The road to global serfdom - Thorpe Watson 2021

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On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 6:46 AM Thorpe Watson <> wrote:

THE ROAD TO GLOBAL SERFDOM "Serfdom is a condition of bondage that existed in the High Middle Ages in Europe. It lasted up to the mid-19th century. It took place within the context of the feudalism system. Peasants (also called serfs) were not allowed to leave their land without the permission of their landlords." It is now 15 years since I began my investigation of the anthropogenic, global warming ("AGW") hypothesis. The idea that mankind could control the climate with a trace gas, carbon dioxide ("CO2"), was very intriguing and something that farmers could only hope for in their wildest dreams. Regretfully, my investigation failed to discover any scientific evidence to support the AGW hypothesis. It appears that CO2-induced, climate change exists solely in the mythical, computer world of fatally flawed climate models. It is a childish delusion! Then why does the climate-change fear-mongering narrative persist for decades when the scientific community should have dealt with it expeditiously and rejected it as lacking any scientific merit? To answer this question, we must recognize human nature's resistance to change, especially dramatic changes to our lifestyles. To overcome such resistance, politicians will resort to an old adage: "Never let a crisis go to waste". If a crisis doesn't exist, then create an imaginary one. Consistent with a 1928 quote by H.L. Mencken, politicians have hijacked the imaginary, alarmist, climate-change narrative. The USA's Green New Deal is one example. “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the UN's Agenda 2030, and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are major promoters of the narrative under the guise of sustainability. The WEF project, "The Great Reset", uses not only the alleged climate crisis but also the COVID-19 pandemic to achieve its goal of global governance and a new economic world order. The Great Reset | World Economic Forum ( Derek Wolfe has provided a comprehensive analysis of The Great Reset at: The Great Reset: Now Creating Chinese Capitalists (


The following is a brief description of our future under The Great Reset. It is not a conspiracy theory nor is it an April Fools joke. It is a distinct possibility! We are being led by fools, including knuckleheads that want to dim the sun and remove CO2 from our CO2-starved atmosphere. "It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled” Mark Twain THE GREAT RESET: CAPITALISM TO GLOBAL SERFDOM The World Economic Forum's ("WEF") project, "The Great Reset", proposes to "modernize capitalism" by replacing "shareholder capitalism" with "stakeholder capitalism". A stakeholder is anyone or any group that stands to benefit or lose as a result of corporate behaviour. To reveal the possible implications of the WEF's proclamation, it is necessary to fully understand the political extremes of a capitalist ideology versus the anti-capitalist ideology. What does a socialist mean when he proclaims that he is an "anti-capitalist? To properly answer this question, we must define the word "capital". "Capital" is an accounting principle that will always exist under any form of political ideology. Simply put, it is accumulated wealth that can be devoted to creating more wealth and can take the form of cash, materials, energy, intellectual property, etc. In a free market system, an individual can assume the role of a "capitalist". In other words, an individual can be a steward of capital with the responsibility of using his accumulated and borrowed wealth to meet what he determines to be the demands of the market. This is "bottom-up" capitalism. An anti-capitalist denies the individual from becoming a steward of capital. By default, the government must assume the role of a capitalist. Consequently, politicians and bureaucrats, as stewards of capital, will meet what they perceive to be the "needs" of the people . They will dictate what we wear, eat, and drink; how we shelter; and whether we travel. This is "top-down" capitalism. The World Economic Forum's goal to "modernize capitalism" under its project, The Great Reset, appears to promote a form of top-down capitalism with the complicity of big-government and major corporations; that is, a corporate/state monopoly on a global scale. How will the world's elite leaders convince the masses to accept such draconian lifestyle changes? The answer was provided by H.L. Mencken in 1928 when he said this could be accomplished by keeping "the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”


Conveniently, politicians now have two hobgoblins; one of them imaginary but widely accepted as real ("Climate-Change Emergency"), and the other consisting of exaggerations and conflicting alarmist messages pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apparently, the WEF hopes that climate-change and pandemic fear mongering will overcome mankind's resistance to change; specifically, its resistance to accepting global governance and a new world order. Consequently, the WEF's Great Reset could become a global reality in an Orwellian, neo-serfdom world in which the serfs will be subjected to the tyrannical rule of a political/corporate elite. Thorpe Watson, PhD Warfield Note, John Shanahan: This is the beautiful world that the global elitist are saving us from.




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