Bill Gates and Joe Biden on climate change

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Bill Gates and Joe Biden on Climate Change John Shanahan January 9, 2021 How can this be happening? How can Bill Gates justify alarming the world with claims that catastrophic man-made global warming (climate change) is happening and (his) energy technologies will solve the problem? He is just promoting government programs to pay for his artificial global cooling and energy schemes. His energy schemes will have no influence on actual climate change. His artificial global cooling schemes could lower earth’s temperature and lead to disastrous crop failures and human starvation. Bill Gates and Joe Biden will be the new masters of catastrophic man-made global warming alarmism and energy policy chaos replacing Barack Obama and John Holdren at that game. Dios mio! The world is so beautiful today. Bill Gates claims his artificial global cooling and energy schemes will save humanity from man-made catastrophes. What is he really up to? One world government with him and people like him in control!


Comment on Bill Gates’ plans to artificially cool the earth with geo-engineering and create new energy technologies that will save the world from supposed catastrophic manmade global warming Ed Berry Climate Physicist January 9, 2021 What Bill Gates plans to do could be worse than doing nothing. Among his geoengineering plans is to insert into Earth orbit stuff that will reflect the sunlight. He thinks this is necessary because he believes Al Gore’s version of climate change. It would not matter is any of us considered such irrational schemes because we could never pay for it. Gates, however, is fully able to pay to accomplish his envisioned plan to cool the Earth to “counter the heating caused by our CO2 emissions.” And his globalist buddies will support his effort. We may need a real 007 to stop the maniac plans of Bill Gates. Trogir, Croatia

Bavaria, Germany Bill Gates and Joe Biden are in denial of the wonderful climate the world has. 2

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