Two Climate Facts Patrick Moore January 24, 2021 To: John Shanahan Editor of website: The two most important facts in the climate change issue are: 1. The Earth has been in the Pleistocene Ice Age for 2.6 million years. We are at the tail end of a 50-million-year cooling period since the Eocene Thermal Maximum. The Earth is colder now, including the present Holocene Interglacial period, than it has been for 250 million years, since the end of the Karoo Ice Age which lasted for 100 million years. Contrary to the “narrative”, which is not a science word but rather more appropriate for fiction, the Pleistocene Ice Age has not ended, and we have no idea when it will. So much for it being “too hot for life” anytime soon.
2. Simply put, global temperature has gone up and down between ice ages and hothouse ages, showing no distinct long-term trend up or down, or any cyclic frequency but rather a random pattern. But CO2 has been on a net decline in the atmosphere for 500 million years, and most notably, on a continuous decline for the past 150 million years. This does not support a cause-effect relationship, not even a weak one. CO2 was once at 5-10,000 ppm and life flourished during those ages.
During the most recent glacial maximum, CO2 sank to the lowest known level in Earth’s history, 180 ppm, as the cooling ocean absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere. This is only 30 ppm above the death of plants. In the same way we require more than 6% O2 in the atmosphere to remain alive, plants require an absolute minimum of 150 ppm. Coming out of the most recent glacial maximum, one of about 45 glacial maximums during the Pleistocene Ice Age, CO2 rose to 280 ppm as the oceans warmed and outgassed CO2. This was the level in 1850 which was when our use of fossil fuels began to cause CO2 to rise in the atmosphere. 280 ppm has been adopted by the alarmists as an ideal natural level for CO2 even though it was still an historic low in terms of the long historical record, and still at starvation levels for plant life. The alarmists seem to want governments and citizens to think the world began in 1850 and to ignore the 100s of millions of years before that. The reason CO2 has been in historical decline is due to the steady sequestration (trapping) of carbon into sediments. Fossil fuels are one of those sediments, sequestering the carbon that was once in plants on land (coal) and marine life in the sea (oil and gas). But by far the largest sequestration of carbon is by marine calcifying 2
species such as corals, shellfish, and plankton that use the CO2 and the calcium in the sea to produce calcium carbonate, CaCO3 (limestone, chalk, and marble) to make armour plating for themselves. 100 million Gt of carbon that was once in the atmosphere and oceans is now in these rocks all over the Earth’s surface on land and in the seas. On the graph above you can see the low point in CO2 during the past 2.6 million years, followed by a slight uptick at the far right. That is the human contribution to restoring a balance to the global carbon cycle from a geologically historic low. In a similar manner to how marine calcifying species inadvertently caused CO2 to decline to levels that would eventually have resulted in the death of life, humans have inadvertently saved life from a certain demise by reversing the long-term decline which has already resulted in a 34% increase in plant growth and the greening of the Earth. Here are two graphs that show despite the large increase in CO2 that we are responsible for, temperature has not responded in any measurable way compared to trends that were already in place. The climate has been warming ever so slightly for 300 years since the peak of the Little Ice Age around 1700, 150 years before our CO2 could have any impact.
This graph documents temperature and CO2 during the past 4 glacial maximums and interracial periods. Note that temperature has not followed the sharp rise in CO2 since we increased it from 280 to 415 ppm.
In summary, despite the fact that the “narrative” claims temperature and CO2 are both too high for life, they are actually both at historical lows in terms of levels that are most conducive to life on Earth. The above graphs are 4 of 100+ colour plates in my new book “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and threats of Doom”. In one week it has become #1 New Release for Environment, Ecology, and Science (and some other categories) on both and It is available as both a Kindle and a paperback. 100+ colour plates is the reason for the cost of the paperback, but it is worth it for the in depth understanding the illustrations provide. &qid=1610902495&sr=8-1
5 &qid=1611472427&sr=8-1 Here is a short promo piece: ?dl=0 I hope you will read it and spread the word. If you do purchase it please write a review on the Amazon page where you purchased it. Reviews are the mother’s milk of sales performance. Cheers, Patrick Moore phone: Canada & US - 604-220-6500 Mexico: +52-1-624-174-4433 or Mexico free: 1-250-999-9078 Celebrate CO2! Link: 3APatrick+Moore&s=books&sr=1-1
Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom Paperback – January 20, 2021 by Patrick Moore (Author) Here is Dr. Patrick Moore's description of his unique thesis as presented in Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom."It dawned on me one day that most of the scare stories in the media today are based on things that are invisible, like CO2 and radiation, or very remote, like polar bears and coral reefs. Thus, the average person cannot observe and verify the truth of these claims for themselves. They must rely on 6
activists, the media, politicians, and scientists - all of whom have a huge financial and/or political interest in the subject - to tell them the truth. This is my effort, after 50 years as a scientist and environmental activist, to expose the misinformation and outright lies used to scare us and our children about the future of the Earth. Direct observation is the very basis of science. Without verified observation it is not possible to know the truth. That is the sharp focus of this book."The book contains 98 color photographs, illustrations, and charts. A key target audience is parents who do not approve of the "progressive" school curriculum and its alarmism about the future of civilization and the natural world. Dr. Moore hopes these parents will read his book and pass it on to their high-school and older children to give them an alternative to the bleak future predicted by the merchants of doom. Many other audiences will also find the book informative and convincing. In 11 chapters the reader is clearly shown that citizens are being misinformed by so many environmental doomsday prophesies, ones they cannot verify for themselves. We are told that nuclear energy is very dangerous when the numbers prove it is one of the safest technologies. We are told polar bears will go extinct soon when their population has been growing steadily for nearly 50 years. We are told that there is something harmful in genetically modified food crops when it is invisible, has no name and no chemical formula. We are told severe forest fires are caused by climate change when they are actually caused by poor management of fuel load (dead wood) in the forest. We are told that all the coral reefs will die by 2100 when in fact the most diverse coral reefs are found in the warmest oceans in the world. And of course, we are told that invisible CO2 from using fossil fuels, accounting for more than 80 percent of our energy supply, will make the Earth too hot for life. All of these scare stories, and many more, are simply not true. And this book will convince you, your family, and your colleagues of that. There is no substitute for the truth. Dr. Patrick Moore was one of the co-founders of Greenpeace and sailed on the first Greenpeace campaign against US Hbomb tests in Alaska. Upon receiving his PhD in ecology, he spent 15 years in the top committee of Greenpeace and led many of its environmental campaigns. Greenpeace began as a group of volunteers with noble intentions. Over the years it became very successful with campaigns to save the whales, stop the mass slaughter of baby seals, prevent toxic dumping into the air, water and earth, and many more. Greenpeace found 7
itself in the early 1980s with more than $100 million coming in annually and close to 1,000 people on the payroll. It had become a business and fundraising moved to the top of the priority list. New campaigns were more about using sensationalism, misinformation and fear to attract donations. Dr. Moore said good-bye in 1986 as Greenpeace was turning into a racket peddling junk science. Since then, he has strived to be a sensible environmentalist, basing his beliefs on sound science and logical thinking. This book is the culmination of 50 years of learning during Dr. Moore's multifaceted quest for the truth about environmental issues (an historical account of Dr. Moore's 15 years with Greenpeace and his analysis of environmental subjects are in his previous book, "Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout - The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist, also on Amazon).