Zurich Area is the business
key market for Swiss companies with
center of Switzerland – due to its
enormous growth potential. On the other
strong innovation, unique culture of
hand, Switzerland and the Greater Zurich
precision and high quality of living. The
Area has slowly developed into a hub
economic region surrounding the world-
for Chinese companies conducting their
famous financial metropolis of Zurich
European business from a central and
employs around 1.5 million multilingual
ideally structured location. The volume
and international workers in 150,000
of bilateral trade is growing at a fast
companies in industries such as life
Invest In Special Edition
Preface 大苏黎世地区是瑞士的商业中 心—— 因为它高度的创新力,有独 特的追求卓越精准的文化传统和高 质量的生活水平。世界著名的金融 大都市苏黎世和它的周边地区雇佣 了 150 万名能使用多种语言,拥有 国际经验背景的劳动力队伍,这些 人在该地区的 15 万家公司任职,涉 及行业包括生命科学、清洁能源科 技、通讯科技和服务行业。大苏黎 世地区能覆盖超过 5 亿人口的欧盟 消费者。瑞士和大苏黎世地区也签 订了大量的贸易协定,是深入欧洲 市场的理想选址地。得益于它的中
sciences, clean tech, high-tech, ICT and
with strategic investors, management
the service industry. From here, more
friendly regulatory agencies, and leading
than 500 million customers in the EU
IP protection strategies has resulted in
can be reached. With its numerous trade
an unbeatable market advantage.
agreements, Switzerland and the Greater
Zurich Area are ideally integrated in the
Join the growing number of Chinese
European market. Thanks to the central
companies who have discovered this
location with its first-class infrastructure
formula for success. "Welcome to the
and multicultural setting, Switzerland is
Greater Zurich Area!"
furthermore an outstanding test market
for products and services.
Innovation and subsequent
commercialization are the engines of
our regional and national economy. The
Zurich business region and Switzerland
recognized this at an early stage. The
existing prosperity in the Greater Zurich
Area and Switzerland has only been
possible thanks to constant innovation.
保护策略,都会让它在市场竞争中 处于不败之地。
Today’s competitive world is driven by two things – innovation and
commercialization. The ability to integrate
these processes successfully is crucial
for the survival of any business. The
Sonja Wollkopf Walt CEO, Greater Zurich Area AG
Swiss Formula not only keeps companies one-step ahead of the competition, it is a formula for success. Marrying first class, world renowned academic institutions Invest In Special Edition
欧洲心脏大苏黎世地区将自己定位为创新与商务的全球领导者。 随着最近签署的自由贸易协定,她为那些寻求进入该地区的中 国投资者提供了理想基地。 The Greater Zurich Area, at the heart of Europe, has positioned itself as a global leader in innovation and business. With the recent signing of a free-trade agreement, the region provides the ideal base for Chinese investors looking to enter the region.
4 大苏黎世:
Greater Zurich:
A European Sweet Spot for Investors
By Jonathan DeHart
from ease of doing business to quality
Some 9,300 survey respondents
度方面,汇丰银行最近开展的 HSBC
of life and access to markets must
weighed in on factors from quality of life
all be considered. In terms of overall
to financial well-being and prospects for
satisfaction with life overseas, the
raising a family in their adopted country.
recently conducted HSBC Expat Explorer
The alpine nation at the heart of Europe
survey makes this process easy. And
unequivocally took the top spot when
its findings are clear: Switzerland is the
the metrics were tallied. Is this really that
选择欧洲地区的商务运营 基 地 而 言, 中 国 公 司 应 该 从 何 开 始? 这 就 必 须 考 虑
Invest In Special Edition
hen it comes to choosing a
highest rated country in the world to be
base of business operations
called home for those living abroad and
in Europe, where does
working overseas.
a Chinese company begin? Factors
Cover Story surprising? After all, Switzerland has
invests 5.5% of GDP, 17% of total public
developed an enviable reputation for its
expenditure in its education system.
ideal balance between excellence and
It’s no surprise to learn that the nation
comfort over the years.
has produced more Nobel laureates
9300 位受访者对从生活质量,
per capita than any other country in the
Expats are not alone in this assessment.
After running numbers related to 103
countries through a 48-variable system,
The Greater Zurich Area (GZA) is at the
the Global Talent Competitiveness Index
heart of the Swiss success story.
2013 concluded that Switzerland was
价。103 个国家的各项数据经由某个
indeed the best place to work worldwide.
“Recent economic rankings confirm,
48 变量系统进行综合,2013 全球人
Significantly, Switzerland maintains this
undoubtedly, that the Greater Zurich
level of excellence sustainably. This
Area is one of the prime business
year, Yale University ranked Switzerland
locations in the world,” Ernst Stocker,
the leader of the pack when it comes
Government Councillor and Director of
to environmental protection. The nation
the Department for Economic Affairs of
头羊,瑞士为其 800 万名得到充分
of 8 million well compensated citizens
the Canton of Zurich tells Invest In.
earned a score of 87.67 out of 100 for
作方面得分为 87.67 的答卷。
its environmental protection efforts.
Felix Sutter, a partner with PwC Switzerland and responsible for Asian
Moreover, is it all that shocking that the
business, adds: “The Greater Zurich
country which hosts the annual Davos
Area offers even more advantages,
summit was rated the most competitive
being not only home to numerous
globally by the World Economic Forum
leading technological firms but also well
in 2014, thanks to “its continuing strong
connected with the key global economic
performance across the board”? None
centers via its airport.”
of these stellar results are left to chance.
The Swiss, it turns out, are blessed
Bordered by Germany, France, Italy,
from birth, according to the Economist
Austria and Lichtenstein, Switzerland’s
总值的 5.5%,占公共支出的 17%投
Intelligence Unit, which rated it the
geographic advantages are unrivalled.
best place to be born in the world last
This makes the landlocked nation a
year. This starts in school. Switzerland
cultural melting pot where three cultures
奖得主就不足为奇了。 大苏黎世地区(GZA)是瑞士成 功故事的中心地带。 “最新的经济排名显示,大苏黎 世地区毫无疑问是世界上最主要的商 业地区之一,”苏黎世州经济部长兼 州长的 Ernst Stocker 对 Invest In 杂 志记者说道。
Invest In Special Edition
封面故事 Felix Sutter 是 普 华 永 道 瑞 士 (PwC Switzerland)的合作伙伴, 并负责亚洲业务,他补充道:“GZA 拥有更多优势,它不仅是中国先进技 术公司的大本营,而且通过机场同全 球主要经济中心保持良好的联系。” 瑞士同德国、法国、意大利、奥 地利和列支敦士登接壤,具备得天独 厚的地理优势。由此这个内陆国家成 为了一个文化熔炉,三种文化和四种 语言给为瑞士社会增添了更多风情, 其 23% 的人口为非瑞士籍人员。 的确,她声名在外。越来越多追 求全球扩张的中国投资者和企业纷纷 涌向瑞士。Stocker 说,“越来越多 的人——包括越来越多中国公民——
探索着这片迷人区域。自 2010 年以 来,在苏黎世过夜的中国游客人数几 乎增加了一倍(+97%)。” 这种趋势可能会加速。凭借其自
and four official languages flavor a
form of qualified workers blessed with
society in which 23% of the population is
progressive labor standards (ranked
fourth globally in terms of flexibility by the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
易公司的税率为 8~12.5%;普通公
Indeed, the word is out. Increasingly,
司 的 税 率 为 14~21%) 以 及 以 合 格
Chinese investors and companies
seeking to expand globally are flocking to
All of these factors have amounted to
Switzerland. According to Stocker, “More
Switzerland’s brilliant recipe for success,
面,2013 IMD 世界竞争力年鉴将其
and more people – including a growing
fostering a business environment that is
列为全球第四),GZA 对于中国投
number of Chinese citizens – explore
uniquely open to the world.
the charming region. Since 2010, the
number of overnight stays of Chinese
“The secret of success is simple,”
tourists in Zurich has almost doubled
Stocker says. “Marrying first class,
world renowned academic institutions with strategic investors, management
This trend will likely accelerate. Greater
friendly regulatory agencies, and
Zurich Area's appeal to Chinese
leading IP protection strategies results
investors is further strengthened by its
in unbeatable market advantage which
liberal legal system, business-friendly
allows companies to be one-step ahead
tax laws — tax rates for HQ's and trade
of the competition.”
companies (8.5% - 12.5%), taxes for
“成功的秘诀很简单”, Stocker
这一切似乎还不足以说服中国的潜 Invest In Special Edition
ordinary taxed companies (14% - 21%)
As if all of this is not enough to entice
— and an abundance of talent in the
would-be investors from China to
Cover Story 在投资者考虑搬去瑞士,那么,2013
consider a move to Switzerland, the pot
managers, the conversation often turned
年 7 月,中国和瑞士两国签订的自由贸
was sweetened further in July 2013 with
to the free trade agreement between
the signing of a free trade agreement
Switzerland and China, which earned
熟。FTA 是北京和欧洲大陆国家签订
(FTA) between Switzerland and China.
much recognition. ‘Switzerland has
Significantly, the FTA was Beijing’s first
negotiated a really good agreement’, is
such agreement inked with a nation in
the general consensus.”
continental Europe. The potential benefits
of this agreement are huge.
In a nutshell, the FTA aims to break down barriers to the smooth flow of
瑞士开启了许多机会,大苏黎世地区 将从中获得巨大利益。”Sutter 说。
“The trade agreement with China
goods and services between China
opens up numerous opportunities for
and Switzerland, while bolstering legal
Switzerland, from which the Greater
security for intellectual property. The
Zurich Area stands to draw substantial
FTA will eliminate tariffs fully or in part for
benefits,” Sutter says. He speaks from
most bilateral trade either immediately
a wealth of experience on the ground
or over a period of time, depending
in China, where his own network of
on the good or service. Deepening
acquaintances has unanimously praised
cooperation further, the FTA is coupled
the development.
with the recently signed Agreement
on Labour and Employment, which is
话内容经常转移到中国和瑞士的自由 贸易协定上,这个协议获得了大家的
On his frequent trips to China, he says
meant to ensure that labour standards
that he mingles with local managers,
will not be compromised in a bid for
entrepreneurs and “people whom I know
profit nor disregarded for the purpose of
from the time I spent living in Beijing…
概括来说,FTA 的目的在于打破
During recent meetings with Chinese
壁垒,实现中国和瑞士之间货物和服 务的畅通,同时为知识产权提供法律 保障。FTA 将立即或在一段时间内全 部或部分消除双边贸易中大部分的关 税,具体取决于产品或服务。为了进 一步深化合作,在 FTA 的基础上,最 近又签署了劳工和就业协议,旨在保 证劳工标准不会因追求利润而受到影 响,或因贸易保护主义而受到忽视。 这些协议意味着中国和瑞士全面加 强了双方之间的经济关系。随着中国成 为世界第二大经济体,并成为瑞士的主 要贸易伙伴,这项协议的签署是一个巨 大的进步。中国购买自瑞士的工业产 品数量超过了任何其它亚洲国家,排 名世界第三,仅次于欧盟和美国。仅 在 2013 年,瑞士发往中国的货物就占 了全部出口额(共计 87 亿瑞士法郎)
Felix Sutter
Ernst Stocker
Partner, Risk Assurance Services, Head Asia Desk
Government Councillor and Director
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
of the Department for Economic Affairs
Zurich, Switzerland
Canton of Zurich
Invest In Special Edition
封面故事 的 4.1%, 同时,瑞士也从中国进口了 价值 114 亿瑞士法郎的货物(占总进 口额的 6.1%)。 瑞士频繁销往中国的产品包括机 器和仪器,钟表,化学品和药品;而 如机械,纺织品和服装,钟表制造和 化工产品等大量产品又从中国销往瑞 士。大量瑞士服务提供商在中国经营, 反之亦然。 “中国是迄今为止瑞士在亚洲最 重要的贸易伙伴,同时瑞士是中国的 第七大贸易伙伴及来自欧洲的第六 大外资来源地,”Stocker 说道。
These agreements amount to stronger
Europe,” Stocker says.
economic ties across the board for China and Switzerland. With China now
Aside from the obvious benefits of
明显好处,Sutter 指出,“中国人不
the world’s second largest economy,
granting two-way access to the Chinese
as well as a key trading partner for
and Swiss markets, Sutters notes that
将其看作一个国内生产总值超过 17
Switzerland, this is a monumental step
“China's eyes are not so much set on
forward. China buys more industrial
Switzerland as a sales region, but on the
products from Switzerland than any Asian
European market with a GDP in excess
中国提供了一个通向 30 多个国家的
country and third worldwide, following the
of USD 17 trillion. Thanks to the bilateral
EU and US. In 2013 alone, Switzerland
agreement, Switzerland's firm base within
sent 4.1% of all its exported goods (valued
Europe provides China with the ideal
近期对 FTA 的关注造成了这样
at CHF 8.7 billion) to China, and imported
bridgehead to more than 30 countries.”
CHF 11.4 billion worth of goods (6.1% of
all imports) from China.
While recent attention to the FTA creates the impression that business
之间的商务往来已经有数世纪的历 Swiss goods regularly going to China
collaboration between China and
include machines and instruments, watches,
Switzerland is a recent development,
chemicals and pharmaceuticals; while goods
the two nations in fact have been
务合作关系可以追溯到 17 世纪中叶,
such as machinery, textiles and clothing,
engaged in commerce for centuries.
watch making and chemical products
flow heavily from China to Switzerland. A
“The excellent business relationship
large number of Swiss service providers
between China and Switzerland
operate in China and vice versa.
goes back to the mid-17th century
史。 “中国和瑞士之间的良好的商
and recently developed at a rapid
过去建立的大量商业联系为今天 的繁忙往来奠定了基础。“作为大苏
“Today, China is by far the most important
pace,” Stocker says. “Switzerland
trading partner for Switzerland in Asia
was one the first countries to enter
while Switzerland is China’s seventh
into commercial agreements with the
largest trade partner and the sixth
People’s Republic of China.”
largest source of foreign investment in
Invest In Special Edition
Cover Story 领域开展了合作。合作协议包括加强
A good deal of relationship building
banking and finance. And yes, chocolate
in the past laid the foundation for the
and watches.
buzz being felt today. “The Canton of
瑞士 FinkRen 股份有限公司执行
Zurich, the center of the Greater Zurich
There is one important matter to note
合伙人任榜英 Ren Bangying 说:“20
Area, has maintained for years a close
about industry in the nation. The Swiss
friendship with China,” Stocker continues.
are humble, according to R. James
“In recent years, Zurich established
Breiding who was speaking in an
partnerships and engaged cooperation in
interview with KPMG for its publication
numerous aspects with the provinces
Clarity on Investment in Switzerland. This
of Chongqing and Guangdong. The
accounts for why much of the country's
cooperation agreements include
strength is hidden from plain sight. Less
the strengthening of economic and
advertised than its signature items like
scientific relations.”
chocolates and watches are a large
具体而言,GZA 是诸多产业集群
number of successful B2B companies
电气和金属加工业(MEM)。当然, 她还是瑞士传统产业的中心,如医药、
Ren Bangying, Managing Partner of
(ABB, Holcim, Sika, Georg Fischer,
FinkRen GmBh, Switzerland, says: “More
Kühne & Nagel, Schidler) and companies
than 20 years ago, Swiss companies
selling goods and services attached
started to invest in China. Most of these
to other bigger brand names, such as
endeavors have proven to be successful,
fragrances or flavors, Breiding explains.
关于本国工业,还有一个需要注 意的重要事情。瑞士人非常谦虚,R.
for both the Swiss companies and their
James Breiding 为其新书《瑞士投资
Chinese business partners.”
All told, whether B2B or in the spotlight, some 1,000 multinationals are operating
的透明度》的出版接受了 KPMG 的采 访,其间,他谈到了这一点。这就解
Specifically, the Greater Zurich Area is
in Switzerland today and account for
home to a number of industry clusters,
10% of the nation’s GDP. Some of the
from clean and sustainable technologies
heavy hitters with HQs in the alpine state
to high-tech, IT, life sciences, precisions
include Siemens, Unilever, Johnson &
goods and the mechanical, electrical
Johnson, Dow Chemical and Google
B2B 公 司(ABB、 豪 瑞、 西 卡、GF
and metalworking industry (MEM). It
(whose staffs are called “Zooglers”
is, of course, also a hub for industries
in GZA, which they rate as the most
classically associated with Switzerland
desirable place to work among the
司,例如香料和香精,Breiding 解释道。
such as pharmaceuticals, luxury goods,
company’s many global hubs). Swiss
Invest In Special Edition
封面故事 总 而 言 之, 无 论 是 B2B, 还 是 那些在聚光灯下的产业,今天在瑞 士经营的跨国公司有 1000 多家,占 全国 GDP 的 10%。总部设在这个高 山国家的重量级公司包括西门子、 联合利华、强生、陶氏化学和谷歌 (大苏黎世地区的谷歌员工被称为 “Zooglers”, 他们将这里评为是本 公司诸多全球中心中最令人向往的工 作地点)。瑞士跨国公司占了国内生 产总值的 25%,其中包括像雀巢、 罗氏公司、苏黎世保险、嘉能可国际 那样的巨头公司。 瑞士产业范围如此之广,无怪乎 许多中国企业迫切地想在此地安营扎 寨。Stocker 列出了选择 GZA 作为其 欧洲基地的中国企业,包括天合光能,
晶科能源,英利,纷美包装和华为。 从建立总部,寻找当地合作伙伴,到 通过兼并和收购实现成长,经由瑞士 走向欧洲的路有很多条。 “最初我们考虑了卢森堡、荷兰 和爱尔兰,”徐说。“但是,由于瑞 士较高的人身安全水平,高效的政府 和在世界范围内的声誉,我们最终选
multinationals make up for another 25%
“Initially, we considered Luxembourg, the
of national GDP and include giants such
Netherlands and Ireland,” Xu says. “But
as Nestle, Roche, Zurich Insurance and
finally we decided to chooce Switzerland,
Glencore. . .
due to its high level of human safety, the efficiency of its government and
对于还没有走进 GZA 但有此意
With such a broad scope, it is no
its worldwide reputation. So far I am
surprise that a number of Chinese firms
happy with our stay in Switzerland,
have eagerly set up shop in the region.
and the company has even had a
Stocker lists Trina Solar, Jinko Solar,
big breakthrough with Volkswagen in
Yingli, Greatview Aseptic Packaging and
Huawei among the Chinese firms that
have chosen the Greater Zurich Area for
For Chinese companies that have not
their European base. From setting up
yet made the leap to GZA but would
HQs to seeking out local partners and
like to, the main question is: Where do
pursuing growth through mergers and
we begin? Swiss legal experts agree
acquisitions, the paths to Europe via
on one thing: Chinese investors or firms
Switzerland are many.
interested in establishing a base in the
Invest In Special Edition
Cover Story 任何投资之前,都需要一个明确的
region must do their homework and be
While a cultural gap undeniably exists,
prepared. Chinese companies face a
China and Switzerland share more in
unique set of challenges when setting up
common than one may suspect, at least
business in Europe due to their relative
in one key area, itself a core soft skill
lack of international experience.
that makes life and business tick in both cultures: the power of social networks.
虽 然 有 当 地 专 家 的 帮 忙, 再 加
From understanding taxes to deciding
what legal form to register a company
“Compared with competitors like Ireland,
under, a healthy dose of preparation is
the UK and the US, Switzerland has
the most important factor for determining
one additional advantage,” Sutter says.
whether an investment in Europe
“When trading with China, a lot of
succeeds, according to Ren. “A clear
importance is attributed to guanxi, the
strategy is needed before making any
network of personal connections. During
investment in Europe.” The details of
the time I spent in China, I discovered
running a European company – a very
that in this respect we Swiss are not
这种观点。“在 GZA 工作顺风顺水,
different matter from running one in
too different from the Chinese. We too
China – is another obstacle that must be
foster personal relationships and seek to
faced, Ren adds.
engage in dealings with one another that
are based on respect.”
都非常热情友好。我的家人和我很 享受这里的生活。尤其是在苏黎世
While such logistical concerns can
be addressed with the help of on-
the-ground experts and a bit of
classroom time, there is deeper layer
of preparation that is equally important,
yet more subtle. Ren explains that the difference between Chinese
companies that take off versus those
that crash and burn in Europe often
comes down to one thing: soft skills.
此,这也是在两种文化下生活和做 生意必需的核心软实力:社交网络
Xu of Crown Metals echoes this
sentiment. “Working in the GZA is so smooth, and does not pose anything big
“ 同 爱 尔 兰、 英 国 和 美 国 这 样
enough to call it a challenge,” Xu says.
“The people in Switzerland are warm
优 点”,Sutter 表 示。“ 同 中 国 开
and friendly. My family and I are really
enjoying life here. Especially in Zurich
and the Zug area, where there is a huge
community of expats... But language is
always a barrier for me. I would suggest
for investors interested in moving to
Switzerland to study up on European cultures before they decide to move.” Invest In Special Edition
观 点
成功源自持续创新 Success Builds on Constant Innovation Balz Hösly 博士是著名的策略法律顾 问和公司管理方面的执业专家。他也 是多个公司策略发展方面机构的董 事会主席。作为 SBA 遗产法的认证 专家,他在公司传承和私人客户的 国际遗产规划方面也颇有见地。Balz Hösly 博士也在生活娱乐业和电子商 务,以及公众管理和公众私人合作伙 伴(PPP)的商业模式方面有所专长。 Dr. Balz Hösly is a renowned practitioner in strategic legal advice and corporate governance. He is chairman and member of several boards of directors and well versed in strategic corporate development issues. As a Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law he is expert in corporate succession and in international inheritance and estate planning for private clients. Balz Hoesly also focuses on live entertainment and e-commerce as well as on public governance and business models for public private partnerships (PPP).
Balz Hösly 博 士 大苏黎世区经济发展署董事会主席
Dr. Balz Hösly Chairman of the Board, Greater Zurich Area AG
Switzerland is a small country with a
reasons why Switzerland and the Greater
强 大 的 经 济 中 心 —— 大 苏
strong economic center – the Greater
Zurich Area have trodden the path to
黎 世 地 区, 该 地 区 位 于 瑞
Zurich Area – at its heart. This center
permanent innovation: they essentially
is internationally respected as one of
have to do with history, the nature of the
the most successful economic regions
region and Switzerland itself.
worldwide – and simultaneously as one
of the regions with the highest quality of
Countries, regions and their local
life as well. Neither of these facts was
entrepreneurs do not develop innovative
a natural gift or a simple coincidence.
businesses because it is an obvious path
There are relatively straightforward
to financial success. However, those
Invest In Special Edition
Opinion potential” is only just big enough to keep the domestic economy going – but too small to create the economic power to
which Switzerland has worked its way
up. The Swiss represent only 0.1 % of
到创新的重要性。大苏黎世地区及瑞士的福利和繁荣 归功于且仅能归功于持续创新。 Innovation is the oil in the engine of our regional and national economy. The Zurich business region and Switzerland recognized the significance of innovation at an early stage. The welfare and prosperity of the Greater Zurich Area and Switzerland only exists today thanks to constant innovation.
the global population – but the list of the 500 largest companies in the world includes 12 Swiss companies. This fact alone emphasizes the significance of research and development – and, by extension, innovation – in Switzerland, and its ability to supply the international market with high quality Swiss services and products. The availability of a highly innovative and productive workforce is also a major reason why the Zurich business area and Switzerland can maintain their top rank in innovation – even with very strong international competition. China and Switzerland: Partners for Innovation What China achieved in only a few decades, has taken Switzerland 120 years to achieve: raising the country from a basic industrial level to an international provider of world-class products and services, which are competitive by
质及瑞士本身有关。 国家、地区及当地的企业家不会
who have no alternative automatically
global standards. Chinese and Swiss
become innovative, and consequently
technology and engineering can thus be
act innovatively. That has always been
sold in the world’s key markets.
the case for Switzerland and the Greater
Zurich Area. In this country, commodities
For collaboration in industry and science,
that could be exploited and exported for
Chinese and Swiss companies can
good money do not exist. In addition,
meet at every level to jointly exchange
there are no sufficient cultivatable
technology and also to develop
products with the potential of conquering
technology further. One example of
the world market and creating sufficient
intensified research and technology-
national prosperity. And last but not
based collaboration between Switzerland
least, the country and the Greater Zurich
and China is the Sino-Swiss Science
Area are so small that even their “human
and Technology Cooperation (SSSTC). Invest In Special Edition
观 点 之小,以至于它们“人类潜能”勉强 可用以维持当地经济的发展——但 要以瑞士的方式创造经济实力还是 远远不够的。瑞士人口仅占世界的 0.1%,但世界 500 强中,瑞士公司 有 12 家。这一事实本身强调了在瑞 士通过拓展创新进行研究和发展的 重要性,并着重指出其以高质量瑞 士服务和产品供应国际市场的能力。 高创新性和生产性生产力的可用性 也是苏黎世商务区和瑞士能够在激 烈的国际竞争中保持其创新性位列 前茅的主要原因。 中国和瑞士:创新伙伴 中国在短短几十年便实现了瑞 士 120 年间所达成的成就:将国家
从基础工业水平提升到符合国际标 准具有国际竞争性的世界一流产品 和服务的国际供应商。中国和瑞士 的技术和工程因此可在世界主要市 场上进行销售。 对 于 工 业 和 科 学 合 作, 瑞 士 和 中国公司可从各层面满足交换技术 的要求,且可更进一步发展技术。 以增强研究和技术为基础的中瑞合 作其中的一个例子是中瑞科技合作 (SSSTC)。 该 项 目 设 立 于 2003 年,在瑞士教育与研究国务秘书处 (SER) 及 中 国 科 技 部 签 署 了 谅 解 备忘录(MoU)之后。近 200 合作 项目在 SSSTC 第一阶段即已获奖, 其中的一些项目目前仍在继续。 两国拥有强大完备的信息技术 和精密技术:机械、机床、传感器, 光 电 子, 测 量 / 控 制 / 测 试 以 及 能 够创造尖端工具和流程的计算机科 学。在瑞士,尤其是在大苏黎世地 区存在许多小型生物制药公司,它 们拥有巨大的潜力,可与中国的创 Invest In Special Edition
Switzerland 瑞士
UK 英国
Sweden 瑞典
Finland 芬兰
Netherlands 荷兰
USA 美国
Singapore 新加坡 Denmark 丹麦
59.24 57.52
Luxembourg 卢森堡 Hongkong 香港
56.86 56.82
Ireland 爱尔兰
Canada 加拿大
Germany 德国
56.02 50
2014 年 全 球 创 新 指 数
Global Innovation Index, 2014
Opinion 新伙伴合作。大型制药公司就是其 中一例。瑞士期望能够保护其创新 型企业所创造的知识产权:因此该 国的专利流程非常直接,专利能够 得 到 很 好 的 保 护, 而 专 利、 品 牌 及 许 可 收 入 的 税 收 也 很 优 惠。 最 后 但 同 样 重 要 的 一 点 是, 瑞 士 的 金 融 业 充 满 活 力, 能 够 为 瑞 士、 中国或中瑞合作设立在瑞士的创 新 和 国 际 项 目 提 供 银 行、 私 募 股 权投资和风险投资。 中国与瑞士:关税取消之外的合作 中国是瑞士第三大贸易合作伙 伴。 这 使 得 与 中 国 签 署 得 自 由 贸
The program was established in 2003
well protected, and income streams
易 协 定(FTA) 的 作 用 尤 为 显 著,
after the signing of a Memorandum of
from patents, brands and licenses are
该 FTA 于 2014 年 7 月 1 日 生 效。
Understanding (MoU) between the then
taxed favorably. Last but not least, there
FTA 不仅能够促进双方货物及服务
Swiss State Secretariat for Education
is a vibrant financial sector with banks,
and Research (SER) and the Chinese
private equity firms and venture capital
Ministry of Science and Technology
available for innovative and international
(MOST). Almost 200 collaborative
projects set up by Swiss, Chinese or
projects have been awarded in the first
Chinese-Swiss partnerships.
phase of the SSSTC, and some are still
得更远。与其他未与中国签订 FTA
的国家相比,FTA 为瑞士提供了竞 争优势。
Both countries are strong in information and precision technologies in all its forms: machinery, machine tools, sensors, photonics, measurement/ control/testing, and computer science that enables the creation of cuttingedge tools and processes. Switzerland – and particularly the Greater Zurich Area - host numerous smaller pharma and biotechnology companies with
China and Switzerland: Partners for Trade Beyond Tariff Dismantling China is Switzerland’s third largest trading partner. That makes the free trade agreement (FTA) with the People’s Republic of China, which entered into effort on 1 July 2014, all the more significant. The FTA not only improves mutual market access for goods and services, enhances legal security for the protection of intellectual property rights and bilateral economic relations in
huge potential for collaborating with
general, but also goes far beyond tariff-
innovative partners from China; Big
dismantling by fostering cooperation
Pharma is just one example. Switzerland
in fields including science, technology,
is eager to look after the intellectual
research, education andculture. The
property created by its innovative
FTA gives Switzerland a competitive
enterprises: the country's patenting
advantage over countries, which do not
process is straightforward, patents are
have a FTA with China. Invest In Special Edition
观 点
瑞士公司如何获益 HOW SWISS COMPANIES WILL BENEFIT 继欧盟和美国之后,中国是瑞士的第三大合作伙伴。这使得与中国签署得自由贸易协定 (FTA)的作用尤为显著,该FTA于2014年7月1日生效。除了与欧盟的EFTA公约及自由 贸易协定之外,瑞士目前与欧盟之外的38个合作伙伴签署了28个自由贸易协定。
瑞士向中国出口占其出口总额的 4.1%(瑞士法郎87亿),瑞士从 中国进口占其进口总额的6.1%( 瑞士法郎114亿) 4 .1% (CHF 8.7 billion) of all Switzerland’s exports go to China, 6.1% (CHF 11.4 billion) of all imports into Switzerland come from China
After the EU and the United States, China is Switzerland’s third-largest trading partner. That makes the free trade agreement (FTA) with the People’s Republic, which entered into force on 1 July 2014, all the more significant. In addition to the EFTA Convention and the free trade agreement with the European Union, Switzerland now has a network of 28 free trade agreements with 38 partners outside the EU.
继欧盟和美国之后,中国是瑞士 出口全球产品的第三大进口国 After the EU and the USA, China is the third-largest importer of Swiss export products worldwide 在欧洲,只有瑞士和冰岛与中国 签订了自由贸易协定 In Europe, only Switzerland and Iceland have concluded FTAs with China
FTA最大储蓄潜能(按部门计)——假设使用率为100% 货物价值 (以瑞士法郎计) Value of goods in CHF
2015年最大的潜在节税机会 (以瑞士法郎计)
Average tariff
Max. savings potential in CHF 2015
1 金属,机械 Metals, machinery
2 手表,设备 Watches, instruments 3 化学品,药品 Chemicals, pharmaceuticals
2,264,348,819 2,261,226,740
7% 9% 5%
50,036,782 50,072,707 39,954,494
4 非金属矿物,玻璃 Non-metallic minerals, glass 5 其他 Other
107,422,633 47,103,327
6 塑料,橡胶 Plastics, rubber
7 汽车 Vehicles
8 纺织 Textiles 9 加工的农产品 Processed agricultural products
57,623,775 30,522,537
15% 5%
2,488,880 188,043
7,199,007 774,540
10 木材 Wood 11 农产品 Agricultural products
8,466,309,466 *
总计 Total
单个产品或产品组的降税将在若干年间分阶段遵循(至2028)。 Tariff reduction for individual products or product groups will follow in stages over a number of years (up to 2028). *3亿瑞士法郎 - 无明细可提供 * CHF 0.3 billion – no breakdown available
151,908,455 199,972,542
至2028年,558百万瑞士 法郎的节余相当于沙夫豪 森州的GDP CHF 558 million in savings by 2028 is almost as much as the GDP of the Canton of Schaffhausen
来源:2014 年瑞士全球企业 Source: Switzerland Global Enterprise 2014 Invest In Special Edition
Invest In Special Edition
观 点
软实力很重要——中国公司在瑞士的成功投资 Soft Skills Matter – Chinese Companies’ Successful Investment in Switzerland
0 多年前,瑞士公司开始在中
and this represents an even bigger
challenge. Why? Most Swiss companies
may not have known China 20 years
ago, but they did have lots of operational
experience in doing business abroad.
Yet, for most Chinese companies, this
is not the case. In many cases, they are only now making their very first investments abroad, and learning about
如 今, 越 来 越 多 的 中 国 公 司 打
the differences between Chinese and
European business culture.
司在 20 年前也许还不了解中国,可 他们确实拥有在海外做生意的丰富
FinkRen has worked with many successful
Chinese companies. These companies
have the financial capability to invest in Europe, a market that they perceive as a
情况下,他们眼下还是第一次在海 外投资,才开始了解中国和欧洲之 间的商业文化差异。 丰瑞曾与许多成功的中国企业 携手合作。这些中国企业有足够的
任榜英 / 执行合伙人
Ren Bangying
safe and stable place for their investments. Europe represents a big market for Chinese products and services, and also
Managing Director
offers access to well-qualified people and
FinkRen GmbH, Switzerland
advanced technology.
经济实力在欧洲投资,他们认为欧 洲是较为安全和稳定的投资市场。
More than 20 years ago, Swiss
The strategies of these companies vary.
companies started to invest in China.
Some want to develop in the international
Given the enormous challenge of
market, improve communication with
being successful in a new market with
international customers, or improve
a different culture, these companies
global after-sales service; others want
relied on the support of experts. Most
to gain access to advanced technical
of these endeavors have proven to be
knowhow, or set up a remote logistics
successful, for both Swiss companies
base. In any case, their presence in
and their Chinese business partners.
Europe will help Chinese companies to improve their competitiveness, both in
市场将有助于中国公司提高他们在 中国和全球的竞争力,一些中国企
Today, more and more Chinese
China and worldwide. Some Chinese
companies plan to invest in Europe,
companies already run quite big
Invest In Special Edition
Opinion 其中有些企业非常成功,而有些又 并非如此。是什么让他们如此不同? 成功的企业都懂得软技能的重要性。 这里举两个例子,Lyric Robots 有限公司是广东一家私营企业,是 中国定制装配自动化的前 5 名供应 商之一。他们希望自己的产品能在 国际市场上成为自动化设备的首选。 Lyric Robots 已 经 聘 请 丰 瑞 帮 助 其 在西欧与强大的市场参与者建立合 作关系。这种合作使 Lyric 能够逐步 学习欧洲业务的特点,并通过各个
organizations in Europe. Some of them
then, Kiekert has experienced rapid
are very successful, others not. What
growth both in sales and profits globally.
人才而受益。Lyric 不仅可以在西欧
makes the difference? The successful
Kiekert has developed into the sales and
companies have understood the
production bases of Lingyun Group in
importance of soft skills.
Germany, USA, Czech Republic, Mexico and Russia. And through this investment,
One such example is Lyric Robots Ltd., a
Lingyun Group has reached a new
privately owned company in Guangdong
milestone with more than 10 billion CNY
业的龙头企业。2012 年,该企业收
Province and one of the top five suppliers
in revenue.
of customized assembly automation
within China. The company wants its
If we look at the experience gained over
products to become the preferred
the last few years, being well-prepared is
choice for automation equipment in
the most important factor for successfully
international markets. Lyric has hired
investing in Europe. A clear strategy is
FinkRen to support them in establishing
needed. Secondly, investors need to
过 100 亿人民币的收入,从而实现
a partnership with a strong player in
learn how to run a European company;
Western Europe. Such a partnership will
their company will not succeed if it is run
allow Lyric to learn the characteristics
like a Chinese company. Developing the
of business in Europe step-by-step,
necessary soft skills and understanding
and to benefit from international talent in
European business culture are key
areas such as the Greater Zurich Area.
elements to success. And for this,
From here, Lyric will succeed not only in
Chinese investors should seek advice
expanding their business within Western
from experts. As we say in China: “If
Europe, but the rest of Europe too.
you do not know the road ahead, ask
someone who has traveled it.”
Another example is Lingyun Industrial
Group in Hebei Province. Lingyun Group
is a leading company in the Chinese
automotive supply industry. In 2012,
it acquired the internationally active
German company, Kiekert Ltd. Since Invest In Special Edition
专 访
皇冠金属贸易公司董事总经理许奇专访 Interview with Jacky Xu, Managing Director of Crown Metals Trading AG 许奇任职皇冠金属贸易公司的董事总经理,并持有“曼西 大学”(Massy University)新西兰惠灵顿校区的信息管 理和系统开发学士学位。 许奇现主要负责欧洲市场的业务开发和拓展工作,其客户 包括著名的车企大众、宝马和蒂森克虏伯等。许奇有丰富 的跨国公司管理经验,具有全球视野。 Jacky Xu is Managing Director of Crown Metals Trading AG and holds a Bachelor's Degree at Massey University in Wellington Campus of New Zealand, majoring in Communication Management and System Development.
Jacky is in charge of developing and expanding the Europe market. His customers include VW, BMW, and Thyssen Krupp, just to name a few. Jacky has excellent multi-national company experience and is also a manager of global vision.
许奇 皇冠金属贸易公司的董事总经理
1. 请问您的公司在瑞士大苏黎世地区(GZA)从事什么 业务,您至今感觉如何? 皇冠金属是从事非铁金属贸易的公司。迄今为止我对生 活在瑞士感到非常开心,公司也在德国和大众的合作中 得到突破,获益匪浅。 2. 在生活方式(生活质量)方面来说,您从开始在 GZA 生活到现在为止的感想是什么? 瑞士人非常友好和热情。因此对我和我的家人来说,我 们很享受在瑞士的生活。而且我的儿子开始在幼儿园上 学,他和同学们的相处也非常友好。重点要提一下苏黎 世和苏格州地区,这里有非常大的外国人社区;因此在 这里生活是毫无困难的。 Invest In Special Edition
Jacky Xu Managing Director of Crown Metals Trading AG
1. What kind of business is your company doing in the Greater Zurich Area (GZA)? In business terms, how has the experience been so far? Crown Metals is dealing with Non-Ferrum metal trading. So far I am happy with my stay in Switzerland and also the company has a big breakthrough with Volkswagen in Germany. 2. What have the positive aspects been in terms of lifestyle (quality of life) since moving to/starting operations in GZA? The people in Switzerland are warm and nice. My family and I are really enjoying the life in Switzerland. Also my son started to attend the nursery school and he feels very good with his classmates. Especially in Zurich and Zug area, where there is huge community of expats, therefore, there is no difficulty in living here.
21 3. 您 / 或您的公司是否等考虑过其它地方的选址?如果 是,是什么让您最终决定进驻瑞士大苏黎世地区(GZA) 的? 是的,一开始我们曾考虑卢森堡、荷兰和爱尔兰。但是 我们最终决定选择瑞士,是基于以下几个原因: · 治安状况(人身安全) · 每年的罢工日期 · 政府工作效率 · 世界范围内的良好声誉 4. 从您开始在瑞士大苏黎世地区(GZA)工作以来您面 临的最大挑战是什么?您会怎样建议其他来到此地的中 国投资者 / 公司来处理这些挑战? 老实说,在瑞士大苏黎世地区(GZA)工作真的是如沐 春风,没有什么能称得上挑战的东西,家人和我都非常 享受在瑞士的生活,但是语言仍是一个比较大的隔阂。
3. Did you/your company consider other locations? If so, what ultimately led to the choice of GZA? Yes, from the beginning, we considered Luxemburg, Netherland and Ireland. But finally we decided to chooce Switzerland, due to:
· · · ·
Human safety Strike date / year Government work efficiency Worldwide reputation
4. What have some of the biggest challenges been since starting to work in GZA? How would recommend other Chinese investors/companies handle these challenges if they make a similar move to GZA? Frankly speaking, working in the GZA is so smooth, and does not pose anything big enough to call it a challenge. My family and I are really enjoying life here. But language is always a barrier for me. I would suggest for investors interested in moving to Switzerland to study up on European cultures before they decide to move.
要我提建议的话,我认为投资者在决定来到瑞士之前, 应该多学习一下欧洲的文化。
Invest In Special Edition
1 世纪的首个十年见证了瑞 士成为全球跨国公司国际和 区域总部的首选之一。跨国
公司将瑞士作为其基地管理业务, 同时还在瑞士设立共享服务中心和 生产点,这一趋势日益增长。瑞士 拥有创新枢纽的盛誉,因此越来越 多的研发中心也开始建立在瑞士。 目前,该国已成为许多世界 500 强, 中小型公司以及各行业领域创业型 公司通往欧洲的大门。中国和瑞士 最近签署了自由贸易协定(FTA), 该协定将在 2014 年 7 月 1 日生效,
瑞士总部 — 通往欧洲之门 Swiss Headquarters – Your Gateway to Europe
这将极大地推动这一趋势的发展。 “这不仅仅是一项 FTA——这是 一 扇 大 门,” 普 华 永 道(PwC) 在 其编纂的一份报告中宣称(普华永
道国际有限公司为其子公司的运营 提 供 保 障 )。2014 年 5 月 在 毕 马 威(KPMG) 网 站 上 发 表 的 一 篇 文 章也表达了同一观点:“加上 2012 年 10 月 生 效 的 瑞 士 ——香 港 新 双 重征税协定,瑞士现在成为中国大 陆或香港公司总部位置的首选,是 它们通往欧洲的理想大门。” 中瑞两国建立 FTA 是获益之选, 其中一个主要原因是它与欧盟之间的 联系,据以 Esther Kessler,苏黎世 大学应用科学院国际商业的高级讲师 说道。瑞士本身不是欧盟成员国,但 作为欧盟最强大的经济体之一——连 续六年位列全球最具竞争力经济体之 一——它对欧盟成员国具有强大的影 响力,与欧洲大陆密不可分。瑞士和 欧盟间达成得一系列双边协定界定了 双方的关系;通过瑞士联邦所采用的 各种欧盟法律条例使得瑞士能够参与 到欧盟的单一市场。中瑞 FTA 对欧 盟成员国而言是非常强烈的信号, 使得他们进一步提高与中国的贸易 合作及对中国的投资,Kessler 说。 Invest In Special Edition
By Claire van den Heever
Investment Sectors
he first decade of the twenty-
1st July 2014, is only expected to fuel
first century has seen Switzerland
this trend.
become one of the world’s top
locations for housing the international and
“It’s not just any FTA – it’s a gateway,”
regional headquarters of multinational
declared a report compiled by PwC, the
companies from around the world.
umbrella under which the member firms
Along with using Switzerland as a base
of PricewaterhouseCoopers International
from which to manage their operations,
Limited operate. A May 2014 article
multinational firms are also showing a
on KPMG’s website indicated it held
growing trend towards setting up shared
the same view: “Together with the new
service centers and manufacturing
Double Tax Treaty between Hong Kong
sites here. Because of the reputation
and Switzerland that entered into force
as an innovation hub, more and more
in October 2012, Switzerland is now a
centers for research and development
top headquarter location for Chinese
(R&D) are being established within
or Hong Kong companies as an ideal
Switzerland as well. Today, the country
gateway to Europe.”
is a gateway to Europe for many Fortune 500 companies, small-and-midsized
One of the primary factors that makes
companies, as well as start-ups from
China’s establishment of the FTA with
virtually every industry sector. China and
Switzerland a good choice is its links
Switzerland’s recently implemented free
with the European Union (EU), according
trade agreement, which took effect on
to Esther Kessler, a senior lecturer in the Invest In Special Edition
投资领域 department of international business at
not only has the know-how, it also sets
设 点 存 在 几 个 原 因。 根 据 瑞 士 美
Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
the standard.” Switzerland provides an
Switzerland itself is not a member of the
advantageous business environment
行 的 一 项 研 究 指 出,“ 当 谈 到 吸
EU, but as one of Europe’s strongest
for multinational companies and, in turn,
economies – and with a ranking of the
multinational companies make significant
还 设 立 标 准。” 瑞 士 为 跨 国 公 司
world’s most competitive economy for
contributions to the Swiss economy.
提 供 优 势 商 业 环 境, 反 之, 跨 国
the sixth year in a row – it has plenty of
It is nothing if not a win-win situation.
公 司 为 瑞 士 经 济 做 出 重 要 贡 献:
influence on EU member states, and
“Underlying these mutual benefits,” the
这 是 一 个 双 赢 的 局 面。“ 在 这 些
within the continent as a whole. A series
report continues, “is a shared focus on
of bilateral treaties frames the relationship
R&D and innovation.”
between Switzerland and the EU, and
the adopting of various provisions of
In an interview about the increasing
European Union law by the Swiss
number of foreign multinationals
Confederation allows Switzerland to
relocating to Switzerland, author of
participate in the Union's single market.
Swiss Made – The Untold Story behind
The China-Switzerland FTA sends a very
Switzerland’s Success, R. James
strong signal to EU countries to further
Breiding explains: “Google employees
increase trade and investment with
recently elected Zurich as the most
China, says Kessler.
attractive destination network of the
R. James Breiding 是《 瑞 士
company and their local employees are
地, 苏 黎 世 当 地 的 雇 员 也 被 昵 称 为‘Zooglers’。 瑞 士 的 各 个 城
There are several reasons that
fondly called ‘Zooglers’. Swiss cities
Switzerland has been successful in
are frequently at the top of international
attracting multinational companies.
rankings for quality of life – critical
According to a joint study conducted
criterion for knowledge-based industries.”
这 些 优 势, 与 新 的 FTA 结 合
by the Swiss-American Chamber of
在 一 起, 吸 引 了 更 多 跨 国 公 司 在
Commerce and the Boston Consulting
These advantages, in combination with
瑞 士 设 立 办 公 场 所 或 总 部, 尤 其
Group, “When it comes to attracting
the new FTA, has made setting up
是 中 国 公 司。 毕 马 威 对 FTA 的 一
multinational companies, Switzerland
offices or headquarters in Switzerland a
些 影 响 作 出 澄 清 如 下:“ 自 由 贸 易协定签署之后,中国工业产品现 存的瑞士关税将会取消。同样地, 瑞士对中国工业出口的大部分产 品 也 会 享 有 部 分 或 全 额 关 税 豁 免。 FTA 同 时 也 包 含 了 农 业 和 食 品 产 品的关税优惠。” 有权享有这些关税优惠的产品 必 须 原 产 自 瑞 士 或 中 国。 一 般 而 言,这取决于产品的具体类型。瑞 士或中国生产商需确保这些产品 包 含 高 达 40% 至 70% 的 本 国 成 分,或至少使用了所规定生产流程 的其中之一。这些细节对确保 FTA Invest In Special Edition
Investment Sectors 提供两国认可的公平贸易领域非 常重要。中国长久以来便是瑞士重 要 的 合 作 伙 伴。FTA 更 进 一 步 促 进这种贸易关系,并拓展了双方的 贸易联系。毕马威 2014 年 5 月的 一篇文章报道:“中国是瑞士在亚 洲 的 最 大 工 业 产 品 贸 易 伙 伴, 而 瑞士则是中国的第七大贸易伙伴 及在欧洲的第六大外资来源地。” 普华永道的报告解释了如下 情况即通过改变公司在采购和 制 造 方 面 的 价 值 链, 从 而 可 满 足 FTA 准 入 国 的 各 项 处 理 规 定 , 进 而 可 显 著 节 省 关 税 。通 过 这 样 做 , 该 报 告 继 续 解 释,“ 中 瑞 FTA 更 进 一 步 充 分 解 锁 三 边 贸 易 机 会。
great deal more appealing for Chinese
to go a step further and expand their
companies in particular. KPMG clarifies
commercial ties. KPMG’s May 2014
入 以 及 各 自 的 FT A 网 。 ”
some of the implications of the FTA:
article reports, “China is Switzerland’s
“With the Free Trade Agreement, existing
largest trade partner for industrial
Swiss tariffs on Chinese industrial
products in Asia, while Switzerland is
所 包 含 的 国 家 遍 布 全 球, 从 印 度
products will be abolished. Likewise, the
China’s seventh largest trade partner
到 冰 岛, 再 到 柬 埔 寨 和 加 拿 大,
vast majority of Switzerland’s industrial
and the sixth largest source of foreign
exports to China will enjoy full or partial
investment in Europe.”
及。 当 然, 在 完 成 商 业 和 价 值 链
tariff dismantling. The FTA also includes
变 革 之 前, 需 要 进 行 仔 细 规 划 和
tariff benefits for agricultural and food
PwC’s report explains that by changing
深 度 分 析, 但 若 处 理 得 当, 它 们
your company’s value chain – in terms
瑞 士 和 中 国 的 三 边 FTA 网 络
of sourcing or manufacturing – to meet
会 呈 现 出 巨 大 的 商 业 潜 力。 这 也 高 度 彰 显 了“ 为 价 值 链 中 的 每 个
The products that are entitled to these
the processing regulations laid out in the
因 素 选 择‘ 正 确 位置 ’的 重 要 性 ,
preferential duties must originate from
applicable FTA of the gateway country,
either Switzerland or China. Generally
significant duty savings can be achieved.
域 总 部 ,”普 华 永 道 的 报 告 分 析 道 。
speaking – and depending on the
In doing so, the report continues, “the
中 国 和 瑞 士 FTA 的 冲 击 无 疑 是 巨
specific type of product – Swiss and
China-Switzerland FTA further unlocks
大 的 : “ FTA 所 有 的 一 切 通 过 为
Chinese producers will need to ensure
ample opportunities for trilateral trade.
that products contain 40 to 70 percent
It widens your market access to China
local content, or that one of several
and Switzerland and their respective FTA
stipulated manufacturing processes has
除 FTA 这 一 巨 大 网 络 的 明 显
taken place. Such details are important
潜 在 优 势 之 外, 因 双 重 征 税 协 定
in order to ensure that the FTA provides a
Switzerland and China’s trilateral FTA
( DTA ) 的 存 在, 瑞 士 对 跨 国 企
regulated playing field that is recognized
networks include countries all over
by both countries. China has been an
the world, from India to Iceland, and
DTA 的 建 立 是 为 了 避 免 对 公 司 及
important trading partner for Switzerland
Cambodia to Canada, allowinga large
for some time, and the FTA enables it
number of global markets to be within
Invest In Special Edition
投资领域 例如在瑞士具有总部或分支的中 国 公 司。 它 们 也 协 助 跨 境 经 济 交 易 更 为 顺 畅 同 时 更 具 成 本 效 益。 瑞 士 与 90 个 国 家 签 订 了 DTA, 这使得效率低下及成本昂贵的征 税流程成为过去。 事实上,国家极具竞争性的税 率 是 其 自 身 独 有 的 优 势。 根 据 毕 马 威 2014 年 8 月 对 瑞 士 作 为 投 资 目 的 地 的 报 道 中 指 出, 瑞 士 的 中 心 位 置, 具 有 高 度 竞 争 性 的 商 业 环 境 及 优 惠 的 税 收 体 系, 这 些 是吸引国际公司至该国落户的主 要 原 因。“ 极 具 竞 争 性 的 公 司 税 收及适用的赋税优惠期通常即代 表 了 商 业 的 显 著 诱 因。 另 外, 瑞 士税务机关以合作性及业务导向
性 而 闻 名, 其 税 务 裁 定 可 在 几 周 内 即 可 获 得, 这 使 得 公 司 可 在 其
reach. Naturally, careful planning and
avoid double taxation of corporations
投 资 前 即 可 确 定 其 课 征 方 式。”
in-depth analysis is required before
and individuals generating income in two
implementing business and value
countries, such as Chinese firms with
chain transformations, but if done
headquarters or branches in Switzerland.
properly, they present huge potential
They also assist in making cross-
分 为 26 个 不 同 的 行 政 区 , 这 相 当
for businesses. This also highlights
border economic transactions smoother
于 在 联 邦 体 系 下 美 国 的 州。 公 司
“the importance of selecting the ‘right’
and more cost effective. Switzerland
税 的 实 施 以 行 政 区 为 基 础, 各 不
location for each element in the value
has DTAs with 90 countries, making
相 同。 事 实 上, 与 其 他 包 含 瑞 士
chain, including your global and regional
inefficient and costly taxation procedures
主 要 城 市( 如 伯 尔 尼 和 日 内 瓦 )
headquarters in Europe and Asia,” PwC’s
a thing of the past.
的 区 相 比, 苏 黎 世 州 的 公 司 税 更
report emphasizes. The impact of China
低, 这 也 是 大 苏 黎 世 地 区( 包 含
and Switzerland’s FTA is nothing short
Indeed, the country’s competitive
of immense. “All in all the FTA recasts
taxation rates are a draw card in their
方 能 够 更 快 吸 引 中 国 投 资 。同 时 ,
the international trade landscape by
own right. According to an August 2014
establishing a free trade gateway for
report by KPMG regarding Switzerland
( E M R Z) , 它 也 是 欧 洲 经 济 实 力
cross-border trade.”
as a destination for investment, its central
最 强 的 地 区, 同 时 也 是 瑞 士 的 经 济中心。
location, highly competitive business In addition to the obvious potential
environment, and favourable tax
advantages of such a vast FTA network,
regime are all responsible for attracting
Switzerland is an appealing location for
international corporations to the country.
establishing European headquarters
“The competitive corporate taxation as
because of the number of double
well as available tax holidays generally
taxation agreements (DTAs) it has
represents significant incentives for
罗 斯 是 世 界 闻 名 的 高 端 百 货 商 店,
negotiated. DTAs are established to
businesses. Furthermore, the Swiss tax
瑞士成为跨国公司商业选址的 “哈罗斯(英国哈罗斯百货商店)”,
Invest In Special Edition
Investment Sectors authorities are known to be cooperative
as the European Metropolitan Region
and business orientated and tax rulings
of Zurich (EMRZ), it is one of Europe’s
can be obtained within weeks, providing
economically strongest areas, and
corporations with certainty on the tax
Switzerland’s economic hub.
treatment prior to their investment,” the report clarifies.
Switzerland has become the "Harrods" of business locations for
The country is geographically and
multinational companies, according
politically organised into 26 different
to a joint study conducted by
cantons, which are the equivalent of
the Swiss-American Chamber of
states within a federal system such as
Commerce and the Boston Consulting
the United States. Corporation taxes
Group. The world famous upscale
are also implemented on a canton by
department store makes for a flattering
canton basis. The fact that the Greater
– but apt – metaphor. Harrods
Zurich Area offers lower corporate tax
represents “a standard against which
这 一 比 喻 带 有 褒 义, 非 常 恰 切。
rates than other cantons containing
countries interested in attracting
哈 罗 斯 代 表 了“ 国 家 对 吸 引 外 资
major Swiss cities (such as Bern
foreign investment and developing
and Geneva) is one reason that the
businesses measure themselves,”
该 报 告 解 释 道。 而 且, 随 着 时 光
Greater Zurich Area – which includes
the report explains. And, if the
的 流 逝, 若 哈 罗 斯 的 完 美 声 誉 及
most of the Canton of Zurich – is
store’s flawless reputation and global
其 全 球 成 功 即 是 其 拥 有 的 所 有,
quickly attracting Chinese investment
success are anything to go by, this is
across several sectors. Also known
only the beginning for Switzerland.
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Invest In Special Edition