Climate Change For the 21st Century - JL

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Climate Change For the 21st Century The World is in Our Hands

Life is Accumulated Learning . . .Wisdom is Failure . . . Common Sense, comes from Both In 2001 a United Nations sponsored study looking into the causes of Global Warming was published. The InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had been struck. The Third Scientific Assessment Report published in 2001 on Climate Change resulted. It has become the 'Holy Grail' upon which modern Environmentalism and 'Man-Made Climate Change' has been founded. Before that report – Pollution alone - Smoke Stack Pollution . . . was the Enemy. Chemicals like DDT and other Pesticides, Freon and Asbestos, these were clearly defined Pollutants Understandable and Clear-Cut Effects on Planetary Life were the Obvious Enemy. In the late 1990's a Correlation was found between Global Warming, Climate Change and elevated CO2 - since Pre-Industrial times. They could be seen as three parallel lines from the mid 1700's to present.

Three Scientific Facts were Inadvertently and Falsely combined . . . •

One . . . James Watt, and Mathew Bolton started selling steam engines that burned Fossil Fuels. 1775 became the end-date for 'Pre-Industrial' life and the beginning of Industrialization and the introduction of Man-Made CO2 . . . Before that . . . The much-used phrase . . . ‘Pre-Industrial Times’

Two . . . From 1300 -1750 Temperatures had fallen dramatically - Globally. By 1450 it was so cold the Vikings ended their 500-year life of Trading and Farming in Greenland. By 1750 the world had reached its Coldest Temperatures in 2500 years . . . The second coldest in 10,000 years. That’s why it is Normal for temperatures to be Rising now!

Three . . . From 1724 up until today we have had the Mercury Thermostat invented by Fahrenheit. Giving us the third parallel line . . . Recorded Temperatures . . . the start of . . . 'Recorded history'.

We get these Three Scientifically Verifiable Parallel Lines. Co-joined by Activist Researchers in the late 1990's Authoring and Submitting their assumptions to the United Nations. This then became the New Narrative on Climate Change based on the 2001 IPCC document. Combined, those Three Parallel Lines created the 'indisputable' demonstration of Climate Change, from 'Man-Made' sources. Proof it was said, comes from the increased burning of Fossil Fuels and a simultaneous rising trend in temperatures recorded daily by Scientists from all over the world since 1724. The action resulting from publishing this 2001 IPCC report at the United Nations evolved into the Foundational Narrative for Environmental Activism World-Wide . . . However, . . . None of these factors have ever been linked, Directly . . . Scientifically . . . All three events occurred Independent of the other two . . .

Correlation must Never be described as Causation . . . Scientifically Yet . . . the Environmentalist Narrative thanks to the IPCC, has done so . . . Without Open Challenge . . . Global Warming with even Higher Temperatures has happened on 5 other occasions in the last 8,000 years. Each of these 5 Warming Periods took place without burning Fossil Fuels, without writing down temperatures, and the CO2 had remained constant at 280 ppm in each of these Warming Periods and also during the cooling periods in-between. So why Now do we blame Climate Change on Co2 when it Can Not be linked to previous periods of Climate Change of any kind, with 10,000 years of Scientific records, from History? Every recent study describing Climate Change has failed to look back at these 5 Warming Periods before 1750. This all happened during our current Inter-Glacial Period on Planet Earth. The Roman Warming Period and The Middle Ages Warming Period must be used and compared to the current 20ieth Century Warming Period. This is only looking back to the times of Anthony and Cleopatra or to the years of Henry the Eighth and Charlemagne. It's not some intentional distraction with Dinosaurs and Early Creation. In planetary terms, this is just looking back to Yesterday Afternoon, in Planet Earth’s long and dynamic History . . .

Failure to do so is a Scientific Travesty . . . that MUST be Corrected! On July 18th, 2011 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), declared, in Scientific American, that More Than 50% of the heat that keeps Planet Earth Warm in the Universe, comes from the fission reactor at the Earth’s core. Not one Climate Change Forecast includes this Scientific Fact of how Planet Earth works. All the studies look only to the Sun for answers. That means All Current Projections examining Climate Change are missing 50% . . . 1 / 2 of the Input Factors effecting the Surface Temperature of the Earth! Furthermore, 100% of the Forecasts and Computer Models use information derived only since the mid 1700's up to the present - No Exceptions and certainly NOT from the IPCC. There are thousands of papers that fall within the same 'Pre-Industrial to Present' time line. None that compare The Roman Warming Period or The Middle Ages Warming Period to our Current Warming Period. There is the odd reference to the ‘North Atlantic Oscillation’, something that lasts 20-30 years, distracting readers from viewing previous Warming Periods that last 500 years each. There is anecdotal mention, in passing, by some authors as they review 600 million years of Ice Core Analysis that’s available to be studied. None, produce 'Warming Period to Warming Period' comparisons. Detailed, Skilled, Scientific Research requires a comprehensive analysis that examines at least the last 2500 years. See below on the Moberg/Ljungqvist/Mann graph. To this day, Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick Graph has been repeatedly published. Since the 2001 IPCC report, it remains as ‘Gospel’ to Environmentalists World-Wide.

The following graphs are a comparison of two well known charts for demonstration First, Michael Mann's 'Hockey-stick' graph looking at 1000 years. Second, a combined, overlapping comparison of three graphs by different researchers including Michael Mann, comparing 2000 years. ------------1000 Missing Years --------------- 1000 years Michael Man - 'Hockey stick graph’

Moberg et al. 2005 NH, Mann et al. 2008 EIV NH, and Ljungqvist 2010 NH. Notes to the Moberg/Mann/Ljungqvist graphs by Jim Le Maistre -

Roman Warming Period Dark Ages Cooling Period Medieval Warming Period The little Ice Modern Warming Period

BC 250 436 950 1350 1850

435 AD 950 1350 1850 Today

The Red Line is that of Michael Mann. Almost all of his graph is warmer throughout the 2000 years examined. Most curious are the two warming anomalies shown by Mann, around the year 450 and again in 1350. Both of which strongly contradict the Moberg and Ljungqvist graphs. Both of these time frames correspond with massive Volcanic Eruptions that dramatically cooled the entire World. Temperatures dropped so much at these times in history, that Global Cooling lasting 500 years followed, The Dark Ages and The Little Ice Age are their

names. Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ graph, even flawed as it is, remains The Cornerstone of the 2001 IPCC Climate Change document, that he co-authored. Environmentalists . . . Globally . . . Continue to Embrace it. By 1750 temperatures were the Coldest experienced on earth in 2500 years, mysteriously left out by Mann. The question is, what data was Mann referring to, from his MBH99 Proxy Calibration, that so significantly diverged his graph from those of his fellow Scientists? Source data, which apparently has been requested, to this day, has not been made available to other Scientists for review. Stating instead that, this data is “Scientifically Privileged Information”. For data, as Globally Significant as this, to be treated as Privileged Information, brings doubt as to its Scientific Validity. When 2000 years are reviewed, as this chart does, serious questions need to be asked. When we look at, and compare the graph below to temperatures we see today, they are pretty comparable with Historical Variations on the ‘Warming’ side of the graph.

We must learn from History - NOT push it under the rug out of site, out of mind . . . This Dansgaard graph has been widely available for all to see for about 70 years throughout the Scientific community. 5 periods have been warmer than today . . . in just under 8,000 years and . . . 2 have been warmer just since Anthony and Cleopatra . . . Recognising these 500-year cycles, we have at least 350 more years to go in our Current Warming Period until it will come to an end around 2350. Major Volcanoes will see to that.

Dansgaard et al 1969 & Schonweise 1995

4,000 years of CO2 and Natural patterns of Climate Change – CO2 has been Constant CO2 through the Ages - Is mankind adding to this? Yes! . . . But let’s all stop Denying Natural Climate Change, Man's contribution to CO2 is Miniscule at 3%. Let’s clean up what is ATTACHED to CO2 Now!

Climate Change is Real! Pollution is Real! Humanity is destroying Everything in sight! We are poisoning everything. We bring almost every creature we come in contact with, into extinction. We seem to believe in our own superiority over everything. Air, water and soil Pollution, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, these things have been the inescapable result of our progress. Logarithmic increases in human consumption have led to unrelenting environmental degradation. As a result, humans must be ever more Vigilant in managing Pollution - More and More forcefully every day. However, climate change and CO2 have Never followed one another in link step . . . Scientifically, or Naturally. The warmer Planet Earth gets the more the Oceans and Glaciers release CO2 and forests and vegetation keep it in balance. In an effort to clean up the planet we must separate CO2 from Climate Change. Concentrate instead on cleaning up the pollution attached to CO2 if we are to save the planet from extinction. Remove the Sulphur Dioxide, Methane, Carbon Monoxide, Soot and Ash using existing technology . . . Please! Man's contribution to Global CO2 production is 3% of Total global production from all sources. 6 Billion tons is Man-Made. The ocean emits 90 billion tons, while Forest Fires, Volcanoes and Animal Flatulence contribute another 90 Billion tons. 196 Billion tons combined. Simple math . . . 6 divided by 196 = 3% (M. Ragheb "Global Climatic Variation, change and energy use. Nov 5, 2019, p16 & 17) The Kyoto and Paris protocols call for a 20% reduction of Man-Made CO2 output. That's 20% of 3%, that is 0.6% . . . Pure, Scientific Madness! Billions of dollars are being spent to reduce one of the most essential building blocks for life on planet earth by .6%. Meanwhile all the things we could do, to actually clean up the environment with Scrubbers and Electrolytic Precipitators and Nitrous Oxide Burners . . . do not get built because of our fetish with CO2. Nature 97%

Elephant – 10,000 lbs. . . .

Man 3%

English Mastiff 300 lbs. . . .

Paris accord 0.6%

Chiwawa 6 lbs. . . .

Is Burning Coal Bad? Absolutely! . . . But . . . if we learn to clean up the toxic effluent from Burning Coal like we did at Belldune, New Brunswick, Canada . . . we end up with the Cleanest Coal Fired, Electric Generating station in the World. It is 97% efficient removing Effluent! Even the Water is Recycled and Reused from the Smokestack Scrubbers. Even the by-products, removed by the Scrubbers at The Belldune power Station, are turned into Commercial Dry-Wall and sold all over North America. Ingenuity for a Global clean-up . . .

This Electric Power Plant, should be . . . The Poster Child for how to clean-up the Planet!

3 Container Ships burning Bunker Sea Fuel spew out as much Sulphur Dioxide as all 135 million cars in North America produce . . . EVERY DAY . . . Put Scrubbers and Electrostatic Precipitators on ships. 50,000 ships at sea are burning the Tar left over from refining Oil for Gasoline, Diesel and Jet Fuel. Furthermore, Electric Power Generating Stations burn as much Fossil Fuels, Every Day, as All the Cars, Trucks, Planes and Trains Combined.

So Please, tell me, how does producing More Electricity to run Electric Cars Reduce Pollution? In fact, they burn 30% more energy for every kilometer driven!

Put Scrubbers and Electrostatic Precipitators on all Industrial Infrastructure of all kinds Now! Use our tax money to do it, PLEASE . . . get off the CO2 bandwagon and clean up the planet, removing what is attached to CO2 from burning Fossil Fuels and Bio-fuels in ALL industries. CO2 is the greatest gift from the Universe to life on earth! Does Photosynthesis mean anything to any one out there? Without CO2 . . . We are All Dead! The current Global attention maid to Rid the World of Carbon Dioxide is . . . Without Scientific Merit.

Akin to handing out Umbrellas to protect against Hurricanes . . . Utter Madness. Make sure All Industrial Products Produced AND Imported for G-20 countries meet Strict Pollution Standards OR, make them Illegal to Buy Sell or Trade among those G-20 countries. Western countries banned excessive pollution at home through Broad-Based Environmental Legislation years ago. But all that Pollution is still being produced in third world countries that have few or no restrictions at all. Pollution has just been moved. What good does that do for Planet Earth? Based on 10,000 years of History, Scientific Fact and Simple Averaging . . . We have at least 350 more years to go in our Current Period of Global Warming and we still have no clue that it is just another Natural Cycle brought to us by Mother Nature . . . as She Always Has . . . We have very little time to clean up our act as Humans . . . if not . . . Extinction will be our Victory . . . Strange, how these simple truths have failed to be Divulged Publicly, in Society? I realise . . . this Contradicts the ‘Gospel’ as written by the IPCC

However, We Must Change how we See Pollution . . . If we are ever going to Clean-Up Planet Earth

The Adamant Naturalist Jim Le Maistre Copyright 2021

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