Offshore wind – revving up By Jon Boone June 8, 2020 The headlines are that offshore wind energy is revving up. See this report with photo of offshore wind turbine in calm ocean!!! And why not, given the redoubtable Rick Perry’s push for wind for over two years as the Secretary of Energy, followed by the rather clueless current secretary, Dan Brouillette. Wind remains a key resource in the “all of the above” arsenal of energy supply promulgated by these two yardbirds. And now that the scurrilous avatar for wind cronyism, Chuck Grassley, has figured how to plant massive wind subsidies into long term Congressional appropriation bills, in the process eliminating any debate, the world will see continuous wind depredation. The only hope for surcease comes if Trump is reelected, carrying both the House and Senate, such that (1) he no longer needs anything from the likes of Grassley and (2) he can install William Happer as the point man for overhauling the nation’s current hapless energy policy. That wind opposition remains stuck in its “not in my backyard” orientation because so few have even bothered to grasp the reasons for its utter power dysfunction (It can’t even produce modern power), is central toward understanding why wind continues to have traction in the public square. Along with the wink and a nod from the usual suspects leading the conventional generation crowd, who have always understood that, the more wind generation, the more need for—uh—fossil fuels. Wink, wink—nod.... Take care out there even as summer enfolds us all in the spirit of this wonderful painting John Constable did of his father’s flower garden in 1815 Suffolk. For all articles about wind energy by Jon Boone, click here. For all articles on this website about wind and solar energy, click here.