All uses of energy in the United States in 2015 and 2021 - JS

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All uses of energy in the United States in 2015 and 2021 John Shanahan January 31, 2022 Below are graphs of energy sources and energy end uses in the USA for 2015 and 2021.


It shows that wind and solar are very small contributors to generation for electricity. It is only because they are very small parts that they can be tolerated on the modern electric grid at all. Wind and solar are a negligible contribution to reducing coal, oil, and natural gas and thus supposedly stopping "man-made global warming." If fossil fuels are causing catastrophic man-made global warming and sea level rise, wind and solar will never be a solution and the world is doomed. If fossil fuels are not causing catastrophic man-made global warming and sea level rise, they will continue to be the dominant energy sources as long as they can be economically extracted from the ground. These are not personal opinions. They are facts from energy use data. Notice that when we use energy, a large part always goes toward waste heat. The same thing happens with our bodies when we work we get hot and we sweat. It is nature. It is physics. Wind and solar will only be a minor, expensive, unreliable energy diversion. But some of our politicians swear by them. In the last ten years I saw one candidate for the White House do a chicken dance on a debate stage promising lots of jobs with wind and solar energy. The chicken dance is where the person walks around like a chicken in circles with thumbs under their armpits moving their elbows up and down like chicken wings and making chicken sounds. In my opinion, it is a disgrace to American energy technology for leading politicians to promote wind and solar energy. Half of the public doesn't mind promoting wind and solar and supporting those politicians. What is really going to happen?




Note the large bulldozer in the top middle right of the photo. Wind turbines and solar panels cause vast amounts of unnecessary mining and fill up dumps. This is supposed to continue for thousands of years!


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