Do use man-made global warming argument to advocate for nuclear energy Country
Name with link Articles on website:
Australia France
The Australia Institute Australian Nuclear Association
Comby, Bruno
Brave New Climate Bright New World Brook, Barry 2
Environmentalists for Nuclear - International Germany
Climate Council Heard, Ben 2
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, PIK Schellnhuber, H.J.
Nuclear for Climate Australia India Austria International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA
Belgium Russia
Canada South Africa Sweden China 200220
Do use man-made global warming argument to advocate for nuclear energy Qvist, Staffan
World Nuclear News
South Korea The people, organizations and websites in this list range from genuinely well intended and science based to profoundly sinister and against fossil fuels that are the basis of the modern world. They have one thing in common. They all want to world to stop using fossil fuels. Most want this change to happen within a few decades – a catastrophe for the modern world. A few realize that a change away from fossil fuels, if necessary will take a long time.
UK Allison, Wade 2 Supporters of Nuclear Energy, SONE USA Adams, Rod Atomic Insights Blees, Tom Conca, James Environmental Progress Goldstein, Joshua Hansen, James Holdren, John Nuclear Matters Science Council for Global Initiatives Shellenberger, Michael World World Nuclear Association 200220