How do we reach youth

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Fridays for Future: How do we reach the youth? December 6, 2020 from Cold Sun Kalte Sonne By Sebastian Lüning

For two and a half years, children and young people have been protesting against the climate catastrophe as part of “Fridays for Future” (FFF). They are afraid of a climatic end of the world that would allegedly make the earth uninhabitable in 10 years. They feel deprived of their future; some of them have already had to go to psychological treatment because of their fears. Parts of the parents have already let themselves be infected by the climate fear of their children and have joined together in the “Parents for Future” movement in order to be able to participate in the protests. The FFF members received the information about the end of the world from climate activist scientists. They trust them blindly, because the roles in the public climate debate have long been clearly assigned: Climate alarmists are always right,whereas critics of the extreme climate view are either stupid, right-wing extremist or bought. This is convenient because you don't have to listen to the critics' arguments like that. A technical argument would be of little use to the children and adolescents anyway, because they logically have no school-leaving qualifications and may have already voted out of physics and chemistry. There is often little interest in the natural sciences. The Friday demonstrators are all the more interested in the protest as such. At all times, young people have been mad at the older generation. Children are fundamentally critical of the actions of their parents who, in their opinion, have done everything wrong. Maybe it's a kind of reflex against years of upbringing and instructions: finish your soup, you are going to bed now, no cinema without finished homework ...


The youth are always looking for substitute role models. She seems to have found it in the form of the climate preachers and their young helpers Greta, Luisa and Co. The climate protesters look up to them like pop stars. Just like with the music idols, the fans run in large numbers to the “Climate Concerts” on Fridays, which have a touch of climate worship. Re-praying is allowed, but critical thinking is frowned upon. As in real religion. So the youth in the thousand-part choir demand to finally increase the price of energy, restrict freedoms and practice renunciation. That can really only happen in an affluent society, where the roasted pigeons have been flying into the mouth for decades. That is of course boring. Revolution and renunciation are apparently intended to bring the booth back to life. Full risk out of boredom. However, the FFF members have certainly not really thought through their demands to the end. What would it mean if politics responded to the extreme FFF demands immediately? Electricity is only available on sunny and windy days. No meat, no internet, no trips abroad, no hip clothes, no pets, no cinema, no heating, no car, no siblings ... If you look at the total decarbonization in peace, every reasonable person should actually get a huge shock wake up from his naive dream thinking. Taking responsibility also means seeing things realistically. The Friday demonstrators have a hard time. Because the prayer leaders told them exactly what to chant. How could one reach the youth if it obviously doesn't work with factual arguments and discussion? Answer: On the emotional level. It was precisely at this level that the youth were lured by climate activists and made submissive with fear. Now the young demonstrators should also be shown the consequences of their demands. What if everything suddenly happened? A three-part Youtube series does just that. In the style of “the devil's advocate”, climate activists are shown what would happen to them if they were listened to unconditionally. In the course of the “ 10 tips for the fight against CO 2 ” it quickly becomes clear that the demands of the climate activists are utopian and never thought through. By reducing the alarmist ideology to absurdity, one or the other may notice what he / she has gotten into. As the author of the series, I received quite a few shocked audience emails: That would be absurd, it couldn't be meant seriously. The sad truth: the activist side means business. All facts of the series have been carefully researched, all emission figures are true. Read about it on relevant activist websites and in countless media reports. What is never reported, however, is that the climate impact of CO 2 is probably grossly overestimated, so the end of the world is unlikely. Read among others in our new book “ Undesired Truths: What You Should Know About Climate Change ”. The Friday demonstrators unfortunately know nothing about it. 99.9% of all young people do not even know the term “CO 2-Climate sensitivity ". This knowledge gap is not accidental, but deliberately planned by the activist climate scientists. Because only poorly informed FFF members are good multipliers and can be harnessed to the activist cart. That has always been the case: ignorance is known to be the best basis for promoting extreme ideologies.


The third part of the "10 tips for combating CO 2 " series is now available and includes tips 8-10: 8. Halma instead of Hollywood 9. Pets are climate beasts - away with them 10. Climate killer children: Hashtag #Birthstrike For everyone who is not familiar with parts 1 and 2: Part 1 1. The car has to go 2. Flight shame: Refrain from traveling to distant countries 3. Climatic sin clothing Part 2 4. Curb your lust for meat 5. Sweaters and winter jackets instead of heating 6. Put an end to the obsession with cleanliness 7. Click shame: the internet killer A weekly news program on the topics of climate and energy will start shortly on the YouTube channel “Klimawandel Crashkurs” . You can subscribe to the channel for free so as not to miss anything. This post first appeared on EIKE

Students Without Borders Here is an organization working to reach youth without an ideological agenda. They focus on creating new opportunities for individuals and communities with modern technology. This way we expand knowledge of each other's culture and experience. We connect students and classes from all around the world to teach English and learn other foreign languages.


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