WORLD COUNCIL ON ISOTOPES - Newsletter (2016 April Vol.5-Issue 4)

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18F Seoul Forest IT Valley 77 Seongsuil-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea

2016 April

Vol.5 -Issue 4


I TEL: +82-2-3490-7141 I Email: I

1. RADIATION APPLICATIONS: Looking to the Future Part 1: Approach to the Regulation of Low-Level Radiation


Radiation Applications: Looking to the Future -Part1: Approach to the Regulation of Low-Level Radiation 02

Introduction to the Act on NDT Technology Promotion and Management of Rep. Korea

Alan E. Waltar Author of RADIATION AND MODERN LIFE: Fulfilling Marie Curie’s Dream

6p 03

Isotope-Related News 8p 04

Introduction to New Members 17p 05

Future Conferences 18p

â… . Perspective


s documented in reference 1, radiation has already been harnessed in an incredibly wide variety of ways for the benefit

of society. Applications to agriculture, medicine, electricity, modern industry, transportation, space exploration, control of terrorism, crime, public protection, arts and sciences, and our environment

Van Zyl de Villiers

have made monumental contributions to the quality of life for


literally billions of people.

Nigel Stevenson Chair, Industrial Application

In addition to the tangible improvements in the quality of life that

Timothy Payne

such applications have made, the financial implications have been no

Chair, Environmental

less than staggering. In 1995, studies in the United States indicated


that nuclear energy (i.e. electricity production) contributed over 90

Richard Baum

billion dollars to the U.S. economy, along with 440 thousand jobs.

Chair, Medical Applications Carlo R. Chemaly









Chair, Publication

technology (i.e. those areas listed above exclusive of electricity

Henri Bonet

production) contributed 330 billion dollars to the U.S. economy,

Chair, Education and Training

along with nearly 4 million jobs. The grand total of the wealth and

Woo-Geun Song Director of Secretariat

jobs created by the application of radiation technology in the U.S. was 420 billion dollars and 4.4 million jobs!

2 I will confess that when I first saw these numbers, I was a bit skeptical. After all, if these numbers were correct it would mean that harnessed radiation technology in the United States created a greater economic impact than General Motors (at that time the largest commercial enterprise in the U.S.), and second only to the entire country’s banking industry. Further, if it were to be translated into a ―nuclear nation‖ it would be larger than the gross domestic product of the entire country of South Korea! But in checking the results with Roger Bezdek, the author of the studies,(2) I learned that the numbers are actually considerably higher—since Roger pointed out that many companies refused to ―admit‖ their production lines were based on harnessed radiation for fear of negative public reactions that could hurt their sales. One thing needs to be said regarding the numbers quoted above: they do not reflect only the actual monetary value and jobs created by the industries noted. Rather, they are based on an accepted economic model used extensively for estimating job losses if a major activity, such as a military base, is closed. Indeed, it is not just the number of jobs lost within the example military installation, it also includes the jobs and community funding lost because of the closure of schools, grocery stores, etc. when a sizable portion of the community population is lost. It turns out that a factor of about 2.3 is the accepted number used to multiply the direct jobs lost in converting the value of a particular activity to the actual monetary and jobs values. That said, there is a crucial need to address unfounded public fear of low-level radiation. We shall address this issue as a separate topic below. Ⅱ. Unfounded Public Fear of Low-Level Radiation For well over a half century, a majority of radiation health professionals have generally embraced a philosophy of an ultra-cautious approach to the regulation of radiation exposure. On the face of it, such an approach may seem appropriate. After all, we all know there are deleterious effects of human exposure to high levels of radiation. Hence, it seemed practical, at least in the early days of dealing with this topic, to treat radiation exposure on a very conservative level. On the other hand, more recent research has evolved suggesting either no negative health effects for radiation exposures in the range of global background radiation levels--and even the distinct possibility of beneficial effects in these low ranges. It is important to briefly review the history of this whole matter, how it has led to unfounded public fear, the unfortunate consequences of such fear, and the incentive to move to a more scientific basis for establishing a new approach to regulations. a. Historical Perspective During the first several decades after the discovery of radiation, pioneers such as Henri Becquerel, Pierre and Marie Curie, and others dealt with this scientific breakthrough primarily as a matter of curiosity—attempting to understand the basic physics of the governing processes and finding ways to harness this new phenomenon for beneficial use. Very little attention was given to the health effects that might be affecting those engaged in the field.

3 It was primarily the work of Herman Muller and his colleagues that began raising serious issues regarding the damage to humans that might be associated with radiation exposure. Based on his research on irradiating fruit flies, Dr. Muller concluded that radiation could be damaging not only at high levels, but also at very low levels. During his acceptance speech upon receiving the Nobel Prize for his work in 1946, he emphatically declared that radiation could be damaging at any level. This was the basis for the Linear-No Threshold (LNT) model, which has existed as the basic premise for radiation exposure regulations throughout the world. It means that some damage is incurred down to zero exposure. But, according to a recent review, (3) Dr. Muller was basing his conclusions on radiation levels considerably higher than what we now consider low level. His irradiation data was in the 250-500 mGy range, well above the roughly 100 mGy level generally considered as low level radiation—and the radiation was delivered over a very short period of time. The global background radiation ranges from about 1mGy per year to over 200 mGy/year in some isolated regions of the world. Interestingly, Dr. Muller was said to be aware of other experiments on the same fruit flies that indicated no harmful effects of radiation at low levels, with at least some indication that there were even beneficial effects at such low levels. Nonetheless, his declarations (buoyed by the distinction of being awarded a Nobel Prize) went uncontested by the global scientific community. Very premature results from the atomic bomb detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki seemed to mesh with his arguments. Then in 1956, the U.S. Academy of Sciences voted to adopt the LNT—giving it the credibility needed to form the basis for current global regulations. But after an extensive review of the history of these events, Calabrese (4,5) pointed out that the National Academy of Sciences did not study the issue in depth; rather they simply adopted the LNT based mainly on a set of pre-conceived beliefs. Whether such accusations are true or not, the LNT then became the uncontested model for all global radiation regulations in existence today. b. Basis for Current Controversy As a nuclear engineer, I shall confess that during my early years of study I adopted the LNT as an acceptable basis for establishing conservative levels for low level radiation damage. Even though I knew such low levels were really not harmful, I felt that setting very conservative standards constituted a prudent approach. But I became more concerned about the consequences of this approach following the 1979 Three Mile Island accident in the U.S., the 1986 Chernobyl accident in Ukraine, and more recently the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi accident in Japan. Public fear (almost pandemonium) created by these accidents not only put the brakes on progress of nuclear technology; such unfounded fear caused an enormous number of actual non-radiation induced fatalities (especially in the aftermath of Fukushima). We need to recall that some 1600 people in Japan actually died as the result of the evacuation measures enforced in Japan, even though prestigious international health effects bodies such as UNSCEAR (6) and ICRP (7) have stated, in writing, that the radiation levels were insufficient to cause ANY lifethreatening injuries resulting from radiation. This astounding situation raised an alarm for me that

4 something MUST be done to revisit and revamp existing regulations for low level radiation. c. A Path toward Resolution Even before the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents, I began to question the appropriateness of the LNT. As a trained nuclear engineer, I was taught the three rules of respecting radiation: Time, distance, and shielding. Hence, I’ll admit to a bias that radiation should be respected at any level— even very low levels. Accordingly, I was surprised when I heard lectures from the nuclear medical community reminding me that we all have a very strong immune system. Without such a system, we would all die within hours—since our bodies are constantly attacked with toxins of one kind or another. We all know that our immune system can be strengthened by introducing small levels of toxins into our bodies to provide protection to much larger attacks by the same toxins. Vaccinations are a good example of such medical practice. Taking a small daily dose of aspirin (a ―toxin‖) is also often used to thin the blood to ward off heart attacks. Routine exercise is always prescribed before attempting to run a marathon. Hence, as it was explained to me, if low levels of radiation did not result in a beneficial effect, it would be an anomaly of medical science. Wow! What an eye opener!! It was only after hearing this perspective that I found myself open to the possibility that low-level radiation may not be harmful, and it may even be beneficial to the human body. Since that time I have been devouring medical research that has become available over the past several decades.

Whereas there are those still adhering to the LNT model, it seems abundantly

clear to me that there is very likely a threshold of radiation levels below which there is either no deleterious effect at all, or even possibly a "hormetic" (beneficial) effect. Since I am not a radiation health professional, I am relying on those who have dedicated their careers to this important field. But I am currently serving as the General Chairman of an American Nuclear Society/Health Physics Society Topical Meeting entitled ―Applicability of Radiation-Response Models to Low Dose Protection Standards,‖ scheduled for September 23-27, 2018 in the United States. This conference is being designed to bring all relevant parties together with the goal of pursuing a path forward to revising low-level radiation standards based on sound science. If successful, the implications to the advancement of radiation technology will have profound impacts. References: 1. Alan Waltar, RADIATION AND MODERN LIFE: Fulfilling Marie Curie’s Dream, Prometheus Books, 2004. 2. Roger Bezdek, editor, Management Information Services, The Untold Story: The Economic Benefits of Nuclear Technologies (Washington, DC: Management Information Services, Inc., 1996. 3. Jeffry Siegel and Charles Pennington, The Mismeasure of Radiation, Skeptic Magazine, Vol. 20, Number 4, 2015 4. Edward Calabrese, Model Uncertainty via the Integration of Hormesis and LNT as the Default in Cancer Risk Assessment, Dose-Response, October-December 2015:15, DOI: 10.1177/1559325815621764.

5 5. Edward Calabrese, On the origins of the linear no-threshold (LNT) dogma by means of untruths, artful dodges and blind faith, Environ Res. 2015; 142:432-442. 6. UNSCEAR, Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Fifty-night session (21-15 May 2012) 7. ICRP, Report of ICRP Task Group 84 on Initial Lessons Learned from the Nuclear Power Plant Accident in Japan vis-a-vis the ICRP System of Radiological Protection, ICRP ref 4832-8604-9553, November 22, 2012.

To Contents

6 2. Introduction to the ‘Act on the Promotion and Management of Non-Destructive Testing Technology’ of Rep. Korea

Reported by Tae Soon Son, President of KANDT Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a core inspection technology, widely used in heavy structures such as nuclear plants, heavy chemical plants, and bridges to ensure that structures, components and systems are safe and reliable. However, despite its importance, the scope of NDT use in the Republic of Korea has been limited to few areas such as nuclear power plants. NDT inspection companies in Korea were mostly small and the level of technology was low in comparison with other advanced countries. Furthermore, government demonstrated little interest, leading to negligible relevant policies and R&D grants. A long standing problem hampering the NDT technology was the lack of relevant institutions for promoting and developing the industry, despite increasing demand and its established position as a fundamental technology for national industry. Therefore, in an effort to vitalize the NDT industry in Korea, the necessity of the law promoting NDT technology was proposed by several institutes including the Korea Association for NDT (KANDT) and universities. Recognizing the significant role of NDT technology as a way of delivering fair and reliable inspection to ensure security and safety of various facilities, the government of Korea established the world’s first law to promote NDT technology. The ―Act on the Promotion and Management of NDT Technology‖ (enacted as of 2005. 3. 31, law No. 7426) aims at promoting and nurturing NDT technology by providing a legal and institutional basis to contribute to the expansion of social safety net, to meet the demand for higher level of technology in a globalized environment, and to support the private sector in developing its technology and business. Key components of this Act include the establishment of a five-year development plan, revitalization of R&D, registration of NDT service, real-name system for inspection, training of inspectors, and establishment of associations. Around 120 NDT inspection companies and 7,500 inspection technicians are now active in Korea, up from respectively 50 and about 3,000 at the time of the legislation. In addition, the Korea Society for

7 Nondestructive Testing (KANDT) operates at the center of a web of related industries, universities, and research institutes. With systematic support from the government, R&D activity in core NDT technology is being researched and developed every year. In addition, constant notable achievements of KANDT and the Korean Society for NDT (KSNT), such as building systems for ISO-9712 qualification, information management, and education & training led to a strong development of the field of NDT industry. Furthermore,











infrastructure by establishing and carrying out the NDT Technology Development Plan based on the abovementioned Act. In preparation for the 3rd Development Plan (2017-2021), the government is currently creating action plans based on the two key items: development of equipment for practical use and establishment of training centers for nurturing specialized manpower. The government of Korea plans to continue providing systematic support and management until the domestic technology reaches a recognized advanced level in the NDT community worldwide, becoming active in the global market. To Contents

8 3. Isotope-related News Nuclear Security Summit and Nuclear Industry Summit 2016

The fourth biennial Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) was held in Washington on 1 April 2016. At the end of the summit a communiquĂŠ was issued in which participants committed themselves to specific principles and actions ( Alongside the NSS a Nuclear Industry Summit took place, following which a joint statement was issued on 30 March ( The last part of the statement is of particular importance to the isotope world and states the following: We recognize that highly enriched uranium (HEU) and separated plutonium require special precautions and that it is of great importance that they are appropriately secured, consolidated and accounted for. Over the past years, industry has made considerable progress in safe, secure and timely consolidation inside countries and in removal to other countries for disposal. Furthermore, a considerable amount of HEU has been down-blended to low enriched uranium (LEU) and separated plutonium converted to mixed oxide (MOX) fuel. We are encouraged by States to continue to minimize stocks of HEU and to keep stockpiles of separated plutonium to the minimum level, both as consistent with national requirements. We are encouraged by States to continue to minimize the use of HEU through the conversion of reactor fuel from HEU to LEU, where technically and economically feasible, and in this regard welcome cooperation on technologies facilitating such conversion. Similarly, we will continue to encourage and support efforts to use non-HEU technologies for the production of radioisotopes, including financial incentives, taking into account the need for an assured and reliable supply of medical isotopes. To Contents

9 Boosting Production of Radioisotopes for Diagnostics and Therapeutics Upgrades to Brookhaven Lab's isotope production and research facility increase the yield of key medical isotopes

In the Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP) control room, (clockwise from back) Leonard Mausner, Deepak Raparia, and Robert Michnoff, who worked on the upgrade efforts, and Jason Nalepa, a BLIP operator, inspect recent changes to the raster beam profile. A live plot of the rastered beam, as measured with the new beam position monitoring system, is shown on the laptop screen. The small and large radii are visible. The electronics for the raster system are installed in the equipment racks seen in the background


rom imaging blood flow to the heart and other vital organs, to tracking the progression of bone disease, to destroying cancer cells, radioisotopes—radioactive forms of chemical elements—are

used in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of illnesses and diseases. Yet certain medically useful isotopes can only be produced by nuclear reactions that rely on highenergy particle accelerators, which are expensive to build and operate. As such, these isotopes are not typically available from commercial vendors. Instead, they are produced at facilities with unique capabilities, like the national labs built and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The DOE Office of Science’s Nuclear Physics Isotope Development and Production for Research and Applications program (DOE Isotope Program) seeks to make critical isotopes more readily available for energy, medical, and national security applications and for basic research. Under this program, scientists, engineers, and technicians at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory recently completed the installation of a beam raster (or scanning) system designed to increase the yield of critical

10 isotopes produced at the Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP), the Lab’s radioisotope production and research facility, in operation since 1972. The new raster system became operational in Jan. 2016 and is contributing to increased production of strontium-82 (Sr-82), an isotope used for cardiac imaging, and to research and development of actinium-225 (Ac-225), an isotope that may be a promising treatment for targeting many forms of cancer, including leukemia and melanoma.

Making isotopes at BLIP

BLIP produces isotopes by directing a high-energy (up to 200 million electron volts), high-intensity narrow beam of protons at a water-cooled array of several target materials. When the protons collide with the target materials, a reaction occurs, producing radioactive products in the target. More than one isotope is being produced at any given time, so multiple targets are hit with the beam. As the beam passes through the first to last targets, its energy decays. The targets are lined up in an order that maximizes production of the desired isotopes: the targets needed to produce isotopes requiring higher energy are put in the front of the array. A small fraction of each of the products is the desired isotopes, which can be extracted and purified through chemical processing conducted inside lead-enclosed ―hot‖ cells at Brookhaven Lab’s Isotope Research Processing Laboratory. Inside these hot cells, which are designed for safely handling radioactive materials, the irradiated targets are cut open and their contents are dissolved to separate out the desired isotopes. Personnel use manipulators to remotely handle the radioactive material. The isotopes are then shipped in specialized containers to suppliers, who distribute them to hospitals for medical use or to universities for ongoing research. What makes BLIP unique is its high-energy capacity. ―A minimum of 70 million electron volts is required to make Sr-82,‖ explained Leonard Mausner, the head of research and development and facility upgrades within Brookhaven Lab’s Medical Isotope Research and Production Program. Mausner proposed both the new beam raster system and a complementary effort to increase the beam intensity of the Brookhaven Linear Accelerator, or Linac, which provides the beam used at BLIP. ―To date, there are no commercial accelerators in the United States with the power required to produce this critical isotope used to image 300,000 patients per year,‖ said Mausner.

Focusing the beam

However, the targets’ ability to handle BLIP’s high intensities has, until now, been largely hindered by the way the beam was positioned on the target. The beam, which significantly heats up the target, had always been narrowly focused on a single area of the target. As a result, the targets—such as the rubidium chloride (RbCl) used to produce Sr-82—became very hot only in the region of highest beam intensity.

11 “The beam pulse, which is 450 microseconds long and happens every 150 milliseconds, would hit the targets in the same exact spot 24/7 over a period of weeks, potentially damaging the targets when high beam current was applied,‖ explained Robert Michnoff, project manager for the BLIP beam raster system and an engineer in Brookhaven Lab’s Collider-Accelerator Department. “Because the RbCl target was being heated unevenly, a small molten zone would form, then expand and push out into the cooler outer edges of the target area, where the material would solidify,‖ said Mausner. ―We want the target fully solid or fully molten, as a uniform density may improve isotope yield.‖ Uneven heating causes the density of a target to vary across its diameter. As a result, the energy of the beam exiting the target will also vary across this diameter, impacting the energy that enters the next target in the array. “The distribution in beam energy increases as it travels through one target to the next, making it difficult to assess how much energy is transferred. We want to optimize production of isotopes in the downstream targets,‖ said Cathy Cutler, director of Brookhaven Lab’s Medical Isotope Research and Production Program.

“Painting” the beam The new beam raster system provides a more uniform distribution of the beam on the target by rapidly ―painting‖ the beam on the target in a circular raster fashion using two custom-designed magnets.

The difference in beam distribution on the target with the raster system off (left) and with the raster system on (right). The different color bands delineate the y-scale divisions, which are different on each plot. Note that although the total integrated beam density is equivalent in both plots, the peak beam density is five times higher when the raster system is off. The raster system clearly provides a more even beam distribution on the entire target.

But, rapidly sweeping the beam in one circular motion is not enough to uniformly distribute the beam across the target. ―The beam intensity pattern would resemble a donut or a volcanic crater—a circle with a hollow center,‖ said Mausner.

12 Instead, the beam is moved in a circular pattern at two different radii, essentially creating a larger and smaller circle. The radius values and the number of beam pulses for each radius can be programmed to optimize beam distribution. “The rastering pattern allows us to achieve near-uniform beam current density on the target,‖ said Michnoff, who mentioned plans to test a ―middle‖ radius, which may help to provide even better beam distribution.

Paving the way for higher beam intensities

The new raster system provides an opportunity for researchers to safely apply increasingly higher beam currents on targets—an approach that Brookhaven scientists have been actively exploring to further increase isotope production yield. In a complementary effort to the BLIP raster upgrade, the scientists worked to increase the beam intensity of the Brookhaven Linac by optimizing operating parameters of the hydrogen ion source, neutralizing the electric charge generated by the beam, and increasing the length of the beam pulse by placing the beam earlier in the radio-frequency pulse used to accelerate the ions. “At higher currents, the beam’s electric charge causes the beam to spread out, resulting in defocusing of the beam and ultimately a loss of current. We use Xenon gas to neutralize that charge,‖ explained Deepak Raparia, head of the linac pre-injector system, project manager of the linac upgrade, and a scientist in Brookhaven Lab’s Collider-Accelerator Department. ―By increasing the length of the beam pulse, we can deliver more beam current to the BLIP target station and thus increase the quantity of isotopes produced.‖ In 2015, the Brookhaven Linac’s beam intensity was increased from 115 to 147 microamps, surpassing the initial project goal of 140 microamps. After the raster system was commissioned in 2016, the beam was further optimized, achieving 165 microamps. According to Mausner, yield could rise significantly at this higher intensity: ―If the beam current can be maintained at 165 microamps, production levels could potentially increase

The linac's yearly average beam current delivered to BLIP.

by 40 percent.‖ In a second proposed phase of the Linac upgrade, the Brookhaven team hopes to double beam current by doubling the beam pulse length from 450 to 900 microseconds. Accelerating and extracting significantly more beam current out of the linac and transporting that current to BLIP will require the linac’s radio-frequency system and beam-focusing elements to be upgraded. ―These upgrades will increase the duration of accelerating and focusing fields to cover the entire beam pulse,‖ said Raparia.

13 Enabling research and development

The capability to handle higher and higher beam intensities without targets failing not only increases the yield of routinely produced medical isotopes, such as Sr-82, but also enables scientists to investigate other promising isotopes for medical and other applications. Among these isotopes is Ac-225, a short-lived alpha emitter—it quickly releases a high amount of energy in the form of alpha particles that can only travel short distances. As such, Ac-225 has the ability to destroy targeted cancer cells without destroying healthy surrounding tissue. Traditionally, Ac-225 has been produced through the natural decay of thorium-229 from uranium-233, which is not readily available and has an extremely long half-life, or rate of decay. In collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Brookhaven Lab has been developing an accelerator-based capability to scale up the production of Ac-225, the demand for which is 50 to 100 times greater than the current supply. Scientists from all three laboratories are working to develop a new Ac-225 production approach in which readily available thorium metal targets are bombarded with high-energy protons. Initial experiments demonstrated that an irradiation lasting less than a week’s time could produce the annual quantity of Ac-225 currently in supply. ―The raster system will ultimately aid us in the research and development of Ac-225, which could eventually be manufactured into an active pharmaceutical ingredient used in cancer therapy,‖ said Mausner. However, before Ac-225 can become a routine medical isotope, several challenges must be overcome. “Hundreds of isotopes are produced when thorium is hit with protons, so it is difficult to separate out Ac-225 during chemical processing of the target,‖ explained Mausner. A small number of clinical cancer treatment trials are ongoing using the currently limited supply of Ac-225. Initial results indicate that Ac-225 has the potential to put terminal cancer patients with acute myeloid leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, into remission. “The increased beam intensity, coupled with this new raster system, will enable higher production levels of desirable radioisotopes for the nuclear medicine community and industry, and will increase the number of patients who could benefit across our nation,‖ said Mausner. . * SOURCE: Brookhaven National Laboratory, To Contents

14 Isotope Program Distributed Sr-89 Samples for Evaluation The DOE Isotope Program recently produced samples of strontium-89 (Sr-89), an isotope used for the palliation of pain associated with cancer that has metastasized to bone. The Isotope Program will engage in routine production if there is sufficient demand. The National Isotope Development Center shipped out millicurie quantities of non-GMP Sr-89 solution for evaluation by potential users. Specifications for the sample material were:

Source: National Isotope Development Center, To Contents

15 PET Imaging Seen as Valuable Tool for Alzheimer’s Staging, Diagnostics Margarida Azevedoby Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, were able to show for the first time the progressive stages of Alzheimer’s disease in healthy adults and patients with Alzheimer’s using PET scans. This shows positron emission tomography (PET) scans can be used as diagnostic and staging tools in patients suffering from the disease. Researchers also uncovered important new information about two proteins associated with Alzheimer’s pathology: tau and amyloid-beta. The research paper, ―PET Imaging of Tau Deposition in the Aging Human Brain,‖ was published in Neuron. Alzheimer’s disease is often diagnosed when a series of symptoms emerge. However, definitive diagnosis has only been possible through post-mortem examination of the patient’s brain. This diagnostic issue has been greatly improved with the development of imaging tools that track amyloid deposition. And, in the past decade, tau protein has emerged as a hallmark of Alzheimer’s, with its deposition associated with symptom development. The stages of tau deposition were discovered by German researchers Heiko and Eva Braak through brain autopsies of suspected Alzheimer’s patients. This has become known as Braak staging. But while Braak staging was developed from autopsies, ―our study is the first to show the staging in people who are not only alive, but who have no signs of cognitive impairment,‖ said the study’s principal investigator, Dr. William Jagust, a professor at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health and at the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute and a faculty scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in a news release. ―This opens the door to the use of PET scans as a diagnostic and staging tool.‖ Researchers used PET scans, which detect early signs of disease through cellular changes, to analyze the brains of patients at different disease stages and compared the results to healthy controls. The study included 33 cognitively healthy adults ages 64-90 and 15 patients ages 53-77 with a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s dementia. The results were parallel with Braak neuropathological stages and confirmed that, upon aging, tau protein accumulates in the medial temporal lobe — the site of the hippocampus, which is related to memory. Such deposits positively correlate with a greater decline in episodic memory. Tau accumulation was independent of amyloid protein and driven by age. Researchers also found that when tau protein spread to other parts of the brain cortex there was a higher cognitive decline, and the presence of tau outside the medial temporal lobe was associated with the presence of amyloid plaques in the brain.

16 Along with Jagust, the study included co-lead authors Michael Schö ll, a visiting scholar from Sweden’s University of Gothenburg, and Samuel Lockhart, a postdoctoral fellow, both at UC Berkeley’s Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. ―Tau is basically present in almost every aging brain,‖ Schöll said. ―Very few old people have no tau. In our case, it seems like the accumulation of tau in the medial temporal lobe was independent of amyloid and driven by age.‖ One question that remains to be answered is why there are so many people who have tau in their medial temporal lobe but never develop Alzheimer’s. Also, adults may have beta amyloid in their brains but be cognitively healthy. ―It’s not that one is more important than the other,‖ Lockhart said. ―Our study suggests that they may work together in the progression of Alzheimer’s.‖ Researchers emphasize that the study indicates tau imaging may become a valuable tool for the development of therapies that target either amyloid or tau, depending on the stage of the disease. ―Amyloid may somehow facilitate the spread of tau, or tau may initiate the deposition of amyloid. We don’t know. We can’t answer that at this point,‖ Jagust said. ―All I can say is that when amyloid starts to show up, we start to see tau in other parts of the brain, and that is when real problems begin. We think that may be the beginning of symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease.‖ Source: Alzheimer’s News Today To Contents

17 4. Introduction to New Members <Organization Member> ROSATOM Asia Pte Ltd ROSATOM Asia is the regional office of ROSATOM Corporation for Southeast Asia, operated by ROSATOM International Network. The company promotes products and services of the Russian nuclear industry's enterprises in the countries of Southeast Asia, as well as in South Korea, Australia and Oceania, and provides support for ROSATOM enterprises in the areas of marketing and communications. * ROSATOM is the Russian Federation national nuclear corporation bringing together circa 400 nuclear companies and R&D institutions that operate in the civilian and defense sectors. With 70 years' expertise in the nuclear field, Rosatom works on a global scale to provide comprehensive nuclear services that range from uranium enrichment to nuclear waste treatment.

<Individual Member> Rashid Sarkar Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Bangladesh

18 5. Future Conferences 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association

• Date: May 9-13, 2016 • Venue: Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA • Website: The 14th Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association will be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, South Africa between 9 – 13 May 2016. The theme of the Congress is "Practising Radiation Protection: Sharing the Experience and New Challenges". The Congress will feature a comprehensive scientific and technical program covering all aspects of radiation protection, all-round technical exhibition and technical visits program, and a versatile selection of Refresher Courses.

47th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology

• Date: May 10-12, 2016 • Venue: Hamburg, GERMANY • Website: The Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology (AMNT) is one of Europe's biggest and most prestigious nuclear energy conferences and a must-attend event for international experts working in industry, utilities, research and development, politics and administration. It features many various formats such as Topical and Technical Sessions, Focus Sessions and Workshops divided within three Key Topics:

19 

Outstanding Know-How & Sustainable Innovations

Enhanced Safety & Operation Excellence

Decommissioning Experience & Waste Management Solutions

4th International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2016)

• Date: May 23-27, 2016 • Venue: Niš, SERBIA • Website: The aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for researchers and professionals from various fields of biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, environmental protection, electronics, etc, involved with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, as well as other areas connected to them, to exchange and discuss their findings and experiences. The Conference program includes topical invited lectures, a limited number of oral presentations, and poster presentations. The official language of the Conference is English.

Workshop: Nuclear Medicine Techniques in Neurological Diseases: Emphasis on Oncology and Neurology (ICNMP-PA)

• Date: May 23-27, 2016 • Venue: Osaka, JAPAN • Website: p2016/Programme_OSAKA_RAS_6078_workshops.pdf The Workshop on Nuclear Medicine Techniques in Neurological Diseases: Emphasis on Oncology and Neurology will take place in Osaka, Japan, on May 23-27, 2016. The theme of the workshop is ―Strengthening Nuclear Medicine Applications through Education and Training to Help Fighting NonCommunicable Diseases‖ and all participants who attend the meeting will receive 26 European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).

20 SNMMI 2016 Annual Meeting

• Date: June 11-15, 2016 • Venue: San Diego (CA), USA • Website: The SNMMI 2016 Annual Meeting—the premier educational, scientific, research, and networking event in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging—provides physicians, technologists, pharmacists, laboratory professionals, and scientists with an in-depth view of the latest technologies and research in the field. Japan will be the highlight country of SNMI 2016; the Annual Meeting will highlight the latest advances in research, technology, and clinical practice in Japan. Programming will include JSNM/ SNMMI joint sessions on: 

Nuclear Medicine and Radiology Education: Multidisciplinary Teams

Tau Imaging in Neurology

[F-18]FDG PET-CT in Lung Cancer

SNMMI's Annual Meeting offers full-day categorical seminars to provide you with a deeper level of understanding as you examine a single topic of clinical, scientific, or academic interest. Topics include: 

Radionuclide Imaging of Inflammation and Infection: State of the Art and New Developments

Molecular and Multimodality Imaging in Cardiovascular Disease

Molecular Imaging of Cancer Metabolism: Basic Science, FDG, and Beyond

Basic to Advanced PET/CT: A Practical Update

Imaging and Therapy of Neuroendocrine Tumors

Brain PET/MRI – Clinical Challenges, Potential, and Workflows

Small Molecule PET Radiotracers

'Theranostics' Beyond Neuroendocrine Tumors: Novel Applications of Targeted Radionuclide Therapy in Malignant and Nonmalignant Conditions

21 Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society (ANS 2016)

• Date: June 12-16, 2016 • Venue: New Orleans (LA), USA • Website: The theme of this year’s Annual Meeting is ―Nuclear Power: Leading the Supply of Clean, Carbon Free Energy‖. More than 800 attendees are expected to attend, representing every field of nuclear science and technology from across the United States and many countries throughout the world.

IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (IEEE NPSS)

• Date: July 11-15, 2016 • Venue: Portland (OR), USA • Website: The 2016 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference will be held July 11 - 15 at The Double Tree and Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon. The conference features a technical program consisting of eight to ten technical sessions of contributed papers describing the latest observations in radiation effects, a Short Course on radiation effects offered on July 11, a Radiation Effects Data Workshop, and an Industrial Exhibit. The technical program includes oral and poster sessions. Papers on nuclear and space radiation effects on electronic and photonic materials, devices, circuits, sensors, and systems, as well as semiconductor processing technology and design techniques for producing radiation-tolerant (hardened) devices and integrated circuits, will be presented at this meeting of engineers, scientists, and managers.

22 16th International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry (WTTC16)

• Date: August 29-September 1, 2016 • Venue: Santa Fe (NM), USA • Website: The 16th International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry (WTTC16) will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 29st – September 1st of 2016. The Department of Energy's National Isotope Program and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Chemistry Division will act as technical hosts for the gathering of international experts to participate in a uniquely collaborative workshop format. The WTTC16 will emphasize student contributions and a collaborative, discussion-oriented format, in keeping with the history of the Workshop series.

13th International Conference on Radiation Biology (ICRB 2016)

• Date: November 09-11, 2016 • Venue: Chennai, INDIA • Website: The 13th International Conference on Radiation Biology (ICRB 2016) and 13th Biennial Meeting of the Indian Society is organized, under the auspices of Indian Society for Radiation Biology, by the Center for Environmental Nuclear Research (CENR), SRM University, Chennai from 9 to 11 November 2016. The theme of ICRB 2016 is "High LET Radiation Biology and Complex Natural Products in Biology and Medicine" The conference features a technical program which will bring you the latest developments on radiation effects in the form of plenary lectures, invited talks and poster sessions focusing on recent advances in the following areas: 1. Ayurvedic Research for Radiation Protection 2. Cancer Epidemiology 3. Cytogenetic and Molecular Markers of Radiation Damage 4. DNA Repair & Bystander Effects of Radiation

23 5. Environmental Monitoring for Radiation Risk Assessment 6. Gene Regulation and Epigenetics 7. Health Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation 8. Imagining in Radiation Oncology & Radiotherapy 9. Industry/Academic Collaborations- the ins and outs 10. Interaction of Radiation with Biological Systems 11. Nanotechnology in Radiation & Cancer Research 12. Phyto compounds& Nutraceuticals for Radiation 13. Radiation & Immune Biology 14. Radiation Biomarkers& Biological Dosimetry 15. Radiation Effects on Biodiversity 16. Radiation Effects on Population and Risk Assessment 17. Radiation Induced Signal Transduction Pathways &Apoptosis 18. Radiation physics - Measurement, Protection &Mitigation 19. Radiation Sciences for Environment &Agriculture 20. Radiation Sensitizers & Countermeasures for Radiation Exposure 21. Role of Molecular Markers in Radiation Therapy 22. Space Radiobiology 23. Stem cells in Cancer Research/Therapy 24. Traditional Medicine in Cancer Management To Contents


WCI Monthly Newsletter Call for Articles The WCI Secretariat provides its Monthly Newsletter to about 1,000 subscribers worldwide. WCI monthly newsletter is a communication channel for the dissemination of information among members and other interested parties in the field of isotope and radiation related technologies. For more and better information on isotopes production and application, the WCI Secretariat is cordially inviting your valuable contributions.

1. Contents WCI Monthly Newsletter covers the followings and contributions are welcome for any of the following topics: 

Special issues: National policies, R&D outcomes, views of experts, current issues, innovative technologies in the field of radiation and radioisotopes

Conference report: Report on relevant conferences

Future Conferences: Any events (conferences/seminars/workshops) related to the field of radiation and radioisotopes * Presenting events through the WCI Newsletter allows wider audiences to be informed, thereby potentially increasing participation.

Isotope-related news: latest news related to the radiation and radioisotopes

My biz on isotopes: topics that demonstrate the cross-cutting and interdisciplinary technologies of WCI member organizations (Please refer to the previous edition (2016 Vol. 5 Issue 2) for more details) * This column is an excellent opportunity to raise the profile of an organization and explore business opportunities with other WCI members.

2. Requirements The article provider should be a member of the WCI. (To join us, please visit and sign up online. There is no membership fee.) The writer should be a professional working in the field of isotope production or the application of isotopes or radiation.

25 3. Format 

All articles should be written in English.

The length of article should be within 4 pages (A4, Verdana with 10 font size and 1.5 line spacing).

Images may be included.

All submissions meeting the above requirements should be submitted to

4. Deadline Articles received by the WCI Secretariat via email before the 10th of the month will be considered for the upcoming newsletter.

5. Others The WCI Publication Committee Chair will review articles for possible inclusion in the newsletter. Articles might be edited according to our own format. The WCI Secretariat will make payment only for special issues articles. To Contents

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