Let’s Start an Argument About Nuclear Energy …………………..beginning with the facts By Theodore Rockwell1 Most arguments about nuclear energy involve people stating opinions and backing them up with anecdotes—a friend who just came down with cancer, or an editorial that caught their eye. But there is a wealth of factual data and information that is verifiable and authoritative, on which people could agree. It might take some negotiating as to which data are accurate and relevant, but there are resources that can help. We don’t have to assume that your anecdotes accurately reflect the whole picture. (E.g., This year, about 562,340 Americans are expected to die of cancer, more than 1,500 a day, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths.2) And there are other important, relevant facts that are virtually unknown to most people. The purpose of the Data Document is to present the verifiable facts about nuclear power and its non-fossil alternatives: wind-energy, solar energy and biofuels. In the Data Document itself, there are no conclusions, no recommendations. It’s like Consumer Reports, with their tables of data and specifications, but without the punch-line: “Buy the Chevy.” Some people will look at the data and decide to buy the Ford. But doesn’t the validity of such a compilation depend on who compiles the data, and why? How can we get objectivity? I would be suspicious of any intelligent and informed person who claimed to have no opinion on these issues. The way we deal with that question is to publish what we consider to be the relevant facts, and then be open to challenges. If people say, you’ve cherry-picked the facts to favor nuclear, I can agree the facts seem to favor nuclear, but the important question is: do you think any of my stated facts are wrong, or out-dated, or misleadingly stated? Did I omit any facts you think I should include? I’ve found it’s much easier to try to agree on the relevant facts, than to argue the conclusions. And who can object to trying to determine the relevant facts? Starting that argument about the facts is the purpose of this report. Getting agreement depends on the facts themselves. Unfortunately, there are also a large number of ‘facts” that are demonstrably wrong. So before we start on the Facts Report, let’s do a little Myth Busting. Then, we’ll follow the Facts Report with some relevant history.
Dr. Theodore Rockwell, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, worked in the wartime Manhattan Project atomic bomb program, and was Technical Director of Admiral Rickover’s program to build the nuclear Navy and President Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace program to build the world’s first commercial atomic power station. He is a founding officer of the engineering firm, MPR Associates, Inc. and of the international public interest organization, Radiation, Safety and Health, Inc. 2
American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2009. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 2009.
“<” = less than; “>” = more than; MW = megawatts = 1,000 kilowatts