Nuclear energy a solution for Africa
Produced by Nuclear Africa (Pty) Ltd for general public information.
Present Situation
by Geert de Vries Energy-related information for Africa is scarce. This relates to information about installed systems, potential sources, transmission and distribution grid penetration, and current use. When we consider the population served by electricity we are including grid-connected as well as off-grid decentralised installations, which are usually diesel. The present status of electrification, in terms of population served by electricity, is given in Table 1 on Pg 2 This data is extracted from OECD–IEA data. Essentials are however clear, as shown in Fig. 1 (colour coding as indicated in Table 2), one can see that 69% of people in Sub-Saharan Africa have no access to electricity vs 1.2% in North Africa. Worldwide, 19.5% have no access. There is a huge gap between SubSaharan Africa and the World average.
Geert de Vries MSc, MBL, Pr Sci Nat, is a Nuclear Physicist and Energy Consultant. He is a member of the Nuclear Institute (London). Member SA Institute of Physics. Member European Physical Society. Member German Physical Society. Member of French Society for Nuclear Energy.
North Africa (the countries along the Mediterranean) is nearly fully electrified, but suffers from poor infrastructure or severe war damage or both, or from disruption in the supply of diesel and gas through either production or distribution disruption. Africa is rich in energy sources but it exports crude and gas. However power blackouts are a regular scene in the cities, towns and villages of Africa’s 422 million people that are electrified, with attendant negative impact on the quality of living and business productivity. Power plants, transmission lines and distribution networks across Africa - most of which were erected in the 1950s and 1960s - operate today at just a fraction of installed capacity due to insufficient maintenance and lack of modernization. Meanwhile there are a further 587 million, practically all in Sub-Saharan Africa, who are not electrified. Their source of energy is mainly the old renewable standby, wood, collected at great cost in time and effort, thereby destroying productivity in other directions. Other energy sources are bottled gas and cooking oils obtained through elaborate distribution channels, but which are unreliable and lacking in capacity. Across the continent, wars and militancy have left power generation and distribution infrastructure disrupted, damaged or destroyed. For example; Sierra Leone’s Bumbuna hydroelectric project was nearly complete when civil war disrupted construction. Most of Liberia’s power plants and transmission lines were so damaged or destroyed during its long civil war that the national electricity company estimates North Africa
Sub Sahara 193
0.2 1.8
116 469
Fig 1 Electrification: North Africa and SubSaharan Africa (Millions of people) Light and dark blue are electrified. Yellow and red are not electrified. (Refer to Table 2 on page Page 2)