Climate Emergency Tipping Points (C3 Headlines) USofA

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The Climate Emergency 'Tipping Point': Does The Empirical Science Verify or Reject The Doomsday Fears? C3 Headlines February 18, 2020

Fortunately for those who believe in empirical science, the facts are indisputable. The earth is not at risk of rapid global warming that would set off a soon-to-be 'climate emergency or 'climate crisis' tipping point. We live in an era where cult-like beliefs have caused a great number of people to accept what resembles a prophecy about the world ending within 12 years, from a global warming 'tipping point' for the climate. This fear-mongering myth takes the form that humanity is causing - due to fossil fuel emissions - a rapid acceleration of global temperatures that will wreak havoc and destruction as the tipping point is reached. But is there actual empirical evidence that this doomer prophecy is playing out with a soon-to-be ending to civilization? The included chart is a plot of the IPCC's gold-standard empirical global temperature data representing how fast/slow global temperatures are moving - it's a climate warming speedometer, so to speak. 1

A breakdown of the chart: A.) There are 5 per century warming/cooling trends plotted for different time spans, for each month since the 1850s. B.) The most volatile of the 5 is the one-year (12-mth) acceleration/deceleration trend in blue; the least volatile is the twenty-year (240-mth) cyan trend. C.) The 12-mth speedometer of global warming reveals three definitive periods that approximated or exceeded a warming rate of 60°C per century, each prior to the 1950s and none after. (see red squares) D.) The 12-mth also has the most extreme per century cooling rates (-60°C) indicated by the blue squares - those two occasions were before the 1980s. E.) Regarding the fairly consistent 240-mth (twenty year) moving temperature trend, the vertical cyan dashed lines mark three specific December months - December 1927, 1945 and 2019. The two former pre-1950 earlier periods have a per century warming rate that exceeded the December 2019 20-year warming rate. The point of this chart? It demonstrably proves, using the IPCC's own gold-standard of global warming data, that the speed of warming has not rapidly increased, and better yet for humanity, exhibits nothing to indicate that a climate emergency tipping point will soon occur, if ever. It demonstrably provides evidence that warming and cooling trends are in constant up/down flux since the record of historical observed temperatures commenced. Yes, the shorter time periods, especially the 1-year per century trend, exhibits an extreme, even scary volatility that reaches some very alarming per century warming rates but that's been the case forever regardless of greenhouse gases. And in all cases of extreme warming trend rates, the temperature trends eventually return to lower rates that even include global cooling trends. Importantly, these warming trend patterns have taken place during both relative stable CO2 emissions and rapidly increasing CO2 greenhouse emissions since 1950, with the recent concomitant sharp rise in atmospheric CO2 levels, as the table below indicates.


This is good news for the world's masses since it's quite evident that the very foundation of the climate doomsday prophecy has no factual or evidentiary basis. The world, as we know it, will be very much the same twelve years from now unless Earth is impacted by an asteroid or a massive meteorite. Note 1: Excel was used to calculate trends and plot chart from the HadCRUT 4.6 land/sea monthly temperature dataset for the month ending December 2019. Excel used to calculate CO2 related percentage changes from the 2019 BP Energy Statistical Review (CO2 emissions XLSX tab) and NOAA's atmospheric CO2 level data. Note 2: Photos of nature below show a beautiful world doing very well.


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