A collection of essays about climate and fossil fuel alarmist saviors John Eidson Marietta, Georgia, USA March 14, 2021 As ordinary families are about to be hit with knee-buckling New Green Deal energy taxes, most Americans have no idea of the enormous personal sacrifices Harry and Meghan are making to save us all from global warming climate change. Below are two short articles that illustrate their unparalleled environmental leadership. -JE
Prince Harry Steals Show as Globalist Elites Flock via Yachts, Private Jets to Google’s ‘Climate Camp’ at Ultra-Luxurious Mediterranean Resort Meghan’s man wows fellow campers with “save the planet” speech while wearing no shoes and no socks. Yes, you read that right. By John Eidson | September 5, 2019 In an electrifying surprise that left the other campers breathless, Prince Harry scrunched his toes in the warm Mediterranean sand while delivering a stem-winder climate speech in his bare feet! Other highlights: ● Carbon-gluttonous gazillionaires cluster like flies on fresh feces at luxurious Sicilian resort. ● To get there, Earth’s foremost paragons of environmental virtue spewed out greenhouse gasses at the rate of small nations. ● Campers huddle to “save planet” while gorging themselves on world class food & drink at world heritage archaeological site overlooking Gulf of Salerno.
● World’s wealthiest tree-huggers shuttled around island in electric cars gas-guzzling Maserati SUVs. ● Lavish parties roared on long into the night as A-list celebs pretend “saving the planet” is all that’s on their minds. ● Barack Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio, singer Katy Perry, British Royalty among the statstudded guest list of Beautiful People who pilgrimaged to this no-expense-spared seaside soiree. ● Anyone who thinks Prince Harry or any of these other filthy-rich hypocrites are the least bit concerned that CO2 is destroying the planet is what Lenin referred to as a useful idiot. ● Read more here, please.
Harry and Meghan: The Duke and Duchess of Lavish Living By John Eidson | August 26, 2019 The opulent lifestyle endured by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is simply not enough luxury for such deserving people, so the preachy planet-healers fly the world at will in on their $18 million carbon-spewing private jet. The CO2-conscienceless couple recently went on two air trips, one to Ibiza, a Mediterranean island off the eastern coast of Spain, and the other to Nice, France for a relaxing stay at the energy-needy summer palace of fellow climate preacher, Elton John. When the high-flying pair took heat in the British press for excessive use of their private jet, Sir Elton came to their defense, revealing that he paid a ‘carbon offset’ to cover their air travel to Nice. What is a carbon offset? It’s a scam that enables filthy-rich climate hucksters to justify burning as much fossil fuel energy as they damn well please by paying a carbon offset fee, the amount of which is an infinitesimal drop in the bucket to them, but not to ordinary working stiffs. Carbon offset fees are, so they say, used for some noble green purpose, such as allegedly planting a few trees. Like I said, a scam. A disgusting hypocrite when it comes to “saving the planet,” the climate crusading prince recently regurgitated this well-rehearsed gem on Instagram: 2
"With nearly 7.7 billion people inhabiting this Earth, every choice, every footprint, every action makes a difference." So what kind of difference are he and his wife making? The BBC calculated the returntrip carbon emissions of the royal hypocrites’ travel to Ibiza and Nice at 37.6 tons—that’s six times the average British family’s annual carbon consumption. Every year, the Preachy Prince and his globe-trotting duchess burn HUNDREDS OF TIMES more carbon energy—just on air travel!—than the total amount used by typical hard-working UK taxpayers, who foot the bill for the royal couple’s carbon-piggish lifestyle. With 2019 air travel that included pleasure trips to France, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Sicily, Los Angeles, New York, the Netherlands, Canada, Africa, Australia and who knows where else, the Duke and Duchess of Lavish Living are doing their dead level best to destroy the planet all by themselves. 'Eco-warriors' Prince Harry, Meghan under fire for private jet use
Nancy Pelosi makes heroic lifestyle cutbacks to help save our planet Speaker-Elect is showing us all how to make Earthsaving sacrifices in the way we choose to live. Living large: Presidential suite at Hawaii’s magnificent Fairmont Orchid Resort Saving the planet: 4,258 sq. ft x 8 ft. ceilings = 34,064 cu. ft. of air-conditioned luxury = must be nice By John Eidson | Jan. 7, 2019 Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi was spotted during the recent government shutdown relaxing in Hawaii at the ultra-luxurious Fairmont Orchid Resort, where the spacious presidential suite runs a mere $4,899 per night.
Located on Hawaii's Big Island and graced with six gourmet restaurants and a 10,000 sq. ft. oceanfront pool, this opulent hideaway for the environmentally concerned also features a stunning world class spa, where a deluxe facial can be had for just $249. Guests at the spa can snack on a gluten-free grilled prawn summer roll for only $19, twice as much as it costs a welfare mother of three to buy Happy Meals for her children. Living large is our Speaker’s modus operandi, but none of us should resent her opulent lifestyle. Indulging in the perks of a queen is a pitifully small reward for someone who is leaving no stone unturned at doing her share to help save us all from planetary demise. Madam Speaker is not the only filthy-rich Democrat making deep lifestyle sacrifices to help save our planet. Compared to the selfless environmental champion below, she’s a mere piker.
If you think his ears are big, check out the size of his carbon footprint! By John Eidson | June 6, 2017 In angrily accusing Donald Trump of having no concern for the environment, Barack Obama harshly criticized his successor’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accords. So what has the former president done since leaving office to help save us all from climate collapse? According to TIME, following are lifestyle choices he made in the first five months since he retired, each of which speak volumes about how seriously he takes his own urgent call for massive carbon taxes that would force all but the wealthiest Americans to radically downgrade their lifestyle. ► He bought himself an 8,200 sq. ft., 9-bedroom, fully air-conditioned luxury mansion in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the nation’s capitol. ► The day he left office, he flew 2,200 miles in a near-empty U.S. government Boeing 747 all the way across the continent to Palm Springs, California for his first post-presidency vacation. ► After relaxing at an 11,000 sq. ft. fully air-conditioned villa at the uberexclusive Thunderbird Heights Resort in nearby Rancho Mirage, he flew 3,300 4
miles, by private jet, all the way back across the continent to the Caribbean, where he vacationed with Richard Branson at Branson’s $48,000 per night, fully air-conditioned luxury villa on Branson’s private island. ► After departing his vacation with Branson by private jet, he took another private jet to fly 6,000 miles for a brief stay at the late Marlon Brando’s ultraposh, fully air-conditioned French Polynesian hideaway in Tahiti. ► Next, he took another private jet for the 2,700-mile trip to Hawaii, where he golfed for a few days before taking yet another private jet for the 4,800-mile return trip to his 8,200 sq. ft. fully air-conditioned luxury mansion in DC. ► In February, he twice traveled from his mansion in DC to New York, both times by electric car private jet, the first to take in a play on Broadway, the other to rub shoulders over dinner with U2’s Bono. ► In early May, he took yet another private jet to Milan, Italy, a roundtrip of 8,200 miles, where a caravan of 14 carbon-powered SUVs took him to a conference, where he gave a paid speech about—sit down for this—humans dumping too much CO2 in the atmosphere. ► While in Milan, he stayed for two days at the 2,000 sq. ft., fully air-conditioned $9,500 per night presidential suite at the exclusive Park Hyatt Milan. ► Before leaving Italy, he took another private jet, from Milan to Tuscany, where he stayed at Borgo Finocchieto, a massive, fully air-conditioned manor house that once was home to 21 families before being turned into an ultra-luxurious vacation villa for the ultra-rich and ultra-famous. ► After having left a feather-light carbon footprint in Italy, the former president returned, by private jet, to his 8,200 sq. ft. fully air-conditioned luxury mansion in DC. One of the world’s loudest climate preachers, Obama flew more than 27,000 leisure miles during his first five months of retirement, a distance greater that Earth’s circumference. Why does this high-profile climate barker get away with such nauseating hypocrisy? Because his fellow climate charlatans in the complicit mainstream media never call him out, just as they never call out other mega-wealthy pseudo champions of the environment, all of whom greedily consume staggering amounts of carbon energy to further their insatiable pursuit of lavish living, the planet be damned. These filthy-rich climate fraudsters expect ordinary Americans to give up eating beef, lower their thermostats in winter, shut off their off air conditioning in summer, live in smaller homes, drive tiny electric cars and give up air travel, not one of which ANY of them will EVER do. The elephantine carbon footprints they leave behind are proof 5
certain that none of them—NOT A SINGLE ONE—has even the most remote concern that CO2 is destroying the planet.
Related: The Nation magazine outs another filthy-rich climate hypocrite…
Bill Gates, Climate Warrior. And Super Emitter. World’s wealthiest carnivore stands in line for a planetdestroying cheeseburger at a Seattle drive-in restaurant. Story By John Eidson | Feb. 20, 2021 In addition to multiple other opulent estates he owns, billionaire climate preacher Bill Gates lives in a 66,000 sq. ft. mega-mansion in Seattle, flies the world at will in a gasguzzling $70-million Bombardier BD-700 Global Express private jet that burns 486 gallons of fossil fuel per hour, and owns more carbon-emitting farmland—242,000 acres—than any other private citizen in the U.S. An outspoken champion of renewable energy, the mega-CO2-emitter who became the world’s wealthiest man courtesy of his country’s free enterprise capitalist system has traitorously turned on that system, and is now pushing socialism-cum-communism as the only way to “save the planet.” A voracious consumer of planet-destroying cheeseburgers—see photo above—this disgusting paragon of environmental hypocrisy advocates federal mandates that would force ordinary Americans to switch 100% from natural meat to synthetic meat. As reported by MIT’s Technology Review, the cheeseburger glutton said this about fake meat: “You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is that the taste will get better over time … eventually you can sort of change the behavior of people, or use regulation to totally shift the demand.” Translation: If Gates has his way, he will be able to stuff his face with cheeseburgers for the rest of his self-indulgent life, while preventing ordinary Americans from ever again being allowed to savor the taste of real beef. Like other wealthy climate snake oil salesmen, Gate is not above profiting from his advocacy of “saving the planet.” After publicly touting the synthetic meat industry, Cheeseburger Bill conveniently cashed-out his multi-million-dollar stake in a fake meat start-up, and did so before the company’s hyped-up stock price fell through the floor, 6
pocketing a handsome return while investors with no connections ate huge losses. Did he act on insider information? Who knows? It wouldn’t be the first time climate snake oil salesmen made off with fat profits while the getting was good. Green activism isn’t the only way Cheeseburger Bill is helping subvert America Gates is helping push the hammer and sickle down America’s throat not only by promoting the (Marxist) renewable energy hoax, but also by donating large chunks of his massive fortune to fund the same kind of subversive educational concepts promoted by self-declared communist Bill Ayers, the America-hating former domestic terrorist in whose living room Barack Obama launched his political career. In 1995, Ayers co-founded a left-wing educational non-profit called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), which named Obama as chairman. On September 23, 2008, National Review journalist Stanley Kurtz completed a weeks-long examination of records of the Annenberg Challenge that found the following: ● At CAC, Ayers and Obama worked as partners to impose Ayers’s radical educational concepts on Chicago’s public schools.
● Instead of funding schools directly, CAC required schools to affiliate with “external partners,” far-left organizations that were selected based on their agreement with Ayers’s extreme educational views.
● External partners that de-emphasized traditional education in favor of political consciousness, Afro-centricity and multiculturalism were awarded CAC funding, while groups that focused on achievement in math, science and American history were rejected.
Under Obama’s direction, CAC operated in a manner wholly consistent with Ayers’ concept that individual schools should be built around political themes that indoctrinate students with Ayers’ belief that America is an incurably oppressive nation that must be upended. In other words, Ayers and Obama used CAC to see that young future voters who attended Chicago’s public schools were taught to hate their country. As recently reported by the Washington Free Bacon, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding the same kind of anti-American, race-focused educational concepts that were pushed by Bill Ayers and Barack Obama, policies that turn classrooms into political indoctrination halls that push communist propaganda on impressionable young children who one day will have the power of the vote. 7
Related reading on how Democrats are using Critical Race Theory to culminate Obama’s vow to fundamentally transform the United States of America: ● NYC public school principal calls on white parents to “subvert white authority.” Story here ● Woke educators in Oregon seek to quash “racism in mathematics,” say searching for the right answer is a manifestation of “white supremacy.” Story here Attachments area Preview YouTube video Obama: We Are 5 Days From Fundamentally Transforming America
Musicians in France enjoying the beautiful real world where climate is controlled only by Mother Nature. The world of catastrophic man-made global warming alarmists is an ugly, man-made world totally at odds with nature.