Where is global warmings missing heat coming from - TC

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Revised 30 Nov 2021,

INTRODUCTION. The primary causes of climate change are governed by natural cycles. These natural cycles determine how much of the sun's energy is received by the Earth, where and how it's distributed over the Earth and its changes over time. For example, the Earth is about 90 million miles from the sun, but that's about the current average. The orbit of the Earth is ever-changing, going from a max ovality to almost round in about 100,000 year cycles. As a result, this changing orbital cycle will increase and decrease the distance by nearly 30%. This cycle is a significant factor in ice ages. The tilt of the Earth with respect to the sun will also continuously change in about 41,000 year cycles. At times, this changing tilt cycle distributes more heat to the Northern Hemisphere and then more to the Southern Hemisphere and is also a significant ice age factor. These are the two most prominent Milankovitch celestials cycles.

We then have the ever-changing internal, 11years solar cycles. This has two significant effects on the weather and climate on Earth. It increases the amount of energy the sun emits for about 5-6 years, then decreases for 5-6 years. The sun sends powerful solar winds and magnetic fields to Earth during high activity periods. These winds significantly reduce the number of galactic cosmic rays from entering our atmosphere, reducing the Earth's cloud cover and warming it a bit more. Figure – 1 shows a typical 11-year cycle. We readily distinguish the active phases by an increased number of sunspots and increased solar flares and winds. But these cycles also change over time.

Figure - 2 shows the last six cycles, where we see the declining activities of the previous four. The activities of the next two, and possibly the next several, will continue down. This extended decline was last seen about 300 to 600 years ago and is considered the prime cause of the extended cold period. "The Little Ice Age." Many scientists say this global cooling

started around 2000 and is estimated to last for 30 to 50 years. NASA/NOAA chooses to call it "a stall" or "a hiatus" in the Earth's global warming trend.

This article will consider a significant factor in climate change, ignored or grossly understated by NASA/NOAA and the UN/IPCC (United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in the "Earth's Energy Budget."


On January 15, 2014, the Journal Nature published an astounding article, with the title "Climate change: The case of the missing heat. Sixteen years into the mysterious 'global-warming hiatus,' scientists are piecing together an explanation" i

Science Magazine jumps into the fray: Quote "Call it the climate change conundrum: Even though humans are pumping more greenhouse gases than ever into the atmosphere, the world's average air temperature isn't rising as quickly 1 as it once did. Some scientists have proposed that the missing heat is actually being trapped deep underwater by the Pacific Ocean".ii

These articles and dozens of other "news outlets" seem bent on distracting us with more babbling about CO2 and the greenhouse effect and how the sun's heat somehow finds its way to heating the coldest waters in the deepest oceans. While at the same time, lower troposphere temperatures continue to drop, see Figure – 5 below. They go into distracting details of the El Nino and La Nina and weather balloons from measuring the cooling of the upper layers of the atmosphere. But somehow find it convenient not to mention the most likely fundamental cause; It's the Underwater Volcanoes, Stupid!


The Earth's core also demonstrates the second deception by the IPCC, NASA/NOAA, and academia in general. The entire premise of their Earth's Energy Budgetiii is based on the false belief that the sun provides 100% of the planet's heat. Yet 30% of the Earth's mass is molten iron, fueled by uranium and thorium at temperatures upwards of 10,000 degrees F, equal to the

1 Translation, global temperatures are declining see Figure 2

temperature of the surface of the sun. How can they dismiss this enormous heat and the stochastic kinetic energy from its Coriolis effect with differential speeds of hundreds or thousands of miles per hour as they push around the massive continental plates? It's estimated that 80 to 85% of all volcanic activities occur at these tectonic plates' boundaries.iv


As early as 2007, evidence emergedv that millions of volcanoes and vents are located all along the estimated 90,000 miles long tectonic boundaries. As of the 2007 period, satellites could not detect underwater volcanoes that were less than 1,500 meters high. More recent research indicates that as many as 39,000 underwater volcanoes exist between 1,000 and 1,500 meters high. In addition, there are untold numbers of volcanic vents with little height through which heat and CO2 escape, warming up the waters and releasing CO2 and other gasses into the atmosphere. The articlevi goes on to say: "Hiller says he was surprised to find that the density of small volcanoes dropped in the area around Iceland, as Iceland is known to be a hotspot for volcanic activity. Another surprise was that he found fewer volcanoes on the seabed around Hawaii, another volcanic hotspot. He says his findings may mean that researchers need to re-assess their understanding of how submarine volcanoes are formed."

As a starter, let's put the CO2 myth to rest by summarizing what the two most brilliant minds in the field have to say about it. Dr. Singer demonstrates that even if radiative forcing is or becomes atmospheric heat, 95% of that radiative forcing energy is done by nature produced water vapor. By contrast, the human-made CO2 accounts for a mere 0.117%. If we include all human-made greenhouse gasses like CO2, methane, etc., then the total jumps to a trivial 0.28%. This happens because CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas but only at very low levels of concentration. This occurs because CO2 can only absorb the very limited supply of short wave Infra-Red in the 15 Micrometer range. The latest estimates put this CO2 absorption limit at 200 to 300 PPM range. After that, we can add CO2 to 500 or 1000 PPM. But there's no additional short wave IR left to energize the increased CO2. Read this complete reader-friendly article https://climatecite.com/watervapor-rules-the-greenhouse-system/#:~:text=Water%20vapor%2C%20responsible %20for%2095,(factoring%20in%20water%20vapor).

Dr. Will Happer says: There are data and evidence that higher global temperatures will cause increased water vapor in the atmosphere. More water vapor in our aerosol-rich atmosphere means denser and bigger clouds, especially in the lower troposphere, where most weather and climate occur. That means more of the sun's energy is reflected in outer space, and less solar heat is left to warm the air, lands, and seas and less to radiate back up. Maybe the assumed 30% of the sun's energy reflected increases to 31% or 33% or some other number? Secondly, in the atmosphere, when water vapor transitions

from its gaseous state to liquid water or ice crystals, it releases enormous amounts of heat, with most going directly to outer space, thereby further cooling the troposphere. Could these combined effects cause a net cooling of the planet? The trouble is scientists do not know how to calculate the impact of all these changes accurately. While the climate change alarmists are happy to credit the global energy budget with the increased radiative forcing, they don't debit the global energy budget for the increased albedo or the increased water vapor condensation cooling. This may explain why climate change models consistently overestimate global warming.

The lattest discoveries tell us that the last half-century's increased temperatures have been primarily caused by the untold and unseen increases in deep ocean volcanic activities worldwide. Deep ocean water is frigid. As such, it holds immeasurable amounts of dissolved CO2 and other gasses. When the lava warms these waters, it releases gazillion amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, thus also explaining the rapid rise in global CO2 levels during this same period. This deep ocean warming may also be the heat pump that causes and continues to pump up the surface temperatures and using engines like the El Nino and other oceanic oscillators. As seen in Figure -4, one recently discovered enormous volcanic hot spot like the Axial Seamountvii may go a long way to explain the well-publicized "missing heat" that's been warming the Pacific from Alaska to northern California these past many years. This deep ocean warming also explains other phenomena worldwide, like the melting of coastal glaciers and sea ice. In contrast, the land-based ice sheets on Antarctica and Greenland continue to grow. Then add to that the expansion of water as it warms, thus explaining the small increase in sea levels.

There have also been several discoveries of major volcanoes buried deep beneath glaciers, causing them to melt locally. One prime example is confirmed under West Antarctic Ice Sheet at Pine Island Glacier where a total of 138 active volcanoesviii have been discovered. This is where the dramatic videos of the glacial cliffs crash into the Antarctic sea. The potential

Fig - 4

effects of these volcanic warming on ice-sheet melting and sea-level rise are still to be determined.ix

Lastly, this suspected increase in volcanic eruptions has been associated with the weakening solar magnetic activities of the last few solar cycles. This decreased solar activity is similar to that experienced during the Little Ice Age and the Maunder minimum. In Figure - 5, we see the satellite temperature records. We note the coinciding of the recent highest global temperatures with the Pacific's very powerful El Nino heating with the red stars. Who is to say that these underwater volcanic activities are not similarly heating the waters in the Atlantic, Indian and polar regions?

Dr. Zharkova gave us a full explanation of the why and how the sun is weakening now as it did from about 600 to 300 years ago. As seen in Figure – 6, we see the steady rise in solar activities during Modern Warming, especially in the latter half of the 20th century (black arrow). Then the blue arrow shows us the corresponding decline in solar activities we see the temperature declines of the last 20-years.

Fig - 6

According to Dr. Zharkova and Dr. Svensmark, the Earth should be cooling because of the increased galactic cosmic ray flux induced cloud nucleation. And we see that the Figure - 5 satellite data confirms this decrease in atmospheric temperature. And yet, the ocean temperatures continue to remain "unexpectedly warm."

Finally, scientists like Dr. Ebisuzakix and others tell us that these same galactic cosmic rays will also stimulate increased volcanic activities, especially those with high silica magma levels. So, we are left to assume that there should be increased warming of the ocean waters and surface temperatures. Strangely enough, these two robust and opposing systems seem to moderate the Earth's global temperature, thus keeping the Earth in a pleasant goldilocks climate zone rather than the hellish predictions the climate change alarmist would have us believe.


 Discovery of Massive Volcanic CO2 Emissions Puts Damper on Global Warming Theory http://www.plateclimatology.com/discovery-of-massivevolcanic-co2-emissions-puts-damper-on-global-warming-theory

 Seafloor volcano pulses may alter climate.


 Undersea Volcanoes May Be Impacting Climate Change. https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=134150

 Book by Peter Langdon Ward, What Really Causes Global Warming.


i https://www.nature.com/news/climate-change-the-case-of-the-missing-heat-1.14525#auth-1

ii https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/11/where-global-warming-s-missing-heat

iii https://www.nasa.gov/feature/langley/what-is-earth-s-energy-budget-five-questions-with-a-guy-who-knows

iv https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth/plates-on-the-move2/power-of-plate-tectonics/volcanoes

v https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12218-thousand-of-new-volcanoes-revealed-beneath-the-waves/

vi https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12218-thousand-of-new-volcanoes-revealed-beneath-the-waves/

vii https://www.academia.edu/s/dae583c711

viii https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2017/08/14/scientists-discover-91-volcanos-lying-beneath-antarctic-icesheet/?sh=467742a24d18

ix https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=295861

x https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1342937X10001966

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