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景薰樓 2012 年中秋佳節特拍



拍賣日期 2012年9月29日(星期六)下午3:30 AUCTION DATE Saturday, September 29, 2012, 3:30pm





Auction Arrangement


Venue: Fubon National Conference Center


(B2, No.108, Sec.1, Dun-Hua South Road, Taipei, Taiwan)


September 29, 2012 (Saturday)

下午 2:00 茶熟香溫-宜興古茶具集萃

2:00pm Chinese Antique Teapots

下午 3:30 中國近現代瓷藝專拍

3:30pm Chinese Antique Ceramic Art


September 30, 2012 (Sunday)

下午 2:00 中國近現代書畫專拍

2:00pm Modern Chinese Paintings


景薰樓2012年中秋佳節特拍 中國近現代瓷藝專拍

拍賣日期∕地點 2012年9月29日(星期六)15:30 富邦人壽大樓國際會議中心 台北市敦化南路一段108號B2 拍賣諮詢 +886 4 2295 5528 +886 2 8771 7989

預展日期∕地點 台中 景薰樓藝文空間 2012年9月9日(日)-18日(二)10:00-19:00 台中市北區華美街二段262號B1 電話 +886 4 2295 5528

台北 富邦人壽大樓國際會議中心 2012年9月27日(四)-28日(五) 27日(四)10:00-19:00 28日(五)10:00-17:00 台北市敦化南路一段108號B2 電話 +886 4 2295 5528 +886 2 8771 7989

拍賣諮詢 / 陳碧真 林麗美 歐宇軒 諮詢電話 +886 4 2295 5528 +886 2 8771 7989 Website: E-mail:



AUCTION Date / Venue September 29, 2012 (SATURDAY), PM3:30 Fubon National Conference Center B2, No.108, Sec.1, Dun-Hua South Road, Taipei, Taiwan Service Tel:+886 4 2295 5528 +886 2 8771 7989

PREVIEWS Date / Venue TAICHUNG JSL Art Space SEPTEMBER 9-18, 2012 (Sunday-Tuesday)10:00-19:00 B1, No.262, Section 2, Hua-Mei Street, Taichung, Taiwan Tel: +886 4 2295 5528

TAIPEI Fubon National Conference Center September 27(Thursday)-28(Friday), 2012 27 (Thursday) 10:00-19:00, 28(Friday) 10:00-17:00 B2, No.108, Sec.1, Dun-Hua South Road, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: +886 4 2295 5528 +886 2 8771 7989

Auction Consulting: Jade Chen, May Lin, Ophiel Ou Service Tel: +886 4 2295 5528 +886 2 8771 7989 Website: E-mail:









20,000,000元或20,000,000元以下以18%計算;成交 價超過20,000,000元者,則超過新台幣20,000,000元

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算。 封面 Lot 71 畢淵明《粉彩虎嘯山林圖瓶一對》 封底 Lot 46 王




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Price NTD 1,000 USD 40 RMB 250 All estimates in U.S. Dollar in this catalogue and at auction are for reference only. All payments related to this auction are based on New Taiwan Dollar, buyers who pay by foreign currency, please pay as the exchange rate of the paying day. Front Cover Illustration Lot 71 BI Bo Tao “A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Tigers” Back Cover Illustration Lot 46 WANG Bu “A Pair of Famille-Rose Vases Designed with Chrysanthemums”

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瓷都妙筆、窯藝新猷〜 民初景德鎮瓷業發展及「珠山八友」藝術之概況 文/王 朝 麒

瓷器肇自東漢,堪與造紙、印刷、火藥等項並稱為中國古代最偉大的發明,它的出現非 但改變了千年來國人的生活型態,亦隨著帝王賞賚及商販的足跡遠播寰宇,古今中外皆視為 珍寶,成為當今全球藝術界熟悉且驚艷之東方標記。 中國疆域廣袤,窯址遍佈,而景德鎮更被公認是最具代表性的陶瓷故鄉,素有「瓷都」 美稱。清代藍浦所著《景德鎮陶錄》中描述:「景德鎮水土宜陶,陳以來土人多業此,至宋 景德年始置鎮,奉御董造,因改名景德鎮。真宗命進御,明洪武二年就鎮之珠山設御窯廠, 1

國朝因之」 ,據載景德鎮瓷業發展之成熟期不晚於北宋年間,該書有云:「(宋)真宗命進 御,瓷器底書『景德年製』四字,其器尤光緻茂美,當時則效,著行海內,於是天下咸稱景 2

德鎮瓷器 」 ,千年以來窯火未絕。明清時期且於眾多窯口中脫穎而出,成為官方御窯廠所 在,專司燒造宮廷用器,自此榮登中國陶瓷史上最巔峰。青花彩繪、仿古創新兼而有之,兩 朝數百年間聲譽屹立不搖。 晚清民初,政局驟變,西學風行,景德鎮瓷業為因應市場潮流,設置了一些專門機構, 於生產研發及教育培訓上企求革新。如1910年由狀元張謇等人所發起、官商合辦之「江西瓷 3

業公司」 ,《中國陶瓷史》另敘及:「光緒末年至宣統時,景德鎮有江西瓷業公司,又設分 4

廠於江西之鄱陽,研究新法以資改良,質品式樣,均屬可觀」 、「宣統二年時,江西瓷業公 司總理康特璋,得五省協款,成立中國陶業學校,附設於江西瓷業公司饒州廠內,內設本科 5

及藝徒二班,其目的在改良瓷業」 。民國建立,多省相繼開辦陶業研究組織,江西乃於十八 6

年一月「設立江西陶務局一所,以為改良整理之機關」 ;是年春季又於南昌市籌設「工業實 驗所」;二十一年一月「將景德鎮之陶務局,遷併南昌工業實驗所,內分化學、陶業二股, 瓷品製法多仿東西洋」,同年秋「將陶業股劃出,另名江西陶業實驗所」;二十四年春「又 將陶業實驗所遷回景德鎮,改名陶務局」……,凡此種種,皆為振興瓷業之舉,經由原料與 製程的調整,民國瓷的質量和產量已較為改善。

1清.藍浦,《景德鎮陶錄》,卷一〈圖說〉。 2清.藍浦,《景德鎮陶錄》,卷五〈景德鎮歷代窯考〉。 3江西省輕工業廳陶研所,《景德鎮陶瓷史稿》,第三篇〈半殖民地半封建社會的景德鎮瓷業〉。 4民初.吳仁敬、辛安潮,《中國陶瓷史》,第十二章〈清時代〉。 5同上。 6民初.吳仁敬、辛安潮,《中國陶瓷史》,第十三章〈民國時代〉。


裝飾技藝上也推陳出新,官窯熄火後的景德鎮瓷業,正擺脫了五百餘年務求繁縟工整的 樣式禁錮,開始走向清新灑逸、淡雅簡約之格調,一股新興的文人派畫風漸次成型。首先是 清末同治、光緒年間,由曾供職於御窯廠的程門、金品卿、王少維等畫師為代表,以瓷為 紙,嘗試將色調淺淡柔和、具中國傳統水墨效果之「淺絳彩」技法,運用於瓷件上,開闢了 瓷器彩繪新風貌,如《中國陶瓷史》寫道:「光緒初年,景德鎮有歙縣人程門號雪笠,極善 7

畫山水與花鳥,花鳥嬌媚、山水靈秀,頗為人所獎賞,呼為一等畫工」 ,淺絳彩瓷並興起於 產品上簽署作者名號,題寫詩詞、紀年及個人鈐印,頗具現今時尚「打造個人品牌」的流行 模式。隨後,乃有汪曉棠、潘匋宇等人改用粉彩顏料畫瓷,增加了色調的層次變化及表現效 果,這一波文人派瓷繪風潮,將原本民生用器提升為觀賞級藝術珍品,其中最為民間讚譽不 絕的,是以畫師王琦為首之「珠山八友」,倍受世人推崇。 「珠山八友」之緣起,乃瓷苑名家王琦於1928年邀集王大凡、汪野亭、程意亭、鄧碧珊、 劉雨岑、徐仲南、田鶴仙(一說加入畢伯濤、何許人共十位)等人結組「月圓會」,相約每 月望日齊集珠山,以畫會友,相互切磋觀摩,因得其名。珠山八友於「新粉彩」瓷繪技術上 均有極高之造詣,各擅勝場,如王琦工於人物肖像、王大凡自創的「落地粉彩」、汪野亭 之通景山水、程意亭之設色花鳥、鄧碧珊借鑒東洋法畫魚藻圖、劉雨岑之「水點桃花」法、 徐仲南善於松竹、田鶴仙畫梅、何許人以雪景山水見長、畢伯濤則專攻翎毛花卉,彼此志同 道合,時而共同創作出不少瓷器及成堂配套之瓷版畫,成為當時達官商賈爭相購藏的熱銷商 品,盛極一時。可惜後來鄧碧珊、王琦二人先後辭世,加上國內遭逢抗日等戰亂紛擾,時局 不穩、瓷業蕭條,珠山八友之聚會已無法正常維持。 珠山八友作品選題廣泛,涵蓋山水、花鳥、人物故事、宗教傳奇等類,多為群眾喜聞樂 見、雅俗共賞且寓意吉祥之內容,形象描摹精細傳神,色料鮮活明艷,敷染濃淡相宜,風格 或雄奇或秀麗、可古拙可灑脫,兼之題辭落款切合畫境,詩畫相襯更顯文人情懷。與珠山八 友同期發展的瓷藝大師,尚有一位以釉下青花技法展現文人派畫風的名家王步,其作品運用 鐵線描及水墨技法,風格素雅大氣,筆勢蒼勁渾厚,時人習稱「青花大王」,同珠山八友均 為近代陶瓷界少見之瑰寶。 是次特拍,匯聚了民初精品瓷器計八十餘件,各大名家代表作風貌相當齊全,適足以展現 民國初期景德鎮瓷業發展之精粹,殊屬難得珍貴。




王 琦(1884-1937) 號碧珍,別號陶迷道人,畫室名匋匋齋,江西新建人。 王大凡(1888-1961) 號希平居士、黟山樵子,畫室名希平草盧,安徽黟縣人。 汪野亭(1884-1942) 又名汪平,號元鑒、傳芳居士,畫室名平山草堂,江西樂平縣人。 程意亭(1895-1948) 別名甫,字仲孚,號翥山樵子,畫室名佩古齋,江西樂平人。 鄧碧珊(1847-1930) 字辟寰,號鐵肩子,畫室名晴窗讀書樓,江西余干人。 劉雨岑(1904-1969) 號澹湖漁、巧翁,畫室名覺庵、飲冰齋,安徽太平人。 徐仲南(1872-1953) 號竹里老人,畫室名栖碧山館,江西南昌人。 田鶴仙(1894-1952) 號荒園老梅,畫室名古石齋,浙江紹興人。 何許人(1882-1940) 字德達,安徽南陵人。 畢伯濤(1885-1961) 號黃山樵子,安徽歙縣人。 王 步(1898-1968) 號竹溪,晚年稱陶青老人,畫室名願聞吾過之齋,江西豐城縣人。 余文襄(1910-1993) 又名恂松,別號華舜,齋名明泉古屋,原籍江西都昌。 潘匋宇(1887-1926) 字鼎鈞,又名古歡,號澹湖外史,江西波陽人。 劉希任(1906-1967) 江西南昌人,著名陶瓷藝術家。 畢淵明(1907-1991) 別號至樂老人,原籍安徽黟縣。 張志湯(1893-1971) 齋名亦陶,江西婺源縣人。 余翰青(1904-1987) 江西樂平人,著名陶瓷藝術家。 郭葆昌(1867-1940) 字世五,河北定興縣人。 陸雲山(1901-1974) 江西豐城人,民國時期景德鎮著名的陶瓷藝術家。 章仕保(1909-1987) 江西進賢縣人,民國時期景德鎮著名的陶瓷美術家。 熊夢亭(1908-1970) 又名夢亭,字明武,江西南昌人。 龔耀庭(1910-1975) 陶瓷美術家,江西南昌市人。


Index 索引

王 琦 Lot 1-4 鄧碧珊 Lot 5-8 畢伯濤 Lot 9-11 何許人 Lot 12-18 王大凡 Lot 19-22 汪野亭 Lot 23-28 程意亭 Lot 30-32 劉雨岑 Lot 33-38 劉希任 Lot 39-41 徐仲南 Lot 43 王 步 Lot 45-59 潘匋宇 Lot 60 郭葆昌 Lot 61-62 居仁堂 Lot 63-64 洪 憲 Lot 65-66 畢淵明 Lot 67-72 張志湯 Lot 73-76 余翰青 Lot 77 熊夢亭 Lot 78 章仕保 Lot 79 余文襄 Lot 80-83 陸雲山 Lot 84 龔耀亭 Lot 85



王琦 (1886-1933) 「珠山八友」之首,字碧珍,別號陶迷道人。祖籍安徽,後遷居江

西新建縣。王琦幼年曾讀私塾,酷愛繪畫。父親是販鹽船戶,曾隨 父在水上生活。約在民國八年時王琦到景德鎮雕塑菩薩,後改習瓷 畫像,並以錢慧安仕女為藍本。 王琦思想開放,也學西洋畫技法,善用光線、明暗對比,以九宮格 畫瓷像,在景德鎮畫瓷板像,極有聲望,被稱為「西洋頭子」。善 於作詩、詞、曲,書法亦佳,為景德鎮瓷繪家中領袖人物。王琦尤 擅長人物畫,以寫意人物與草書長題別樹一格。所繪人物、神情捕 捉準確,刻畫細緻入微、惟妙惟肖。

WANG Qi The leading person of the Eight Friends of Zhushan. His courtesy name was Tao Mi Dao Ren. He studied in private school during his early age and loved painting. He first went to Jingdezhen in order to learn statue carving, then he studied ceramic painting. He was open-minded, so he also learned western painting style. He was good at painting figures and his works were featured with cursive style. The figures he depicted were lifelike and vivid.




1 王琦 (1886-1933) 粉彩迦葉尊者圖筆筒

2 王琦 (1886-1933) 粉彩拐仙圖撇口瓶 1931

鈐印:之印、匋匋齋(底) 題識:求得無量壽,高臥誦金經。 (H)13.5cm

鈐印:陶迷王琦、匋匋齋(底) 題識:拐仙濟老圖,龍集章未年,仲秋月下澣,陶迷道 人王琦寫於珠山客次。 (H)22cm

WANG Qi Famille-Rose Porcelain Brush Holder Designed with a Saint

WANG Qi Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with a Saint

NT$ 100,000 US$ 3,400 RMB$ 21,700

NT$ 100,000 US$ 3,400 RMB$ 21,700


3 王琦 (1886-1933) 粉彩福壽富貴圖棒槌瓶一對 1922

WANG Qi A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases with Figural Design

鈐印:陶迷王琦、匋匋齋 底款:清國考察實業團敬贈、江西瓷業公司特製 題識:祥光瑞氣映門庭,有福之家百事宜。子孫世代皆 列仕,富貴榮華永相隨。時在壬戌之春月,新中華中央 飯店開幕紀念,江西瓷業公司敬贈。西昌陶迷道人王琦 寫於珠山客次。 (H)47cm


NT$ 550,000 US$ 18,400 RMB$ 119,600


4 王琦 (1886-1933) 粉彩洗馬圖長頸瓶一對 1928

WANG Qi A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases with Horse Washing Design

鈐印:匋匋齋 ( 底 ) 題識:晚涼洗馬,戊辰秋月西昌陶迷道人王琦寫於珠山。



4 16

鄧碧珊 (1874-1930) 字辟寰,號鐵肩子,堂號晴窗讀書樓,「珠山八友」之一。江西餘 幹人,清末秀才。科舉廢除後,在餘幹縣從事教學,後來到景德鎮 瓷業學堂任教習,於是一面代人書寫瓷字,一面攻習魚藻畫技。 他博學善書、篆書尤佳。首創使用九格畫瓷像,又熟悉西洋畫技 法,頗受繪瓷藝人尊敬。鄧碧珊擅長粉彩魚藻,其技法頗受日本寫 實繪畫影響。他自幼生活在鄱陽湖畔、常常釣魚、打魚,非常熟悉 各種魚類的生活習性及形態特徵。於是,他所畫的魚藻特別真實、 生動、活潑。所作「遊魚」,相互聯繫,來往有勢。他論述畫魚秘 訣,在於「遊而不散」。因為他的魚藻畫得好,故在景德鎮享有 「魚王」之美稱。

DENG Bi Shan One of the Eight Friends of Zhushan and he was from Yugan County, Jiangxi Province. He was a scholar in late Qing dynasty, then he went to Jingdezhen to write the calligraphy for people and learn painting at the same time. He was the first one who invented ninechecks painting and also familiar with western skills. Famille-rose fish and seaweed were his specialty. He was influenced by by Japanese realist paintings. Since he was little, he lived along the river and went fishing very often. Therefore, he knew well all kinds of fish and paint them in a lifelike way.


5 鄧碧珊 (1874-1930) 粉彩魚藻紋水盂 1928

DENG Bi Shan Famille-Rose Porcelain Jar Designed with Aquatic Decoration



題識:天機洋溢,戊辰夏月鐵肩子鄧碧珊畫於珠山。 (H)8.5cm



6 (正面)

6 鄧碧珊 (1874-1930) 粉彩魚藻紋菱形筆筒

6 (反面)

DENG Bi Shan Diamond Shape FamilleRose Aquatic Brushpot

鈐印:碧珊(底)、印 題識:天機活潑,碧珊畫。 (H)19.5cm

NT$ 220,000 US$ 7,400 RMB$ 47,800


7 鄧碧珊 (1874-1930) 粉彩富貴永康圖掛屏 鈐印:之印 題識:富貴永康,戊辰年秋月鄧碧珊 畫於珠山。

DENG Bi Shan Famille-Rose Aquatic Porcelain Hanging Plaque NT$ 280,000 US$ 9,400 RMB$ 60,900


8 鄧碧珊 (1874-1930) 粉彩魚樂圖茶具組 1919

DENG Bi Shan A Famille-Rose Aquatic Tea Service


NT$ 400,000 US$ 13,400 RMB$ 87,000




畢伯濤 (1886-1961) 名達,字伯濤,號黃山樵子,祖籍安徽省歙縣,寄居江西省波陽 縣。景德鎮「珠山八友」之一。祖父在江西饒州府(清時稱鄱陽為 饒州)開設錢莊,家庭富裕,飽讀詩書,1899年,14歲的少年畢伯 濤考取清末秀才,至今還保存著當年赴考使用過的考籃及蠟燭。畢 伯濤早年曾師鄱陽畫家張雲山,畢伯濤後居景德鎮專攻粉彩陶瓷繪 畫,畢伯濤擅長翎毛花卉,瓷畫以用筆工細,設色雅靜著稱。在景 德鎮陶瓷繪畫界以金石、詩、書、畫傲視瓷壇,畢伯濤的繪畫藝術 來源於清代畫家新羅山人。 畢伯濤習承清代畫家華新羅一派的畫風,標新立異,融匯古法,神 形兼備。畢伯濤畫花鳥善於表現禽鳥瞬間動態與明媚鮮豔的花樹而 著稱,風格俊逸清新,刻意吸取華岩畫風之精髓,融會貫通,使瓷 畫別具一格。畢伯濤對新中國成立後景德鎮製瓷藝術的昌盛繁榮作 出了極大的貢獻。

BI Bo Tao One of the Eight Friends of Zhushan, he was born in a rich family and received a complete education. At his early age, he learned with the painter, ZHANG Yun Shan. Then, he went to Jingdezhen to learn famille-rose paintings. He mastered in painting flowers and his works were famous for the peace and the elegance. While painting flowers and birds, he knew how to depict the sudden movement of birds. His dedication to Jingdezhen’s prosperity gained the respect of people.


9 畢伯濤 (1886-1961) 粉彩菊花紋水盂

BI Bo Tao A Small Famille-Rose Porcelain Globular Jar Designed with Chrysanthemums

鈐印:伯濤、伯濤(底) 題識:黃金碎剪千萬片,翠葉搖曳嘉足枝。古歙畢伯濤

NT$ 160,000 US$ 5,400 RMB$ 34,800

寫於珠山。 (H)7.5cm



10 24


10 畢伯濤 (1886-1961) 粉彩喜鵲紋唇口瓶一對 1931

BI Bo Tao A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Magpies

鈐印:印、伯濤(底) 題識:八百千秋,時屬辛未年春月。仿新羅山人筆法, 伯濤寫於珠山。 (H)26cm

NT$ 350,000 US$ 11,700 RMB$ 76,100



11 畢伯濤 (1886-1961) 粉彩虎嘯圖瓷版

BI Bo Tao Famille-Rose Porcelain Plaque Designed with Tiger

鈐印:畢 題識:虎嘯動乾坤,畢伯濤寫於珠山。 32x49cm


NT$ 600,000 US$ 20,100 RMB$ 130,400

何許人 (1882-1940) 原名處,字「德達」,乳名「花子」,後改為「華滋」,安徽省南 陵縣人。何許人少時至景德鎮學繪青花,後改為粉彩。民國初年, 應詹元廣、詹元斌兄弟之聘,赴北京學仿古瓷,得見故宮房藏歷代 名畫名瓷、技法遂大進步。何許人又善微書,能于徑寸印盒上書 《出師表》、《赤壁賦》。 何許人家境貧寒,少年受雇于人,以謀生計。17歲進入景德鎮瓷 藝界後,何許人根據諧音將花子改為華滋,又謔以陶潛《五柳先生 傳》中「先生不知何許人也」句,更名何許人。何許人專攻彩繪雪 景,何許人中年後並於九江自設店號,自畫自銷。其傳世作品並不 多見,雪景圖畫筆墨精湛,彌足珍貴。

HE Xu Ren His original name was CHU. During his early age, he went to Jingdezhen to learn painting blue and white, then he changed to paint famille-rose. In the early republic of China, he was invited to Beijing to learn imitating ancient ceramics. Thus, he had a chance to observe the famous ceramics of the Palace Museum and improved his skills. HE Xu Ren was born in a poor family and started to work since he was very young. He entered Jingdezhen at the age of seventeen and he changed his name to Hua Zi. Afterwards, he named himself “HE Xu Ren” according to the literature of TAO Qian. HE’s specialty was painting snowy scenes and he ran a shop to sell his own works when middle-aged.


12 何許人 (1882-1940) 粉彩雪景圖瓷缽 1934

HE Xu Ren Famille-Rose Porcelain Earthen Bowl with Snowy Scenery

鈐印:何、之印、許人出品(底) 題識:寒江獨釣時在甲戌仲秋月,許人何處畫於珠山湓浦。 (H)12cm



NT$ 200,000 US$ 6,700 RMB$ 43,500

13 何許人 (1882-1940) 粉彩雪景圖燈籠瓶 1938

HE Xu Ren Famille-Rose Lantern Shape Vase with Snowy Scenery Decoration


NT$ 220,000 US$ 7,400 RMB$ 47,800

題識:家僮掃雪徑,昨與故人期。戌寅春月,許人何處 畫於珠山仿王原祁之筆意。 (H)20cm



14 何許人 (1882-1940) 粉彩梁園飛雪圖撇口瓶

HE Xu Ren Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Snowy Scenery


NT$ 300,000 US$ 10,100 RMB$ 65,200

題識:梁園飛雪,陽谷老人許人何處畫於湓浦客次。 (H)40cm



15 何許人 (1882-1940) 粉彩雪景圖天球瓶 1934

HE Xu Ren Famille-Rose Globular Porcelain Vase Designed with Snowy Scenery


NT$ 260,000 US$ 8,700 RMB$ 56,500

題識:垂垂樹雪俯山亭,時見幽人出谷行,可惜灞橋無 酒店,題討空折野梅清。甲戌年冬月,許人何處畫於湓 浦客次。 (H)34cm






16 何許人 (1882-1940) 粉彩雪景圖夔耳尊一對

HE Xu Ren A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases with Snowy Scenery

鈐印:何印、許人、許人出品(底) 題識:雪霽騎驢來山中,吟詩獨嘆梅花瘦。許人何處畫


於湓浦客次。 (H)15cm





17a-b 何許人 (1882-1940) 粉彩梁園飛雪圖瓷版二件一組 鈐印:許人、之印

HE Xu Ren A Set of Two Famille-Rose Ceramic Plaques Designed with Snowy Scenery

題識:梁園飛雪,戊寅年冬月許人何處畫於珠山客次。 快雪時晴入佳想,況復見此聞山圖。戊寅年冬月許人何 處畫於珠山客次。 41x78cm

NT$ 750,000 US$ 25,100 RMB$ 163,000






18a-d 何許人 (1882-1940) 粉彩雪景圖掛屏四件一組 鈐印:許人、何處


HE Xu Ren A Set of Four Famille-Rose Ceramic Hanging Plaques Designed with Snowy Scenery

題識:雪滿梁園飛鳥稀,煖煨榾啟雕扉,地爐溫却松花 酒,剛是溪頭拾蟹歸。辛己年仲冬月許人何處畫於珠山 客次。豪氣衝寒雪浪開,騎驢蹴踏小橋來,梅花嶺上馨 香滿,折得旋歸助酒醅。辛己年仲冬月許人何處畫於珠

NT$ 1,300,000 US$ 43,600 RMB$ 282,600

山客次。萬里歸來雪滿天,江山回首但風煙,屐痕記 ○○游處,奇境翩然在眼前。辛己年仲冬月許人何處畫 於珠山客次。六出霏霏舞,孤舟倚石磯,渾然冷不覺, 把釣獨忘歸,時辛己年仲冬月許人何處畫。 79x41cm


王大凡 (1886-1961) 山西太原人,後移居安徽黟縣。名堃,又號黟山樵子,齋名希平草 廬。少年至景德鎮學繪古彩人物,後專攻粉彩。景德鎮「珠山八 友」之一,早年拜汪曉棠為師,粉彩人物仕女畫受汪曉棠影響較 大,晚年時得海上畫家馬濤《畫中詩》冊,王大凡人物構造與造型 遂受馬濤影響。筆下人物秀潤、紋理清晰、氣韻渾成。王大凡早年 失學,刻苦自學成家,能詩,並擅長國畫。首創粗細相間、兼工帶 寫的「落地粉彩」畫法,繼承和發展了「淺絳」傳統繪瓷技藝,畫 面濃淡、陰陽分明,神形活現,生動活潑。1939年起,王大凡在彩 繪人物時,不用玻璃白打底,而直接將彩料平塗於瓷胎,再罩以雪 白水綠後經低溫彩爐烤燒成品,由於不用渲染,景德鎮至今稱王大 凡填彩法為「落地彩」。

WANG Da Fang A celebrated ceramic painter from Shangxi. He styled himself as Xiping Lay Buddhist and Yishan Woodman. He was one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan. During his early years, he went to Jingdezhen for learning. He learned from WANG Xiao Tang and was influenced by Mr. WANG in painting beautiful female figures by using famille rose. Later influenced by MA Tao, a representative of the Shanghai Painting School. His painting style showed a tendency toward rigidity. His works became a prize-winner during the 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition.


19 王大凡 (1888-1961) 粉彩叱石成羊圖掛屏 鈐印:王堃、大凡 題識:放去群羊夜不收,山中時歷幾 春秋,當年一叱風雲變,不待聲呼自 點頭,黟人王大凡寫於昌江西平草 盧。 38.5x25.5cm

WANG Da Fang Famille-Rose Porcelain Hanging Plaque NT$ 220,000 US$ 7,400 RMB$ 47,800 19






20a-d 王大凡 (1886-1961) 粉彩四美圖掛屏四件一組 鈐印:王堃、大凡


WANG Da Fang A Set of Four Ceramic Hanging Plaques Designed with Four Beauties

題識:抱○琵琶不忍彈,胡沙獵獵雪漫漫,曉來馬上寒 如許,信是將軍出塞難。時在丁卯孟春之月,黟山樵子 大凡王堃畫於昌江西平草盧。漢室衰微重十常,群雄兼 併國將亡,廟廊食祿人如織,替主分憂祇女娘。時在丁

NT$ 800,000 US$ 26,800 RMB$ 173,900

卯孟春之月,黟山樵子大凡王堃畫於昌江西平草盧。花 露殷勤吸,晨遊○貴妃,曉妝初罷鏡,新浴乍披衣,宿 ○○還渴,懷煙滴未晞。時在丁卯孟春之月,黟山樵子 大凡王堃畫於昌江西平草盧。芳蹤出自苧蘿西,未許脩 時色與齊,水剩山殘吳越盡,千年○說浣紗溪。時在丁 卯孟春之月,黟山樵子大凡王堃畫於昌江西平草盧。 55x34.5cm






21a-d 王大凡 (1886-1961) 粉彩美人四藝圖海棠形瓷版四件一組 鈐印:琴韻、棋局、書情、畫意、王堃、大凡


WANG Da Fang A Set of Four Ceramic Hanging Plaques Designed with Four Beauties


NT$ 800,000 US$ 26,800 RMB$ 173,900


22 王大凡 (1886-1961) 粉彩仕女圖瓶一對

WANG Da Fang A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Ladies



題識:聞道東山賭墅年,脂紅粉白兩嬋娟,主人出畫催 題急,好下亭亭付墨妍,黟山樵子大凡王堃畫。 (H)28cm



汪野亭 (1884-1942) 江西樂平人,名平,字鑒,號平山、平生、老平、垂釣子,亦號傳芳居 士,平山草堂主人,齋名平山草堂,江西省樂平縣人,近現代著名繪瓷藝 家。工畫花鳥、山水。在繪瓷技法上,採用油料,以水粉敷色,作品別具 一格,為瓷都景德鎮二十年代形成的「珠山八友」之一。汪野亭1906年就 讀于瀋陽江西鄱陽甲種工業窯業學校飾瓷科,汪野亭先師從潘陶宇、張曉 耕學繪花鳥,後改學山水。汪野亭早期作品多受程門一派絳彩技法影響, 汪野亭後繪粉彩青綠山水。汪野亭作品構圖簡約、畫面疏朗、佈局巧妙, 是一位技藝高超的多產瓷畫家。 汪野亭是20世紀前期景德鎮陶瓷美術革故鼎新的著名陶瓷藝術家。他的山 水畫,一直為後人所仰重、仿效,足足影響了半個多世紀。他從藝30多年 從未離開過景德鎮,創作了許多代表那個時代的精美作品,受到了世界收 藏家的青睞並爭相收購。

WANG Ye Ting He was originally from Leping County, Jiangxi Province. He was one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan. In 1906, he studied in the Department of Ceramic Decoration in Shengyang Technique School. He learned with PANG Tao Yu to paint Flowers and Birds, then he studied in painting landscapes. The composition of his works is simple but exquisite; therefore, he was considered a skillful ceramic painter. His landscape paintings had a great influence in later generation for more than fifty years. He had stayed in Jingdezhen for more than thirty years and never left. During the period, he created many classic ceramic works and most of them were collected by overseas collectors


23 汪野亭 (1886-1942) 粉彩山水紋印盒

WANG Ye Ting Famille-Rose Porcelain Seal Box Designed with Landscape

鈐印:汪平野亭(底) 題識:戊辰閏二月,仿烏目山中人法,傳芳居士汪平。 (diam.)6.5cm

NT$ 120,000 US$ 4,000 RMB$ 26,100



24 汪野亭 (1886-1942) 粉彩山水紋瓷硯

WANG Ye Ting Famille-Rose Porcelain Inkstone Designed with Landscape

鈐印:平山、汪平野亭(底) 題識:湖心秋色,壬午年伏月,野亭汪平寫。 8.5x12cm

NT$ 120,000 US$ 4,000 RMB$ 26,100



25 汪野亭 (1884-1942) 粉彩山水紋扇形瓷版嵌件

WANG Ye Ting Famille-Rose Porcelain Fan with Landscape Design


NT$ 220,000 US$ 7,400 RMB$ 47,800




26 汪野亭 (1884-1942) 粉彩山水紋扇形瓷版嵌件

WANG Ye Ting Famille-Rose Porcelain Fan with Landscape Design


NT$ 220,000 US$ 7,400 RMB$ 47,800

題識:丙寅夏月仿石谷法,翥山野亭汪平。 20x53cm



27 汪野亭 (1884-1942) 粉彩山水圖文鎮一對

WANG Ye Ting A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Paperweights Designed with Landscape

鈐印:汪、平山 題識:秋江野渡,野亭汪平作。湖山秋色,野亭汪平 作。湖山一色,汪平作。策杖湖山,汪野亭畫於珠山。


汪野亭作。子子孫孫寶用、白敦之寶。 21x4x4cm



28 汪野亭 (1884-1942) 雍正款粉彩錦雞月季紋洗口瓶

WANG Ye Ting A Pair of Enameled Porcelain Vases NT$ 240,000 US$ 8,000 RMB$ 52,200

鈐印:壽古、旭映、雍正年製(底) 題識:錦翎歌轉瑤臺上,淡妝疎影自芬芳。 (H)22cm



29 汪野亭 劉雨岑 王大凡 徐仲南 粉彩人物故事圖方瓶 鈐印:大凡、汪、竹、之印、月圓會(底) 底款:月園會 題識:風塵三俠,黟山樵子太凡王堃畫。石橋偶遇,翥 山野亭汪平寫於珠山客次。澹湖漁劉雨岑。仲南徐溪。 (H)23cm

WANG Ye Ting Famille-Rose Square Vase Designed with Figures NT$ 260,000 US$ 8,700 RMB$ 56,500

29 (正面)

29 (反面) 52

程意亭 (1895-1948) 原名程體孚,字體孚,別名甫,藝名翥山樵子、洎山山民,齋名佩 古,江西省樂平縣人,祖居樂平縣城南門外大碼頭官路口程家。民 國時期景德鎮繪瓷名家,珠山八友之一。初從郡陽江西窯業學堂張 曉耕習山水花鳥,後拜上海浙派畫家程障為師。1928年在景德鎮開 業繪瓷,1940年前後為浮梁陶瓷職業學校教員。 程意亭善畫花鳥,鳥態矯健,又善畫菊、畫幅豐滿。他還善製顏 料,其色秀麗、莊重、古雅。他漂研製作的顏色,在「珠山八友」 中第一,許多畫家和瓷繪技師,都喜歡用他製作的顏料。程意亭擅 長畫花鳥,深得師傳,刻意創新,極具特色。

CHENG Yi Ting His original name was CHENG Ti Fu and alternative name was Fu. He was from Leping County, Jiangxi Province. He was one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan. He first learned with ZHANG Xiao Geng to paint landscape and flowers-birds, then he studied with Shanghai style painter, CHENG Zhang. In 1928, he painted ceramics in Jingdezhen and he became the professor of Fuliang Ceramic Vocational School in 1940. He mastered in painting flowers and birds. His use of colors was considered the best among the Eight Friends of Zhushan. Many painters and ceramic artists love using the paints that he made.


30 程意亭 (1895-1948) 粉彩花鳥紋水盂

CHENG Yi Ting Small Famille-Rose Porcelain Globular Jar Designed with Flower and Bird

鈐印:意亭(底) 題識:秋色清華,意亭程甫寫於珠山。

NT$ 120,000 US$ 4,000 RMB$ 26,100




31 程意亭 (1895-1948) 粉彩蓮塘紋瓷版 鈐印:程印 題識:翥山樵子程意亭畫。 69x48.5cm

CHENG Yi Ting Famille-Rose Porcelain Plaque with Lotus Pond Design NT$ 200,000 US$ 6,700 RMB$ 43,500 31


32 程意亭 (1895-1948) 粉彩花鳥紋洗口瓶 鈐印:意亭、佩古齋(底) 題識:寒襲朱顏猶未改,冷香獨佔小園中。戌寅年秋月 翥山人程意亭寫于珠山。 (H)30cm

CHENG Yi Ting Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Flowers and Birds NT$ 220,000 US$ 7,400 RMB$ 47,800



劉雨岑 (1904-1969) 曾用名玉成、雨城,齋名飲冰齋(前期)、覺盦(後期),別號澹 湖漁、竹人,60歲後號「巧翁」。祖籍安徽太平縣,後遷居波陽 縣。景德鎮「珠山八友」之一。1918年考入江西省立甲種工業學校 飾瓷科,從此跨進了從藝道路第一步。他在校學習基礎課和飾瓷專 課的同時,師從該校頗有名望的畫家潘匋宇攻習中國畫,這為他後 來在瓷藝上進行改良創新打下了扎實基礎。 1922年來到景德鎮畫彩瓷,擅長粉彩花鳥,早年受華岩的繪畫藝 術影響,中年深得任伯年、新羅山人的繪畫藝術精髓,逐形成清新 雅麗的繪畫風格。晚年時,劉雨岑多見任伯年、新羅山人原作,技 藝大進。他的作品筆墨纖細秀逸,格調清麗雅致,具文人畫派的風 貌。

LIU Yu Cen A famous ceramic painter in Jingdezhen. His original given name was Yuceng, later changed to Yucen. He was also one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan. In 1918, he entered the Department of Porcelain Decoration in Jiangxi Technical School and became a disciple of Pan Tao Yu. In 1922, he went to Jingdezhen to work on faience painting and he was good at painting flowers and birds. He created the art of Peach-blossom Coming Out from Dropping Water, which exerted great influence on the famille-rose art. His works were featured by lifelike images and fresh coloring.


33 劉雨岑 (1904-1969) 粉彩鳥語花香瓷硯

LIU Yu Cen Famille-Rose Porcelain Inkstone Designed with Flowers and Bird

鈐印:之、灰陶齋(底) 題識:雨岑作 10x10cm

NT$ 120,000 US$ 4,000 RMB$ 26,100



34 劉雨岑 (1904-1969) 粉彩螽斯白菜紋小瓶

LIU Yu Cen Small Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Grasshoppers and Chinese Cabbage

鈐印:葉形印、之、印、雨岑(底) 題識:寂寞小橋和夢過,稻田深處草蟲鳴。 (H)13cm

NT$ 160,000 US$ 5,400 RMB$ 34,800



35 劉雨岑 (1904-1969) 乾隆款綠地粉彩花鳥紋瓶 鈐印:佳麗、金成、旭映、乾隆年製(底) 題識:花開呈春迎,雲深思吐芳。 (H)21cm

LIU Yu Cen Green Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Flowers and Birds


35 60

36 劉雨岑 (1904-1969) 粉彩仙鶴梅竹紋瓶1965 鈐印:雅、珍品 底款:中南海懷仁堂珍品、陶瓷研究所一九六五年 題識:丹頂宜承日,霜翎雪染衣,愛馳能久立,看月未 成栖。陶瓷研究所敬製 一九六五年。 (H)33.5cm

LIU Yu Cen Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Plum Blossom and Cranes NT$ 200,000 US$ 6,700 RMB$ 43,500

36 61





37a-d 劉雨岑 (1904-1969) 粉彩鳥語花香掛屏四件一組 鈐印:竹、人


LIU Yu Cen A Set of Four Famille-Rose Porcelain Hanging Plaques Designed with Flowers and Birds

題識:己卯夏月澹湖劉雨岑寫新羅山人大意於珠山覺 盦。劉雨岑寫於珠山之覺盦。覺盦主人劉雨岑寫意。己 卯仲夏澹湖漁劉雨岑作。 43.5x23.5cm

NT$ 800,000 US$ 26,800 RMB$ 173,900





38a-d 劉雨岑 (1904-1969) 粉彩鳥語花香掛屏四件一組 鈐印:雨岑 題識:一室但余書卷○,其間亦有水 僊梅,己卯春月澹湖漁劉雨岑畫於珠 山。曉吐芳心凌宿露,晚搖嬌影媚清 風己卯春月澹湖漁劉雨岑畫於珠山。 憑君莫厭臨風看,占斷春光是此花, 己卯春月澹湖漁劉雨岑畫於珠山。萬 縷千絲生便好,剪刀誰說勝春風,己 卯春月澹湖漁劉雨岑畫於珠山。 110x30cm

LIU Yu Cen A Set of Four Famille-Rose Porcelain Hanging Plaques Designed with Flowers and Birds NT$ 1,800,000 US$ 60,300 RMB$ 391,300 38c



39a 66


39a-d 劉希任(1906-1967) 粉彩人物圖掛屏四件一組 鈐印:希、任 題識:處處青山獨往,翩翩白鶴 迎歸。時在丙申年仲秋月,南玉 劉希任寫於珠山之客次。朝向青 山半嶺雲,暮向斜陽踏影行,林 深不覺采薪苦,樵斧叮噹響聲 徹,丙申仲秋月南玉劉希任寫於 珠山之客次。羲之摹精妙入神, 清○瀟灑在風塵,書經換得白羽 客,平生愛此好鵝賓,時在丙申 仲秋月劉希任寫於珠山之客次。 73.5x20cm

LIU Xi Ren A Set of Four FamilleRose Porcelain Hanging Plauqes Designed with Figures NT$ 1,600,000 US$ 53,600 RMB$ 347,800 39c

39d 67

40 劉希任(1906-1967) 粉彩人物紋竹節貫耳三角瓶 粉彩人物紋竹節貫耳三角瓶 鈐印:希任 底款:江西瓷業公司 題識:正是江南好風景,落花時節又逢君,時在癸亥孟 春月劉希任寫於珠山客邸。寒夜客來茶當酒,竹爐湯沸 火焰紅,時在癸亥孟春月劉希任寫於珠山客邸。秋晴野 菊挺芳姿,正是床頭把酒時,何事淵明喚不出,只因沉 醉在東籬,時在癸亥孟春月劉希任寫於珠山客邸。 (H)39cm

LIU Xi Ren Triangle Porcelain Vase with Figural Design NT$ 500,000 US$ 16,800 RMB$ 108,700

40 68

41 劉希任(1906-1967) 粉彩布袋和尚圖如意耳瓶一對

LIU Xi Ren A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Budai

鈐印:希任 題識:行也布袋,坐也布袋,放亦布袋,何不自在。南

NT$ 130,000 US$ 4,400 RMB$ 28,200

昌劉希任寫於珠山。 (H)18cm



42 粉彩帝王人物圖瓶一對

A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Emperors






徐仲南 (1872-1953) 名陔,藝名「竹裡老人」,江西南昌人。徐仲南10歲時,入南昌 一家瓷器店學徒、研習繪畫。1918年受江西瓷業公司的聘請來景 德鎮,開始在該公司主持陶瓷美術工作、不久辭去職務,專心從事 陶瓷美術創作研究,徐仲南與當時陶瓷美術界著名藝術家王琦等結 識,而一同組織「月圓會」。在「珠山八友」中,徐仲南年長望 重,畫技也高,深為畫友所尊。在長期的學習實踐中,打下了扎實 的繪畫基礎,竹石蒼松、山水人物俱擅長。徐仲南青年時畫人物, 中年專攻山水,晚年偏愛松竹,畫技純熟而全面,並善作詩詞,還 能鑒別古董。

XU Zhong Nan A native of Nanchang, Jianxi Province, whose courtesy name was Old Man in Bamboos. When he was ten, he was an apprentice in a ceramic shop in Nanchang for learning paintings. In 1918, he was hired to supervise ceramic works in Jingdezhen. XU met the famous ceramic artist, WANG Qi and formed Yue Yuan Hui. Among the Eight Friends of Zhushan, ZU was the eldest and also the most skillful painter. He mastered in painting bamboos, stones and landscape and he could also write poetry.





43a-d 徐仲南 (1872-1953) 粉彩竹石紋掛屏四件一組 鈐印:之印 題識:白雲依然把幽石,綠竹茂 密媚清逮,癸酉年徐仲南寫於珠 山。竹有虛心低頭嘆,傲骨梅花 仰面○癸酉年徐仲南寫於珠山。 門對青山竹葉綠,戶臨萬家景色 幽,癸酉年徐仲南寫於珠山。 73x21cm

XU Zhong Nan A Set of Four FamilleRose Porcelain Hanging Plaques Designed with Bamboo and Stones NT$ 1,200,000 US$ 40,200 RMB$ 260,900 43c



44 (正面)


44 王琦 徐仲南 鄧碧珊 王大凡 程意亭 劉雨岑 田鶴仙 汪野亭 粉彩珠山八友合繪圖瓶 鈐印:陶迷王琦、陶迷、徐印、碧印、竹、大凡、意 亭、鶴仙、平山 題識:西昌陶迷道人王琦寫於珠山客次。高竿吟風徐仲

WANG Qi, XU Zhong Nan, DENG Bi Shan, WANG Da Fang, CHENG Yi Ting, LIU Yu Cen, TIAN He Xian, WANG Ye Ting A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed by Eight Friends of Zhushan

南寫。鄧碧珊畫。秋菊若籬己卯仲秋澹湖劉雨岑寫意。 大凡王堃畫於昌江之希平草蘆。紅樹秋山,翥山野亭汪


平寫於珠山之平山草堂。己卯年古越荒園老梅田鶴仙寫 意。紫氣東來,己卯秋月意亭程甫畫於珠山。 (H)31cm

44 (反面)


王步 (1898-1968) 字仁元,別號竹溪,晚年作品常署「陶青老人」,江西豐城縣人, 自1907年來從事陶瓷美術創作達六十餘年之久,以擅長青花著稱 (其父王秀春1851-1904年精于青花,是當時繪製青花高手),創 作釉上、釉下、堆雕、刻花等作品無以計數,尤其精于青花瓷的繪 製,借鑒水墨畫技法創作青花,享有「青花大王」之稱。為陶瓷青 花藝術開拓了新的途徑。 王步的青花藝術對後人影響甚大,他的畫派,已成為當今陶瓷界研 究的重要課題之一。繪畫佈局細密有致,紋飾多集中於整幅繪畫的 左下方,留白頗多,力求畫面清爽。

WANG Bu Styled Renyuan, assumedly named Bamboo Creek, was born in Fengcheng County of Jiangzi Province. He had been devoted himself into the ceramic career for sixty years with thousands of works especially blue and white porcelain. The painting decorations are simple and vigorous, fresh and powerful, which won appreciation from home and abroad. His blue and white porcelain art had a great influence on later generations.


45 王步 (1898-1968) 粉彩羅漢圖瓶 鈐印:竹溪、王步 題識:無量壽佛,竹溪王步寫意。 (H)15cm

WANG Bu Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase with Amitayusi NT$ 160,000 US$ 5,400 RMB$ 34,800






46 王步 (1898-1968) 粉彩菊花紋瓶一對 鈐印:王步、竹溪(底) 題識:浥露憐金色,因風想落英,劍城長湖竹溪道人王 步寫意。

WANG Bu A Pair of Famille-Rose Vases Designed with Chrysanthemums




47 王步 (1898-1968) 粉彩蘿蔔白菜紋盤

WANG Bu A Famille-Rose Porcelain Plate Designed with Carrot and Chinese Cabbage

鈐印:竹溪 題識:王步戲作

NT$ 150,000 US$ 5,000 RMB$ 32,600




48 王步 (1898-1968) 粉彩菊花紋水盂一對 鈐印:竹溪、王步

WANG Bu A Pair of Small Famille-Rose Porcelain Jars Designed with Flowers

題識:卻教青女無尋處,坐擁群花度歲寒。乙酉秋九月 劍城長湖主人王步寫。 (H)7.5cm

NT$ 200,000 US$ 6,700 RMB$ 43,500



49 王步 (1898-1968) 粉彩菊花紋筆筒一對 鈐印:竹溪、王步、長湖(底)

WANG Bu A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Brush Holders Designed with Chrysanthemum

題識:欲教青女無尋處,坐擁群花度歲寒。竹溪道人王 步寫於珠山。 (H)13cm




50 王步 (1898-1968) 青花江南秀色圖掛屏 鈐印:王

WANG Bu Blue and White Porcelain Hanging Plaque Designed with Chiang-Nan Scenery

題識:江南秀色,丙寅年王步寫於珠山。 40x69.5cm

NT$ 350,000 US$ 11,700 RMB$ 76,100


51 王步 (1898-1968) 青花漁翁圖瓶一對

WANG Bu A Pair of Blue and White Vases Designed with Fisherman


NT$ 350,000 US$ 11,700 RMB$ 76,100

題識:茅屋深灣里,釣船橫竹門。經營衣食外, 猶得弄兒孫。竹溪王步寫意。 (H)33cm



52 王步 (1898-1968) 青花羅漢圖瓶

WANG Bu Blue and White Vase Designed with Figures


NT$ 220,000 US$ 7,400 RMB$ 47,800

題識:十八羅漢圖,劍城長湖竹溪王步寫。 (H)42cm



53 王步 (1898-1968) 青花人物花鳥紋方形筆筒一對

WANG Bu A Pair of Blue and White Square Brushpots Designed with Flowers and Birds

鈐印:王步 題識:晴空素艷照霞新,香灑天風不到塵。丁亥仲夏,

NT$ 350,000 US$ 11,700 RMB$ 76,100

竹溪王步寫於珠山。採菊東籬下,悠然見南山。乙酉夏 劍城長湖竹溪王步寫於珠山。年邁無他事,垂釣作生 涯。乙酉夏劍城長湖竹溪王步寫於珠山。珍禽栩栩枝間 舞,漫圃花開○無雙,丁亥仲夏竹溪王步寫於珠山。 (H)21.5cm

53 86

54 王步 (1898-1968) 青花蘆雁紋琮式瓶

WANG Bu Blue and White Cong-type (rectangular outside and round inside) Vase with Flying Swallows

鈐印:願聞吾過之齋(底) (H)31cm

NT$ 350,000 US$ 11,700 RMB$ 76,100

54 87


55a-b 王步 (1898-1968) 青花花鳥紋盤一對

WANG Bu A Pair of Blue and White Plates Designed with Flowers and Birds

鈐印:王步、竹溪 (diam.)41.5cm


NT$ 450,000 US$ 15,100 RMB$ 97,800


此盤撇口,淺腹,圈足,口徑碩大。盤面以青花勾描翠鳥蓮塘紋,一朵蓮花迎風綻放,秀麗動人;双鳥兩相呼應,一展翅俯翔於 蘆叢蓮束間,一鳥昂首觀望,斂翅憩立於蓮莖之上,盤面落「王步」、「竹溪」印款。畫面布局疏朗清逸,勾描渲染互用,濃淡 合宜,由於胎質潔白精細,兼以釉面瑩亮,視之恍然畫於紙面,充分顯露出「青花大王」王步精湛的彩繪功力。


56 王步 (1898-1968) 青花竹石雙雁圖瓶

WANG Bu A Pair of Blue and White Porcelain Vases Designed with Stones and Bamboos

鈐印:王步 題識:雁回遠浦,丁亥年劍城長湖竹溪王步寫於珠山之客

NT$ 150,000 US$ 5,000 RMB$ 32,600

次。 (H)36cm



57 王步 (1898-1968) 粉彩菊花紋長頸瓶一對

WANG Bu A Pair of Famille-Rose Long Neck Porcelain Vases with Chrysanthemum

鈐印:王、步、竹溪 題識:卻老青女無尋處,坐擁群金度歲寒。丁酉秋九月

NT$ 190,000 US$ 6,400 RMB$ 41,300

劍城長湖主人王步寫意。 (H)40cm



58 王步 (1898-1968) 粉彩羅漢圖螭耳扁壺一對

WANG Bu A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Lohans


NT$ 500,000 US$ 16,800 RMB$ 108,700

題識:無量壽佛、清香益遠 (H)24.5cm



59 王步 (1898-1968) 粉彩降龍羅漢圖瓶一對

WANG Bu A Pair of Coral Red Vases Designed with Dragon and Saint


NT$ 400,000 US$ 13,400 RMB$ 87,000

題識:降龍羅漢,劍城長湖竹溪王步之作。 (H)43cm



潘匋宇 (1887-1926) 字鼎鈞,又名古歡,號「澹湖外史」。江西波陽人,清末民初的繪 瓷名家,亦被稱為景德鎮現代彩繪的奠基人。1911年後,出任江 西省甲種工業窯業學校圖畫教師,曾培養了不少優秀畫瓷弟子,如 「珠山八友」中的汪野亭、程意亭、劉雨岑等均出自潘門。 潘匋宇執教之餘,常繪彩瓷,擅長粉彩。出自他筆下的彩瓷作品, 無論是人物還是山水、花鳥均甚精湛,筆法以秀麗明朗見長。潘匋 宇等精製陶瓷作品,參加在美國芝加哥、費城博覽並獲優獎,為國 家、為景德鎮贏得國際聲譽。潘匋宇後轉畫粉彩,更是名噪南北, 其聲譽世代相傳。可惜英年早逝,流傳於後世的作品不多。

PAN Tao Yu Styled Dingchun, alternative name was Guhuan. He was from Poyang County, Jiangxi Province. He was considered the pioneer of modern ceramics in Jingdezhen. In 1911, he taught in Jiangxi Ceramic Technique School and helped advance many excellent students, for instance, WANG Ye Ting, Cheng Yi Ting, LIU Yu Cen. Besides, he painted famille-rose ceramics during his free time. He mastered in painting figures, landscapes and flowers-birds. His works were exhibited in Chicago and Philadelphia and won many prizes. However, he passed away early and not many works were left.


60 潘匋宇 (1887-1926) 粉彩草蟲紋蒜頭瓶一對

PAN Tao Yu A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Grass and Bugs

鈐印:鼎、匋宇、古歡(底) (H)23cm

NT$ 200,000 US$ 6,700 RMB$ 43,500



郭葆昌 (1867-1940) 字世五,河北定興縣人。早年曾在北京西華門德聚成古玩店學徒, 後開始獨當一面,尤精于鑒定清官窯瓷器.自己也收藏了一批宋元 以來的官窯名瓷和其他文物,在京師古玩圈子裡頗有名氣,並因此 結識了許多收藏家和巨卿顯貴。後來一次偶然的機會。他進入軍機 大臣袁世凱府第當差,一度充任袁府總管。袁世凱任中華民國臨時 大總統後,便提拔郭葆昌任總統府庶務司承。郭葆昌提出想在景德 鎮燒制新瓷供內府專用,袁聽後便委任他為九江道,作為督陶宮到 景德鎮監督燒制瓷器,郭葆昌就此成為景德鎮御窯廠歷史上的最後 一任督陶宮。

GUO Bao Chang Styled Shi Wu, from Dingxing County, Hebei Province. He was apprentice in an antique shop during his early years. He became a master of appraisal and also had his own collection of ceramic works. Therefore, he got acquainted with many collectors and governors. Later he entered the government to work for Yuan Shi Kai by accident. He brought the idea of making ceramics in Jingdezhen for the government and Yuan named him the supervisor of Jingdezhen.



61 郭葆昌 (1867-1940) 粉彩十八羅漢圖瓶六件一組 鈐印:陶務監督郭葆昌謹製(底) 題識:猶染耳邊風,時在民國四年寫意。

GUO Bao Chang A Group of Six Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Eighteen Saints NT$ 600,000 US$ 20,100 RMB$ 130,400


62 郭葆昌 (1867-1940) 粉彩漁翁圖瓶一對

GUO Bao Chang A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Fisherman


NT$ 260,000 US$ 8,700 RMB$ 56,500

題識:老翁多閑情,溪水自垂樂。 (H)26cm



居仁堂 居仁堂即清代慈禧太后修建的海晏堂,也是曾當過八十三天皇帝的 民國大總統袁世凱寓所的齋號。「居仁堂製」底款瓷曾為其稱帝時 特製獎賞官吏及饋贈賓客所用,可謂民國時期的官窯,為洪憲瓷中 極品,真品傳世極少。其中主要是雍正、乾隆期的官窯粉彩、琺瑯 彩精品,進行仿製。選用精良瓷土、彩料,每出一器,不盡如意者 便當場銷毀,被選用的瓷器都有款識,大部份為紅色篆書「居仁堂 製」方款或楷書「居仁堂」款。

Ju Ren Tang Ju Ren Tang, the "Hall where Benevolence Resides", in Zhongnanhai was the building in which YUAN Shi Kai lived and also where he had his office around 1915. The porcelains with mark of “Made in Ju Ren Tang” were given to the most favoured officials. The quality of items produced was reputed to be excellent. Unfortunately during production, because of the very thin biscuit, many, many items were damaged. They are therefore very rare and very valuable; the production run being limited to the 83 day window which Charles noted.


63 居仁堂 青花九龍圖掛屏 題識:龍騰盛世,居仁堂製 68.5x170cm

Ju Ren Tang Blue and White Porcelain Hanging Plaque with Dragon Decoration, with a mark of Ju Ren Tang NT$ 800,000 US$ 26,800 RMB$ 173,900


該屏長達170cm、寬68.5公分,似此大面瓷版燒造本屬不易,屏面以青花描繪五爪正龍、行龍、升龍、降龍共九條,翻騰逐珠於 雲海火紋間,九龍體勢威猛矯健,儼然帝王之姿,瓷版正中上方題寫「龍騰盛世」、「居仁堂製」等款。居仁堂為民國時期大總 統袁世凱寓所時的齋號,1915年袁世凱稱帝之時,仿效清代御窯制度,延請製瓷名家郭葆昌擔任陶務監督,親赴景德鎮訂燒瓷器 一批,取清宮舊藏瓷件為樣本,特選工料精製而成,器身並落「居仁堂」款專供袁府所用。瓷件工藝風格極為講究,堪與御窯媲 美。由於居仁堂款瓷傳世數量有限,似此氣勢宏大壯闊之件更為少見珍貴。


64 居仁堂 粉彩商山四皓圖洗口瓶

Ju Ren Tang Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Four Saints, with a mark of Ju Ren Tang

鈐印:居仁堂製(底) 題識:商山四皓

NT$ 120,000 US$ 4,000 RMB$ 26,100




洪憲 1915年12月12日袁世凱稱帝,定1916年為「洪憲元年」。袁世凱 未稱帝前,已開始仿效清朝制度,設御窯。他派遣精通瓷器的郭葆 昌任「陶務總監督」,到景德鎮監製洪憲御瓷,以備饋贈參加大典 的各國公使及賓客。 這些「御瓷」極為精美,決不亞於歷代皇室的官窯,僅燒製費就共 用去140萬大洋,終成稀世珍寶。這些瓷器的胎質潔白、細膩、瑩 潤,雖是手拉坯,卻少見旋痕,器物造型生動、秀美、端莊、大 方,底足邊線整齊。在繪畫裝飾上,其圖案構思嚴謹,筆法細緻, 設色和諧,風格優雅,款識也十分講究。

Hongxian On 12 December 1915, Yuan agreed to become the next emperor and proclaimed himself Emperor of the Chinese Empire under the era name of Hongxian. He assigned GUO Bao Chang to be the supervisor of Jingdezhen for producing imperial porcelains. These ceramics were used as gifts for ambassadors and important guests. These imperial porcelains were extremely exquisite and they were as good as porcelain kilns administrated by the government in the imperial dynasties. Though these works were handmade, it is rare to see flaws. In terms of decoration, the composition was severe and the use of colors was harmonious, besides, the style was very elegant.


65a-b 洪憲 粉彩山水紋蒜頭瓶一對 鈐印:山高、水長、洪憲年製(底) 題識:無限殘紅著地飛,溪頭煙樹翠相圍。楊花獨得東 風意,相逐晴空去不歸。 (H)29.5cm

HUNG Hsien A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Landscape NT$ 300,000 US$ 10,100 RMB$ 65,200


65b 104

66 洪憲 粉彩鳥語花香圖瓶一對

HUNG Hsien A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Flowers and Birds

鈐印:洪憲年製 (H)28cm

NT$ 130,000 US$ 4,400 RMB$ 28,300



畢淵明 (1907-1991) 別號「至樂老人」,原籍安徽黟縣。父親畢伯濤為景德鎮陶瓷藝術 名家,幼承家學,秉父傳藝工金石、詩、書畫、精通陶瓷粉彩翎 毛、山水、人物、走獸,尤擅畫虎,有「畢老虎」之雅號。幼年時 代的畢淵明,耳濡目染,深受薰陶,14歲到景德鎮學藝,舉辦過個 人金石書畫展覽在國內外享有盛名。從青年時代起,畢淵明就致力 於畫虎,細心體察各類虎姿雄威,潛心探求畫虎真功。他的畫能寓 動于靜,於平淡中顯奇特,既奮發磅礡,又深沉遒勁,時如風捲殘 雲,時如夜半清笛,千變萬化,新意層出。由於具有深厚的文化素 養,他的畫大都集詩、書、畫、印於一體,內涵豐富,意趣橫生。

BI Yuan Ming His alternative given name was Zhile old man and his origin was Anhui Province. His father was the one of the Eight Friends of Zhuzhan, BI Bo Tao. Therefore, he learned with his father since he was little and he was good at painting birds, landscape, figures and animals, especially tigers. He went to Jingdezhen when he was fourteen and held many exhibitions in China. BI was devoted to paint tigers all his life and he observed all kind of gestures of tigers in order to take his works to the next step. His works didn’t only show the power but also own the cultural essence. His works included poems, calligraphy, paintings and inks and showed the variety and the cultivation.



67 畢淵明 (1907-1991) 粉彩虎嘯圖盤 鈐印:之印 題識:癸卯秋月,畢淵明畫。景德鎮藝術瓷廠美研室出 品。 (diam.)23.5x4cm

BI Yuan Ming Famille-Rose Porcelain Plate Designed with Tiger NT$ 200,000 US$ 6,700 RMB$ 43,500


68 畢淵明 (1907-1991) 粉彩松林動物紋瓶

BI Yuan Ming Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Animals


NT$ 260,000 US$ 8,700 RMB$ 56,500

題識:夜玉寒星動,晨氈映雪開,莫言鴻漸力,長牧上 林隈。印雪開畢淵明寫於珠山,古歙畢淵明寫於珠山。 (H)34cm



69 畢淵明 (1907-1991) 粉彩封侯晉祿圖瓶一對

BI Yuan Ming A Pair Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Monkeys and Deers


NT$ 350,000 US$ 11,700 RMB$ 76,100

底款:景德鎮工藝美術社合作出品。 題識:從今細享山林福,爵祿綿綿傲王侯。古歙畢淵明 寫於珠山。 (H)28cm



70 畢淵明 (1907-1991) 粉彩虎嘯山林圖瓶一對

BI Yuan Ming A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Tigers

鈐印: 畢、之印


底款:景德鎮工藝美術合作社出品 題識:一嘯風生谷,坐臥草末驚。此君深隱處,百獸俱 無聲。古歙畢淵明寫於珠山。



71 畢淵明 (1907-1991) 粉彩虎嘯山林圖瓶一對

BI Yuan Ming A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Tigers


NT$ 300,000 US$ 10,100 RMB$ 65,200

底款:瀋陽故宮博物館景德鎮藝術瓷廠美研室出品 題識:一嘯風生谷,坐臥草木驚。此君深隱處,百獸俱 無聲。古歙畢淵明寫於珠山。 (H)33.5cm




72 畢淵明 (1907-1991) 粉彩四獸紋掛屏 四件一組 鈐印:印 題識:眈眈復逐之,深居在 山谷,一嘯起長風,餘威震 林木。五八年一月畢淵明 寫於瓷都。斑格寒霧隱,星 帶曉風饕,一九五八年一月 古歙畢淵明寫意。濯濯斑衣 潤,呦呦逸韻清,古歙畢淵 明寫於瓷都。空山聽猿嘯, 松落咽流泉,五八年春畢淵 明寫於江西景德鎮。 74x21cm

BI Yuan Ming A Set of Four FamilleRose Porcelain Hanging Plaques Designed with Four Animals NT$ 1,100,000 US$ 36,900 RMB$ 239,100 113

張志湯 (1893- 1971) 齋名亦陶,江西婺源縣人,1901年入景德鎮餘立卿紅店學繪粉彩, 後被大官僚袁秋舫聘至南昌彩瓷,因而得見宋、元繪畫的珂羅版印 刷品,技藝大進。擅長山水,早年多參照宋元畫印刷品彩瓷,筆法 工細、構圖謹嚴。1935年入浮梁陶瓷職業學校任飾瓷教師,19371944年創作極多,以山水瓷板為主。40年代受郎世寧繪畫影響,大 量繪製駿馬,形象逼真,姿態生動。1945年後,先後任教于江西省 立陶專、景德鎮陶瓷學院。張氏擅長山水,早年多參照宋元畫印刷 品彩瓷,筆法工細、構圖謹嚴,40年代受郎世寧繪畫影響,大量繪 製駿馬,形象逼真,姿態生動,頗受客商歡迎。晚年在教學之餘, 偶作粉彩花卉小品,姿態輕盈,設色淡雅,尤為精妙。

ZHANG Zhi Tang His studio name was Yitao and he was from Jiangxi Province. He entered Jingdezhen to learn painting famille-rose in 1901, later was hired by the government to Nanchang to work. Therefore, he had an opportunity to see paintings of Song dynasty and Yuan dynasty and improved a lot. He was good at painting landscapes. In 1935, he was hired by ceramic vocational school to teach ceramic arts. From 1937 to 1944, he created a lot of works, especially landscape plaques. He was influenced by LAN Shi Ning, so he painted a lot of horses. Those works of horses were popular among the collectors.



73 張志湯 (1893-1971) 粉彩幽居人家圖花式盤 鈐印:乾隆年製(底) 題識:幽居人家

ZHANG Zhi Tang Famille-Rose Porcelain Flowershaped Plate NT$ 200,000 US$ 6,700 RMB$ 43,500


74 張志湯 (1893-1971) 粉彩山水紋方瓶一對

ZHANG Zhi Tang A Pair of Famille-Rose Square Porcelain Vases Designed with Landscape

鈐印:張、志湯 題識:江雨霏霏江草齊,六朝如夢鳥空啼。 無情最是台


城柳,依舊煙籠十里堤。星江張志湯寫於珠山客次。舍 南舍北皆春水,但見群鷗日日來。花徑不曾緣客掃,蓬 門今始為君開。星江張志湯寫於珠山客次。 (H)21cm



75 張志湯 (1893-1971) 粉彩描金雙犬圖梅瓶

ZHANG Zhi Tang Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Two Dogs


NT$ 220,000 US$ 7,400 RMB$ 47,800

題識:花香溢滿園,吠聲入林梢,殘風吹岸草,幾犬相 和來。臣郎世寧恭繪。 (H)21cm



76 張志湯 (1893-1971) 粉彩山水人物圖如意耳尊 鈐印:菊亭、志、湯、葉形印 題識:江邨秋色,時在甲午春月,星江張志湯寫珠山亦 陶齋。莫嫌老圃秋色淡,唯看黃花晚節香,南昌涂菊亭 撫黃慎筆意於珠山客次。景德鎮工藝美術合作聯社出 品。 (H)39cm

ZHANG Zhi Tang Famille-Rose Porcelain Vases Designed with Figures and Landscape NT$ 300,000 US$ 10,100 RMB$ 65,200

76 (正面)

76 (反面) 118

余翰青 (1904-1987) 江西樂平人。著名陶瓷藝術家、國畫家。1959年市政府首批授予 「陶瓷美術家」稱號。余翰青創作了不少很有影響的陶瓷精品和中 國畫力作,入選國內外重大展覽,很多精品均被國家館藏機構及海 內外收藏家珍藏,其中有大件瓶「百鴿之春」、 「枇杷」、「暖春 圖」、「松鷹」、「牡丹孔雀」等。他早年陶瓷作品工整典雅,以 精細縝密著稱。能自畫自填色、自繪圖案紋飾、自題自書自印,獨 立完成一件完整的陶瓷美術作品。晚年作品,題材更加廣泛,意境 越發深邃,筆墨蒼勁有力,畫風奇崛沉雄含蓄而不含糊,凝重而不 凝滯,充滿藝術生命力。

YU Han Qing He was born in Leping, Jiangxi Province in 1904 and died in 1987. He was rewarded as “Ceramic Artist” in 1959 by the municipal government. He used to be associate professor of Art Department of Jingdezhen Ceramics Academy, member of Chinese Artists Association, counselor of Jingdezhen Calligraphy and Painting College and appraiser of municipal bureau of Culture Heritage. His works were selected by large domestic and overseas exhibitions, collected by national collection institutions and collectors.


77 余翰青 (1904-1987) 粉彩梅雀竹石圖長頸瓶

YU Han Qing Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Cherry Blossom and Sparrows

鈐印:余、氏、翰青(底) 題識:山邨水廓間,春意盎然足。翥山余翰青寫於珠山

NT$ 160,000 US$ 5,400 RMB$ 34,800

清平畫室。 (H)23cm



熊夢亭 (1908-1970) 江西南昌人,又名夢亭,字明武,民國解放初粉彩畫名家,是30 年代至60年代景德鎮著名繪瓷高手,擅長釉上粉彩花鳥瓷畫。作 品用筆細膩,構圖簡練,格調高雅,被譽稱為「小八友」。好友 有王大凡、劉雨岑、王步、章鑒等景德鎮陶瓷美術名家。1954 年,熊夢麟作為身懷絕技的陶瓷工筆花鳥拔尖人才調入輕工業部 景德鎮陶瓷研究所。熊夢麟傳世作品較少,晚期作品多被國務院 等機構選送。其子熊鎮生主攻釉上粉彩花鳥,兼及青花、新彩和 高溫色釉裝飾,擅長中國畫,多有精妙之作。

XIONG Meng Ting He was originally from Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. He was considered a ceramic master in early republic of China. He was good at painting famillerose flowers-birds plaques. His style was delicate and the composition was simple and elegant. He was also a good friend of WANG Da Feng, LIU Yu Cen and WANG Bu. In 1954, he was chosen to work in Jingdezhen ceramic research office for his excellent skills. His works were mostly collected by the government institutes.


78 熊夢亭 (1908-1970) 粉彩花鳥圖瓶

Xiong Meng Ting Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Flowers and Birds


NT$ 180,000 US$ 6,000 RMB$ 39,100

寫於珠山。 (H)23cm



章仕保 (1909-1987) 江西進賢縣人,陶瓷美術家。專長粉彩花鳥草蟲,精於墨彩花卉。 他在幾十年的藝術創作中,辛勤耕耘,精研古今中外名人傑作,廣 收前人精華,博采當今之長,融匯貫通,終於形成了「高古典雅, 雄渾深沉」的畫風。其作品多次在國內外展出和獲獎。在他筆下, 翎毛花卉不是呆板的圖像,而是表達情感的象徵,並非無聲的死 寂,而是詩與畫的結晶。 章仕保深諳陶瓷裝飾的特點。陶瓷藝術是主體藝術,具有多面性。 因此,他的作品能根據現代人的欣賞習慣,根據不同的器型在主要 部位進行重點裝飾,富有「滿刀」的特點,使人從任何角度都能欣 賞到陶瓷裝飾圖案。他的作品還有穿插有致,滿而不亂的特點。他 在創作中力避滿而呆的通病,講究主題紋飾與次要紋飾的交錯襯 托,使作品疏密虛實開合有序。

ZHANG Shi Bao He was from Jinxian County, Jiangxi Province. He specialized in painting famille-rose Flowers and Birds. He studied many masterpieces and learned from the best of them. Finally, his style became elegant and powerful. His works were often exhibited overseas and gained many prizes. Under his works, flowers were not only images, but more like the symbol of his feelings. They could be considered as the mixture of poems and paintings. He knew well about the characteristics of ceramics’ decoration. Ceramic art has many aspects, therefore, his works could be appreciated by any angle. He tried not to make boring ceramics and emphasized on the main decoration and the second adornment.



79 章仕保 (1909-1987) 粉彩雙鶴長春圖瓷燈一對1975

ZHANG Shi Bao A Pair of Famille-Rose Porcelain Lamps Designed with Two Cranes

鈐印:保印 題識:十八學士圖,乙卯春月,仕保寫於昌江。景德鎮 藝術瓷廠一九七五。 (H)27.5cm



余文襄 (1910-1993) 又名恂松,別號華舜,齋名:明泉古屋。原籍江西都昌,世居景德 鎮,中國美術家協會會員,中國工藝美術學會會員。擅長工藝粉彩 雪景山水,其作品風格意境深遠,用筆雄渾,給人以高潔曠達,豪 放壯觀的感覺。在當時被稱為「八小名家」。 1913年就讀於江西省立乙種工業學校,1925年師從何許人學藝。 6年的學藝經歷,練就了扎實的雪景繪畫功力,隨著功底的不斷扎 實,其作品佈局自然,主次分明,意境深遠,極富詩意,他在繼承 傳統雪景技法的基礎上,另辟途徑,在歲寒蕭索、冰天雪地的景織 中表現春的資訊和勃勃生機,作品充滿純樸莊重的意境,富有濃郁 的生活氣息,被人譽為「雪景大王」。

YU Wen Xiang His alternative name was Xunsong, literary name was Huashun, studio name was Mingquan Ancient House. He was originally from Duchang County, Jiangxi Province. He was a ceramic artist and also a member of Chinese Artists Association and a member of Chinese Arts and Crafts Institute. He was good at painting famille-rose snowy scenery. In 1913, he entered Jiangxi Technique School. In 1925, he learned the ceramic arts with HE Xu Ren, one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan. After six years of practice, he could finally master the painting skills. Therefore, he was awarded the title as “The King of Snowy Scenes”.



80 余文襄 (1910-1993) 粉彩雪景圖筆洗 鈐印:之印 題識:路出寒雲外,人歸暮雪時。余文襄畫於珠山明泉 齋。藝術瓷廠美研所出品。 (diam.)17.8cm


YU Wen Hsiang Famille-Rose Porcelain Brush Holder with Snowy Scenery NT$ 190,000 US$ 6,400 RMB$ 41,300


81 余文襄 (1910-1993) 粉彩雪景圖大碗 鈐印:之印 題識:昨夜忽飛三尺雪,明年須兆十分春。壬寅年冬月 余文襄畫於珠山客邸。景德鎮藝術瓷廠美研所出品。 (H)10cm

YU Wen Hsiang Famille-Rose Porcelain Bowl with Snowy Scenery NT$ 200,000 US$ 6,700 RMB$ 43,500


82 余文襄 (1910-1993) 粉彩雪景圖瓷壺

YU Wen Hsiang Famille-Rose Porcelain Teapot Designed with Snowy Scenery

鈐印:葉形印、余、之印 題識:終南陰嶺秀,積雪浮雲端,林表明霽色,城中增


暮寒。余文襄寫於珠山客次。 9.5x17cm




83 余文襄 (1910-1993) 粉彩雪景圖文房組 鈐印:葉形印、之印 題識:南山晴有雪,東陌霽無塵。余文襄作於珠山客 次。最愛東山晴後雪,同窗樹下誦銀山。余文襄作於珠 山客次。江山不夜月千裡,風雪無私玉萬家。余文襄作 於珠山客次。寒江獨釣,余文襄作。雪窗讀易,余文襄 作。藝術瓷廠美研所。

YU Wen Hsiang A Set of Famille-Rose Scholar’s Four Jewels Designed with Snowy Scenery NT$ 350,000 US$ 11,700 RMB$ 76,100


陸雲山 (1901-1974) 江西豐城人。民國時期景德鎮著名的陶瓷藝術家,以新彩瓷畫享譽 瓷壇,被譽為「新彩大王」。因家道貧寒,於1910年隨家兄陸隱山 去天津裕豐瓷行學徒,1918年到上海搪瓷廠畫搪瓷。同時掌握了扁 筆作畫技巧。于1921年到九江為人幫工畫瓷。對傳統粉彩裝飾陶 瓷得心應手。1925年又去上海畫瓷,受任伯年畫風的影響,畫瓷技 法又有提高。1928年應天津裕豐召請,又得北派畫藝之道,因此將 南北畫藝揉合一體探索自己的風格。1932年重返九江,畫名鵲起潯 陽。 1937年定居景德鎮。1953年走合作化道路進入市第三陶瓷工業社。 1956年調入陶瓷研究所(後更名為輕工業部陶瓷研究所)和王大凡、 劉雨岑、王步等人同堂共藝。他畫的松鶴、松鷹、梅等畫面深得同 行讚譽。1968年調入藝術瓷廠和畢淵明等人共藝。為豐富表現力, 創粉彩與新彩裝飾相結合,創圓筆與扁筆及指畫技法相結合,賦予 了陶瓷新彩裝飾新的生命力,創出了陸雲山自己的藝術風格。

LU Yun Shan He was from Fengcheng County, Jiangxi Province. He was considered one of the reputed ceramics artists in Jingdezhen. He was acknowledged as “King of New Colors” for his works. In 1910, he went to a ceramics shop in Tianjin with his brother to be the apprentice. From 1918 to 1928, he had been learning and looking for his own style. In 1937, he moved to Jingdezhen. In 1956, he was transferred to Ceramic Research Institute to work with WANG Da Fang, LIU Yu Cen and WANG Bu. The cranes, eagles and plum blossom that he painted were highly appreciated by his colleagues. In 1968, he entered Ceramic Factory to work with BI Yuan Ming. He combined famille-rose and new color to create his own characteristic.


84 陸雲山 (1901-1974) 粉彩松鶴長春圖瓶

LU Yun Shan Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Pines and Cranes


NT$ 160,000 US$ 5,400 RMB$ 34,800

題識:蒼松勁挺枝凌霄,鶴飛九皋季春秋。古劍陸雲山 寫於珠山客邸。 (H)22cm

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龔耀庭 (1910-1975) 陶瓷美術家,江西南昌市人。10歲即在景德鎮何德達瓷店學藝, 對陶瓷美術技藝刻苦鑽研,年青時在山水瓷畫方面頗負盛名。解放 後,技藝進步更快,在山水畫方面,不論青綠、淺絳、雪景等都能 盡其所長,特別是淺絳山水畫更為出色。對於工筆山水中的一草一 木,樹石樓臺,無一不精。1959年由景德鎮市人民政府授予「陶瓷 美術家」稱號。

GONG Yao Ting A ceramics artist and was from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. At the age of ten, he went to Jingdezhen to learn making ceramics. He studied hard the techniques of ceramics making. His skills improved very fast especially in landscape paintings. In 1959, he was awarded the title of “Ceramics Artist” by Jingdezhen.


85 龔耀亭 (1910-1975) 粉彩園林山水圖瓶

Gong Yao Ting Famille-Rose Porcelain Vase Designed with Landscape



題識:山寺歸來聞好語,野花啼鳥亦欣然,龔耀亭作。 (H)45.7cm

85 133

第一節 總則


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第二節 買方 六、拍賣進行中喊價最高經拍定之競標者稱為買方。 七、登記競投 未曾於景薰樓競投或託售拍賣品的準買家,須備: (一)個人:政府發出附有相片的身分證明文件(如國民身分證或護照)及現居住址證明(如身分證明文件未 有顯示現居住址),可出示公用事業帳單或銀行結單等證明文件。 (二)公司:註冊登記證書。 (三)財務狀況證明:可為近期銀行結單或銀行開立證明書。 登記代表未曾於景薰樓競投或託售拍賣品者為競投者,除須備本身的身分證明文件外,尚須備其所代表 競投一方之身分證明文件,以及該方簽發之授權書。 準買家須於拍賣開始前至少30分鐘辦理登記手續並索取競投號碼牌。取得號碼牌後請妥善保管並為持該 號碼牌所為之行為及所生費用負全部責任。 八、買方佣金 買方應支付本公司佣金,計算方式如下: (一)拍定價少於或等於新台幣(以下同)貳仟萬元時,為拍定價之18%。 (二)拍定價高於新台幣貳仟萬元者,貳仟萬以內之部分為18%,超過貳仟萬元之部份12%計算。 (三)買方同意本公司,亦可依第十九條及第二十條之規定向賣方收取佣金。


九、付款方式 (一)拍定之買方應立即提供姓名、地址及往來銀行等相關資料予以本公司。但從未與本公司往來者,應於 拍 賣日前與本公司約定付款及交付拍定物方式。 (二)除另有約定外,買方應於拍定後七個工作天內付清總價款。 買方如以新台幣以外之貨幣支付,因此所致之任何外匯費用;包括銀行收費與兌換貨幣之規費及匯差 等,皆由買方負擔。 十、約定付款 買方得於拍賣前與本公司另行約定付款條件。 十一、給付順序 買方給付之任何款項,本公司得自由選擇優先抵充之應付項目,而不受買方及其代理人指示之限制。 十二、拍定物之交付 買方非於拍賣過程全程結束後並付清應付總價款前,不得請求交付拍賣物。但依第九條規定另行約定付款條 件者,得於付清約定之一部份價款,並依中華民國動產擔保交易法登記為附條件買賣後,先取得拍定物之占 有,於付清全部價款後取得所有權。登記所需費用由買方自行負擔。 十三、拍定物交付之費用 (一)拍定物交付所生之費用,由買方負擔。 (二)買家應支付景薰樓之所得款項均不包括任何貨物稅或服務稅或其他加值稅(不論是由香港或其他地區 所徵收)。如有任何此等稅項適用,買家需依有關法律所規定之稅率及時間繳付此等稅款。 凡進口藝 術品由買方在台取貨者,買方依規需另繳交『落槌價』之百分之五(加值)營業稅。若拍品係於中華 民國境外交付買方,並由景薰樓處理運輸等相關事宜,買方則無需負擔該筆稅費,惟買方若欲於中華 民國境外取貨,應於拍賣後三個工作天內通知本公司(上述進口藝術品為目錄內有*符號標示者)。 (三)依第八條付款者,買方最遲應在拍定日後七個工作天內取走拍定物,否則應負擔任何本公司所為之搬 運、保存及保險費用,不得異議。 (四)付運及運送保險:付運所需費用概由買方支付。已購物品將於下述狀況儘快送出:買方繳足該拍賣品 之款項全部結清、取得買方之書面付運指示,任何出口認可證以及其他可能需要之許可證或證書。 十四、危險負擔 拍定物之利益及危險自交付時起均由買方承受,縱本公司應買方之要求代為包裝或處理拍定物亦同。但逾拍 定日後七個工作日仍未取走者,自該七個工作日屆滿後其利益及危險亦由買方承受負擔。 十五、違約條款 違反本節規定者,本公司得以拍賣人或經賣方授權之代理人身份,任意選擇下列一種或數種方法請求賠償: (一)對違約之買方提起賠償訴訟。 (二)對違約之買方,解除其於本次或他次拍賣之交易。 (三)將原拍定物於公開或非公開之拍賣中,再予出售。再次出售之拍定價,若較原「 應付總價款」 於扣除 已付款部份加上再出售費用後之金額低,其差額應由違約之買方負擔;若再出售之拍定價額較高,則 超出部份歸於賣方所有。 (四) 再次出售前拍定物之搬運、保存及保險,均依本公司選擇之方式處理,其有關費用應由違約之買方負 擔。 (五)尚未付清之「應付總價款」餘額,應自拍定日後五個工作日屆滿時起至支付日止,按每月2%之利率計 息。 (六)留置買方於本次或他次拍賣之拍定物,至「應付總價款」付清後才由買方領回。 (七)拒絕接受違約之買方或其代理人,於未來拍賣方之喊價,或於接受其喊價前,先取得與本公司約定之 135

押金。 (八)違約之買方若對本公司有任何已到期或未到期之應收拍賣所得,應以之抵償其「應付總價款及其他費 用」,不足之部份並對其交由本公司保管之任何物品設定質權。 (九)對違約之買方提起賠償訴訟並要求買方賠償該次拍賣會所拍得標地物之落搥價百分之三十違約金及其 違約所遭受的一切損失及該次訴訟之全數開支。 十六、本公司取得所有權 前項情形,買方於拍定日後二十一日內仍未付款者,若本公司願意付款,則拍定物之所有權於本公司將拍賣所 得,匯予賣方時取得所有權。 十七、拍定物為膺品之處置 買方於本公司將拍賣所得匯予賣方前,如認定拍賣物系膺品,得於拍定日後二十一日內,以書面通知本公司, 並於發出通知後十四日內將與拍賣時保持同一狀況之拍定物退回本公司,經本公司認定確有買方所述之情形 時,買方得解除本件交易,本公司並無條件退還買方已支付之任何款項,然買方不得再請求其他賠償。

十八、買方注意事項 依中華民國法律所規定,超過百年歷史藝術品,是禁止出口的。本委託單所生之爭議適用中華民國法律,如因 而訴訟雙方合意由台灣台中地方法院第一審為管轄院。

第三節 賣方 十九、權利瑕疵擔保 (一)賣方應擔保第三人就買賣標的物,不得對於本公司或買方主張任何權利。 (二)拍賣之物若未交由本公司保管者,賣方應保證於買方請求時,立即交付拍定物。 (三)賣方不履行前二項義務時,本公司得請求其負債務不履行之責。 廿 、買方因第十六條之情形而解除本件交易時,賣方應支付本公司已發生之所有相關費用及佣金(包括買方及賣 方)。 廿一、佣金及費用 (一)未能拍出者,應依底價2%計算給付佣金並給付相關費用。 (二)拍出者,本公司自「拍定價」中扣除依「規定比率」計算之佣金及相關費用,因未能拍出而私下議價 者亦同。 (三)本公司雖為賣方之代理人,本公司亦得依第七條向買方收取佣金。 廿二、保險 (一)本公司對所有受委託拍賣或保管之物皆予以投保,另有約定者,不在此限。 (二)保險費用由賣方或委託人負擔,保險金額依本公司對拍賣物之估計定之,但該估計之金額,非本公司 保證之拍定價。 (三)保險期間至拍賣物交付予買方、買方應付款之到期日(以先屆至者為準),若未能拍出者,至賣方委 託人應取回拍賣物之時。 (四)保險事故發生時,領得之保險金扣除相關費用後,全數歸於享有所有權之一方。 (五)本公司依第一項約定未予保險者,除本公司或其僱用人、代理人故意或重大過失所致之損害外,賣方 或委託人應自行負擔危險,若致本公司受有損害者亦應負賠償責任。 廿三、撤銷委託(一) (一)賣方委託本公司拍賣後,不得任意撤銷,但經本公司同意者不在此限。


(二)撤銷委託者仍應支付底價20%之款項及相關費用予本公司。 廿四、撤銷委託(二) (一)賣方委託拍賣後,如有下列原因,本公司得撤銷委託。 (1)對拍賣物之歸屬或真實性有懷疑者。 (2)對賣方所做之說明或保證之內容有懷疑者。 (3)賣方有違反本交易條款內容之情事者。 (4)其他合理原因。 (二)如依前項第二、三款撤銷委託者,賣方應依前項約定給予底價20%之款項與相關費用予本公司。 廿五、交付價款 (一)除另有約定外,本公司應於拍定日後第三十五日內,將拍賣所得匯予賣方,但以買方已支付完畢為 限,否則應於買方付清應付總價款五個工作日內匯予賣方。 (二)可歸責於本公司而延遲者,應加計依月息2%計算之利息付予賣方。 廿六、未能拍出之拍賣物 (一)拍賣物未能拍出時,賣方應於接到本公司通知後三日內與本公司聯絡,欲取回者,應於通知送達後五 日內取回,通知後至取回前所發生之相關費用及危險、利益均由賣方負擔。 (二)除另有約定外,本公司不再繼續為拍賣物投保。 (三)欲繼續拍賣者,另與本公司成立新的委託契約。 (四)通知送達後逾三日,尚未與本公司聯絡或逾五日仍未領取者,本公司得以公開拍賣或私下協議方式出 售拍賣物,出售價金額不受底價限制,且均應自出售價款中扣除先前積欠之佣金及相關費用後始將餘 款匯予賣方。賣方所在不明者,則將前項款項存入以本公司名義開設之銀行帳戶代為保管。 (五)任何拍賣品如未能成功拍賣,或不包括在拍賣之內,或因任何理由而撤回拍賣,則在本公司發出通知 予賣定要求賣家領回拍賣品之35天內,賣家必須領回拍賣品。任何此等拍賣品如在35天期過後仍未領 回,則每天每件將徵收新台幣2000元貯存費,並收取額外費用以購買保險。賣家需在付清所有未付費 用後,方可領回拍賣品。

第四節 交易條款 廿七、除本公司於拍賣前聲明該拍賣物為本公司所有者外,本公司只為賣方拍賣事物之代理人。賣方或買方自身之違 約行為,應自負其責,與本公司無關。 廿八、本公司有權拒絕任何人進入拍賣場所或參加拍賣。 廿九、所有拍賣物皆定有底價,底價由本公司與賣方協議並以書面定之,底價經雙方協議後,非經本公司同意,不得 更改。 卅、 本公司得依買方之請求代買方喊價,但因過失致喊價有誤或未為喊價者,本公司及其僱用人或代理人不負任何 責任。本公司如同時受到多人委託代為喊價,而喊價相同者有數人,又皆為最高價者,以本公司最先收到委託 書者為拍定人。 卅一、本公司之拍賣型錄對拍賣物之圖示、影像、作者、來歷、出處、年代、尺寸、材質、損壞或修復情形及其他相 關說明僅供參考,不在本公司保證之範圍。 卅二、 (一)拍賣物悉依拍賣時之現狀出售,本公司不對拍賣物之種類、性質為任何明示或暗示之保證或負擔任何 瑕疵擔保責任。 (二)本公司對拍賣物所為之任何陳述或書面,均不得視為保證或擔保,本公司之僱用人或代理人所為者亦 同。 137

卅三、本公司不保證買方於買受拍定物後,當然取得其著作權。 卅四、未高於前次喊價5%或其他由拍賣主持人決定之比例之喊價,拍賣主持人得拒絕之。 卅五、因本交易所生之損害賠償,若請求權人為本公司之僱用人或代理人,本公司得代為全權處理。 卅六、本公司依本約所為之通知均以書面為之,如交付郵政機關者,以郵寄後一星期視為送達收信人,但收受日期早 於一星期者,以實際收日為送達日。 卅七、本公司得對拍賣物拍照或攝影,並隨時使用該圖片或影像,不以此次拍賣為限,賣方所提供者亦同。 卅八、未具中華民國國籍之賣方,亦應依中華民國稅法申報所得稅。 卅九、名詞定義: (一)「拍賣型錄」:係包含廣告目錄、展示錄影帶、估價、標價及其他有關拍賣物品性質之說明。 (二)「拍定價」:指出價最高且拍得物品之價格。 (三)「應付總價款」:包含拍定價、佣金之相關費用及依第十四條得請求之損害賠償。 (四)「拍賣所得」:係指拍定價扣除應付之佣金,相關費用及其他賣方應付予本公司金額後之餘額。 (五)「拍定比率」:於每次拍賣前公佈。 四十、本條款所未說明之特殊名詞,其特殊定義將於每次拍賣型錄上說明。 四十一、本條款依中華民國法律解釋之,若有未盡事宜,均依中華民國法律定之, 本公司與交易之他方因本契約所 生之爭訟,合意由台灣台中地方法院第一審管轄法院,其他買賣雙方未涉及本公司之爭訟者,不在此限。 四十二、本交易條款以中文版為準。


JSL International Art Auctions Co., Ltd. Conditions of Business Part I. General Provisions Article 1. Ching Shiun International Auctions Co., Ltd.(hereafter referred to as “the Company” ) carries on business on the following terms and conditions and on such other terms conditions and notices as may be set out of any relevant catalogue in every auction. Article 2. Any dollar amount referred to in these provisions is denominated in New Taiwan Dollars. The sale will finally be settled in New Taiwan Dollar. If any sale is settled in other currencies, it will be calculated in the exchange rate of the day of sale.In auction, the exchange rate shown on the screen is only for referral. The exchange rate of currency is calculated on the day before the auction day. However, the bidding is still conducted by New Taiwan Dollar. The inaccuracy of the exchange rate which shown on the screen can’t be controlled by JSL Auction. We will not take any responsibilities for any error or failure due to the screen information. Article 3. Definitions (1) Every bidder shall be deemed to act as a principal unless there is in force a written acknowledgement by the company that he acts as an agent on behalf of a named principal. (2) The auctioneer must start the bid with the price lower than the reserve price and has rights to bid successively for the seller or respond the other bidders in order to reach the reserve price. However, the auctioneer doesn’t need to indicate that in the auction. Under any circumstances, the auctioneer will not offer the same price or the price higher than the reserve. (3) Bidding The auctioneer accepts bids from those present in the saleroom, from telephone bidders, or in advance of the auction. The Company offers all telephone and absentee bidding services as a convenience to our clients, the Company will do the best to serve our clients but will not be responsible for errors or failures to execute bids. • Telephone bids Prospective buyers may bid by telephone during the course of the auction. Arrangements for this service must be confirmed with the Bid Department at least 24 hours prior to the auction. Telephone bids will be recorded. By bidding on the telephone, prospective purchasers consent to the recording of their conversation. The company will not be responsible for any failure telephone contact in cases of force majeure. • Absentee bids Absentee bids are written instructions from prospective buyers directing to bid on their behalf up to a maximum amount specified for each lot. If identical bids are received from two or more parties, the first bid received will take priority. • Bidder Registration Prospective buyers should register for a numbered bidding paddle at least 30 minutes before the auction. (4) No bidder can make a bid unless the registration form has been filled in by the very person and the identification there of has been verified by the Company. (5) If any disputes happen while bidding, bidders should follow the judgment and decision of the auctioneer. Article 4. Catalogue Illustration The copyright of all images, illustrated and written material relating to a lot is and shall remain at all times. Our property shall not be used by the buyer nor anyone else without our prior written consent. Illustrations in catalogues are for reference only. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to the sales as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgments as to whether the lot accords with its description. 139

Article 5. The definition of words and phrases with special meanings appear in Article 37.

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Article 17. Prior to the remittance of the sale proceeds to the seller by the Company the buyer may make a written notice of the forgery of the lot to the Company 21 days after the auction and return to the Company the lot in the same condition as it was at the time of the auction 14 days after the notice. The buyer may rescind the deal after the lot is proved to be a forgery by the Company and any amount paid in respect of the lot will be refunded unconditionally to the buyer accordingly. The buyer is not entitled to make any other claim than the amount paid in the respect of the lot. Article 18. Notice to Buyers According to the law of Taiwan (R.O.C.), artistic works that determined as over-100-year historical works are forbidden for export.

Part III. The Seller Article 19. Warranty of Title (1) The seller must warrant that the lot is free from any right enforceable by the third parties against the buyer. (2) The seller must warrant that immediate delivery of the lot upon the request of the buyer if it is not in the custody of the Company. (3) If the seller fails to perform the liabilities prescribed in the proceeding two paragraphs, the Company may demand compensation for the nonperformance of the entire obligation. Article 20. The seller shall pay to the Company all the fees, expenses and commission accrued (both for the seller's and the buyer's sides), if the deal is rescinded by the buyer under the condition of Article 17. Article 21. Commission and Expenses (1) If the auction fails, the commission and expenses shall be 2% of the reserve price, which is the minimum hammer price. (2) If the auction succeeds or a private deal is done, the Company shall deduct from the "hammer price" at a "regulated rate" as the commission and expenses. (3) The Company, although as the agent of the seller, may charge commission and expenses from the buyer in accordance with Article 8. Article 22. Insurance (1) Unless otherwise negotiated, the Company will insure any property consigned to it or put under its custody for any other purpose. (2) The insurance will be at the expense of the seller or the consignor and the amount of which will be decided in accordance with the Company's estimation of the value of the lot. The estimated value cannot be deemed as an insured "hammer price" however. (3) The insurance period subsists to the delivery of the lot to the buyer, the last day the buyer should pay (whenever comes first) or the day before which the seller or consignor should take back the lot due to failure of the auction. (4) If the insurance is to be collected, the full amount of the insurance compensation after deduction of related commission and expenses shall be given to the owner of the lot. (5) The seller or the consignor is liable for the loss or damage of the lots without insurance under special negotiation in accordance with the proceeding paragraph(l) unless the loss or damage is caused by the Company, its employee or agent. Any loss or damages of the Company therefore shall also be borne by the seller or the consignor. Article 23. Rescission of the Consignation (I)


(1) Unless consented by the Company, the seller shall not rescind the consignation. (2) Upon rescinding of the consignation, the consigner shall pay 20% of the reserve (which is the minimum hammer price) as the related expenses to the Company. Article 24. Rescission of the Consignation (II) (1) The Company may rescind the consignation under the following conditions: (a) The ownership or the authenticity of the lot is questionable; (b) The description or insurance of the lot by the seller is questionable; (c) The seller violates the Business Conditions; (d) Other reasonable reason occurs. (2) The seller shall pay 20% of the reserve (which is the minimum "hammer price") to the Company as related commission and expenses, if the consignation is rescinded in accordance with the preceding b.c. paragraphs. Article 25. Payment of Sale Proceeds (1) Unless otherwise agreed upon, the Company shall remit the sale proceeds to the seller during the 35th days after the auction. If by that date, the Company has not received the total amount due from the buyer, the Company will remit the sale proceeds within 5 working days after the date on which the total amount due is received from the buyer. (2) Late remittance caused by the Company, an interest of 2% per month shall be paid to the seller by the Company. Article 26. Unsold Lots (1) Where any lot fails to sell, the Company shall notify the seller accordingly. The seller shall make arrangements either to re-offer the lot or to collect the lot within two days after receiving of the notification. The collection of the lot shall be completed within 5 days after arrival of the notice. Any fees and expenses, risk, and interest accrued between the arrival of the notice and the collection of the lot shall be borne by the seller. (2) Unless otherwise agreed upon, the Company shall not insure the lot re-offered for sale. (3) The seller shall make a new resignation contract with the Company for re-sale of the lot. (4) If the seller has not contacted with the Company three days after the arrival of the notice or has not collected the lot 5 days after the arrival, the Company shall have the right to sell the lot at public auction or private sale without reserve and to deduct from the sale proceeds any sum owing to the Company before remitting the balance to the seller or, if the seller cannot be traced, placing it in bank account in the name of the Company for the seller. (5) Any lot fails to sell, not included in auction or rescinded for any reasons, the seller shall collect the lot within 35 days after receiving the notice from the Company. If not, seller will be charged NT$ 2,000 per lot for each overdue day without the extra charge of insurance. Seller can collect the lot after the all payment done.

Part IV. General Conditions Article 27. Unless the lot is proclaimed as owned by the Company prior to the auction, the Company acts as the agent for the seller. The Company is not liable for any default by the seller or the buyer. Article 28. The Company shall have the right at its absolute discretion to refuse admission to its premises or attendance at its auctions by any person. Article 29. The Company shall negotiate with the seller for every lot and place for it a reserve, being the minimum "hammer price" at which the lot may be treated as sold, in written form. Once being placed, the reserve shall not be changed


unless agreed upon by the Company. Article 30. The Company may make a bid for the seller upon request, but the Company, its employee or agent shall not be responsible for any mistake or miss of the bid by negligence. If more than one consigner make the same highest bid, from whom the consignation letter first arrives the Company shall be the buyer. Article 31. Any illustration, images, authorship, origin, provenance, age, size, material, damage or repair condition and other related statement of the lots in the Company's catalogue is for reference only. They are not under the warranty of the Company. Article 32. (1) All lots shall be sold in their present state, and the Company does not expressly or impliedly warrant that the type and quality of the lot sold are free from any defect which may impair or destroy its value. (2) Any illustration or written statement of the lots made by the Company and its employee, agent shall not be regarded as the guaranty or warranty. Article 33. The Company does not guarantee the obtainment of the copyright of the lot sold by the buyer. Article 34. The auctioneer may refuse any bid lower than 5% (or any rate decided by the auctioneer) above the previous bid. Article 35. The Company may, at its absolute discretion, represent its employees or agent for claims of the rights resulting from any sale in the auction. Article 36. Any notice made by the Company in accordance with the Business Conditions shall be in written form. Any notice by post shall be deemed as having been received by the addressee one week after dispatch. If received earlier than seven days after dispatch, the actual receiving day shall be the arrival day of the notice. Article 37. The Company shall be entitled to make photos of every lot and use the photos or images freely during and not limited in the auction. The Company has the same said right fro photos or images provided by the seller. Article 38. Sellers of nationality other than Republic of China are also subject to the Republic of China income tax and are required by the Republic of China law to file income tax with respect to sales proceeds from the auction. Article 39. Definition of the Terms (1) "Catalogue" includes any advertisement brochure, display videos, price estimation, tagged price, and other illustration of the lots. (2) "Hammer price" means the highest price at which a lot is knocked down by the auctioneer to the buyer. (3) "Total amount due" includes the hammer price in respect of the lot sold together with the commission, any related fees and expense plus rights and remedies in accordance with Article 14. (4) "Sale proceeds" means the balance of the "hammer price" less the total amount of the commission at the "stated rates" and any other related fees and expenses due to be paid by the seller to the Company. (5) "Stated rates" shall be proclaimed prior to every auction. Article 40. Definition of any other special terms not covered in the Business Conditions shall be defined in the sale catalogue of every auction. Article 41. The effectiveness, interpretation, performance and any other related matter of this Business Conditions shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the Republic of China. For all litigations arising or derived from the Business Conditions, except for those between the seller and the buyer without any involvement of the Company, the Taichung District Court shall have jurisdiction in the first instance. Article 42. Any discrepancy between the Chinese version and any other language version of this Business Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


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The Absentee Bid Form

CHINESE ANTIQUE CERAMIC ART Auction Date September 29, 2012 (Saturday), 3:30pm Account for NTD Account Name: JSL Auction Bank Name: BANK OF TAIWAN TAICHUNG BRANCH Account Number: 010001173267 Account for USD Account Name: CHEN, PI CHEN Bank Name: BANK OF TAIWAN HONGKONG BRANCH Account Number: 114-11-005173-9 Account for RMB Account Name: CHEN, PI CHEN Bank Name: BANK OF TAIWAN HONGKONG BRANCH Account Number: 114-01-005173-8 Account for RMB Account Name: CHEN, PI CHEN Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Pan Jia Yuan Branch Account Number: 0200253301022791577

The buyer should complete this bidding form and hand it to JSL 48 hours before the auction. In meanwhile, the guarantee of NTD$ 200,000 (US$ 6,800/RMB$ 50,000). If the guarantee could not be paid before the deadline, this form will be invalid. Please bid on my behalf at the above sale for the following lot(s)up to the price mentioned below. These bids are to be executed as cheaply as is permitted by other bids or reserves if any. I agree to comply with the Conditions of Business as printed in the catalogue. I understand that in the case of a successful bid, a premium of 18% on the hammer price up to and including NT$20,000,000 and 12% on any amount in excess of NT$20,000,000 will be payable by me.





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