Don’t use man-made global warming argument to advocate for nuclear energy Country
Name with link
China News The Economist
France Brady, Howard
Gay, Michel
Forbes, Viv
Marohasy, Jennifer
Saltbush Club
EIKE – Europaeisches Institut fuer Klima und Energie
Belgium Canlorbe, Gregoire
Gosselin, Pierre
Kalte Sonne Burton, David
Luening, Sebastian
Caplan, Milton
Vahrenholt, Fritz
Harris, Tom Hawthorne, Duncan
Weber, Ulrich India
Jelinski, Eric
Jayaraj, Vijay
Laframboise, Donna Lightfoot, Douglas
Sachdev, Robinder
MacRae, Allan Moore, Patrick
Times of India New Zealand
Watson, Thorpe Czech Republic
Leyland, Bryan Russia
Klaus, Vaclav
1 200220
Don’t use man-made global warming argument to advocate for nuclear energy South Africa
KEPCO/KHNP UK Cawthorn, Grant Courtney, Richard
De Vries, Geert Dhlamini, Mpiyakhe
Dawson, Keith
Free Market Foundation
Evans, David Global Warming Policy Foundation
Jeffrey, Rob Kemm, Kelvin Kenny, Andrew
Kelly, Michael Mearns, Euan Monckton, Christopher
Lloyd, Philip Louw, Leon
Peiser, Benny Mathibe, G Mellet, Francois Mingay, Don Msebenzi, Knox
Siegel, David Woodcock, Leslie
NEWZROOM Nuclear Africa
USA Adams, O.R. Ambrose, Jay Armstrong, Martin Armstrong, Scott
Prinsloo, DA Serfontein, Dawid SKY NEWS
Battig, Charles Beisner, Calvin Bell, Larry Berry, Ed Boone, Jon Boone, Pat Briggs, William Burke, Henry
Tsokolibane, Ramasimong Vegter, Ivo South Korea Doosan Heavy Industries
C3 Carter, Robert Caruba, Alan 2 200220
Don’t use man-made global warming argument to advocate for nuclear energy Cherry, David *CO2 Coalition Cohen, Roger Coleman, John Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, CFACT Connolly, I Connolly, M Connolly, R Cornwall Alliance Crichton, Michael
Mangino, Martin Marko, Istvan Marsh, Gerald Morano, Marc Mundhausen, Bill Page, Norman Posma, Bonne Schmitt, Harrison Shanahan, John Singer, Fred Soon, Willie Spencer, Roy
Curry, Judith Donze, Terry Driessen, Paul Droz, John Dunn, John Dyson, Freeman
Tamarkin, Tom Watts, Anthony Wojick, David ** Wrightstone, Gregory
Giaever, Ivar Goklany, Indur Gray, William Green, Kesten Haapala, Sepp Happer, William Harde, Hermann Hart, Michael Hartsfield, Tom Hayden, Howard Cork Hayward, Steven Hecht, Marjorie Hellner, Jack
For those with very little time, here are two suggestions. * If you read one article, read “CO2 Benefits the World” by the CO2 Coalition. ** If you read two articles, read “Top 25 Figures About Climate Change” by Gregory Wrightstone.
Idso, Craig Idso, Keith Idso, Sherwood
The topic of whether carbon dioxide from fossil fuels is a pollutant and if so, what should be done about it is very important for the survival of the modern world, freedom and economic prosperity.
Legates, David Lewis, Hal Lindzen, Richard
3 200220
Don’t use man-made global warming argument to advocate for nuclear energy
4 200220