Climate Change - A fresh Perspective

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Climate Change . . . A fresh Perspective Global CO2 . . . Man versus Nature

Nature 97 %

Elephant – 10,000 lbs. . . .

Man 3 %

The Paris accord 0.6 %

English Mastiff 300 lbs. . . .

Chiwawa 6 lbs. . . .

This is the truth . . . Why are we not told? M. Ragheb in Global Climate Variation, Change and Energy Use, 2019 on pages 16 and 17, he spells out clearly the natural sources of CO2 and man’s contribution. Of the 186 billion tones of CO2 entering the atmosphere annually, 180 billion tones come from nature and 6 billion tones are man’s contribution. My simple math says 6 divided by 186 is 3%. He did not do this calculation in his text. Furthermore, The IPCC in its own research produces a similar finding in a published graph “Global Natural and Anthropogenic Sources and Absorption of Greenhouse Gasses in the 1990’s ”, finding, CO2 from natural causes is 793 billion tones, Man-Made sources is 23 billion tones. 23 divided by 793 is 2.9%. Again, no calculations are presented for summary or review. This ratio of Natural CO2 versus Man-Made CO2 is never brought forward mathematically, in context, in any discussions of the causes for Climate Change. This is not any kind of conspiracy; it is quite simply strong assumptions. If you track the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere it follows exactly with the burning of fossil fuels since the beginning of the Industrial revolution and the selling of coal fired steam engines. Also, it corresponds directly with proven increases in Global temperatures. You put 2 and 2 together you get 4 . . . a no brainer. Unless you go back in time and compare previous cycles of Climate Change on Planet Earth. You find NO correlation between Global Warming and CO2 going back at least 10,000 years. See Dusmma graph below tracking levels of atmospheric CO 2 that looks at our most recent 4,000 years of CO2.

Dansgaard et al 1969 & Schonweise 1995

4,000 years of CO2 - Remaining stable throughout Warming & Cooling CO2 through the Ages -

These sources are peer reviewed, credible, relevant and verifiable The first graph has been available for anyone to see for about 70 years, throughout the Global Scientific community and is broadly used today. It shows 5 periods that have been warmer than today . . . in just under 8,000 years and . . . 2 have been warmer since Anthony and Cleopatra . . . Based on historical averages of 500-year cooling periods followed by 500 years of warming. Simultaneously, in the second graph, we find no rising or falling of Naturally Occurring CO2 directly tracking the warming and cooling periods. Without any evidence of CO2 following periods of warming or cooling from history, why is it today, suddenly since 1750, CO2 is the cause of climate Change . . . In the late 1990's a correlation was found between Global Warming/Climate Change and elevated levels of CO2 since pre-industrial times. They could be seen as three parallel lines from the mid 1700's to present. These three scientific facts were falsely and inadvertently combined, unless the dominant history of nature is deemed irrelevant.

· One . . . James watt, and Mathew Bolton started selling steam engines that burned fossil fuels. 1775 became the end-date for 'pre-industrial' life and the beginning of industrialization and the introduction of ‘man-made CO2’ into our global climate. · Two . . . From 1300 -1750 Global Temperatures had fallen a lot. By 1450 with a 500-year history in Greenland, the Vikings were pushed off their ancient farms. By 1750 the world had reached its coldest temperatures in 2500 years. The second coldest in 10,000 years, a natural event. · Three . . . From 1724 up until today we have had the mercury thermostat invented by Fahrenheit. Thereby giving us the third parallel line - Recorded temperatures and the start date for 'Recorded history' - in ‘thermometer based’ record keeping. The result was that these three Scientifically Verifiable parallel lines were co-joined by activist researchers in the late 1980's. Then they were submitted by researchers to become part of the United Nations narrative on Climate Change in the 2001 IPCC document. Combined, they have become the 'indisputable', yet false, demonstration of Climate Change, from 'Man-Made' sources. Proof appears to come from the increased burning of fossil fuels and a simultaneous rising trend in temperatures, recorded daily by scientists from all over the world since 1724. The action resulting from publishing the 2001 IPCC report at the United Nations, has evolved into the Foundational Narrative for Environmental Activism world-wide.

None of these factors are linked, directly . . . Scientifically . . . All three events occurred independent of the other two . . . Correlation should never be described as Causation . . . Yet . . . the Environmentalist Narrative has done so . . . without challenge . . . Over and over, all of the Environmental activists present these 3 points that correlate perfectly. Manmade CO2 is rising, man is burning more fossil fuels, and over the last 270 years the planet has been warming faster than at any time in ‘Recorded History’. There, you’ve got it, Man-Made Climate Change. However, Temperatures have been rising Naturally since 1750, CO2 has been rising, this time since 1775, mostly because of Man. However, Man’s 3% contribution is truly negligible in the Global scheme of things. See above for graphic evidence . . . How will reducing Man's CO2 by 20%, or 6 tenths of 1% change that, in any consequential way?? The concept is pure madness. Let’s learn to clean up what is attached to CO 2 - with public money if necessary. If we are truly serious about cleaning up our planet . . . Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect . . . Mark Twain

Adamant Naturalist Jim Le Maistre Aldergrove BC Copyright 2021

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