(John Shanahan) USofA - Presentation Rotary Club, Richland, WA 2020

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ROTARY CLUB - RICHLAND, WA Contributing To A Better World With Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Medicine and Nuclear Science John Shanahan May 13, 2020

Explanation of slide background colors Slide with yellow background is a presentation slide.

Slide with green background is spoken information for previous yellow slide. 2

website: allaboutenergy.net • John Shanahan, Editor, Civil Engineer • Connections in 121 countries • 2000+ articles by 1000+ authors. Many points of view

• Mission: 1) Global public education about importance of energy and energy byproducts for people and environment. 2) Identify what’s holding nuclear back. Suggest fixes.


Notes for previous yellow slide • The website: allaboutenergy.net presents ideas about energy, energy by-products, how they are important for people and the environment, what people should do to best use energy. • There are differences of opinion about many topics. We present those differences and announce our conclusions. Viewers can tell us their opinions by sending an e-mail (with articles attached) to john.shanahan@allaboutenergy.net. • We don’t publish generalizations without an attempt to provide facts. 4

Board of Advisors – 16 countries


Notes for previous slide • Our advisors are special contributors who help focus on regions of the world, their needs for energy and energy byproducts, and connect with people there. They range in age from university students through retirees.

• In 2020, they live in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, India, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, USA, Zimbabwe.


JS connections with Richland, WA • 1994-95 Worked in Federal Building for DOE

• 2010 Author of letter recommending support for nuclear power, advanced nuclear power, production of radioisotopes. Sent to John Holdren, Science Advisor to President Obama. • The Holdren letter had 32 signers from Washington State, 357 signers from 21 countries around world & 39 states in USA • 2010 – 2020, JS worked with Alan Waltar, Wanda Munn, Ken Kok for mission of allaboutenergy.net 7

Wanda Munn, Nuclear Engineer Fast Flux Test Facility Richland, Washington

Video - Conservation and Technology Video – Nuclear Power


Notes for previous yellow slide • Wanda Munn is a nuclear engineer with extensive experience at the Fast Flux Test Facility near Richland, Washington. • She is an excellent communicator with the public.


Mary Claire Birdsong, Junior in High School with Wanda Munn at FFTF - 2013

Go Nuclear Inc. website is now: allaboutenergy.net HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT’S POEM FOR NUCLEAR POWER 10

Notes for previous yellow slide • Mary Claire Birdsong and her mother, Lisa Birdsong worked with John Shanahan from 2010 through 2013 on the first website: go-nuclear.org. This has since been closed and all content moved to allaboutenergy.net.

• Mary Claire was in high school. She debated in favor of nuclear power and nuclear medicine in competitions across the USA. She finished in the top 10% nationally based on her debating skills. She contributed essays, an important poem, and video interviews to go-nuclear.org. Outstanding. 11

Alan Waltar – Nuclear Engineer

- Director of Nuclear Energy at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Head of Nuclear Engineering at Texas A&M, - President of ANS • Video – Radioisotopes In Agriculture • Video – Value of Radioisotopes


Notes for previous yellow slide • Alan Waltar is a nuclear engineer with extensive experience in leadership, research, development, education, public speaking for nuclear energy, development and uses of radioisotopes, and nuclear medicine. He is an advisor to the World Nuclear University in the United Kingdom and invited speaker for conferences around the world.


Tribute to Robert Schenter • Physicist, internationally known for development and advancement of radioactive isotopes for medical diagnostics and therapies

• Dedicated to: - producing radioisotopes in FFTF reactor - teaching youth about radioisotopes - promoting nuclear medicine - helping John Shanahan with public education about nuclear science 14

Tribute to Vivos Inc. • Superior Design: RadioGel™ • • (1) place Y-90 particles directly into tumor tissue via injection • (2) yttrium-90 containment within the tumor after injection • Robert Schenter • James Katzaroff • Mike Korenko • LNT, Cummulative Dose 15

John Shanahan’s conclusions (1 – 2 of 10) 1) Fossil fuels and nuclear power created the modern world. The world today is much better than at any time in the past. Fossil fuels greatly improved economies and increased lifespans.

2) Anti-fossil fuel and anti-nuclear energy alarmists have worked since 1970s. They do tremendous harm. Governments must stop giving them sanctuary. 16

NOTES FOR PREVIOUS YELLOW SLIDE Fossil fuels and nuclear power created the modern world, much better than any time in the past. 17


Fossil fuels greatly improved economies and increased lifespans.


Anti-fossil fuel and anti-nuclear energy alarmists have worked hard since 1970s.

NOTES FOR PREVIOUS YELLOW SLIDE This is fossil fuel and nuclear energy alarmist, John Holdren, President Obama’s Science Advisor. Since 1970 he has warned against fossil fuels (claims catastrophic man-made global warming, climate disruption). He is against advanced nuclear power. A great American?

John Shanahan’s conclusions (3 – 5 of 10) 3) Life can handle low-dose radiation. Benefits of nuclear power, nuclear medicine are tremendous. Cars within speed limits, food within limits have benefits. 4) Low-dose radiation guidelines need to be based on science, not Linear No-Threshold Hypothesis with Collective Dose Corollary. LNT makes nuclear power far too expensive. It limits diagnosis, treatment with nuclear medicine. 5) Streamline regulatory process. Quicker, less expensive, new technologies, uranium and thorium.


Notes for previous yellow slide Life can accomodate low-dose radiation 22

Notes for previous yellow slide Streamline regulatory process. Quicker, less expensive, new technologies, uranium and thorium. Gregory Jaczko, Nuclear Regulatory Commssion Chairman under President Obama. He wants nuclear power to go away.

Notes for previous yellow slide Streamline regulatory process. Quicker, less expensive, new technologies, uranium and thorium. John Holdren, Science Advisor to President Obam. He wants fossil fuels and advanced nuclear power to go away.

John Shanahan’s conclusions (6 – 8 of 10) 6) Cooperation and coordination for nuclear power across the globe. Mistake in one country will cost everyone dearly. 7) NPPs designed now for safety of nuclear island. In future, design should assure continuous supply of electricity. 8) Nuclear power requires sound government, strong economy, local industry, educated and trained staff, peace. A lot of countries don’t have this. 25

Notes for previous yellow slide Need cooperation for nuclear power across the globe.

Mistake in one country will cost everyone dearly. A lot of the public retain a fear from media reporting of previous commercial nuclear accidents: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukusshima brought about by dramatization by the media and anti-nuclear activistists. If another accident like these happens, it could be the end of use of nuclear energy for a long time. Nuclear power regulators and owners should work together globally to assure this doesn’t happen. No excuses. 26

Notes for previous yellow slide Since the 1950s, nuclear guidelines have been based on preventing anyone from being harmed by radiation from severe accidents at nuclear plants. This has worked well. The world is more dependent on electricity than ever. Fossil fuel power plants and wind and solar generating stations can not be designed to assure providing electricity with minimum disruption from acts of terrorism and war. Nuclear plants are already designed to resist acts of terrorism, etc. Additional measures could be taken to assure electricity is available in conflicts without long interruptions. 27

Notes for previous slide Nuclear power requires sound government, strong economy, local industry, educated and trained staff, peace. A lot of countries don’t have this. Many nuclear advocates say that the whole world can be on nearly 100% nuclear power in fifty years, because Sweden and France did it. That will never happen, just like nuclear power will not stop or reverse climate change. Nuclear power should only be in countries with stable, peaceful governments, strong economies, capable industries and good technical education. It will take a long time for the whole world to meet these conditions. 28

John Shanahan’s conclusions (9 of 10) 9) Global expansion of nuclear power will take much longer than advocates claim. It is not a quick replacement for fossil fuels. See graph (right). A lot of the world is not ready. The ability to license, build, and operate NPPs is not there. 29

Notes for previous yellow slide Nuclear power is not a quick replacement for fossil fuels. The graph of energy use since the 1960s shows that the world heavily depends on fossil fuels. Nuclear power can not replace fossil fuels quickly. It will not stop or reverse global warming. Nuclear power advocates need to learn why anti-fossil fuel extremists want to stop use of fossil fuels. It is not because there is a serious threat of catastrophic global warming, catastrophic climate disruption as John Holdren and President Barack Obama claim. Stopping use of fossil fuels is to deprive free enterprise countries access to inexpensive energy. This will enable alarmists to assume power with centrally controlled governments. America’s enemies have wanted this for nearly a century. 30

John Shanahan’s thoughts (10 of 10) 10) Nuclear industry must solve its own real problems.

If the nuclear industry doesn’t solve its own problems, it will not develop its full potential! Expert on future of nuclear energy: Ken Kok, (pronounced like “hawk” “kawk”) Editor of Nuclear Engineering Handbook E-mail: kokk1@asme.org Publications, click here.

Richland, WA 31

USA – sites licensed for one generation

E-mail: john.shanahan @allaboutenergy .net

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Station California, USA

to subscribe to newsletter. 32

Notes for previous slide Most planning for nuclear power includes a critical flaw. The sites are licensed and designed for only one generation of nuclear power. At the end of licensed operating life, shut down and dismantle the plant. To continue with nuclear power, find another site and start the long licensing process from scratch. This is a needless and crucial mistake in basic planning.


FRANCE – sites are licensed “forever”

E-mail: john.shanahan @allaboutenergy .net

Penly Nuclear Power Station – Dieppe, France See extra two sites on left for future power plants.

to subscribe to newsletter. 34

Notes for previous yellow slide France did not make the mistake of single generation licensing. Their sites are licensed and designed for continuous generation of electricity from nuclear power “forever.� Sites are licensed for double the number of plants that will be operating. Replacement plants will be licensed, designed and built before the end of life of the previous plants. When the replacement plants are operating, the retired plants will be dismantled and so on forever. The French did beautiful planning that high school students can appreciate.



E-mail: john.shanahan @allaboutenergy .net Click here for a fun community event at Nuclear Power Plant Leibstadt in Switzerland

to subscribe to newsletter. 36

Notes for previous yellow slide Only at nuclear plants do staff and local citizens share fun events with everyone from children to senior citizens. This is the happy community in Leibstadt, Switzerland. The Swiss do many things so well.


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